Another pawn in my grand plan....BWAHAHAHA!
*coughs loudly* Ok Agent Fisher, you will be responsible for keeping all the other Ministers updated about the global and local situations, i.e, troop movements, politcal events, etc.
Captain Tycho! The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
EDIT: The massive tooltip covering potential targets is also rather distracting...remember, I don't have this game.
"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me...God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist." -- Academician Prokhor Zakharov
"Hal grabs life by the balls and doesn't let you do that [to] hal."
"I hereby declare myself master of the known world."
Albania will serve as an excellent stepping stone to the Balkans and also give Yugoslavia a two-front war to worry about. Therefore, it must be conquered immediately.
Ethiopia will allow us to give Britain a ton of headaches if we exploit it correctly. We must annex them for manpower and improve border defences to slow down the British.
We need improved land defences on the French and Yugoslavian borders, and also in Libya.
Mare Nostrum must remain free of British influence. We need to take control of Gibraltar and Suez along with assuring our fleet remains technologically and numerically competetive. Malta must also be seized.
Short term goals:
Annex Albania
Annex Ethiopia
Improve border defences
Improve military technology
Improve industry
Long term goals:
Annex Yugoslavia
Annex Greece
Enlarge our fleet
Control Mare Nostrum
"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me...God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist." -- Academician Prokhor Zakharov
"Hal grabs life by the balls and doesn't let you do that [to] hal."
"I hereby declare myself master of the known world."
As Head of State, I believe we should focus on naval bomber technology and doctrines. As of now, we have old, obsolete naval bombers, which need to be upgraded immediately if we are to take control of the Med. Improving our navy should be secondary to our airforce, as the Royal Navy outnumbers us 5-1. An air force would be much quicker to build and replace than fleets of expensive and time-consuming cruisers and battleships. As for Africa, we should wait perhaps a year or two before attemping to take control of the Suez, to make sure when we do we can properly defend against the Royal Navy. Once the Suez is taken, we can make a move against Palma, Morroco, or if we're luckky, Gibraltar. As for our nothern border, as long as we keep several divisions of mountain troops stationed there, we will be fine. Annexing Albania sounds like an excellent idea, but we should build up our land forces before attemping an invasion of Yugoslavia/Greece.
Captain Tycho! The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
I would think that taking Gibraltar comes before the Suez, sir. However, I am unqualified to make those decisions.
As the head of the air divisions, I believe resources should be set aside for fighter R&D. Improving our fighter corps will help when we inevitably engage the British RAF.
Fragment of the Lord of Nightmares, release thy heavenly retribution. Blade of cold, black nothingness: become my power, become my body. Together, let us walk the path of destruction and smash even the souls of the Gods! RAGNA BLADE!
Lore Monkey | the Pichu-master™
Secularism—since AD 80
Av: Elika; Prince of Persia
Darth Yoshi wrote:I would think that taking Gibraltar comes before the Suez, sir. However, I am unqualified to make those decisions.
As the head of the air divisions, I believe resources should be set aside for fighter R&D. Improving our fighter corps will help when we inevitably engage the British RAF.
Granted. Offering up a vote to focus research on naval bombers and fighters. All in favor?
Captain Tycho! The worst fucker ever!
The Best reciever ever!
You honnestly cannot think to pose a serious threat to the Royal Navy in the forseeable future! Learn the lessons of World War I, getting a big fat Navy to oppose Britain will only make Britain angry, and waste money because you can't POSSIBLY beat britain. (And I might also add that trying to take the Suez or Gibralatar is about the worst way to make her, and her colonies mad at you.)
That being said you've got my vote, the more goods I have the better.
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
Straha wrote:If I may grab the post of the Chief of Navy?
You honnestly cannot think to pose a serious threat to the Royal Navy in the forseeable future! Learn the lessons of World War I, getting a big fat Navy to oppose Britain will only make Britain angry, and waste money because you can't POSSIBLY beat britain. (And I might also add that trying to take the Suez or Gibralatar is about the worst way to make her, and her colonies mad at you.)
That being said you've got my vote, the more goods I have the better.
We dont need a great navy of surface ships. just subs and naval bombers to take out ships
Darth Yoshi wrote:I would think that taking Gibraltar comes before the Suez, sir. However, I am unqualified to make those decisions.
As the head of the air divisions, I believe resources should be set aside for fighter R&D. Improving our fighter corps will help when we inevitably engage the British RAF.
Granted. Offering up a vote to focus research on naval bombers and fighters. All in favor?
Of course.
"Man's unfailing capacity to believe what he prefers to be true rather than what the evidence shows to be likely and possible has always astounded me...God has not been proven not to exist, therefore he must exist." -- Academician Prokhor Zakharov
"Hal grabs life by the balls and doesn't let you do that [to] hal."
"I hereby declare myself master of the known world."
As Chief of Navy (nobody mentioned me yet :p) I can safely say that we have no chance of putting up a real fight against the Royal Navy. Simply not possible. Maybe we could deal with the Med fleet but as soon as they sent in re-inforcements it is over. So I totally agree on development of Naval Bombers.
I'd suggest atleast 18 wings with 6 fighter wings for cover (though probably not needed, very little fighter cover down there for the British). With that we can make mince meat out of the RN. These could be stationed in Sicily and give more or less full coverage of the Med.
Also with a properly timed assault on Gibralter (with full support of the navy to bust those defenses) and Suez, we could cut the British off from possible reinforcements and supply. I would estimate control of the med within a few months if that went down well.
As for a full action plan? Here is my input:
-Occupy Ethiopia (not annex)
-Annex Albania (when event comes to war them)
-A surgical strike of Yugoslavia on two fronts to annex them (very easy considering they have 2 victory locations)
-Follow up with Greece
-Join Axis and kick British out of Med
-Take middle east and specifically Iraq (British oil)
-Move on Turkey
-Fortify border with Soviets in Turkey immensely and prepare for war with them (if not started already)
-Try to take Soviet oil fields
Naval Bombers
I'll set up an OoB for the Navy soon and give it to you ready for deployment.
History? I love history! First, something happens, then, something else happens! It's so sequential!! Thank you first guy, for writing things down!
evilcat4000: I dont spam
Cairbur: The Bible can, and has, been used to prove anything and everything (practically!)
StarshipTitanic: Prove it.