STGOD 4 Game Thread
Moderator: Thanas
- Captain tycho
- Has Elected to Receive
- Posts: 5039
- Joined: 2002-12-04 06:35pm
- Location: Jewy McJew Land
The naquida vein was reached within a few hours, and shipment to the surface began immediately. Special teleporter fields were set up, allowing the miners to teleport parts of the vein directly to surface. The labs researching the naquida recieved the first shipment, and the newly created Trade Ministry spaceport for shipment to the Kyrntos empire. The rest of it was shipped to the factories, to be used in the creation of new naquida enhanced fusion generators and AI circuitry. While this new 'naquida circuitry' was inferior to the Confederacy's own ordron, it was cheaper, and fledging nations would pay top price for such a thing. The Trade Ministry was conceived for the sole process of making profit, either through technology or resources.
Captain Tycho!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
On Camaro and Vivel, a subtle chain of events had begun to enter motion.
Scores of Goa'ould cargo ships loaded with "medicine" (lots and lots of seditives) and "medical supplies" (symbyote carrying equipment) arrived in orbit. The populace below was offered the option of voulnteering to join the Jaffa, life for hundreds of years, serve the gods, etc etc. On Vivel the recruits coudln't sign up fast enough, on Camaro there was a considerably lower turn out.
Carmaro however, would be usefull to the goa'ould in another way. Using their ring transporters to kidnap-and-return persons when no one was looking, all the doctors on the planet were slowly infected with goa'ould. Normally, the doctors simply went about their busness, undeteced by the local populace. Every 1 time out of 10 (or something around that) however, when a patent came in for a checkup they would need to be sedated for "invasive tests". Once asleep, they would be imfected. The new Goa'ould woke up, left, and of course reported nothing.
[TRANSMISSION TO ALL GOA'OULD SHIPS + PLANETSE] ++you can pick this up, and read it. And for those of you that don't watch SG-1, Ta'rae is goa'ould for humans-from-earth.++
Jarlath looked straight into the transmitter, and silently hoped that this wasn't going to backfire on him.
"My loyal followers, I come to you with a message of unparalled importance......."
He paused, thought it over, and went ahead.
"A new age is dawning for the Goa'ould, and the Jaffa, their most trusted servants. For centruies the Goa'ould have been slowly, ever so slowly, dying. We once stood unchallenged, as the mightiest power the universe had ever seen. The ta'rae were mere animals when we found them and taught them civilization and showd them the ways of the gods. It has over 5000 years since then, the ta'rae now weild a power almost a match to our own........and we are still where we were then. The goa'ould are stagnating, lost like a traveler in the fog, unable to proceed foreward......
He paused.
The effect of a goa'ould shouting while doing the voice was enough to make some Jaffa jump back from the screen a few inches.
"The age when the gods ruled away from their followers and were no better then the demons we protect you from, the age of dark gods like that of Ra and Anubis is OVER. From this day forth, all within the empire, not just the Jaffa shall have the, the honor of living for hundreds of years. Of never feeling the sting of desease. The Jaffa, my loyal servants, you have always been there to serve you god, to be called upon in time of battle. Now, you and your families shall be rewarded for your faith. Now, return to your posts, and rest well knowing that you serve your god.
As Jarlath turned away from the transmitter, an advisor was red in the face.
"What did you just DO!?"
"I inspired the Jaffa to new levels of loyality........distroyed 5000 years of goa;ould tradidtion.....oh, and saved our speices from extenction."
Temples to Jarlath now posessed healing devices hidden under the alter, and many cotained sarcofigi. Both keyed to voice-activae upon hearling a certian prayer spoken aloud. To the families of the Jaffa, special pendants were given out. A recent invention, they emitted a very weak version of the field used by the sarcofigi that slowed againg to about 2/3's normal rate and held off most desease.
Scores of Goa'ould cargo ships loaded with "medicine" (lots and lots of seditives) and "medical supplies" (symbyote carrying equipment) arrived in orbit. The populace below was offered the option of voulnteering to join the Jaffa, life for hundreds of years, serve the gods, etc etc. On Vivel the recruits coudln't sign up fast enough, on Camaro there was a considerably lower turn out.
