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Post by Dahak »

Hotfoot wrote:Veithan Empire
Vethia III

The treaty was written up and sent to the Crown Prince’s staff within a matter of hours. The time since then was spent hammering out details on the matter. The Director’s own staff was told to hurry, he had some business to take care of on Monacora that was long overdue. The Veithans would have to wait on that press conference.
The treaty was inspected, and approved by the Crown.
They were waiting for Ravenlock to find time for signing it.

To: Gladsheim
From: Office of the Director
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Mission

Your ambassadors would be very welcome in Consortium space. We have a Diplomatic Station in the Aequitas System ready for your diplomats and ambassadors. If you send us specifications on how you would like your quarters prepared, we can begin work immediately and be ready in time for your arrival. Approved Vectors for entry into Ravenlock Sector have been attached.
To: Office of the Director
From: Grand Imperial Court Council
Subject: Diplomatic Mission/Details

Thank you very much. A representative will be sent as soon as possible. Attached you will find our wishes for the quarters.
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Post by consequences »

Ravenlock Trade Fair:
The Shi Combine contingent was mainly devoted to custom-built small craft information, demonstration footage, and simulators. Although they were doing a brisk business in T-shirts, notably the "Krell Combine, Premature Eradicators for a Better Tomorrow", as the "I went searching for the Overseer, and all I found was this lousy T-shirt" line fell kind of flat.

Imperial Auditor Genko spent her time gleefully embarrassing her ceremonial bodyguard, as she rushed giggling from simulator to simulator.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Admiral Daniels_ben wrote:"Then you are a relative. I apologize for any mistaken impression.
Also, most of us are NOT broadcast telepaths, at least with non-telepaths."
Brian Mattews shrugged has he led the group deeper underground. They passed a massive mural craving of the Charge of Steven's Pass. Another 70 feet had a smaller craving of Lord Protector Joseph Mattews hanging Tyrant Godfrey.

"There is only one Mattews family in the UP. Same has there is only one Andersen family and one Boren family. If you meet someone with the same last name has a House Lord or the Lord Protector, it's because they are related. In my case I am the Lord Protector's cousin and closiest living relative. Not counting Uncle Andersen, but he's a Fleet Admiral. Like I said, keep your thoughts to yourself. Don't attempt to broadcast or read anyone. Ah, here we are. This elevator will take us down to the government levels." Brian led them in with a sweeping guesture.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Lastport Orbit
Stormbringer wrote:The sixteen million ton bulk freighter hung in orbit over the capital along with four of her bretheren waiting to unloard their heavy cargos. It was diverse ship ment including livestock, electronics and even some civilian model energy weapons. All they had to do was wait for the requisite customs inspections and then begin unloading.

Further out a pair of Destroyer Escorts waited for their charges to unload so they could be on their way back to Asaheim.
Customs ships, dwarfed by the massive cargo freighter darted over the convoy. It would take perhaps an hour and a half for all the inspections to be made. The ships were kept under constant scanner watch in the meantime.

Loader ships were at holding postions, as soon one ship was cleared, a number of them would converge and begin to offload the ships cargo. The operation would not take long considering.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Trade Fair

There were various UP goods being shown. Mining equipment, vibroswords, various other goods. The Mining equipment seemed to be the UP biggest seller. It was well proven given that the equipment was used to drill out cities and bases everywhere in the United Protectrates.

Another favorite was the drones. Floater Drones could be remote controled and a trio of them had been sent out after permission had been granted. The recording equipment was disabled and a master command was inplaneted for the drones in stay in public areas. Visitors to the booth were welcome to use either the HUB display in a helmet or a joystick and goggle affair to control the drones. Crawler drones were sent up to run a course, but didn't seem has popular.

Ambassador Sir Franklin Fairworth wandered the grounds. He had an appointment with the the Ravenlock rep later that day, but for now he was content to wander the area and stay out of trouble. A chime in his ear sounded reminding him he had about half an hour left.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Along the ambassadors path lay a Draconis booth. Zenith Defense Systems yet again. This time showcasing their GLobal Orbiting Defense/Death or GODD Satellites.

