"We have no floater population. In fact the U.P has been isolated from the galaxy, unaware of events for over 600 years. Disspora what excaltly is suppose to be? As for the Arcanes, well the CoG were a harsh theocracy with no human rights. It citizens were brainwashed as a matter of course. Isn't a small mind spell to avoid blood shed worth it if it gives them a chance at freedom and a chance to make up their own minds? But I disgress, we're suppose to be all friends here.""The Unbound fill the greatest niche- as your Floaters live in the Void, do we. We inhabit the asteroid belts and Oort clouds, building our clusters at L points or over empty worlds. We filll the blackness of space with our teeming life. It is the duty of the Hajr to pave the way for the Diaspora, to prepare systems for their conversion into habitats. We are the pinnacle of evolution, the self-made lifeform that follows nature's call. Our people live free- they live or die as they please, Bondman Major. As is everyone's right- to choose to die fighting is a far lesser evil than to be mind-raped into empty acceptence."
STGOD 4 Game Thread
Moderator: Thanas
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
Thridfain said:

- Marcao
- The Dominican Jayne
- Posts: 735
- Joined: 2003-01-31 11:21am
- Location: NYC or Millburn, NJ
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Sol System
Grand Ball
Monacoran protocol was flawless and immediately upon disembarking from their shuttle, the Veithan delegation which consisted of three people was treated with the very essence of politeness and hospitality. The Veithan Empire had always seen the Monacoran nation in a good light, primarily due to its careful possession of Earth. It was not surprising that a human power still saw the mother world as significant. The fact that Monacora did not possess a strong navy was a point in favor, since it made the possibility of invasion unlikely. All things considered, Monacora was one of the few nations that Veitha did not consider with some sense of paranoia.
The delegation spent a bit of time enjoying their surroundings until it was time for the ball to begin. They were escorted to their final destination by Monacoran personnel, their uniforms as impeccable as their manners. The delegation was dressed for the occasion, morph-wear having shifted to an elegant variant commonly seen in the Veithan government district. Their jewelry was modest, significant without being pretentious. As they moved within the designated area their heads turned, three pairs of eyes seeking their host. The leader of the small delegation was Magdalena Hyrt, representing the state ministry of the Veithan Empire. At her sides were a man and woman, both members of the Order and functioning as her escorts. If pressed, both were well versed in international politics and could justify their presence thus. The couple was married, and their deep commitment to the other had the unusual effect of amplifying their psychic abilities. Both minds could work as one as much as they could function separately, making them extremely competent in a variety of tasks.
The delegation approached the Monacoran Prince, nodding their heads as one before Magdalena spoke. “In behalf of the Veithan people I greet you. We are honored to participate in this event, and look forward to future exchanges between our people.” After introductions were finalized the Veithan delegation excused itself for the moment, their eyes seeking familiar figures among the crowds and the not so familiar. The Veithans were aware that at times like this, what was not said was almost as important as what was. They had every intention of noticing any trends or exchanges between delegates as they moved through the room.
The exchange between a duo that she was not immediately aware of and the Arcane and Nashtar representatives received her attention. The delegation stopping discretely as they listened to the exchange. Within moments, the duo had been identified as the apparent representatives of the so called “Ousters” by the words of the Arcane and Nashtar delegates. The delegation remained silent as it all proceeded, quietly listening to each side as if considering which possessed the most convincing argument. Public opinion in the Empire had turned against the Arcane Empire as of late, but that could be laid at the footsteps of VNN. The newscasts had not been painting the Arcane actions in a good light.
Of course the question was why should they? When the Arcane Empire had led the coalition against the Covenant of God it had used the excuse of “galactic stability”. Now that the Covenant Fleets were defeated and the nation was not a threat to anyone, the Arcane Empire and its allies appeared more than willing to occupy the defeated nation. It was obvious that annexation would soon follow. It was Arcane Occupation and military expansion that was driving the galaxy deeper and deeper into a downward spiral that would eventually end up as a massive war. Many considered it inevitable. She was not so sure.
