STGOD 4 OOB Thread
Moderator: Thanas
- speaker-to-trolls
- Jedi Master
- Posts: 1182
- Joined: 2003-11-18 05:46pm
- Location: All Hail Britannia!
The sovereign confederacy of Itsil.
History: After the nuclear fires of the fourth world war had devastated the planet formerly known as Tresinta, a new power arose among the atomic-age fiefdoms which were replacing the old nations. The war had been fought between two political philosophies, the rabid theocracy of the northern burning archipelago, and the ridiculous ‘democratic’ system of the equatorial alliance.
This new system was one where the people would all work together to better themselves, the selfish ideals of the old philosophies long forgotten, though, of course, a number of wise individuals would have to ‘guide’ the progress of civilisation. The new system was called Itsilism, in honour of its founder, Itsil black-hair.
Within a few bloody decades, Itsilism had spread across the world, ruled from the capital of Itsilarr (formerly Unistice), now with war done with, the people of Tresinta turned to more scientific endeavours. A century later the people of Itsil (the planet had been renamed by the cabinet) had colonised their own solar system and was heading outward rapidly. In the first system outside their own that they reached they encountered a small colony of Floaters, a short lived war broke out (short lived because, after seeing the Floaters technology the government was quick to make an exception to its xenophobic policies.). The Itsil government, after long negotiations, procured much advanced technology from them (including FTL travel, bypassing several hundred years research in the process), the floaters, in return, were to be left alone by the confederacy, and offered assistance in times of war.
This same treatment was not given to the renaissance-era humans of the planet Montezuma (the only other planet encountered by the confederacy to hold intelligent life), they were enslaved, and to this day lead an even lower standard of life than most of the populace.
Biology: The ‘Itsilians’ are known to themselves as the Jekin. They are a small, rodent-like species, standing some twenty inches tall. They have long legs and relatively short arms, meaning that they walk upright, they are warm-blooded, covered in fur which varies in colour from bright yellow to dark grey, each Jekin has a system of black stripes and spots on its back and stomach which is unique to that individual. A Jekins head is larger than that of a human in relation to its body size. Their heads are adorned with large rectangular ears, and their elongated faces seem almost to be fixed in a permanent smile. Their hands are large (in proportion to their bodies) and have six long, dexterous digits (five fingers, one thumb). Jekin have poorer colour vision than humans (though they do have colour vision), but they have significantly better senses of smell and hearing. Jekin can move extremely quickly, have a semi-prehensile tale which gives them good balance, and have sharp teeth at the front of their mouths, if they do ever find themselves in a fight they will try to use these few advantages for all they are worth (if it is with a human they’ll try to bite them through the wrist or jugular if they can get at them). With modern medicine and cybernetics Jekin can live for up to one hundred and ten years, though those that do are often more machine than biological being, and completely insane. The natural lifespan is only about sixty years at best, and most do not even manage that. Jekin can eat practically anything, though they prefer vegetable and insect matter to read meat as a rule.
Government system: The government of the Itsil confederacy is a single party dictatorship. In theory it is made up of wise citizens who are there to guide the actions of the people, in effect it controls the actions of the people with an iron fist. The government is self-elected, the cabinet chooses its first minister from among its own ranks, new officials are usually chosen from among the military or simply the children of other officials. There is no money within the confederacy, though they are prepared to use it when dealing with other powers, so all that the average citizen has is portioned out by the state. In theory everybody receives an equal amount, in reality those involved in the government and the military receive far more than those involved in other jobs (with the exception of some areas of scientific research), what the average Itsilian gets is pitifully little.
Culture: The original cultures of Itsil have been almost completely erased by the confederacy. The culture of the confederacy values hard work and unflinching loyalty, for this reason robotics is not particularly advanced in the confederacy. In the confederacy rebellion is seen as the greatest of crimes, and citizens are brought up believing they cannot survive without the confederacies protection, and the liberal use of death-squads ensures that rebellions are few and far between. Itsil culture focuses on the well being of the state rather than of the individual, to this end it actually a law that Itsil citizens must wear clothes to cover their distinguishing marks in public, this law does not apply to politicians, or high ranking members of the military.
Religion: The confederacy is mainly atheistic, though the government is revered almost religiously and in some places Itsil is worshipped as a god. The only other religion is the one which was the most widespread on the capital world at the time of Itsils birth, that of star-worship. The basic doctrine of which is that the stars themselves are a kind of gods, and should be worshipped as such for the ‘gifts’ they bestow upon civilisation in the form of light and heat. There is also a sect of this religion which worships the ‘core star’, meaning the force which initiated the big bang (which is believed to be sentient by this sect).
Military: The military is greatly revered, and a great deal of resources is lavished upon it (diverted away from the health service, and other things like that), so it has been possible for the confederate military to be entirely mechanised.
A Jekins small size puts it at a severe disadvantage in ground combat, they have developed power armour roughly on par with most other powers (but on a smaller scale), but the Confederate grunts are still at a significant disadvantage against those of other powers. They have also developed vehicles called Tersinin, a Tersinin is piloted by a single Jekin, it stands about six foot tall and is armed with twin light laser cannons (in terms of looks, think War of the Worlds Fighting machine downsized and with four legs). These machines are piloted only by highly skilled individuals, and are valuablr to the military. They also employ tanks, these are about the size of a conventional tank, but move on six sturdy legs instead of tracks. They also employ short ranged atmospheric fighter craft in invasions (larger, long ranged craft are held in planetary hangers on the confederacies colonies), these are armed with a heavy machinegun slung under the nose, and only have wingspans of about six foot, so they can be launched from specialized mini-hangers in the dropships (confederate dropships are larger than those of most other powers, hence less can be held in the carriers). Space/atmospheric capable bombers support cohorts on the ground by bombing the enemy, the confederacy makes heavy use of these.
The Jekin units are supported by human auxiliaries from Montezuma, they are armed with machineguns and wear no armour at all and are basically cannon fodder.
The confederate army is divided into cohorts (I’ll say the same size as everyone else’s companies).
The Confederacy has little experience in ground combat, and what they did have was against enemies significantly less advanced than themselves, they prefer to destroy their enemies from orbit.
The Navy:
7 Itsils Dream class dreadnoughts. 2km long, armament, 15 railguns, 30 heavy anti-ship lasers, 40 long range missile launchers (relatively light missiles, but great against populated ground areas), 5 anti-ship torpedo launchers, 5 heavy railguns, 500 PDL’s. Carries three squadrons (twelve ships to a squadron) of space superiority fighters, and one of space/atmospheric bombers, can carry up to 4 dropships.
12 Governors Wrath class battleships. 1.6km long, armament, 10 heavy anti-ship lasers, 20 medium anti-ship lasers, 10 railguns, 4 heavy railguns, 30 long range missile launchers and 200 PDL’s. Carries one squadron of fighters and one of bombers, can carry two dropships.
13 Light bringer class fleet carriers. 1.3km long, Armament, 4 railguns, 5 medium anti-ship lasers 50 PDL’s. Twenty four squadrons of space superiority fighters, ten squadrons of space/atmospheric bombers, up to twelve dropships.
30 Dispeller of rebellion class cruisers. 800 Metres long, armament, 2 anti-ship torpedo launchers, 10 medium anti-ship lasers, 8 railguns, 50 PDL’s. One squadron of space superiority fighters.
100 Removal of Dissidence class missile destroyers. 600 metres long, Armament, 5 medium anti-ship lasers, 100 long range missile launchers, 30 PDL’s.
150 Enforcer class destroyers. 400 metres long. Armament, 5 medium anti-ship lasers, 5 railguns, 30 PDL’s.
300 Obedience class fast destroyers. 200 metres long. Armament, 5 medium anti-ship lasers, 2 railguns, 10 PDL’s.
Confederate fleets are fragmented into squadrons, each of which acts independently of the main fleet, when it is needed, the fleet can be called together. Most systems are patrolled by a few squadrons, the home system is protected at all times by 90% of the first fleet.
1st fleet.
4 Dreadnoughts.
5 Battleships.
5 Carriers.
15 Cruisers.
40 Missile Destroyers.
50 Destroyers.
110 Fast Destroyers.
2nd fleet.
1 Dreadnought.
3 Battleships.
4 Carriers.
10 Cruisers.
35 missile Destroyers.
40 Destroyers.
70 Fast Destroyers.
3rd fleet.
2 Dreadnoughts.
4 Battleships.
4 Carriers.
5 cruisers.
25 Missile destroyers.
60 Destroyers.
120 Fast Destroyers.
Holdings: Itsil, capital system. Planetary shield over the planet Itsil. Population, 100 billion. Planetary based and orbital based missile launchers.
Helit: Second system, major industrial centre. Planetary shield over planet Helit. Orbital based railguns and planetary based missiles, not as powerful as Itsil. Population, 84 billion.
Montezuma: Source of human slaves/auxiliaries. Planetary shield over planet Montezuma. Planetary based missiles. Population, 70 billion.
Retik: Industrial centre. Planetary based missile defences. Population, 20 billion.
Teskit: Industrial centre, orbital and planetary missile defences. Population, 20 billion.
History: After the nuclear fires of the fourth world war had devastated the planet formerly known as Tresinta, a new power arose among the atomic-age fiefdoms which were replacing the old nations. The war had been fought between two political philosophies, the rabid theocracy of the northern burning archipelago, and the ridiculous ‘democratic’ system of the equatorial alliance.
This new system was one where the people would all work together to better themselves, the selfish ideals of the old philosophies long forgotten, though, of course, a number of wise individuals would have to ‘guide’ the progress of civilisation. The new system was called Itsilism, in honour of its founder, Itsil black-hair.
Within a few bloody decades, Itsilism had spread across the world, ruled from the capital of Itsilarr (formerly Unistice), now with war done with, the people of Tresinta turned to more scientific endeavours. A century later the people of Itsil (the planet had been renamed by the cabinet) had colonised their own solar system and was heading outward rapidly. In the first system outside their own that they reached they encountered a small colony of Floaters, a short lived war broke out (short lived because, after seeing the Floaters technology the government was quick to make an exception to its xenophobic policies.). The Itsil government, after long negotiations, procured much advanced technology from them (including FTL travel, bypassing several hundred years research in the process), the floaters, in return, were to be left alone by the confederacy, and offered assistance in times of war.
This same treatment was not given to the renaissance-era humans of the planet Montezuma (the only other planet encountered by the confederacy to hold intelligent life), they were enslaved, and to this day lead an even lower standard of life than most of the populace.
Biology: The ‘Itsilians’ are known to themselves as the Jekin. They are a small, rodent-like species, standing some twenty inches tall. They have long legs and relatively short arms, meaning that they walk upright, they are warm-blooded, covered in fur which varies in colour from bright yellow to dark grey, each Jekin has a system of black stripes and spots on its back and stomach which is unique to that individual. A Jekins head is larger than that of a human in relation to its body size. Their heads are adorned with large rectangular ears, and their elongated faces seem almost to be fixed in a permanent smile. Their hands are large (in proportion to their bodies) and have six long, dexterous digits (five fingers, one thumb). Jekin have poorer colour vision than humans (though they do have colour vision), but they have significantly better senses of smell and hearing. Jekin can move extremely quickly, have a semi-prehensile tale which gives them good balance, and have sharp teeth at the front of their mouths, if they do ever find themselves in a fight they will try to use these few advantages for all they are worth (if it is with a human they’ll try to bite them through the wrist or jugular if they can get at them). With modern medicine and cybernetics Jekin can live for up to one hundred and ten years, though those that do are often more machine than biological being, and completely insane. The natural lifespan is only about sixty years at best, and most do not even manage that. Jekin can eat practically anything, though they prefer vegetable and insect matter to read meat as a rule.
Government system: The government of the Itsil confederacy is a single party dictatorship. In theory it is made up of wise citizens who are there to guide the actions of the people, in effect it controls the actions of the people with an iron fist. The government is self-elected, the cabinet chooses its first minister from among its own ranks, new officials are usually chosen from among the military or simply the children of other officials. There is no money within the confederacy, though they are prepared to use it when dealing with other powers, so all that the average citizen has is portioned out by the state. In theory everybody receives an equal amount, in reality those involved in the government and the military receive far more than those involved in other jobs (with the exception of some areas of scientific research), what the average Itsilian gets is pitifully little.
Culture: The original cultures of Itsil have been almost completely erased by the confederacy. The culture of the confederacy values hard work and unflinching loyalty, for this reason robotics is not particularly advanced in the confederacy. In the confederacy rebellion is seen as the greatest of crimes, and citizens are brought up believing they cannot survive without the confederacies protection, and the liberal use of death-squads ensures that rebellions are few and far between. Itsil culture focuses on the well being of the state rather than of the individual, to this end it actually a law that Itsil citizens must wear clothes to cover their distinguishing marks in public, this law does not apply to politicians, or high ranking members of the military.
Religion: The confederacy is mainly atheistic, though the government is revered almost religiously and in some places Itsil is worshipped as a god. The only other religion is the one which was the most widespread on the capital world at the time of Itsils birth, that of star-worship. The basic doctrine of which is that the stars themselves are a kind of gods, and should be worshipped as such for the ‘gifts’ they bestow upon civilisation in the form of light and heat. There is also a sect of this religion which worships the ‘core star’, meaning the force which initiated the big bang (which is believed to be sentient by this sect).
Military: The military is greatly revered, and a great deal of resources is lavished upon it (diverted away from the health service, and other things like that), so it has been possible for the confederate military to be entirely mechanised.
A Jekins small size puts it at a severe disadvantage in ground combat, they have developed power armour roughly on par with most other powers (but on a smaller scale), but the Confederate grunts are still at a significant disadvantage against those of other powers. They have also developed vehicles called Tersinin, a Tersinin is piloted by a single Jekin, it stands about six foot tall and is armed with twin light laser cannons (in terms of looks, think War of the Worlds Fighting machine downsized and with four legs). These machines are piloted only by highly skilled individuals, and are valuablr to the military. They also employ tanks, these are about the size of a conventional tank, but move on six sturdy legs instead of tracks. They also employ short ranged atmospheric fighter craft in invasions (larger, long ranged craft are held in planetary hangers on the confederacies colonies), these are armed with a heavy machinegun slung under the nose, and only have wingspans of about six foot, so they can be launched from specialized mini-hangers in the dropships (confederate dropships are larger than those of most other powers, hence less can be held in the carriers). Space/atmospheric capable bombers support cohorts on the ground by bombing the enemy, the confederacy makes heavy use of these.
