STGOD 4 OOC Thread

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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

lazerus wrote:If it DID come to a tie, who would you vote for?
I won't say. It's an anonymous poll in any case.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

It seems I forgot to post forces in Arcane space. I basically pulled 5th Fleet from Alpha Centauri; I hadn't ever posted their withdrawal from the area.

2 Venture class carriers
3 Claymore class battleships
6 Carnegie class cruisers
4 Merovingian class carriers
3 Warhammer class cruisers
16 Starlight class destroyers
20 Dawn Raider class frigates
16 Sun Striker class carriers
14 Nova class destroyers
10 Solar Flare class destroyers
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Post by Thirdfain »

It appears all the players are assembled at the Temesvar conference...

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Post by InnocentBystander »

On the lazerus issue, I happen to think that while banning is the easiest solution, rehabilition is better. I would suggest imposing major restraints on lazerus's abilities. In fact, I would suggest someone other than lazerus write his oob. Perhaps a large corporation or colonial power. I'd be more than happy to keep laz in the game under these conditions. In fact, I'd be more than willing to write an oob or 2 for him. This power would have virtually no consequence in the grand scheme of things and would have very little ability to grow without significant assistance from major powers. No magic, no psychics, no effective intel agency. Basically a power with no ability to make war, but with just enough defences to inflict noticeable casualties on a major power, you may start the game by becoming a protected nation under one of the other powers. Also, they must be regular humans. How does that sound?
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Post by Thirdfain »

Welcome to the STGOD, Speaker to Trolls. It's good to have another unpleasant power on board :twisted:

I see you've read the STGOD at least in part, which bodes well.

Have fun, and remember that Sanchez is the moderator and his word is law.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Helloooooo Soviet Union! Hehehehehehe. [Yoda] Doomed to failure, it is. Yeeeesss. [/Yoda]
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Post by speaker-to-trolls »

Thanks everyone.
I've actually been following the STGOD from the start, though I've probably missed some stuff.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

So you know. If you're thinking about taking Ix'agal, note that both the United Protectorates (Frigidmagi) and the Nashtar Republic (me) have extensive ground forces on the planet, along with smaller fleet elements. I'm going to have some heavy ships coming back shortly. Touch it and you die, something that your scanners should pick up on fairly quickly. Particularly when I have a carrier battle group back in system.
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Post by Thirdfain »

I doubt he's gonna make his opening move a unilateral strike against one of the game's power blocs :P

That sort of thing is, as much as our experience so far might teach otherwise, the exception rather than the rule for newbies.

Asides, I will need those worlds later, so please don't ruin them with nuclear fallout or anything :twisted:

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Post by Thirdfain »

Oh, BTW, Rogue9- Is the adjective Nashtari, Nashtarian, or Nashtar?

"Command, Nashtari Carrier Group incoming!"

"Command, Nashtar Carrier Group incoming!"

"Command, Nashtarian Carrier Group incoming!"

which is correct?

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Nashtar is all I've used so far. Nashtari sounds good. Nashtaran just looks wrong when you spell it, so lets say Nashtari.
Asides, I will need those worlds later, so please don't ruin them with nuclear fallout or anything
Did I, or did I not call this about as soon as the Covenant war ended? :P

And why do you and Montcalm have the same avatar?
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Post by Thirdfain »

Did I, or did I not call this about as soon as the Covenant war ended?
Well, you won't KNOW I have them- tho my complication with the resistance may soon become more obvious. Wait and see.
And why do you and Montcalm have the same avatar?
Richard Biggs died yesterday. As members of the SDnet Rangers, we are comemorating him in our avatars and sigs. He was a member of the B5 cast, an excellent actor, and a part of my childhood. Poor guy died in his mid 40s...

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Post by Rogue 9 »

If you control the planet in such a way that nobody knows you control it, then its not doing you any good. :P I seriously doubt that no one would get suspicious if Covenant facilities suddenly started servicing Hajr warships out of the goodness of their hearts. :wink:
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Post by Thirdfain »

If you control the planet in such a way that nobody knows you control it, then its not doing you any good. I seriously doubt that no one would get suspicious if Covenant facilities suddenly started servicing Hajr warships out of the goodness of their hearts.
-shrug- Wait and see, it's actually pretty simple.

Besides, I doubt I'll be influencing any covenant worlds anytime soon, unless you start making major overseas deployments...

