STGOD 4 Game Thread
Moderator: Thanas
Two goa'ould agents hid in an ally, looking out into the street.
"Are you sure about this? If he notices......"
"Sure i'm sure. My host was the greatest theif in the he comes."
A 2ed level wizard walked up the street, towards his post at the security checkpoint. The agents had tagged him because he made the novice mistake of always taking the same route to and from his post, and because he always had a scroll case tied to his belt by a string.
The first agent walked into the street, and bumped into him as if by mistake. The goa'ould had no visible hostile intent, and the wizard was no telepath. So the wizard walked on.
The goa'ould returned to the alley, and held up the case. "Hurry."
The pulled out the 8 scrolls the case contained, snapped two photo's, and two holo's of each one. REturned them all to the case in the order they were in and left the case by the ally entrance. They then fled through an open window on the next house.
Within a few moments, the wizard ran back to the ally, found the case, and checked it out.
Nothing was missing, the strings must have just come undone when he bumped into the stranger he thought.
He returned to his post, and promptly forgot about it.
"Are you sure about this? If he notices......"
"Sure i'm sure. My host was the greatest theif in the he comes."
A 2ed level wizard walked up the street, towards his post at the security checkpoint. The agents had tagged him because he made the novice mistake of always taking the same route to and from his post, and because he always had a scroll case tied to his belt by a string.
The first agent walked into the street, and bumped into him as if by mistake. The goa'ould had no visible hostile intent, and the wizard was no telepath. So the wizard walked on.
The goa'ould returned to the alley, and held up the case. "Hurry."
The pulled out the 8 scrolls the case contained, snapped two photo's, and two holo's of each one. REturned them all to the case in the order they were in and left the case by the ally entrance. They then fled through an open window on the next house.
Within a few moments, the wizard ran back to the ally, found the case, and checked it out.
Nothing was missing, the strings must have just come undone when he bumped into the stranger he thought.
He returned to his post, and promptly forgot about it.
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"Then we suggest you remove your men from the inner parts of their cluster. Whatever documents you so desire from the cluster will still be there, and if it is proven from our investigation that it is them, not you who are "pirates" we will ensure that your items are returned, and the harshest justice is taken out on them for their piracy and their violations of the Peace of Terra. Our marines are boarding now, if you do not attack them, they will not attack you."Alyrium Denryle wrote:'With all due respect my friend, our troops in the inner parts of their cluster are still being fired upon. Our shipboard weapons are powered down, however, we still intend to secure our documents. With or without your permission. Our Admiral will meet you in a conference room, however, we cannot allow these pirates to excape simply by entering Earth space. Unless you want your home system to become a SAFE HAVEN for pirate scum, we must be allowed to engage and destroy pirates that steal our property. If you manage to get to our documents before we do, and if you do not relinquish them, WE will consider it an act of war. And we have a very careful catalogue of what is missing.""The floaters have already powered down and our marines are begining to dock with them. This is your last warning, power down and submit to boarding or there will be war."
Meanwhile, two marine transports grappled on to the cluster next to their major cap ship weapons, and cut their way in. Unlike with the Mages, the floaters could live in a vacuum after the marine transports left, and thus the marines had no compunction with simply busting their way in. After cutting in Marines fanned out in the central area of the cluster, where civillians started blabbering at them. Finally a Major stepped forward, and raised his hand for silence. Then one of the floaters floated to the fore-front and began talking to him. The marine gave him the shut-up sign once more, and then turned on his translator and opened up his speaker.
"Cut the crap. We've been ordered to evacuate the civillians and find out whats causing this ruckus."
The floater nodded slowly and then replied quickly. The Major soon realised that he couldn't quite understand everything because the translator wasn't able to understand the local dialect, which had changed from the mostly understood Zatharusian language spoken over a century ago.
"They are after our -untranslatable- books, they say that these -advanced technological- books are theirs, but they -untranslatable- to us!"
The major thought about how best to execute his orders, and then said.
"Bring the books here, in the mean-time load as many civvies as you can onto the transports, we'll ferry them out. But it will leave this area as a vacuum..."
"I -untranslatable-, we will bring the -advanced technological- books here. The -dock workers- will load onto your ships now."
After a minute the man came back, just as the crowd was stopped from forcing it's way onto the almost full transport.
"Sir! Sir! Here they -untranslatable-! But you can not open the -manuals,- because they will go BOOM!"
The major nodded.
"Clear this area, I'm leaving now but leaving most of my men, more troops are coming in, so do not fear."
And with that the major boarded the transport and left. Soon the transport was rushed to Earth, within fifteen minutes it was on the ground in Monaco, quarantined except for the books which were rushed off into the palace, unopened.
