Getting to know you

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Re: Getting to know you

Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

What is your name?
James Greg Hemphil, or just 'Red'

Where do you live?
Detroit, Michigan, USA

How old are you?

What do you do?
Student, wish-i-was-a sci-fi writer

Do you have a family?
Mom (Jamie), Grandma (Pearl), Bro (Alan), Uncle (Major)

What is your favorite color?
sky blue

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
circle, cause i'm already 'round' in shape so it wouldnt be a stretch

Lucky Number?

Which color crayon are you?
blue, i guess

What's the last book you read?
Just re-read David Webber's Empire From the Ashes (specifically Mutineer's Moon)

Do you think bald men are sexy?
uh...hell no


Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
What? Man, that'll get you shot where i come from, listening to classical music, better pop in some 50 Cent!

If you could be anything, what would you be?
in my bed room with Hallie Barry 8)

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
Not really. I like Enterprise.

What are your hobbies?
writing sci-fi and fantasy, reading sci-fi and fantasy, mostly Doc Smith and David Webber, also trying to get my book published.

Favorite food?
whopper, cheese, no ketchup, no mustard, no mayo, and while your at it make that a double and hit me with a side of tenders and a vanilla milkshake, and some onion rings :wink:

Favorite Adult Beverage?
if you mean like beer, then it would be beer and sometimes beer

Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
did what now? they make those?

Do you have a pet?
1 cat, Buddah, whose skiddish as hell

Favorite Movie?
The Empire Strikes Back

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
Freinds... :cry:

Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
hats a toughie...either B5 or SG1, i cant pick

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
UT2004, Doom, and Halo...and Duke Nukem...and Blood...any FPS

Top 3 Quotes?
Anything Bender said on Futureama, i'm almost certain to spit out once or twice
Kanye West Saves.

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Re: Getting to know you

Post by Dorsk 81 »

What is your name?

Where do you live?
Devon, England

How old are you?
Lets see...5 weeks 5 days till I'm 18

What do you do?
I'm on the verge of quiting my job, whiching is cheffing/kitchen assistant. Last weekend was just the last straw.

Do you have a family?
A family? I've had 3!

What is your favorite color?

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?

Lucky Number?

Which color crayon are you?

What's the last book you read?
Just started reading At The Mountains Of Madness. As if I need to tell you who its by.

Do you think bald men are sexy?
Don't be so depends on the face and rest of the body too.


Who's better, Bach or Mozart?

If you could be anything, what would you be?

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
At least he's not Janeway.

What are your hobbies?
Drinking, sleeping, reading, SDN and SWG (which seems to have taken over my life right now).

Favorite food?
Chicken foo young (just chicken) and Phoenix fried rice (no peas, no prawns, no sauce). I love chinese.

Favorite Adult Beverage?
Jacky D or Carlsberg.

Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
Black strong coffee or grapefruit juice.

Do you have a pet?
Vicky who's in the cute pic thread.

Favorite Movie?
FAR too many to choose. Have to say Pirates of the Carribean atm though.

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
Spaced, JAM or ER

Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
Stargate SG-1.

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
Star Wars Galaxies!!!

Top 3 Quotes?
"It's better to burn out than fade away"
"He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy, now go away!"
"The Ewoks make Jar Jar Binks look like fucking Shaft!"
"I would, for instance, fellate a smurf before I pick death." Dylan Moran
"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe." Albert Einstein
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Re: Getting to know you

Post by Dargos »

  • What is your name?
    D. A. Ridgway
  • Where do you live?
    Wuerzburg, Germany, Unterfranken Bayarn
  • How old are you?
  • What do you do?
    Military Contractor
  • Do you have a family?
    Wife, and 2 Sons. Justin, Calvin (soon to be 3 "Jason" in about two or three days)
  • What is your favorite color?
    Midnight blue
  • If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
  • Lucky Number?