When the Outer spokes person spoke the delegation as a whole listened. These ousters were certainly arrogant, but their words had meaning. She made a mental note to bring the Ousters up during the next meeting of the cabinet. Their people needed to pay more attention to these newcomers.
Grand Ball
Monacoran protocol was flawless and immediately upon disembarking from their shuttle, the Veithan delegation which consisted of three people was treated with the very essence of politeness and hospitality. The Veithan Empire had always seen the Monacoran nation in a good light, primarily due to its careful possession of Earth. It was not surprising that a human power still saw the mother world as significant. The fact that Monacora did not possess a strong navy was a point in favor, since it made the possibility of invasion unlikely. All things considered, Monacora was one of the few nations that Veitha did not consider with some sense of paranoia.
The delegation spent a bit of time enjoying their surroundings until it was time for the ball to begin. They were escorted to their final destination by Monacoran personnel, their uniforms as impeccable as their manners. The delegation was dressed for the occasion, morph-wear having shifted to an elegant variant commonly seen in the Veithan government district. Their jewelry was modest, significant without being pretentious. As they moved within the designated area their heads turned, three pairs of eyes seeking their host. The leader of the small delegation was Magdalena Hyrt, representing the state ministry of the Veithan Empire. At her sides were a man and woman, both members of the Order and functioning as her escorts. If pressed, both were well versed in international politics and could justify their presence thus. The couple was married, and their deep commitment to the other had the unusual effect of amplifying their psychic abilities. Both minds could work as one as much as they could function separately, making them extremely competent in a variety of tasks.
The delegation approached the Monacoran Prince, nodding their heads as one before Magdalena spoke. “In behalf of the Veithan people I greet you. We are honored to participate in this event, and look forward to future exchanges between our people.” After introductions were finalized the Veithan delegation excused itself for the moment, their eyes seeking familiar figures among the crowds and the not so familiar. The Veithans were aware that at times like this, what was not said was almost as important as what was. They had every intention of noticing any trends or exchanges between delegates as they moved through the room.
The exchange between a duo that she was not immediately aware of and the Arcane and Nashtar representatives received her attention. The delegation stopping discretely as they listened to the exchange. Within moments, the duo had been identified as the apparent representatives of the so called “Ousters” by the words of the Arcane and Nashtar delegates. The delegation remained silent as it all proceeded, quietly listening to each side as if considering which possessed the most convincing argument. Public opinion in the Empire had turned against the Arcane Empire as of late, but that could be laid at the footsteps of VNN. The newscasts had not been painting the Arcane actions in a good light.
Of course the question was why should they? When the Arcane Empire had led the coalition against the Covenant of God it had used the excuse of “galactic stability”. Now that the Covenant Fleets were defeated and the nation was not a threat to anyone, the Arcane Empire and its allies appeared more than willing to occupy the defeated nation. It was obvious that annexation would soon follow. It was Arcane Occupation and military expansion that was driving the galaxy deeper and deeper into a downward spiral that would eventually end up as a massive war. Many considered it inevitable. She was not so sure.
When the Outer spokes person spoke the delegation as a whole listened. These ousters were certainly arrogant, but their words had meaning. She made a mental note to bring the Ousters up during the next meeting of the cabinet. Their people needed to pay more attention to these newcomers.
- Pablo Sanchez
- Commissar
- Posts: 6998
- Joined: 2002-07-03 05:41pm
- Location: The Wasteland
As the sun had finally gone down completely and he was now later than was strictly fashionable, the Grand Prince of Varna decided it was time to go to the party. He was third in line for the succession to the throne of the Blood King, named Basil. He was known among his people by various epithets, most commonly as "the charming" but also as "the red-handed." He ruled over a vast demesne inhabited by at least 500 million head of cattle, with appropriate ramifications of other subjects. Yet he had been sent to a party to hobnob with fleshlings and diplomats.