Carmaro however, would be usefull to the goa'ould in another way. Using their ring transporters to kidnap-and-return persons when no one was looking, all the doctors on the planet were slowly infected with goa'ould. Normally, the doctors simply went about their busness, undeteced by the local populace. Every 1 time out of 10 (or something around that) however, when a patent came in for a checkup they would need to be sedated for "invasive tests". Once asleep, they would be imfected. The new Goa'ould woke up, left, and of course reported nothing.
[TRANSMISSION TO ALL GOA'OULD SHIPS + PLANETSE] ++you can pick this up, and read it. And for those of you that don't watch SG-1, Ta'rae is goa'ould for humans-from-earth.++
Jarlath looked straight into the transmitter, and silently hoped that this wasn't going to backfire on him.
"My loyal followers, I come to you with a message of unparalled importance......."
He paused, thought it over, and went ahead.
"A new age is dawning for the Goa'ould, and the Jaffa, their most trusted servants. For centruies the Goa'ould have been slowly, ever so slowly, dying. We once stood unchallenged, as the mightiest power the universe had ever seen. The ta'rae were mere animals when we found them and taught them civilization and showd them the ways of the gods. It has over 5000 years since then, the ta'rae now weild a power almost a match to our own........and we are still where we were then. The goa'ould are stagnating, lost like a traveler in the fog, unable to proceed foreward......
He paused.
The effect of a goa'ould shouting while doing the voice was enough to make some Jaffa jump back from the screen a few inches.
"The age when the gods ruled away from their followers and were no better then the demons we protect you from, the age of dark gods like that of Ra and Anubis is OVER. From this day forth, all within the empire, not just the Jaffa shall have the, the honor of living for hundreds of years. Of never feeling the sting of desease. The Jaffa, my loyal servants, you have always been there to serve you god, to be called upon in time of battle. Now, you and your families shall be rewarded for your faith. Now, return to your posts, and rest well knowing that you serve your god.
As Jarlath turned away from the transmitter, an advisor was red in the face.
"What did you just DO!?"
"I inspired the Jaffa to new levels of loyality........distroyed 5000 years of goa;ould tradidtion.....oh, and saved our speices from extenction."
Temples to Jarlath now posessed healing devices hidden under the alter, and many cotained sarcofigi. Both keyed to voice-activae upon hearling a certian prayer spoken aloud. To the families of the Jaffa, special pendants were given out. A recent invention, they emitted a very weak version of the field used by the sarcofigi that slowed againg to about 2/3's normal rate and held off most desease.
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The new line of stealth cargo ships is completed and 20 or so are put into production.
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: ... miniatures
- Captain tycho
- Has Elected to Receive
- Posts: 5039
- Joined: 2002-12-04 06:35pm
- Location: Jewy McJew Land
Manifold, Halo
Desginated 'Archeron', Lab 12 in District eleven was completely empty. It had been finished a day and a half ago, taking almost a week longer to construct than other labs of similiar size. All the workers that had assisted in constructing Archeron were destroyed and recycled into the very equipment that would soon fill the lab. Inlaid in the walls were screening devices of all sorts that would virtually ensure no one could observe the lab, even if they could get close enough to be able to. The whole lab was encased in a tritdinite shel powerful enough to block even the heaviest of capital ship weapons easily, at enourmous cost. But the Confederacy wasn't skimping on the security for the lab; it was too important to be left vulnerable.
Orbital Shipyards, Halo.