  • Which color crayon are you?
    Brick Red
  • What's the last book you read?
    True at First Light by Earnest Hemingway
  • Do you think bald men are sexy?
  • Seriously?
    since I will be myself, soon, oneday, for the rest of my life
  • Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
  • If you could be anything, what would you be?
    A minor Diety(have all the powers but not as much responsibilty)
  • Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
    Never watched Enterprise, but I'll go with the flow and say "kill 'em".
  • What are your hobbies?
    Reading, Photography
  • Favorite food?
  • Favorite Adult Beverage?
    Bier, wine(red)
  • Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
    Coca Cola
  • Do you have a pet?
    1 Cat Arnie(named so because he would Terminate with extreme prejudice feet that stuck out of the blankets when he was a kitten)
  • Favorite Movie?
    Scar Face
  • Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
    Don't watch TV... But I guess I would have to put in my wifes favorite ER
  • Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
    ST the original Series
  • Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
    Americas Army
  • Top 3 Quotes?
    1. "Don't hold in farts, for they travel up the spine and into your brain. Thats where shitty ideas come from."

    2."No matter where you go, there you are."

    3."Commonsense isn't."
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Re: Getting to know you

Post by jenat-lai »

  • What is your name?
    Trent S Hopkinson
  • Where do you live?
    Sydney, Australia. May be Melbourne, Australia soon.
  • How old are you?
  • What do you do?
    Almost-graduated Student of Classical Music (Conservitorium of music) music teacher.
  • Do you have a family?
    One Mum One dad, plus other oddities that all live in New Zealand and I'v never really even met.
  • What is your favorite color?
  • If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
    Eliptic Spheroid
  • Lucky Number?
    0 ... "Zero"
  • Which color crayon are you?
  • What's the last book you read?
    Tom Clancy / executive orders
  • Do you think bald men are sexy?
    I don't think men are sexy. Bald men less so on average.
  • Seriously?
  • Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
    Bach. More complicated. Better trumpet stuff. Less of a panzy. Not a Freemason.
  • If you could be anything, what would you be?
    a space shuttle. Have all the fun and glory, but have 8 months off at a time to get pampered and do nothing.
  • Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
    Never watched Enterprise, (nor much trek at all) but I'll go with the flow and say "kill 'em".
  • What are your hobbies?
    Flying, Flightsim, Aviation.
  • Favorite food?
  • Favorite Adult Beverage?
    I actually don't drink alcohol.. so.. um...
  • Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
  • Do you have a pet?
    1 Cat Sootie because she's black.
  • Favorite Movie?
    Starwars episode somthing
  • Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
    Any documentary about aircraft or space. so National Geographic?
  • Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
    Stargate SG-1!
  • Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
    Flight Sim (with as many addons as possible!)
  • Top 3 Quotes?
    1. "meh."


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Post by McC »

What is your name?
Ryan McClure

Where do you live?
Boston, Mass.

How old are you?
19, 20 in three months.

What do you do?
Student & animation systems manager at NU.

Do you have a family?
My folks and the family related to them...I'm working on family of my own :-p

What is your favorite color?
Forest green.

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
A Calabi-Yau form or something.

Lucky Number?

Which color crayon are you?
Last time I checked, I was a human male, not a crayon.

What's the last book you read?
Halo: First Strike.

Do you think bald men are sexy?
I don't think men are particularly sexy in general.

No, I lied. :roll: Yes, seriously.

Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
I prefer to listen to Bach.

If you could be anything, what would you be?
A Force adept. Yes, I'm serious.

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
I wish Enterprise would just die. Trek used to be cool. :|

What are your hobbies?
Watching sci-fi, reading sci-fi, animation, web design/site building, gaming (Xbox!), RPGs

Favorite food?
A well-prepared steak.

Favorite Adult Beverage?
Bacardi Silver Raz.

Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
Looza Mango Nectar.

Do you have a pet?
My dog, Frosty, who has been my companion for the past 10 years, died just recently. All I have now is my girlfriend's betta that I'm watching for her for the summer.

Favorite Movie?

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
There are non-sci fi TV shows?!

Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
Firefly. Or FarScape. Firefly probably takes it, though.

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
Knights of the Old Republic.

Top 3 Quotes?
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Mohandas Gandhi

"Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle." - Mal
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Post by Mayabird »

What is your name?
Amy Collette

Where do you live?
Currently, the middle of nowhere in Georgia, down the road from where the Boondocks used to be before they tore it down to make it a mini-storage. During the school year, though, Atlanta, GA

How old are you?

What do you do?
I'm a student.

Do you have a family?
I have a mom, a little brother, and a cat who thinks she's human, so yeah.

What is your favorite color?
That light green you see in the very beginning of spring when the leaves first bud out and the goldren spring sunlight is shining through them.

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
Whatever the technical name for a soccer ball shape is. It's the shape of a 60 atom buckyball, I believe.

