Jonsan wrote:Homosexuality is wrong because it goes directly against anything God intended.
Your imaginary God can go fuck himself, then.
I realize that you don't believe this, but that is my answer to that. Oh and I have proof--wait, nevermind, it's from the Bible.
And the Bible isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
If you indeed knew what the Bible talked about you would find that:
1. I am most certainly not narrow-minded. Since I have chosen to state my thoughts on this site, it is obvious that I am not some narrow-minded fool or else I would have given up after the first response to my first posting.
Wrong. Anyone who argues that something must be true simply because the Bible says so is definitely narrow-minded. And stupid/irrational to boot. You probably don't even realize that "appeal to authority" is a logical fallacy.
Jonsan wrote:Homosexuality is wrong because it goes directly against anything God intended.
Actually, if you want to be anal about it, your god 'intended' us all to be uneducated (read: totally dependant on god to make our moral decisions for us) and blindly obediant, if I recall Genesis and the tree of knowledge correctly.
I keep my cats the same way that God kept humans in Genesis: I want them to live, breed, and be happy and well fed and content and know that I love them, but I do NOT want them to have knowledge, because they would empty my fridge and probably rack up a huge long distance phone bill. And frankly, if God can't keep his pets in line, it's His fault.
Note: I'm semi-retired from the board, so if you need something, please be patient.
Jonsan wrote:Homosexuality is wrong because it goes directly against anything God intended.
Actually, if you want to be anal about it, your god 'intended' us all to be uneducated (read: totally dependant on god to make our moral decisions for us) and blindly obediant, if I recall Genesis and the tree of knowledge correctly.
I keep my cats the same way that God kept humans in Genesis: I want them to live, breed, and be happy and well fed and content and know that I love them, but I do NOT want them to have knowledge, because they would empty my fridge and probably rack up a huge long distance phone bill. And frankly, if God can't keep his pets in line, it's His fault.
THAT is some of the funniest shit I have EVER read.
Jonsan wrote:Homosexuality is wrong because it goes directly against anything God intended.
Actually, if you want to be anal about it, your god 'intended' us all to be uneducated (read: totally dependant on god to make our moral decisions for us) and blindly obediant, if I recall Genesis and the tree of knowledge correctly.
I keep my cats the same way that God kept humans in Genesis: I want them to live, breed, and be happy and well fed and content and know that I love them, but I do NOT want them to have knowledge, because they would empty my fridge and probably rack up a huge long distance phone bill. And frankly, if God can't keep his pets in line, it's His fault.
THAT is some of the funniest shit I have EVER read.
I have to agree it's funny, even though I may have leanings toward christianity...
Who the hell is anyone to say what is right or wrong. Gay ppl can do what they want. Where is it proven that all gay people are peadophiles? My philosophy is that if you not harming anyone then do what u want. I don't understand same sex attraction, but thats up to the individual to decide.
Furthern more i resent being likened to gods pet cat, i'm more of a gerbil.
Antediluvian wrote:And for the record, we should all be glad that they are some people out there who are having sex and not reproducing, as the world is too crowded already.
Last edited by Zaia on 2002-10-23 12:11pm, edited 1 time in total.
Not me, the anti-porn guy is far more insane, ignorant, and babbling than our new fundie.
I mean, Jesus Q. Christ, it's like they took a few of Spanky The Dolphin's cells and grew a 100% pure evil clone, and then gave him a website. :Mrgreen:
(No offense, bro, but you can be a real right-wing prick somedays, but not even a fraction of what this poor clod is, fortunately. Now if only they'd make a pure good and non-lazy clone of ya, I'd have someone to illustrate my online comic. )
Darth Wong wrote:"Some people" are bigots. They read significance into homosexuality beyond that which exists. They place moral value on sexual orientation without a shred of explanation why, other than the same idiotic hasty generalizations and "nature's intent" fallacies employed by racists.
Okay, that is fair about "some people." Others believe that homosexuality is wrong for another reason which is hardly that it is "nature's intent." I don't believe that the Bible is full of "idiotic hasty generalizations...employed by racists." RACISTS????!!!! I was under the impression that racists were people who discriminated against people of other races.
Wrong. You simply substitute "God's intent" for "nature's intent". Not only do you repeat the same fallacy, but you also add extra unobservable terms to it (your invisible sky god).
As for racism, you are obviously too fucking stupid to read. I accused you of using the same justifications used by racists, not actually being a racist (although you may be that too; we haven't touched on that subject yet).
And finally, you are completely wrong when you say that the Bible is not full of "idiotic hasty generalizations ... employed by racists." The Bible is incredibly racist, and it generalizes all members of other religions as "wicked".
Frankly, I don't know how people like you generate enough power with your feeble collection of withered brain cells to keep your heads at body temperature.