The half-dozen cruisers glided through space, white-hot bolts of light spearing out from their hulls and striking dozens of holographic targets with perfect precision. They accelerated, turned, and unleashed a withering volley of missiles, again with perfect precision. The ships reacted with each other perfectly, the result of an AI devoted entirely to battle coordination installed on each ship. Outside the demonstration area, a number of R'hllorans floated, watching the spectacle eagerly. After another pass, all the holographic targets were destroyed, and the crowd 'cheered'. The ships formed into a tight triangular formation, splintered into pairs and than dissapeared utterly from view as they activated their stealth fields. More cheers issued from the crowd as the ships began venting out small pods, each of which ignited and zipped towards an empty sip hull floating in the center of the demonstration area. The pods impacted, splintered apart, and out of the wreckage lumbered grotesque quadrepedal robots, which chewed apart whole sections of the hull within a number of moments with pulse lasers. Prelate-Minister Khaz'im, the new commander of the R'hlloran Free-spacer Defense Force, watched the cruisers boredly, already having seen their true combat abilities firsthand. He looked down at Halo, then sent a message to his aid. Disperse the crowd, lets end this demonstration, we've seen enough.
Desginated 'Archeron', Lab 12 in District eleven was completely empty. It had been finished a day and a half ago, taking almost a week longer to construct than other labs of similiar size. All the workers that had assisted in constructing Archeron were destroyed and recycled into the very equipment that would soon fill the lab. Inlaid in the walls were screening devices of all sorts that would virtually ensure no one could observe the lab, even if they could get close enough to be able to. The whole lab was encased in a tritdinite shel powerful enough to block even the heaviest of capital ship weapons easily, at enourmous cost. But the Confederacy wasn't skimping on the security for the lab; it was too important to be left vulnerable.
Orbital Shipyards, Halo.
The half-dozen cruisers glided through space, white-hot bolts of light spearing out from their hulls and striking dozens of holographic targets with perfect precision. They accelerated, turned, and unleashed a withering volley of missiles, again with perfect precision. The ships reacted with each other perfectly, the result of an AI devoted entirely to battle coordination installed on each ship. Outside the demonstration area, a number of R'hllorans floated, watching the spectacle eagerly. After another pass, all the holographic targets were destroyed, and the crowd 'cheered'. The ships formed into a tight triangular formation, splintered into pairs and than dissapeared utterly from view as they activated their stealth fields. More cheers issued from the crowd as the ships began venting out small pods, each of which ignited and zipped towards an empty sip hull floating in the center of the demonstration area. The pods impacted, splintered apart, and out of the wreckage lumbered grotesque quadrepedal robots, which chewed apart whole sections of the hull within a number of moments with pulse lasers. Prelate-Minister Khaz'im, the new commander of the R'hlloran Free-spacer Defense Force, watched the cruisers boredly, already having seen their true combat abilities firsthand. He looked down at Halo, then sent a message to his aid. Disperse the crowd, lets end this demonstration, we've seen enough.
Captain Tycho!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
The troop transports full of Jaffa pulled down over Manifold.
"The cargo is here, engaging transporters........."
*The jaffa are beamed down into the base*
"The cargo is here, engaging transporters........."
*The jaffa are beamed down into the base*
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- Raptor 597
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 3338
- Joined: 2002-08-01 03:54pm
- Location: Lafayette, Louisiana
Cluster of Eketrina - Huson system
The Battleship Caranthir exited faster than light travel in the Cluster. They sent out transmissions and waited for an return ping.
The Battleship Caranthir exited faster than light travel in the Cluster. They sent out transmissions and waited for an return ping.
Formerly the artist known as Captain Lennox
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
"To myself I am only a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me." - Sir Isaac Newton
- Captain tycho
- Has Elected to Receive
- Posts: 5039
- Joined: 2002-12-04 06:35pm
- Location: Jewy McJew Land
The Jaffa were rerouted during transport into individual stasis chambers, which were activated the moment they were in. A minute later, the chambers were teleported into Archeron, which was now filled with all sorts of equipment. R'hllorans and Goa'uld alike rushed around the stasis cells, checking readouts and injected some fluid or another. Work began immediately.lazerus wrote:The troop transports full of Jaffa pulled down over Manifold.
"The cargo is here, engaging transporters........."
