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Post by frigidmagi »

Admiral_Daniels ben wrote:"Concerning alliance membership: I shall pass forth such a proposal to the Senate immediately. If they ratify the proposal, then the Union shall join the alliance. Considering the news about the rapid changes of power and the depths of evil in the galaxy, it seems only prudent to ally with those who are willing to do so."
"Of course. I shall speak to the other members of the alliance. Is there anything else you would like to know about or discuss?"
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Post by Beowulf »

Known Space
Ark Sector
Ravenlock Controlled Space

"The enemy fleet is moving. Current heading is Galactic South, out of the disk, inclined somewhat towards Ousters. We'll be losing sensor lock on them in one hour."

"Will our fleet be able to catch up with them?"

"Not unless we lose the capital ships from the fleet. The head start that they have is great enough that we can't catch up with them, unless we lose the slowest parts of the fleet."

Home Fleet Alpha
The Lying Darkness

"Operation Soak has been cancelled by MASFLTCOM. They're heading towards Ouster space."

WHHHHY DID THISSSS HAPPEN? asked the Shadow Dragon

"One of the operatives was captured. We don't know how much he may have revealed. The ship he came in on was also compromised. The other ship we have there has remained undetected. The expendables on the compromised ships might be able to blab."


"I'll have orders sent to do so."

Ravenlock Controlled Region
Ark Sector
Trade Fair

On the body of the captured agent one could have seen a black tattoo, in the shape of a bird, on his back. Now, it was fading away.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by consequences »

Shi Combine, Fleet assembly point, Deep Space:

"At 1100 hours this morning, a military coup was staged against the ruler of Pardah. The Archon was successfully assassinated, as yet there is no word on the condition of his heir. While I realize that all of you are thinking 'Fuck do I care', this situation impacts the Combine directly. Our ambassador to Pardah was present at the time the coup went off, and he died during the attack. Our Emperor wishes it made clear that our ambassadors are inviolate, so we are moving immediately to put down the military coup, and if necessary, the entire Pardah military with it."

Force Declaration:
1 Mauler

3 Black Tide Supercarriers

4 Metal Siren Missile Cruisers

4 Sword of Light Heavy Cruisers

6 Ryuken Light Cruisers

10 Katana heavy Destroyers

14 Tanto class Frigates

30 Shuriken class escorts


Pardah Orbat:

Before the recent advances in drive technology, there was very little going on in this sector of space. This led to a certain degree of complacency, which has infected the general attitude of Pardah. However, this has worked in their favor in several ways, as the Shi Combine historically took the lead in piracy suppresion, allowing the Pardah Navy to very slowly but steadily grow. While their fleet is relatively large for a single world, their training lags behind, since until very recently Pardah was too far out of the way for any major power but the Shi to directly affect, and the Shi had no real interest in expanding.

Fleet Strength:

Two Malingerer class battle stations, approximately the size of a battle-ship, positioned on either side of Pardah to allow at least partial interdiction against any attacker.

1 Pardah class Battleship

2 Wolf class Heavy Cruisers

4 Hound class Medium Cruisers

24 Terrier class destroyers

While many of these ships are decades old, they have been refitted consistently, and are approximately at the standard level of capability. Ftl remains about a third slower than normal due to lack of need for long-distance travel, but the energy savings are used to shore up defense and energy armament. Ships rely heavily on energy armament, primarily to simplify logistics, and because changing over in a major way would require a major expenditure of time and money, and a extensive rebuild of their fleet.

Pardah's economic niche has been fund in filling the need for low to mid quality goods and equipment, that the Shi seem inherently incapable of lowering themselves to produce. In the past couple of months, they have had a booming business in the construction, repair, and servicing of civilian vessels, as the Shi have regeared their industry towards a war-time footing.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

High Varathrax Orbit: Fleet Assembly

The First and Second fleets were assembled. The entire crews of eery vessell reading their orders.

First and Second Fleet of the Draconis Republic,

You are hereby ordered to proceed to the Pk1173 system. There you will find what intelligence indicates is world populated by humans, under a brutal pirate regime. Your orders are to jump in, engage their fleet., and liberate the planet.
You are to disable their ships, kill or capture their enlisted crews, execute those you capture, then land on the planet and liberate its population.
We will then install a democratic regime, as a Client World of the Draconis Republic.