The Jekin units are supported by human auxiliaries from Montezuma, they are armed with machineguns and wear no armour at all and are basically cannon fodder.
The confederate army is divided into cohorts (I’ll say the same size as everyone else’s companies).
The Confederacy has little experience in ground combat, and what they did have was against enemies significantly less advanced than themselves, they prefer to destroy their enemies from orbit.
The Navy:
7 Itsils Dream class dreadnoughts. 2km long, armament, 15 railguns, 30 heavy anti-ship lasers, 40 long range missile launchers (relatively light missiles, but great against populated ground areas), 5 anti-ship torpedo launchers, 5 heavy railguns, 500 PDL’s. Carries three squadrons (twelve ships to a squadron) of space superiority fighters, and one of space/atmospheric bombers, can carry up to 4 dropships.
12 Governors Wrath class battleships. 1.6km long, armament, 10 heavy anti-ship lasers, 20 medium anti-ship lasers, 10 railguns, 4 heavy railguns, 30 long range missile launchers and 200 PDL’s. Carries one squadron of fighters and one of bombers, can carry two dropships.
13 Light bringer class fleet carriers. 1.3km long, Armament, 4 railguns, 5 medium anti-ship lasers 50 PDL’s. Twenty four squadrons of space superiority fighters, ten squadrons of space/atmospheric bombers, up to twelve dropships.
30 Dispeller of rebellion class cruisers. 800 Metres long, armament, 2 anti-ship torpedo launchers, 10 medium anti-ship lasers, 8 railguns, 50 PDL’s. One squadron of space superiority fighters.
100 Removal of Dissidence class missile destroyers. 600 metres long, Armament, 5 medium anti-ship lasers, 100 long range missile launchers, 30 PDL’s.
150 Enforcer class destroyers. 400 metres long. Armament, 5 medium anti-ship lasers, 5 railguns, 30 PDL’s.
300 Obedience class fast destroyers. 200 metres long. Armament, 5 medium anti-ship lasers, 2 railguns, 10 PDL’s.
Confederate fleets are fragmented into squadrons, each of which acts independently of the main fleet, when it is needed, the fleet can be called together. Most systems are patrolled by a few squadrons, the home system is protected at all times by 90% of the first fleet.
1st fleet.
4 Dreadnoughts.
5 Battleships.
5 Carriers.
15 Cruisers.
40 Missile Destroyers.
50 Destroyers.
110 Fast Destroyers.
2nd fleet.
1 Dreadnought.
3 Battleships.
4 Carriers.
10 Cruisers.
35 missile Destroyers.
40 Destroyers.
70 Fast Destroyers.
3rd fleet.
2 Dreadnoughts.
4 Battleships.
4 Carriers.
5 cruisers.
25 Missile destroyers.
60 Destroyers.
120 Fast Destroyers.
Holdings: Itsil, capital system. Planetary shield over the planet Itsil. Population, 100 billion. Planetary based and orbital based missile launchers.
Helit: Second system, major industrial centre. Planetary shield over planet Helit. Orbital based railguns and planetary based missiles, not as powerful as Itsil. Population, 84 billion.
Montezuma: Source of human slaves/auxiliaries. Planetary shield over planet Montezuma. Planetary based missiles. Population, 70 billion.
Retik: Industrial centre. Planetary based missile defences. Population, 20 billion.
Teskit: Industrial centre, orbital and planetary missile defences. Population, 20 billion.
Last edited by speaker-to-trolls on 2004-05-24 02:55pm, edited 3 times in total.
- Thirdfain
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-ph33r my l33t sexy flag
Invader’s Guide to The Diaspora
The Diaspora has burned a path across Known Space. System after system has fallen, and many worlds now bend knee to the Clusters in high orbit. Hajr soldiers in grey power-armor march across a dozen planets, unhindered, while the Diaspora devours asteroids and comets whole to feed the Hajr’s war machine. New colonies are sprouting, unhindered, over systems which only months before stood as parts of mighty empires or as proud fiefdoms. The Diaspora has, in the eyes of some, succeeded- and now, the chance stands that Known Space may turn a baleful eye against the Hajr.
This not-so-brief guide is intended to outline all Ouster holdings in Known Space, their importance, and the indigenous populations facing client-world status.
Hudson March
The first region conquered by the Hajr, the Hudson Sphere is the center of their Known Space holdings, and contains the Cluster of Eketrina, the largest Hajr fortress and site of many shipyards.
Hudson System
-Hudson: A major trade hub for the rim wards edge of Known Space, the free port of Hudson was the first world conquered by the Ousters. Now, it acts as a front for the cluster of Eketrina. It’s orbiting trade-stations ferry flatlander trade goods to the Cluster itself.
-Eketrina: A massive Cluster with a population in the billions, Eketrina is the premiere Hajr naval base in Known Space. The Hajr Council operates from a fortress set just apart from Eketrina, and the Wombs for the capital ships of the 4th War Cluster are in Eketrina.
- Multiple smaller civilian clusters, mostly newly emigrated from the Elysium Sector. These often act as stopover points for Elysians heading into Known Space. They also provide raw materials to Eketrina.
Bane, New Kenya, Hammerfall Systems
-These lesser systems have all been under Hajr control for as long as Hudson. Each system contains at least one conquered world. These worlds are small, lightly populated border worlds of little concern to the Hajr. They have little contact with the Ousters in orbit, and simply have no means of making them leave. Each system contains a half dozen medium or small civilian clusters, and at least one Hajr patrol base.
Jormungandr March
Jormungandr System
-Jormungandr: Formerly a major fiefdom, Jormungandr was a splinter power from the Asgard Empire, and as such had a fairly powerful navy and a series of client colony worlds. It’s fleet was ambushed and destroyed by the Black Ships in a bloody engagement, and now the world itself enjoys a degree of self-rule, as ordained by the Catalonia Treaty signed between the Hajr and the Asgard Empire.
- Gabriel: A newly-built industrial Cluster, Gabriel is to be Eketrina’s brother. While the Treaty of Catalonia forbids the usage of Gabriel from conducting military industry, it is a major raw materials hub and refining facility.
- Numerous minor civilian Clusters, spread throughout the system
Asatru, Nibelungen, Fjallkonnen, Forn Sior, Svienbjorn, New Jutland systems
-Old colony-systems off of Jormungandr, these systems are largely inhabited only by Ousters, with some containing the remains of small Jormunganrdan colonies and mining bases destroyed in the fighting. Svienbjorn is the site of a massive Hajr naval construction base recently relocated from Gabriel.
Edean March
Edean System
- Edean - This massive ringworld, once the industrial heart of the CoG, has been bombed into the stone age. No Ousters set foot on it, and it's populace has degenerated into chaos. Breaking the Ouster blockade, in either direction, is punishable by death by the Ouster war fleets in the region.
- Samhain - The first major Cluster being built in the system, it is to be one of a half-dozen. It currently is little more than a large mining station concerned with reaping the mineral wealth of the system and the massive, demolished Covenant war fleets for raw materials for shipping to the shipyards.
G-123, H-981, G-510
- Three systems given to the Hajr in the Treaty of Eketrina by the Krytos as payment for Ouster support in the war against the CoG. These are all empty Covenant border systems, and are now being exploited by large fleets of Ouster prospectors. Eventually, they too will be inhabited heavily, but for now they are merely sources of resources.
Camaro March
Camaro System
- Camaro- Formerly a Krynori world, Camaro was taken relatively intact from the Krynor after a brutal and expensive ground action. Her industries are largely civilian, with her munitions factories destroyed in the fighting, but she is no far from being a major contributing Hajr client world. Her populace views the Ousters as saviors from the Krynor parasites, or at least many of them do- but her recent conquest means that some dissent may be incited by foreign powers. The Hajr may return Camaro to self-rule after reconstruction is largely complete.
- No major clusters have formed in the Camaro system, though numerous Ouster trading bases and mining colonies are sprouting at the system's edge.
Ja'Del System
- Ja'Del Recently conquered by the Krynor, Ja'Del has been "liberated" by Ouster troops, and Ouster vessels stood against incoming Arcane ships intending on slaying all Goa'ould on planet. The Hajr is maintaining a tight leash on the world, following the surviving Goa'ould with Blackeyes and slaying those who seem ready to incite revolt. The planet was taken after bloody battles, and many of it's factories are being retooled to make Ouster weapons.
-Sur'Nith Ja'Del's sister planet, it's small shipyards were taken partly intact. They are being used to make civilian craft for trade, rather than military vessels.
- Ja'Del has a particularly rich asteroid field, and efforts to exploit it have begun.
Arcane March
Ravenloft System
- Ravenloft As per the Treaty of Temesvar, Ravenloft and all stellar bodies in and closer to the sun that it's orbit belong to the Realm of the Blood King.
- Inisha One of the three richest Floater clusters, Inisha owes a lot to the Hajr, and maintains tight ties. It has settled in the outer system, which belongs to the Hajr as per the Treaty of Temesvar.
- Numerous fledgeling Floater and Ouster mining colonies and clusters
Esgaroth, Seiben, and Chul'suroth
- A series of Arcanist border systems. Their abandoned worlds are being scraped over by the Hajr, and will eventually be strip mined. Floater clusters from across Known Space are settling in their outer reaches, as per the Ravenloft Declaration.
Last edited by Thirdfain on 2004-05-31 01:19am, edited 2 times in total.
- Stormbringer
- King of Democracy
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- Alyrium Denryle
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- Dahak
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It should be as up to date as possible, though I'll have a look at it again.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

ORBAT and Force Declaration
The Lying Darkness
AKA the Ghost Fleet
Originally one of the groups of OU warships that escaped the collapse of their nation 100 years ago. At one of the plantary stops that they made to replenish their provisions while fleeing Known Space, some of them became corrupted by the entity known as the Lying Darkness. This corruption has made significant effects on those affected, which at this point is everyone in the fleet. Before the corruption could finish, however, the planetary area nearby where the corruption began was sterilized.
Ever since they were sent fleeing, they have sworn revenge on those that wronged them. Only relatively recently have they returned. They currently have agents in hiding among most of the declared powers. The vast majority of the member of the Lying Darkness live onboard the various ships.
Height and mass vary within the normal human spectrum. They as a general rule have died at least once. They have a rather careless attitude towards death, as a result.
Important characteristics:
Can assume the guise of virtually any humanoid. ( They can make themselves physically indistinguishable from a given humanoid. They do not have the ability to read minds however.)
Can cause someone to become a member of the Lying Darkness, unwillingly, given enough time.
Can return from the dead relatively easily. (Even turning the body into glowing clouds of gas isn't gareunteed to result in them not coming back.)
The entire culture is under martial law. It is run by a commitee known as the Joint Chiefs. It could be fairly accurately described as a military-industrial complex. The current population is only a few million, and although the female members try their best, this situation is unlikely to improve in anything other than the long term.
A pair of systems approximately three weeks away from Known Space. The Home Fleet is divided roughly equally between them.
Ansible - known to most already.
Direct conversion energy cores: These basically turn matter directly into energy. Larger scale ones( escort ship level and larger) are monitored via ansible, to insure a lack of problems...
Impeller wedge: The primary engine used in battle, due to it's unique damage reducing features. Taken from the Asgard Empire.
Grid Traction: This engine is the used when not in battle, for it high stealthiness, among other things.
Shields are similar to that of other nations.
Missiles: Utilize a mass reducer, in order to allow the missile to have a much greater velocity than could be accounted for. A side of effect of the mass reducer being deactivated is the instantenous drop in velocity of the missile, and simultaneous creation of an rapidly expanding clound of plasma where the missile used to be, in accordance with CoM and CoE. A new type of missile is able to harness the energy released, so that instead of a expanding cloud of plasma, there is graser beam, directed somewhere close to the bore.
The launchers are what amount to VLS, non-reloadable boxes. This has the advantage of allowing a large first strike, but has no sustainability. The first strike is limited by the number of missiles that the battle computer can keep track of.
Beam: Utilizes a gravity lens to massively blue shift a laser into the gamma-ray region.
Note that the above technology applies only to ships that are not trying to mimic somebody else's...
Fleet Totals:
2 Temple Class Constructor Ships (Temple, Shrine) // non combatants, but still noteworthy
10 Ryoshun Class Battleships (Ryoshun, Akodo, Hantei, Bayushi, Shinjo, Hida, Doji, Fu Leng, Shiba, Togashi)
4 Air Class Fleet Carriers (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)
50 Scrutiny's Sweet Sting Class Crusiers
10 Slaughter Class Fast Carriers
200 Yoer'trr Class Destroyers
1 Wrathful Class Dreadnaught
2 Krytos class cruiser
2 Defender class Frigate
20 Guardian class Patrol Destroyer
Note: the above ships merely look and act like their name sakes. Internally they are much different. They can be distinguished from their namesakes, but, it's difficult.
Home Fleet Alpha:
1 Temple Class Constructor Ship (Temple)
2 Ryoshun Class Battleships (Ryoshun, Akodo)
1 Air Class Fleet Carrier (Air)
10 Scrutiny's Sweet Sting Class Crusiers
2 Slaughter Class Fast Carriers
40 Yoer'trr Class Destroyers
Home Fleet Bravo:
1 Temple Class Constructor Ship (Shrine)
2 Ryoshun Class Battleships (Hantei, Bayushi)
1 Air Class Fleet Carrier (Earth)
10 Scrutiny's Sweet Sting Class Crusiers
2 Slaughter Class Fast Carriers
40 Yoer'trr Class Destroyers
Strike Fleet:
6 Ryoshun Class Battleships (Shinjo, Hida, Doji, Fu Leng, Shiba, Togashi)
2 Air Class Fleet Carriers (Fire, Water)
30 Scrutiny's Sweet Sting Class Crusiers
6 Slaughter Class Fast Carriers
120 Yoer'trr Class Destroyers
Maskirovka Fleet:
1 Wrathful Class Dreadnaught
2 Krytos class cruiser
2 Defender class Frigate
20 Guardian class Patrol Destroyer
Added in Holdings
The Lying Darkness
AKA the Ghost Fleet
Originally one of the groups of OU warships that escaped the collapse of their nation 100 years ago. At one of the plantary stops that they made to replenish their provisions while fleeing Known Space, some of them became corrupted by the entity known as the Lying Darkness. This corruption has made significant effects on those affected, which at this point is everyone in the fleet. Before the corruption could finish, however, the planetary area nearby where the corruption began was sterilized.