Arcane Flag Ship
The marines rushed out of the air-lock, startling the waiting arcane troops but no hostile actions were taken. A minute later a Marine walked forward, stood in front of the leading Arcanist, the suit saying.
"Take me to your leader."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
- Posts: 22678
- Joined: 2002-07-15 11:22pm
Straha wrote:"Fair enough, we shall do so, as long as it is understood that our escorts will remain armed within our quarters. Shall we proceed to the Admiralty?"
"That's acceptable provided any weapons are kept to personal grade small arms."
The young commodore smiled.
"Now if you'll follow me we can proceed to the meeting."
The Marine escort took the Monarocan weapons and discreetly scanned them to be sure, nothing intrusive, just thorough. The whole party began moving towards the massive stone building that housed the Asgard Admiralty. Inside they were swept through seemingly endless corridors, finally stopping at a non-descript conference.
"Gentlemen, let me introduce Vice Admiral Garner, Commodores Williams, Abrams and Adolphus."
[PS: Straha, is your transport going to stay sitting on the pad?]

++If you put enough inciderator cruserse between two locations, I CAN pull a ship out of FTL. Call it subspace, the etheral plane or whatver, inciderators put a wall up in it.++
The Arcane Cargoship Moridans Beard
A privatly owned ship carrying raw ores
Deep Space
The Beard dropped out of teleport, but she was not where she expected to be.
The lead diviner looked panicked.
"Sir, we've been pulled out ahead of our destination..........detecting 12 other ships.....their charging weapons!"
Target their communications and weapons, fire. Engage comm jammers.
8 Battlecruser-equilivent (the 4 inciderator crusers are unamred) ships ripped into the small-merchant. Any protrusion from the hull, anything that remotly resmebled a communication array was pounded. Although the ships crew valently tried to keep sheilds up and return fire, the raw numbers were simply too stacked against them. Sheilds failed in the first barrage, and almost 1/3ed of the ship decompressed.
Although the goa'ould had allready disabled their communications, they didn't want to take the chance of another ship getting nearby and detecting the situation. 12 tractor beams seized the crippled ship, and dragged it into hyperspace along with them.
The Arcane Cargoship Moridans Beard
A privatly owned ship carrying raw ores
Deep Space
The Beard dropped out of teleport, but she was not where she expected to be.
The lead diviner looked panicked.
"Sir, we've been pulled out ahead of our destination..........detecting 12 other ships.....their charging weapons!"
Target their communications and weapons, fire. Engage comm jammers.
8 Battlecruser-equilivent (the 4 inciderator crusers are unamred) ships ripped into the small-merchant. Any protrusion from the hull, anything that remotly resmebled a communication array was pounded. Although the ships crew valently tried to keep sheilds up and return fire, the raw numbers were simply too stacked against them. Sheilds failed in the first barrage, and almost 1/3ed of the ship decompressed.
Although the goa'ould had allready disabled their communications, they didn't want to take the chance of another ship getting nearby and detecting the situation. 12 tractor beams seized the crippled ship, and dragged it into hyperspace along with them.
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General Brusilov shook each one's hand personally.Stormbringer wrote:Straha wrote:"Fair enough, we shall do so, as long as it is understood that our escorts will remain armed within our quarters. Shall we proceed to the Admiralty?"
"That's acceptable provided any weapons are kept to personal grade small arms."
The young commodore smiled.
"Now if you'll follow me we can proceed to the meeting."
The Marine escort took the Monarocan weapons and discreetly scanned them to be sure, nothing intrusive, just thorough. The whole party began moving towards the massive stone building that housed the Asgard Admiralty. Inside they were swept through seemingly endless corridors, finally stopping at a non-descript conference.
"Gentlemen, let me introduce Vice Admiral Garner, Commodores Williams, Abrams and Adolphus."
[PS: Straha, is your transport going to stay sitting on the pad?]
"It is a pleasure to meet you on such kind circumstances as these, considering our past history. Let me introduce to you Brigadier General Johansen, Colonel Smith, and the Commanding Admiral of the Astral Navy Julius Almatov."
The Admiral, a tall Yvarman alien wearing the typical jet black uniform of the Astral Navy took a step forward.
"A pleasure I am sure, blessings be on you. This is my assistant Captain Kinhaven. Shall we get to buisness?"
[edit: I'm leaving the transport there for now, when it recieves orders I'll have it move out.]
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
The goa'ould ships dragging the arcane trader stopped in an abandoned system once they were clear of arcane terrirory, just outside the safe distacne from a blue dwarf. The crew were carted over en-masse and stunned, anticipaing that the mages would pull some kind of cheap trick, the motherships kept their sheilds up for the short duration. Cargo ships ring-transported up a few crewmembers each, stunned them 1-by-1 (with 8 or 9 jaffa/goa'ould acting at once). After retriving the crew, the remains of the ship were hurled into the sun.
