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Post by Dahak »

Ark sector, gateway point

45 minutes later, a series of powerful space-time distortions opened in the space around gateway point, and the Gladsheim task force swallowed out of their wormholes.
Immediately taking up defensive formation with unparalleled speed and perfection; sensors started scanning the vicinity.
The Ravenlock fleet was spotted and contacted.
"This if Admiral Tjoerhom of the Grand Empire of Gladsheim. We were told...interesting things are happening in this area. We are sent to investigate. Do you need any help?"
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Hotfoot »

Known Space
Ark Sector – Ravenlock Controlled Region
Trade Fair Gateway Point

Commodore Reynolds watched the Gladsheim task force swallow in on his sensors with smile. The close proximity of the Veithans and the Gladsheim in this area of space would take a little getting used to, but it had some definite advantages.

{{Copy that Admiral Tjoerhom, this is Commodore Reynolds. Admiral Radim is currently investigating some ships we picked up on the edge of our FTL Drone Sensor net. Sending you the Coordinates now. If you were to assist, I’m sure he wouldn’t mind the extra help out there. Nothing for sure yet, so we can’t go in shooting, but we’re checking on that. If those ships out there prove to be hostile, well, they won’t be around too much longer. Good hunting out there, Admiral.}}

The Ravenlock and the Gladsheim were both relatively private powers, and up until this point, none had even begun to probe them. This first clumsy attempt would now serve to show just how prepared both powers were for such an eventuality. The ships would probably get away, if they didn’t do anything stupid, but a message would be sent to the galaxy – the member nations of the Veithan Accord were not to be trifled with.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
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Post by Dahak »

Known Space
Ark Sector – Ravenlock Controlled Region
Trade Fair Gateway Point

<<We received the coordinates, Admiral,>> the fleet consensus informed her. <<It is not too far off. One jump, that is all.>>
<<Very well,>> she smiled. Action at last... <<Power up the nodes, we're jumping out. And get me the Ravenlock commander on the com.>>

The ships started to charge the nodes, and the energy signatures rose tremendously.
"Commodore Reynolds, we gladly agree. Prepare your Admiral. We don'T want him to be surprised."

With that, the ships swallowed out.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Hotfoot »

Known Space
Alpha Fleet – First Battlegroup

{{-so that’s the situation, Admiral. They’ll be following on an intercept course, should show up a bit behind. They’ve got our encryption protocols, so I imagine they’ll be giving you a ring when they get closer to the target.}}

{{Right, thanks for the heads up Commodore. It’s damn nice to have some friends for a change.}}

{{Don’t I know it. Have fun, Ajay. Reynolds out.}}

Not long after the communications link between the First and Second Battlegroups of Alpha Fleet fell silent, the Gladsheim communications link was established. Fleet Admiral Radim’s smile grew into a wolfish grin. Whoever was out there was going to get the fright of their life when he and the Gladsheim jumped in.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Pinnacle, Nashtar Republic

The Black Prince ended her shakedown at Pinnacle rather than the planned Zambar to bolster the fortress world and primary spacelane into the crowded cluster. She dropped out of a short hyperspace hop within two AUs of the planet, and cruised in to join the Fifth Fleet in orbit. While the Black Prince was still registered as part of Third Fleet and would join the Third when the Dauntless and Gladius were back on line, for now she would be under the operational command of Commodore Kensington on the Warrior; appropriate when one thought about the names of the two ships. [OOC: Cookie if you know what I'm talking about. :wink:]

Captain Remington looked out over the viewscreen that showed the fortress planet growing larger ahead of his ship. He'd been a captain of cruisers for most of his career, and had commanded a Liberty class battlecruiser before that class was decommissioned, but this was his first heavy battleship command. While the duties were much the same (the primary differences being bigger guns shooting at bigger targets), he was still a tad nervous to be commanding one of the mightiest ships in common galactic service.

He shook it off. "Helm, Conn. Mr. Reynolds, take us in. 200 kilometer orbiting altitude, put us in a polar orbit."

"Aye, sir." The ship's course changed slightly as she drove in, timing to take up station opposite the Warrior so as to have battleship coverage in as many places at once as possible.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Tasoth wrote:~The UBT values its human population and would not want to harm them by dispatching them into potentally hostile territory. If you will allow me to make contact with Minos, we can have an additional diplomat here within 11 hours.~
"That would be wonderful, and your plicy does make sense from a certain point of view."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Ronogho, Independent Planet. Nashtar Star Cluster

The Nashtari Unification movement had picked up momentum this year. The alarming events of the past few months, including the Rape of Terra and the Ouster and particularly Veithan advancements intimidated some citizens, who saw their neighbor, the Republic of Nashtar, as a bastion of strength and security, particularly in light of the ease with which the Nashtari navy repulsed the Covenant of God and the courage and skill displayed by its navy against the threat of the Overseer. The navy of Ronogho already used many Nashtar-designed ships, and the Republic had always been the best of neighbors, respecting the system's borders and allowing its traffic to freely pass through Pinnacle and Praetor. Terms had been friendly since the human settlers had broken from Earth and formed their Republic here in the "Cradle of Stars" as the word Nashtar meant in the trade language of the native peoples of the Cluster. Of the three indigenous races, only the Zambarans had joined thus far. The Ronoghans and Ernari maintained their independence, something that the Republic had respected and even at times protected from others from its infancy all the way to its present zenith of power. Now, felt the leaders of the Unification movement, it was time to give that back.

