consequences wrote:Which is why those were area effect wepons designed to clear away decoys and such in the first place. If your ship radically changes its manuevering profile to avoid the effect,
It won't have to. Just launching my own charges and changing attitude by a single degree would make 90% of them miss by hundreds of kilometers. You have to remember that we're engaging from very long ranges, here.
And anyway, ships in this STGOD are shielded, running with active engines, and shooting out far more heat and energy than the state, county, and city of New York. They already stick out like a sore thumb, clearing away decoys and changing maneuvering profiles is wasted time, because you can already see them just fine.
its going to do my work for me by standing out. At least, that's the theory.
The theory is bunk, and if you're wasting space towards that end, then you're not going to have sufficient firepower to stand against my ships and their guns. I would suggest concentrating on heavy missiles and large guns, the tech level favors them.