Ever since they were sent fleeing, they have sworn revenge on those that wronged them. Only relatively recently have they returned. They currently have agents in hiding among most of the declared powers. The vast majority of the member of the Lying Darkness live onboard the various ships.
Height and mass vary within the normal human spectrum. They as a general rule have died at least once. They have a rather careless attitude towards death, as a result.
Important characteristics:
Can assume the guise of virtually any humanoid. ( They can make themselves physically indistinguishable from a given humanoid. They do not have the ability to read minds however.)
Can cause someone to become a member of the Lying Darkness, unwillingly, given enough time.
Can return from the dead relatively easily. (Even turning the body into glowing clouds of gas isn't gareunteed to result in them not coming back.)
The entire culture is under martial law. It is run by a commitee known as the Joint Chiefs. It could be fairly accurately described as a military-industrial complex. The current population is only a few million, and although the female members try their best, this situation is unlikely to improve in anything other than the long term.
A pair of systems approximately three weeks away from Known Space. The Home Fleet is divided roughly equally between them.
Ansible - known to most already.
Direct conversion energy cores: These basically turn matter directly into energy. Larger scale ones( escort ship level and larger) are monitored via ansible, to insure a lack of problems...
Impeller wedge: The primary engine used in battle, due to it's unique damage reducing features. Taken from the Asgard Empire.
Grid Traction: This engine is the used when not in battle, for it high stealthiness, among other things.
Shields are similar to that of other nations.
Missiles: Utilize a mass reducer, in order to allow the missile to have a much greater velocity than could be accounted for. A side of effect of the mass reducer being deactivated is the instantenous drop in velocity of the missile, and simultaneous creation of an rapidly expanding clound of plasma where the missile used to be, in accordance with CoM and CoE. A new type of missile is able to harness the energy released, so that instead of a expanding cloud of plasma, there is graser beam, directed somewhere close to the bore.
The launchers are what amount to VLS, non-reloadable boxes. This has the advantage of allowing a large first strike, but has no sustainability. The first strike is limited by the number of missiles that the battle computer can keep track of.
Beam: Utilizes a gravity lens to massively blue shift a laser into the gamma-ray region.
Note that the above technology applies only to ships that are not trying to mimic somebody else's...

Fleet Totals:
2 Temple Class Constructor Ships (Temple, Shrine) // non combatants, but still noteworthy
10 Ryoshun Class Battleships (Ryoshun, Akodo, Hantei, Bayushi, Shinjo, Hida, Doji, Fu Leng, Shiba, Togashi)
4 Air Class Fleet Carriers (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)
50 Scrutiny's Sweet Sting Class Crusiers
10 Slaughter Class Fast Carriers
200 Yoer'trr Class Destroyers
1 Wrathful Class Dreadnaught
2 Krytos class cruiser
2 Defender class Frigate
20 Guardian class Patrol Destroyer
Note: the above ships merely look and act like their name sakes. Internally they are much different. They can be distinguished from their namesakes, but, it's difficult.
Home Fleet Alpha:
1 Temple Class Constructor Ship (Temple)
2 Ryoshun Class Battleships (Ryoshun, Akodo)
1 Air Class Fleet Carrier (Air)
10 Scrutiny's Sweet Sting Class Crusiers
2 Slaughter Class Fast Carriers
40 Yoer'trr Class Destroyers
Home Fleet Bravo:
1 Temple Class Constructor Ship (Shrine)
2 Ryoshun Class Battleships (Hantei, Bayushi)
1 Air Class Fleet Carrier (Earth)
10 Scrutiny's Sweet Sting Class Crusiers
2 Slaughter Class Fast Carriers
40 Yoer'trr Class Destroyers
Strike Fleet:
6 Ryoshun Class Battleships (Shinjo, Hida, Doji, Fu Leng, Shiba, Togashi)
2 Air Class Fleet Carriers (Fire, Water)
30 Scrutiny's Sweet Sting Class Crusiers
6 Slaughter Class Fast Carriers
120 Yoer'trr Class Destroyers
Maskirovka Fleet:
1 Wrathful Class Dreadnaught
2 Krytos class cruiser
2 Defender class Frigate
20 Guardian class Patrol Destroyer
Added in Holdings
Last edited by Beowulf on 2004-06-06 01:55am, edited 2 times in total.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- admiral_danielsben
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 336
- Joined: 2004-05-05 05:16pm
- Location: The Vast Right-Wing Trekkie Conspiracy HQ
The Union and the United Protecterates announce a non-agression pact between our two powers.
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira
"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (DS9: Duet)
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira
"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (DS9: Duet)
- admiral_danielsben
- Padawan Learner
- Posts: 336
- Joined: 2004-05-05 05:16pm
- Location: The Vast Right-Wing Trekkie Conspiracy HQ
The following was the original post. Note that it is higly mistaken
. A corrected edition follows below.
Additional info about the Union:
Covert intelligence - Union Intelligence (UI) is among the more effective intelligence agencies - not because of excessive cruelty or huge size, but because of the sheer strength of the telepaths and magic-wielders who make up UI agents. There are 190 billion residents of the Union, about a quarter of which are in some way, shape, or form telepathic, magic-wielding, or both. Only about 10,000 are active UI agents - for the most part, the best of the bunch. They have honed their skills to a fine edge, making the agents, most of whom are of mixed descent, among the best in the galaxy.
The best agents (about the top 50 or so; if i use them, they'll be named characters) can communicate over interstellar distances, deep-read minds (not just surface thoughts) as much as a kilometer away, break spells spanning continents or even small worlds (UI agents don't generally cast spells, but are very adept at breaking them), knock hundreds of troops unconsious, influence the minds of a crowd of dozens at a time, and face up against all but the most powerful vampires (there is no agent that can, one-on-one, match the Blood King himself). (A question: is this okay? Am I overstepping my bounds?)
Other bits and pieces:
Defenses of Avea (the home planet):
150x Orbital batteries
6x Orbital defense bases
1x Armed Spacedock
A contingent of 25 cutters and monitors (some of each) remain at all time in system for defense, as well as about 7,500 fighters based at various installations.
Possible developments:
I've kinda taken a liking to some StarFleet Command / Star Fleet Battles weapons of choice. Since they take place in more-or-less TMP era Trek, in a DS9-tech game variants of these weapons should be okay. I've already introduced hellbore torpedoes (Hydran weapon - damages all shields, but hits weakest shield hardest). I've also taken a liking to a short-range weapon called the Expanding Sphere Generator or ESG (Lyran weapon - real kewl. Excellent for stopping fighters and missiles in their tracks, and even a pretty good ramming weapon). And there are some vague similarities between the Unions heavy plasma weapon and the Plasmatic Pulsar Device (ISC weapon - powerful and long-range). Maybe i'll introduce some more of them.
I think the Union will build more carriers soon, especially if there's a war on.
Here is the corrected edition: And Recorrected
Additional info about the Union:
Covert intelligence - Union Intelligence (UI) is among the more effective intelligence agencies - not because of excessive cruelty or huge size, but because of the sheer strength of the telepaths and magic-wielders who make up UI agents. There are 190 billion residents of the Union, about a quarter of which are in some way, shape, or form telepathic, magic-wielding, or both. Only about 10,000 are active UI agents - for the most part, the best of the bunch. They have honed their skills to a fine edge, making the agents, most of whom are of mixed descent, among the best in the galaxy. Note that most have trained over a course of decades to a century or more; the prevalence of Vulcan and Elven bloodlines in these top individuals result in individuals with long life expectancies; training to become an agent (let alone a very good one) takes about a decade.
The best agents (about the top 50 or so; if i use them, they'll be named characters) can communicate over interstellar distances (just those fifty, and for truly interstellar distances, only with similarly strong telepaths) , read minds (just surface thoughts) as much as a half of a kilometer away, knock unconsious a small group (about a half-dozen) guards) influence the minds of individuals, and face up against a majority of vampires one-on-one. (A question: is this more reasonable?)
Other bits and pieces:
Defenses of Avea (the home planet):
150x Orbital batteries
6x Orbital defense bases
1x Armed Spacedock
A contingent of 25 cutters and monitors (some of each) remain at all time in system for defense, as well as about 7,500 fighters based at various installations.

Additional info about the Union:
Covert intelligence - Union Intelligence (UI) is among the more effective intelligence agencies - not because of excessive cruelty or huge size, but because of the sheer strength of the telepaths and magic-wielders who make up UI agents. There are 190 billion residents of the Union, about a quarter of which are in some way, shape, or form telepathic, magic-wielding, or both. Only about 10,000 are active UI agents - for the most part, the best of the bunch. They have honed their skills to a fine edge, making the agents, most of whom are of mixed descent, among the best in the galaxy.
The best agents (about the top 50 or so; if i use them, they'll be named characters) can communicate over interstellar distances, deep-read minds (not just surface thoughts) as much as a kilometer away, break spells spanning continents or even small worlds (UI agents don't generally cast spells, but are very adept at breaking them), knock hundreds of troops unconsious, influence the minds of a crowd of dozens at a time, and face up against all but the most powerful vampires (there is no agent that can, one-on-one, match the Blood King himself). (A question: is this okay? Am I overstepping my bounds?)
Other bits and pieces:
Defenses of Avea (the home planet):
150x Orbital batteries
6x Orbital defense bases
1x Armed Spacedock
A contingent of 25 cutters and monitors (some of each) remain at all time in system for defense, as well as about 7,500 fighters based at various installations.
Possible developments:
I've kinda taken a liking to some StarFleet Command / Star Fleet Battles weapons of choice. Since they take place in more-or-less TMP era Trek, in a DS9-tech game variants of these weapons should be okay. I've already introduced hellbore torpedoes (Hydran weapon - damages all shields, but hits weakest shield hardest). I've also taken a liking to a short-range weapon called the Expanding Sphere Generator or ESG (Lyran weapon - real kewl. Excellent for stopping fighters and missiles in their tracks, and even a pretty good ramming weapon). And there are some vague similarities between the Unions heavy plasma weapon and the Plasmatic Pulsar Device (ISC weapon - powerful and long-range). Maybe i'll introduce some more of them.
I think the Union will build more carriers soon, especially if there's a war on.
Here is the corrected edition: And Recorrected
Additional info about the Union:
Covert intelligence - Union Intelligence (UI) is among the more effective intelligence agencies - not because of excessive cruelty or huge size, but because of the sheer strength of the telepaths and magic-wielders who make up UI agents. There are 190 billion residents of the Union, about a quarter of which are in some way, shape, or form telepathic, magic-wielding, or both. Only about 10,000 are active UI agents - for the most part, the best of the bunch. They have honed their skills to a fine edge, making the agents, most of whom are of mixed descent, among the best in the galaxy. Note that most have trained over a course of decades to a century or more; the prevalence of Vulcan and Elven bloodlines in these top individuals result in individuals with long life expectancies; training to become an agent (let alone a very good one) takes about a decade.
The best agents (about the top 50 or so; if i use them, they'll be named characters) can communicate over interstellar distances (just those fifty, and for truly interstellar distances, only with similarly strong telepaths) , read minds (just surface thoughts) as much as a half of a kilometer away, knock unconsious a small group (about a half-dozen) guards) influence the minds of individuals, and face up against a majority of vampires one-on-one. (A question: is this more reasonable?)
Other bits and pieces:
Defenses of Avea (the home planet):
150x Orbital batteries
6x Orbital defense bases
1x Armed Spacedock
A contingent of 25 cutters and monitors (some of each) remain at all time in system for defense, as well as about 7,500 fighters based at various installations.
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira
"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (DS9: Duet)
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira
"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (DS9: Duet)
White Sun Confederation.
The origins of this group are unknown for most powers in Known Space and even the very members of the Confederation remember few things. Three centuries ago, an alien race from the Gamma Quadrant arrived at the small cluster of stars that is the core of the White Sun Confederation and enslaved four solar systems populated by primitives.
For over a century, the Masters ruled with iron grip the four worlds. And during this time, the primitives became less primitive. They learned the secrets of the technology of their enslavers and a century before the war that destroyed most civilizations in Known Space, the four slave races became allies in a war against the Masters that ended with the complete destruction of the Invaders.
After the war, the four races kept their alliance in order to defend against any future invaders from Outside. A great deal had been learned during the war and slowly, three systems beyond the original homesystems of the alliance were colonized. This golden age came to an abrupt end about a hundred and fifty years before the Great War. An unexplained change in the solar radiation of its sun, cooled down the desertic homeworld of one of the species. Within six years, nine tenths of the world population had died and the only survivors were those who were in the colonies or managed to survive in underground cities. The construction of this habitats with the help of the Confederation almost bankrupted the whole nation.
And it was during this time of weakness when a new invasion from Outside arrived. For several years, neighbouring human colonies had been preparing for further expansion of mankind. After creating a couple of outposts within the cluster, they found a planet that was almost ready for settling: a planet that they called Borealis in the Pervatia system, a planet that was the homeworld of the Sixtra.
At that point, the only problem for the creation of a new human colony was the toxic atmosphere of Borealis that the humans transformed without knowing that they were killing millions of Sixtra. The Confederation tried to stop the mass murder, but their ships were primitive and in spite of the courage of the Confederates, the humans were much more powerful and advanced.
With its fleets destroyed and its armies defeated, the Confederation prepared for the human counterstrike. Although bigger conflicts prevented the full destruction of the Confederation, for fifty years human ships would appear yearly in the skies of the homeworlds of the Confederation and drop weapons of mass destruction in any population center "too advanced" from the human point of view.
During this years, the Confederates became the highly isolationist and xenophobic (and particularly homophobic) group that is known and feared up to the present day by their stellar neighbours.
The Great War brought peace for the injured Confederation, that after fifty years of rebuilding decided to strike back and retake the Pervatia system. The twin human colonies of Borealis and Australis were taken and to the present day the fate of their 3 billion human inhabitants at the hands of the vengeful Confederates is a mistery.
After their swift conquest of the Pervatia system, fifty years ago, the Confederation has devoted a great deal of its resources to the creation of a fleet powerful enough to challenge any future invader. In spite of their continued isolationism, some contact and trade with their neighbours has taken place, although those who dare to enter their territory unallowed are destroyed.
