Fahrenheit 9/11 discussion (spoilers)

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Post by Lord Poe »

Stravo wrote:The rest of the movie was ruined for you in partricular his indepth analysis of the culture of fear in teh US and the plague of violence that has no easy answer since Canada has a larger percentage of gun owners and watch more violent movies? Inetresting....
Hm. I have an easy answer. Canada doesn't have a southern border with South America. How many US gun owners are responsible for the "plague of violence"?

Haven't seen F911 yet. But I saw one news story where a senator that appeared in the film said his answer to Moore was cut out to make it look like he was caught flat footed by Moore's question (children/relatives serving) He said he told Moore his nephew is currently serving.

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Lord Poe wrote: Haven't seen F911 yet. But I saw one news story where a senator that appeared in the film said his answer to Moore was cut out to make it look like he was caught flat footed by Moore's question (children/relatives serving) He said he told Moore his nephew is currently serving.
Funny, I thought that guy came off the best among them all. BTW, do you know if his nephew was enlisted or not? Because Moore's point was that there was only one congressperson's child that was enlisted, which didn't have anything to do with those serving as officers.
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Post by Lord Poe »

The Kernel wrote:Funny, I thought that guy came off the best among them all. BTW, do you know if his nephew was enlisted or not? Because Moore's point was that there was only one congressperson's child that was enlisted, which didn't have anything to do with those serving as officers.
Nah, I wasn't listening that closely. But the guy that claimed he was cut apparently didn't get to say anything in F911. Which is why he was complaining; he did answer Moore, but it was edited to look like he didn't have an answer.

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Post by Cthulhu-chan »

For that matter, there's a big difference between you nephew and you own child...
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Post by Son of the Suns »

The Kernel wrote:
Lord Poe wrote: Haven't seen F911 yet. But I saw one news story where a senator that appeared in the film said his answer to Moore was cut out to make it look like he was caught flat footed by Moore's question (children/relatives serving) He said he told Moore his nephew is currently serving.
Funny, I thought that guy came off the best among them all. BTW, do you know if his nephew was enlisted or not? Because Moore's point was that there was only one congressperson's child that was enlisted, which didn't have anything to do with those serving as officers.

I think that question is kinda funny for two reasons:

1. Why would the child of a senator or congressmen be enlisted when it's likely that most of them have a college education.

2. If that person is exerting their influence to keep their kids out of the battlefield, it's just as unlikely that they will be in combat if they are an officer or enlisted person.

And just my own thought, I don't want anyone related to someone in power close to where they can be captured, both for the sake of the soldier who may be tortured for the supposed decisions of the person they are related to, and because I don't want the people making policy making decisions based on their feelings for someone they are related to.
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Post by The Kernel »

Son of the Suns wrote: I think that question is kinda funny for two reasons:

1. Why would the child of a senator or congressmen be enlisted when it's likely that most of them have a college education.

2. If that person is exerting their influence to keep their kids out of the battlefield, it's just as unlikely that they will be in combat if they are an officer or enlisted person.

And just my own thought, I don't want anyone related to someone in power close to where they can be captured, both for the sake of the soldier who may be tortured for the supposed decisions of the person they are related to, and because I don't want the people making policy making decisions based on their feelings for someone they are related to.
Fine, you may think the question is bullshit, but it certainly isn't proof that Moore was being dishonest since he told the audience up front that he was talking about enlisted men.
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Post by Son of the Suns »

The Kernel wrote:
Fine, you may think the question is bullshit, but it certainly isn't proof that Moore was being dishonest since he told the audience up front that he was talking about enlisted men.

1. I didn't say it was bullshit.

2. I didn't say Moore was being dishonest.
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Post by Lord Poe »

Cthulhu-chan wrote:For that matter, there's a big difference between you nephew and you own child...
Fucking horseshit. I have a nephew that will be 18 in September. There's no way I want him going to Iraq if he doesn't want to. (I.E. possible draft)

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Post by Glocksman »

Stravo wrote:
Cairber wrote:considering the gross missrepresentation of facts in Bowling for Columbine, I will not be viewing this movie.