He wore the standard black which was commonly associated with the vampire lords, and he was accompanied by the traditional half-dozen orcs. They were dressed rather nicely themselves, though such creatures were poor company in any dress. The party was already in full swing, which Basil regretted not at all. If he had so chosen he could have mocked the sun and gone early, though it would have been most uncomfortable. No, he had taken his time because he despised people.
As he entered the party and sent his honor guard away to stand somewhere unobtrusive, he scanned the party. A mage was dancing gracelessly with some female human who Basil immediately filed away as dangerous. She would bear watching; perhaps it would even be good to pump her for information. Women were dreadfully simple for Basil. Only once in a hundred years did he meet a woman who could resist his hypnotic appeal. This was probably the one for this century.
He went to make polite conversation with other party goers, mainly Monacoran nobles of no consequence. Even those who thought they should have despised him quailed before his charm and found themselves thinking well of him.
<Idiots, all,> Basil thought.
He wore the standard black which was commonly associated with the vampire lords, and he was accompanied by the traditional half-dozen orcs. They were dressed rather nicely themselves, though such creatures were poor company in any dress. The party was already in full swing, which Basil regretted not at all. If he had so chosen he could have mocked the sun and gone early, though it would have been most uncomfortable. No, he had taken his time because he despised people.
As he entered the party and sent his honor guard away to stand somewhere unobtrusive, he scanned the party. A mage was dancing gracelessly with some female human who Basil immediately filed away as dangerous. She would bear watching; perhaps it would even be good to pump her for information. Women were dreadfully simple for Basil. Only once in a hundred years did he meet a woman who could resist his hypnotic appeal. This was probably the one for this century.
He went to make polite conversation with other party goers, mainly Monacoran nobles of no consequence. Even those who thought they should have despised him quailed before his charm and found themselves thinking well of him.
<Idiots, all,> Basil thought.

"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
--The Lord Humungus
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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OOC: The psionicist is actually rather gracefull
Artimus and Karsus both noticed the very powerful vampire almost immediatly. And while they had a non-aggression pact with them, they were still rather dangerous. It would be best to keep their distance and if he projected his thoughts, for Artimus to intercept. He could not risk scanning the undead, but simply picking up bits of emotion and projected high intensity thoughts was not a breach of protocol.
He picked up... contempt, utter contempt for every living thing. And a bit of trepidation about his lovely companion. Perhaps there was more to her than met the eye.
Artimus and Karsus both noticed the very powerful vampire almost immediatly. And while they had a non-aggression pact with them, they were still rather dangerous. It would be best to keep their distance and if he projected his thoughts, for Artimus to intercept. He could not risk scanning the undead, but simply picking up bits of emotion and projected high intensity thoughts was not a breach of protocol.
He picked up... contempt, utter contempt for every living thing. And a bit of trepidation about his lovely companion. Perhaps there was more to her than met the eye.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
-ooc- Nitpick, Pablo- Elanie isn't human. As an Ouster, she certainly stands out (how many human women stand 6 feet tall, have prehensile toes, and could easily crush her dance-partner's throat with her bare hands.
"No. You were as wrong as the Covenanters. Wrongs do not heal wrongs. As for the Diaspora- it is the spread of our great species, our civilization. IT is unplanned, unled- we have no government, beyond the Giudice and what leaders the Clusters choose for themselves. The Hajr makes way for the Diaspora- it is our great duty, the task we willingly accept. I myself have been in the Hajr most of my adult life- My home cluster was home to some of the greatest Hajr shipyards."
Artus looked over his shoulder- he say Elanie dancing with the Arcane beaurocrat. He smiled thinly- she was slowing herself down deliberatly to match the flimsy human's pacing. He silently applauded her diplomacy. if it was ever necessary to have these fools killed, they wouldn't be prepared for her.
"No. You were as wrong as the Covenanters. Wrongs do not heal wrongs. As for the Diaspora- it is the spread of our great species, our civilization. IT is unplanned, unled- we have no government, beyond the Giudice and what leaders the Clusters choose for themselves. The Hajr makes way for the Diaspora- it is our great duty, the task we willingly accept. I myself have been in the Hajr most of my adult life- My home cluster was home to some of the greatest Hajr shipyards."
