Or am I just pissing into the wind trying to find it?

Moderator: Thanas
Well, there is the contact sellar option if the person didn't put enough details of it.~JasonInnocentBystander wrote:I can't bring myself to use ebay, I like knowing what I'm buying. I have no idea what I'm getting if I use ebay. Perhaps I have too little faith?
Outright fraud is pretty rare and usually easy to avoid if you're careful. Ditto stupid tricks like the guy who sold the box an XBox came in for $300 because the buyer wasn't paying enough attention.InnocentBystander wrote:I can't bring myself to use ebay, I like knowing what I'm buying. I have no idea what I'm getting if I use ebay. Perhaps I have too little faith?
Sure. They call this the "Taster Pack" so it just has the Sovvie, Defiant, ISD, Carrack, and maybe some MC ships, but the groundwork's all there.InnocentBystander wrote:Really, got any links? I know star wars weapons work in power ranges an order of magnitude greater, but I’m sure concessions were made for game play’s sake.
I agree, and I wouldn't mind hearing you go into detail.Uraniun235 wrote:Bridge Commander suffered from the problem that the game was very pretty but had little substance. Ironically, I found that where Bridge Commander was strong was often where Klingon Academy was weak, and vice versa. If anyone's interested I can go into detail, but basically, there were times when I felt like the development team had gotten so pumped with the idea that their game was "so easy to mod" that they decided to make their game a very bare one and leave the rest to the modders.
There's also the issue that Totally Games lied to the people who were interested in the game; they said that they would be as faithful to the franchise as humanly possible, because the ships of Star Trek were 'inherently unbalanced' and to balance them would mean detracting from the experience.
I can only assume that changed when they decided to delay the game for several months to tack on multiplayer, because when the game came out, the characteristics of the starships were wildly inaccurate. Hey, the Galaxy class only has the saucer phasers... and four forward-facing torpedos... and they take fucking forever to reload/recharge. Wow. And I have to line up the torpedo tubes precisely. WOW, I have to fucking jockey a 4.5 million ton starship into a firing solution, rather than have the torpedos fire off-axis like has been seen on TV, and in Klingon Academy.
BTW Klingon Academy for all its problems is still a much better game. Lots of content if you know where to look.Alferd Packer wrote:Does anyone know of an online vendor where I might find this game? Amazon turned up nothing, and the six stores I've been to so far haven't had a copy of this game.
Or am I just pissing into the wind trying to find it?
zUraniun235 wrote:Bridge Commander suffered from the problem that the game was very pretty but had little substance. Ironically, I found that where Bridge Commander was strong was often where Klingon Academy was weak, and vice versa. If anyone's interested I can go into detail, but basically, there were times when I felt like the development team had gotten so pumped with the idea that their game was "so easy to mod" that they decided to make their game a very bare one and leave the rest to the modders.
There's also the issue that Totally Games lied to the people who were interested in the game; they said that they would be as faithful to the franchise as humanly possible, because the ships of Star Trek were 'inherently unbalanced' and to balance them would mean detracting from the experience.
I can only assume that changed when they decided to delay the game for several months to tack on multiplayer, because when the game came out, the characteristics of the starships were wildly inaccurate. Hey, the Galaxy class only has the saucer phasers... and four forward-facing torpedos... and they take fucking forever to reload/recharge. Wow. And I have to line up the torpedo tubes precisely. WOW, I have to fucking jockey a 4.5 million ton starship into a firing solution, rather than have the torpedos fire off-axis like has been seen on TV, and in Klingon Academy.
Accurate insofar as the BC engine will allow, which considering the promises made by Totally Games is still not terribly acceptable to me. I'm still going to need to jockey that half-klick starship into a torpedo firing solution.evilcat4000 wrote:You may want to try the MPMP 1.4d mod. It is very accurate. And since it is also played multiplayr you can face human opponents.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.Any help on installing mods for Bridge Commander?