The crew was kept in stasis, just to avoid taking chances. While unconcious, they were strip searched to avoid any chance of a magic item. The goa'ould were taking no chances.
Hoping to avoid the unlikely, but still possible persuit, the goa'ould ships fled. They would stop twice more, once in a system, once in deep space, randomly changing course each time, before acually heading back to goa'ould territory.
The crew was kept in stasis, just to avoid taking chances. While unconcious, they were strip searched to avoid any chance of a magic item. The goa'ould were taking no chances.
Hoping to avoid the unlikely, but still possible persuit, the goa'ould ships fled. They would stop twice more, once in a system, once in deep space, randomly changing course each time, before acually heading back to goa'ould territory.
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- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
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- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Sol System
Asteroid Belt
Bondman Jon Nobunaga grinned broadly. He didn't think he'd be seeing a dime of profit from those books- but the last transmissions from the Arcane vessels had seemed pleasantly discontent. At least, they'd given the mages a bloody nose, killing three of the enemy for every Floater marine lost.
Around him, the small civilian population of the Command Cluster was clamoring for a place on the next shuttle down to earth- some were wounded, and with the Command Cluster's medical facilities largely destroyed in the fighting, they'd need to ferry the wounded down to Monaco for treatment-
And, thought Nobunaga, as hostages to ensure we don't leave the system until they are good and ready. Smart bastards.
Around him, two squads of Marines moved around, keeping the crowds in line. Some chatted amiably with the Monacorans- Many of them would be dead right now, or locked in brutal combat, if it hadn't been for the arrival of the Terrans.
<< Commander, the Arcanists are still in control of grids 7, 8, 9, and 10. Our troop positions are secure, and we have the enemy's positions generally mapped- it's a little dicey, though, the mages keep moving.>>
<< Good work, Lieutenant. If they decide to attack, be ready. I can't be sure that the Monacoran presence will be enough.>>
Asteroid Belt
Bondman Jon Nobunaga grinned broadly. He didn't think he'd be seeing a dime of profit from those books- but the last transmissions from the Arcane vessels had seemed pleasantly discontent. At least, they'd given the mages a bloody nose, killing three of the enemy for every Floater marine lost.
Around him, the small civilian population of the Command Cluster was clamoring for a place on the next shuttle down to earth- some were wounded, and with the Command Cluster's medical facilities largely destroyed in the fighting, they'd need to ferry the wounded down to Monaco for treatment-
And, thought Nobunaga, as hostages to ensure we don't leave the system until they are good and ready. Smart bastards.
Around him, two squads of Marines moved around, keeping the crowds in line. Some chatted amiably with the Monacorans- Many of them would be dead right now, or locked in brutal combat, if it hadn't been for the arrival of the Terrans.
<< Commander, the Arcanists are still in control of grids 7, 8, 9, and 10. Our troop positions are secure, and we have the enemy's positions generally mapped- it's a little dicey, though, the mages keep moving.>>
<< Good work, Lieutenant. If they decide to attack, be ready. I can't be sure that the Monacoran presence will be enough.>>
From: Monacoran State DepartmentInnocentBystander wrote:To: Human Homeworld, “Earth”, or its sovereign nation
From: Baeloaren Commonwealth Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Diplomatic talks
Greetings to the rulers of the Human homeworld, the Baeloaren Commonwealth wishes to open diplomatic talks with the hopes of establishing peaceful relations. A Baeloaren diplomat is currently en route to the Sol System to open talks, if you are so inclined.
End of Message
To: Baeloaren Diplomatic Corps
We are so inclined. We are, sadly, the only remaining glatactic power that remains on Earth. We will welcome you with open arms, the Politcal Prince has expresed eagerness to talk to you.
We await your arrival.
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
Soon after the meeting with the Baeloreans was completed, the contracts were placed into effect. A small contingent of frigates and cargo ships took off for Baelorean space, ready to aid the corporations smuggle past their own government. At the same time, encrypted files were being transferred, relaying all known data on enemy intelligence gathering methods. The data was far from complete, only what could be gleaned from bribing a few low-level officials. Of course, more was known about some nations than others, but overall the package should be sufficient to satisfy the Baeloreans. All funds were reinvested into the Hephaestus shipyards on Sirius, and fleet construction accelerated.
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
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- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Operation Iron Fist D-Day +5
Drone 11209ab hovered at it 's duty post. While not an A.I, it was one of the smarter machines used by the U.P designed to operate solo when needed. This was one of those times.
The city had been covered by drones whose duties were to continuiously scan the city, it's citizens and provide real time information to troops on the ground. To that aim it was stuffed with sensors and commutications equipment. However due to sqeamishness over the idea of armed robots, it was not provided with any weapons.
