The characters are very, very loosely based on board members. So they're not going to match board counterparts exactly. In fact, the only people who will probably be exactly like their board counterparts are the people we don't like.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:1. Spanky would have preference to the PPK. Big guns are for men with inferiority complexes, and since I personally suck at FPSs so horribly, I don't play them, and detest CS.
2. Now my major series of complaints will shift to insisting that Spanky be correctly portrayed as a girl, and that he should be killed if you don't.
And Spanky is a boy. A very confused young boy, but male nonetheless.

If we're feeling kinky one day, your character will come to that realization.InnerBrat wrote:I would complain that I'm not straight, but bi, and that I think I should be having hot lesbian sex with Marina.