Recently, their dark hulled ships have been sighted in over a hundred nearby systems and fleets have been gathered in a section of their borders near the Ouster-controled Edean March. The fact is that the Hajr expansion scares the living hell out of the Confederation who is willing to fight to the last men if they feel that an invasion is coming. Also, the recent attack on the human homeworld by the Mechanoids has been a cause of both joy and worry. The machines of the Overseer are a menace looming in the horizon and the Confederation intends to deal with them if they feel threatened.
Grabians. This four-armed furry humanoids evolved in the high-gravity enviroment with atmospheric cyanide of the planet Grabia. They were genetically modified by the Masters in order to turn them into supersoldiers, which turned to be a mistake when the grabians joined the Sixtra and the Ethereals in their revolt against the Masters.
Although this modifications weren't exceedingly successful, they are very strong and with enormous stamina for human standards. In spite of being warmblooded and mammalians, they can survive short exposure to the most extreme temperatures or even the vacuum of space without suffering lasting damage. They are of very solid built for humanoid standards, averaging 5 feet in height and over 250 pounds in weight. Their arms end in a hand with four digits (3 fingers, 1 thumb) and three retractable claws. Their sight is poorer than human in most aspects (they are short-sighted, can be blinded by moderately intense sunlight, can't see colours...), but their excellent hearing, smell and a form of natural sonar more than make for it. Their circulatory system needs cyanide compounds in order to work and as a result of this, when out of Grabia they must carry breathers that provide them the cyanide needed in order to survive. Without this breathers, they will die in a most painful way within an hour.
They are the ground fighters of the Alliance and they excel in this field, both in melee and ranged combat. They are highly disciplined and they almost never rout, even against overwhelming odds or in the most dire situations. Cybernetic upgrades (particularly upgrades of their poor sight) are frequent among them and the number of cybernetic implants denotes some kind of caste system that non even their partners in the Confederation fully understand. As a result of the clumsy manhandle of their genetic code, their lifespan is short (less than 40 years) creating a cronical shortage of battle-hardened warriors. As a result, the Ethereals usually fill the role of ground commanders to make up for the reduced experience of grabian soldiers.
Sixtra. A now severely dismished reptilian species whose homeworld (Sixtrasis) was rendered inhabitable for them after its terraforming by humans. They suffered the most during the Master domination, as the Masters liked a lot the Sixtra... particularly well roasted. The whole species was considered cattle by the Masters, in spite of the obvious intelligence of the Sixtra.
They are large (3,5 m and up to 300 kg) carnivorous quadrupeds that can use as manipulators their long prensile tails and their forward extremities that end in six slender clawed fingers and two thumbs. They are cool-blooded reptilians who need intense heat and light in order to keep their level of activity. They also get part of this energy from oxigen, which they need in a much higher concentration and atmospheric proportion than humans. Unlike many reptilians they aren't a very prolific species and the loss of over nine tenths of their population with their homeworld was a terrible impact from which they have not recovered yet. The survivors were the few in off-planet colonies who massively joined the Army looking for payback.
This had lasting consecuences. Currently, only about 30% of the existing Sixtra population is planet-bound with the rest crewing the ships of the Confederation, where they can use their extra manipulators to their best advantage, or living in space colonies with artificial enviroments better suited to their needs than planetary colonies. They are long-lived, some even being survivors of the destruction of their world, and as a result of this, their hate against humankind is much more intense and personal than that of the Grabians or the Prextazsak.
Prextazsak. This species is native to Prextazsa, an small (Mars-sized) and cold planet orbiting the smaller star of a binary system, but now they live in many other planets .
They can be considered an insectoid race because of their exoeskeletons and eight extremities, but they lack many of the features that are usual in insectoid species. They lack any kind of hive structure, all members of the species are fertile (they can lay eggs that can either share the genotype of the progenitor or produce offspring with a genetic mixture resulting from reproductive interaction by up to three individuals) and every individual strongly believes in self-preservation.
They are a highly prolific species that can through slight adaptation of their highly flexible DNA change their shapes to better adapt to almost any enviroment (high gravity enviroments excluded, of course) within three or four generations. They are the less warrior-like species of the Confederation and they provide this power the bulk of its industrial and agricultural resources.
Ethereals. There is very little data avalaible about this species. They were the first to revolt against the Masters this is for sure and with the initial help of the Sixtra and then of the Grabians, they defeated the aliens enslavers, but their homeworld is unknown and when asked, they say that "it is lost" and refuse to say any more.
It is believed that it might have been destroyed or damaged beyond repair in some gruesome experiment realized by the Masters. Their anatomy is also a great enigma as they always wear an centauroid shaped power armour that seemingly hides the horrible injuries suffered in that very experiment.
Their partners in the Confederation believe that the Ethereals might have lost the ability to produce offspring as a result of this experiment, while gaining considerable mental powers (both telephatic and telekinetic) and extremely lenghty lifespans (all currently alive Ethereals were alive during the rebellion against the Masters). This is a serious worry for the other three races, who fear that with the loss of the senior members of the Confederation, the alliance will break apart.
Their current population is difficult to ascertain, but it is believed that they might have been reduced to a population barely numbering in the tens of millions as a result of the wars with the humans. Whether this is true or not, the fact is that they are the most influential race of the Confederation by a long shot, being the equivalent of a scientific caste and the race who most usually deals with other races in the rare situations in which the Confederation decides to break its isolationism.
Government system.
A Council of the Races meets in the capital-planet of Home (former main population center of the Masters) to decide affairs concerning the full Confederation. This council has authority over Home, its solar system and the colonies created through the joint effort of the Confederation, although Grabia, Prextazsa and the Sixtra orbital colonies around Borealis have full autonomy in local government. This council is composed by three representatives from each race and in a situation of draw, the vote goes for the option voted by most Ethereal representatives.
The Sixtra crew the ships, the Prextazsak built and repair them and the Grabians defend them against boarders, while the Ethereals play the role of tactical officers, devising the tactics followed by the fleets. This system works fairly well until a ship loses one of its contingents, suffering as a result a drastic fall in effectivity until the lost group can be replaced.
The Confederates are, as a whole, isolationists and xenophobic towards all aliens from Outside (particularly humans and Masters), but as can be expected among so different races, there are wide cultural differences among them.
The Grabians value martial skills, courage and a strong sense of loyalty. Their limited lifespans made of their few elders a highly respected source of moral authority.
The Prextazsak consider that having a good geneline and good engineering skills are things deserving of respect. They don't like troublemakers a tiny bit and those who help the protection of peace and order are regarded as enlightened individuals.
The Sixtra were predators and they are still a very agressive species. They live for revenge against humans and their hatred hasn't cooled even after the destruction of Earth. They want to wipe every single human being within their reach but, at the same time, they greatly revere the Ethereals who attacked the powerful humans in an attempt to save their homeworld and while they loathe the very notion of dealing with humans, this reverence and their discipline will keep most of them in line for as long as the Ethereals believe that this is in the best interest of the Confederation. Nonetheless, it would be extremely foolish for any human to attempt to befriend a Sixtra.
The Ethereals are... very unotgoing. They seem to regard with some kind of paternal benevolence the junior partners of the Confederation, but they don't make a statement about this. They value scientific skill and a sharp mind, but they can as well enjoy a joke.
Several different philosophies among Grabians and Preztazsak. Some Sixtra believe that the Ethereals are representatives of their gods sent from the heavens to save them from any bad.
STL: Gravitic Impulse drive. Cruise speed of 0.3c.
-Primary: Transpace drive. Average speed of 8 ly/hour. This drives are the main FTL system used by the Confederation that gained the technology from the Masters. They are cumbersome and power-consuming devices that can only be fitted in the bigger ships of the fleet, allowing them to cast a "transpace bubble" 10 km wide that is used to transport whole fleets. This technology is for all intents and purposes currently unknown to all Known Space powers, who lack sensors to detect ships while in Transpace transit.
-Secondary: Warp drive. Tactical realspace FTL system with top speed of 250c. Used as a short cut in order to engage enemies at the short range that the Confederated fleet favours or as a back-up in the event of loss of Transpace navigation capability.
Power source:
-Main: High density M/AM power plant. Containment tech limits the power output to slightly below the average among Known Space powers.
-Experimental: Protomatter reactor. New technology under research that has only been implemented in the newer ships of the fleet with many bugs to purge. Although they produce up to fifty percent above average, they are prone to malfunction in the more inopportune situations or under stress.
Shields: Gravitic shielding created by the STL drive. Because of this, loss of impulse means loss of shielding. 10% above average.
Armour: Secondary defensive system. Duranium armour reinforced with tensile fields. 10% above average.
Sensors: Slightly better than standard.
Stealth: All ships are black hulled, making them extremely hard to target visually at medium-long range and use of ECCM is prevalent. However, the intense gravitic distortion generated by G.I. drives make Confederate vessels easy to pick with appropiate sensors and the knowledge of what you are looking for. 10% below average.
Energy weapons:
-Grasers (Gamma ray lasers): Primary ship weapon. Jack of all trades, master of none with average power consumption, range, damage and size. Average beam weapon.
-Turbo-blasters: Short-range plasma weapons that consume power like crazy, but are excellent against heavy shielding and for planetary bombardment.
-Disruptors: Their chain-reaction properties are excellent against unshielded vessels and this weapons are used to finish already damaged ships in close range combat.
-Lasers: Used mostly for PD against missiles and fighters.
Kinetic weapons:
-Hunter-killer FTL torpedoes: Big torpedoes that house a mini-warp. They will follow their target until impacting or being destructed. Their high density M/AM warhead provides a devastating yield.
-Strategical torpedoes: An offshot of the hunter-killer torpedoes, this devastating torpedoes are very rarely used against either fleet formations or planetary surfaces. They are really big and relatively easy to fire down, but when they hit... the annihilation of 1000 kg of antiuranium produces fearsome explosions with energy in the double digit gigatons.
7 Freedom class motherships.
Dimension: 10 km long, 1,5 km in cross-section radius.
Powerplant: 1 protomatter power plant. 9 M/AM power plants.
1 Estrategic torpedo tube.
5 Torpedo tubes.
10 Capital grasers.
500 PD lasers.
FTL: Transpace capable.
Description: This enormous cigar-shaped vessels are the core of any Confederate Fleet. They are the primary Transpace capable ships with a secondary role as mobile resupply bases and command centers for long range operation. Up to three Sixtra space colonies can be attached to this vessels providing some industrial power that can eventually be used to turn the motherships in emergency shipyards. They aren't designed for a combat role and after combat starts, they will try to stay outside of enemy range while launching volleys of long range torpedoes.
14 Masterslayer class dreadnoughts.
Dimensions: 2.8 km long, 0.7x0.6 km in cross-section.
Powerplant: 6 M/AM power plants.
2 Spinal mounted grasers (foreward fire only)
4 Capital dual turbo-blasters (turreted).
12 Capital quadruple grasers (broadside weapons with half at each side).
10 Capital disruptors (4 at each side and 2 forward mounted).
10 Torpedo tubes.
150 PD lasers.
FTL: Transpace capable.
Description: Largest warships built by the shipyards of the Confederation in an attempt to match the forward firepower of the dreaded Ouster Cataphracts. While the attempt wasn't completely successful, this dreadnought class has extremely heavy firepower nonetheless. Designed following the philosophy behind the Destiny of Man class, these ships can open holes in enemy formations with their heavy forward firepower, and survive enemy broadsides long enough to allow smaller craft to engage the enemy. As transpace capable vessels, they have the secondary role of auxiliar mothership in the event of loss of the mothership in the fleet.
21 Beehive class attack carriers.
Dimensions: 2.9 km long, 750x700 meters in cross-section.
Powerplant: 4 M/AM power plants.
2 Spinal mounted grasers (foreward fire only).
20 Capital grasers.
6 Capital turbo-blasters.
75 PD disruptors.
Fighter capacity:
10 gunships.
30 heavy bombers.
60 strike fighters.
60 interceptors.
FTL: Transpace capable.
Description: A heavily armed carrier that can open holes in the enemy lines with its forward weaponry, clearing a path for its small craft. While it carries a transpace drive, the power output of its M/AM plants isn't enough to generate a bubble the size of those created by dreadnoughts or motherships. Usually the bubble is merely 100m wide, barely enough to house the fighters that can't return to their hangars in a retreat situation.
63 Cluster class strike cruisers.
Dimensions: 1.4 km long, 150 m in cross-section radius.
Powerplant: 1 protomatter power plant. 1 auxiliar M/AM power plant.
1 Spinal mounted turbo-blaster.
1 Spinal mounted graser.
9 Capital grasers.
8 Capital disruptors (broadside).
8 Capital grasers (broadside).
4 Torpedo tubes.
45 PD lasers.
FTL: Warp.
Description: Only cruiser unit fielded by the Confederation. It offers a good firepower and decent shielding for a unit that is relatively easy to produce.
All frigate models built by the Confederation have the same dimensions: 450 m in length, 100x100 m in cross-section.
280 Grabia class escort frigate (good point defense and very powerful shields for a ship its size).
280 Sixtra class torpedo frigate (2 torpedo tubes and 1 estrategic torpedo tube).
70 Silent class scout frigate (poor offensive or defensive capabilities, but enhanced sensor gear, speed and stealth).
70 Home class troop transport (heavily shielded but without offensive capabilities. It can carry two infantry divisions or one armored division).
There are seven fleets in the Confederate Navy, each one composed of:
1 mothership.
2 dreadnoughts.
3 attack carriers.
9 strike cruisers.
40 escort frigates.
40 torpedo frigates.
10 scout frigates.
10 troop transports.
Grabians make really good marines in almost every field once properly trained. They excel in urban and spaceship combat, although their dependency on their cyanide breathers is a mayor vulnerability that some enemies might learn to exploit.
Conventional ground forces are also quite good. While not nearly as espectacular as those from other powers, Grabian soldiers strengthened by genetic manipulation and cybernetic implants are fierce enemies that will resist even when facing certain defeat.
Power armor, vehicles, artillery and air support are vital elements in any ground engagement organized by the Ethereals.
Home. Former home of the Masters and currently capital of the Confederation, Home is a beautiful planet for the human mind in spite of its unbreathable atmosphere and the craters opened by Ethereal weapons during the last battle of their revolt that can still be seen from orbit. The planet isn't heavily industrialized and has extensive agricultural areas. Population of 13 billion. Planetary shield, theater shields protecting main population centers, 4 orbital battlestations and ground weapon emplacements, minefields protecting some routes into the system and an early warning sensor network. Base of the 1st fleet.
