Favorite Lesser-Known Presidents of the USA

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Pablo Sanchez
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Favorite Lesser-Known Presidents of the USA

Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Remember, it's your favorite president, not the best.

My list
Ulysses S. Grant: A good general, an awful president. While he wasn't corrupt himself, he defended people who were. He also drank constantly and was marginally competent. But he was very honest and more grizzled than Robert Duvall.

Andrew Jackson: Two words come to mind... Complete Asshole. He liked to kill people, his claim to fame was the Battle of New Orleans, which occurred a week after the peace treaty was concluded, and he hated Indians. During the war of 1812, he would execute his soldiers for almost any offense. I like him for the same reason I like Josef Stalin and the USSR; he's a badass and wouldn't take shit from anybody.
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Post by Wicked Pilot »

Lincoln is of course my favorite.

A less popular president would be Harry S Truman. He ended WWII, then saved Europe with the Marshall Plan. He oversaw the country's successfull retooling from war to civil economy. He was the first president to campaign to blacks, he desegrated the military, and publicly spoke out against racial inequality. When McArthur lost the tide of war in Korea because of his own arrogance and recklessness, Truman had the balls to fire his ass. Just like LBJ, Truman took over for a popular president, and dove into the fire kicking ass all the way.

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Re: Favorite Lesser-Known Presidents of the USA

Post by fgalkin2 »

Pablo Sanchez wrote:Remember, it's your favorite president, not the best.

My list
Ulysses S. Grant: A good general, an awful president. While he wasn't corrupt himself, he defended people who were. He also drank constantly and was marginally competent. But he was very honest and more grizzled than Robert Duvall.

Andrew Jackson: Two words come to mind... Complete Asshole. He liked to kill people, his claim to fame was the Battle of New Orleans, which occurred a week after the peace treaty was concluded, and he hated Indians. During the war of 1812, he would execute his soldiers for almost any offense. I like him for the same reason I like Josef Stalin and the USSR; he's a badass and wouldn't take shit from anybody.
Jackson is lesser-known? :?

Well, don't forget the spoils system, Worchester v. Georgia (i think), the trail of tears.

I love King Andrew!
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Post by Iceberg »

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James K. Polk

In 1844, the Democrats were split
The three nominees for the presidential candidate
Were Martin Van Buren, a former president and an abolitionist
James Buchanan, a moderate
Louis Cass, a general and expansionist
From Nashville came a dark horse riding up
He was James K. Polk, Napoleon of the Stump

Austere, severe, he held few people dear
His oratory filled his foes with fear
The factions soon agreed
He's just the man we need
To bring about victory
Fulfill our manifest destiny
And annex the land the Mexicans command
And when the votes were cast the winner was
Mister James K. Polk, Napoleon of the Stump

In four short years he met his every goal
He seized the whole southwest from Mexico
Made sure the tarriffs fell
And made the English sell the Oregon territory
He built an independent treasury
Having done all this he sought no second term
But precious few have mourned the passing of
Mister James K. Polk, our eleventh president
Young Hickory, Napoleon of the Stump
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Post by CmdrWilkens »

My personal favorite?

Amongst the lesser knowns it would be Rutherford B Hayes just because he has the coolest name amongst the lesser known Presidents of the US.
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Post by fgalkin2 »

CmdrWilkens wrote:My personal favorite?

Amongst the lesser knowns it would be Rutherford B Hayes just because he has the coolest name amongst the lesser known Presidents of the US.
And got into office at the due to a political deal. Much like president Shrub today.
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Post by Singular Quartet »


He didn't want to be president, but his family made him run, and gave him a million dollars for campaigning.

He was the first president to throw the first pitch at a baseball game. He used a car instead of a horse drawn carrage. He installed bigger bathtubs in the white house (namely because he could barely fit in them) I think he was the first president to use a telephone? That, and he ate allot.

He was the president who didn't want to be president, but became one anyways. He was a lazy sonofabitch, and was good at it, too.
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Post by LordShaithis »

Reminds me of this insane little story I wrote a couple years ago, about Darth Chester A. Arthur and the Dark Presidents of the Sith.
If Religion and Politics were characters on a soap opera, Religion would be the one that goes insane with jealousy over Politics' intimate relationship with Reality, and secretly murder Politics in the night, skin the corpse, and run around its apartment wearing the skin like a cape shouting "My votes now! All votes for me! Wheeee!" -- Lagmonster
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If you think it's bad, it's been worse

Post by Carcharodon »

"His speeches left the impression of an army of pompous phrases moving over the landscape in search of an idea."
- William McAdoo, on Warren Harding

"A tin horn politician with the manner of a rural corn doctor and the mien of a ham actor."
- H. L. Mencken, on Warren G Harding.