The scale model and combat footage showed 2 anti-ship missile launchers, each capable of firing a volley of 15, 60 megaton missiles. It also mounted 6 anti-fighter gattling guns, which basically amounted to railguns that fired m/am slugs t a very rapid rate of fire

It featured 5 Mark Three Defense grid emplacements and 1 superheavy laser cannon.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Alyrium wrote:Along the ambassadors path lay a Draconis booth. Zenith Defense Systems yet again. This time showcasing their GLobal Orbiting Defense/Death or GODD Satellites.

The scale model and combat footage showed 2 anti-ship missile launchers, each capable of firing a volley of 15, 60 megaton missiles. It also mounted 6 anti-fighter gattling guns, which basically amounted to railguns that fired m/am slugs t a very rapid rate of fire

It featured 5 Mark Three Defense grid emplacements and 1 superheavy laser cannon.
The Ambassador looked at the satellite with vague interest. It seemed more heavily armed than the drones used by the navy currently. He would know having been a Navy Man in his youth and never losing touch with his roots.

"What's the range on these squatters? Recommended deployment numbers? Can they inflict damage on mordern warships with any reability? Can they defend against K Kills?" He asked.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

The superheavy laser is an anti-ship weapon designed to give cruisers a run for their money when combined wth missile volleys. Generally a few dozen in orbit around a moderatly sized colony will be enough to defend it until a fleet arrives. A planet with larger population will want more proportionally, for a planet like Last Port.. I would go for 100 or more. Though it depends on what you are protecting(think EA planetary defense Grid)

As for defense against Kinetic weapons, the lasers have an effective targeting range of several light seconds and the missiles considerably longer. However, with planetary sensors and advance scouts their range is increased considerably. They are more than capable of destroying say... an asterod hurled at your planet from long range. Price per unit is 100 million credits(Sounds reasonable to me) though because this is a trade fair that is rather negotiable.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Alyrium wrote:Price per unit is 100 million credits(Sounds reasonable to me) though because this is a trade fair that is rather negotiable.
"I suppose I could make an order for 200, but not at any higher than 70 million." The ambassador said.
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Post by Bugsby »

As the Shi set up thier T-Shirt stand, one of the Krell representatives took notice. Excusing himself from the busy crowd, he jogged over to the stand and paid 8 credits for "I Went Searching for the Overseer and All I Found Was This Lousy T-Shirt." It was Faran Tor's birthday next week. The present would be appreciated.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

frigidmagi wrote:
Alyrium wrote:Price per unit is 100 million credits(Sounds reasonable to me) though because this is a trade fair that is rather negotiable.
"I suppose I could make an order for 200, but not at any higher than 70 million." The ambassador said.
Hmmmm... I can give it to you for 90
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Make it 80, with an option for a second mass order at 70 if it passes Navy field trails."
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »


Market price has been achieved
he thought to himself.
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Post by frigidmagi »

"Pleasure doing business."
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"Yes... yes it is... Thank you"
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Post by Thirdfain »

Hudson System
Diaspora, Hudson Sphere, Rimwards Edge of Known Space

The Speaker stepped down from her chair and gravely shook hands with the Baelorean, in what was almost a comically over-dramatic copy of the human gesture.

"Your agreement is acceptable. Our warships will escort a transport of such devices to your home-systems, along with specialists to assist you in their usage. Your own trading vessels will be accepted at the commerce-fortresses over Hudson itself."

She smiled slightly and diplomatically.

"Peace of the Void be with you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am afraid I have pressing matters of state to attend to."

In a move that no human politician would have emulated, she turnd and left the chamber, leaving the Baeloreans alone with the guards who would escort them back to their shuttle.

New South Orange Province, Eastern Plains

The Province of New South Orange was open, flat and empty- the terraforming had only just begun turning her rocky expanses into arable land, and it was far from the cities and farms of Hudson's western shores and industrial regions. A few mines worked in one corner of the province, but most of it had been , until a few months ago, empty ground. Now, out miles from any human-built roads, an Ouster base had formed. Reachable only by air and patrolled regularly by VTOL gunships, it was one of the research and developement sites tasked with putting the secrets gleaned from the Arcanists to work.

The Speaker's craft settled down on the exhaust-baked landing pad, and she disembarked, flanked by her usual sextet of powerarmored Blackeyes.