Toran Gos, the leader of the Unification Party members in the Ronoghan Senate (that they had enough members to merit an official senior leader was itself a sign of change; usually they had less than ten), gave a speech on the Senate floor a few weeks after the final defeat of the Overseer.

"Honorable Senators, I come before you today to tell you of the situation of galactic events. The peoples of this great Cradle of the Stars are under threat, with many from out in the wider galaxy pushing in. Thus far we have been fortunate. Fortunate to escape notice and the fate of so many other independent worlds much like our own. Fortunate to escape the fates of Hudson and Jormungandr, which were subsumed by the Hajr of the Ousters." Senator Gos manipulated a control on the podium with his left clawed hand as he spoke, and a recording of the conquest of Jormungandr began playing on the holoprojector behind him. "Fortunate to avoid the fate of the worlds the Veithan Imperium is coercing into its yoke. Fortunate to avoid the fate of worlds destroyed piecemeal by the Overseer. And fortunate most of all to have the Republic of Nashtar for a neighbor, rather than the Empire of Nashtar, or the Kingdom of Nashtar, or any other form of expansionist government that would swallow us unwilling into its vast maw.

"But fortune will not continue forever, will it? In fact, it would have ended these months past, when the theocratic dictatorship known as the Covenant of God pushed towards these stars. But they were halted at Pinnacle, halted by the forces of the Republic. They were, by their own admission, bent on conquering the entire region and placing it under their rule." The projector switched to a recording of the Battle of Pinnacle as he spoke of it. "Had the Republic not stood strong against that fleet, do you think our navy would be able to by itself? Surely our forces are not to be scoffed at, but they could not have defeated such a force. And, I might add, without the Republic our navy would be far smaller to begin with," he said, referring to the warships sold to Ronogho and Ernarn as surplus.

"But our neighbors did not stop there! Later, when not the independence but the very lives of all of us and all in Known Space were threatened by the Overseer," he said, as the Rape of Terra played in the background, "they went out and faced the threat," as the recording progressed to the massive Nashtari task force jumping into Earth and tearing into the Overseer fleet, "and were instrumental in hunting it down and defeating it utterly," as the image changed one more time, showing the battle of Gamma-3274.

"Senators, I say to you now that we owe not only our freedom, but our very lives to the Republic of the Cradle of Stars," he said, switching off the projector. "But they cannot stand against threats forever. The Hajr is massive and bent on domination, the Krell are for general hire to any would-be conqueror, and many suspect that the worlds 'voluntarily' joining the Veithan Empire are anything but truly willing. We sit here and let them fight and die not only for themselves, but for all of us, for if they fall, where would we be, ladies and gentlemen? As the great human inventor and revolutionary Benjamin Franklin said of his fellows of the American Revolution against Great Britain, 'We must hang together or surely we will hang separately.' We have long known that the Republic willingly grants a large degree of autonomy to its members, and though I love independence as much as any of you, any other power would give us far worse terms if we were to be snapped up like a particularly tasty morsel of food. I submit that the best way to prevent that from happening is to join the Republic.

"Senators, we must put this matter before the people in a general referendum. This requires a Senate vote, and it is one I call for now. We must join the Republic of Nashtar, for our debt and for our future safety."

The Senate chamber exploded in noise. Many Senators got up and cheered, some having been neutral before having the Ouster conquests and the Rape played before their eyes. Others shouted, but not quite so many. A third group, smaller than either of the other two but still substantial, simply clapped politely and remained in their seats, still undecided. The debate would go on for days, but a vote would come before the Senate.

Force Declaration: Ronoghan Navy.

3 Liberty class battlecruisers, Nashtari make. To be described in OOB shortly.

3 Ronoshi class medium carriers, Ronoghan make. Roughly equivalent to Merovingian class, to be described.

6 Hangrabi class light cruisers, Ronoghan make. Lighter than Carnegie class.

10 Dawn Raider class frigates, Nashtari make. See my OOB.

15 Gononan class frigates, Ronoghan make. To be described.

7 Starlight class destroyers, Nashtari make. See my OOB.

20 Yonohan class destroyers, Ronoghan make. To be described.

If anyone thinks this is unreasonable for a relatively prosperous independent planet with a large trading partner next door, say something. I've been tossing references to two independent fiefdoms inside the Nashtari cluster since the diplomacy thread, but this is the first time I've fleshed one out. Hope its not going to be a problem.
Last edited by Rogue 9 on 2004-06-19 08:15pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Ravenlock Trade Fair escort rally point, Ark Sector. NRS Polaris