(since i guess people will ask what those misrepresentations were)
He claimed 565 civilians were killed in the ousting of Noriega in Panama. He took this number from the red cross; however, it was the number of military combatants (365) added to the number of civilians and nonmilitary combatants (all of Noriega's guardmen, or dobermans, were considered nonmilitary combatants). This is just one example of his ability to misrepresent the facts. I cant bring myself to sit through another movie full of this kind of (insert potty word here)
That's the one misrepresentation that sticks in your mind huh? The rest of the movie was ruined for you in partricular his indepth analysis of the culture of fear in teh US and the plague of violence that has no easy answer since Canada has a larger percentage of gun owners and watch more violent movies? Inetresting....
Bowling seemed to lack a central thesis, as part of the movie was an analysis (but I wouldn't call it 'in depth') of the 'Culture of Fear' while other parts of the film focused on guns or welfare reform. I'll admit the bit with Dick Clark was funny as Hell.

I can't speak for Canada's violent movie viewing rate, but I *do* know that Canada's gun ownership rate is about 29% of the population while the US's rate is about 40% or so (estimates vary as there is no nationwide registry of owners). The best estimates from the ATF give the total number of firearms in the US as about 200 million, of which 50 million are handguns.

Also the US's (and probably Canada's) rates vary from region to region. Here in 'flyover country' with our decent gun laws (from my POV), you'd be hard pressed to find a household that didn't have some sort of gun. It may be Grandpa's old 12 gauge or Dad's ..22 squirrel rifle, but it's there. Whereas in NYC or California, firearms ownership is much more restricted and ownership of some types are prohibited.

Moore stated that Canada was just as 'gun crazy' as the US (but he ignored the fact that many more Americans have handguns than Canadians do), but I don't recall him stating that, as a percentage of population, Canadians own more guns than Americans. But I could be wrong. If he did state that, he's in error.

As far as misrepresentations 'ruining' the movie goes, one misrepresentation or omission may be a mistake, two may be coincidence, three or more constitutes a pattern to keep in mind.
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Post by Glocksman »

Lord Poe wrote:
Cthulhu-chan wrote:For that matter, there's a big difference between you nephew and you own child...
Fucking horseshit. I have a nephew that will be 18 in September. There's no way I want him going to Iraq if he doesn't want to. (I.E. possible draft)
Don't worry.

That'd be such a political bomb that neither party seriously wants to bring it up. Major Owens and the rest of the Dems' loony left were only trying to make a point, not a serious attempt to reinstate the draft.

The odds of the draft being reinstated are about the same as me being elected President. Of course, that'd be my first order as President, the second being to declare the American Empire. :twisted:

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Post by Stravo »

Just came back from watching this. It is a fanastic film and moving. It also made its case very well concerning Bush and his agenda for the Iraqi war. The film as most know is divided into two parts. The first part is pre 9/11 and deals with the conspiracy theories around Bush, his connection to the Saudis, etc...

Mostly the weakest part of the film as Moore stretched himself several times when he "conjectured" what Bush was thinking or when he tried to spin out a possible scenario for a meeting between Bush and Prince Bandar.

The opening was a rehash of all the election conspiracy stuff that just made me want to go: Get over it! You lost how about trying to actually win THIS coming election.

But there are some strong points as well:

What if Clinton had flown the McVeigh's family out of the US days after the Oklahoma city bombging and out of US and its jurisdiction without questioning them?

For those who believe the tripe about his mistatement when he says the Saudis have given the Bush family 1.8 billion OVER TIME, he said it quite clearly to my ears and I was listening for this phantom drop in volume that some right wingers complained about. (As if that makes any difference, we're talking about billions with a B) In fact the more I watched the film the more it became Bowling for Columbine redux in terms of the remarks and critiques of the right wing and other Moore haters. In other words their mostly bullshit.

Bush's money connection to the Saudis early on is clearly established, where did all the money come from to save every company that bastard drove into the ground? Why were there mystery savior investors that came in and pumped much needed cash into his ventures.

The entire Bush family and associates are clearly shown as finincially vested with the Saudis, from Baker, to Cheney to Daddy Bush and Shrub.