One of those sensors, sensed something strange. The drone hover over to get a slightly better look. Yes, something was not right. The variation actived a program within the drone, actions were taken. The scan of the person was recorded and sent out to all other drones in the city as well as the command center on one of the orbiting troop ships. Orders were sent back and the drone snapped all it's attention on the offendor.
The nearest squad was alerted and ordered to take the man in for questioning. Sgt. Ritters split his squad in two after accessing the 3d map of the street.
When the offender turned the cornier he ran into half a squad of power armored solders.
"Sir I'm afraid you're going to have to come with us." Sgt Ritters said. Withour so much as a by your leave the offendor turned and ran. Sgt Ritters sighed inside his helmet.
"Cpl. Mai, you're on."He said.
The offender ran down a cutoff, the only place he could go really. Cpl Mai was waiting for him. Cpl Mai was amoung the smallest of solders in her platoon, thankfully power armor evens out these little unequalities. She butt stroke him in the jaw with her assualt rifle, breaking the jaw and 9 teeth. The offendor jackknifed in midair landing on his head.
"Crap, Cpl. Is he still alive?" Lance Cpl Micheals asked. Cpl Mai checked her scanner data.
"Yup. Now lets search the trash, tuss him up and get." She ordered as Sgt Ritters and the rest of the squad came into view. Two Pvts bent down began to roughly search him.
"Hey, whats this?" One of the Pvts said holding up a strangly looking object, after seaching, stripping and tieing the offendor.
"Scans say it has electronics, high power source... Is that a trigger?" Asked the other Pvt.
"Higher is going to want to see, I'm calling for air evac." said Sgt Ritters.
7 minutes later they delivered their prisoner to the ground command post, along with his zat gun. It was delievered to the Command Ship in another 10 minutes. On the command ship it was I.Ded and a message sent to Lastport. The gun itself sent with esorted shipment.
Drone 11209ab hovered at it 's duty post. While not an A.I, it was one of the smarter machines used by the U.P designed to operate solo when needed. This was one of those times.
The city had been covered by drones whose duties were to continuiously scan the city, it's citizens and provide real time information to troops on the ground. To that aim it was stuffed with sensors and commutications equipment. However due to sqeamishness over the idea of armed robots, it was not provided with any weapons.
One of those sensors, sensed something strange. The drone hover over to get a slightly better look. Yes, something was not right. The variation actived a program within the drone, actions were taken. The scan of the person was recorded and sent out to all other drones in the city as well as the command center on one of the orbiting troop ships. Orders were sent back and the drone snapped all it's attention on the offendor.
The nearest squad was alerted and ordered to take the man in for questioning. Sgt. Ritters split his squad in two after accessing the 3d map of the street.
When the offender turned the cornier he ran into half a squad of power armored solders.
"Sir I'm afraid you're going to have to come with us." Sgt Ritters said. Withour so much as a by your leave the offendor turned and ran. Sgt Ritters sighed inside his helmet.
"Cpl. Mai, you're on."He said.
The offender ran down a cutoff, the only place he could go really. Cpl Mai was waiting for him. Cpl Mai was amoung the smallest of solders in her platoon, thankfully power armor evens out these little unequalities. She butt stroke him in the jaw with her assualt rifle, breaking the jaw and 9 teeth. The offendor jackknifed in midair landing on his head.
"Crap, Cpl. Is he still alive?" Lance Cpl Micheals asked. Cpl Mai checked her scanner data.
"Yup. Now lets search the trash, tuss him up and get." She ordered as Sgt Ritters and the rest of the squad came into view. Two Pvts bent down began to roughly search him.
"Hey, whats this?" One of the Pvts said holding up a strangly looking object, after seaching, stripping and tieing the offendor.
"Scans say it has electronics, high power source... Is that a trigger?" Asked the other Pvt.
"Higher is going to want to see, I'm calling for air evac." said Sgt Ritters.
7 minutes later they delivered their prisoner to the ground command post, along with his zat gun. It was delievered to the Command Ship in another 10 minutes. On the command ship it was I.Ded and a message sent to Lastport. The gun itself sent with esorted shipment.

- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
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- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Grand Empire Space
Gladsheim Prime
The approach had been relatively uneventful, their vector accepted by the Grand Empire representatives. In the bridge of the Sulama the information which the system offered was analyzed. The Veithan Empire knew a significant amount about the Grand Empire, but quite a bit of that knowledge revolved around educated guesses and conjecture. The fact remained that they had prospered, and that prosperity was a testament to their abilities. There were surprisingly few in-system signals that were detectable by the ship’s sensors as had been expected. It was widely believed that like the Veithans themselves, the Grand Empire had its own means of communicating in privacy.