"It's not evil for God to do it. Or for someone to do it at God's command."- Jonathan Boyd on baby-killing
"you guys are fascinated with the use of those "rules of logic" to the extent that you don't really want to discussus anything."- GC
"I do not believe Russian Roulette is a stupid act" - Embracer of Darkness
"Viagra commercials appear to save lives" - tharkûn on US health care.
Darth Wong wrote:Frankly, I don't know how people like you generate enough power with your feeble collection of withered brain cells to keep your heads at body temperature.
I'd imagine it's pretty warm jammed up his own ass.
Darth Wong wrote:Wrong. Anyone who argues that something must be true simply because the Bible says so is definitely narrow-minded.
When I talk about narrow-mindedness, I think of someone who is not willing to learn about someone else's beliefs/culture-NOT what my own opinions are. I don't care if you don't like what I say but cursing my name about it isn't going to change my opinion.
Kelly Antilles wrote:And isn't a "fag" a cigarette anyway?
It's also short for fagotte, for all music majors out there (especially the bassoon players)
Yes, it's "short" for fagotte, the predecessor to the bassoon, but that is not what the instrument is called. I don't "shorten" musical instrument names.
Why does everyone distort what I say? I never said that the bassoon was actually called a fagotte, but I figured that a bassoon player would figure that out. As for your last comment, I never said that I know everything. Why are you so angry?
EmperorMing wrote:I have to agree it's funny, even though I may have leanings toward christianity...
Do you ever discuss your "leanings" on this site? I hope for your sake that you don't, because no one here will respect them or at least respect you enough to tell you without bashing you personally. I have found that out and I haven't even posted for 24 hours yet. Good luck man.
Wicked Pilot wrote:Shit! I missed it. Who here thinks Jonsan is the anti-Porn guy?
Oh spare me. I'm not even pimply. Besides, if you have ever talked to me, you'll know that I'm not nearly as radical as he is. I definitely don't agree with many of the things he says. You should ask me sometime-if you didn't miss this posting.
Jonsan wrote:
Do you ever discuss your "leanings" on this site? I hope for your sake that you don't, because no one here will respect them or at least respect you enough to tell you without bashing you personally. I have found that out and I haven't even posted for 24 hours yet. Good luck man.
Wrong, you idiot. There are many christians in this site.
Believing in God doesn't have to mean believing in the small tyrannical criationism at schools god you seem to condone and believe in.
People who take the Bible literally are bashed for their stupidity.
Fascists and racists are torn apart for their bigotry
Darth Utsanomiko wrote:Not me, the anti-porn guy is far more insane, ignorant, and babbling than our new fundie.
I mean, Jesus Q. Christ, it's like they took a few of Spanky The Dolphin's cells and grew a 100% pure evil clone, and then gave him a website. :Mrgreen:
(No offense, bro, but you can be a real right-wing prick somedays, but not even a fraction of what this poor clod is, fortunately. Now if only they'd make a pure good and non-lazy clone of ya, I'd have someone to illustrate my online comic. )
Unfortunately I can't draw. However I thank you for saying that I am not as insane, ignorant, or babbling. Not that anyone cares.
Wicked Pilot wrote:Shit! I missed it. Who here thinks Jonsan is the anti-Porn guy?
Oh spare me. I'm not even pimply. Besides, if you have ever talked to me, you'll know that I'm not nearly as radical as he is. I definitely don't agree with many of the things he says. You should ask me sometime-if you didn't miss this posting.
I believe in God although I'm not necessarily a Christian.
That said, you're an embarrassment. You have a brain try for once to use it.
Jonsan wrote:
Oh spare me. I'm not even pimply. Besides, if you have ever talked to me, you'll know that I'm not nearly as radical as he is. I definitely don't agree with many of the things he says. You should ask me sometime-if you didn't miss this posting.
Then why did you appear in a thread ridiculing that fascist son of a donkey and its sister and started with the "homosexuality is eeeviiill" bullshit?
Admite it. You have warm feelings for his positions.
Darth Wong wrote:As for racism, you are obviously too fucking stupid to read. I accused you of using the same justifications used by racists, not actually being a racist (although you may be that too; we haven't touched on that subject yet).
I can read quite well. In fact, I never said anything about you accusing me of being a racist. Don't then go to say that I said you accused me of being a racist. For the record, I'm not a racist. There I believe we just touched on that subject.
Jonsan wrote:
I can read quite well. In fact, I never said anything about you accusing me of being a racist. Don't then go to say that I said you accused me of being a racist. For the record, I'm not a racist. There I believe we just touched on that subject.
Good for you. The guy you're defending is a fucking shithead racist and should be shot thirty times in the head, just in case he finds a stupid enough women and succeeds in breeding