Artus looked over his shoulder- he say Elanie dancing with the Arcane beaurocrat. He smiled thinly- she was slowing herself down deliberatly to match the flimsy human's pacing. He silently applauded her diplomacy. if it was ever necessary to have these fools killed, they wouldn't be prepared for her.
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2004-05-02 11:54pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fashionably late indeed, the Combine elites finally arrived. They had been delayed by a long check in orbit, as the arrival of the Aegis had caused some unease with the Monacoran patrols, but everything had been worked out.
A guard read off the names, and the four Krell leaders entered. First came Adar Krell himself, dressed simply but commanding a presence that was not explained by his appearance. At his side was Emir al-Shad, head of the Combine Navy. Impeccibly dressed in the style of his homeworld of Echo, with a painstakingly groomed beard and a silver cane. Behind them came Trilla Nor, head of scientific research. A fairly attractive woman, as far as things went, but she had a no-nonsense manner about her that discouraged idle flirtation. Last came Faran Tor, wearing a wrinkled tuxedo and a five o'clock shadow. As his comrades headed to the center of the room to mingle, Tor nodded to the guard standing next to him, then scurried to the open bar.
A guard read off the names, and the four Krell leaders entered. First came Adar Krell himself, dressed simply but commanding a presence that was not explained by his appearance. At his side was Emir al-Shad, head of the Combine Navy. Impeccibly dressed in the style of his homeworld of Echo, with a painstakingly groomed beard and a silver cane. Behind them came Trilla Nor, head of scientific research. A fairly attractive woman, as far as things went, but she had a no-nonsense manner about her that discouraged idle flirtation. Last came Faran Tor, wearing a wrinkled tuxedo and a five o'clock shadow. As his comrades headed to the center of the room to mingle, Tor nodded to the guard standing next to him, then scurried to the open bar.
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
"There we must disagree. The Arcanes are attempting to build a future for them and I am glad to help. Your Diaspora sounds much like... the Huns invasion of Europe. But I'm sure that's just my inbred Mattews Paranoidia. So you were of the Hajr for most of your adult life? That I can understand. There seems to be some commonity of purpose between the Mattews Clan and the Hajr. We exisit to chart the way for our people and guard them on that path.""No. You were as wrong as the Covenanters. Wrongs do not heal wrongs. As for the Diaspora- it is the spread of our great species, our civilization. IT is unplanned, unled- we have no government, beyond the Giudice and what leaders the Clusters choose for themselves. The Hajr makes way for the Diaspora- it is our great duty, the task we willingly accept. I myself have been in the Hajr most of my adult life- My home cluster was home to some of the greatest Hajr shipyards."

- Hotfoot
- Avatar of Confusion
- Posts: 5835
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- Location: Peace River: Badlands, Terra Nova Winter 1936
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Grand Ball
“See there, now look at that, Jon. What’s that fellow there got that I haven’t?”
“A dance partner, it would seem. Why?”
“We should be out there, Jon. Not skulking over here in a corner.”
“I don’t like where this is going, Thomas.”
“Oh, come on, you’ve had your drink, now loosen up some.”
“Need I remind you this could all be used against you in a court of law?”
“Fine, fine. You stay here, I think I’ll help start international relations,” with that said, Thomas handed Jon his drink and began to walk over to the Veithan dignitaries, circling around the other collected parties in the area. He zeroed in on the leader of the delegation, bowed politely, and locked her gaze.
“Pardon me, my Lady, but there seems to be a music in the air, and the sails of dance are being filled with them. Would you care to cast off with me for this short tour?”
Jon paused for a moment, then took a sip from his drink…if this worked…
“See there, now look at that, Jon. What’s that fellow there got that I haven’t?”
“A dance partner, it would seem. Why?”
“We should be out there, Jon. Not skulking over here in a corner.”
“I don’t like where this is going, Thomas.”