May the Universe be with you,
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by admiral_danielsben »

frigidmagi wrote:
Admiral_Daniels ben wrote:"Concerning alliance membership: I shall pass forth such a proposal to the Senate immediately. If they ratify the proposal, then the Union shall join the alliance. Considering the news about the rapid changes of power and the depths of evil in the galaxy, it seems only prudent to ally with those who are willing to do so."
"Of course. I shall speak to the other members of the alliance. Is there anything else you would like to know about or discuss?"
"One more thing: what other suprises are out there? I mean, besides berserk computers and interstellar vampires? The Union presently has only diplomatic relations with the Alliance and a handful of others."
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
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Post by HemlockGrey »

The Nyllorian delegation quietly withdrew from White Sun space.
The End of Suburbia
"If more cars are inevitable, must there not be roads for them to run on?"
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"The Wire" is the best show in the history of television. Watch it today.
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Post by Captain tycho »

King Alvarez sat before his com panel, sighed heavily, then hit the OPEN CHANNEL button. A blinking wait message appeared, then a ready message. Drawing another deep breath, he began speaking in a neutral voice. "United Bellephoroni Territories, I, King Alvarez the First, Supreme Monarch of Manticore, formally request your presence in a diplomatic conference here on Manticore. You will find an attached file listing the conditions of your arrival. If you violate these conditions, we will have no choice but to detain your ambassador, his aides, and his crew.

"The conditions: You will bring one unarmed, un-modified, and clearly marked diplomatic vessel to these coordinates (6524-1926-AA) and await an escort craft. Once your escort has arrived, you will power down your engines, and allow your ship to be towed into Manticoran space, where it will then be released under it's own power into Manticoran orbit. The ship will transmit nothing unless authorized to do so. The ship will carry your ambassador, a maximum of 5 aides, and a maximum of 6 guards. When ready, you will contact your escort and ask to be ferried down to the surface and into the conference chamber. After negotiations are complete, you will be allowed to leave at your choosing. However, travel outside designated zones will result in the disabling and boarding of your craft. If you agree to these conditions, we will gladly await your reply."
(*Note: This is the same operating procedure for all incoming ambassadors/diplomats, unless otherwise specified.)
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Post by frigidmagi »

Admiral_Danielsben wrote:One more thing: what other suprises are out there? I mean, besides berserk computers and interstellar vampires? The Union presently has only diplomatic relations with the Alliance and a handful of others."
"Well, if I knew what else was out there it wouldn't be a surprise. I can tell you we made first contact with a number of specis. One about 20 or so inches tall. I'll be introducing their ambassador, a very... Civilizied person, even if he is from a rather strange form of government. First time I've ever heard of Communism working. There are the Veithans who are human but amazingly powerful psis. Ravenlock has apprently discovered a form of limited immortality or something." The Lord Protector broke off with a shrug.

"If you prefer Mr. President, I'll send over a full breifing packet of data."
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Intercom system

<Lord Protector, Ambassador Natrix of the Draconis Republic has arrived as per your request>>
Last edited by Alyrium Denryle on 2004-06-23 02:46pm, edited 1 time in total.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Murazor »

Rogue 9 wrote:"Its not all that far in interstellar terms, Terextos. After all, we are in a star cluster. Or if you're really in a hurry, one of our Venture class carriers could probably fit your entire ship into its forward landing bay, but I don't think either party would be too thrilled about doing that. We'll arrange an escort for you in about thirty standard minutes. Praetor Control out."
"Correct guess, Praetor. We wouldn't be thrilled about being placed inside a foreign warship as I fear that as a result of past experiences with the Covenant and other unfriendly neighbours we are a bit paranoid concerning military security. We will wait for the escort and we would want to apologize for the inconveniences that our FTL technology might cause. We come from another star cluster and we don't need great speeds within it, and while we have faster ships they are cruiser-sized and our government decided that they would create a bad impression in a peaceful First Contact situation. Terextos out."
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Post by Straha »

The signing of the treaty was prehaps the single most well documented thing in recent history, with dozens of reporters and holo-cams catching the momentous occasion. After the signing and a short question and answer session the Prince and Princess-Heir left, from there the Princess-Heir was taken to her guest rooms in the palace, while the Prince rushed off to the shuttle pads, where Ambassador Halifax was already waiting.

"My Prince, the director is on his way down."

