The Anti-Porn Guy

SLAM: debunk creationism, pseudoscience, and superstitions. Discuss logic and morality.

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Post by Frank Hipper »

NecronLord wrote:
I propose prison reform. This will be as follows:

Prison cells will be made smaller. I would set this to approximately 1/2 of their average current size.
Prisoners kept in their cells 24/7 (i.e. NEVER leaving their cell during incarceration).
Prisoners will only be fed bread and butter.
NO contact with ANY other human being during incarceration.
NO TV, medical care, or entertainment of any sort.
NO sunlight will penetrate a prison cell.
Disobedient or rebellious prisoners can be beaten by the guards as punishment.
ANY inmate that attempts to escape will be executed on site.
This guy should be a warden on an imperial prison ship...

I enjoy politics. I hope to run for local office in the near future. If I am successful, I will likely run for higher office later on down the road. I will fight as a moralist. I will try to institute the above goals of mine to restore the traditional Judeo-Christian values that our Puritan forefathers founded the United States upon at Plymouth Rock.
Burn the witch!! :roll:
Wonder if there could be a doctor found to graft punky McNamara`s asshole to his mouth so he can feed himself his own shit. I don`t have to mention little ne`er-git-laid`s lack of knowledge in the history department, do I?
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Post by Ignorant_Boy »

Wonder if he's related in Secretary Robert S. McNemara...
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Post by Mr. B »

I just read that site and I now know how stupid people really are. I would pay LOTS of money to see him raped up the ass with a ten meter cattle prod.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Zaia wrote:ok. i need to say that jonsan and i have talked (in person) about our opinions dealing with religion, abortion, homosexuality, etc. (which differ greatly), yet still manage to have respect for one another and remain friends. we went step by step through mr. anti-porn's website and all the parts that especially made my stomach cringe did so to him as well. with other topics (abortion specifically--as i am a woman and he is not, i find it difficult to listen to anyone with a penis tell me what i can and cannot do with my body), the gap between us was more severe and an agreement to just disagree was in order. however, he was at all times pleasant and is a joy to discuss such things with.

as this is only my fourth post and have been reading discussion forums on this site for many months due to another friend's involvement, i don't want you all to think that i am a fundie (for i am most certainly NOT); nor do i want you to think that i am telling you that the way you are dealing with jonsan is wrong. i simply am sharing the information i have.
Somebody IP check the asshole. I'm wondering what would turn up.
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Post by EmperorMing »

Jonsan wrote:
EmperorMing wrote:I have to agree it's funny, even though I may have leanings toward christianity... :P
Do you ever discuss your "leanings" on this site? I hope for your sake that you don't, because no one here will respect them or at least respect you enough to tell you without bashing you personally. I have found that out and I haven't even posted for 24 hours yet. Good luck man.
I'm not the only one who has mentioned his or her leanings here. I just find some christians to be as bad as some other groups, ie, a little over the edge, so to speak.

I already realise that this site has amny people who consider themselves athiests or wiccans or whatever, and that is there choice. There are otheres here who consider themselves christians too. Once again, their choice.

It's the people who have really whacked out ideas that get pummeled here, weather they be fundy, athiest or whatever...

And even some opposing viewpoints... :wink:

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Post by Coyote »

Okay, Jonsan, I'll be civil. Check my posts, I tend to bite only when tread upon.

That said, I have to say that I am one of the people on the board who believe in God but take the Bible with a huge grain of salt because it is entirely allegory. It was written at a time when metaphorical stories about the world were what a Bronze Age tribe could comprehend. So the Literal Bible camp holds no water with me and people who cling to it usually end up looking kinda foolish.

The Bible has also been used by cruel leaders to back up corrupt power structures. It has been used to rationalize and justify genocides, purges, inquisitions and other atrocities. I feel that much of the book is questionable and is most likely tampered with to bend religion to support these evil acts in the eyes of the populace.

I tire of people who use God to hide behind as they make bigoted attacks on others. This Anti-Porn hoser who says he wants to run for office on a platform of intolerance claims to be furthering the "Judeo-Christian ethic" and that sickens me. I also find it insulting. He's not speaking for me or my friends but his banner-waving garbage attracts attention and people get the idea that any believer is a rabid bigot.

So please, by all means, share with me why you find some of this fellow's rants acceptable?
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Post by EmperorMing »

Colonel Olrik wrote:
Jonsan wrote: Do you ever discuss your "leanings" on this site? I hope for your sake that you don't, because no one here will respect them or at least respect you enough to tell you without bashing you personally. I have found that out and I haven't even posted for 24 hours yet. Good luck man.
Wrong, you idiot. There are many christians in this site.

Believing in God doesn't have to mean believing in the small tyrannical criationism at schools god you seem to condone and believe in.

People who take the Bible literally are bashed for their stupidity.

