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Post by lazerus »

The goa'ould diplomatic ship comes in for a landing, and the representitive, a female human who looks to be in her mid-20's enters the conference room.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:"If we were not in neutral space we would vaporize your ship."

Every weapon of the Semmemon was targeted toward thecargo ship

"Try anything funny and we will... "
"Semmemon, this is the Claymore. We must ask you to stand down; everyone here has diplomatic immunity and you know it. If anyone tries anything, we'll see to it, if you don't mind."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:"Sir, with all the issues with the Goa'Uld, I seemed to have missed somehting. There is a large fleet of unmarked vessels at <insert coordinates here>"

"Hail them lets see who they are"


"Attention unidentified Vessel, this is the Destroyer Semmemon. Please Identify yourselves"
[OOC: Presuming you're talking about my battle group. If not, ignore this.]

"Semmemon, Claymore here. Those are ours; they're here to ensure security, but we didn't think it would be at all politic to have a carrier battle group hovering around the station."
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Post by Bugsby »

Alpha Prime

A small shuttle drops out of hyperspace, bearing the Combine representative at the peace talks. He is not a negotiator or a diplomat, merely a recorder sent to observe the proceedings; the Combine has nothing to say. After receiving the proper clearances, the shuttle approaches the Alpha Prime station and the observer, a tall thin man, shrouded in many layers of dark cloth, emerges. His face is mostly hidden by his cowl.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

InnocentBystander wrote:The ambassador, followed closely by four of his aids descened down the ramp. "Greetings, I am Myaash Uhhlum, Ambassador of the Commonwealth. I have been informed that your planet's leadership of presently off-world and unable to meet with me." he paused. "There are no pressing concerns at the moment, I believe for the time being we will get settled into whaterver accomodations you can provide for us."
"Of course, Ambassador. Follow us, we'll take you to your trasportation and from there to one of the embassies. If you like it as is you may move in permanently; if you'd rather have one constructed to your specifications that can be arranged as well."
InnocentBystander wrote:Alpha Prime

A Baeloaren Patrician class Light Cruiser poured into realspace one light hour from Alpha Prime Station. The ship spent no time sending a message to the station.
<<Requesting Clearance to approach the station and deliver the Baeloaren Diplomat>>
"Clearance granted, send a shuttle at any time."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Thirdfain wrote:Alpha Prime Diplomatic Station

The conference room, at this point largely empty, was graced with the presence of Aleksandra su Jhalar, the Hajr's Voice at the most important diplomatic proceedings. Her bodyguard was far larger than the duo she usually travelled with- a group of ten men and women in light Ouster power-armor suits, decorated with colorful slashes, but clearly functiona. Each one carried a fletcher or a jazzer, and gropener-swords hung from their belts. One even had a razorwhip. They all moved with coordinated grace- they were clearly professional fighters of the highest class. As always, the Ousters were predatory and swift in their movements. It was a display of force, and the guard was certainly far more capable and well armed than was necessary- but the martial implications were clear.

Aleksandra took a seat, waiting quietly for the arrival of the rest of the delegates.
"Welcome, Ambassador," said Minister Godunov, his voice tinged with a light Russian accent. "I trust you had a pleasant journey?" He smiled, but it was in stark contrast to the helmeted Marines at the doors, who became ever more alert at the presence of such a large and well armed guard.
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Post by Captain tycho »