Lucky Number?

Which color crayon are you?
Either purple, black, or brown, in rememberence of the stupid preschool teacher who could not comprehend that I colored a rotten apple with a worm sticking out of it because I was not going to fight a bunch of bigger kids over the red crayons.

What's the last book you read?
1633 by Eric Flint

Do you think bald men are sexy?
Some of them are. Depends on the guy.


Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
I like Mozart better.

If you could be anything, what would you be?
A supernerdy telekinetic bipedal bird whose wings had degenerated into clawed arms useful as hands and had lots of soft golden feathers.

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
Eh. *shrugs*

What are your hobbies?
Science fiction, science fact, stuff related to the two previous things (and I can related just about everything to those two)

Favorite food?
Well made ramen. Suffice to say I don't get it much.

Favorite Adult Beverage?
This special drink which we band nerds like to call "RAT Poison" though I will not admit to drinking it. :P

Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
Dr. Pepper, which oddly enough goes well with good ramen.

Do you have a pet?
A black cat named Sonnet

Favorite Movie?
Too many to list. I can't pick favorites with them.

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
Family Guy

Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
Erm...get back to me on that

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
Tie between Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI, and Earthbound

Top 3 Quotes?
"The next time you are in an airplane that doesn't crash, just think about the Battle of Thermopylae and how much it helped in its design." -Pat Biltgen

"The only thing wrong with the Baptists is that they don't hold them under the water long enough." -Mark Twain

"Tofu is made from little baby seals." - Strong Bad
DPDarkPrimus is my boyfriend!

SDNW4 Nation: The Refuge And, on Nova Terra, Al-Stan the Totally and Completely Honest and Legitimate Weapons Dealer and Used Starship Salesman slept on a bed made of money, with a blaster under his pillow and his sombrero pulled over his face. This is to say, he slept very well indeed.
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Re: Getting to know you

Post by Slartibartfast »

  • What is your name?
  • Where do you live?
    Apartment 102
  • How old are you?
    Will be 28 on July
  • What do you do?
    Computer stuff.
  • Do you have a family?
    Parents (divorced), one sister, two brothers. One living grandmother.
  • What is your favorite color?
    Blue. Except when it's green, or red (honest!)
  • If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
    Teapot (hey, it's on 3DS Max)
  • Lucky Number?
    Closest thing is 2. Not that I've used it except once. When I was a kid, my dad took us to the races, asked us to choose a horse number and he'd place a bet for each one. I don't remember what I chose, but before he bought the ticket I changed my mind "No, wait! Two!". He said it was bad luck to change numbers. I insisted. He did. I won.
  • Which color crayon are you?
  • What's the last book you read?
    Book 23 of Discworld. Before that it was Book 22. And so on (been reading 'em since December)
  • Do you think bald men are sexy?
    I hope so, because that's my future.
  • Seriously?
    Shut up.
  • Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
    Mozart because he had a cool movie and he was a crazy fuck.
  • If you could be anything, what would you be?
    A steampunk cyborg!
  • Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
    I want T'Pol to die, Engineer Hick to be abandoned in some desert planet forever, and I want to bang Hoshi.
  • What are your hobbies?
    Right now, capoeira. Also other stuff, mostly lazy stuff.
  • Favorite food?
    Marinated fish on yellow pepper sauce.
  • Favorite Adult Beverage?
    Beer. A local (national) brand. You haven't heard of it (you certainly won't now)
  • Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
    Schweppes! (citric + carbonic gas = übergreatness)
  • Do you have a pet?
    I had a dog, but she died. Then I had another dog, but had to give her away when I moved.
  • Favorite Movie?
    Die Hard
  • Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
    The District
  • Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
    Farscape (I'm embarrased, actually took me more than 10 seconds to remember :()
  • Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
    I've played WAY too many to be able to decide.
  • Top 3 Quotes?
    "Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two but can't remember what they are." - Matt Lauer
    "When I die I'm going to leave my body to science fiction." - Steven Wright
    "Descended from the apes? Let us hope that it is not true. But if it is, let us pray that it may not become generally known." - FA Montagu
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Post by Kuja »

What is your name?


Where do you live?

In the suberbs of Buffalo NY.

How old are you?


What do you do?

Student, temporary factory worker, part-time writer.

Do you have a family?

It works.

What is your favorite color?

When it's not white, black.

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?