Grabia. Grabian homeworld with high gravity and an extremely toxic atmosphere. Most ground soldiers are recruited among the local grabians and there are training fields all over the planet. Population of 9 billion. Planetary shield, 2 orbital battlestations and ground weapon emplacements and early warning sensor network. Base of the 2nd fleet.
Prextazsa. Prextazsak homeworld with low gravity that orbits around the smaller star of a binary system and that enjoys great mineral wealth. Industrial heart of the Confederation and primary shipyard for the Fleet. Population of 24 billion. Planetary shield, theater shields protecting main population centers, 3 orbital battlestations and ground weapon emplacements and early warning sensor network. Three orbital shipyards with capital-grade shielding and point defense weaponry. Base of the 3rd fleet.
Borealis. The once desertic Sixtra homeworld was terraformed by human colonists over a century ago killing hundreds of millions of Sixtra in the process. Now, most remaining Sixtra live in colonies in the Lagrange points around their lost homeworld. Nowadays, the planet itself is only inhabited by a few humans that survived the avenging slaughter conducted by the Confederation fifty years ago and some Prextazsak that exploit the mineral resources of the planet.
-Orbital colonies. Population of 1.3 billion. The Sixtra colonies have shielding, weaponry and STL impulse. 2 orbital battlestations, early warning sensor network and minefields blocking some routes into the system. Two orbital shipyards with capital-grade shielding and point defense weaponry. Base of the 4th fleet.
Six colony-worlds (Australis in the same system as Borealis, Fertiakas, T'vears, Bohica, Talathrant and Fervestria (Earth-like moon orbiting a gas giant)) are secondary industrial centers with populations averaging in the 3 billion. All of them have at least 1 orbital battlestation, theater shields that protect main population centers and early warning networks. Bohica and Talathrant have shipyards with capital-grade shielding and point defense weaponry. Bohica is the base of the 5th fleet which has the mission of protecting this six worlds against enemy attack until reinforcements can arrive.
Five colonies (New Home, White Sky, Riverblood, Feraster and Triasleds) are poorly developed agricultural worlds with very light defenses. Their average population is of 16 millions.
Ten neighbouring systems house small outposts that guard the frontiers of the Confederation and/or protect points of economic interest for future expansion. The protection of the outposts and the agricultural colonies is the mission of the 6th fleet, based in Riverblood.
The origins of this group are unknown for most powers in Known Space and even the very members of the Confederation remember few things. Three centuries ago, an alien race from the Gamma Quadrant arrived at the small cluster of stars that is the core of the White Sun Confederation and enslaved four solar systems populated by primitives.
For over a century, the Masters ruled with iron grip the four worlds. And during this time, the primitives became less primitive. They learned the secrets of the technology of their enslavers and a century before the war that destroyed most civilizations in Known Space, the four slave races became allies in a war against the Masters that ended with the complete destruction of the Invaders.
After the war, the four races kept their alliance in order to defend against any future invaders from Outside. A great deal had been learned during the war and slowly, three systems beyond the original homesystems of the alliance were colonized. This golden age came to an abrupt end about a hundred and fifty years before the Great War. An unexplained change in the solar radiation of its sun, cooled down the desertic homeworld of one of the species. Within six years, nine tenths of the world population had died and the only survivors were those who were in the colonies or managed to survive in underground cities. The construction of this habitats with the help of the Confederation almost bankrupted the whole nation.
And it was during this time of weakness when a new invasion from Outside arrived. For several years, neighbouring human colonies had been preparing for further expansion of mankind. After creating a couple of outposts within the cluster, they found a planet that was almost ready for settling: a planet that they called Borealis in the Pervatia system, a planet that was the homeworld of the Sixtra.
At that point, the only problem for the creation of a new human colony was the toxic atmosphere of Borealis that the humans transformed without knowing that they were killing millions of Sixtra. The Confederation tried to stop the mass murder, but their ships were primitive and in spite of the courage of the Confederates, the humans were much more powerful and advanced.
With its fleets destroyed and its armies defeated, the Confederation prepared for the human counterstrike. Although bigger conflicts prevented the full destruction of the Confederation, for fifty years human ships would appear yearly in the skies of the homeworlds of the Confederation and drop weapons of mass destruction in any population center "too advanced" from the human point of view.
During this years, the Confederates became the highly isolationist and xenophobic (and particularly homophobic) group that is known and feared up to the present day by their stellar neighbours.
The Great War brought peace for the injured Confederation, that after fifty years of rebuilding decided to strike back and retake the Pervatia system. The twin human colonies of Borealis and Australis were taken and to the present day the fate of their 3 billion human inhabitants at the hands of the vengeful Confederates is a mistery.
After their swift conquest of the Pervatia system, fifty years ago, the Confederation has devoted a great deal of its resources to the creation of a fleet powerful enough to challenge any future invader. In spite of their continued isolationism, some contact and trade with their neighbours has taken place, although those who dare to enter their territory unallowed are destroyed.
Recently, their dark hulled ships have been sighted in over a hundred nearby systems and fleets have been gathered in a section of their borders near the Ouster-controled Edean March. The fact is that the Hajr expansion scares the living hell out of the Confederation who is willing to fight to the last men if they feel that an invasion is coming. Also, the recent attack on the human homeworld by the Mechanoids has been a cause of both joy and worry. The machines of the Overseer are a menace looming in the horizon and the Confederation intends to deal with them if they feel threatened.
Grabians. This four-armed furry humanoids evolved in the high-gravity enviroment with atmospheric cyanide of the planet Grabia. They were genetically modified by the Masters in order to turn them into supersoldiers, which turned to be a mistake when the grabians joined the Sixtra and the Ethereals in their revolt against the Masters.
Although this modifications weren't exceedingly successful, they are very strong and with enormous stamina for human standards. In spite of being warmblooded and mammalians, they can survive short exposure to the most extreme temperatures or even the vacuum of space without suffering lasting damage. They are of very solid built for humanoid standards, averaging 5 feet in height and over 250 pounds in weight. Their arms end in a hand with four digits (3 fingers, 1 thumb) and three retractable claws. Their sight is poorer than human in most aspects (they are short-sighted, can be blinded by moderately intense sunlight, can't see colours...), but their excellent hearing, smell and a form of natural sonar more than make for it. Their circulatory system needs cyanide compounds in order to work and as a result of this, when out of Grabia they must carry breathers that provide them the cyanide needed in order to survive. Without this breathers, they will die in a most painful way within an hour.
They are the ground fighters of the Alliance and they excel in this field, both in melee and ranged combat. They are highly disciplined and they almost never rout, even against overwhelming odds or in the most dire situations. Cybernetic upgrades (particularly upgrades of their poor sight) are frequent among them and the number of cybernetic implants denotes some kind of caste system that non even their partners in the Confederation fully understand. As a result of the clumsy manhandle of their genetic code, their lifespan is short (less than 40 years) creating a cronical shortage of battle-hardened warriors. As a result, the Ethereals usually fill the role of ground commanders to make up for the reduced experience of grabian soldiers.
Sixtra. A now severely dismished reptilian species whose homeworld (Sixtrasis) was rendered inhabitable for them after its terraforming by humans. They suffered the most during the Master domination, as the Masters liked a lot the Sixtra... particularly well roasted. The whole species was considered cattle by the Masters, in spite of the obvious intelligence of the Sixtra.
They are large (3,5 m and up to 300 kg) carnivorous quadrupeds that can use as manipulators their long prensile tails and their forward extremities that end in six slender clawed fingers and two thumbs. They are cool-blooded reptilians who need intense heat and light in order to keep their level of activity. They also get part of this energy from oxigen, which they need in a much higher concentration and atmospheric proportion than humans. Unlike many reptilians they aren't a very prolific species and the loss of over nine tenths of their population with their homeworld was a terrible impact from which they have not recovered yet. The survivors were the few in off-planet colonies who massively joined the Army looking for payback.
This had lasting consecuences. Currently, only about 30% of the existing Sixtra population is planet-bound with the rest crewing the ships of the Confederation, where they can use their extra manipulators to their best advantage, or living in space colonies with artificial enviroments better suited to their needs than planetary colonies. They are long-lived, some even being survivors of the destruction of their world, and as a result of this, their hate against humankind is much more intense and personal than that of the Grabians or the Prextazsak.
Prextazsak. This species is native to Prextazsa, an small (Mars-sized) and cold planet orbiting the smaller star of a binary system, but now they live in many other planets .
They can be considered an insectoid race because of their exoeskeletons and eight extremities, but they lack many of the features that are usual in insectoid species. They lack any kind of hive structure, all members of the species are fertile (they can lay eggs that can either share the genotype of the progenitor or produce offspring with a genetic mixture resulting from reproductive interaction by up to three individuals) and every individual strongly believes in self-preservation.
They are a highly prolific species that can through slight adaptation of their highly flexible DNA change their shapes to better adapt to almost any enviroment (high gravity enviroments excluded, of course) within three or four generations. They are the less warrior-like species of the Confederation and they provide this power the bulk of its industrial and agricultural resources.
Ethereals. There is very little data avalaible about this species. They were the first to revolt against the Masters this is for sure and with the initial help of the Sixtra and then of the Grabians, they defeated the aliens enslavers, but their homeworld is unknown and when asked, they say that "it is lost" and refuse to say any more.
It is believed that it might have been destroyed or damaged beyond repair in some gruesome experiment realized by the Masters. Their anatomy is also a great enigma as they always wear an centauroid shaped power armour that seemingly hides the horrible injuries suffered in that very experiment.
Their partners in the Confederation believe that the Ethereals might have lost the ability to produce offspring as a result of this experiment, while gaining considerable mental powers (both telephatic and telekinetic) and extremely lenghty lifespans (all currently alive Ethereals were alive during the rebellion against the Masters). This is a serious worry for the other three races, who fear that with the loss of the senior members of the Confederation, the alliance will break apart.
Their current population is difficult to ascertain, but it is believed that they might have been reduced to a population barely numbering in the tens of millions as a result of the wars with the humans. Whether this is true or not, the fact is that they are the most influential race of the Confederation by a long shot, being the equivalent of a scientific caste and the race who most usually deals with other races in the rare situations in which the Confederation decides to break its isolationism.
Government system.
A Council of the Races meets in the capital-planet of Home (former main population center of the Masters) to decide affairs concerning the full Confederation. This council has authority over Home, its solar system and the colonies created through the joint effort of the Confederation, although Grabia, Prextazsa and the Sixtra orbital colonies around Borealis have full autonomy in local government. This council is composed by three representatives from each race and in a situation of draw, the vote goes for the option voted by most Ethereal representatives.
The Sixtra crew the ships, the Prextazsak built and repair them and the Grabians defend them against boarders, while the Ethereals play the role of tactical officers, devising the tactics followed by the fleets. This system works fairly well until a ship loses one of its contingents, suffering as a result a drastic fall in effectivity until the lost group can be replaced.
The Confederates are, as a whole, isolationists and xenophobic towards all aliens from Outside (particularly humans and Masters), but as can be expected among so different races, there are wide cultural differences among them.
The Grabians value martial skills, courage and a strong sense of loyalty. Their limited lifespans made of their few elders a highly respected source of moral authority.
The Prextazsak consider that having a good geneline and good engineering skills are things deserving of respect. They don't like troublemakers a tiny bit and those who help the protection of peace and order are regarded as enlightened individuals.
The Sixtra were predators and they are still a very agressive species. They live for revenge against humans and their hatred hasn't cooled even after the destruction of Earth. They want to wipe every single human being within their reach but, at the same time, they greatly revere the Ethereals who attacked the powerful humans in an attempt to save their homeworld and while they loathe the very notion of dealing with humans, this reverence and their discipline will keep most of them in line for as long as the Ethereals believe that this is in the best interest of the Confederation. Nonetheless, it would be extremely foolish for any human to attempt to befriend a Sixtra.
The Ethereals are... very unotgoing. They seem to regard with some kind of paternal benevolence the junior partners of the Confederation, but they don't make a statement about this. They value scientific skill and a sharp mind, but they can as well enjoy a joke.
Several different philosophies among Grabians and Preztazsak. Some Sixtra believe that the Ethereals are representatives of their gods sent from the heavens to save them from any bad.
STL: Gravitic Impulse drive. Cruise speed of 0.3c.
-Primary: Transpace drive. Average speed of 8 ly/hour. This drives are the main FTL system used by the Confederation that gained the technology from the Masters. They are cumbersome and power-consuming devices that can only be fitted in the bigger ships of the fleet, allowing them to cast a "transpace bubble" 10 km wide that is used to transport whole fleets. This technology is for all intents and purposes currently unknown to all Known Space powers, who lack sensors to detect ships while in Transpace transit.
-Secondary: Warp drive. Tactical realspace FTL system with top speed of 250c. Used as a short cut in order to engage enemies at the short range that the Confederated fleet favours or as a back-up in the event of loss of Transpace navigation capability.
Power source:
-Main: High density M/AM power plant. Containment tech limits the power output to slightly below the average among Known Space powers.
-Experimental: Protomatter reactor. New technology under research that has only been implemented in the newer ships of the fleet with many bugs to purge. Although they produce up to fifty percent above average, they are prone to malfunction in the more inopportune situations or under stress.
Shields: Gravitic shielding created by the STL drive. Because of this, loss of impulse means loss of shielding. 10% above average.
Armour: Secondary defensive system. Duranium armour reinforced with tensile fields. 10% above average.
Sensors: Slightly better than standard.
Stealth: All ships are black hulled, making them extremely hard to target visually at medium-long range and use of ECCM is prevalent. However, the intense gravitic distortion generated by G.I. drives make Confederate vessels easy to pick with appropiate sensors and the knowledge of what you are looking for. 10% below average.
Energy weapons:
-Grasers (Gamma ray lasers): Primary ship weapon. Jack of all trades, master of none with average power consumption, range, damage and size. Average beam weapon.
-Turbo-blasters: Short-range plasma weapons that consume power like crazy, but are excellent against heavy shielding and for planetary bombardment.
-Disruptors: Their chain-reaction properties are excellent against unshielded vessels and this weapons are used to finish already damaged ships in close range combat.
-Lasers: Used mostly for PD against missiles and fighters.
Kinetic weapons:
-Hunter-killer FTL torpedoes: Big torpedoes that house a mini-warp. They will follow their target until impacting or being destructed. Their high density M/AM warhead provides a devastating yield.