Manifold, Lab Archeron
For weeks, the goa'uld and R'hlloran scientists had worked, discarding dozens of unsuitable specimens, and several more unstable Jaffa. At long last, their perfect specimen stood before them. He looked Jaffa no longer;his eyes replaced by smoldering red photoceptors. He stood a good foot and a half taller than most normal Jaffa, and was about a foot wider. A solid sheath of bronze colored alloy plating called adamnatium protected him from small and even heavy weapon's fire. Underneath the armor was a mind boggling array of sensors, reflex enhancers, energy absorbers, tools, weapon storage pockets and a single naquida laced crystal that provided the energy for everything he wore. He was so strong he could crush hull plating just by closing his fist, and his reaction time easily surpassed that of Elite-class Hk's. He could jump, run, and fight faster than anything alive. Inside his skull, at the center of his brain, was a small and delicate looking computer core that provided his searingly fast response times and regulated his body. His mind was wiped, replaced with a diabolically cunning AI that would make Thauglor look like a simpleton by comparision. And even though the AI was supremely intelligent, he was utterly and completely loyal to his masters. No amount of bribing, torturing, or brain-washing could possibly turn him. He was, in short, as near to perfection as any being could possibly get. The scientists stood in near-awe of their creation. And then, another 100 near-clones of him stepped out of their cryo-cells, marched into a single line, and bowed. In unision, they swore they're allegiance to the Confederacy, and to the Goa'uld.
Last edited by Captain tycho on 2004-05-02 03:43pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

lazerus wrote:The goa'ould diplomatic ship comes in for a landing, and the representitive, a female human who looks to be in her mid-20's enters the conference room.
"Welcome to Alpha Prime. I trust your journey was pleasant," said Ambassador Shelton in the docking bay, betraying no hint of how unpleasantly long the recent hostilities must have made it, though the thought was on his mind.
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Post by lazerus »

Rogue 9 wrote:
lazerus wrote:The goa'ould diplomatic ship comes in for a landing, and the representitive, a female human who looks to be in her mid-20's enters the conference room.
"Welcome to Alpha Prime. I trust your journey was pleasant," said Ambassador Shelton in the docking bay, betraying no hint of how unpleasantly long the recent hostilities must have made it, though the thought was on his mind.
"The expermental engine upgrade we had to install to get here on time headed the cabin to 110 degrees.......but yes, a few days of that is nothing major."
She sat at the table, and someone nearby could see a few scorch marks on the edges of her clothes.
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Post by Dahak »

InnocentBystander wrote:
Dahak wrote:
InnocentBystander wrote: (ooc: right, sorry)
The Baeloaren Ambassador turned to his aids, asking them their opinions.
"Of course, I understand. If we could see her assistant, the Homeworld Senate will be meeting in several hours, they desire a dialogue with a representative from your capital; I am told your ambassadors on Bael will be at the meeting. We will need some time to set-up the communication equipment as well." he looked down at his watch, "five hours, we have five hours before the senate meeting begins."
After some longer time, a large man was emerging into the reception room and approached the delegation.
"I am Björn Nayhus, one of Her Majesty's assistants. What urgent business brings you to us?"
The ambassador smiled, "I am pleased to make your aquantence. You'll have to forgive our rush; our senate is expecting to conduct a dialoug with someone of authority in a few hours; your own diplomats on Bael will be attending. I am sorry for the urgency, but these are my instructions, I would not want to inconvience you, of course. But you see, the Homeworld Senate greatly desires to speak with your," he paused to look at his watch, "leaders. Personally, I don't think they trust me to handle this." he grunted with distadain. "Be that as it may, these are my orders and I shall carry them out."
"I see," he said. "If this is so, you will have to be satisfied with my person. I will handle this."
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Post by Thirdfain »

Alpha Prime Diplomatic Station

Aleksandra bowed slightly in acknowledgement of the minister- a surprising show of respect, coming from an Ouster. "Our journey was pleasant, Minister Godunov. Your hospitality, and the level-headedness of your government, combine to make this an unexpected event which I am glad to be attemding. The Hajr's Speaker was afraid that your... alliance would not be interested in a peaceful resolution when you had used violence so often in the past. I suspect the Arcanist ambassador will be by presently, so that we may begin?"

