FTaSDH - Current Ep - 1x05 - To Russia, With Love

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Post by Durandal »

Spanky The Dolphin wrote:1. Spanky would have preference to the PPK. Big guns are for men with inferiority complexes, and since I personally suck at FPSs so horribly, I don't play them, and detest CS.

2. Now my major series of complaints will shift to insisting that Spanky be correctly portrayed as a girl, and that he should be killed if you don't. :P
The characters are very, very loosely based on board members. So they're not going to match board counterparts exactly. In fact, the only people who will probably be exactly like their board counterparts are the people we don't like.

And Spanky is a boy. A very confused young boy, but male nonetheless. ;)
InnerBrat wrote:I would complain that I'm not straight, but bi, and that I think I should be having hot lesbian sex with Marina.
If we're feeling kinky one day, your character will come to that realization. ;)
Damien Sorresso

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Post by J »

Durandal wrote:Ditz? No. You were what we big-time writers refer to as a "fuck bunny." :)
Well, I suppose I can live with that as long as aerius is the only one fucking me....
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Post by fgalkin »

Keeping up the pattern of whining, complaining, and giving suggestions about the characters, I must say that

1)The logical progression of alcoholic drinks is from vodka to aftershave to 100% alcohol. :D

2) After drinking, Russia's second-favorite activity is complaining about the government. Russian government, US government, the government of Zimbabwe, it doesn't matter. As long as there is a government to bash, we will be happy.

3) All Russians in America are either KGB agents or mafia agents (or both). Galkine here hasn't yet realized that the USSR is gone, though (or so it seems to me. :twisted: )

Have a very nice day.
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Post by muse »

fgalkin wrote:1)The logical progression of alcoholic drinks is from vodka to aftershave to 100% alcohol. :D

Have a very nice day.
Don't forget methanol! Eventually they run out of ethanal alcohol to drink and end up helping themselves to the can of methanol in the woodshed. Of course there's some slight complications which result from this... :D
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I like Celine Dion myself. Her ballads alone....they make me go all teary-eyed and shit.
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Post by The Kernel »

muse wrote: Don't forget methanol! Eventually they run out of ethanal alcohol to drink and end up helping themselves to the can of methanol in the woodshed. Of course there's some slight complications which result from this... :D
Methanol will kill you long before it gets you drunk. If you want to get intoxicated, Methanol is not the way.
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Post by muse »

The Kernel wrote:Methanol will kill you long before it gets you drunk. If you want to get intoxicated, Methanol is not the way.
Like I said, slight complications, which include blindness & death among other things. :D
ø¤ º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
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I like Celine Dion myself. Her ballads alone....they make me go all teary-eyed and shit.
- Havok
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Post by Mark S »

Very well done. I'm always interested to see who else will pop up and how.
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Post by Andrew J. »

You two have very nice piece of writing here. Can I be in it?
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

The Kernel wrote:

Yes you are, but you better start putting out by next episode or I'm going to take a crack at Marina's sexuality. :mrgreen:
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Durandal wrote:
"The incident is extremely unfortunate. That does not, however, preclude normal animal control measures. Animals that become too used to humans are a grave danger. Especially a tiger such as the one in this situation, probably frightened out of its mind by the events of the past several months and enjoying only sub-standard care," Kast said. That drew about ten counter-arguments simultaneously. Mr. Degan quieted down the rabble and let everyone who wanted to speak do so one at a time.

Stuart Mackey, head editor for the school paper "The Sunnyvale West Headline News," was up first. "A wild animal in a zoo, particularly endangered ones are not normally put down after a attack on a human because they are too rare to just do away with," he said. "And on that note a wild animal in a zoo is managed by trained, professional keepers, not drunk idiot soldiers with firearms; there is a difference. That tiger acted on instinct, exactly as it should. The soldiers acted out of drunken stupidity." Kast didn't give Mr. Degan the chance to let someone else speak, and Mr. Degan loved hearing Kast's arguments anyway.

Yeah baby! The Baghdad Tiger thread, such fond memories. And you even remembered my *profession* :D
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Post by Durandal »

The Kernel wrote:Yes you are, but you better start putting out by next episode or I'm going to take a crack at Marina's sexuality. :mrgreen:
Marina is off-limits, except to ... well you'll find out next episode. :D
Damien Sorresso

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Post by InnerBrat »

Durandal wrote:Marina is off-limits, except to ... well you'll find out next episode. :D
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Post by Ace Pace »

Durandal wrote:
Marina is off-limits, except to ... well you'll find out next episode. :D
And when is that? :P
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Post by Joe »

Durandal wrote:
The Kernel wrote:Yes you are, but you better start putting out by next episode or I'm going to take a crack at Marina's sexuality. :mrgreen:
Marina is off-limits, except to ... well you'll find out next episode. :D
It's not my joke, is it? The one I told Red? You GOTTA have someone say that to Marina at some point.

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Post by Durandal »

I remember Red telling me about it a while ago. We expanded on it.
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Post by Joe »

Durandal wrote:I remember Red telling me about it a while ago. We expanded on it.

*cackles evilly*

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Post by Mitth`raw`nuruodo »

This is very good you guys. There's some spelling and grammatical errors, but they're no big deal. I like how everyone turned out-- I can compare many of them to people in my school.

My one complaint would be that Foo didn't seem right. But she isn't her, she's a fictional character sharing the name, so I have no complaints. Great work guys!

*eagerly awaits next chapter*
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Post by Dalton »

We need a chapter where we see what the teachers do in their off time.
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Post by Durandal »

I've been thinking about that, but we've still got plenty to work with with Our Student Heroes, first.
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Dalton wrote:We need a chapter where we see what the teachers do in their off time.
Now that's going to be hairy scary Hehehe
Damm it I love this fic.


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Post by Durandal »

Ah, the El Tee gives his coveted 10/10 review. :D
Damien Sorresso

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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Durandal wrote:Ah, the El Tee gives his coveted 10/10 review. :D

HELL YES! :twisted:
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Dalton wrote:We need a chapter where we see what the teachers do in their off time.
My portrayal was sparse, but I behaved in a suitably arbitrary manner. I think it would be nice to do a chapter on the night that Stravo first goes to the book-club. You can follow teachers and students in sequence, then shoot back to the principal in the most pathetic club ever. Maybe just three members, and one of them should be Spanky :D And my character can get sloppy drunk and cry on Stravo's shoulder afterwards.

"I've got a fucking Ph.D. and I haven't had a steady relationship since my sophomore year of college. Bitches! They said I was too focussed on becoming an educator. What kind of bullshit is that? Education is the future! What do we have without education?"
"Uh, I don't know sir."
"Nothing! Haven't you been reading the goddam book? That's what Chapter 55 is all about!"

That would make my week. :)
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Post by The Wookiee »

His portrayal of you was way off, though. You need to be a Latin casanova, not some anal-retentive Superintendent Chalmers clone :)
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

A latin casanova in public radio :)
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