Now we come to the second half. This is by far the strongest and got very vocal reactions from the crowd.

First we start with the weaknesses:

Moore's portrayal of Iraq as a happy go lucky place with children laughing and playting and people living normal lives was over the top. Iraq was no paradise on Earth and hardly the Eden that he intended to show before the bombs dropped.

Plus his heavy handed statements that we started a war with a nation that never attacked us, never threatened us and never killed an American citizen was groan inducing. Guess he missed out on the whole Gulf War and the years afterward.

I did not like Moore's grotesque display of human carnage in particular children in pain and suffering. As a parent I was appalled and could not look at the screen and I am far from squeamish. I understood what he was trying to accomplish but it just did not go over well with me.

On to the strengths:

Bush looks like a total and complete jack ass. His statements interpersed by what we see is almost manically funny if it weren't true. Throughout the film in fact he is just made to look like an utter moron.

The Iraqi war footage is sobering and should make you angry that we've sent these young men to fight and die for a cause they have no idea what it is and for a claim that is now just fucking false. If any of you "There are WMD's we just have to wait a little longer" crowd can actually claim this after watching the film and seeing the concrete statements by Powell and Rice in early 2000 and 2001 that there WERE NO WMD's and in particular Powell who stated that Sadaam was "contained and could not project power" then good for you, your brain was lost somewhere between the theater and your ass.

The mother who lost her son was heart wrenching and then we have the infamous scene where some pro war TWAT steps in and demands to know where her son died and that the whole thing was staged looks like and sounds like the ass that she is.

Make no mistake, this is not a fair and balanced film but then again, here's the funny part, when is a documentary ever fair and balanced? Especially when Moore himself claims that this is his I hate Bush film. At least he has a mountain of evidence that shows what a fucking convoluted plot this was and agrees with most books I've read on the subject (Bush at War, Against all Enemies, etc) that Bush and his crowd were looking for an excuse to go after Iraq.

SEE THIS MOVIE. It will make you think about everything concerning this war.

I also want to address a critique I read somewhere about Moore's portrayal of the soldiers in this film. Someone claimed that it made the American soldiers look like marauders and idiots because they pumped themselves up with music and spout jingoistic nonsense. WATCH THE FUCKING MOVIE., There is a point to this portrayal. These kids are 19-20 years old, now watch the interviews a few months into the war. these kids look haggard, tired and as one mournfully states: "I thought we came here to help these people but they hate us for being here, then when something goes wrong they hate us for not being there...I hate this fucking country."

Not the same pumped up soldiers we saw when the war started is it?

The end was a stirring tribuet to these men and women. "They step up to protect the very system that brought them up and keeps them in poverty. They serve so that we don't have to and all that they ask is that we don't put them in harm's way unless it is absolutely neccesary."

Anti soldier? FUCK YOU. That's anti Bush and sums up my hatred for this cynical administration that sent these wonderful people to die for nothing unl;ess you agree with the moving goal posts crowds that have conveniently forgotten the WMD claims and now tout a new free Iraq. :roll:

Moore also ties back into his Culture of Fear thesis from Bowling with some very telling video segments and people in small podunk towns claiming that the terrorists could even strike here and one guy saying "Hell you shouldn't even trust the people you do know."

His portryal of the military as a last resort for poor people and how they are aggressivley courted by recruiters who instead of going to the nice suburban malls they go to the "other mall." as Moore puts it. is sobering indeed.

If you hate this movie fine, but if you refuse to see this movie because of alleged "lies" that you have not seen for yourself then congratulations moron, you've just let someone else think for you. make up your own fucking mind then come to me and talk about it.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Good sounding review, Stravo. I really do want to see this badly.

I'm amused by the screaming about it being propaganda, so fucking what sez I...

