first with fellow middle schoolers, then later on when I got patrol leader in scouts, Ive always hada game going, and in it vast hordes of munchkins roamed, slaying each other, the wildlife, and the npcs gratituiously. many a village was burn, palace sacked, and blacksmith killed so they could take his stuff.
my local gaming group, a selection of relatives and their friends, were amused at my munchkin style of gaming, and watched me progress. when I offered to dm them, they said they oculd play it, but they didnt find it that interesting, having out grown it.
eventually I graduated high school, and went to the local game store. I was no longer concerned with *just* killing npcs - I also wanted the most min maxed pc possible, with a decent bit of roleplaying in which to use it. so when I gmed for the vast horde of 12 yr olds at the gamestore, I was amused at how they gratituiously slaughtered everything.
my cousins, about the same age, were also amused, preferring a game style of min max with some diplomacy. so when my gaming group (of 30+ yr old types) tell me they dont have a campaign ready, and they want one of mine, I am fairly confident I can run a decent dialogue campaign. I tell them we're using my munchkin dungeon.
then they started playing.

ye gods. I have never met a more ruthless band of npc abusing experience grubbing players. they go to the inn, and pay for rooms, then pickpocket the pay they gave him. they insist, instead of paying the local laborer a gold coin a day, as per going rates, they find the town drunk, and pay him a copper a week.
thye insist he carry the loot - which at various points included 12 suits of splint mail, a dozen morning stars, and a thousand gold. they had him go in first, acting as a bullet sponge, and they had him drag the loot down rotting stairs, breaking the stairs, his arm, and bringing the bag on top of him.
they went tothe magic shop (cuz all munchkin games have magic shops) and pickpocketed a bag of holding - and insisting on checking inside, finding a wand of light. they dont give any mercy to any critter they meet, they disembowel and skin the bodies to see ifthey've swallowed anything, and they plot building dungoens with traps that kill mushroom people when they get too tall in the nursery. they want to find a demon to gate in demons to gate in demons, and lan to kill the original bunch as the most recent batch brings in more.
and now they are plotting laying seige to the games who are my age - munchkins with 10 yrs expierence, masters of the local game store. they are going to get thoroughly mauled by these 1st generation gamers. these ones asked for eps for breathing, for finding orc corpses, for casting spells, for abusing the npc, for stealing 6 gold coins. . .
kodt lives.