*The jaffa are beamed down into the base*
Captain Tycho!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
"You will not tie up one of our fleets for a week. We were acting within the bounds of standard naval law, and frankly, your so-called "peace of terra" makes this system a haven for pirates. I read the statistic this morning, you have multiple pirate factions simply hanging out in system where they know other nations cannot chase them."Sorry about that. When you're in that thing for days at a time you can get sort of cramped at times. I am the commanding officer of the 12th Astral Marine Regiment, currently I am here to ensure that hostilities are ended and to explain to you just what the hell is going on. In about an hour, I would think, inspectors will be launched here, and to the cluster. They will start the investigation, and if you co-operate they should finish by the end of the week. At that time the government will make it's rulling, which will of course be appealable to the Supreme Court of Monacora. That is, unless, you want to take your case through the court system, which will take ages. Now as for your "documents" I don't know what is going on, I'm not in contact with Earth right now, which is standard protocal, but I assure you the Inspectors will be very detailed in their examination, and they have almost never made mistakes. Do you have any questions?"
It doesnt amtter what you know, it is a matter of what the command officer who recieved our documents did, and a matter of where that transport that left a few minutes ago was headed. It was on a vector for Earth. There is nothing else to discuss. If you will excuse me, I have a transmission to send"
He got up and went into an adjascent room.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- InnocentBystander
- The Russian Circus
- Posts: 3466
- Joined: 2004-04-10 06:05am
- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
A large Baeloaren Warship poured into real space at the edge of the Sol System, it scanned the system, eight planets, dozens of satellites spread throughout, a number of small ice rocks at the edge of the system and a moderately sized asteroid field made up Sol. After their initial scans were complete the ship hailed Monacoran State Department.
<< Monacoran State Department, this is the Ship of the Line: Infallible, requesting clearance to enter the Sol System for diplomatic talks. Please transmit jump coordinance for a meeting place >>
The Infallible remained at the edge of the system, shields down, gun ports closed, and sensors active. While waiting for a response from Earth the ship sensors noticed a something peculiar, a fleet of small ships in the asteroid belt, obviously Arcanian. The ships were small, the largest was no larger than a Baeloaren light cruiser, however their presence didn’t concern the Commodore at all; his business was with the Earthlings.
<< Monacoran State Department, this is the Ship of the Line: Infallible, requesting clearance to enter the Sol System for diplomatic talks. Please transmit jump coordinance for a meeting place >>
The Infallible remained at the edge of the system, shields down, gun ports closed, and sensors active. While waiting for a response from Earth the ship sensors noticed a something peculiar, a fleet of small ships in the asteroid belt, obviously Arcanian. The ships were small, the largest was no larger than a Baeloaren light cruiser, however their presence didn’t concern the Commodore at all; his business was with the Earthlings.
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
Ambassador Astinius listened to the cionversation and decided to finally speak addressing each point in turn, as it was spoken.She quickly regained her composure.
" true that there are a significant number of Jaffa and Goa'ould on Ix'ador. However we have not been supplying the rebels with weapons. Our agents were there before the fall of the covenant and were simply maintaining their positions, as for the Jaffa........they would not willingly surrender their weapon to an agent of another power. To do so would be an inuslt to their.......honor. You have our sympathies for the loss of your medics, however we do have highly advanced recessitation technology that could bring them back if you so desire."
She thought for a moment.
"As for the Jaffa, if you allow our ships to enter Ix'agel orbit we can have them recalled."
Those weapons have been found in the cites of combat with operatives of similar abilities. We, um... vaporized several, so the capture of one alive is a boon. However, Your Jaffa are not only spies but can be linked to numerous attacks on our facilities on that world.
Your claims that this weapon is only a stun weapon is a bald faced lie. The first shot stuns yes, but the second shot to the same target kills, and the third disintegrates the body.The ambasidor picks up the 'zat and folds it into the "Unarmed" position.
"This is a stun gun ambasidor, not an assult weapon. Meerly for self-defense."
Unless you p[lanned on attacking our troops there should have been no need for a gunfight now would there, especially when civilian weapons are banned."Don't you know what happens when you bring fists into a gunfight?"
As I have said, they are not simply stun guns. Here let me deomnstrate."Yes. We apoligize for arming our agents with stun guns against regulations. Like I said, we are willing to recall those agents."
He used a mage hand spell, takes the gun, and summons a large dog.