We've had propaganda shoved down our throats for nearly three years, propaganda lies that have led to the deaths of over 800 service personnel in Iraq, but somehow Farenheit 911 is supposed to be the worse of the two? Or even fucking comparable? :x
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

Let me just say one thing i agree with Moore on very strongly:

If you have the nerve to start a war and harp about how wonderful it'll be to go off and fight and die, your kids should be leading the charge if not you. Thats just my opinion. I consider most of these 'Hawks' cowards and gutless hypocrites of the highest order (more like lowest) since they find it trivially easy to send that other guy's kids to die, but they and theirs must live in hardened, ABC-sheilded bunkers :roll:
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Post by neoolong »

18-Till-I-Die wrote:Let me just say one thing i agree with Moore on very strongly:

If you have the nerve to start a war and harp about how wonderful it'll be to go off and fight and die, your kids should be leading the charge if not you. Thats just my opinion. I consider most of these 'Hawks' cowards and gutless hypocrites of the highest order (more like lowest) since they find it trivially easy to send that other guy's kids to die, but they and theirs must live in hardened, ABC-sheilded bunkers :roll:
Aren't some of the kids of the politicians, senators and such, soldiers as well?

I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere.
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Post by 18-Till-I-Die »

neoolong wrote:
18-Till-I-Die wrote:Let me just say one thing i agree with Moore on very strongly:

If you have the nerve to start a war and harp about how wonderful it'll be to go off and fight and die, your kids should be leading the charge if not you. Thats just my opinion. I consider most of these 'Hawks' cowards and gutless hypocrites of the highest order (more like lowest) since they find it trivially easy to send that other guy's kids to die, but they and theirs must live in hardened, ABC-sheilded bunkers :roll:
Aren't some of the kids of the politicians, senators and such, soldiers as well?

I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere.
I'm sure some are. But i'm talking about those are arent, which i should've mentioned. Also just everyday folks who consider themselves 'Hawks', not just Congressmen or something.
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Post by Stravo »

neoolong wrote:
18-Till-I-Die wrote:Let me just say one thing i agree with Moore on very strongly:

If you have the nerve to start a war and harp about how wonderful it'll be to go off and fight and die, your kids should be leading the charge if not you. Thats just my opinion. I consider most of these 'Hawks' cowards and gutless hypocrites of the highest order (more like lowest) since they find it trivially easy to send that other guy's kids to die, but they and theirs must live in hardened, ABC-sheilded bunkers :roll:
Aren't some of the kids of the politicians, senators and such, soldiers as well?

I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere.
ONE member of Congress has a child serving in the military. There is a scene where Moore and a Marine who refuses to go back to Iraq are standing outside Congress trying to get congressmen to sign their children up to serve. The results were sadly predicatble.
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Post by Vympel »

Plus his heavy handed statements that we started a war with a nation that never attacked us, never threatened us and never killed an American citizen was groan inducing. Guess he missed out on the whole Gulf War and the years afterward.
To get nitpicky, the Gulf War was an attack on Kuwait, not America; and the years afterward were hardly a case of Iraq making attacks on the United States- unless you engage in the mind-twisting gymnastics of the die-hard pro-warsies and attempt to portray air defense against encroaching aircraft as an "attack" on the US. "Never killed an American citizen" is sloppy though.
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Post by Joe »

I have a question; I've been lead to believe that according to the film, Moore believes the Iraq war was carried out because the Saudis wanted it. What evidence does he present for this theory?

I'm not trying to start a flamewar. I'm just curious.

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Post by Stravo »

Joe wrote:I have a question; I've been lead to believe that according to the film, Moore believes the Iraq war was carried out because the Saudis wanted it. What evidence does he present for this theory?

I'm not trying to start a flamewar. I'm just curious.
Seeing as that claim is never made in the film there is no evidence presented.
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Post by Kuja »

Stravo, that's one hell of a thorough review. I think I just changed my mind about not bothering with seeing it.
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Post by CelesKnight »

Stravo wrote:ONE member of Congress has a child serving in the military.
Really, how interesting...
Of the 535 members of Congress, at least seven have a great personal interest: They have children in the military who already are participating in the war or could be called to do so.

Before someone steps in and flames me, yes, I do know that F9/11 does not claim that one member of Congress has a child serving in the military. However Starvo did claim that, and I'm replying to him, not Moore. What I find interesting is how quickly Moore's claims of only one congress member having an enlisted kid turns into only one member having a kid in the whole military. It's not just Starvo, I've seen others claim the same thing. I wonder if we're witnessing a new brainbug grow before our eyes.
Stravo wrote:There is a scene where Moore and a Marine who refuses to go back to Iraq are standing outside Congress trying to get congressmen to sign their children up to serve. The results were sadly predicatble.
I didn't know that parent's were the ones who signed their kids up for military service--the congresscritter's kids get to make their own decisions in life.