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by lazerus »

Thirdfain wrote:Alpha Prime Diplomatic Station

Aleksandra bowed slightly in acknowledgement of the minister- a surprising show of respect, coming from an Ouster. "Our journey was pleasant, Minister Godunov. Your hospitality, and the level-headedness of your government, combine to make this an unexpected event which I am glad to be attemding. The Hajr's Speaker was afraid that your... alliance would not be interested in a peaceful resolution when you had used violence so often in the past. I suspect the Arcanist ambassador will be by presently, so that we may begin?"
"That would be good, although I recognize that many powers here were part of the alliance against the Krynor Empire, I hope we can still find a peacefull solution to the as-yet unended war."
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Post by SirNitram »

Skittering into the conference chamber came a half-dozen spider-shaped robots, each half as tall as a man, and their long, spindly legs making them a good deal wider. Their IR sensors glowed a malevolent red, and the small cannons slung under their central chassis on some kind of turret made it clear what their original design was for. The Drones spoke not a word, the metallic skittering of their movement assembling them to stand at ease at one point in the chamber, a single one of their number stepping forward. Through some sort of speaker, it spoke in a decidedly digital voice.

"We represent the Overseer, and bring greetings from Him. This is a diplomatic gathering, affirmative?"
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

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Post by Captain tycho »

Sparta, planetary orbit
A pair of warp-tugships dragged the requested shipyards from orbit, then launched into FTL along a pre-programmed course towards the Goa'uld fleet.
Captain Tycho!
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Thirdfain wrote:Alpha Prime Diplomatic Station

Aleksandra bowed slightly in acknowledgement of the minister- a surprising show of respect, coming from an Ouster. "Our journey was pleasant, Minister Godunov. Your hospitality, and the level-headedness of your government, combine to make this an unexpected event which I am glad to be attemding. The Hajr's Speaker was afraid that your... alliance would not be interested in a peaceful resolution when you had used violence so often in the past. I suspect the Arcanist ambassador will be by presently, so that we may begin?"
"Yes, quite so. Lord Astinius will be here shortly.

"And yes, the alliance... Almost all the nations saw hostility all around when the alliance was formed; first the Covenant of God, then the Jardanians, and who knows what next. We're in it to protect ourselves. Any involvement in a full-scale war over the Arcanist documents would be a massive trajedy and unforeseen consequence of the alliance. We seek to avert that tragedy if at all possible. We wouldn't want the impulsive actions of the Floaters to start a second galactic war."
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Post by lazerus »

Rogue 9 wrote:
Thirdfain wrote:Alpha Prime Diplomatic Station

Aleksandra bowed slightly in acknowledgement of the minister- a surprising show of respect, coming from an Ouster. "Our journey was pleasant, Minister Godunov. Your hospitality, and the level-headedness of your government, combine to make this an unexpected event which I am glad to be attemding. The Hajr's Speaker was afraid that your... alliance would not be interested in a peaceful resolution when you had used violence so often in the past. I suspect the Arcanist ambassador will be by presently, so that we may begin?"
"Yes, quite so. Lord Astinius will be here shortly.

"And yes, the alliance... Almost all the nations saw hostility all around when the alliance was formed; first the Covenant of God, then the Jardanians, and who knows what next. We're in it to protect ourselves. Any involvement in a full-scale war over the Arcanist documents would be a massive trajedy and unforeseen consequence of the alliance. We seek to avert that tragedy if at all possible. We wouldn't want the impulsive actions of the Floaters to start a second galactic war."
The arcane empires obession with protecting their documents has allready started a war. The reason they attacked us was because our spies were getting too close to finding out how their magic worked........for what it's worth, we back the floaters actions completly.
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Post by Bugsby »

The cloaked Krell representative stole quietly into the filling conference room on Alpha Prime. He quietly took a seat near the foot of the table and activated his recording devices, picking up on every conversation in the room.
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Post by lazerus »

The Ja'Del system is a small world far from known space, it's civilization is just approaching the tech level of other major powers although it still resides a fair amount behind them. A highly peacefull people, they have only a defensive millitary. Their culture and society however, is quite advanced.

Their defences were a few orbital stations, some distroyer-equilivent class ships, and ground nuclear-missles. When 3 goa'ould carrier battlegroups entered the system, their commander-and-cheif almost went into denail.