Captain Zzrinka looked over the sensor officer's shoulder with a chuckle before walking back towards his command station. The Zambaran had ordered a sensor sweep of his own after receiving reports of trouble, after clearing with the Ravenlock authorities. Only the general scanners had come on; the sensor technicians were very careful to leave the shorter-wavelength targeting scanners powered down. They had powered up just as the Gladsheim battle group came through and immediately jumped out in the direction that the Ravenlock authoritied had said that their fleet was hunting in. Someone was being boxed in by multiple hunters, and Zzrinka chuckled at the rank amateurism that the Ravenlock's prey had to be displaying to attract so much attention so quickly. The hunter in him (Zambarans are omnivores, but predatory ones) wanted to be out there as well, but his nation was not formally allied with either the Ravenlock or Gladsheim, and neither had requested assistance. His squadron would stay put.
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Nylliorian and Asgard Space...

Tremendous spacebattles ripped apart the stars as dozens of ships fought each other to a standstill, the dying hulks of starcruisers clinging tenaciously to life, the floating wrecks of unlucky vessels drifting in the solar breeze, and all the while their living counterparts flung apocalyptic energy at each other.

Of course, these were not truly spacebattles; the floating wrecks were merely powered down, the dying hulks fully operational; the energy a figment of some sensor bank's imagination.

The war games between the Nyllorian Warfleet and the Asgard Navy were proceeding on schedule, interrupted occasionally by routine drills and fleet manuevers.

The games themselves were a bit onesided as the experienced and veteran crews of the Asgard hammered the green Nyllorians time and time again. Asgard officers strode up and down the Nyllorian craft, issuing instructions and critcism to the native Nyllorian crews.

But the "war" was not a complete shutdown; as time progressed and the Nyllorians began to wise up they would score some victories here and there; in the beginning stages of a battle, the longer-range Nyllorian sensors and targetting systems would give them a temporary advantage. In surprise attacks, especially, the Nyllorians were devestating - even amidst heavy jamming, they rarely missed, and their own jamming proved startlingly effective.

Of course, when they found themselves completely outmanuevered, surrounded, and taking fire from all sides, the ability to unerringly strike the dozens of targets around them was little enough compensation. But they were learning.

On the firm earth of Nyllorian planets, mock wars raged too, on the ground and sea and sky, but there were only a few Asgard detachements this time. Most of the Asgard commitment took the form of determined officers who drilled, trained, and imparted their practical wisdom to their charges, as well as suggesting the reorganization of command structures to bring them more in line with real military necessity.

In Monacoran Space

Diplomatic envoys from the Nyllorian Empire arrived, brought directly into diplomatic circles by their Asgard counterparts. They arrived with treaties of friendship and requesting joint army exercises with Monacoran troops, whom they had heard regarded as the best in Known Space.
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Post by consequences »

Pardah System

The Pardah system was an independent world, just outside the border of what was commonly referred to as known space. The Shi Combine had been appealing for them to join, under the guise of protection from the Overseer, but the Krell's very public defeat of them had made that line of reasoning moot, and Pardah's leaders were more than happy to return to the status quo.
While this had proved a disappointment to the Shi, it was not wholly unanticipated, and steps had already been taken to correct the situation.


Shi safe-house, Tranash, Capital city of Pardah

The common view of the Shi Combine was that all of its members were of Japanese descent. The Combine went to great lengths to further this misconception, as it made covert ops against the less sophisticated ever so much easier:

"Ready to go Chief, we've acquired all of the equipment we need for this operation. I guess crooked supply sergeants are the same anywhere."

"Our Trail?"

"Sanitized. Their CID may have been on our supplier's trail, but we hacked his communications so two of his sets of buyers showed up at once, and I guess they were a little paranoid, because Staff Sergeant Gutierrez was one of the first casualties when they started laying into each other. Not that anyone else can really tell, someone was silly enough to put a grenade into the armory in the firefight, and it's going to be weeks before the mess can be sorted out. By then, they'll have bigger things to worry about."

"Right, unless we receive the abort, we are moving forward with this operation 24 hours from now. Get some rest people we're going to need it."
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Post by Darksider »

Stormbringer wrote:
Darksider wrote:
Stormbringer wrote:
"Welcome, Ambassador Toorth. I am Special Secretay Friedland." The man gave a wave in the direction of a waiting car. "Would you like me to see you to your quarters or to the meeting straight away?"
"I would like to proceed to the meeting right away. We have much to discuss."
"Excellent, I'll send for a ground car. We should be there shortly. In the mean time, I must say that I find the prospect of our two nations once more opening diplomatic relations as being a very good thing. "

The ground car had arrive and both men were ushered in side.

