STGOD 4 Game Thread

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Post by Straha »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
"Take me to your leader."
Very well

The two are teleported to the conference room with the touch of a few glyphs.

"Greetings. To make a long stroy short, the floaters living in our territory went nuts. They overran what amoujnnted to a mage school/embassy and stole the spellbooks and scrolls stored there. Those documents are considered classified. And as such, their theft amounts to an act of espionage. The attack on our territory by a power not engaged in legitimate warfare is an act of piracy. And it seems that our spellbooks are no longer on the ship. You realize that we can track them... If you do not relinquish all of them, we will declare war on your nation, and will bombard Earth into the stone age."

The Marine Colonel held up his hand. Then he slowly removed his helmet, took a deep breath, and began massaging his neck. After a minute he whispered into a almost invisible communicator at the side of his mouth, which served as his translator.

"Sorry about that. When you're in that thing for days at a time you can get sort of cramped at times. I am the commanding officer of the 12th Astral Marine Regiment, currently I am here to ensure that hostilities are ended and to explain to you just what the hell is going on. In about an hour, I would think, inspectors will be launched here, and to the cluster. They will start the investigation, and if you co-operate they should finish by the end of the week. At that time the government will make it's rulling, which will of course be appealable to the Supreme Court of Monacora. That is, unless, you want to take your case through the court system, which will take ages. Now as for your "documents" I don't know what is going on, I'm not in contact with Earth right now, which is standard protocal, but I assure you the Inspectors will be very detailed in their examination, and they have almost never made mistakes. Do you have any questions?"
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by lazerus »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Little did they know that a mordenkeinens disjunction spell was used to remove their spell casting ability and to destroy their items. It literally cleansed their brain of the mental pathways that would allow for spellcasting, and leached the magic out of all the items. What they got were rods or allumnium, wooden staves and blank pages, as well as what seemed to be normal people, who, even while comatose, had a smug little smirk on their face.
The arcane crew is quickly infected with symbotes, without their magical abilites to save them they quickly succumb. Although no information about spellcasting it gained, the goa'ould do gain some basic info about operating arcane ships.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Ambassador Ashton leaned on the wall near the door. He was not pleased with this development at all. He read over various diplomatic documents while he waited for Lord Matthews to get down to whatever business was at hand. Whatever it was, the combination of the Alliance ambassadors with the ambassador of one other nation did not bode well...
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Post by frigidmagi »


"Yes. A few hours ago our occuipation forces in the GoG arrested a weapons offender. He either somehow magically got through all the checkpoints and senor nets surronding the city or his residencency preexisited the landing of my forces. Despite clear warnings and over 5 days to turn in his weapon, he held on to it. I now will return the weapon to it's nation of origin." Without any futher preamble a powered down Zat Gun was tossed from behind the desk at the Krynor Ambassador.

"Later the prisonier was brought to a med bay. At that point he killed 3 medical personnal, not solders, unarmed medics. After his arms were broken, they did a full medscan on him. Here's what they found." The Proector passed around a full scan image of a Jaffa with a snake in pouch.

"I'm sure that the ambassadors are just has interested in why the Krynor Empire has armed agents in an area that is being supplied with offworld arms for the purpose of rebellion. Well, ambassador?" The Protector snarled, the 7 armsmen in the room readied their rifles. Any sudden moves by the Krynor would result in swift death.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

"With all due respect, Lord Protector, I hardly think threatening the ambassador with bodily harm is necessary! Acts of war on the part of her nation or no, she has diplomatic immunity.

"But this is quite interesting indeed. Nashtar demands a full explanation for this. Our troops have been fighting and dying on Ix'ador, and now we find armed agents of Krynor on the world? It isn't proof that you've supported the insurgents, but armed agents in a military occupation zone are not seen as friendly."
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Post by lazerus »

frigidmagi wrote:Lastport

"Yes. A few hours ago our occuipation forces in the GoG arrested a weapons offender. He either somehow magically got through all the checkpoints and senor nets surronding the city or his residencency preexisited the landing of my forces. Despite clear warnings and over 5 days to turn in his weapon, he held on to it. I now will return the weapon to it's nation of origin." Without any futher preamble a powered down Zat Gun was tossed from behind the desk at the Krynor Ambassador.

"Later the prisonier was brought to a med bay. At that point he killed 3 medical personnal, not solders, unarmed medics. After his arms were broken, they did a full medscan on him. Here's what they found." The Proector passed around a full scan image of a Jaffa with a snake in pouch.

"I'm sure that the ambassadors are just has interested in why the Krynor Empire has armed agents in an area that is being supplied with offworld arms for the purpose of rebellion. Well, ambassador?" The Protector snarled, the 7 armsmen in the room readied their rifles. Any sudden moves by the Krynor would result in swift death.
At first the ambassidor didn't say anything, but her facial expression could best be described as Oh fuck.

She quickly regained her composure.
" true that there are a significant number of Jaffa and Goa'ould on Ix'ador. However we have not been supplying the rebels with weapons. Our agents were there before the fall of the covenant and were simply maintaining their positions, as for the Jaffa........they would not willingly surrender their weapon to an agent of another power. To do so would be an inuslt to their.......honor. You have our sympathies for the loss of your medics, however we do have highly advanced recessitation technology that could bring them back if you so desire."
She thought for a moment.
"As for the Jaffa, if you allow our ships to enter Ix'agel orbit we can have them recalled."
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Your Jaffa, resisted arrest and killed 3 of my people in an attempt to avoid a medical scan. That seems to point to proir orders. You didn't make contact with the galaxy until after the war was over. In fact a whole different war was fought and settled before you came. So now you admit to having spied on sovergn nations and hiding your exisitance while doing do? I do not look kindly on such powers."
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Post by lazerus »