Fascists and racists are torn apart for their bigotry

People who believe in God are not
Ooops. Missed your post... :wink:

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Post by EmperorMing »

Darth Wong wrote:......

Oh, and BTW, the "you hate all Christians" thing is a pathetic excuse to continue evading the point. Christians, Muslims, atheists, whatever ... it doesn't matter who you are, you aren't allowed to be a bigot or throw logic to the winds around here. Not unless you don't mind being insulted for the shit-for-brains moron that you are. You made ONE point: appealing to authority. That point was effortlessly shot down in flames. Now, we're just flaming you for the hell of it, because it's blatantly obvious that you have no other point to make.
We just seem to get more Christians here than others... :wink:

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Post by XPViking »

Twice now people have asked Jonsan to outline his beliefs. Will Jonsan answer the challenge?

If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might if they screamed all the time for no good reason.
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Post by haas mark »

XPViking wrote:Twice now people have asked Jonsan to outline his beliefs. Will Jonsan answer the challenge?

If he hasn't by now, what's the point of even asking? But then again, as they say, three's a charm! (Or will I go to hell because I believe in luck and not predetermined fate which was made by God?) | lunar sun |

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Post by EmperorMing »

verilon wrote:
XPViking wrote:Twice now people have asked Jonsan to outline his beliefs. Will Jonsan answer the challenge?

If he hasn't by now, what's the point of even asking? But then again, as they say, three's a charm! (Or will I go to hell because I believe in luck and not predetermined fate which was made by God?)
You're not gonna go to hell...Just tossed into the sun and recycled... :P

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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Which is like Hell, but not.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Just checked out his links page
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Post by Stravo »

I know I'm late in the game but I just checked his site and the first thought that came to mind as I saw his pics was a simple one: Here is a guy that must NEED[/b] and USE PORN VERY VERY VERY MUCH.
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Post by haas mark »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Just checked out his links page
*Shakes with rage*

Ummm...honestly, who is phelps? and he should die? we've already established that... | lunar sun |

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Post by Lord_Xerxes »

Let's just hope that The Sniper will get him.

Him and DarkStar.

Infact, we should find a way to foward The Sniper a list of people that need to be offed immediately.
"And as I promised, I said I would read from the bible..." "...And if we could turn our bible to Pslams..."Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." (Pslams 137:9) So let me ask you a question? Who is the worst influence, God or Marilyn Manson?" "God!" "And if that's not the best fucking example, God HIMSELF killed his own MOTHER FUCKING SON!"-Marilyn Manson

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Post by haas mark »

Lord_Xerxes wrote:Let's just hope that The Sniper will get him.

Him and DarkStar.

Infact, we should find a way to foward The Sniper a list of people that need to be offed immediately. to find a way to get his/her address....ANd don't foget all our little trolls! (Azeron, Arminius, Sith God, EF, WCOTC...) | lunar sun |

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Post by Wicked Pilot »

verilon wrote:Ummm...honestly, who is phelps?
He's the asshole who pickets the Funerals of homosexuals.
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Post by EmperorMing »

Wicked Pilot wrote:
verilon wrote:Ummm...honestly, who is phelps?
He's the asshole who pickets the Funerals of homosexuals.
WTF?!?! Asshole is an understatement... :twisted:

Get a life!

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Post by Frank Hipper »

Phelps`catchphrase is "God Hates Fags". He`s a looney from Kansas City who has SERIOUS issues with homosexuality. He also picketed the route of rescue vehicles post Sept. 11 on the premise that America`s tolerance brought on the attack. Haven`t got links , but his websites are "God hates Fags" and "God hates America".
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Post by haas mark »

Frank Hipper wrote:Phelps`catchphrase is "God Hates Fags". He`s a looney from Kansas City who has SERIOUS issues with homosexuality. He also picketed the route of rescue vehicles post Sept. 11 on the premise that America`s tolerance brought on the attack. Haven`t got links , but his websites are "God hates Fags" and "God hates America".
GODDAMN!!! Whoa.....I never thought anyone could be so...intolerable! Is he a racist fundie, as well? | lunar sun |

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Go here
Beware it is the most wretched hive of intolerant evil imaginable. He has a "Mathew Shepard has been in hell" day counter.
Last edited by Alyrium Denryle on 2002-10-24 07:48pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Raoul Duke, Jr. »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Go here
Beware it is the most wretched hive of intolerant evil imaginable. He has a "Mather Shepard has been in hell" day counter.
Now who is Mather Shephard? And let's hope he doesn't revlink us...
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:He has a "Mather Shepard has been in hell" day counter.
He is definately one load his mother should have swallowed.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Mathew SHepard. I had a small typo. he was a gay University ot Wyoming student that was picked up in a bar by two gay bashers. they tied him to a fence and beat him to death. he died in the hospital a week after he was found in a coma.
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