Darth_Shinji wrote: of course if you are refering to that website recently posted.. LoL. guy only had one point that made sense.
and this point is what exactly?
The radar point. But here is a question… what sort of anti-prime plan should he have?
There was no mud in Ultimate doom...
I'm probably wrong about it being the ultimate doom, but I do know for a fact that he told the entire decepticon army to retreat after getting tossed in mud.
I need the episode name in order to know what happened… I remember them being thrown in lava though and retreating.. not mud.
Darth_Shinji wrote:Are you advocating that getting his troops and himself out of basicaly slow acting poison, idiotcy?
I'm saying that no knowing that something as mundane as a autobot sprinkler would have defeated his army is idiocy.
Thinking he was the one who knew it would destroy them, and already took steps to deactivate it and any other defences the aotubots had….
Compare it to what happened during the recent theatre crisis in moscow.
The russian spec ops go in, and the sprinkler's turn on and the team commander orders the retreat because of the sprinklers. It's idiocy.
“sir the spinlkers have turn on” “Ingnore them soldier” Just because they are poring a slow acting poison on us is no reason to flee from something so mundane as spinklers.” So if someguy came at you with a waterhose plugged into a pool of highly leathal toxins you wouldn’t run away…
And if indeed the autobot sprinkler's are poisonous, then who ever designed the ark is a fucking idiot for having necessary safety precautions be fatal.
Considering the aotubots easly dealt with the foam after the decepticons left they obviously had plans to deal with it. And if I was optimus prime I would pin a medal on that “fucking idiot’s” chest for saving all of their asses.
Darth_Shinji wrote:I haven't seen this one either but they were adding transformers way before the stunticons... so why couldn't he convert every vechile on the planet? Resources apperently
[qute]Ok let me get this straight.
He has enough resources to fuel an army.
He has enough resources to operate a base.
He has enough resources to launch massive poorly planned assaults week after week.
He has enough resources to keep starscream alive.
He has enough resources to keep inventing all kinds of neat little gizmos that could make his army invincible
Yet you're saying that he couldn't have cut back, even a little, on gadgets which he never uses, a traitor not worth the energy put into him, or to minimize the useless assaults on the autobots to even make one more soldier which we have seen him to have the ability to do?[/quote] all of which I can debate are not near as complex as a fully sentience robot that losses/gains mass whenever it transforms. Fact is we don’t know what types of parts are needed to create a transformer and how rare they are. Considering that the aotubots needed to go to cybertron once to get parts to repair optumus prime does suggest that it takes some highly advanced parts to make one. They can’t just make the parts out of rocks like they can bases.
Darth_Shinji wrote:Now I know you haven't watched the series lately...
To my sanity's great delight.
Then why are you debating this? My first statement was meant to say that a person needed to have a good knowledge of the series before you start throwing around generalities and steroytypes.
Darth_Shinji wrote:Megtron was mainly after getting energon...
...so that he could launch assaults and try to kill Optimus Prime. That's what he does EVERY week. Steal energy then attack the autobot base and try to kill Optimus Prime.
Nope… He mostly cared about getting the energon to cybertron.
Darth_Shinji wrote:and going home to take over the universe...
... which is exactly what I addressed. It takes him an absurdly long amoung of time to kill anybody. So at that rate he should NEVER conquer the universe. yet he continues to use the same flawed strategy..
So how long did it take for hime to kill prime? Are you still using the amount of time he was asleep to detreme this?
Darth_Shinji wrote:True he never finished the aotubots.. but all of this can be said for BW megatron.
Nope. He conquered cybertron, filled it with his vehicon drones and BECAME Cybertron and killed every being on cybertron except himself.
He WON the Beast Wars.
He might of won the Beast Wars… but he lost in beast wars.. and in the end he complealty andf utterly loss… not to mention he had more advantages than G1 megatron, had less to deal with than G1 megatron, and suvered far more humiliating defeats than g1 megatron….
Oh by the way.. following the way you define victory, megatron did win a few episodes and battles now and then. Prime and megs agree in the same way.
Darth_Shinji wrote:When?
The entire series. Spike and Sparkplug witwicky were always at the Autobot's sides, just BEGGING to be shot. As far as I know Megatron never even aimed his cannon at them.
Untrue.. he did. He also used the younger one to test the spacebridge and mind-controlled the older one. And whats with this allaince crap? Humans were pretty much useless for the most part. Not to mention
Darth_Shinji wrote:So it was totally his fault?
The war could have ended in 1984 with but a word from him. His treacherous sub-ordinate's continued existance was detrimental to the war effort. His poorly planned assault on Autobot City resulted in signifigant losses for his forces.[/quote] things you have yet to totaly prove.
Darth_Shinji wrote: Nope... first off the wars we not finished when he was destroied.
Irrelevant. It was his idiocy that caused the decepticons to suffer great losses despite the fact that he could have cleaned house. He should have WON the battle of autobot city and thereby have won the war. But he lost that battle and set the decepticons up for defeat.
Yes he could have... it was onlty otimus prime that stopped him... you see you claim it was his plan without going into specifics of say
Just because Hitler killed himself before the allies took over Berlin doesn't mean he didn't lose.
The allies weren't left complealty wasted and germany didn't have a larger army still remaining when he died.
Darth_Shinji wrote:second, he got very close to winning the war and only primes strenght finaly gave the autobots the chance to win.
So you're saying that
Hot Rod,
Ultra Magnus,
Blaster + tapes
and the dinobots
could have defeated
Devestator (who completely ass rapes the dinobot's)
SoundWave + tapes,
the 3 insecticons
The decepticon's could have done WONDER'S with this army...which Megatron sqaundered.[/quote] NONE of your mistakes come even close to saying why the aotubots were still able to keep alll of these guys busy for an entire night.... lets face it, all of your mistakes don't show how they kept them out with only 5 transformers there... so how did his stupid hamstrung this force THAT bad? oh and you forgot the sceince aotubot and the green one know that I think of it.... plus all of the other stuff I mentioned.
coud Also if starscream hadn't betrayied him he would of claimed victory.
But he did betray him now didn't he. And why is that? Because Megatron let him live!
True... but he still won, in fact if not for unicron chances are the decepticons would of won the great war because of that battle anyway. Loss for him... bigger loss for the aotubots.