“Oh, come on, you’ve had your drink, now loosen up some.”
“Need I remind you this could all be used against you in a court of law?”
“Fine, fine. You stay here, I think I’ll help start international relations,” with that said, Thomas handed Jon his drink and began to walk over to the Veithan dignitaries, circling around the other collected parties in the area. He zeroed in on the leader of the delegation, bowed politely, and locked her gaze.
“Pardon me, my Lady, but there seems to be a music in the air, and the sails of dance are being filled with them. Would you care to cast off with me for this short tour?”
Jon paused for a moment, then took a sip from his drink…if this worked…
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.

The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!

The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
SilCore Wiki! Come take a look!
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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Artimus could feel that Elanie was slowing herself down. Definantly more than meets they eye. Using his psionic abilities he enhanced his own body. Becoming as athletic as the best of ousters. His pace sped up, he became stronger, and his endurance was much much better.Artus looked over his shoulder- he say Elanie dancing with the Arcane beaurocrat. He smiled thinly- she was slowing herself down deliberatly to match the flimsy human's pacing. He silently applauded her diplomacy. if it was ever necessary to have these fools killed, they wouldn't be prepared for her.
"Would this better suit you my lady?"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
"It is a great task. It is a shame the Speaker could not be here- She may have enjoyed meeting you. As for your description of the Diaspora as a hunnic invasion, All I can say is that your Alliance is no Roman Empire, and we are no seething barbarian hordes- But I would say that if a Roman Empire is weak enough to be smashed, then so be it- The fall of the weak is a historical inevitability."
"There we must disagree. The Arcanes are attempting to build a future for them and I am glad to help. Your Diaspora sounds much like... the Huns invasion of Europe. But I'm sure that's just my inbred Mattews Paranoidia. So you were of the Hajr for most of your adult life? That I can understand. There seems to be some commonity of purpose between the Mattews Clan and the Hajr. We exisit to chart the way for our people and guard them on that path."
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
"I'd be willing to meet her. Pick a point in Nuetral Space. The alliance is no empire, it is a group of likeminded free nations determined to remain free and able to protect themselves and their people. I must admit I find your speach on Strong and Weak, somewhat... amusing. House Godfrey used to preach the same thing. We have found that those who place strength over justice... Fall to true strength in the end.""It is a great task. It is a shame the Speaker could not be here- She may have enjoyed meeting you. As for your description of the Diaspora as a hunnic invasion, All I can say is that your Alliance is no Roman Empire, and we are no seething barbarian hordes- But I would say that if a Roman Empire is weak enough to be smashed, then so be it- The fall of the weak is a historical inevitability."

- Rogue 9
- Scrapping TIEs since 1997
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"And yet you criticize us for the use of military force. The contradictions inherent in your position are fascinating."Thirdfain wrote:"It is a great task. It is a shame the Speaker could not be here- She may have enjoyed meeting you. As for your description of the Diaspora as a hunnic invasion, All I can say is that your Alliance is no Roman Empire, and we are no seething barbarian hordes- But I would say that if a Roman Empire is weak enough to be smashed, then so be it- The fall of the weak is a historical inevitability."
"There we must disagree. The Arcanes are attempting to build a future for them and I am glad to help. Your Diaspora sounds much like... the Huns invasion of Europe. But I'm sure that's just my inbred Mattews Paranoidia. So you were of the Hajr for most of your adult life? That I can understand. There seems to be some commonity of purpose between the Mattews Clan and the Hajr. We exisit to chart the way for our people and guard them on that path."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
"No. In fact, I believe I have business to attend to elsewhere.""Would this better suit you my lady?"
Accepting another kiss on the back of her hand, Elanie left the floor, and paced across the room towards the newly arrived Vampire lord. Part of her job tonight, besides providing insurance should the Arcanists try something, was to feel out those powers with which the Hajr had little contact. She found the commanding gentleman speaking with some foppish Monacorans. The flow of the conversation eddied around him- she nearly laughed as she realised how drawn in they were by his manner. What intelligence they had on the Vampires suggested that this man was the sort who played games with human lives, the sort whose hands were red with blood. His playing at being anything but a monster was almost amusing.