Not a triangle. Especially not a right triangle. Seriously, after years and years of fucking Pythagorean Theorem in HS and college math, I never want to see another right triangle again as long as I live.

Lucky Number?


Which color crayon are you?


What's the last book you read?

Sun Tzu's The Art of War.

Do you think bald men are sexy?




Who's better, Bach or Mozart?

Of the two, I prefer Mozart. Beethoven is the true master of the syphonic IMO.

If you could be anything, what would you be?

A god. Or a devil. Once you're up to that level, it probably won't matter much to you, since all you're going to be doing is thinking up new ways to make life hell for the average joe.

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??

Not until I'm standing over his blood-soaked body, Nazgul dagger in hand.

What are your hobbies?

Reading/writing Scifi and fantasy. Warhammer 40K. RPGs esp the FF series.

Favorite food?

Denny's Buffalo Strips. If I were starving and told I had to kill someone to get some Buffalo Strips from Denny's, I'd do it.

Favorite Adult Beverage?


Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?

Dr. Pepper.

Do you have a pet?

Not anymore.

Favorite Movie?

Just one? Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door.

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?


Favorite Sci-fi TV show?


Favorite Video game (if you play any)?

Final. Fantasy. IX.

Top 3 Quotes?


"With the bolter, cleanse the unclean.
With the flamer, purify the unholy.
With the chainsword, purge the corrupt.
With the missile, kill the impure.

-Space Marine chant, Warhammer 40K.

"May the Force be with you."

-various people, Star Wars.

“We are in agreement, Lord Vader. Now we will teach them what the full might of the Empire means.” Thrawn promised and turned to Piett. “Commence fire, all batteries. No finesse, no maneuvers, blast them to oblivion.”

-Grand Admiral Thrawn, Starcrossed.
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Re: Getting to know you

Post by Phantasee »

  • What is your name?
    Well....My initials are A.S. That enough?
  • Where do you live?
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. MILLWOODS BITCH!
  • How old are you?
    Will be 16 on the 15th of July. Be cruisin around town by August.
  • What do you do?
    High School, 10th grade.
  • Do you have a family?
    Yeah...Two parents, three grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, One sister, another sister(Deceased)...And many, many cousins. Bet you could name a continent other than Antarctica, I could name a cousin living there. And thats just first cousins.
  • What is your favorite color?
  • If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
  • Lucky Number?
    15, because. Well, more like, favourite number.
  • Which color crayon are you?
  • What's the last book you read?
    I dont remember...I think, Fall of Hyperion. No...Return of the King, before I went to see it. Refresher, of course. :wink:
  • Do you think bald men are sexy?
  • Seriously?
    Seriously, no.
  • Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
  • If you could be anything, what would you be?
    God. And it wouldn't matter if you didn't believe in me...I'd smite you for it.
  • Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
    I want the ship to go BOOM. Permanently. Just for shits and giggles.
  • What are your hobbies?
    The quest for the best lay ever.
  • Favorite food?
    Pizza. I like many kinds.
  • Favorite Adult Beverage?
    I'm only 15... :wink: Seriously, I hate alcohol. It tastes bad.
  • Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
    Various colas. Name brand or otherwise. AND ROOT BEER!
  • Do you have a pet?
    My cousins have a Doberman...named Sparky. Imagine calling him when you had a burglar somewhere in the house...."Here Sparky! Go find the bad man!" And he would just think...Tiny dog... :twisted:
  • Favorite Movie?
    LOTR trilogy, various Governator flicks. And The Fast and the Furious. Sequel sucked, but the original, not so much.
  • Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
    The Simpsons, Futurama. Rocket Robin Hood, that new Spiderman. Anyone know where to find the theme song?
  • Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
    ST: ENT. Yeah, I know it sucks, but it is nice to look at.
  • Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
    Just rented Ture Crime: Streets of LA. That game is AWESOME. I went to LA in March, and I remember passing through Century City to meet some cousins. We went down some road (P-something) and I was cruising down the same road in the game, didnt realize it until I saw a familiar building, then another, and another...That's detail.
  • Top 3 Quotes?
    "Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names" - JFK, who apparently took speed according to Reader's Digest...
    "Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever."
    - Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
    "If you can count your money, you don't have a billion dollars."
    - J. Paul Getty (1892-1976)
    "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
    - Mario Andretti
    "Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, I go to work."
    - Robert Orben
    "Attention to health is life's greatest hindrance."
    - Plato (427-347 B.C.)
    "Plato was a bore."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
    "Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal."
    - Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
    "I'm not going to get into the ring with Tolstoy."
    - Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)
    "Hemingway was a jerk."
    - Harold Robbins
    Sorry for so many...But they are the best...
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Re: Getting to know you