++Jarlath comes from the SG-1 universe. You know.....the universe in which the goa'ould got their asses kicked again and again? :wink: ++
frigidmagi wrote:"Your Jaffa, resisted arrest and killed 3 of my people in an attempt to avoid a medical scan. That seems to point to proir orders. You didn't make contact with the galaxy until after the war was over. In fact a whole different war was fought and settled before you came. So now you admit to having spied on sovergn nations and hiding your exisitance while doing do? I do not look kindly on such powers."
"Yes, we admit that we did before, and still at this time do, have a spy network. Every nation does, we just don't bother denying it."
She changes the subject.
"As for us concealing our existance and the Jaffa resisting a medical scan, there is good reason for that. Where we came from, Goa'ould were prosecuted as demons and harbrings of distruction. Our civilization was complety distroyed, and our race scattered. The empire I represent is the largest goa'ould nation in over a millenia.......we have leaned to conceal our existance whenever possible."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

"A spy network I can understand; all nations do that. But an intelligence officer does not carry a weapon into the field; it attracts too much attention, as your man found out. Therefore it follows that he was not likely an intelligence operative, but rather a paramilitary or saboteur."
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Well Ambassador?" The Protector said softly looking at the Krynorian, his eyes glittered like ice.
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Post by lazerus »

Rogue 9 wrote:"A spy network I can understand; all nations do that. But an intelligence officer does not carry a weapon into the field; it attracts too much attention, as your man found out. Therefore it follows that he was not likely an intelligence operative, but rather a paramilitary or saboteur."
The ambasidor picks up the 'zat and folds it into the "Unarmed" position.
"This is a stun gun ambasidor, not an assult weapon. Meerly for self-defense."
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Post by frigidmagi »

"It seems to me that he was quite able to defend himself without the Zat gun. After all he did kill 3 people with his bare hands."
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Post by lazerus »

frigidmagi wrote:"It seems to me that he was quite able to defend himself without the Zat gun. After all he did kill 3 people with his bare hands."
"All Jaffa undergo extensive melee combat training, although it's rarely used in this day and age, it's supposed to do wonders for the troops disipline in the face of battle."
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Post by frigidmagi »

Strange, if he's so well trained in hand to hand, why does he need a gun in a no weapon zone? Especially with a small fleet of drones flying around?
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Post by lazerus »

frigidmagi wrote:Strange, if he's so well trained in hand to hand, why does he need a gun in a no weapon zone? Especially with a small fleet of drones flying around?
"Don't you know what happens when you bring fists into a gunfight?"
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Post by Rogue 9 »

lazerus wrote:
frigidmagi wrote:Strange, if he's so well trained in hand to hand, why does he need a gun in a no weapon zone? Especially with a small fleet of drones flying around?
"Don't you know what happens when you bring fists into a gunfight?"
"You lose. But he was in a no weapon zone, Ambassador."
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Post by lazerus »

Rogue 9 wrote:
lazerus wrote:
frigidmagi wrote:Strange, if he's so well trained in hand to hand, why does he need a gun in a no weapon zone? Especially with a small fleet of drones flying around?
"Don't you know what happens when you bring fists into a gunfight?"
"You lose. But he was in a no weapon zone, Ambassador."
"Yes. We apoligize for arming our agents with stun guns against regulations. Like I said, we are willing to recall those agents."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

lazerus wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:
lazerus wrote: "Don't you know what happens when you bring fists into a gunfight?"
"You lose. But he was in a no weapon zone, Ambassador."
"Yes. We apoligize for arming our agents with stun guns against regulations. Like I said, we are willing to recall those agents."
"You miss the point; the only way he would have been in a gunfight is if he planned on fighting our troops. There are no longer legally armed civilians in the city."
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Post by lazerus »

Rogue 9 wrote:
lazerus wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote: "You lose. But he was in a no weapon zone, Ambassador."
"Yes. We apoligize for arming our agents with stun guns against regulations. Like I said, we are willing to recall those agents."
"You miss the point; the only way he would have been in a gunfight is if he planned on fighting our troops. There are no longer legally armed civilians in the city."
"Not quite true, he had his gun because he was ready to fight covenant troops. When the covenant fell, he simply..........didn't turn it over."
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Post by frigidmagi »

Since he was disgused as a native he would not have been a target for the terrorist. One wonders then, if he is not a target for the terrorist, if he is most lethal with his hands in a weapon free zone...

You state repeatly that he was there before the war, yet you had no contact until long after.
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Post by lazerus »

frigidmagi wrote:Since he was disgused as a native he would not have been a target for the terrorist. One wonders then, if he is not a target for the terrorist, if he is most lethal with his hands in a weapon free zone, then why is he armed?
"The covenant of god was an unstable, relitvly low-technology power that had made a fair number of enimies in it's time. We had it marked as a potential conquest and so sent in agets to scout before the invasion, and armed them so they could provide support during their attack. When the covenant fell, the agents simply......holed up."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

"If an agent has no further mission and is merely holing up awaiting extraction, he would act normally. That means turning in the weapon, or at least not carrying it on his person. This isn't adding up."
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Post by lazerus »

Rogue 9 wrote:"If an agent has no further mission and is merely holing up awaiting extraction, he would act normally. That means turning in the weapon, or at least not carrying it on his person. This isn't adding up."
"The Jaffa in questions was a bit overzelous and disobyed order. I know you will find this hard to accecpt, but he was NOT acting under direction."


A troop transport full of 500 prototype geneticly enhanced Jaffa arrives in orbit over Halo.
[TRANSMITTING] "Attention Halo.........we are here."
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Post by frigidmagi »

You're damn right I find it hard to believe.
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Post by lazerus »

frigidmagi wrote:You're damn right I find it hard to believe.
"Do you want us to recall those spies or not?"
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