"Lord Basil." She said, extending a long-fingered, pale hand. "I am Elanie su Madrighala, Boundwoman of the Hajr. I don't believe I have ever met a blood lord. I suppose, in many respects, you and I are alike."
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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Karsus decided to break the regrowing tension and speak once more
"Oh poor Artimus. He has been in a state of work imposed celibacy for a century. Now I let him out of his cage and the woman he finds attractive is a dignitary from another nation, and probably will have nothing to do with him... I am sorry for unleashing his pent up hormones on Elanie Councilman Artus"
"Oh poor Artimus. He has been in a state of work imposed celibacy for a century. Now I let him out of his cage and the woman he finds attractive is a dignitary from another nation, and probably will have nothing to do with him... I am sorry for unleashing his pent up hormones on Elanie Councilman Artus"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
"You don't understand. Force is, of course, a viable tool. We accept the need to smash the Covenant for their crimes. We do not see the need to launch an occupation of their territory.""And yet you criticize us for the use of military force. The contradictions inherent in your position are fascinating."
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
Artimus was saddened and dismayed.. That was probably the only chance he would ahve for a good long time...
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
The Military Prince strode up to the side of the palace. Picking an otherwise non-descript niche of the Crystal palace, he put his hand on a small jut from the wall.
"My Window overlooks the shore, not too far from the Shwami"
Then a small door opened up seemingly out of nowhere. Slipping in, and closing it behind him, the prince ran along the side wall, moing expertly through the palace. A minute later he entered his dressing room, inside General Fedayn, General Drevail, Marshall Johnson (chief in Command of the Marines,) and Lt. General Niven were waiting for him.
Fedayn looked at him with a smile.
"Little late, huh? If I didn't know better I'd say you didn't want to be here."
"Ahh Shut up. Do me a favor, pass me that shirt."
Pulling off his jacket and tossing it over a chair, he started the same on his shirt.
"Tell me, anything intresting going on down there?"
"No sir, the vamps showed up, though, and the Goa'uld did too, I've got the worms tagged though, no trouble there. This the shirt?"
With a nod the Prince took it, and started to put it on, after a minute he furrowed his brow.
"A little tight, isn't it?"
Niven smilled, he was the one man here who was any good with people outside the military, though he didn't like it. He was somewhat of a celebrity, again against his will, in Moncora for leading one of the most succsesful landing operations in history. "Well, sir, it's supposed to be."
The prince looked at the shirt he was trying to put on, it was a tuxedo shirt and he was the only one in the room required to wear a tux. All the other military men were told to wear uniforms. After mulling this over a minute he ripped off the tux shirt.
"Eh Fuck this. Give me the Uniform shirt."
Niven smilled yet again. "Sir, yes sir. Would you like your shoes polished to sir?"
Cutting him off with a friendly glare the Prince put on the uniform shirt and jacket, after pausing for a minute he began to head out until Fedayn stopped him.
"Tie sir?"
"Nah, toss me that cloak in the closet though. I think I have to wear that for formal occasions."
This time as he was going to leave he stopped again.
"How do I look now?"
The Marshall spoke up this time.
"My Prince, you look so dashing that every woman in the ball-room will be looking to Elope with you and spend the rest of her years tending to your empty palace, while every commander in the room will be so over-awed and shocked that by the time everyone sits down for diner they'll have each surrendered to you personally and have apologized for living."
The Marines were known for their absolute ruthlessness on the ground, and their commander was known for being just like his men.
"Well, you got Drevail to chuckle, such a rare sight I can let you live. Come on..."
Ball Room
After silencing the announcer while he was coming in the Prince looked over the crowd of dignitaries.
"Yes sir?"
"Go mingle." And with a gentle shove the prince set him on his way, then he turned to his other general.
"Oh no sir, please...."