Post by Keevan_Colton »

  • What is your name?
    Kevin Farrell
  • Where do you live?
    Auld Ayr, wham ne'er a town surpasses...for fuckin' neds an' easy lassies.
  • How old are you?
  • What do you do?
    I'm a student at the moment, I'm not sure yet whether I'm going to continue being a student after the summer or do something worthwhile.
  • Do you have a family?
    How would I know?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
    A frinkahedron. ;)
  • Lucky Number?
  • Which color crayon are you?
    I'm the parker pen.
  • What's the last book you read?
    White Wolf by David Gemmel, a great read. Everyone, go read his!
  • Do you think bald men are sexy?
  • Seriously?
  • Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
    I'd say Motzart, though to be honest, I'd rather have something nice from Apocalyptica.
  • If you could be anything, what would you be?
    Immortal and invincible and unstopabble! bwhahahahahahahahah! You will all kneel before me!
  • Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
    Nah, I'm a writer, you cant blame the character for what's stuffed in their mouth.
  • What are your hobbies?
    Reading, writin' an' sword fightin'.
    More the first two these days though.
  • Favorite food?
    Lamb achari with a kashmiri naan.
  • Favorite Adult Beverage?
    Moniak Mead
  • Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
  • Do you have a pet?
  • Favorite Movie?
    Dont make me choose!
    Right at this moment, I'm in a The Lost Boys kind of mood
  • Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
    There are non-sci-fi TV shows?
  • Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
    Stargate SG1
  • Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
    Fallout 2.
  • Top 3 Quotes?
    "Prodesse Non Nocere"
    "Do you think you'll ever stop writing? Sure. One day I'll die."
    "I am an outcast on the path of no return
    Punisher and swordsman
    I was born to burn"
"Prodesse Non Nocere."
"It's all about popularity really, if your invisible friend that tells you to invade places is called Napoleon, you're a loony, if he's called Jesus then you're the president."
"I'd drive more people insane, but I'd have to double back and pick them up first..."
"All it takes for bullshit to thrive is for rational men to do nothing." - Kevin Farrell, B.A. Journalism.
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Post by consequences »

What is your name?
Where do you live?
Baltimore, Maryland
How old are you?
chronologically 22.915, Emotionally 12, Physically 47, in Cynicism 359
What do you do?
Not much, but I sahll soon be rejoining the zombie hordes otherwise known as the retail workforce
Do you have a family?
Sibling, Parents, Grandparents, and step-grandparents

What is your favorite color?

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
A nine hundred kilometer diameter sphere with the power to destroy worlds

Lucky Number?

Which color crayon are you?

What's the last book you read?
The Shiva Option, David Weber and Steve White, or if you mean book that I hadn't read before, Wind Rider's Oath, by David Weber

Do you think bald men are sexy?
I refuse to answer on the grounds that I may incriminate myself(and scare off one of my better friends(or worse, turn him on))


Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
probably Bach, his music just seems to have more soul to it

If you could be anything, what would you be?
Me, but with super-powers

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
No, I wish that Enterprise had been erased from existence before he even had the chance to be born

What are your hobbies?
Reading(often) Anime(often) Video games(sometimes) RPGs and Wargames(often) Snuggling with the GF(every chance I get)

Favorite food?
A Maine Lobster, covered in Steamed Crabs, surrounded by Steamed Shrimp
Or, a pizza with extra cheese, pepperoni, and bacon

Favorite Adult Beverage?
Mike's Hard Lemonade
Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
Cherry Coke, unless its Sunny Delight this minute

Do you have a pet?

Favorite Movie?
Good luck picking one. For the sake of argument, I'm going to say Equilibrium

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?

Favorite Sci-fi TV show?

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?