"I must say though, I dare suspect that we, both our nations I mean, are looking for a bit more than merely diplomatic relations, egh?
"The emperor has not forgotten what was done to Krytos, just as many of your people no doubt remember the burning of your long range military base at Valeth by our forces, but he acknowledges the fact that few of the people responsible are still living today, and that we must move past the hatred of the distant past. It is a dangerous galaxy. The Ousters conquer and colonize at every turn, the Arcanists have fled, Earth itself has been shattered, new civilizations with unknown goals are popping up more rapidly than ever. Perhaps we can help each other in these dangerous times?
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by consequences »

Ravenlock Trade Fair holding Area, Shi Destroyer Whisper

"We're detecting large scale movement, all directed towards a single area. It looks like most of the defensive array is heading out to meet some party-crashers, but its difficult to be certain about anything with all the traffic around here without going to deep scans, and possibly pissing off our hosts."

"Send a signal to Command requesting back-up to be sent to the general area. Get me in contact with someone in charge here," the captain waited a moment for the connection to be made before continuing, "This is Shi Combine vessel whisper to Ravenlock Security Command, We're detecting a hell of a lot of activity out there, and want to know if we should be preparing to assist you, or just stay the hell out of your way."
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Post by Hotfoot »

Known Space
Ark Sector - Ravenlock Controlled Region
Trade Fair

A message was sent to the various warships at their respective rally points, through the communications link designated by the Ravenlock Consortium.

{{Signatures detected, confirming intent now. Situation is currently under control. Will continue to keep you updated. Delta Fleet and Alpha Fleet’s Second Battlegroup are still in position. If the situation escalates, we will let you know immediately. Please maintain positions at rally points. If this is a hostile force, this could be a diversion, and we wouldn’t want you separated too far from your charges. We shall handle this. It may just be a simple misunderstanding.}}

((OOC: Most of the defenders at the fair are staying right there, no worries. :) ))
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
"Every time you talk about Teal'c, I keep imagining Thor's ass. Thank you very much for that, you fucking fucker." -Marcao
SG-14: Because in some cases, "Recon" means "Blow up a fucking planet or die trying."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Straha wrote:Trade Conference, Demonstration Ship

The salesman stood up on the podium, surrounding him was a rather large assembly of army officers from various nations. It was the first time that the Monacoran Army had ever sold something at a trade show, ever. The majority of the crowd was looking towards the gun rack he had set up, but there was some confusion over why he had long rectangular boxes standing across from the rack on stage. Finally, just as he began his shpiel, the boxes opened showing suited dummies.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, today on this very fine occassion we present to you the MXC battle suit, Mark II. Today the Monacoran army is on the Mark V, but this one has some of the better features of the suit, including the month-long battery packs, actuators in the arms and legs to help deal with recoil and increase running speed respectivley, and the hydralic power in the suit which allows it to process waste and run even in situations where it has limited to no battery power. Would anyone out there like to help me with a demonstration?"

He already had his mark picked, a captain in what looked to be Nashtari uniform waving him on up he brought him to center stage.

"Here ye go sir, come here. This, this is the finest ground assault weapon you'll ever find, Army standard issue, Marine too, come on over now the dummy over there. Pick the four weakest points and fire a shot into each one of them. Come on, don't be shy!"

The soldier dropped to one knee, took careful aim, shouted out the warning that he was about to fire, and fired.

"Good job, nice work, come on over... see the rounds penetrated the upper layer of the armor, broke through the liquid, and got stopped in the second layer. Long before it would have touched human flesh. And if you wait just a minute the suit heals itself, and look there they go, the suit actually pushes the bullets out of it and then heals itself. If you ever get the chance to repair it out of battle it's simple, you simply cut out the damaged area, recognizable because it is off-colour, and put a patch in its place. After the suit heals it's good as new. The targeting systems inside the...."

The speech went on for ten more minutes, and the suits resilience to both flechette rounds, and its near invulnerability to most hand held laser guns. Finally he drew the pitch to a close, picking up a cylinder, pressing a button on it so the top dropped into four seperate pieces, still attached to the device.

"And finally ladies and gentlemen, whichever or whoever gets one of the four batches of two thousand suits also gets one hundred of these nifty devices thrown in for good measure. This is a 'Thaumoturgical Dampener', don't look at me I didn't pick the name, what it does is supress magic in a selected radius around it. With lower grade enchantments and spells it basically eliminates them, with higher grade enchantments, like a magically locked chest we've got around here which I'll show those who wish to see it after the show, it weakens there effect, making unopenable chests openable, with a little force. We'll also be selling plans for these devices later, though there are only a limited number of plans that we are going to sell. If none of this strikes your fancy, we've also got a T-Shirt stall somewhere in the main ship."

(OOC: Don't know how to plan the auction, if you guys want just PM me about how much you're willing to pay and how many batches at that price you're willing to buy.)
A little while later, two men in Nashtari uniforms came up to the Monacoran booth. One was the captain who had been selected for the demonstration. Surprisingly enough, it was the captain who spoke first.