You too."
And with another push he sent the Kelmann along with Niven.
Then gesturing to the Marshall and Fedayn he walked off to enjoy the bar.
"My Window overlooks the shore, not too far from the Shwami"
Then a small door opened up seemingly out of nowhere. Slipping in, and closing it behind him, the prince ran along the side wall, moing expertly through the palace. A minute later he entered his dressing room, inside General Fedayn, General Drevail, Marshall Johnson (chief in Command of the Marines,) and Lt. General Niven were waiting for him.
Fedayn looked at him with a smile.
"Little late, huh? If I didn't know better I'd say you didn't want to be here."
"Ahh Shut up. Do me a favor, pass me that shirt."
Pulling off his jacket and tossing it over a chair, he started the same on his shirt.
"Tell me, anything intresting going on down there?"
"No sir, the vamps showed up, though, and the Goa'uld did too, I've got the worms tagged though, no trouble there. This the shirt?"
With a nod the Prince took it, and started to put it on, after a minute he furrowed his brow.
"A little tight, isn't it?"
Niven smilled, he was the one man here who was any good with people outside the military, though he didn't like it. He was somewhat of a celebrity, again against his will, in Moncora for leading one of the most succsesful landing operations in history. "Well, sir, it's supposed to be."
The prince looked at the shirt he was trying to put on, it was a tuxedo shirt and he was the only one in the room required to wear a tux. All the other military men were told to wear uniforms. After mulling this over a minute he ripped off the tux shirt.
"Eh Fuck this. Give me the Uniform shirt."
Niven smilled yet again. "Sir, yes sir. Would you like your shoes polished to sir?"
Cutting him off with a friendly glare the Prince put on the uniform shirt and jacket, after pausing for a minute he began to head out until Fedayn stopped him.
"Tie sir?"
"Nah, toss me that cloak in the closet though. I think I have to wear that for formal occasions."
This time as he was going to leave he stopped again.
"How do I look now?"
The Marshall spoke up this time.
"My Prince, you look so dashing that every woman in the ball-room will be looking to Elope with you and spend the rest of her years tending to your empty palace, while every commander in the room will be so over-awed and shocked that by the time everyone sits down for diner they'll have each surrendered to you personally and have apologized for living."
The Marines were known for their absolute ruthlessness on the ground, and their commander was known for being just like his men.
"Well, you got Drevail to chuckle, such a rare sight I can let you live. Come on..."
Ball Room
After silencing the announcer while he was coming in the Prince looked over the crowd of dignitaries.
"Yes sir?"
"Go mingle." And with a gentle shove the prince set him on his way, then he turned to his other general.
"Oh no sir, please...."
You too."
And with another push he sent the Kelmann along with Niven.
Then gesturing to the Marshall and Fedayn he walked off to enjoy the bar.
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
- Rogue 9
- Scrapping TIEs since 1997
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"Ah, and here we come back to the fact that you hold three former Covenant worlds on a permanent basis while we only hold part of one until we can set up a native government and leave." He chuckled.Thirdfain wrote:"You don't understand. Force is, of course, a viable tool. We accept the need to smash the Covenant for their crimes. We do not see the need to launch an occupation of their territory.""And yet you criticize us for the use of military force. The contradictions inherent in your position are fascinating."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
- Rogue 9
- Scrapping TIEs since 1997
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President Major laughed aloud at that. "Ah, to be young... Though with your people, I doubt he is very young despite his looks, hmm?"Alyrium Denryle wrote:Karsus decided to break the regrowing tension and speak once more
"Oh poor Artimus. He has been in a state of work imposed celibacy for a century. Now I let him out of his cage and the woman he finds attractive is a dignitary from another nation, and probably will have nothing to do with him... I am sorry for unleashing his pent up hormones on Elanie Councilman Artus"
It's Rogue, not Rouge!
