Admiral Valdemar wrote:
Ah, yes, missed that, was thinking asteroid vaping calcs then. Still, the human view simply saw a blinding flash, so you still couldn't really see the structure anyway due to the radiation, annoyingly.
Alas, CP is another one I didn't buy, but took out of the library. Grr. Arg.
You came? Hope you cleared up, mucky pup.
I have no idea what the hell happened there. I don't even remember what I wanted to write.
And yes, the DS can take out ships and planets, but as has been argued before, it's more a status symbol since that mass could be better spent on some shiny new ISDs.
Indeed. The discussion of hypermatter reactors I would put in here is completely and utterly off topic.
Mind you, as handy as that'd be like the Bolo books as well, it soon turns into textbook reading if the author starts the one-upmanship of firepower or fight speed in comparison to other stories. That'd be funny to see though.
Indeed, that's how I wrote it off, but the thing is, he's meant to be an informed character. I ignored it and got on with the book after that, but it is irritating.
So long as Banks isn't a Creationist, I'll trust his science skills are adequate enough for his writing.
Well, there are all these humanoids in the Cultureverse...
Well, if you want to get picky, the British Cobalt-60 bombs could certainly make a bigger dent by destroying our way of life in more ways than one. That's the inherent fear of nukes. They're beyond imagining for most in terms of destruction. To have a city one minute and then a firestorm covered crater the next is an eery thought.
True enough.