He shoots the dog, it does uncouncious, then he shoots the dog two more times and it is disintegrated
Another bold faced lie... Seeing as we intercepted a command from an attack several weeks ago when we made our first bust. Something regarding "Command cell defunct" was it? You had an operative network that was making attacks on our people, which explains why we found people who we knew to be natives with Goa'uld symbiotes. We are running a police state on that world ambassador, everyone is subject to medical scans. Your have been INFECTING our people."Not quite true, he had his gun because he was ready to fight covenant troops. When the covenant fell, he simply..........didn't turn it over."
Considering the dozens of these weapons we ahve found without their bodies attached I find that hard to belive"The Jaffa in questions was a bit overzelous and disobyed order. I know you will find this hard to accecpt, but he was NOT acting under direction."
Astinius said with a mirthful grin
Not only will you recall them, but you will turn them, and the symbiotes they carry over to us for trial, and in all likelyhood subsequent interrogation and probable execution."Do you want us to recall those spies or not?"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
As the admiral stood to get up the Marine spoke again into the translator.Alyrium Denryle wrote:"You will not tie up one of our fleets for a week. We were acting within the bounds of standard naval law, and frankly, your so-called "peace of terra" makes this system a haven for pirates. I read the statistic this morning, you have multiple pirate factions simply hanging out in system where they know other nations cannot chase them."Sorry about that. When you're in that thing for days at a time you can get sort of cramped at times. I am the commanding officer of the 12th Astral Marine Regiment, currently I am here to ensure that hostilities are ended and to explain to you just what the hell is going on. In about an hour, I would think, inspectors will be launched here, and to the cluster. They will start the investigation, and if you co-operate they should finish by the end of the week. At that time the government will make it's rulling, which will of course be appealable to the Supreme Court of Monacora. That is, unless, you want to take your case through the court system, which will take ages. Now as for your "documents" I don't know what is going on, I'm not in contact with Earth right now, which is standard protocal, but I assure you the Inspectors will be very detailed in their examination, and they have almost never made mistakes. Do you have any questions?"
It doesnt amtter what you know, it is a matter of what the command officer who recieved our documents did, and a matter of where that transport that left a few minutes ago was headed. It was on a vector for Earth. There is nothing else to discuss. If you will excuse me, I have a transmission to send"
"Sit down. We aren't done here. I don't care what false statistics you read, because they don't matter right now. If you can't keep the fleet a week then you and some other represenitives can wait a week, freeing your fleet to go do whatever it is you want it to do. I can tell you now, though, that you do not help your case by being so impertinent. The investigative staff will see this as a sign that you either wish to leave for fear of justice, or that you wish to leave because the "documents" matter not to you. Earth is the safest place for those documents now, and if they are found to be yours they will be returned to you."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
The Arcane Cargoship Thors Eye
A large privatly owned ship carrying spell components
Deep Space
The Eye dropped out of teleport, but she was not where she expected to be.
The lead diviner looked panicked.
"Sir, we've been pulled out ahead of our dest......"
That was as far as he got.
Target their communications and weapons, fire. Engage comm jammers. And lets not screw this up like we did last time.
8 Battlecruser-equilivent ships ripped into themerchant. With the basic systems knowledge aquired from the ex-arcane captian they were able to make more precise shots, hitting the communications and bridge without having to tear the ship apart.
With practiced precision, squads of jaffa beamed over and started rendering the crew unconcious with 'zat guns and chemical weapons, while the transporters beamed other crewmembers directly into holding cells. Once the Jaffa controled the engine room, the cargoship was siezed in a tractorbeam and the goa'ould fleet hauled ass.
A large privatly owned ship carrying spell components
Deep Space
The Eye dropped out of teleport, but she was not where she expected to be.
The lead diviner looked panicked.
"Sir, we've been pulled out ahead of our dest......"
That was as far as he got.
Target their communications and weapons, fire. Engage comm jammers. And lets not screw this up like we did last time.
8 Battlecruser-equilivent ships ripped into themerchant. With the basic systems knowledge aquired from the ex-arcane captian they were able to make more precise shots, hitting the communications and bridge without having to tear the ship apart.