He writes the worst English that I have ever encountered.
It reminds me of a string of wet sponges; it reminds me
of tattered washing on the line; it reminds me of stale
bean soup, of college yells, of dogs barking idiotically
through endless nights. It is so bad that a sort of
grandeur creeps into it. It drags itself out of the dark
abysm of pish, and crawls insanely up the topmost pinnacle
of posh. It is rumble and bumble. It is flap and doodle.
It is balder and dash.

--H. L. Mencken, on the writings of
President Warren G. Harding

"The only man, woman, or child who ever wrote a simple declarative sentence with seven grammatical errors is dead."
- e. e. cummings, on the death of Warren G. Harding

(Perhaps the last one no longer applies with the advent of the internet. Still . . .)

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- President Warren G. Harding
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Post by His Divine Shadow »

Nixon? :mrgreen: :twisted:
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

If it wasn't for Watergate, Nixon would be one of the more popular modern presidents.

Calvin Coolidge had a tough job as president. He suceeded Harding, who was very corrupt. But Coolidge continued Harding's "Return to Normalcy" idea and won the 1924 Election in a landslide.
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Post by MKSheppard »

Jefferson Davis.


One of the great men of our Country......
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

MKSheppard wrote:Jefferson Davis.
Did I say "favorite lesser known presidents of the CSA?" No. Come up with someone else, please :D

And take this:
jefferson davis
may he be locked in prison
the key lost and the record thrown away
may the prison be set adrift on a raft
the raft on a river
the river in the northwest corner of hell
with a southeast wind forever blowing ashes in his eyes

Not the exact words, but that's some graffiti inscribed on a wall by a 'citizen' of the CSA during the Civil War.
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Post by MKSheppard »

In a poll a few years back on people's favorite president, old Jeff Davis was on the list.

"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

With all the stupid kids, I wouldn't be suprised if they think Jefferson Davis was a founding father of the USA. Some don't even know what country the US got it's independence from!
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three presidents to consider

Post by RayCav of ASVS »

King Franklin I, King Lyndon I, and my personal favorite, King William I.
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Jeff Davis

Post by John »

While I admire his deterimation to fight for what he believed in, what he believed in was so horrible that no modern human (save a neo-nazi) could advocate it. And I remember the slogan popular in the North during the Civil War...Annihilation to Traitors.
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Post by David »

Washington! Because he had them cooool wooden teeth.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

There was this one president who was only president for a day, because the president elect refused to be swarn in on a sunday. So this guy was president for a day, and he slept till noon.
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

*to the theme of Shaft* Taft. Your damn right... he's one lazy mother,
But I'm talking Taft
I don't give a shit.
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Post by Singular Quartet »

anarchistbunny wrote:*to the theme of Shaft* Taft. Your damn right... he's one lazy mother,
But I'm talking Taft
I don't give a shit.
Actually, the Kids show Hysteria! did a theme song for taft. If only I could find it...
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

9th President William Henry Harrison.

The Shortest Term in office ever. (Also why one should never give very long speachses outdoors, in bad weather.

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Post by David »

For those who don't know; it was frezy cold and he got pneumonia.
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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

The greatest US president is, IMO, Abe Lincoln, who freed the slaves (contrary to what some think, it wasn't Bill Clinton).

I think the best presidents of the late 20th century (1950-present) were JFK and Reagan. JFK was young, popular, and got us through many national crises, and Reagan got the economy on track in the 80's, and with a military buildup, ended the Cold War. He was made even more popular by the fact he suceeded Jimmy Carter.
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Post by David »

The greatest US president is, IMO, Abe Lincoln, who freed the slaves (contrary to what some think, it wasn't Bill Clinton).

Actually he didn't. Slaves that were still in the Union ( mostly in Tennessee) were still slaves after the Gettesburg Address. He only said the slaves were free to get blacks to enlist in the Union army.
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