Senator dies in plane crash

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Post by HemlockGrey »

Yeah, trickle down economics work.

No, we aren't in a recession. No, not at all.

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Post by Mr Bean »

No, we aren't in a recession. No, not at all.

Nope not realy, Want to know why? Because the Recession started during Clinton's Last Year who happy handed it to Bush(Thank Bob Gore was not elected besides the whole Factor of the only Politsion I describe as Commie-Nazi Leaberman(Besides the whole fact he was a Young Earth Creationist he also made Asscrofts look like a Pansy in comparsion)

Anyway, Like I said as somone who acutal studed Econmics the fact is the Economey was over-vauled in 2000, It was a pipe dream and people started laying off and realsed that compays that did not produce anything besides software and even that was buggy shit(CoughAOLMICRSOFTFUCKINGYAHOO.. YAHOOCOMEON!$200ASHAREATONEPOINTCOUGH)

It could not last Cyril and you are deluding yourself if you think at any point that Ebay was worth the $247 a Share people payed for it at one point

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Post by Ted »

Mr Bean wrote:And Ted am I going to have keep getting after you to back yourself up? You seem now-adays but do nothing but "Me too"ing everything
Now sure lots of people do that but generaly they do somthing BESIDES that, You however seem at least now to be a one trick Pony, whats up Ted?
Dont know, have lost a lot of time available to do research on some of the topics being debated, schools been getting very hard lately. I'll try and follow up on some of the posts, so if you want me to debate with you, PM me on what it is.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Nothing ATM, just stick around longer than

Oh Yeah!
You got that Right!
I completly Agree!

Just a wee bit longer

You could of course always right a porn-fanfic :D

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
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Post by Ultra »

Mr Bean wrote:
No, we aren't in a recession. No, not at all.

Nope not realy, Want to know why? Because the Recession started during Clinton's Last Year who happy handed it to Bush(Thank Bob Gore was not elected besides the whole Factor of the only Politsion I describe as Commie-Nazi Leaberman(Besides the whole fact he was a Young Earth Creationist he also made Asscrofts look like a Pansy in comparsion)
Commie-Nazi is an oxymoron. Also, Ashcroft is far worse than Lieberman. Lieberman is like most democrats : he acts differently according to who's presently in power.

Anyway, Like I said as somone who acutal studed Econmics
Irrelevant and meaningless. I took my fair share of Ecobabble classes too.
the fact is the Economey was over-vauled in 2000, It was a (insert more ecobabble here)
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Post by HemlockGrey »

But good riddance to the traitor himself.
You fucking 16 mm prick. Whether or not his political views agreed with yours is no reason to say 'Ha ha! Good thing he died!'

He didn't do anything evil or anything and he didn't deserve to die. Fuck off.
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Post by jegs2 »

Cyril wrote:
But good riddance to the traitor himself.
You fucking 16 mm prick. Whether or not his political views agreed with yours is no reason to say 'Ha ha! Good thing he died!'

He didn't do anything evil or anything and he didn't deserve to die. Fuck off.
I'll have to agree that the man did not deserve death due to his political stance, and certainly his family did not. Any death of that nature is a tragedy, and we should show our condolences.
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Post by Manji »

It's him and others like him that are responsible for the 3,000-5,000 American babies murdered today.

I will not cry for the bastard.

As I said his family ought to be mourned for. But the the murderous baby-killer anti-constitiution traitor himself deserves no respect.
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Post by Andrew J. »

Manji wrote:It's him and others like him that are responsible for the 3,000-5,000 American babies murdered today.

I will not cry for the bastard.

As I said his family ought to be mourned for. But the the murderous baby-killer anti-constitiution traitor himself deserves no respect.
I will laugh when you die.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

I'll dance.
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Post by Steve »

Manji's got some brain damage, I'm sure of it.
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Post by Mr. B »

Manji wrote:
It's him and others like him that are responsible for the 3,000-5,000 American babies murdered today.

I will not cry for the bastard.

As I said his family ought to be mourned for. But the the murderous baby-killer anti-constitiution traitor himself deserves no respect.
I hope you die in a plane crash Manji, then I can laugh at your grave.

BTW Wellstone was on his way to a debate at St Scholastica college(which is just down the road from where I live) and I was going to attend. Creepy. But I wonder why he wasnt going to UMD(public school) and choose to go to the private religious based school.
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