The Prince merely nodded, and then spoke loudly to the honor guard and other staff that had assembled.

"Remember boys and girls, last time he was here he died. Let's try to make this trip a little better for him this time.
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Murazor »

frigidmagi wrote:"I imagine you would find some interest to an FTL missles yes. Military technology would be most welcome. The alliance should be open to you unless you have a conflict with one of the other members nations. However I am sure that we can come to an understanding between our two nations. As allies. We will not demand prices from you. One does not demand a price from an ally."
"We are not in war with any foreign nation. We have neither enemies nor friends, although we fear that the Ousters will soon become the former. The Confederation was created as a way to defend our homes and protect ourselves against those that would seek to enslave us again. And while I am glad that you won't demand a price from us and I also hope that we will reach that understanding there is something you must know: some factions inside the Confederation, chief among them most of the Sixtra race, won't believe that you will help us out of good will or... for free? A hundred years ago, their homeworld was terraformed by humans killing countless millions of their species. All our past dealings with humans have left a most bitter aftertaste and if you can't demand a price from an ally, I request you to accept what we offer as a gift in spirit of friendship. It is the only way that they won't believe that you are double crossing us and we cannot afford internal strife in the moment when the Confederation needs to stand united."
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Post by Darksider »

From: KSE foriegn Office
To: All members of the United Protectorates alliance
Re: Our Withdrawl

As of this moment, we are withdrawing from the alliance.
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by frigidmagi »

Edited out. See futher down the page...

Last edited by frigidmagi on 2004-06-23 07:23pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Darksider wrote:From: KSE foriegn Office
To: All members of the United Protectorates alliance
Re: Our Withdrawl

As of this moment, we are withdrawing from the alliance.
To: KSE Forgegn Office
From: United Protectrates State Office

While we aknowledge your withdrawl and wish you well, we would like to know why?
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Post by frigidmagi »

Ambassador Natrix of the Draconis Republic has arrived as per your request
"Ah, Mr. President, I don't suppose you like to meet Mr. Natrix?"
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Post by Darksider »

frigidmagi wrote:
Darksider wrote:From: KSE foriegn Office
To: All members of the United Protectorates alliance
Re: Our Withdrawl

As of this moment, we are withdrawing from the alliance.
To: KSE Forgegn Office
From: United Protectrates State Office

While we aknowledge your withdrawl and wish you well, we would like to know why?

When we decide to make our reasons public, we will inform you.
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Darksider wrote:From: KSE foriegn Office
To: All members of the United Protectorates alliance
Re: Our Withdrawl

As of this moment, we are withdrawing from the alliance.
As you wish. While we would like to know your reasons, the Alliance is not a supernation; you are free to withdraw as you please for our part. We most sincerely hope that this does not signal the end of other relations between our nations. Good fortune be with you always.

Minister of State Godunov, Republic of Nashtar
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Dahak »

Captain tycho wrote:King Alvarez sat before his com panel, sighed heavily, then hit the OPEN CHANNEL button. A blinking wait message appeared, then a ready message. Drawing another deep breath, he began speaking in a neutral voice. "United Bellephoroni Territories, I, King Alvarez the First, Supreme Monarch of Manticore, formally request your presence in a diplomatic conference here on Manticore. You will find an attached file listing the conditions of your arrival. If you violate these conditions, we will have no choice but to detain your ambassador, his aides, and his crew.

"The conditions: You will bring one unarmed, un-modified, and clearly marked diplomatic vessel to these coordinates (6524-1926-AA) and await an escort craft. Once your escort has arrived, you will power down your engines, and allow your ship to be towed into Manticoran space, where it will then be released under it's own power into Manticoran orbit. The ship will transmit nothing unless authorized to do so. The ship will carry your ambassador, a maximum of 5 aides, and a maximum of 6 guards. When ready, you will contact your escort and ask to be ferried down to the surface and into the conference chamber. After negotiations are complete, you will be allowed to leave at your choosing. However, travel outside designated zones will result in the disabling and boarding of your craft. If you agree to these conditions, we will gladly await your reply."
(*Note: This is the same operating procedure for all incoming ambassadors/diplomats, unless otherwise specified.)
++not sure wether it's meant for all players, but oh well...++
"The Grand Empire of Gladsheim kindly declines your offer.
We certainly would be interested in a diplomatic meeting with your nation, seeing as you are new to this galaxy.
But unfortunately, we find your terms to be unacceptable. We would be willing, if so desired and requested, to meet with you in neutral space.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
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Post by Darksider »

Rogue 9 wrote:
Darksider wrote:From: KSE foriegn Office
To: All members of the United Protectorates alliance
Re: Our Withdrawl

As of this moment, we are withdrawing from the alliance.
As you wish. While we would like to know your reasons, the Alliance is not a supernation; you are free to withdraw as you please for our part. We most sincerely hope that this does not signal the end of other relations between our nations. Good fortune be with you always.