As the ship settled in Gladsheim Prime’s orbit, its sensors were capable of noticing various orbital weapon platforms. Passive sensors could only do so much in hinting at their capabilities, but the bridge crew agreed that whatever its capabilities, no one present wanted to be on the receiving end of one of those things. The Sulama acknowledged its berthing slip in an orbital docking station and cautiously approached towards it. Although the ship was of considerable size and mass, Veithan technology allowed far more maneuverability that would be expected. The Sulama docked with the docking station easily, the following round of pleasantries and exchanges anticipated and carried out with usual Veithan politeness.
The delegation moved without complaint towards the shuttle bays of the station, the Grand Empire’s internal decoration and architecture admired wordlessly. The shuttle was striking, having an appealing silhouette while maintaining its alien qualities. The delegates moved within, readying themselves for a trip down towards the awaiting maelstrom that represented the atmosphere of the gas giant. The trip was short, but that had been expected and most importantly of all appreciated. As the Imperial Plaza came into view, all eyes were upon it. The construct easily dwarfed the largest comparable Veithan structure, thoughts exchanged quickly between delegate members most laced with surprise, others laced with anticipation and a host of other emotions ranging from disbelief to awe. They knew of this place, but none of them had ever seen it like this.
It quickly became apparent that the delegation was a bit ill at ease around their present surroundings. The empire as a whole was grounded in worlds, nothing of this scale existed within the Veithan Empire and some architectural eccentricities that the Grand Empire favored aroused hesitation and reluctance in the minds of various delegates. The transparent floors in particular were met with their fair share of skepticism, although the delegates recovered admirably after the first handful of encounters. The fact that no one was speaking verbally was noted and appreciated. It did remind the delegates of home, and served as a focus of conversation. It had been widely believed by Veithan intelligence that the Grand Empire had developed a technological version of telepathy but how had never been known. Perhaps in time, that mystery would be revealed.
The words that manifested along the delegation like the words of an invisible deity were met with blinks, looks exchanged between the delegates. ~The Empress? I was not aware that it was common for delegates to meet the Empress.~ there was a hesitation as the thoughts were considered before the lead diplomat answered. ~As far as I am aware, it is not. It is a rare honor, let us not disappoint.~ as the delegation was led into a small room they followed, immediately aware of the splendor about them. Heads tilted and turned as eyes sought to appreciate all that the room offered. Eventually, all eyes came to rest upon the image of the slender woman of appealing qualities. As she spoke, the delegation as one listened. The delegation bowed politely before the sovereign ruler of the nation that had accepted them. They were well aware that they would serve as the bridge between Veitha and the people of the Grand Empire. The lead diplomat Veliam Munei finally spoke. “It is an honor and privilege to meet you Empress Elena. My name is Veliam Munei and along with my companions, we will be the representatives of the Veithan Empire to your people. I hope that in this function we will be able to serve as a bridge between both our nations.”
Gladsheim Prime
The approach had been relatively uneventful, their vector accepted by the Grand Empire representatives. In the bridge of the Sulama the information which the system offered was analyzed. The Veithan Empire knew a significant amount about the Grand Empire, but quite a bit of that knowledge revolved around educated guesses and conjecture. The fact remained that they had prospered, and that prosperity was a testament to their abilities. There were surprisingly few in-system signals that were detectable by the ship’s sensors as had been expected. It was widely believed that like the Veithans themselves, the Grand Empire had its own means of communicating in privacy.
As the ship settled in Gladsheim Prime’s orbit, its sensors were capable of noticing various orbital weapon platforms. Passive sensors could only do so much in hinting at their capabilities, but the bridge crew agreed that whatever its capabilities, no one present wanted to be on the receiving end of one of those things. The Sulama acknowledged its berthing slip in an orbital docking station and cautiously approached towards it. Although the ship was of considerable size and mass, Veithan technology allowed far more maneuverability that would be expected. The Sulama docked with the docking station easily, the following round of pleasantries and exchanges anticipated and carried out with usual Veithan politeness.
The delegation moved without complaint towards the shuttle bays of the station, the Grand Empire’s internal decoration and architecture admired wordlessly. The shuttle was striking, having an appealing silhouette while maintaining its alien qualities. The delegates moved within, readying themselves for a trip down towards the awaiting maelstrom that represented the atmosphere of the gas giant. The trip was short, but that had been expected and most importantly of all appreciated. As the Imperial Plaza came into view, all eyes were upon it. The construct easily dwarfed the largest comparable Veithan structure, thoughts exchanged quickly between delegate members most laced with surprise, others laced with anticipation and a host of other emotions ranging from disbelief to awe. They knew of this place, but none of them had ever seen it like this.