Top 3 Quotes?
"Is Morons, and Morons is for killing"-Shampoo

"Better dead than Smeg"- Arnold Judas Rimmer

"Revenge is a dish best served cold"-Ancient Klingon proverb
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Post by Zaia »

consequences wrote:Where do you live?
Baltimore, Maryland
Really? I don't think I knew that...huh.
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
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Post by consequences »

Zaia wrote:
consequences wrote:Where do you live?
Baltimore, Maryland
Really? I don't think I knew that...huh.
Well, for a little more than a year recently I didn't. So before February of last year my profile might have said Baltimore, but after that it was North Carolina until late this Feb, evolving to the current uninformative place specified whenever I post. But Baltimore is where I've lived basically my whole life, barring military training, deployment, and one excessively long vacation where we road tripped to California and back over about a month, and assorted other vacations both long and short.
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Post by Zaia »

Ahh, good to know. Means you're basically around the corner from me.
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
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Post by consequences »

Zaia wrote:Ahh, good to know. Means you're basically around the corner from me.
Could be, Baltimore's kind of big. North-East side of the city is as close as I'm willing to pin it down in a public forum.
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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

How many of these spammeriffic buggers do we get a year? Ahh well, it's been a while since the last one.

What is your name?

Where do you live?

How old are you?

What do you do?
Engineer for Boeing.

Do you have a family?
Parents, brother.

What is your favorite color?

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
It's hip to be square.

Lucky Number?

Which color crayon are you?

What's the last book you read?
Currently reading "Star Wars: Survivor's Quest"

Do you think bald men are sexy?

Who's better, Bach or Mozart?

If you could be anything, what would you be?
I'm on track in my evil life plan.

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
End the entire franchise.

What are your hobbies?
Swords, writing, art.

Favorite food?
Most Mediterranean or middle eastern cuisine. Failing that, good old mexican.

Favorite Adult Beverage?
Beer. Or vodka . . . with orange juice.

Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
Some manner of tea, I think.

Do you have a pet?
No. Though I'll eventually get a cat and name him Gino. Then I will say "Thank Gino" rather than the usual "Thank God!"

Favorite Movie?
Star Wars.

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
Mail Call

Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
Current? Or past?

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
Current? Or past? Current would be Jedi Academy. Past would be either TIE Fighter or Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.
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Post by Zaia »

consequences wrote:Could be, Baltimore's kind of big. North-East side of the city is as close as I'm willing to pin it down in a public forum.
I meant that you were in my general area (as in I'm often at Hopkins and one of my jobs is in Highlandtown), not that you were literally around the corner from me.
"On the infrequent occasions when I have been called upon in a formal place to play the bongo drums, the introducer never seems to find it necessary to mention that I also do theoretical physics." -Richard Feynman
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Post by consequences »

Zaia wrote:
consequences wrote:Could be, Baltimore's kind of big. North-East side of the city is as close as I'm willing to pin it down in a public forum.
I meant that you were in my general area (as in I'm often at Hopkins and one of my jobs is in Highlandtown), not that you were literally around the corner from me.
Yeah, I know.(now anyway, he thinks to himself, cursing his stupidity) Crap, I've got the volume on my mind turned up too high again. :oops:
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Post by Sarevok »

What is your name?

Imdadul Hoque.

Where do you live?


How old are you?


What do you do?


Do you have a family?

One sister and two parents.

What is your favorite color?

Sky blue.

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?


Lucky Number?


Which color crayon are you?


What's the last book you read?

Windows 2000 Programming fromt the ground up

Do you think bald men are sexy?



Of course.

Who's better, Bach or Mozart?


If you could be anything, what would you be?

Immortal being.

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??

I dont hate Enterprise that much. I think Archar is ok.

What are your hobbies?

Cricket, swimming, tennis, listening to music, reading etc.

Favorite food?

French fries.

Favorite Adult Beverage?

My religon prohibits drinking alcohol.

Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?

Coca cola.

Do you have a pet?


Favorite Movie?

Return of the Jedi.

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?


Favorite Sci-fi TV show?

Star Trek : The Next Generation.

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?

Mechwarrio 2 : 31st century combat.

Top 3 Quotes?

Cant think of any at the moment.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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Re: Getting to know you

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

[*]What is your name?
John L.

[*]Where do you live?

[*]How old are you?
Just turned 15 this march

[*]What do you do?

[*]Do you have a family?
Parents, sister. Extended family, father's side is filled with degenerates!

[*]What is your favorite color?
Black, red, cobalt blue

[*]If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
A tetragon

[*]Lucky Number?

[*]Which color crayon are you?

[*]What's the last book you read?
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
The Testament (by John Grisham) though I'm still reading it

[*]Do you think bald men are sexy?
I don't find other men sexy. But Stone Cold rocks. Bald also depends on the face and body.