Minister of State Godunov, Republic of Nashtar
It does not signal the end of relations between our powers. We hope only for peace and friendship with you, we simply want to leave the alliance.

we will make our reasons clear at a later date.
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by Tasoth »

The Council of Systems look to each other as the message from the Manticorians ends. Raul Lysander, representative of Military speaks first.

'We should sent an ambassador. We need peace with them.'

'Are you daft!?!', Vigori Cavanaugh, Representative of Economy, nearly burst. 'Peace!?! Peace with those dogs! They nearly destroyed u-'. He was cut off by the Representive of the People, Serai Danuel.

'The people don't want to fight anymore, we've been fighting for too long a time. We can barely feed our own and when we fall short, we suffer riots and worse. And you want to go to war to twat. How did you make it this far in the councils?'

The Council members fought hard to hold back a smirk at Serai's retort, relishing how she so easily said what they all felt. It had been too long since the Bellerophoni sought peace and nothing would stop them from seeking it.

'The Intelligences agree, peace should be sought.' NeoSocrates, primary voice of the Machine Intelligences of UBT space, spoke for all of the MI when he did, their electronic state allowing them to take consensus immediately when a point came up.

'Then its settled', spoke the grandfatherly Frederick Maloi, Representative of the Bellerophoni, 'We will send an ambassador.' He turned, signalling an aid. 'Send a message agreeing to the terms. Tell them the ambassador will follow Eleven hours after.' Maloi turned to the council, hope in the eyes of those who could show it. 'May the stars shine upon us with luck.'
I've committed the greatest sin, worse than anything done here today. I sold half my soul to the devil. -Ivan Isaac, the Half Souled Knight

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Tasoth wrote:11 hours pass and the small diplomatic vessel pops into orbit, systems offline for several seconds afterwards. As they come on, a signal of Identification and intent comes on. It is the ambassador coming to MirroredMirage's signal.
The ships is escorted by Squadron 16-Alpha t the site and he is asked to land
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Captain tycho »

The House settled into their seats apprehensively as the King stood up before his podium. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce the UBT has accepted our invitation to a diplomatic conference here on Manticore." A wave of thunderous applause (and some pocketed heckling and booing) washed over the room after his announcement. "Security will be, of course, extremely tight. It is time to put aside your partisan bickering, at least until the ambassador leaves. We CANNOT have an incident. And if there is one..." He let the threat hang. Thankfully, he had no reason to tell them when he was arriving, or any of the details of the conference. A slight advantage to being a monarch. The last thing he needed were overzealous politicians planning some sort of 'incident'...
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Post by Tasoth »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Tasoth wrote:11 hours pass and the small diplomatic vessel pops into orbit, systems offline for several seconds afterwards. As they come on, a signal of Identification and intent comes on. It is the ambassador coming to MirroredMirage's signal.
The ships is escorted by Squadron 16-Alpha t the site and he is asked to land
The ship lands. Once the security checks go through and a welcoming party arrives, the hatch opens and a small set of stairs extends. The ambassador is the first one out, dressed in a long shirt cool grey shirt, polished black shoes and a similar colored set of slacks. Behind him are a quartet of Bellerophoni Raptors in dress uniform. Their Red shouldered uniforms are impecibly kept. Three are armed with sidearms and the forth has a slung assault rifle sans the underbarrel laser. Behind are a trio of aides.
I've committed the greatest sin, worse than anything done here today. I sold half my soul to the devil. -Ivan Isaac, the Half Souled Knight

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"Greetings and salutations from th Draconis Republic Ambassador"

The magistrate was flanked by four MPs each in dress uniform(a boat cloak and shoulder tassles) and wielding a vibro-glaive with an underslung laser cannon, as well as carrying a sidearm
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

Factio republicanum delenda est
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