I can't agree with that sentiment. For me, RoN was a game that tried to cramp a lot of ideas into an unfitting package. Forgetting for a moment about the problem of wooden ships sinking WWII armored battleships:JediNeophyte wrote: Rise of Nations - though I haven't yet played Throne of Patriots, this RTS has set the new standard for future games.
- unit creation is way too rapid to make for an enjoyable game. After you raze an enemy city and defeating the bulk of enemy forces in a battle royale, you'll probably have to endure tons of attacks from small groups of units that just keep coming at your troops. Worse yet, if you don't micromanage your army during such raids, it will probably get badly mauled after a little while.
- managing more than one battle is a huge pain in the ass. By the time aircraft get involved, any war is a string of click-pause-click
- the diplomacy system sucks ass
- ships are produced at an astonishing rate. All you need is to forget about your fleet shelling an enemy dock for a short moment, and you get a fireship right in the middle of your formation.
- Somehow, ships from all eras can detect and effectively attack submarines. I can understand destroyers (that's what they're for) doing it, but sloops also have no problems whatsoever, even when fighting nuclear attack subs.
- from the industrial era and up, the battles look dumb
- there's no need to buy transport units. On one hand, it simplifies at least one issue. On the other, any tiny nation can mount giant amphibious invasions as long as they have even a single dock.
- Biplanes shooting down F-22s. 'nuff said.
- Why can't you raze more than one building at a time? There's a shortage of torches?

RoN is an attempt to shoehorn "Civilization" into "Command And Conquer", and it failed miserably.