"Bondwoman Speaker! It is my utmost pleasure to welcome you to the Metaphyiscal Research and Armorworks center.I turst your journey was comfortable?"

A thin Ouster in a flatlander's cargo pants and vest, emblazoned with Hajr emblems proclaiming him a researcher and groundforce officer, greeted
the powerful woman.

"Spare me, Bondman Savant. Your projects have yeilded little of interest or use to the Hajr. I have been tempted, sorely, to devote more resources to our efforts with the Blackeyes and the Vampire lord back on Eketrina. I want results, not pleasantries."

Shocked by her directness, the researcher straightened, made the gesture of subservience, and led the way.

"I think, Bondwoman Speaker, that you will find those temptations quashed by what I will show you today."

Her voice was flint.

"I hope so, Bondman Savant. I hope your project lives up to the reports."

She was lead out behind the compound, to a wide open stretch of stone. The horizon, an array of high mountains, seemed miles away under the cloudless sky.

Figures were arrayed in the field- perhaps a hundred of them.

The savant fiddled with controls, and a trio of viewscreens magnified the image- it was a group of soldiers in power-armor suits; Hajr Stratiotoi.

"We have, Bondwoman Speaker, been evaluating data from the Battle of Terra; in particular, the usage of large-scale EMP bombardment by Monacoran forces as a tool against Machine troops. The Monacorans avoid power armor, on the ground that such an attack would render their armies weak and impotent- of course, we realise the problems this renders for our own brave Stratiotoi and Kavalioroi, who fight exclusively in power-armor."

"So, independent from the more... overt uses of metaphysical manipulation, Magic, if you will, my team has been looking for ways to solve this problem. We have, Bondwoman Speaker, succeeded, at least in part."


The screens polarized, but the lighting in the room flared and flickered for a few seconds.

Shocked, the Speaker drew away, almost diving for cover at the sudden blast.

The savant was laughing.

"Not to worry, good Speaker! The bomb was detonated high in the atmosphere. We are quite safe, in this shielded facility. Our soldiers out in the field, on the other hand, should find their weapons and armor rendered useless by the EMP blast, should they not? That was, after all, a capital bombardment weapon..."

The Speaker made the gesture of affirmation, still somewhat dumbfounded.

"Oh,. but look now! While some of the soldiers, those nearest the blast-point, are immobilised, the majority are sill moving."

He tapped a control.

"Fire demonstration, please?"

The troops out on the plain began firing their weapons into the air, a fairly impressive display of firepower. More then half the unit was still active.

"I present, Bondwoman Speaker, the Stratiotoi Pattern Epsilon combat suit."

A wall slid away, revealing a modified version of the ash-grey Ouster light power-armor.

"The Arcane component is here, beneath the breastplate."

He toggled another control, and the breastplate came undone from it's surrounding peices. Recessed in it's underside was a small, cross-shaped phial of pale greenish liquid, which seemed to be bubbling slightly with tiny motes of light.

"We have not been able to adapt the device to vehicles, yet, and it's hardly perfect protection, but it should turn EMP weapons into merely another battlefield threat, as opposed to the golden bullet aimed at our brave Stratiotoi's hearts! Additionally, the efficiency of the suit's basic systems have all been improved, and some rudimentary magical sensors installed. The new magical component works using the armor-wearer itself as a source of power, and as such, is quite lightweight."

The Speaker smiled.

"Bondman Savant, you have impressed even me. I assure you at least a half-dozen slots on the nursery stations- your seed deserves abundant preservation."

Her smile was warm, now.

"you have done us a great service. You will being manufacturing these suits in bulk; I will make the resources available. After a few more trials, we'll begin outfitting the soldiers."

Basking in the glow of praise, the Savant watched as his leader returned to her shuttle and returned to Eketrina.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Fleet Command, Nashtar

Admiral Fisher, Rear Admiral Simmons of the Intrepid, Commodore Kensington, Captain Benz, and Captain Corcoran walked to the waiting room of Fleet Admiral Blessinger’s office, unconsciously walking in step; Academy training dies hard, even over twenty to thirty years of service. Fisher grabbed Kensington’s arm and motioned for the others to go ahead. He waited until the outer office door closed behind the other officers before turning to the Commodore.

“Well Bill, what are you going to do about Captain Benz?”