It quickly became apparent that the delegation was a bit ill at ease around their present surroundings. The empire as a whole was grounded in worlds, nothing of this scale existed within the Veithan Empire and some architectural eccentricities that the Grand Empire favored aroused hesitation and reluctance in the minds of various delegates. The transparent floors in particular were met with their fair share of skepticism, although the delegates recovered admirably after the first handful of encounters. The fact that no one was speaking verbally was noted and appreciated. It did remind the delegates of home, and served as a focus of conversation. It had been widely believed by Veithan intelligence that the Grand Empire had developed a technological version of telepathy but how had never been known. Perhaps in time, that mystery would be revealed.
The words that manifested along the delegation like the words of an invisible deity were met with blinks, looks exchanged between the delegates. ~The Empress? I was not aware that it was common for delegates to meet the Empress.~ there was a hesitation as the thoughts were considered before the lead diplomat answered. ~As far as I am aware, it is not. It is a rare honor, let us not disappoint.~ as the delegation was led into a small room they followed, immediately aware of the splendor about them. Heads tilted and turned as eyes sought to appreciate all that the room offered. Eventually, all eyes came to rest upon the image of the slender woman of appealing qualities. As she spoke, the delegation as one listened. The delegation bowed politely before the sovereign ruler of the nation that had accepted them. They were well aware that they would serve as the bridge between Veitha and the people of the Grand Empire. The lead diplomat Veliam Munei finally spoke. “It is an honor and privilege to meet you Empress Elena. My name is Veliam Munei and along with my companions, we will be the representatives of the Veithan Empire to your people. I hope that in this function we will be able to serve as a bridge between both our nations.”
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-04-29 12:22pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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The reponse came in the form of a telekinetic slap to the face, followed by a simple No.lazerus wrote:++the misspellinks are intentional, that wizards memory was fragmented++
[From: The Krynor Empire]
[To: The Arcane Empire]
Relayed Via Ambassidor..........
The Krynor empire wishes to purchase the following items from you, we understand that you may be relucant to turn over items of advanced magic to a non-magic empire, we ask for no details of how the items are produced. Price is no object.
1000 staves of Polyorf Other 20/day
500 rings of Polymorph Self
20 anti-magic stone's
200 staves of Dispel Magic 5/day
200 staves of moridikans Disjuction 5/day
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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The Second mate shifts into the plane of shadow, and the ships self destructs to avoid breach of security.Although the goa'ould had allready disabled their communications, they didn't want to take the chance of another ship getting nearby and detecting the situation. 12 tractor beams seized the crippled ship, and dragged it into hyperspace along with them.
He reappears on the prime on the city of union
"I would like to report an act of piracy"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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(OOC: Thanks for autoing my ship[ and not giving me a chance to respond. This post didnt happen, period. They destroyed tyhe mythallar on board and self destructed.))The goa'ould ships dragging the arcane trader stopped in an abandoned system once they were clear of arcane terrirory, just outside the safe distacne from a blue dwarf. The crew were carted over en-masse and stunned, anticipaing that the mages would pull some kind of cheap trick, the motherships kept their sheilds up for the short duration. Cargo ships ring-transported up a few crewmembers each, stunned them 1-by-1 (with 8 or 9 jaffa/goa'ould acting at once). After retriving the crew, the remains of the ship were hurled into the sun.
The crew was kept in stasis, just to avoid taking chances. While unconcious, they were strip searched to avoid any chance of a magic item. The goa'ould were taking no chances.
Hoping to avoid the unlikely, but still possible persuit, the goa'ould ships fled. They would stop twice more, once in a system, once in deep space, randomly changing course each time, before acually heading back to goa'ould territory.
When the ship exited hyperspace, they found they were dragging along a broken hulk. They got the ship, but when they got to the ship itself they found the Mythallar no longer functional, and every item and scrol and book on board had been destroyed. Even the minds of the crew were wiped of al spellcasting knowledge, they sacrificed themselves for the good of their country.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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When they went to analyze the scrolls they found nothing of substance, the copies they had made were completely useless.(Any D&D geek knows that) They found untranslatable glyphs in what amounts to doctors handwriting.The pulled out the 8 scrolls the case contained, snapped two photo's, and two holo's of each one. REturned them all to the case in the order they were in and left the case by the ally entrance. They then fled through an open window on the next house.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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Very well"Take me to your leader."
The two are teleported to the conference room with the touch of a few glyphs.
"Greetings. To make a long stroy short, the floaters living in our territory went nuts. They overran what amoujnnted to a mage school/embassy and stole the spellbooks and scrolls stored there. Those documents are considered classified. And as such, their theft amounts to an act of espionage. The attack on our territory by a power not engaged in legitimate warfare is an act of piracy. And it seems that our spellbooks are no longer on the ship. You realize that we can track them... If you do not relinquish all of them, we will declare war on your nation, and will bombard Earth into the stone age."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Command Ship over CoG world
"Sir about the prisoner with the Zat gun." Colenal Tam began.