The goa'ould fleet transmitted a picture of a female goa'ould wearning white robes.
People of Ja'Del, I come to you with an offer of peace. We are from an advanced civilization known as the Goa'ould. We wish to take place in a cultural and sciencetific exchange. We offer to share our advanced technology with you, and ask nothing in return but your friendship.

[Within a few days of work by skillfull diplomats]
"So tell me what this 'symbote' is again?" Asked the presedent of Ja'Del's UN equilivent.
"It is a creature my race's genetic engineers created, it bestows it's host with knowledge of all our technology and makes them resistant to nearly all deseases. There are no known side effects."
The goa'ould pressed the injection devince onto the back of the voulteers head.
"Ahh!" He shouted.
"Gods that sting...s............woah. This feels weird......" If there was a cartoon, there would have been a little *poink* above his head.
"I know how all their technology works! This really don't know how to describe it sir.
"We'll need to run some mediacl tests of course..........but I think we've accecpted your offer. On behalf of the people of my word, I thank you."

The Ja'Del medical tech was not advanced enough and didn't have enough experience with aliens to detect that the symbote effected more then the hosts knowledge. When word got out that advanced knowlege that would put you decades ahed of the compotention was available for free, many corporations and nearly all goverments had their workers "updgraded". The goa'ould shared their advanced medical technology with doctors to save lifes, simultantiously giveing themselves good PR and removing most of the people that could thwart them.

It would take a few months to fully be completed, but the world of Ja'Del was now a provice of the Kyrnor Empire.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

lazerus wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:
Thirdfain wrote:Alpha Prime Diplomatic Station

Aleksandra bowed slightly in acknowledgement of the minister- a surprising show of respect, coming from an Ouster. "Our journey was pleasant, Minister Godunov. Your hospitality, and the level-headedness of your government, combine to make this an unexpected event which I am glad to be attemding. The Hajr's Speaker was afraid that your... alliance would not be interested in a peaceful resolution when you had used violence so often in the past. I suspect the Arcanist ambassador will be by presently, so that we may begin?"
"Yes, quite so. Lord Astinius will be here shortly.

"And yes, the alliance... Almost all the nations saw hostility all around when the alliance was formed; first the Covenant of God, then the Jardanians, and who knows what next. We're in it to protect ourselves. Any involvement in a full-scale war over the Arcanist documents would be a massive trajedy and unforeseen consequence of the alliance. We seek to avert that tragedy if at all possible. We wouldn't want the impulsive actions of the Floaters to start a second galactic war."
The arcane empires obession with protecting their documents has allready started a war. The reason they attacked us was because our spies were getting too close to finding out how their magic worked........for what it's worth, we back the floaters actions completly.
"On the contrary, Ambassador, the reason you were attacked was because your armed agents were on Ix'ador and linked to attacks that took place there against Arcanian forces."
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Post by lazerus »

Rogue 9 wrote:
lazerus wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote: "Yes, quite so. Lord Astinius will be here shortly.

"And yes, the alliance... Almost all the nations saw hostility all around when the alliance was formed; first the Covenant of God, then the Jardanians, and who knows what next. We're in it to protect ourselves. Any involvement in a full-scale war over the Arcanist documents would be a massive trajedy and unforeseen consequence of the alliance. We seek to avert that tragedy if at all possible. We wouldn't want the impulsive actions of the Floaters to start a second galactic war."
The arcane empires obession with protecting their documents has allready started a war. The reason they attacked us was because our spies were getting too close to finding out how their magic worked........for what it's worth, we back the floaters actions completly.
"On the contrary, Ambassador, the reason you were attacked was because your armed agents were on Ix'ador and linked to attacks that took place there against Arcanian forces."
"They had nothing to do with the resistance, and our offer to recall our ENTIRE spynetwork in ex-covenaant territory was met with a attempted genocide!"
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Post by InnocentBystander »