“Do?” Kensington looked over in mild surprise. “What do you mean?”

“I mean the man broke formation with the carriers he was supposed to escort, drove his ship into the thick of the battle, there performed one of the most reckless stunts I’ve ever seen by cutting off enemy warships moving at full tilt, ships known for deliberate ramming no less, and damn near lost his command. Had that dreadnought not been concentrating on me, he’d be dead now along with all his crew and his ship would be little better than scrap metal.”

“He also saved the Dauntless.”

“We don’t know for sure that the Dauntless needed saving! Captain Corcoran was already well on his way out.”

“Captain Corcoran was also in a ship just as large as Benz’s and would not have gotten away as easily as you suppose. With all due respect, sir, you’re a carrier commander and like most carrier commanders you rose to your rank through the fighter wings. I’ve served on and commanded heavy ships for my entire career, and I am confident in saying that the Dauntless would not have been fast enough to escape being ensnared. Benz saved the Dauntless and all aboard. What I intend to do, Admiral, is award him a citation for valor and put him in for the Navy Cross.”

“The man’s actions were reckless and the maneuver a dereliction of duty! It should have been the Gladius cutting between the Machine dreadnought and the Enterprise, not the Intrepid! That’s what he was tasked to do!”

“And yet the Enterprise is still in one piece, and so is the Dauntless. He received the request for aid from Corcoran and made a command decision to aid him himself rather than relying on the cruisers. Had he not done so, then I find it highly likely that either the Dauntless would have been lost or the Newton and Mendel would have had to sacrifice themselves to allow the escape; the cruisers were no match for that monster.”

“Luck,” snorted Fisher. “He could just as easily have lost his own command in the Dauntless’ place and left us with two damaged and one destroyed battleship instead of one whole, one damaged, and one destroyed.”

Kensington gave a wan smile. “The commandant of the United States submarine service on Earth used to have a saying. He’d tell prospective captains, ‘If you’re not lucky, we can’t use you.’ It may have been luck, as you say, or it may have been a good command judgment; when you’re in the thick of a gun battle, the letter of the orders are often the second casualty, immediately following the battle plan. He made the right decision no matter what the reason was, I am his immediate superior, and I will not reprimand him for saving a third of my command from destruction.”

Fisher’s eyes narrowed a bit at that, but leader of the fleet that defeated the Overseer’s last remaining capital ships or not, Kensington had been at his post far longer than he’d been at his, and was highly respected in the fleet. The man had refused advancement to the rank of Rear Admiral and posting to Commander, Surface Fleet (a term left over from the blue water navy, when gun-mounted ships were the surface combatants) twice, wishing to stay with his squadron, and dressing him down wouldn’t win him many friends. He nodded and turned towards the office, jerking his head for Kensington to follow him.

The two flag officers walked into the room just as Captain Corven opened the inner office door, admitting the officers to Admiral Blessinger’s office.

They all filed in to see the Admiral of the Fleet standing with his back to him, hands clasped behind his back, looking out of his window overlooking the parade grounds. The five men all snapped to attention. Blessinger waited several seconds before turning around and returning their salutes. “At ease, gentlemen. This will take some time, I suspect. Please sit down,” said Blessinger, motioning towards several chairs arranged before his desk as he sat in his chair. After they all sat, the five-star admiral reached for a large datapad on his desk while Blessinger’s aide, a lieutenant, passed around ice water and left, closing the door behind him. Captain Corven remained in the room.

“Your deployment from Pinnacle began on April 23rd with the emergency deployment of the Fifth Main Battle Fleet to Earth to help drive off the Overseer’s attack on that planet in conjunction with elements of the First and Third Fleets. You returned to Pinnacle on June 11th, after the most combat-intensive deployment in the history of the Republic Space Command. Admiral Fisher, please recount your ports of call and mission progress in brief if you would.”

The admiral began his account, starting with the events of the Battle of Earth, his fleet’s subsequent deployment to Aber-Toril on its peacekeeping mission, the ensuing forced failure of that mission (with particular emphasis upon the impulsive actions of the Krell mercenaries and their lack of discipline with regards to performing their assignment, comparing them unfavorably to the famed Floater hotheadedness), and the redeployment to the Overseer base discovered by the Polaris, recounting that battle and the actions of his commanders in the course of it, followed up by a report on the salvage operations and escort of the cargo vessels back to Nashtari space. Blessinger listened impassively through it all, only looking away to make notes occasionally. When Fisher was finished, he spoke.

