Now, heres the thing, the title escapes me but i have various mental images in my noggin about how the game looked. I wanted to list 'em, and hope that someone, ANYONE, here has played or seen or heard of this game at least once. I'm really desperate, i've been all over the place on shooter websites and stuff but i cant remember teh title so i've been slogging through hundreds of games to find this one just to show myself i wasnt nuts. Maybe i was, i dont know, but if ANYONE can give me even a title or a shred of help, i would be in your debt

Ok, heres how i remember it. It was a top-down 2D scrolling shooter, with old looking planes, maybe WWII-era looking. One, i'm almost certain, was straight out of either WWII or WWI in design. There was at least four, maybe five. Like most shooters of the time, each had a main, upgradeable attack and a big 'superbomb' attack. The one i remember teh most vividly was the one i played as the most: a large (looking) green plane, sorta like a WWII bomber or 'flying fortress, that fired slow moving black 'balls' for it's main gun.
The game itself--i dont remember the exact words because i wasnt too good with reading at the time--had a plot something like this: (compiled from the pre-game 'cutscenes' and whatnot) an evil dictator, who looked like a Nazi in a green uniform, or perhaps a Bananna Republic-type dictator, had unlocked some ancient force and was boasting an army of monsters as well as his own forces. Somehow or another, it was my job to take him down.
In the game, enemies varied greatly. Most were tanks, planes, and such. Some were truly bizarre: huge venus flytrap like plants that spat fireballs, and giant triceratops-like dinos that fired three fireballs in a spread pattern are two i remember vividly but others also seem locke din the back of my mind. It's this bizarre roster of baddies that makes me question even if i'm not nuts and remembering something that never happened. Afterall, it does sound like what an 8-yr-old would think up but i hope it will help jog some memories. Also, the final boss level involved fighting the dictator himself. He flew a large WWII-looking bomber and laughed maniacally, insanely even, as he hurled literally everything but the kitchen sink at me: horns and other instraments, power-ups, and 'bullets'. the final boss, which i never defeated, was a huge, green, and bear with me, but the only word i have to describe it is a 'genie'.
This all sounds rather fantastical i know, but it's been beating around in my brain for years. As memories fade i'm affraid i'll forget the game entirely, and i want to at least know that it EXISTED, as to confirm i'm not insane or wracked with false memories.
If anyone is familar, even vaguely, with a game--an Arcade game probably from the mid to late eighties and early nineties--that resembles what i described, or any game from any era that matches the description, please let me know. Thanks.