Funniest Trek moment for You

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Post by The Silence and I »

CaptainChewbacca wrote: My favorite moment:


Data- I just... love scanning for life forms.

Life forms...
You precious little life forms...
Oh precious little life forms...

I saw that and almost pissed myself after the first line.
Bastard! You beat me :D
I would also add Insurrection, when Worf is boarding Data's scout ship with the servo locking device. He comes through the hatch, Data turns and get ready to do not-nice things to him and Worf presses the button--except it doesn't work! Data gets closer and it works the second time, but not before we see Worf's face going: OH SHIT! OH SHIT! followed by a priceless look of relief :lol:
"Do not worry, I have prepared something for just such an emergency."

"You're prepared for a giant monster made entirely of nulls stomping around Mainframe?!"

"That is correct!"

"How do you plan for that?"

"Uh... lucky guess?"
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Post by Eframepilot »

Another from "The Magnificent Ferengi":

Rom: We can't rescue Moogie from a Dominion internment center. Not alone, anyway.

Quark: You're right. We'll need help.

Rom: We could put together a commando team-- gather the toughest mercenaries we can find-- Nausicaans, Breen, Klingon!

Quark: Shh! We don't need Nausicaans, Breen or Klingon.

Rom: Humans?

Quark: We'll just use Ferengi.

Rom: Then we'll all die!
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Post by Sarevok »

Hehe. Thats a funny one.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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Post by Kuja »

Dahak wrote:Qpid. Worf in tights. Hilarious :D
"I am NOT a merry man!"
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Post by TurboPhaser »

From GEN:

Data: (Facing possible splatterage on Veridan 3) Ooooooooh, shit!

Best Data quote ever.
Voyager summed up in 1 quote:

Neelix: These people dont appreciate what they have! This ship is the match of anything in a hundred lightyears, yet what do they do with it?
(fake voice) Oh, well lets go find some space anomaly today that'll rip it apart!

- Voy: 'The Cloud'
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Post by CDiehl »

My personal favorite is from the DS9 episode "In Apocalypse's Shadow," when the Jem'Hadar beam onto the runabout. Garak looks at them and says "Excuse us. We seem to be lost. Can you point us the way to the wormhole?"

Some other hilarious moments include:

In the TNG episode "Timescape," Picard draws a smiley face in the particles coming out of the Enterprise's exploding warp core, apparently stopped in mid-explosion. Then he starts giggling.

In STII, Kirk is inspecting the ship and Scotty mentions having had "a wee bout." McCoy explains it was "Shore leave." The proud naval tradition continues.

In "Rascals" the child Picard throws a tantrum to get the Ferengi to let him visit with his "dad," Riker. To get the full effect, you have to picture Patrick Stewart doing that.
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Post by Dr. Sylvan »

(DS9 303 The House of Quark)
"I should have gone into insurance. Better hours. More money. Less scruples." -Quark

(DS9 425 Body Parts)
Bashir: "I just received an odd message from a Dr. Orpax on Ferenginar, and he wanted me to tell you that he's very sorry, but you don't have Dorek Syndrome. Does that make any sense to you?"
Rom: "You don't have Dorek Syndrome?"
Quark: "Do you know what that means, Rom?"
Rom: "It means you're gonna live!"
Quark: "It means I get to sue Dr. Orpax for malpractice!!!--and I'm gonna live."

(DS9 [seventh season IIRC])
Quark: "Did you just use the 'T' word?
Brunt: "You mean 'tax'?"
Quark: "Are you telling me there are...'T's...on Ferenginar?"
Brunt: "You really haven't been keeping up with the latest reforms, have you? Zek instituted a progressive income tax three months ago."
Quark: "You call that a reform? Taxes go against the very spirit of free enterprise. That's why they call it 'free'!"
Brunt: "The government needed revenues to fund the new social programs. Wage subsidies for the poor, retirement benefits for the aged, health care for ev--"
Quark: "Stop, stop! I had no idea things had gotten so bad!"
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Post by Uraniun235 »