“Thank you, Admiral. Your command performed admirably. I know that there are many commanders in this fleet that would have called the Arcanist peacekeeping mission a bust soon after seeing the vast forces arrayed against your mission. Your dedication is commendable. The diplomatic corps asks me to inform you that your negotiation skills are not all they could be, by which, being diplomats, they mean that you were throwing rocks at the hornet’s nest,” he noted with a chuckle, “but I do not think that your manner made any difference at all; the fleets there were already hell-bent on their course.” He sighed. “In light of the discovery of Ouster equipment at Overseer bases, it seems that the Overseer was busily trying to pit us one against the other and that the evidence against the Arcanists was almost certainly fabricated to remove them and possibly to break up the Alliance and the power we had to bring down on it. Unfortunately, what’s done is done. Lord Karsus XV was seized from the Atlantean homeworld by a Monacoran fleet, and arrested. He was subsequently assassinated in prison before the Monacorans could gain any information from him.” This was news to the assembled officers, who hadn’t worried about much besides the attack on the Overseer while on their deployment. Rear Admiral Simmons nearly choked on his water.

“That’s an act of war,” breathed Captain Corcoran.

“Haven’t they heard of extradition procedures?” Captain Benz snorted disdainfully as he asked.

“Yes, it is an act of war, but it was not one against us. I don’t like it either, but there’s precious little we can do about it now, especially since Karsus is dead,” Blessinger pointed out.

“I didn’t think the Monacorans would go so low as to murder an untried suspect in prison,” growled Fisher.

“They didn’t, Admiral. We don’t know who did, but many Monacoran guards were killed during the assassin’s break-in. The patterns are something we’d expect to see from a mage; it was certainly no normal assassin. But most mages were gone from Known Space by then, and I doubt they’d assassinate Karsus.”

“They may have wanted to prevent him from talking,” observed Captain Corven, jumping in as devil’s advocate.

“Doubtful; if a wizard got in that way then he could as easily keep him from giving information to the Monacorans by taking him out. Karsus was among the most powerful men in the Arcane Empire. If one of his wizards could get in that way and revive him then they could both likely get out. Intelligence is working on the problem, gentlemen. There is already a list of suspects, but none of you are cleared for it. This conversation can wait for another time when I’m not debriefing you,” he reminded them pointedly.

“Apologies, Admiral.”

“Now then, is there anything else, or can we move on to the mission evaluation?”

Commodore Kensington took a deep breath. “There are a few things, Admiral. I have the list of recommendations for citations and medals for actions taken during deployment. There are many, but the most notable are a recommendation for the Distinguished Flying Cross to Commander Harold Kingsley for leading his B-95 squadron in the disabling of an Overseer battleship at the Battle of Gamma-2597, preventing it from moving to assist the dreadnoughts in fighting off our forces; his actions were no doubt instrumental. The White Crescent for Master Chief Robert O’Grady for his presence of mind and courage in jettisoning the Number Two reactor core from the NRS Curie after the engine room suffered a hit and caused it to go critical; the action no doubt saved the ship from a core meltdown. Also…” He stopped to take a drink of water before continuing. “Also the Navy Cross for Captain Benz of the NRS Gladius for his courage in relieving the stricken NRS Dauntless after her sensors were shot out by enemy fire.” Captain Benz began to look over before remembering where he was, and reassumed his neutral expression. Fisher was silently seething. “There are many more, sir, including a third Silver Star for Lieutenant Northwood for skill and courage in piloting.” Kensington let a half-smile slip onto his lips for just a moment; the ego of the pilot who carried the callsign Rogue 9 was known even in the battleship service in the Fifth, and the hell of it was that it was mostly deserved. Kensington hoped that the other pilots in his wardroom were immune by now…

“Very well, these will be considered,” said Blessinger, taking the datapad. “Now that that’s taken care of, I will give you your post-mission status. As you know, two of Fifth’s battleships will be in dry-dock at Orodan for some months.” Benz winced at that. “The Black Prince, newly completed and just finishing her shakedown, will be temporarily assigned to Pinnacle until the repairs to the Gladius and Dauntless are complete, instead of going to Zambar as planned. Commodore Kensington, I understand that the Warrior’s only major need is a new power relay for the port shield generators and standard re-bracing of the hull. Is this correct?” The Commodore nodded. “Good. The engineers tell me it’s a simple enough procedure, and that the replacements should be in within the week. Now for the status of your objectives.