"What about the prisoner?" Black Jack asked.
"He attemptted to escape, killed 3 medical personnal. He was subdued, but they had to break his arms Sir. Only then could they give him a full go over." Was the answer. Colenal Tam handed over a palmpad. It showed an scan of a man with a symbiote nestled in a pouch.
"How in the name of God did we miss this?" General Black Jack said his face white.
"The arresting squad assumed that it was a ritual scar or something. Everyone else was to busy to think it through. Sir your orders?" Colenal Tam asked.
"Send the data to Lastport NOW!!! Get the Div C.Os up and in the breifing room, where's there's one there must be more. Call up the Republic and Arcane commanders and pass on the news. QUICKLY!" Black Jack roared springing up and doubling timing it to the breifing room.
"Sir about the prisoner with the Zat gun." Colenal Tam began.
"What about the prisoner?" Black Jack asked.
"He attemptted to escape, killed 3 medical personnal. He was subdued, but they had to break his arms Sir. Only then could they give him a full go over." Was the answer. Colenal Tam handed over a palmpad. It showed an scan of a man with a symbiote nestled in a pouch.
"How in the name of God did we miss this?" General Black Jack said his face white.
"The arresting squad assumed that it was a ritual scar or something. Everyone else was to busy to think it through. Sir your orders?" Colenal Tam asked.
"Send the data to Lastport NOW!!! Get the Div C.Os up and in the breifing room, where's there's one there must be more. Call up the Republic and Arcane commanders and pass on the news. QUICKLY!" Black Jack roared springing up and doubling timing it to the breifing room.

- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews looked up from the report that had just arrived from the front of Operation Iron Fist. It was bad coupled with the zat gun sitting on his desk, it was a cause for war. The Portector took a deep breath, what had to be done, had to be done.
He looked up at a group of armsmen and Marine officers.
"Get the The Krynor Empire ambassador in here. The Arcane and Republic ambassadors to, this is their problem to, I want us all here when the Krynor gets here. Call the K.S.E and the Psilons they might want in." He ordered.
The armed and armored men left to do his bidding and the Lord Protector sat staring hard at the opposing unadorned wall.
Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews looked up from the report that had just arrived from the front of Operation Iron Fist. It was bad coupled with the zat gun sitting on his desk, it was a cause for war. The Portector took a deep breath, what had to be done, had to be done.
He looked up at a group of armsmen and Marine officers.
"Get the The Krynor Empire ambassador in here. The Arcane and Republic ambassadors to, this is their problem to, I want us all here when the Krynor gets here. Call the K.S.E and the Psilons they might want in." He ordered.
The armed and armored men left to do his bidding and the Lord Protector sat staring hard at the opposing unadorned wall.

- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
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Gladsheim Prime
<<They took it better than I expected,>> the Empress chuckled.
<<So they did. Promising, if you ask me,>> her Foreign Affairs Councilor answered. <<And our reports seem to be true that they are really telepaths, or something along the line. We have observed them the whole time, and they never spoke to each other, but from what you can see on their faces, they communicate.>>
<<Let us see how it develops, shall we?>>
<<Yes, of course, your Highness.>>
Empress Elana rised from her chair, and walked towards Veliam Munei, cordially smiling.
"It is a pleasure, Mr. Munei," she spoke again. "We have have heard quite interesting things about your people..."
She waved her hand towards her table, and suddenly the floor morphed and several chairs manifested themselves. "Please, be seated."
Sitting again at her desk, she went on. "As I said, we've heard things about you, as you certainly did about us, as well. Suffice to say, we were looking forward to this meeting. And you aware, as well, of the shall we say unstable state of the galaxy at large. This is...irritating, to say the least. We are quite new to this political stage, and we have found out that being alone in this large pond can be dangerous, so we are always eager to find...good friends."
<<They took it better than I expected,>> the Empress chuckled.
<<So they did. Promising, if you ask me,>> her Foreign Affairs Councilor answered. <<And our reports seem to be true that they are really telepaths, or something along the line. We have observed them the whole time, and they never spoke to each other, but from what you can see on their faces, they communicate.>>
<<Let us see how it develops, shall we?>>
<<Yes, of course, your Highness.>>
Empress Elana rised from her chair, and walked towards Veliam Munei, cordially smiling.
"It is a pleasure, Mr. Munei," she spoke again. "We have have heard quite interesting things about your people..."
She waved her hand towards her table, and suddenly the floor morphed and several chairs manifested themselves. "Please, be seated."