With practiced precision, squads of jaffa beamed over and started rendering the crew unconcious with 'zat guns and chemical weapons, while the transporters beamed other crewmembers directly into holding cells. Once the Jaffa controled the engine room, the cargoship was siezed in a tractorbeam and the goa'ould fleet hauled ass.
3D Printed Custom Miniatures! Check it out: ... miniatures
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
Oh, and even if you do turn in those spies, I doubt I will be able to convince the Council of Seven not to bombard your homeworld into molten slag. You see, right before I got here, I was informed of an attack on one of our cargo ships, One of the cremen managed to escape and informed our government that.. the ships that attacked his vessel matched your own. You were attempting to steal something our government considers classified and you kidnapped, and in all likelyhood infected the crew.
Said astinius, mock sorrow in his voice, displaying his utter contempt for the other ambassador.
Said astinius, mock sorrow in his voice, displaying his utter contempt for the other ambassador.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
"We copy, jump right to Earth orbit. We'll send up an armed transport to escort your ambassadorial staff to Andora."InnocentBystander wrote: After their initial scans were complete the ship hailed Monacoran State Department.
<< Monacoran State Department, this is the Ship of the Line: Infallible, requesting clearance to enter the Sol System for diplomatic talks. Please transmit jump coordinance for a meeting place >>
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
[Responding to each point in time]Alyrium Denryle wrote:Ambassador Astinius listened to the cionversation and decided to finally speak addressing each point in turn, as it was spoken.She quickly regained her composure.
" true that there are a significant number of Jaffa and Goa'ould on Ix'ador. However we have not been supplying the rebels with weapons. Our agents were there before the fall of the covenant and were simply maintaining their positions, as for the Jaffa........they would not willingly surrender their weapon to an agent of another power. To do so would be an inuslt to their.......honor. You have our sympathies for the loss of your medics, however we do have highly advanced recessitation technology that could bring them back if you so desire."
She thought for a moment.
"As for the Jaffa, if you allow our ships to enter Ix'agel orbit we can have them recalled."
Those weapons have been found in the cites of combat with operatives of similar abilities. We, um... vaporized several, so the capture of one alive is a boon. However, Your Jaffa are not only spies but can be linked to numerous attacks on our facilities on that world.
Your claims that this weapon is only a stun weapon is a bald faced lie. The first shot stuns yes, but the second shot to the same target kills, and the third disintegrates the body.The ambasidor picks up the 'zat and folds it into the "Unarmed" position.
"This is a stun gun ambasidor, not an assult weapon. Meerly for self-defense."
Unless you p[lanned on attacking our troops there should have been no need for a gunfight now would there, especially when civilian weapons are banned."Don't you know what happens when you bring fists into a gunfight?"
As I have said, they are not simply stun guns. Here let me deomnstrate."Yes. We apoligize for arming our agents with stun guns against regulations. Like I said, we are willing to recall those agents."
He used a mage hand spell, takes the gun, and summons a large dog.
He shoots the dog, it does uncouncious, then he shoots the dog two more times and it is disintegrated
Another bold faced lie... Seeing as we intercepted a command from an attack several weeks ago when we made our first bust. Something regarding "Command cell defunct" was it? You had an operative network that was making attacks on our people, which explains why we found people who we knew to be natives with Goa'uld symbiotes. We are running a police state on that world ambassador, everyone is subject to medical scans. Your have been INFECTING our people."Not quite true, he had his gun because he was ready to fight covenant troops. When the covenant fell, he simply..........didn't turn it over."
Considering the dozens of these weapons we ahve found without their bodies attached I find that hard to belive"The Jaffa in questions was a bit overzelous and disobyed order. I know you will find this hard to accecpt, but he was NOT acting under direction."
Astinius said with a mirthful grin
Not only will you recall them, but you will turn them, and the symbiotes they carry over to us for trial, and in all likelyhood subsequent interrogation and probable execution."Do you want us to recall those spies or not?"
1) You have proof? Then why did you not come forth? I think your just blowing smoke.