“Earth was ravaged by the Overseer’s fleet, but you did well to save what you did. Although the planet was devastated, there was precious little you could do to make it otherwise; jumping in piecemeal would almost certainly have resulted in the destruction of your ships and the subsequent annihilation of Earth. Your mission there is held a success given the circumstances.

“Violence broke out in the Arcane Empire despite your mission to prevent this, but again, the fighting started before you could arrive in the system. Sometimes the engines just aren’t fast enough no matter how hard you red-line. The mission is considered a failure through no fault of your own.

“The tasking against the Overseer went amazingly well. You destroyed the Machine fleet and base and took salvage, obtaining valuable information. The technical analysts at NRI send their thanks and congratulations; they have the supercomputers we obtained in trade from the Psilon Imperium hard at work on the computer cores you recovered, though they think that even with that computing power, it will be some time before anything usable is obtained. You destroyed what you could not take from the Overseer’s base, ensuring that it could not be used against us again. All in all, your tour is considered successful. Congratulations, gentlemen. Dismissed.” The officers filed out of the room.

Blessinger turned to his aide. “Well, what do you think, Captain?”

“What do you mean, sir?”

“The information obtained and the peculiar circumstances surrounding the tour, particularly the last battle.”

“You mean the Ouster equipment, sir? Most likely planted, but we can’t afford to assume that.”

“That, and I agree, but there’s something more to it.”

Corven thought for a minute. It took him a few seconds to see it. “Where was the rest of the Unification? They were notified of Fifth’s destination and intentions when they left Aber-Toril, and despite a dispatch to Monacora asking for Unification ground troops, none came. Instead, they went off to another base with overwhelming firepower and left our men to fight it out by themselves.”

“Precisely. There may be factors that we’re not aware of, but on the face of it, it looks as though we were hung out to dry. It didn’t work very well, but the Fifth came back with badly damaged capital ships, meaning Pinnacle’s defenses will be low. Most powers observed the Battle of Pinnacle, we know this. Anyone caring to attack the core systems in earnest would want to find some way to soften Pinnacle without breaking fleets against it, which could easily happen as the Covenant demonstrated. That’s why the Black Prince isn’t going to Zambar, and the Scimitar isn’t deploying to Orodan when it comes out of the shipyards tomorrow. It’s only a hunch, but it’s not one that I care to chance ignoring. Also, now that the Overseer crisis is officially over, we need to recall the battle group from Earth. Relay that order.”

“Aye, sir.”
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Prison Ship: Somewhere in deep space

Dalamar sat in his cell, somehow word of Karsus's assassination had reached him.. Never mind how. It was time, his patterns didnt change, but the cogwheels in his head began to turn.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Ark Sector

FUn loving capitalists that they were, several Draconian civilians took their turns with the drones, fkying them in loops, racing them playing games of chicken. Using the stick of joy like flight sim addicts. Giggeling to themselves as they deftly maneuvered the small things in every which way.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

The varathraxian turns to the salesman.

"I bet that drone couldnt catch me"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by frigidmagi »

Daniel Ricks had held his job for almost 20 years and thought he had heard everything. But then he had never heard a giant lizard say he could dodge a sensor drone.

"That's a sucker bet. The drone flys and has the best sensor package for it's size around. You wouldn't last 10 minutes... What you wanna bet?"
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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"Eh, 10 credits... It isnt a matter of sensor package, give me a 5 second lead"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by frigidmagi »

"Alright, sure why not. Go for it." Ricks said with a grin. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back as one of the better pilots put on his helmet and got ready to go.
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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"Hmmwe may have to take this to the demonstrtion ship... the ceilings here are only 4 meters tall. It will give a much better demonstration of both of ur maneuerability if we had vaulted ceilings."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by frigidmagi »

"Agreeable. After you, my fine mealticket of the day."
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