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
HAB | KotL | VRWC/ELC/CDA | TRotR | The Anti-Confederate | Sluggite | Gamer | Blogger | Staff Reporter | Student | Musician
Faran Tor scowled around the room at the hundreds of foreign dignitaries. Tonight, he was told, was a time to be social. A time to build business relations. Whatever. To him, tonight was a time to get very drunk off of the finest alcohol the galaxy had to offer. For free. Life was good.
A man came walking up to the bar. Faran Tor recognized the uniform of Monacora immediately, and took the opportunity to strike up a conversation.
"Hey there. Nice party you guys are throwin here. Come on, let me buy you a drink. What'll you have?" He didn't need to buy anything, the bar was free. But after 5 drinks or so, he had forgotten that and was just trying to get along with the Monacoran newcomer.
A man came walking up to the bar. Faran Tor recognized the uniform of Monacora immediately, and took the opportunity to strike up a conversation.
"Hey there. Nice party you guys are throwin here. Come on, let me buy you a drink. What'll you have?" He didn't need to buy anything, the bar was free. But after 5 drinks or so, he had forgotten that and was just trying to get along with the Monacoran newcomer.
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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"He stopped aging at the age of 21.. 600 years ago. With everything that goes with that, besides mental maturity. The levels of hormones in his blood stream are probably off the charts... I can just imagine how much he... amuses himself late at night. Though, I would probably have a blood vessel burst in my brain if I tried to quantify it"Rogue 9 wrote:President Major laughed aloud at that. "Ah, to be young... Though with your people, I doubt he is very young despite his looks, hmm?"Alyrium Denryle wrote:Karsus decided to break the regrowing tension and speak once more
"Oh poor Artimus. He has been in a state of work imposed celibacy for a century. Now I let him out of his cage and the woman he finds attractive is a dignitary from another nation, and probably will have nothing to do with him... I am sorry for unleashing his pent up hormones on Elanie Councilman Artus"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
"We hold no Covenant worlds, actually. We merely share systems with them, providing a degree of protection while they rebuild. You have heard of what the Jardanians did, no? Not a single Ouster has set foot on a Covenant world.""Ah, and here we come back to the fact that you hold three former Covenant worlds on a permanent basis while we only hold part of one until we can set up a native government and leave." He chuckled.
Meanwhile, Freeman Nobunaga, grinning from ear to ear, strode over to Marshall Johnson. He had aquired a bottle of expensive wine (which he was swigging as if it were cheap soda) and a giggling Monacoran coquette who he had wooed with tales of the battle he had fought with the Arcanists in the Asteroid Belt only weeks ago.
"Hail, there! Peace of the Void be with you, old son! I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks- your boys saved my ass. I'll tell you, when it comes to fighitng in zero-g, you all were almost as good as us! Hell of a peice of action, though- outnumbered, and the Arcanists using every trick in their books."
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
"Ow, I understand the feeling. I have no less than 12 laws dictating who I can sleep and can't sleep with. The Congrass can be prudish at times.""He stopped aging at the age of 21.. 600 years ago. With everything that goes with that, besides mental maturity. The levels of hormones in his blood stream are probably off the charts... I can just imagine how much he... amuses himself late at night. Though, I would probably have a blood vessel burst in my brain if I tried to quantify it"

- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
Artimus heard the laughing, knew it was at his expense, and walked over
"We dint use every trick. We could have unleashed Hellballs"
Artimus heard the laughing, knew it was at his expense, and walked over
"We dint use every trick. We could have unleashed Hellballs"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Subdirector:SD.net Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Artus could not believe his ears. The man who had ordered the brutal occupation of Ix'agal, a veritable killer, talking about the masturbation habits of his second."He stopped aging at the age of 21.. 600 years ago. With everything that goes with that, besides mental maturity. The levels of hormones in his blood stream are probably off the charts... I can just imagine how much he... amuses himself late at night. Though, I would probably have a blood vessel burst in my brain if I tried to quantify it"
This the the man who has the Speaker so worried? This is the leader whose power bloc so threatens the success of the Hajr?
he thought. At least the protector seemed halfway sane- perhaps there was some potential there.