"Hello sir, I'm Captain Russell of the Republican Marines. This is Major Hanover, from the Army General Accounting Office. I liked what I saw in those combat suits you had me help test, and we would like to know more. May we talk about the capabilities of the armor? And if possible, I would like to try one on later if I may. Nothing like experiencing it for yourself."
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Post by Stormbringer »

[quote="Darksider"]"The emperor has not forgotten what was done to Krytos, just as many of your people no doubt remember the burning of your long range military base at Valeth by our forces, but he acknowledges the fact that few of the people responsible are still living today, and that we must move past the hatred of the distant past. It is a dangerous galaxy. The Ousters conquer and colonize at every turn, the Arcanists have fled, Earth itself has been shattered, new civilizations with unknown goals are popping up more rapidly than ever. Perhaps we can help each other in these dangerous times?[/quote

"We do not ask you to forget nor do we intend to forget ourselves. For our part, we realize that war is war. People die in it, that doesn't change."

The man simply paused for a few seconds.

"I can make no promises beyond this, especially with regards to the Alliance, but we would be more than happy to re-open our diplomatic relations. Certainly renewing ties can be the first step in bringing our nations together."
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Post by Tasoth »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Tasoth wrote:~The UBT values its human population and would not want to harm them by dispatching them into potentally hostile territory. If you will allow me to make contact with Minos, we can have an additional diplomat here within 11 hours.~
"That would be wonderful, and your plicy does make sense from a certain point of view."
*a burst of comms traffic emminates from the cylinder, the signal being directed towards Minos. It's a simple statement of what it has found and that a waiting diplomat should be dispatch* ~Righteo! He should be underway. He'll more then likely pop up within planetary orbit. Figure I'd let you know before it could possibly cause a situation.~
I've committed the greatest sin, worse than anything done here today. I sold half my soul to the devil. -Ivan Isaac, the Half Souled Knight

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Deep Space: Draconian Trade Lanes

Having Recieved a distress all from the freighter Kreston a the 1st fleet cruiser Starkiller lept out of their jumpoint. The Kreston was engaged in a running battle with a pirate frigate. Its defense grid working admirably against the frigates missiles and plasma based weapons. However, it was not up to the challenge a Mark 3 could take on, and it would soon overheat, allowing the pirates to hit her shields and soon burn through her hull and disable her.

Until the Starkiller opened fire.

Her broadside pounded into the pirate vessel like an actor in a cheap porno.(thanks storm)

She feebely attempted to defend herself, but the missiles and plasma weapons that her gunners directed toward the cruiser were swatted out of the void by a Mark 3 Defense grid, very few managing to splash against the shields of the warship.

The pirate ship, her shields collapsing, attempted to run, but caught in a the heavier ships tractors, could not escape to a safe vector and was stuck in place.

Ince her shields were down, a concentration of heavy beam weapons literally cut off her legs, and severed the nozels of her ionthrust engined from the main body of the ship.

"Board her"
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Tasoth wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Tasoth wrote:~The UBT values its human population and would not want to harm them by dispatching them into potentally hostile territory. If you will allow me to make contact with Minos, we can have an additional diplomat here within 11 hours.~
"That would be wonderful, and your plicy does make sense from a certain point of view."
*a burst of comms traffic emminates from the cylinder, the signal being directed towards Minos. It's a simple statement of what it has found and that a waiting diplomat should be dispatch* ~Righteo! He should be underway. He'll more then likely pop up within planetary orbit. Figure I'd let you know before it could possibly cause a situation.~
"Thank you very much."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by frigidmagi »

Amarr System is located between the K.S.E and the newly emerged U.P. A single system power with an overlarge military that is used to keep the populace cowed. It is governed on an imperial model, with a aristocratcy and a small freemen caste. The vast majority of the 10 billion population is enslaved. Used to work factories or massive plantations. The last slave revolt was 65 years ago, it suffered 67% causalities and the suriviviors were impaled along major roadways. However discontent is always high amoung the slaves and free men, who can be enslaved for debt, crime or displeasure of a noblemen. Futher details are here
Revised Encylopedia Galaxtica Volume XXXVIII

LastPort 6 weeks ago

Navy Intellence Divison, N.I.D, as it was commonly known in the UP was commanded from a office almost has deep and has protected has the Lord Protector's office. It was however more secret. Divison Head Admiral Donovin sat behind his desk, a plain metal desk with a small isolated terminal.

Before him stood Major Franks. Major Franks like all field operatives did not exisit according to the UP. The reality was quite different. Major Franks stood at 5'9 with broad shoulders and a wreslters build. He fit in perfectly with his target population.

"New policy, Major. We're targeting a number of fiefdoms, despotisms. Operatives will set up native organizations for pro-UP revolts. You'll be going into the Amarr system. We already got your papers ready you'll be a small trader. Just what you've been training for Major." Admiral Donocin slid over a disk that would hold all the information needed. The Major took it without a word.

