I crushed him with my bare hands!

Moderator: NecronLord
What makes you say that? He gives a good account for himself in season 1.Shadow WarChief wrote:I have. It was actully watching that poorly written tripe that convinced me G1 Megatron was a fucking idiot.Darth_Shinji wrote:
And if anyone says he is an idiot I suggest you watch the original transformers before saying that.
Before I was rather indifferent.
thanks for supporting me. In the first episode of G1 alone, I saw so many incidence's of FUCKING IDIOCY that I almost dashed my brains against a wall...VF5SS wrote:Comc Megatron maybe, but cartoon Megatron was the standard 80's bad guy.
Actually megatron did not crush prime with this bare hands, He used a gun and a light saber type weapon. Prime was the one kicking ass. HA HA HAGalvatron wrote:
I crushed him with my bare hands!
Shadow WarChief wrote:thanks for supporting me. In the first episode of G1 alone, I saw so many incidence's of FUCKING IDIOCY that I almost dashed my brains against a wall...VF5SS wrote:Comc Megatron maybe, but cartoon Megatron was the standard 80's bad guy.
•he let the autobots lived when he should have killed them.
•He had Shockwave keep cybertron in some kind of fucking "don't take any initiative at all" mode.
•He gave Starscream a slap on the wrist after betraying him 3 TIMES IN A FUCKING ROW!
Reason #2 as to why he should have killed starscream: For puting the decepticons through so much pain for oer 50 years...Darth_Shinji wrote: 1) No he didn't... the autobots were pieces all over the place. If it wasn't for Starcream the battle would of never started.
Darth_Shinji wrote:2) What was he going to do with no energon? Thats why the decepticons are staying on earth in the first place. The decepticons on cybertron do not have enought energoin to singifantly repair cybertion after a million years. And he was activly fighting what remained of the autobot resistance and as far as we know, they are wiped out by the movie.
Beast Wars Megatron's leniency was dictated by practicality. At the beginning of the show, his army numbered 6. When Dinobot took command, Megatron tried to kill him, knowing that even with the death of his first traitor he outnumbered the autobots by 20% He did not anticipate that dinobot would live from the attack and join the autobots, making both armies equal in terms of numbers.Darth_Shinji wrote:3) Yes Starscream is the big plot-protected traitor of tranformers... as if BW megatron didn't forgive his betrayers constantly.
Darth_Shinji wrote:And you forget to mention that he for all intents and purposes he won those pilot episodes... He outsmarted Prime... defeated the autobots and only the illusion bot sabotaging his ship and starscreams incometence made his plan failed.
Shadow WarChief wrote:Reason #2 as to why he should have killed starscream: For puting the decepticons through so much pain for oer 50 years...Darth_Shinji wrote: 1) No he didn't... the autobots were pieces all over the place. If it wasn't for Starcream the battle would of never started.
The #1 reason being that on cybertron he flat out stated that he was going to do anything he could to get Megatron's job.[/Qoute] Concession accepted.. megatron didn't keep them alive reason 1 is gone.
Darth_Shinji wrote:2) What was he going to do with no energon? Thats why the decepticons are staying on earth in the first place. The decepticons on cybertron do not have enought energoin to singifantly repair cybertion after a million years. And he was activly fighting what remained of the autobot resistance and as far as we know, they are wiped out by the movie.
[Qoute]But they weren't wiped out by 1984. What does this tell us? That for 4 million years, the decepticons were able to operate cybertron. 4 FUCKING MILLION YEARS and they left cybertron for a fuel stop because "they were running low"
idiocy...[/qoute] and so you blame megatron for SHOCKWAVE'S idoicy? They guy was asleep for 4 million years and you blame him for shockwave's...what? What did he did that was so fucking stupid? You don't even give a clear reason to why this was a stupid move.
Look above. So far you blame megs for stuff he couldn't control.Beast Wars Megatron's leniency was dictated by practicality. At the beginning of the show, his army numbered [i wrote:6. When Dinobot took command, Megatron tried to kill him, knowing that even with the death of his first traitor he outnumbered the autobots by 20% He did not anticipate that dinobot would live from the attack and join the autobots, making both armies equal in terms of numbers./quote] Of course if I was you I would call him a fucking idiot for letting dinobot live though the assanation atteampt..even though it was not any circumstances he could control...but hey you do it to G1 megs below.
[Q]his next traitor was terrorsaur But by this time, if he had actually killed this traitor then the maximals would outnumber HIM by 20% of their forces. That was strategically unnacceptable.
G1 Megatron has no such excuse because he had a fucking planet full of transformers at his beck and call. So what if he only had a small number on earth? He built the space bridge for God's sake. He coulda launched a full scale invasion any time he wanted. BUT HE DIDN'T.[/Q] Could he? I've never seen these numbers in the original series I've always saw the transformers as having a very small population by modern day earth. And if the decepticons had more people off-screen the autobots surly did too.
Darth_Shinji wrote:And you forget to mention that he for all intents and purposes he won those pilot episodes... He outsmarted Prime... defeated the autobots and only the illusion bot sabotaging his ship and starscreams incometence made his plan failed.
yeah right, gtting your ship blown to shit, crashing into the ocean, losing everything you gained in the last 3 episodes, having the autobots gain the help of the humans....That's REAL successful campaign there...
Shadow WarChief wrote:thanks for supporting me. In the first episode of G1 alone, I saw so many incidence's of FUCKING IDIOCY that I almost dashed my brains against a wall...VF5SS wrote:Comc Megatron maybe, but cartoon Megatron was the standard 80's bad guy.
•he let the autobots lived when he should have killed them.
•He had Shockwave keep cybertron in some kind of fucking "don't take any initiative at all" mode.
•He gave Starscream a slap on the wrist after betraying him 3 TIMES IN A FUCKING ROW!
And the most ironic part of all is that this fucking BEDPAN has the nerve to be worshipped by 20 million aging nostalgic freaks while a fucking 16 year old can think up better plans...
as for Comic megatron, I'll let his special brand of idiocy speak for itself
Darth_Shinji wrote:.
Concession accepted.. megatron didn't keep them alive reason 1 is gone.
Darth_Shinji wrote:.and so you blame megatron for SHOCKWAVE'S idoicy? They guy was asleep for 4 million years and you blame him for shockwave's...what? What did he did that was so fucking stupid? You don't even give a clear reason to why this was a stupid move.
Darth_Shinji wrote:.Of course if I was you I would call him a fucking idiot for letting dinobot live though the assanation atteampt..even though it was not any circumstances he could control..
Darth_Shinji wrote:.Could he? I've never seen these numbers in the original series I've always saw the transformers as having a very small population by modern day earth. And if the decepticons had more people off-screen the autobots surly did too.
What? I blame him for stuff for which he was directly responsible.Darth_Shinji wrote:.Look above. So far you blame megs for stuff he couldn't control.