Okay, I'm on Level 22 (Pfhoraphobia), I've killed everything (including the S'pht controlling cyborg), gone everywhere, and Durandal won't teleport me out when I go up to a window.
I think the problem is that I haven't been able to get into the big area right behind the end point, as it's the only place I haven't gotten into. How do I get there? Or did I do something else wrong?
Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul
Wow. It took me a good minute to remember I didn't have testicles. -xBlackFlash
Are you sure this isn't like that time Michael Jackson stopped by your house so he could use the bathroom? - Superman
you dont have to get into that big area are you sure you have been everywhere? have you been down into the room with the cyborg (not just killing the cyborg that can be done from the door)?
Grog wrote:you dont have to get into that big area are you sure you have been everywhere? have you been down into the room with the cyborg (not just killing the cyborg that can be done from the door)?
Yes, I have.
I've heard someone speak of killing wasps on this level, but I haven't encountered any. Perhaps that is the area I am missing. Where are the wasps?
Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul
Wow. It took me a good minute to remember I didn't have testicles. -xBlackFlash
Are you sure this isn't like that time Michael Jackson stopped by your house so he could use the bathroom? - Superman
WTF? I don't remember any wasps on that level. sorry can't help you but I'm certain that you don't have to enter the large area outside the exit window (I don't think it is possible). just walk around in every room and return to the window then you should be able to leave, otherwise something is fucked up.
To be honest, I'm playing M1A1 and not the original Marathon, so it may be a little different, but I don't see what I'm doing wrong. Its so frustrating!!
Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul
Wow. It took me a good minute to remember I didn't have testicles. -xBlackFlash
Are you sure this isn't like that time Michael Jackson stopped by your house so he could use the bathroom? - Superman
Bah. I got tired of it, and just cheated to get to the next level (it was a bitch with the shitty weaponry that I had, but I managed). And now I finished the game.
I love how Durandal signs his last message "hugs and kisses"
I just wish I had the sequels...
Name changes are for people who wear women's clothes. - Zuul
Wow. It took me a good minute to remember I didn't have testicles. -xBlackFlash
Are you sure this isn't like that time Michael Jackson stopped by your house so he could use the bathroom? - Superman