[*]Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
Who the fuck is Bach?

[*]If you could be anything, what would you be?

[*]Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
Well, I wish lots of people would die. Who the heck is Archer? Meh, he can die.

[*]What are your hobbies?
Foruming, reading, writing, gaming, eating, sleeping, watching wrestling, drawing (though I'm not too good).

[*]Favorite food?

[*]Favorite Adult Beverage?
Red wine with 7up or Sprite.

[*]Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
Coke, Iced Tea

[*]Do you have a pet?
Three turtles without names.

[*]Favorite Movie?

[*]Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
The Simpsons

[*]Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
Futurama, Duck Dodgers, Justice League

[*]Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

[*]Top Quote?
Eat shit and die
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Re: Getting to know you

Post by Rye »

Shroom Man 777 wrote: [*]Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
Who the fuck is Bach?
Did Toccata and Fuge in D Minor. Download it, you'll recognise it. :D Trust me. He also did "air on the g string" <snigger>,
EBC|Fucking Metal|Artist|Androgynous Sexfiend|Gozer Kvltist|
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Re: Getting to know you

Post by His Divine Shadow »

  • What is your name?
    Dennis Christopher Aspö
  • Where do you live?
    Korsnäs, Finland, Europe
  • How old are you?
    22 years old and eleventy months(or something).
  • What do you do?
    I work with computers, web design, sysadmin, a little bit of everything at this small company.
  • Do you have a family?
    Siblings and parents, stuff like that
  • What is your favorite color?
  • If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
    Pyramid, or whatever they are called.
  • Lucky Number?
    13? I dunno...
  • Which color crayon are you?
  • What's the last book you read?
    Footfall, reading HTTHG again now as well.
  • Do you think bald men are sexy?
  • Seriously?
  • Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
  • If you could be anything, what would you be?
    God, or a god
  • Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
    Don't watch ENT, can't comment
  • What are your hobbies?
    Dunno, stuff, girls.
  • Favorite food?
  • Favorite Adult Beverage?
  • Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
  • Do you have a pet?
    Three cats
  • Favorite Movie?
    Don't have one, can't decide
  • Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
    Sg-1 I guess, again no real show really raises above the others, there are several I like.
  • Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
    Again I can't truthfully answer with any single one show.
  • Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
  • Top 3 Quotes?
    Ain't got none.
Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who did not.
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

What is your name?
Paul Ayris

Where do you live?
OSU, Corvallis, Oregon / Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK / Cramlington, Northumberland, UK

How old are you?
20 - and feeling rather ancient.

What do you do?
As little as possible, dissolve things with acids and as little as possible. Or a student, whichever you prefer.

Do you have a family?
Yes, thanks.

What is your favorite color?

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
Circle - the whole infinite corners thing appeals to me.

Lucky Number?

Which color crayon are you?
I have a dream, that one day, down in the art box, all the little red crayons and blue crayons will draw together and be judged not on the colour of their wax, but on the brand name of their manufacter. And I have a dream that the oppressed colours of vert, leaf and lime will be able to stand proud and say 'green at last, green at last!'

What's the last book you read?
Some paper on Ocean Anoxia and Ocean Plateau Volcanism in the Late Barremian period.

Do you think bald men are sexy?
Hold me back...

Is he?

Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
Mozart will win you more points at scrabble, but then you cant use names, but I think Mozart will have an advantage in a knife fight for no discernible reason, so I say Bach. :P

If you could be anything, what would you be?
Happy is good.

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
No, because it would just turn out to be another pissing time travel episode and the big red reset button would once again menace the world.

What are your hobbies?

Nothing specific, just general hanging around, relaxing with friends.

Favorite food?

No idea, if it's edible and tastes good, that's enough for me.

Favorite Adult Beverage?
I dunno, Cinqo de Mayo resulted in lots of drinking of margerhitas, which were rather nice, but it depends what I'm in the mood for. Rum maybe.

Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
Sobe or J20

Do you have a pet?


Favorite Movie?
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly or The (Original) Italian Job.

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
No idea, havent watched much TV in the past 6 months.

Favorite Sci-fi TV show?