-edit- overseas? WTF?

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Post by Rogue 9 »

You mean like the ones required to take out a major Overseer base? >_<

And its reeeeaaaaallllllyyyyyyy interesting how everybody else got the information from my patrol before my own fleet command. :P Sort of like how the information about the alliance got out before the closed and secret diplomatic meeting arranging the terms was even over.
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Post by Thirdfain »

-shrug- It's assumed that such information is learned after the fact. Consider that Darksider was launching probes at about the same time the Arcanist defeat- I think it's safe to say a week or more has gone by, giving you plenty of time to get the information and respond, while and before the Temesvar meeting.

Time is fluid in the STGOD. If you intended on keeping the information secret, I will edit my post, but I doubt you will.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

*Shakes head in wonder at how a history of being a small, arguably terrorist, and definitely criminal element on a world can later suddenly turn into the sole rights to rule that world. Much less three worlds.* :roll: Ravenloft, I can see. But Toril and Oerth? Vampires were a hunted outlaw element driven out by mages, paladins, clerics, fighters, and anyone else who wasn't interested in having their blood drained, not the former rulers unilaterally ousted by mages seeking usurpation. I don't care how you look at it; the vampire claims on Toril and Oerth approach zero, possibly less if you allow the fact that the exile is due to terrorism and wanton assault to factor into the equation.

And the idea of the right of conquest kind of went out with Hitler in human culture... :P
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Post by Rogue 9 »

No, its not staying secret. Not by any stretch of the imagination. (But this does raise the question of how we were so certain of the amount of time the Machine embassy went unhindered in Arcanist space if time really is that fluid...)
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Post by Hotfoot »

Rogue 9 wrote:No, its not staying secret. Not by any stretch of the imagination. (But this does raise the question of how we were so certain of the amount of time the Machine embassy went unhindered in Arcanist space if time really is that fluid...)
Wow, you mean a few hours game time in a few posts is equivilant to over a month of game time through pages of the STGOD?

Just drop it already and move on.

The probes should technically be reporting to Monacora first, so they can organize a reponse. Remember what we talked about earlier, concerning coordination against the machines?
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Oh... Right. Transmitting to Monacora as well... :oops:
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Post by Thirdfain »

And the idea of the right of conquest kind of went out with Hitler in human culture...
Its been a long, bloody millenium, and frankly, Right of Conquest has never really disappeared. -shrug- If you really want to contest the Vampire's claims, why don't you say something? OR, more effectively, do something?

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Post by Thirdfain »

Finally! Thank you, Darksider, you just gave me a little faith in this STGOD. Oh, and it's spelled "Jormungandr"- Jor Mun Gandr.

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Post by Darksider »

Well I can't just let you go around thinking you're the only one who can play the black ops game, now can I?
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Rogue 9 wrote:Vampires were a hunted outlaw element driven out by mages, paladins, clerics, fighters, and anyone else who wasn't interested in having their blood drained, not the former rulers unilaterally ousted by mages seeking usurpation.
That's your view of it. Naturally we must call into account the fact that this was not at all the case and is contradicted by several primary sources:

1) My people's version. They were actually there at the time and remember it all very well.
2) IC comments by Alyrium in a diplomatic PM. He referred to the genocide against and expulsion of the Vampires as a tragic misunderstanding. We were actually members of a secret defensive alliance until the replacement of Ysevelod by Casimir, because Ysevelod was more passive and inclined to cooperate than Casimir.
3) Legal documentation. Like it or not, my people owned certain territories on these planets, and they were illegally siezed by the mages. And I have the patents of nobility, deeds, and letters to prove it.
I don't care how you look at it; the vampire claims on Toril and Oerth approach zero, possibly less if you allow the fact that the exile is due to terrorism and wanton assault to factor into the equation.
Terrorism and wanton assault? I like how you're defining my methods by the cheesy values of 1950's horror movies. The wealthy and well-bred vampires that eventually founded my nation did not go hunting random innocent people in other kingdoms. Rather, they owned their own kingdoms and minor fiefdoms and did as they pleased with their subjects--their right under feudal law.

If you want to challenge my legal right to these systems, feel free to file suit on behalf of the Atlanteans. In any court of law you'll lose.
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Post by Thirdfain »

No dice, old bean- if you bothered paying attention to my posts, you'd know that standard equipment for Ouster soldiers is full-body light powerarmor. You in trouble...

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