How is it criminal?Gil Hamilton wrote:You moron, a couple of 4 years olds may be dangerous to a 3 year old, but 9 year old girls (particularly handcuffed ones) are not dangerous to a pair of police officers and only a true idiot with think otherwise.
He did what he judges had to be done, and he should go to jail for it for a very long time, because it was a seriously bad and criminal act.
I suppose you're one of those retards who think police shouldn't be allowed to even touch the punks, and are always the first in line to bitch about "police violence", or cry for some mothafucking crackjunkie who gets his head blown off for threatening the cops with a gun, yet at the same time you'd be the first to bitch about them for not coming fast enough and blowing the bad guy's brains out when the shit happens to you.
He could have any right to shock that girl, because, you idiot, she doesn't have to pose a threat to HIM in order to justify it. He could have justifiably tased her because she presented a threat to herself, but of course you would comfortably forget about taking that into account, wouldn't you?
So in conclusion, let the police do their job, and if you are a lawabiding citizen, they won't be touching you just for the hell of it, so you should just shut the fuck up with your whining act and cut them some fucking slack.