2) And you can kill someone with sleeping darts if you shoot enough of them.
3) I just explained that they were for attacking the covenant.
4) *twitch* Infecting? (you just struck a nerve) You DARE, to speak of my race as if we were a DESEASE!? We extend human life by thousands of years, build great civilizations. We flew between the stars when most humans thought the earth was flat!!
5) We sell weapons on the mareket, they may have simply bought them.
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- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
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(OOC: Laz, yhow the fuck do you know where my ships will be))With practiced precision, squads of jaffa beamed over and started rendering the crew unconcious with 'zat guns and chemical weapons, while the transporters beamed other crewmembers directly into holding cells. Once the Jaffa controled the engine room, the cargoship was siezed in a tractorbeam and the goa'ould fleet hauled ass.
The ships crew were mundanes, no spellcasting capability, the only magic users were the command crew, and they were vaporized with the bridge.
The spell omponents in question were for First Level chocolateers, and consisted of nothing more than various spices and coaco beans.(We dont ship the components for the actual casting, those are harvested on site from the various worlds)
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
++We sit there until one that we think we can take shows up++Alyrium Denryle wrote:(OOC: Laz, yhow the fuck do you know where my ships will be))With practiced precision, squads of jaffa beamed over and started rendering the crew unconcious with 'zat guns and chemical weapons, while the transporters beamed other crewmembers directly into holding cells. Once the Jaffa controled the engine room, the cargoship was siezed in a tractorbeam and the goa'ould fleet hauled ass.
The ships crew were mundanes, no spellcasting capability, the only magic users were the command crew, and they were vaporized with the bridge.
The spell omponents in question were for First Level chocolateers, and consisted of nothing more than various spices and coaco beans.(We dont ship the components for the actual casting, those are harvested on site from the various worlds)
Oh least we got the ship and it's mythllar drive intact.
Granted, we don't have the faintest clue how it works yet........but i'm sure we can figure somthing out.
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- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
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- Location: The Deep Desert
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Why yes we do. Zat guns, staff weapons, and we have found numerous goa'uld symbiotes as well, in fact, we have started to scan for them.1) You have proof? Then why did you not come forth? I think your just blowing smoke.
You cant disintegrate someone with sleeping darts.2) And you can kill someone with sleeping darts if you shoot enough of them.
Then why were they used to attack our own troops?3) I just explained that they were for attacking the covenant.
Your symbiote is still a parasite controlling the central nervous system of the host. It extends a long life to the hosts body, but kill the mind, the very essence of the host. Your race, like the undead, are a cancer. Whenver they infect people who do not wish to be infected, they become little more than a virus. A virus that needs to be cleansed.4) *twitch* Infecting? (you just struck a nerve) You DARE, to speak of my race as if we were a DESEASE!? We extend human life by thousands of years, build great civilizations. We flew between the stars when most humans thought the earth was flat!!
WE have been sailing the starts for even longer than you have, dont get high and mighty with us.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
The military prince looked at the dozen magic users of the Monacoran army, all sons or grandsons of Genocide war refugees from the Skaven empire.
"Rightio boys, as you may have heard there's been an incident in space, that's why we've been moved to high alert and the theater shields raised. Things are very unclear right now, but the Political Prince has told me that he wants these books opened right away, but the thing is the Floaters said that the books will explode if they open. Preliminary scans revealed nothing to make them, as the floater apparently put it, go boom, so we assume that they may be magical in nature. Can you open them?"
The Skavens started looking at the books some chanted softly, and then they nodded.
"We can do it, Sir. It may take time, they're magic is more advanced then ours in many ways."
The prince nodded and pointed to two members of the Monacon Tenth that were also in the room.
"Take them down to one of the heavilly reinforced workshops, make sure they aren't disturbed, and operate with the utmost caution. Report back to me directly."
Thirty minutes later the prince was reading about the new power that had moved in on the covenant worlds when the vid-phone rang from the workshop.
"Sir, it was hard and half of us have exhausted ourselves but we did it and the stoppers are gone, they are open and you shou-"
"Captain, no. The state department wants them now, so bring it to them now."