-Strategical torpedoes: An offshot of the hunter-killer torpedoes, this devastating torpedoes are very rarely used against either fleet formations or planetary surfaces. They are really big and relatively easy to fire down, but when they hit... the annihilation of 1000 kg of antiuranium produces fearsome explosions with energy in the double digit gigatons.
7 Freedom class motherships.
Dimension: 10 km long, 1,5 km in cross-section radius.
Powerplant: 1 protomatter power plant. 9 M/AM power plants.
1 Estrategic torpedo tube.
5 Torpedo tubes.
10 Capital grasers.
500 PD lasers.
FTL: Transpace capable.
Description: This enormous cigar-shaped vessels are the core of any Confederate Fleet. They are the primary Transpace capable ships with a secondary role as mobile resupply bases and command centers for long range operation. Up to three Sixtra space colonies can be attached to this vessels providing some industrial power that can eventually be used to turn the motherships in emergency shipyards. They aren't designed for a combat role and after combat starts, they will try to stay outside of enemy range while launching volleys of long range torpedoes.
14 Masterslayer class dreadnoughts.
Dimensions: 2.8 km long, 0.7x0.6 km in cross-section.
Powerplant: 6 M/AM power plants.
2 Spinal mounted grasers (foreward fire only)
4 Capital dual turbo-blasters (turreted).
12 Capital quadruple grasers (broadside weapons with half at each side).
10 Capital disruptors (4 at each side and 2 forward mounted).
10 Torpedo tubes.
150 PD lasers.
FTL: Transpace capable.
Description: Largest warships built by the shipyards of the Confederation in an attempt to match the forward firepower of the dreaded Ouster Cataphracts. While the attempt wasn't completely successful, this dreadnought class has extremely heavy firepower nonetheless. Designed following the philosophy behind the Destiny of Man class, these ships can open holes in enemy formations with their heavy forward firepower, and survive enemy broadsides long enough to allow smaller craft to engage the enemy. As transpace capable vessels, they have the secondary role of auxiliar mothership in the event of loss of the mothership in the fleet.
21 Beehive class attack carriers.
Dimensions: 2.9 km long, 750x700 meters in cross-section.
Powerplant: 4 M/AM power plants.
2 Spinal mounted grasers (foreward fire only).
20 Capital grasers.
6 Capital turbo-blasters.
75 PD disruptors.
Fighter capacity:
10 gunships.
30 heavy bombers.
60 strike fighters.
60 interceptors.
FTL: Transpace capable.
Description: A heavily armed carrier that can open holes in the enemy lines with its forward weaponry, clearing a path for its small craft. While it carries a transpace drive, the power output of its M/AM plants isn't enough to generate a bubble the size of those created by dreadnoughts or motherships. Usually the bubble is merely 100m wide, barely enough to house the fighters that can't return to their hangars in a retreat situation.
63 Cluster class strike cruisers.
Dimensions: 1.4 km long, 150 m in cross-section radius.
Powerplant: 1 protomatter power plant. 1 auxiliar M/AM power plant.
1 Spinal mounted turbo-blaster.
1 Spinal mounted graser.
9 Capital grasers.
8 Capital disruptors (broadside).
8 Capital grasers (broadside).
4 Torpedo tubes.
45 PD lasers.
FTL: Warp.
Description: Only cruiser unit fielded by the Confederation. It offers a good firepower and decent shielding for a unit that is relatively easy to produce.
All frigate models built by the Confederation have the same dimensions: 450 m in length, 100x100 m in cross-section.
280 Grabia class escort frigate (good point defense and very powerful shields for a ship its size).
280 Sixtra class torpedo frigate (2 torpedo tubes and 1 estrategic torpedo tube).
70 Silent class scout frigate (poor offensive or defensive capabilities, but enhanced sensor gear, speed and stealth).
70 Home class troop transport (heavily shielded but without offensive capabilities. It can carry two infantry divisions or one armored division).
There are seven fleets in the Confederate Navy, each one composed of:
1 mothership.
2 dreadnoughts.
3 attack carriers.
9 strike cruisers.
40 escort frigates.
40 torpedo frigates.
10 scout frigates.
10 troop transports.
Grabians make really good marines in almost every field once properly trained. They excel in urban and spaceship combat, although their dependency on their cyanide breathers is a mayor vulnerability that some enemies might learn to exploit.
Conventional ground forces are also quite good. While not nearly as espectacular as those from other powers, Grabian soldiers strengthened by genetic manipulation and cybernetic implants are fierce enemies that will resist even when facing certain defeat.
Power armor, vehicles, artillery and air support are vital elements in any ground engagement organized by the Ethereals.
Home. Former home of the Masters and currently capital of the Confederation, Home is a beautiful planet for the human mind in spite of its unbreathable atmosphere and the craters opened by Ethereal weapons during the last battle of their revolt that can still be seen from orbit. The planet isn't heavily industrialized and has extensive agricultural areas. Population of 13 billion. Planetary shield, theater shields protecting main population centers, 4 orbital battlestations and ground weapon emplacements, minefields protecting some routes into the system and an early warning sensor network. Base of the 1st fleet.
Grabia. Grabian homeworld with high gravity and an extremely toxic atmosphere. Most ground soldiers are recruited among the local grabians and there are training fields all over the planet. Population of 9 billion. Planetary shield, 2 orbital battlestations and ground weapon emplacements and early warning sensor network. Base of the 2nd fleet.
Prextazsa. Prextazsak homeworld with low gravity that orbits around the smaller star of a binary system and that enjoys great mineral wealth. Industrial heart of the Confederation and primary shipyard for the Fleet. Population of 24 billion. Planetary shield, theater shields protecting main population centers, 3 orbital battlestations and ground weapon emplacements and early warning sensor network. Three orbital shipyards with capital-grade shielding and point defense weaponry. Base of the 3rd fleet.
Borealis. The once desertic Sixtra homeworld was terraformed by human colonists over a century ago killing hundreds of millions of Sixtra in the process. Now, most remaining Sixtra live in colonies in the Lagrange points around their lost homeworld. Nowadays, the planet itself is only inhabited by a few humans that survived the avenging slaughter conducted by the Confederation fifty years ago and some Prextazsak that exploit the mineral resources of the planet.
-Orbital colonies. Population of 1.3 billion. The Sixtra colonies have shielding, weaponry and STL impulse. 2 orbital battlestations, early warning sensor network and minefields blocking some routes into the system. Two orbital shipyards with capital-grade shielding and point defense weaponry. Base of the 4th fleet.
Six colony-worlds (Australis in the same system as Borealis, Fertiakas, T'vears, Bohica, Talathrant and Fervestria (Earth-like moon orbiting a gas giant)) are secondary industrial centers with populations averaging in the 3 billion. All of them have at least 1 orbital battlestation, theater shields that protect main population centers and early warning networks. Bohica and Talathrant have shipyards with capital-grade shielding and point defense weaponry. Bohica is the base of the 5th fleet which has the mission of protecting this six worlds against enemy attack until reinforcements can arrive.
Five colonies (New Home, White Sky, Riverblood, Feraster and Triasleds) are poorly developed agricultural worlds with very light defenses. Their average population is of 16 millions.
Ten neighbouring systems house small outposts that guard the frontiers of the Confederation and/or protect points of economic interest for future expansion. The protection of the outposts and the agricultural colonies is the mission of the 6th fleet, based in Riverblood.
Last edited by Murazor on 2004-06-15 05:35am, edited 18 times in total.
Figure this would be a good place to pose my OOB question. While working on it, my fleet weaponry is coming from the Alternity Starship manual. Max. Maser range is 20 Megameters, thats 20,000 km. Is this a little to extreme?
I've committed the greatest sin, worse than anything done here today. I sold half my soul to the devil. -Ivan Isaac, the Half Souled Knight
Mecha Maniac
Mecha Maniac
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No, not really. I personally use weapons with ranges in the hundreds of thousands of kilometers.Tasoth wrote:Figure this would be a good place to pose my OOB question. While working on it, my fleet weaponry is coming from the Alternity Starship manual. Max. Maser range is 20 Megameters, thats 20,000 km. Is this a little to extreme?

- Dahak
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I prefer to measure my ranges in light seconds 

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

United Bellerephon Territories
History: Displaced by the military coup that created the Star Kingdom of Chimaera, former government fail back to strongholds in its more industrialized systems. Here they were able to hold out until a truce was called and a treaty of peace was drafted. The treaty is respected to this day, but is tenuous at best. While having a large industrial base, the UBT seeks to become a fiscal giant and become responsible for the money of others. This is quite obviously a ploy to maintain their neutrality and gain a great deal of power.
Infantry: Lacking much of the man power of other stellar nations, UBT infantry is well armed and armoured, designed to carry their weight and survive. UBT infantry fears no one and their armour reflects this with its sweeping shoulder pads, crimson color and raptor faced helmets. Standard issue weapon is a 10mm assault rifle firing caseless ammunition. Oft times it can be seen being wielded with a drum magazine, although this is used when fighting is predicted to be long and bloody. There is also an underbarrel laser that comes standard. This weapon is rarely used on infantry as it carries only four shots before needing eight hours to recharge. This gives the infantry the ability to take on enemy armour, reducing medium and light vehicles to molten puddles or flaming wreaks with a single shot. When lightning strikes from orbit are needed, the troopers can be fired from a revolver like tube built into the ventral surface of the troop transports.
AI: To make up for their lack of man power, the UBT uses several forms of AI combatants. For garrison and policing duties, the UBT uses the Peacekeeper series robot. Capable of linking into a centipede like object, the large sphere on legs carry hidden machine guns and potent air tazers beneath an opening in their top. They are capable of surviving a nuclear explosion. For warzone resolutions, the UBT uses a the Cephalopod series assault drone. Looking like a chrome dart the size of a coffin, the cephalod gains its designation from the 6 short range masers and 2 long range heavy masers mounted on their body. They have a flight ceiling of 200 meters and a top speed of 140kph. For use against opposing armour when tanks can not reach the line, the UBT uses the Tick series close combat drone. Resembling a small, six legged sphere, the Tick rushes into range and unleashes torrents of Plasma streamer fire, closing with tanks to bore into the armour and dislodge a gout of plasma inside.
Support Vehicles: The standard infantry support vehicle is the DB-01 Hover Assault platform. Resembling a small chariot/helo hybrid, the DB relies on anti-grav cushions to allow it to strike fast and hard against enemy lines. It mounts a tribarreled .50cal machine gun beneath the front. THe DB-01a is capable of carrying six troopers on its wing turbines and has a dedicated gunner.
Armour: Relying on mobility less then armour, UBT armour tends to be fast and relient on avoiding hits then surviving them. The Hermes Class Light tank/Troop transport is an anti-grav vehicle, the only one of its kind in the UBT armoured divisions. Mounting a Medium Maser cannon in the turrent and a pair of close range plasma streamers for anti-infantry ops, the Hermes moves in, drops its infantry and gets out before it can be taken out. The Posiedon class Medium battle tank is fast for a tracked vehicle its size and fully amphibious. It's role is primarily that of tank hunter, engaging targets at long range with a combination Heavy Maser and coilgun launched anti-tank rounds. It mounts a similar firearm to the infantry rifle for handling enemy anti-tank infantry. Much like the Posiedon, the Ares class Juggernaught is fully amphibious. Unlike the Posiedon, the Ares carries a dedicated AI to help the meager crew run the machine. Truly massive, the Ares can often be seen plowing through enemy lines, its four plasma streamers shrouding it in a cloud of fire while its side mounted Heavy Masers engage enemy armour. To round out the Ares armament, its carries a pair of forward mounted machinegun turrents and a Railgun mounted in the main turrent.
Fighters: The UBT maintains a number of fighter types that are functional in both air and space. The Stryx class light interceptor/recon craft is AI controlled. Mounted a pair of pivot jointed wings with several areas devoted to manuevering thrusters, the Stryx is a highly agile craft. What makes the Stryx even more fearsome is the advanced polymers used in their construction. THe craft returns a radar signature two thirds smaller then it actually is. Standard tactics for the Stirges is to fly in formations resembling triangles from the front, giving the impression to radar operators of a single squadron enroute when their numbers are actually three times as much. The Stryx is armed with a tribarreled Mass Cannon, a fusion lance and a pair of wing mounted Masers. The Wasp class fighter is the workhorse of the fighter wings, having several variatants. The only built in weapon is a rotary Mass Cannon around the nose of the craft designed to compensate for its slow rate of fire.
Frigates: Comprising the Majority of the UBT space force, the Frigate has become the multipurpose vessel. Being the only manned Frigate, the Goshawk Class Standoff Frigate forms the core of the UBT long distance warfare. Mounting few offensive beam batteries, the Goshawk focus on mounting dual Coil turrents, the UBT's means of delivering missles in combat. KNowing how to play the distance game, the Goshawk also has a dedicated AI ran Point Defense system. THe Moa Class lance frigate is one of two Machine Intelligence controlled Frigates. Bristling with AI control beam weaponry, the Moa is lead by the MI at its core, who works much as a Boss would at a factory. Having no need for the ammenities that a human crew needs, the Moa is a massive engine and power plant, having the speed to close to beam range and unleash a hellish wave of Maser death. THe Peregrine Assault Frigate is the sibling ship of the Moa. Ran by a MI and slaved AI's, the Peregrine mounts almost no offensive beam armaments, instead focusing on Coil Turrents and Grappler offense system. The Peregrine is the craft of choice in patrolling the UBT's borders, the sole purpose of the vessel being to close with an opposing vessel, cause several breaches in its hull and disgorge a mass of Tick series Close combat drones in through the holes.
Cruisers: The Phoenix class Cruiser focuses on Beam weaponry, being the fire that its name implies. Mounting the fewest Coil turrents of its family, the Phoenix is the only vessel to mount a spinal emplaced weapon. The weapon that occupies this slot is an overpowered Mass Convertor, a weapon horrifying in effect. Through use of gravitational waves, the Mass Convertor induces corrosion in the hull of its target, ignoring most forms of energy shielding in the process. The Thunderbird Class Heavy Cruiser is the primary choice for orbital bombardments. Mounting a large number of coil turrents, the Thunderbird has been said to bathe entire continents in a cacophonous hellstorm of fire and thunder. The Stymphalian Class Battlecruiser is more balanced armament wise and carries a heavy armour. The Stymphalian is either in formation around a fleet's battleship, working in unison with the bigger ships to engage and take down priority targets or in the front of a fleet, leading the charge and playing cover for the less sturdier vessels.
