Perhaps you should stop your lies ambassador, the powers here have seen the evidence agaisnt you. Your operatives were attacking our hospitals and infecting our people against their will with so-called symbiotes.The arcane empires obession with protecting their documents has allready started a war. The reason they attacked us was because our spies were getting too close to finding out how their magic worked........for what it's worth, we back the floaters actions completly.
Astinius Materialized on the diplomatic station as usual, fully aware of the current line of conversation.
To be frank Ambassador, spies do not generally commit overt acts of terror and agression agaisnt other nations, or send a fleet of eight battlecruisers to attack merchant vessels, steal p[roperty, and subsequently kidnap and infect the crew."They had nothing to do with the resistance, and our offer to recall our ENTIRE spynetwork in ex-covenaant territory was met with a attempted genocide!"
As to the accusations of genocide... We ahve not wiped out your race yet, we will see what can be done about that at a later date however. We have no problem with the people who are.. implanted, we view them as victims. It is the mind parasites that we have issues with.