Amarr system

Major Franks had slipped in with ease. The security in the system was geared to detect Hajr and Machine fleets or pirate raiders. Not single man drops from "merchantmen." His shop had been waiting. It was set up between the Plantations and a city. That would make it in a suburb in most places, but such places did not exisit in Amarr. The Trade shop was geared to meet the needs of slave laborers and freemen, so it attracted little notice from the nobility, who were mostly interested in riding, hunting, fucking and killing, not always in that order. He had of course bribed they local enforcers, which was standard drugs were a cheap illicit thrill for some of the slaves. Major Franks however sold no drugs, he gave away something worse, from the nobles point of view anyway.

He had had to go slow but already a good number of recuits were found. A word here, a guesture there. An illegal book or two. Some Adams, a little Lincoln, alot of Jason Mattews who had written down UP political thought and theory. Soon others showed up. The plants had been easy to find and isolate, Franks palm computers and cyber gear being light years beyond the local crap. The Imperial government was obessive about having everything in it's system to, it was almost sad.

He had begun setting up cells throughout the region, like other agents insystem would be doing. Few slave revolts are sucessful because of their uncontroled and instable nature. However this one would be tightly controled and directed. Training for Low Intensity Conflict tactics was beginning soon.

The revolt wasn't ready yet by any means. But it would be. Fanticism was growing amoung the slave converts. There were also many young freemen in his ranks, who provided a good educated core, most slaves not being allowed to learn to read.

Major Franks was pleased. Another month or two he have them set up and ready to go. Then he could start operational training...
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Post by consequences »

Pardah System
Archonal Palace:
Its practically a universal constant for a government to end up with diplomats who hold their position only through favoritism, which somehow keeps them afloat no matter how incompetent they are. Ambassador Kuno could have been the original model for this flavor of air waster, but as he was of the highest lineage, he was nearly impossible to dislodge from his position. His bodyguards weren't exactly shining members of their profession either. Pardah's hereditary ruler, having been unable o avoid this meeting, was praying for something, anything that could end the slow liquifecation of his brain,

Pardah Network News
The Subspace transmitter that allowed for FTL communications unaccountably began to emit bursts of interference, rendering local sensors relying on subspace practically useless.


A delivery truck, carrying various supplies for the Palace arrived at the delivery entrance, exactly on schedule. Following procedure, the security system queried the Delivery company's computers, receiving exactly the response it wanted to hear. No dangerous items were detected on the truck or its crew, and they were directed to the loading bay. The team backed the truck into the loading bay, and began the process of off-loading. There was no real reason not to automate the entire process, but it was a point of pride that the Palace would never allow a machine to do a job if it was possible for a human to perform, or at least direct it. The work of unloading proceeded slowly, surprising none of the guards watching the security monitors, as they knew perfectly well that delivery crews were paid by the hour.
The workers took every opportunity they could to take breaks, joke around, and in general goof off. As such, no notice was taken when two of the team, after some obvious flirtation, snuck off to a secluded corner. Their activities once out of sight of their co-workers soon riveted the attention of the security guards watching the cameras.

This, of course, meant that no one was watching when one of the workers moved over to a security panel, and slumped over it, quite obviously asleep. And so the slight glitch that affected all cameras, except for the one being thoroughly studied by every guard on-shift, was never detected.

Palace Loading Dock

The hacker, Konatsu, straightened up from the panel. "We're in", he announced.

Upon hearing that, everyone but the couple in the secluded corner stopped what they were doing, and started moving towards the exits from the bay. Two team members, Shiro and Battsu boosted the smallest up to a ventilation grate, which she rapidly unsealed and scooted into, pulling the grating back into place behind her. The four remaining team members each took out a data pad and a stylus, assumed a look of furious concentration, and briskly walked down separate corridors to converge on the security center.

Palace Security Center

Only one guard was posted outside the door, in clear violation of procedure, and even he was casting glances back at the door, and straining to hear the noises still being played on the monitors. As such, he was barely paying attention to the man walking by, furiously working on his pad.
He never saw the man's hand lash out, striking him in the side of the head, instantly rendering him unconscious. At the muffled thump, Konatsu turned into the corridor, hurrying over to the access port by the door, as the two others came into view, watching the approaches. Shirogently lowered the body to the ground, and then stood covering the door, as Konatsu got to work gaining access. Within a minute, Konatsu looked up, and lightly tapped the floor three times.

The others moved over to face the door, standard issue silenced Pardah military pistols appearing as if by magic in their hands. Konatsu stood to the side of the entrance, watching the corridor as he punched in one last command.