IMO, it's not nessarily good for congresscritters to have a personal involvement in the decisions that they make. Ideally, they should be thinking of the country as a whole or the region they represent, not themselves personally.

Some people seem to think that the fact that most congress members don't have children in the military means that they don't have the moral authority (so to speak) to declare war (and hence send other people's children into harm's way). IMO, it would be more valid to ask if the congressmembers themselves have served in the military. If anyone's interested, the above mentioned news article states that 30% of the congress members have a "miltary background"--which I presume means they served in the military.

On a diffrent topic, I've read that most of the US military personel come from the rural areas. (I don't have a cite handy, but could probably find one if someone cares.) The proportion is aparently quite high, with some of the articles saying "nearly all" come from rural areas. These rural areas tend to be the most pro-war, and are the places that put many of the pro-war leaders in place. Again, this doesn't have anything to do with F9/11 or the rest of the thread. I simply find it interesting that the areas that are the most hawkish also have the most people serving in the military.
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Post by The Kernel »

CelesKnight wrote:
Stravo wrote:ONE member of Congress has a child serving in the military.
Really, how interesting...
Stravo made the mistake of saying one child serving in the military while the actual quote was one ENLISTED child.
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Post by The Kernel »

Joe wrote:I have a question; I've been lead to believe that according to the film, Moore believes the Iraq war was carried out because the Saudis wanted it. What evidence does he present for this theory?

I'm not trying to start a flamewar. I'm just curious.
Interestingly enough, Moore's connection of Saudi money to Bush isn't a direct connection, but a general poisoning of interests and representation of the American people through huge amounts of money flowing from Saudi Arabia. He makes a good case since even if Bush is not coordinating his actions with Saudi Arabia (and let's face it, we all know he is at some degree or another) that amount of money lining the pockets of Bush and his cronies from a government like Saudi Arabia is disturbing to say the least.
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Post by Hamel »

I'm bumping this thread since I have just seen the movie~

Earlier today I watched the movie with a conservative friend of mine. Since Stravo gave a long and thourough analysis, I'll make this somewhat short.

This isn't the anti-troops movie the freepers make it out to be. Yes, they show a few dirty sons of bitches who have no regard for life (the "roof is on fire" kid) and the guy who thinks wiping Iraqi blood on his uniform is the shit. Other soldiers are shown wondering why the hell they are there. Overall the movie has a "wtf are we sending them to die for" flavor that IMO is more respectful of the armed forces than some armchair general wanker who got a hardon from the invasion.

One thing I found odd is how severe the bombing of Baghdad really was. The broadcast and cable networks toned down the televised footage. Here it was completely uncensored and was brutal, worthy of the shock and awe moniker. That clashes with wankery from the right about how the media is doing everything it can to make Iraq look worse than it really is.

For those who want to see the movie, I'd recommend taking someone with you who doesn't research and look at political issues on the net. The smugness of some of those rich businessmen fucks is the only thing that took me by surprise. Well, that and how truly fucking stupid Bush is. If Arthur Dent or some RW looney from whereever asks how you know Bush is really stupid, bitchslap the stupid son of a bitch and use the grade school reading session as THE definitive evidence of such.
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Post by Hamel »

To clarify about the Iraqi blood thing:

This trooper wipes what appears to be blood of the clothed corpse of an Iraqi and wipes it on his uniform, with him and his buddies having a good time of it.
"Right now we can tell you a report was filed by the family of a 12 year old boy yesterday afternoon alleging Mr. Michael Jackson of criminal activity. A search warrant has been filed and that search is currently taking place. Mr. Jackson has not been charged with any crime. We cannot specifically address the content of the police report as it is confidential information at the present time, however, we can confirm that Mr. Jackson forced the boy to listen to the Howard Stern show and watch the movie Private Parts over and over again."
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