Rogue 9 wrote:
InnocentBystander wrote:The ambassador, followed closely by four of his aids descened down the ramp. "Greetings, I am Myaash Uhhlum, Ambassador of the Commonwealth. I have been informed that your planet's leadership of presently off-world and unable to meet with me." he paused. "There are no pressing concerns at the moment, I believe for the time being we will get settled into whaterver accomodations you can provide for us."
"Of course, Ambassador. Follow us, we'll take you to your trasportation and from there to one of the embassies. If you like it as is you may move in permanently; if you'd rather have one constructed to your specifications that can be arranged as well."
"Thank you kindly," he replied, "Whether we would want to construct our own embassy would be determined by the amount of available land, but at least for the time being, that is unnecessary."
InnocentBystander wrote:Alpha Prime

A Baeloaren Patrician class Light Cruiser poured into realspace one light hour from Alpha Prime Station. The ship spent no time sending a message to the station.
<<Requesting Clearance to approach the station and deliver the Baeloaren Diplomat>>
"Clearance granted, send a shuttle at any time."[/quote]
The Patrician engaged its drive and approached the station, releasing the a small shuttle carrying the Baeloaren delegate to the station.

Onboard the Station
The short Baeloaren delegate walked quickly into the main conference room, behind him were two Order Police Officers in their usual grey light combat suits. Compared to everyone else in the room the Baeloaren was a dwarf. Despite his size he approached the table smiling and took his seat.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

lazerus wrote:
Rogue 9 wrote:
lazerus wrote: The arcane empires obession with protecting their documents has allready started a war. The reason they attacked us was because our spies were getting too close to finding out how their magic worked........for what it's worth, we back the floaters actions completly.
"On the contrary, Ambassador, the reason you were attacked was because your armed agents were on Ix'ador and linked to attacks that took place there against Arcanian forces."
"They had nothing to do with the resistance, and our offer to recall our ENTIRE spynetwork in ex-covenaant territory was met with a attempted genocide!"
Godunov remained utterly calm, though he raised an eyebrow at that. "Genocide? We were unaware of any such actions taken, and certainly took no part in any attempt at genocide."
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Rogue 9 wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:"If we were not in neutral space we would vaporize your ship."

Every weapon of the Semmemon was targeted toward thecargo ship

"Try anything funny and we will... "
"Semmemon, this is the Claymore. We must ask you to stand down; everyone here has diplomatic immunity and you know it. If anyone tries anything, we'll see to it, if you don't mind."
"We are deactivating our weapons, but remaining on alert with Eldritch Walls up. We cannot risk the Goa'Uld kidnapping one of our officers again"
"We are merely forces of the Overseer, Arcane One. Fret not at our presense."
Thank you Overseer battlegroup. Though it is... somewhat uncustomary to come so heavily armed to a diplomatic conference"
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

The meeting was taking place during the day, which made things dreadully inconvenient for Duke Peipus. His six orcs exited the diplomatic cutter bearing a sleek casket, drawing some stares on their way to the meeting room. When they finally reached it, the conversation there ceased briefly.

The honor guard set the casket upright on the floor and closed the drapes to any windows in the room, sealing out the daylight. Only then did Claude exit his transportation. He was a powerful vampire lord, but not quite powerful enough to defy the sun. Perhaps in a few decades...

"I apologize for the inconvenience which may be caused by my drawing the shutters, but full consideration for the safety of attending diplomats must be made," he said, taking a seat at the table, and his guards moved to stand unobstrusively along the wall.
"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
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Post by lazerus »

Captain tycho wrote:Sparta, planetary orbit
A pair of warp-tugships dragged the requested shipyards from orbit, then launched into FTL along a pre-programmed course towards the Goa'uld fleet.
On Carmaro and Vivel-4, production of Jaffa Troops and Goa'ould engineers was in full swing.

Spared from the Arcane blitzkreig, they were doing everything they could to aquire raw troops and ores. Using their stargate constantly, they moved all the raw materiel they could to the fleet-in-exile.

At Gamma Site, the shipyards began producing new ships before the engineers had even finished removing the one-shot drives.

[Ships under consturction] (these will take awhile)
5 Battle Carrier
5 Motherships
50 Bomber Wings
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