Straha wrote:B. The Ousters don't have the Arcanist's track record. The Arcanists just made everything worse for everyone so the second anyone got the chance to screw them over we jumped immeadietly at the chance, the Ousters, however, haven't done that yet. Remember it's only been, what, one or two days since we wrecked the base, more can and will develop from this.
You know, I did find it amazing that I was gone a whole week and
nothing happened. I have never participated in an STGOD where the galaxy-wide gameplay moves slower than in real time. During battles, sure, it has to move slower. But not during the buildup and diplomacy phases.
never had this problem. I think the reason it crops up is because everybody in this game has the idea that the only way to have fair play is for every nation to be exactly equal in strength--which is untrue. The best method is to follow the historical pattern of the period between 1600 and the Cold War... some countries are stronger than others, but none are strong enough to become hegemon. With this pattern you have nations that are able to behave aggressively without weaving a web of alliances and hosting endless diplomatic missions.
InnocentBystander wrote:Or maybe we aren't interested in having the black fleet come in and assrape us? Sure it turns out that all those nations were run by people not equipped to handle such a task, but knowing that Lazerus is a little jerkwad isn’t in game knowledge. As far as we know, in game, a lot of legitimate nations have all fallen, and every time a fall occurs the ousters have been there.
That's an interesting way to look at it.