Sitting again at her desk, she went on. "As I said, we've heard things about you, as you certainly did about us, as well. Suffice to say, we were looking forward to this meeting. And you aware, as well, of the shall we say unstable state of the galaxy at large. This is...irritating, to say the least. We are quite new to this political stage, and we have found out that being alone in this large pond can be dangerous, so we are always eager to find...good friends."
It would appear that the arcane empire interperted our message correctly.Alyrium Denryle wrote:The reponse came in the form of a telekinetic slap to the face, followed by a simple No.lazerus wrote:++the misspellinks are intentional, that wizards memory was fragmented++
[From: The Krynor Empire]
[To: The Arcane Empire]
Relayed Via Ambassidor..........
The Krynor empire wishes to purchase the following items from you, we understand that you may be relucant to turn over items of advanced magic to a non-magic empire, we ask for no details of how the items are produced. Price is no object.
1000 staves of Polyorf Other 20/day
500 rings of Polymorph Self
20 anti-magic stone's
200 staves of Dispel Magic 5/day
200 staves of moridikans Disjuction 5/day

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I know.Alyrium Denryle wrote:When they went to analyze the scrolls they found nothing of substance, the copies they had made were completely useless.(Any D&D geek knows that) They found untranslatable glyphs in what amounts to doctors handwriting.The pulled out the 8 scrolls the case contained, snapped two photo's, and two holo's of each one. REturned them all to the case in the order they were in and left the case by the ally entrance. They then fled through an open window on the next house.
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The post still happens as I posted it. Some of the slightly more intact broken items are collected.Alyrium Denryle wrote:(OOC: Thanks for autoing my ship[ and not giving me a chance to respond. This post didnt happen, period. They destroyed tyhe mythallar on board and self destructed.))The goa'ould ships dragging the arcane trader stopped in an abandoned system once they were clear of arcane terrirory, just outside the safe distacne from a blue dwarf. The crew were carted over en-masse and stunned, anticipaing that the mages would pull some kind of cheap trick, the motherships kept their sheilds up for the short duration. Cargo ships ring-transported up a few crewmembers each, stunned them 1-by-1 (with 8 or 9 jaffa/goa'ould acting at once). After retriving the crew, the remains of the ship were hurled into the sun.
The crew was kept in stasis, just to avoid taking chances. While unconcious, they were strip searched to avoid any chance of a magic item. The goa'ould were taking no chances.
Hoping to avoid the unlikely, but still possible persuit, the goa'ould ships fled. They would stop twice more, once in a system, once in deep space, randomly changing course each time, before acually heading back to goa'ould territory.
When the ship exited hyperspace, they found they were dragging along a broken hulk. They got the ship, but when they got to the ship itself they found the Mythallar no longer functional, and every item and scrol and book on board had been destroyed. Even the minds of the crew were wiped of al spellcasting knowledge, they sacrificed themselves for the good of their country.
"My lord, it would appear that the prisioners memories have been tampered with."
"Can we reverse it?"
"Yes my lord, but the process to restore their memory has a significant chance of inducing brain damage."
"So be it, begin right away."
"As you command my lord."
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- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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Little did they know that a mordenkeinens disjunction spell was used to remove their spell casting ability and to destroy their items. It literally cleansed their brain of the mental pathways that would allow for spellcasting, and leached the magic out of all the items. What they got were rods or allumnium, wooden staves and blank pages, as well as what seemed to be normal people, who, even while comatose, had a smug little smirk on their face.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
Astinius, who was still in system walked infrigidmagi wrote:Lastport
Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews looked up from the report that had just arrived from the front of Operation Iron Fist. It was bad coupled with the zat gun sitting on his desk, it was a cause for war. The Portector took a deep breath, what had to be done, had to be done.
He looked up at a group of armsmen and Marine officers.
"Get the The Krynor Empire ambassador in here. The Arcane and Republic ambassadors to, this is their problem to, I want us all here when the Krynor gets here. Call the K.S.E and the Psilons they might want in." He ordered.
The armed and armored men left to do his bidding and the Lord Protector sat staring hard at the opposing unadorned wall.
"hello, what is it you need?" he said with a bow.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
A female goa'ould wearing white robes walks in and bows quickly.frigidmagi wrote:Lastport
Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews looked up from the report that had just arrived from the front of Operation Iron Fist. It was bad coupled with the zat gun sitting on his desk, it was a cause for war. The Portector took a deep breath, what had to be done, had to be done.
He looked up at a group of armsmen and Marine officers.
"Get the The Krynor Empire ambassador in here. The Arcane and Republic ambassadors to, this is their problem to, I want us all here when the Krynor gets here. Call the K.S.E and the Psilons they might want in." He ordered.
The armed and armored men left to do his bidding and the Lord Protector sat staring hard at the opposing unadorned wall.
"You requested my.....*sees the other ambasidors* our presence about a matter of great urgency?"
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