Futurama or DS9

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
Rise of Nations / Vanilla Homeworld

Top 3 Quotes?
'Niiiwhommmm' (niiwhommm shhhh...)
"...a fountain of mirth, issuing forth from the penis of a cupid..." ~ Dalton / Winner of the 'Frank Hipper Most Horrific Drag EVAR' award - 2004 / The artist formerly known as The_Lumberjack.

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Post by CDiehl »

What is your name?
Christopher Diehl

Where do you live?
Deptford, NJ.

How old are you?
28, 9+ months.

What do you do?
I live at home, and help care for my grandmother.

Do you have a family?
Yes, but the one I was born into rather than the one I made.

What is your favorite color?
A medium, slightly grayish blue.

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?
Two hemispheres with the round ends touching.

Lucky Number?

Which color crayon are you?
Pale caucasoid fleshtone.

What's the last book you read?
The Three Musketeers, by Dumas.

Do you think bald men are sexy?
Not really, but I'm not the one to ask.

Straight and male, so I'm really not the one to ask.

Who's better, Bach or Mozart?

If you could be anything, what would you be?
My LARP character, if he didn't have my hangups.

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
Couldn't care less.

What are your hobbies?
LARPing, watching my DVD's, flicking pennies at my toy soldiers.

Favorite food?
Seafood Salad on a Kaiser Roll, Macaroni and cheese with tuna and salsa

Favorite Adult Beverage?
Don't really drink booze.

Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
Iced Tea, Root Beer, Vanilla Coke, OJ and Mountain Dew in a cup.

Do you have a pet?
Until last week, yes.

Favorite Movie?
Lord of the Rings, Excalibur

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
Family Guy, Chappelle's Show

Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
Babylon 5

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?
Might and Magic VI

Top 3 Quotes?

"Humility is our Meal,
Truth is our Breath,
Honor is our Drink,
Courage is our Weapon,
Justice is our Shield.
Freedom is the True Path to Salvation."
The Code and Motto of the Order of the Preservers of the Chalice

"We pray that all will see the honor with which we fought, the truth for which we stood and the humility with which we accept our victory, which was won not for us but for them. We pray that having fought and won here will bring the land and the people further down the true path, for freedom, salvation and the return of the Five are greater than victory."
Prayer to the Chalice for after winning a battle

"We pray that all will see the courage with which we fought, the justice for which we stood and the humility with which we accept our defeat, which was a loss not to them but to us. We pray that having fought and lost here will bring the land and the people further down the true path, for freedom, salvation and the return of the Five are greater than defeat."
Prayer to the Chalice for after losing a battle
For the glory of Gondor, I sack this here concession stand!
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The Yosemite Bear
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

What is your name?
Colin Brian Witz

Where do you live?
Yosemite, National Park, CA with family in Humbolt, Oakland, and Stockton.

How old are you?
What do you do?
I bartend, cook, and cashier, used to be a firefighter, and a dispatch operator.

Do you have a family?
mom, stepdad; dad stepmom; stepbrother I have known since I was two, Halfsister, evil stepbrother, etc.

What is your favorite color?

If you could be any geometric shape, what would it be?

Lucky Number?
9 or Pi

Which color crayon are you?
who uses crayon?

What's the last book you read?
Re-Read: In the Name of the Rose

Do you think bald men are sexy?
I don't think I am sexy


Who's better, Bach or Mozart?
Rachmoninoff (did I mention I am a non conformest)

If you could be anything, what would you be?
A Cheshire Cat

Do you wish Captain Archer would just DIE??
hmm, what, haven't watched the show since broken bow (of course since it's now on against the last last few angel episodes and smallville you can guess which I tape)

What are your hobbies?
fixing my uncooperative electronics, cooking, hiking, sleeeeep,,,

Favorite food?
crockpot cooked, boness chicken breast with vegies, and paprika/other things.

Favorite Adult Beverage?
can't drink any more, but when I could it was Rum+coffee or coke

Favorite Non-Adult Beverage?
espresso mexico

Do you have a pet?
not allowed too

Favorite Movie?
despite being a Kurosawa fanboy, it's actually "The Third Man"

Favorite Non-Sci-fi TV show?
cenemax after dark....

Favorite Sci-fi TV show?
Stargate SG1

Favorite Video game (if you play any)?

Top 3 Quotes?
Breakfast well, for tonight we dine together in Hell- Leonidas of Sparta

Our friend caffine, or why Johnny Can't blink-Me

Knowledge is power, power currupts, knowledge currupts- don't know where I heard it first from

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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