Kuja wrote:
Dahak wrote:Qpid. Worf in tights. Hilarious :D
"I am NOT a merry man!"
...but everyone knows Will Scarlet's just a poof in tights. :o
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Post by Stofsk »

Uraniun235 wrote:
Kuja wrote:
Dahak wrote:Qpid. Worf in tights. Hilarious :D
"I am NOT a merry man!"
...but everyone knows Will Scarlet's just a poof in tights. :o
So Worf's gay? Heh. That explains a lot - his love of opera, his sensitive side, that effeminate hairdo... how all his wives/girlfriends end up leaving him... or dying.
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Post by kojikun »

Worf is into pain and suffering to prove himself. Sounds like a gay BDSM nut to me! :P
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Post by Kuja »

kojikun wrote:Worf is into pain and suffering to prove himself. Sounds like a gay BDSM nut to me! :P
*rings the FUQ*
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Post by Praxis »

"But, knowing that he knows that we know that he knows that we know that he knows-"
And he said it rather quickly, too...
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Post by Uraniun235 »

I loved the scene (can't remember the episode) where Geordi is getting shocked by his Engineering console, and when Data goes to shove him away, he sends Geordi flying. The resultant expression of "oh shit, I fucked up" on Data is hilarious.
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Post by Stofsk »

I remember the scene but not the episode. Dammit, I get the feeling it happened in the early years. Second season sometime, maybe?
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Post by Uraniun235 »

Yeah, I know it was the early years, because that was back when Data still had the occasional emotional moment. (And, frankly, I like him a lot better as a very mildly emotional guy who just doesn't understand humans rather than a totally emotionless guy).

I also loved it when he got his fingers stuck in the chinese finger-trap in some 1st season episode.
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The Monkeys they come

Post by RevWaldo »

I'm going to try for a moment that has not been mentioned yet.

Let's see. Ah Voyager.

Blanna replicates a TV and writes a program so it will play random cartoons for her Husband Tom.
Tom becomes entranced by TV and ignores her sexual advances.
Blanna's face as she realizes this was a bad idea.

Better one?
Picard: He's my Number One Daddy!
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"Garak: ...really, doctor, there was no harm done.
Dr. Bashir: They broke seven of your transverse ribs and fractured your clavicle.
Garak: Ah, but I got off several cutting remarks which no doubt did serious damage to their egos. "
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Post by Stofsk »

Uraniun235 wrote:Yeah, I know it was the early years, because that was back when Data still had the occasional emotional moment.
I would categorise them as 'emotional' moments - more like... 'awkward' moments. ;)

I think it was the Sherlock Holmes episode, for some strange reason. Great, now I want to watch the early years of TNG because of this.
(And, frankly, I like him a lot better as a very mildly emotional guy who just doesn't understand humans rather than a totally emotionless guy).

I also loved it when he got his fingers stuck in the chinese finger-trap in some 1st season episode.
"The Outpost"? I remember the scene, stupid Geordi get's his own fingers trapped while stationed at the helm. :roll: I wished it was THIS guy who got nuked by Armus, and not Tasha Yar.

And I agree with you on Data.
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Post by Gandalf »

I'd like to mention the La Donne e mobile parody from Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy.

"Tuvok I understand
You are a Vulcan man
You have just gone without
For seven years... about

Paris please find a way
To load a hypospray
I will give you the sign
Just aim for his behind

Hormones are raging
Synapses blazing
It's all so very...
"Oh no, oh yeah, tell me how can it be so fair
That we dying younger hiding from the police man over there
Just for breathing in the air they wanna leave me in the chair
Electric shocking body rocking beat streeting me to death"

- A.B. Original, Report to the Mist

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Re: The Monkeys they come

Post by CaptainChewbacca »

RevWaldo wrote:
Better one?
Picard: He's my Number One Daddy!
Dad, not daddy. But Still funny.

And earlier in the ep...

Riker, emotionless: not my son.
Stuart: The only problem is, I'm losing track of which universe I'm in.
You kinda look like Jesus. With a lightsaber.- Peregrin Toker
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