"My prince, you don't understand sir. They're spell books..."
The prince thought for a minute, holding in the rampage that he would like to deal to the world right now.
"I'll be in touch, make sure NO ONE touches them, put them under the dampeners if you have to. I've got to see my fellow prince, now."
"Rightio boys, as you may have heard there's been an incident in space, that's why we've been moved to high alert and the theater shields raised. Things are very unclear right now, but the Political Prince has told me that he wants these books opened right away, but the thing is the Floaters said that the books will explode if they open. Preliminary scans revealed nothing to make them, as the floater apparently put it, go boom, so we assume that they may be magical in nature. Can you open them?"
The Skavens started looking at the books some chanted softly, and then they nodded.
"We can do it, Sir. It may take time, they're magic is more advanced then ours in many ways."
The prince nodded and pointed to two members of the Monacon Tenth that were also in the room.
"Take them down to one of the heavilly reinforced workshops, make sure they aren't disturbed, and operate with the utmost caution. Report back to me directly."
Thirty minutes later the prince was reading about the new power that had moved in on the covenant worlds when the vid-phone rang from the workshop.
"Sir, it was hard and half of us have exhausted ourselves but we did it and the stoppers are gone, they are open and you shou-"
"Captain, no. The state department wants them now, so bring it to them now."
"My prince, you don't understand sir. They're spell books..."
The prince thought for a minute, holding in the rampage that he would like to deal to the world right now.
"I'll be in touch, make sure NO ONE touches them, put them under the dampeners if you have to. I've got to see my fellow prince, now."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
Alyrium Denryle wrote:Oh, and even if you do turn in those spies, I doubt I will be able to convince the Council of Seven not to bombard your homeworld into molten slag. You see, right before I got here, I was informed of an attack on one of our cargo ships, One of the cremen managed to escape and informed our government that.. the ships that attacked his vessel matched your own. You were attempting to steal something our government considers classified and you kidnapped, and in all likelyhood infected the crew.
Said astinius, mock sorrow in his voice, displaying his utter contempt for the other ambassador.
"Oh, so just because one empire is ruled by a goa'ould that all goa'ould follow him!?"
You seem to have really PO'ed the ambassidor with the "desease" remark.
"And if you refer to my race as a desease one more time.......
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1) We sell those weapons, and last I checked, having offspring was not a crime.Alyrium Denryle wrote:Why yes we do. Zat guns, staff weapons, and we have found numerous goa'uld symbiotes as well, in fact, we have started to scan for them.1) You have proof? Then why did you not come forth? I think your just blowing smoke.
You cant disintegrate someone with sleeping darts.2) And you can kill someone with sleeping darts if you shoot enough of them.
Then why were they used to attack our own troops?3) I just explained that they were for attacking the covenant.
Your symbiote is still a parasite controlling the central nervous system of the host. It extends a long life to the hosts body, but kill the mind, the very essence of the host. Your race, like the undead, are a cancer. Whenver they infect people who do not wish to be infected, they become little more than a virus. A virus that needs to be cleansed.4) *twitch* Infecting? (you just struck a nerve) You DARE, to speak of my race as if we were a DESEASE!? We extend human life by thousands of years, build great civilizations. We flew between the stars when most humans thought the earth was flat!!
WE have been sailing the starts for even longer than you have, dont get high and mighty with us.
2) buty you can with other common items.
3) Jaffa dont' like it when you touch their weapon.......honor thing.
4) A virus that needs to be clensed you say...............that's dangerous talk.
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- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
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- Location: The Deep Desert
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"what will you do? Infect me? I am one of the most powerful mages in this universe, and you think a zat gun will actually stun me? You have got to be kidding. Infecting me wil just kill the symbiote, and then you will die in a hail of meteors or will be turned into an undead servant."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
"Nuke you all from orbit.........damn we should have killed you off when we had the chance."
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- Rogue 9
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"Ambassadors, please! We are here representing our nations, not our own personal differences!"lazerus wrote:"Nuke you all from orbit.........damn we should have killed you off when we had the chance."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
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HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician