No, wait, no they don't.
I want to ban pornography with a 10-year prison term for viewing or participating in pornography, as well as oral and anal sex with a 1-5 year prison term for oral sex and a 1-10 year term for anal sex. I also want to ban the manufacture and sale of contraceptives (birth control) with a prison term of up to 1 year in jail and/or a fine of up to $5,000 for violating this ban. None of these laws will be retroactive.
C'om. Just because your jealous, you shouldn't ruin everyone else's fun.
I also support a ban on interracial marriage. While I am not racist, I believe that God intends people to marry within their own race.
I would love to see what verse he pulls to support this. If he yanks out that stupid Corinthians verse, I have the perfect rebuttal.
Therefore, I believe that Affirmative Action is racist against white people and ought to be abolished.
That is the only point I even remotely agree with.
I am in favor of the death penalty for murder (including performing an abortion), attempted murder, rape, incest, pedophilia/child molestation, bestiality, necrophilia, transvestites, treason, spying against the state, espionage, drug dealing, vampirism, adultery, and armed robbery.
Do your part to end transvestitis. Commit suicide today!
LOL, I love how he demands the death penalty for 'spying against the state'. Guess he never heard of 'the Cuban Missle Crisis'
All persons must wear clothing from their neck to three inches below their knees when in public or in the presence of children.
As I said, just because your shirt has fused together with your pasty white flesh, don't spoil it for everyone.
I bet this guy has had some rousing protests at Rohobeth beach, eh?
Women MUST wear dresses. Trousers are NOT lady-like and therefore, women ought not to wear them.
Sexist chauvinist pig. Biatch!
Jeans are to be banned.
Any profanity or sexual references on clothing will be banned.
Just because it makes you feel inadequate doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us.
I am completely in favor of banning the flawed and blasphemous Theory of Evolution from ever again being taught in public schools.
Yeah? Well, I'm favor of banning your face. It's way more flawed and blasphemous than evolution.
I support the good moral crusaders in Washington, D.C. who are getting tougher on the War on Drugs. I am in favor of the death penalty for drug dealers, and for a mandatory 10-year prison sentence for anyone caught with ANY illegal drug, including marijuana. This mandatory sentence will be required for any amount of possession, no matter how small it may be. This will send a strong, decisive message to drug abusers that their use of drugs will not be tolerated by the American public.
Here's a Glock. Happy hunting.
Prison cells will be made smaller. I would set this to approximately 1/2 of their average current size.
Prisoners kept in their cells 24/7 (i.e. NEVER leaving their cell during incarceration).
Prisoners will only be fed bread and butter.
NO contact with ANY other human being during incarceration.
NO TV, medical care, or entertainment of any sort.
NO sunlight will penetrate a prison cell.
Disobedient or rebellious prisoners can be beaten by the guards as punishment.
ANY inmate that attempts to escape will be executed on site.
Heil Hitler!
I also believe police "brutality" is blown out of proportion and that mild violence towards criminals from the police should be accepted.
Oh yes, it's
so easy to blow out of proportion minor incidents like police beating people to death with nightsticks.
I believe in Singapore-style anti-terrorist legislation. I propose that anyone suspected of being a terrorist ought to be required, if necessary, to serve up to 5 years in prison without formal charges being brought forward. This will help stop the wave of terrorism sweeping America today.
Heil Hitler! Forward the Wermacht!
Alcohol causes stroke, and leads to cirrhosis of the liver and dropsy. It is also a leading cause of automobile accidents and suicides. Tobacco causes lung cancer (cigarettes) and throat cancer (chewing tobacco) and is, along with alcohol, a leading cause of premature death in this nation...
I support a total ban on tattooing. Tattooing is the desecration of one's own body and is indeed harmful. It often causes infections and can result in severe scarring and is very difficult to remove. Therefore, all tattooing ought to be banned as soon as possible.
Oddly enough, no one is putting a gun to anyone's head and forcing them to smoke, drink, or get tattoes!
I support implementing a Federal Anti-Vice Squad (FAVS) that will enforce all the morality laws enacted once fellow moralists are elected to high positions in government. The FAVS will have full search and seizure powers and will be able to, for example, demand a spare key from someone to search homes for pornography or tobacco, etc. The FAVS will also be responsible for enforcing the NDC with patrolling of streets and informants on the streets of America.
The Thought Police are coming! The Thought Police are coming!
I support Project Echelon wholeheartedly, as it has undoubtedly saved the United States from countless terrorist attacks and helps fight the war on drugs. Project Echelon monitors ALL telecommunications data for suspicious activity.
Big Brother is watching you!