The doors opened with a whisper, drowned out by the moans from the audio link-up, as the three intruders moved in, each covering a sector of the room. Fifteen personnel were there, still staring at the screen, and five seconds later there were fifteen bodies on the floor. Shiro and Battsu turned to cover the room, as Ranari, the last team member moved outside to drag the guard's body in, followed by Konatsu, who then sealed the door. Konatsu immediately got to work on the computer system, as th others made sure that no one was sleeping under a desk, or engaging in self abuse in the attached latrine. Two whispers of sound came from the latrine, followed by two muffled thumps, and Shiro and Battsu both emerged carrying a body, as Ranari put a round through the head of the former outside guard.
Air Duct, outside Ruler's Reception Room

Akari had been waiting here for the last ten minutes, hoping for the signal that would kick-off the main phase of this operation. While the primary component of the mission could be achieved by her alone, it would be difficult to make that serve the Combine's needs fully. The fact that going with plan B would inevitably result in her death was of no real consequence, especially since it would finally end the leg-cramp that she had been unable to alleviate for what had seemed like an eternity of pain.

Finally, the shout came from outside the room "The Shi have assassinated the Archon, take them down now!", as the doors burst open, and the guards outside began pouring fire into the room. This proclamation stunned the people in the room, who froze in shock, even as they were torn apart by automatic fire. The sole exception to this was the ambassador himself, who somehow shoved the Archon behind his desk while simultaneously dodging the fire of the guards. Even as the Archon hit the floor, Kuno was rolling across it towards the attackers, knocking into one of them, and pulling him to the ground on top of him. Projectiles smashed into his impromptu shield, as he grabbed his luckless victim's sidearm, and began dispatching his assailants.

Muttering a curse about plans, fools, and deities, Akari ruthlessly dispatched the Archon with a single bullet to the head. Her rifle then vanished, as she rapidly scuttled down the ductwork.
Security Room

The team left the room, leaving no trace of their presence, apart from eighteen corpses, Staff Sergeant Gutierrez's fingerprints and skin samples, and a bomb that would obviously have been an attempt to destroy all evidence, but would have no apparent effect on the back-up systems.

Loading Dock

When security forces imposed a lockdown on the palace, the truck had been unloaded, and just about to depart. The delivery crew was hustled with no explanation to holding cells, where they were exhaustively interrogated. But there was no reason for their interrogators to believe that they had anything to do with a blatant military coup, especially when it became clear that they had had no part in transporting those responsible into the palace, and that no assailants were attempting to escape by means of their vehicle. Contacts with their employer checked out, and the crew was soon released.

Shi Combine, Dark and Shadowy Room

"I've heard of intelligence screw-ups before, but on our own people?" a non-descript man incredulously asked, holding up the print-out, reading 'Shi Ambassador lays down life in defense of Archon, fights valiantly against overwhelming odds', "Did your people even look at his history? Stupid, yes. Arrogant, certainly. In his job, only because of his family's position, without a doubt. And also an Eighth Dan Kriffing Master of the Smegging Gun Katas! ", He roared at his wilting subordinate. "Unfuck your department, immediately. Go."
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Post by HemlockGrey »

Ammiratus James Deverre was not pleased with the way this particular mock battle was going. The Asgard had chewed up a good one-third of his fleet due to some particularly inept manuevers by one of his captains and, though numerically outnumbered, were now closing in on his flotilla.

"Bastards," he muttered, and the Lyn officers on the board were speaking at length on the perfidy of humans in general.

"We have multiple missile contacts headed this way," shouted one of the Lyn, and Deverre cursed.

"Jam them!"

Shifting power from standard comm-jams (which seemed rather useless now, anyway) and snubfight-mobility jams, the jammers onboard the Nyllorian ships blasted themselves squarely at the Asgard missiles.

Much to Deverre's relief, the missile-pods began to become erratic and confused, allowing his ships greater latitude in shooting them down. Swarms of A-15s cut across the stars, shooting down the pods.

Still, many got through. A few of his ships went dark. Damn.

The Asgard were closing into broadside range but now were getting hammered by Nyllorian torpedoes. They were being struck down by point-defense, and Deverre had a limited supply. The few that survived homed in unerringly on their targets, wrecking terrible damage.

An escort destroyer passed directly in front of Deverre's flagship. His readouts made it out to be fairly heavily "damaged"...half its sensors were powered down, it could barely navigate...and then, for some bizarre reason, it vanished into hyperspace.

Deverre made a mental note to flag the captain, and turned back to directing the battle.

But by now the Asgard were in broadside range, and the already-damaged Nyllorian fleet began to crumple. Deverre ordered evasise manuevers and the damage lessened somewhat, and the telling blasts of particle-beam cannons began to leave their mark on the "enemy" Asgard fleet...
The End of Suburbia
"If more cars are inevitable, must there not be roads for them to run on?"
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Post by Murazor »