Battleships: Being the largest hull class in production by the UBT shipyards, Battleships form the flagships of every fleet. The Dragon class Battleship is a lumbering behemoth, mounting both coil and maser batteries. Dragons are designed to inflict the most damage at any range and come through on their role. The Lung class Battleship is light and fast, charged with acting as the UBT's carrier. While this designation might make the Lung sound like easy prey, the Battleship has often engaged and handled smaller vessels sent to take care of it.
Weapons Tech:
-Masers: The standard ship mounted weapon and terrestial vehicle primary armament, the Maser function much the same way as a typical laser only it focuses the Microwave band of the EM spectrum. Invisible to the naked eye, the Masers tell tales are the rolling thunder produced as the air in the beams path is rapidly superheated, forming a vaccuum which brings in cooler air to repeat. Optically, the trails of condensing water vapor left in its passing make the Maser very unsuited for silent attacks and the Maser causes excessive arcing when brought into contact with metal. Vehicularly, the Maser is broken into three rankings: Light, Medium and Heavy. Light Masers are more effective at decimating armoured infantry and light vehicles, having a reduced effect against medium and heavy armoured vehicles. The Medium Maser is the most mounted, offering extreme hitting power against light and medium armour while being able to damage heavy armour with enough time. Heavy Masers are the premier tank based weapon, capable of reducing all but the heaviest armoured units to bubbling hulks in seconds. In Space, the Maser is mounted in three types of setting: Point Defense, Lances and Batteries. Lacking the power of the offensive Masers, Point Defense Masers are used expressly in the purpose of shooting down incoming missles. Lances are the standard mount on vessels for offensive beam weapons. Being potent out to 20,000km, the Lance is capable of rendering an unshielded vessel into a cloud of its constituent particles in seconds. The most common tactic when lances are used is commonly refered to 'Drawing the Line', 'Knifing' or 'Slashing'. It simply consists of dragging the beam acrossed the mass of the target, creating a massive gash acrossed unshielded vessels. Another tactic employed by the Moa and Phoenix is the use of Lances as point defense emplacements, allowing the beam heavy vessels to close to killing range without being chewed apart by missles. Batteries are energy intesive armaments, capable of only being mounted on the larger vessels of the fleet. They consist of four Maser projectors mounted on a single turrent. Programmed to fire in succession as to create a 'never ending' maser beam.
-Mass Cannons: Focusing gravitic forces into a bolt, the Mass cannon impacts like a massive physical collision. Lacking the propagations speed of beam weaponry and the range of the maser, the Mass Cannon is relegated to fighter equipment, giving the strike craft a frigthening ability to be a danger to vessels of any size. The MC's maximum range of 15,000 KM is rarely used during combat except for against large, slow or immobile targets, the fighter pilots viewing closer battles as more 'proper'. Another downfall of the MC is its horrendous rate of fire, fighters mounting multiple barrels to compensate for this.
-Plasma Streamers: Used primarily for close range assaults and clearing large areas of corridors, plasma streamers disgorge a 10m gout of plasma at its intended victim. The end of the stream is roughly 5m wide. The plasma discharged runs hot enough to instantly render a man into ash and quickly bore through armour.
-Coil Turrents: Using a thick coil of conductive wire, the coil turrent discharges warheads at a high fraction of C. The types of warheads is variable, but the most common type is a high powered Nuclear warhead with a yield rated at 800mt. Issued in lesser numbers are what are reverently referred to as 'Big Berthas', Nukes that are twice the power of the standard nuke. To make room for the larger payload, the thrusters were weakened, giving the warhead a lesser accelleration once the boosters kick in. There are also two more common, non-destructive warheads used in the fleets. The first is an EMP warhead that is heavily stocked inside the Moa and Phoenix. In the current age, attempt to permanently shutdown a military vessel is an excepted impossibility for the time being so the EMP warhead is designed to temporarily short out an opposing vessels systems for a short time, time enough for allied ships to close to beam range. The second type is a chaff type warhead. When fired, the warhead detonates close to the fleet, ushering a rapidly expanding cloud of millions of energy reflecting flechettes. Designed to confuse warheads and targetting computers, the Chaff warhead is carried in limited numbers. Standard warheads carry a two stage booster. Being fired at a ludicrous velocity to begin with, the primary booster is activated once inside the beam envelope of a vessel, quickly adding 15% to the missles velocity. Once inside the point defense envelope, the secondary booster kicks in and adds an additional 30% to the missle. Fired from a coil turrent, the Grappler system lacks any booster system, instead having an electromagnet and chemical bonding system that remain intact until a preset amount of time passes, usually enough to bring the weapon into very close proximity to a vessel. Once they have made hull contact, the AIs wait for a set amount to attach before detonating a pair of shaped charge. The end result is a rapid venting of the target vessels atmosphere and entry points for boarding parties. Coil batteries only differ from coil turrents in that they mount four coilguns.
Fleet Vessels:
Standard Equipment
SUblight: Induction Engine: Cruising speed: 166,220Km/S
FTL: Drivewave: 50ly radius, 11 hour transit
Hyperdrive: 10ly/hr
Reactor: Mass Reactor
Goshawk Class Standoff Frigate
Length: 300m
6 Dual Coil turrents
350 tac nukes
45 Big Berthas
5 Chaff
2 Maser Lances
6 PD Masers
Crew: 25 naval, 10 technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 5 Support AI
Moa Class Lance Frigate
Length: 200m
8 Maser Lances
4 PD Masers
2 Coil Turrents
Crew: 1 Machine Intelligence, 18 Support AI
Peregrine Class Patrol Frigate
Length: 300m
8 Dual Coil Turrents
325 Tac Nukes
250 Grapplers
75 EMP warheads
6 PD Masers
Crew: 1 Machine Intelligence, 18 Support AI, 75 Tick Close Combat drones
Phoenix Class Cruiser
Length: 400m
1 Mass Convertor
12 Maser Lances
8 PD Masers
4 Dual Coil Turrents
500 Tac Nukes
150 Big Berthas
50 Chaff Warheads
Crew: 45 Naval, 25 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 10 Support AI
Thunderbird Class Heavy Cruiser
16 Dual Coil Turrents
500 Tac Nukes
200 Big Berthas
50 Chaff
50 EMP
8 PD Masers
Crew: 45 Naval, 25 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 10 Support AI
Stymphalian Class Battlecruiser
6 Maser Lances
10 Dual Coil Turrents
500 Tac Nukes
150 Big Berthas
50 Chaff
Crew: 50 Naval, 30 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 12 Support AI
Dragon Class Battleship
Length: 750m
6 Maser Lances
4 Maser Batteries
8 PD Masers
2 Coil Batteries
10 Dual Coil Turrents
600 Tac Nukes
200 Big Berthas
50 Chaff
25 EMP
Crew: 75 Naval, 40 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 20 Support AI
Lung Class Battleship
Length: 800m
1 Maser Battery
6 Maser Lances
4 PD Masers
4 Dual Coil turrents
200 Tac Nukes
100 Big Berthas
Fighter Complement: 3 Squadrons (36) Wasp or 6 Squadrons (72) Strigoi
Crew: 60 Naval, 50 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 20 Support AI and 36 Pilots or 72 Combat Pilot AI
Minos Homeguard:
2 Lung Class Battleships, 1 Dragon Class Battleship, 8 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 6 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 12 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 12 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Nero Homeguard:
2 Dragon Class Battleship, 6 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 4 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 8 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 14 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Motherload Homeguard:
2 Dragon Class Battleship, 6 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 5 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 6 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 16 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Arbor Homeguard:
2 Dragon Class Battleship, 9 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 20 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Carbon Chain Homeguard:
1 Dragon Class Battleship, 4 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 2 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 10 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 10 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Metropolis Homeguard:
2 Lung Class Battleships, 5 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 4 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 16 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 8 Goshawk Class Standoff Frigates.
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Lancers:
3 Lung Class Battleships, 2 Dragon Class Battleships, 4 Thunderbird Class Heavy Cruisers, 8 Phoenix Class Cruisers, 4 Goshawk Class Standoff Frigates, 12 Moa Class Lance Frigates.
Bellerophoni Ground forces:
2 million Infantry and Support Personnel.
1 million Peacekeeper Drones, three-forths in storage.
4 million Cephalopod Drones, ninety Percent in Storage.
4 Million Tick Drones, eighty five percent in storage.
50,000 Hermes Light tanks.
50,000 Posiedon Medium Tanks.
2,500 Ares Heavy Tanks.
Bellerophoni Systems:
Total Controlled: 6
Estimated Pop.: 30 billion
General Planetary Info:
Minos: The capital planet of the UBT, Minos is one of the less industrialized planets in their care. Even then, Minos has a booming industry and currently the largest shipyard in UBT space. Almost every inch of its habitable surface has given way to a massive sprawl, housing thousands of automated facilities.
Nero: A desert world with an atmosphere choked with heavy metal, the inhabitants of Nero live inside large, domed cities. Nero has never been terraformed as the inhabitants have devised a way to filter the atmosphere for profit. Mining is of importance on this planet as is the hunting of the legendary Neroian Worm.
Motherload: A dark planet of basalt rock, Motherload is heavy in metals and has rapidly expanded to become a major manufacturing and refining planet. From space, the planet is black with a webway of phosperescent green cracks visible.
Arbor: A planet of verdant plains, meandering rivers and no seas, Arbor is the bread basket of the UBT. Should Arbor ever fall, the rest of the UBT would suffer a slow death through starvation. Because of this fact, the 2nd and 3rd Lancers are stationed here when not assaulting a system.
Carbon Chain: Rich in fossil fuels and mined heavily for industrial diamonds and other carbon based minerals, Carbon Chain's surface is mainly thick swamps.
Metropolis: A bigger Sprawl then Minos, Metropolis is almost totally automated. Home to the Majority of the Machine Intelligences in the UBT, Metropolis is also ground zero for cutting edge research.
Notes: the UBT is inhabitated by Machine and Artificial Intelligences. There are several differences between the two. AI cannot replicate themselves and are often created by MI. New MI are created by two or more older MI working in conjunction. This process is not taken lightly as any errors could result in a homicidal Intelligence. Another difference is the mental patterns of the two. AI are sentient, but single minded. AI created to serve as the motivators in Cephalopod chasis work to fulfill their goal and nothing else: the eradication of opposition. Machine Intelligences on the other hand are creative, being on the same level as humans as far as personality and individuality goes. The high number of MI and AI living in UBT space was one of the major factors in the UBT surviving the civil war. As several fleets ready themselves over the worlds of the UBT, the Machine Intelligences attacked, hurling AI reworked to act as sentient viruses. Within seconds they have over run the ships system and delivered an ultimatum. The vessels were allowed to leave and a peace treaty was signed.
History: Displaced by the military coup that created the Star Kingdom of Chimaera, former government fail back to strongholds in its more industrialized systems. Here they were able to hold out until a truce was called and a treaty of peace was drafted. The treaty is respected to this day, but is tenuous at best. While having a large industrial base, the UBT seeks to become a fiscal giant and become responsible for the money of others. This is quite obviously a ploy to maintain their neutrality and gain a great deal of power.
Infantry: Lacking much of the man power of other stellar nations, UBT infantry is well armed and armoured, designed to carry their weight and survive. UBT infantry fears no one and their armour reflects this with its sweeping shoulder pads, crimson color and raptor faced helmets. Standard issue weapon is a 10mm assault rifle firing caseless ammunition. Oft times it can be seen being wielded with a drum magazine, although this is used when fighting is predicted to be long and bloody. There is also an underbarrel laser that comes standard. This weapon is rarely used on infantry as it carries only four shots before needing eight hours to recharge. This gives the infantry the ability to take on enemy armour, reducing medium and light vehicles to molten puddles or flaming wreaks with a single shot. When lightning strikes from orbit are needed, the troopers can be fired from a revolver like tube built into the ventral surface of the troop transports.
AI: To make up for their lack of man power, the UBT uses several forms of AI combatants. For garrison and policing duties, the UBT uses the Peacekeeper series robot. Capable of linking into a centipede like object, the large sphere on legs carry hidden machine guns and potent air tazers beneath an opening in their top. They are capable of surviving a nuclear explosion. For warzone resolutions, the UBT uses a the Cephalopod series assault drone. Looking like a chrome dart the size of a coffin, the cephalod gains its designation from the 6 short range masers and 2 long range heavy masers mounted on their body. They have a flight ceiling of 200 meters and a top speed of 140kph. For use against opposing armour when tanks can not reach the line, the UBT uses the Tick series close combat drone. Resembling a small, six legged sphere, the Tick rushes into range and unleashes torrents of Plasma streamer fire, closing with tanks to bore into the armour and dislodge a gout of plasma inside.
Support Vehicles: The standard infantry support vehicle is the DB-01 Hover Assault platform. Resembling a small chariot/helo hybrid, the DB relies on anti-grav cushions to allow it to strike fast and hard against enemy lines. It mounts a tribarreled .50cal machine gun beneath the front. THe DB-01a is capable of carrying six troopers on its wing turbines and has a dedicated gunner.
Armour: Relying on mobility less then armour, UBT armour tends to be fast and relient on avoiding hits then surviving them. The Hermes Class Light tank/Troop transport is an anti-grav vehicle, the only one of its kind in the UBT armoured divisions. Mounting a Medium Maser cannon in the turrent and a pair of close range plasma streamers for anti-infantry ops, the Hermes moves in, drops its infantry and gets out before it can be taken out. The Posiedon class Medium battle tank is fast for a tracked vehicle its size and fully amphibious. It's role is primarily that of tank hunter, engaging targets at long range with a combination Heavy Maser and coilgun launched anti-tank rounds. It mounts a similar firearm to the infantry rifle for handling enemy anti-tank infantry. Much like the Posiedon, the Ares class Juggernaught is fully amphibious. Unlike the Posiedon, the Ares carries a dedicated AI to help the meager crew run the machine. Truly massive, the Ares can often be seen plowing through enemy lines, its four plasma streamers shrouding it in a cloud of fire while its side mounted Heavy Masers engage enemy armour. To round out the Ares armament, its carries a pair of forward mounted machinegun turrents and a Railgun mounted in the main turrent.
