Thirdfain wrote:Tycho, if you expect these guys to survive being hit with heavy weapons like anti-tank rounds or hellthrowers- well, don't. There's a reason lone supertroopers aren't considered useful today.
These guys can survive being hit by heavy *infantry* weapons, not big tank guns. Plus, I dont expect them to be in heavy combat situations, mostly solo commando ops. I doubt a tank would live long enough to hit them anyways.

On that note, since they will be used almost soley for solo missions, I should outline their weapons loadout, just so there is no confusion.
Wrist Blades: Basically, these are 2 foot long nano-edged blades. They can cut through many types of armor easily, but aren't terribly useful in combat.
Arm Cannon: Big ass version of the automatic disruptor. It has a small area of effect radius, and can take down the most heavily armored troops with a few shots.
Energy Lance: Heavy anti-armor weapon, but with variable power settings, from wide-beam stun up to anti-snubfighter settings.
Naquida Detenators: Small, fist sized explosives packed with naquida. They have a 10 meter explosive radius, but everything there is almost sure to be vaporized.
Sensor Load: Just about any kind of sensors you can think of, IR, EM, gravitic, etc.
Armor Sheathing: The adamantium armor sheathing can diffuse or stop any small-arms fire, up to high explosive rocket fire, and can severely lessen the damage a heavy vehicle weapon causes.
Physical abilities: The Anubite can run at about 80 km/h, and can jump about 30 feet in the air without cybernetic assistance and without a running start. It has milliesecond reaction times, allowing it to evade most weapons fire.