"I apologize, Fleet Admiral. I only wanted to be sure that you had been filled about the subject of the conversations we want to have with your nation. Something that we have learned about mankind in the past is that you like keeping secrets from yourselves. Now that I know that I was wrong, we can talk about the Ousters.
"We would want to avoid war with the Hajr, but we believe that they will invade us. Soon. They haven't threatened us... yet. For all we know they still haven't found about our existence, but our small nation is currently almost sorrounded by their holdings and... My species has something that you lack. The closest translation would be intuition, I think. However our... ability is something beyond "gut feeling", as I think you call it. It is our strong belief that a conflict with the Hajr will arise sooner of later. And we lack the power to face them alone.
"While some of our partners in the Confederation believe that dealing with humans is a mistake, you are our best hope. After the fall of the Covenant of God, we decided to break our long isolation from Outside. We sent scout missions to neighbouring systems. We realized the power of the Hajr and we learned of your... devotion to limit their threat. Now, that the Machine is no longer a threat, I-we believe that they will soon show a more agressive behaviour" said the Ethereal.
OOC: Man, don't stick words in my mouth.
Sorry. Won't happen again.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

As the assault shuttles launched, the ligghter weapons went to work.
They targeted the weapons systems, tractor beams rotating the smaller ship in order to destroy all their weapons. By the time the shuttles carrying marines were launched, there was nothing leff. The hull was dotted the the glowing remains of totaled weapons and comm systems.

Marines in their shuttles were getting psyched up, they loved their jobs and loved the smell of a fresh kill, even if they couldnt eat them immediatly.

"Dude.. what do you think these pirates will taste like" His skin flashing purple under his armor
"I dont know Wilkar, maybe they will taste like that beef we had imported a week ago" said another marine, his skin flashing yellow and purple. He was visibly excited for combat.
"Oh I hope so, those humans sure know how to pick a prey species

The shuttle shook as it forcibly clamped on to the the pirate hull and extended the framework for an accordion style connector that sealed off and pressurized the space between the two ships. Then the cutting lasers went to work. It would take a few miinutes to burn through the hull and form a breach.

In the pirate vessell space-rats stood at their posts, weapns in hand. They knew that if captured they could expect little mercy from the Varathraxians, who would space the entire crew.

The rectangular section of the hull was glowing white hot and would soon be melted through. And it exloded inwards killing several pirages unlucky enough to be in its path.

Severl seconds later, several crystaline balls were tossed inside. They didnt exlosde, instead they grew rapidly into a fractal structures that filled the entire corridor, those pirates who were foolish enough to be in that corridor woud not be identifiable even with dental records.

GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Hotfoot wrote:Known Space
Ark Sector - Ravenlock Controlled Region
Trade Fair

A message was sent to the various warships at their respective rally points, through the communications link designated by the Ravenlock Consortium.

{{Signatures detected, confirming intent now. Situation is currently under control. Will continue to keep you updated. Delta Fleet and Alpha Fleet’s Second Battlegroup are still in position. If the situation escalates, we will let you know immediately. Please maintain positions at rally points. If this is a hostile force, this could be a diversion, and we wouldn’t want you separated too far from your charges. We shall handle this. It may just be a simple misunderstanding.}}

((OOC: Most of the defenders at the fair are staying right there, no worries. :) ))
"Ravenlock Control, this is Captain Zzrinka of the Nashtari destroyer Polaris. Acknowledged, our squadron is staying right where it is. Tell your boys good hunting for me, will you? Polaris out."
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Draconian marines put ther helmets on and took up their weapons and climbed out of their shuttle into the accordion connector. Two marines with hand held shielding devices(think Gungan personal shields) went in first to make sure there was noone in the hallway.

The crystal grenades had done their job, were kicked, and shattered, leaving crunchy bits on the ground. They motioned for the others to assemble in the hallway...

WHen they were all in, the entire squad of 40, they moved down taking rolling positons as they moved forward, those in the back moving up to take a position in the front until it cycled back to them again to move.

They moved with near complete silence and precision, they were well trained and knew exactly what needed to be done. Sensor readouts in a HUD inside their helmets alerted them to the presence of pirate scum around the corner.

Pirates popped out of their "hiding" places to be met with a hail of AP plasma rounds and automatic laser fire. and it was not long before the ship had been taken.

Casualties: 8 dead 30 wounded.


Captain Vleshtari walked into the brig aboard his ship at the captured pirates assembled.

"Commander, take the officers too the interrogation chambers. I will deal witht he rest."

"Yes Captain"

"The rest of you, are hereby charged with acts of piracy agains the Draconis reublic and her citizens. You were caught red handed and therefore there is no need for a lengthy trial. You are all hereby found guilty of piracy and your sentencing is thus. Despite what you may hear on the space-lanes, we do not eat other sentients. However, you are to be summarily executed by spacing.

You will be led to an airlock. One at a time, you will be placed in the airlock. And the airlock will be blown. You will be forced to watch as your shipmates die one by one. WHen it comes to your turn you will be given last rights according to your beliefs, and after your death, your body will be destroyed by our point defense guns. Make peace with whatever deity or deities you worship, executions begin in one hour.

You may of course be spared if you furnish us with information that may lead to the capture of more of your ilk. That will be all"

With that, the captain left the brig.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

Factio republicanum delenda est
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