Fighters: The UBT maintains a number of fighter types that are functional in both air and space. The Stryx class light interceptor/recon craft is AI controlled. Mounted a pair of pivot jointed wings with several areas devoted to manuevering thrusters, the Stryx is a highly agile craft. What makes the Stryx even more fearsome is the advanced polymers used in their construction. THe craft returns a radar signature two thirds smaller then it actually is. Standard tactics for the Stirges is to fly in formations resembling triangles from the front, giving the impression to radar operators of a single squadron enroute when their numbers are actually three times as much. The Stryx is armed with a tribarreled Mass Cannon, a fusion lance and a pair of wing mounted Masers. The Wasp class fighter is the workhorse of the fighter wings, having several variatants. The only built in weapon is a rotary Mass Cannon around the nose of the craft designed to compensate for its slow rate of fire.
Frigates: Comprising the Majority of the UBT space force, the Frigate has become the multipurpose vessel. Being the only manned Frigate, the Goshawk Class Standoff Frigate forms the core of the UBT long distance warfare. Mounting few offensive beam batteries, the Goshawk focus on mounting dual Coil turrents, the UBT's means of delivering missles in combat. KNowing how to play the distance game, the Goshawk also has a dedicated AI ran Point Defense system. THe Moa Class lance frigate is one of two Machine Intelligence controlled Frigates. Bristling with AI control beam weaponry, the Moa is lead by the MI at its core, who works much as a Boss would at a factory. Having no need for the ammenities that a human crew needs, the Moa is a massive engine and power plant, having the speed to close to beam range and unleash a hellish wave of Maser death. THe Peregrine Assault Frigate is the sibling ship of the Moa. Ran by a MI and slaved AI's, the Peregrine mounts almost no offensive beam armaments, instead focusing on Coil Turrents and Grappler offense system. The Peregrine is the craft of choice in patrolling the UBT's borders, the sole purpose of the vessel being to close with an opposing vessel, cause several breaches in its hull and disgorge a mass of Tick series Close combat drones in through the holes.
Cruisers: The Phoenix class Cruiser focuses on Beam weaponry, being the fire that its name implies. Mounting the fewest Coil turrents of its family, the Phoenix is the only vessel to mount a spinal emplaced weapon. The weapon that occupies this slot is an overpowered Mass Convertor, a weapon horrifying in effect. Through use of gravitational waves, the Mass Convertor induces corrosion in the hull of its target, ignoring most forms of energy shielding in the process. The Thunderbird Class Heavy Cruiser is the primary choice for orbital bombardments. Mounting a large number of coil turrents, the Thunderbird has been said to bathe entire continents in a cacophonous hellstorm of fire and thunder. The Stymphalian Class Battlecruiser is more balanced armament wise and carries a heavy armour. The Stymphalian is either in formation around a fleet's battleship, working in unison with the bigger ships to engage and take down priority targets or in the front of a fleet, leading the charge and playing cover for the less sturdier vessels.
Battleships: Being the largest hull class in production by the UBT shipyards, Battleships form the flagships of every fleet. The Dragon class Battleship is a lumbering behemoth, mounting both coil and maser batteries. Dragons are designed to inflict the most damage at any range and come through on their role. The Lung class Battleship is light and fast, charged with acting as the UBT's carrier. While this designation might make the Lung sound like easy prey, the Battleship has often engaged and handled smaller vessels sent to take care of it.
Weapons Tech:
-Masers: The standard ship mounted weapon and terrestial vehicle primary armament, the Maser function much the same way as a typical laser only it focuses the Microwave band of the EM spectrum. Invisible to the naked eye, the Masers tell tales are the rolling thunder produced as the air in the beams path is rapidly superheated, forming a vaccuum which brings in cooler air to repeat. Optically, the trails of condensing water vapor left in its passing make the Maser very unsuited for silent attacks and the Maser causes excessive arcing when brought into contact with metal. Vehicularly, the Maser is broken into three rankings: Light, Medium and Heavy. Light Masers are more effective at decimating armoured infantry and light vehicles, having a reduced effect against medium and heavy armoured vehicles. The Medium Maser is the most mounted, offering extreme hitting power against light and medium armour while being able to damage heavy armour with enough time. Heavy Masers are the premier tank based weapon, capable of reducing all but the heaviest armoured units to bubbling hulks in seconds. In Space, the Maser is mounted in three types of setting: Point Defense, Lances and Batteries. Lacking the power of the offensive Masers, Point Defense Masers are used expressly in the purpose of shooting down incoming missles. Lances are the standard mount on vessels for offensive beam weapons. Being potent out to 20,000km, the Lance is capable of rendering an unshielded vessel into a cloud of its constituent particles in seconds. The most common tactic when lances are used is commonly refered to 'Drawing the Line', 'Knifing' or 'Slashing'. It simply consists of dragging the beam acrossed the mass of the target, creating a massive gash acrossed unshielded vessels. Another tactic employed by the Moa and Phoenix is the use of Lances as point defense emplacements, allowing the beam heavy vessels to close to killing range without being chewed apart by missles. Batteries are energy intesive armaments, capable of only being mounted on the larger vessels of the fleet. They consist of four Maser projectors mounted on a single turrent. Programmed to fire in succession as to create a 'never ending' maser beam.
-Mass Cannons: Focusing gravitic forces into a bolt, the Mass cannon impacts like a massive physical collision. Lacking the propagations speed of beam weaponry and the range of the maser, the Mass Cannon is relegated to fighter equipment, giving the strike craft a frigthening ability to be a danger to vessels of any size. The MC's maximum range of 15,000 KM is rarely used during combat except for against large, slow or immobile targets, the fighter pilots viewing closer battles as more 'proper'. Another downfall of the MC is its horrendous rate of fire, fighters mounting multiple barrels to compensate for this.
-Plasma Streamers: Used primarily for close range assaults and clearing large areas of corridors, plasma streamers disgorge a 10m gout of plasma at its intended victim. The end of the stream is roughly 5m wide. The plasma discharged runs hot enough to instantly render a man into ash and quickly bore through armour.
-Coil Turrents: Using a thick coil of conductive wire, the coil turrent discharges warheads at a high fraction of C. The types of warheads is variable, but the most common type is a high powered Nuclear warhead with a yield rated at 800mt. Issued in lesser numbers are what are reverently referred to as 'Big Berthas', Nukes that are twice the power of the standard nuke. To make room for the larger payload, the thrusters were weakened, giving the warhead a lesser accelleration once the boosters kick in. There are also two more common, non-destructive warheads used in the fleets. The first is an EMP warhead that is heavily stocked inside the Moa and Phoenix. In the current age, attempt to permanently shutdown a military vessel is an excepted impossibility for the time being so the EMP warhead is designed to temporarily short out an opposing vessels systems for a short time, time enough for allied ships to close to beam range. The second type is a chaff type warhead. When fired, the warhead detonates close to the fleet, ushering a rapidly expanding cloud of millions of energy reflecting flechettes. Designed to confuse warheads and targetting computers, the Chaff warhead is carried in limited numbers. Standard warheads carry a two stage booster. Being fired at a ludicrous velocity to begin with, the primary booster is activated once inside the beam envelope of a vessel, quickly adding 15% to the missles velocity. Once inside the point defense envelope, the secondary booster kicks in and adds an additional 30% to the missle. Fired from a coil turrent, the Grappler system lacks any booster system, instead having an electromagnet and chemical bonding system that remain intact until a preset amount of time passes, usually enough to bring the weapon into very close proximity to a vessel. Once they have made hull contact, the AIs wait for a set amount to attach before detonating a pair of shaped charge. The end result is a rapid venting of the target vessels atmosphere and entry points for boarding parties. Coil batteries only differ from coil turrents in that they mount four coilguns.
Fleet Vessels:
Standard Equipment
SUblight: Induction Engine: Cruising speed: 166,220Km/S
FTL: Drivewave: 50ly radius, 11 hour transit
Hyperdrive: 10ly/hr
Reactor: Mass Reactor
Goshawk Class Standoff Frigate
Length: 300m
6 Dual Coil turrents
350 tac nukes
45 Big Berthas
5 Chaff
2 Maser Lances
6 PD Masers
Crew: 25 naval, 10 technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 5 Support AI
Moa Class Lance Frigate
Length: 200m
8 Maser Lances
4 PD Masers
2 Coil Turrents
Crew: 1 Machine Intelligence, 18 Support AI
Peregrine Class Patrol Frigate
Length: 300m
8 Dual Coil Turrents
325 Tac Nukes
250 Grapplers
75 EMP warheads
6 PD Masers
Crew: 1 Machine Intelligence, 18 Support AI, 75 Tick Close Combat drones
Phoenix Class Cruiser
Length: 400m
1 Mass Convertor
12 Maser Lances
8 PD Masers
4 Dual Coil Turrents
500 Tac Nukes
150 Big Berthas
50 Chaff Warheads
Crew: 45 Naval, 25 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 10 Support AI
Thunderbird Class Heavy Cruiser
16 Dual Coil Turrents
500 Tac Nukes
200 Big Berthas
50 Chaff
50 EMP
8 PD Masers
Crew: 45 Naval, 25 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 10 Support AI
Stymphalian Class Battlecruiser
6 Maser Lances
10 Dual Coil Turrents
500 Tac Nukes
150 Big Berthas
50 Chaff
Crew: 50 Naval, 30 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 12 Support AI
Dragon Class Battleship
Length: 750m
6 Maser Lances
4 Maser Batteries
8 PD Masers
2 Coil Batteries
10 Dual Coil Turrents
600 Tac Nukes
200 Big Berthas
50 Chaff
25 EMP
Crew: 75 Naval, 40 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 20 Support AI
Lung Class Battleship
Length: 800m
1 Maser Battery
6 Maser Lances
4 PD Masers
4 Dual Coil turrents
200 Tac Nukes
100 Big Berthas
Fighter Complement: 3 Squadrons (36) Wasp or 6 Squadrons (72) Strigoi
Crew: 60 Naval, 50 Technicians, 1 Machine Intelligence, 20 Support AI and 36 Pilots or 72 Combat Pilot AI
Minos Homeguard:
2 Lung Class Battleships, 1 Dragon Class Battleship, 8 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 6 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 12 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 12 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Nero Homeguard:
2 Dragon Class Battleship, 6 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 4 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 8 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 14 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Motherload Homeguard:
2 Dragon Class Battleship, 6 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 5 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 6 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 16 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Arbor Homeguard:
2 Dragon Class Battleship, 9 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 20 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Carbon Chain Homeguard:
1 Dragon Class Battleship, 4 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 2 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 10 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 10 Goshawk Standoff Frigates.
Metropolis Homeguard:
2 Lung Class Battleships, 5 Stymphalian Battlecruisers, 4 Thunderbird Heavy Cruisers, 16 Peregrin Patrol Frigates, 8 Goshawk Class Standoff Frigates.
1st, 2nd, & 3rd Lancers:
3 Lung Class Battleships, 2 Dragon Class Battleships, 4 Thunderbird Class Heavy Cruisers, 8 Phoenix Class Cruisers, 4 Goshawk Class Standoff Frigates, 12 Moa Class Lance Frigates.
Bellerophoni Ground forces:
2 million Infantry and Support Personnel.
1 million Peacekeeper Drones, three-forths in storage.
4 million Cephalopod Drones, ninety Percent in Storage.
4 Million Tick Drones, eighty five percent in storage.
50,000 Hermes Light tanks.
50,000 Posiedon Medium Tanks.
2,500 Ares Heavy Tanks.
Bellerophoni Systems:
Total Controlled: 6
Estimated Pop.: 30 billion
General Planetary Info:
Minos: The capital planet of the UBT, Minos is one of the less industrialized planets in their care. Even then, Minos has a booming industry and currently the largest shipyard in UBT space. Almost every inch of its habitable surface has given way to a massive sprawl, housing thousands of automated facilities.
Nero: A desert world with an atmosphere choked with heavy metal, the inhabitants of Nero live inside large, domed cities. Nero has never been terraformed as the inhabitants have devised a way to filter the atmosphere for profit. Mining is of importance on this planet as is the hunting of the legendary Neroian Worm.
Motherload: A dark planet of basalt rock, Motherload is heavy in metals and has rapidly expanded to become a major manufacturing and refining planet. From space, the planet is black with a webway of phosperescent green cracks visible.
Arbor: A planet of verdant plains, meandering rivers and no seas, Arbor is the bread basket of the UBT. Should Arbor ever fall, the rest of the UBT would suffer a slow death through starvation. Because of this fact, the 2nd and 3rd Lancers are stationed here when not assaulting a system.
Carbon Chain: Rich in fossil fuels and mined heavily for industrial diamonds and other carbon based minerals, Carbon Chain's surface is mainly thick swamps.
Metropolis: A bigger Sprawl then Minos, Metropolis is almost totally automated. Home to the Majority of the Machine Intelligences in the UBT, Metropolis is also ground zero for cutting edge research.
Notes: the UBT is inhabitated by Machine and Artificial Intelligences. There are several differences between the two. AI cannot replicate themselves and are often created by MI. New MI are created by two or more older MI working in conjunction. This process is not taken lightly as any errors could result in a homicidal Intelligence. Another difference is the mental patterns of the two. AI are sentient, but single minded. AI created to serve as the motivators in Cephalopod chasis work to fulfill their goal and nothing else: the eradication of opposition. Machine Intelligences on the other hand are creative, being on the same level as humans as far as personality and individuality goes. The high number of MI and AI living in UBT space was one of the major factors in the UBT surviving the civil war. As several fleets ready themselves over the worlds of the UBT, the Machine Intelligences attacked, hurling AI reworked to act as sentient viruses. Within seconds they have over run the ships system and delivered an ultimatum. The vessels were allowed to leave and a peace treaty was signed.
I've committed the greatest sin, worse than anything done here today. I sold half my soul to the devil. -Ivan Isaac, the Half Souled Knight
Mecha Maniac
Mecha Maniac
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- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
Colonies are the sixth planets with homeguards and mentioned in the small blurbs. I'm on the outskirts of tycho's empire, how ever far he maybe. And yes, the undersized was intentiona.
I've committed the greatest sin, worse than anything done here today. I sold half my soul to the devil. -Ivan Isaac, the Half Souled Knight
Mecha Maniac
Mecha Maniac
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- Location: Just across the mighty Hudson
- Alyrium Denryle
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BTW you ships will get eaten alive by missiles.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
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Well, building speed maybe. But not dodging.Thirdfain wrote:-shrug- don't expect any building speed or dodging advantages, and your ships will die faster once their shields die. There's only so much firepower and equipment you can fit in a BB one twentieth the size of it's contemporaries.

GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est