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Post by frigidmagi »

"Here is a list of available noblewomen potentially interested in a monagamous relationship. Depending upon the parameters to be applied, they can be sorted by clan rank, personality type, prior marital status, age, personal interests, or a number of other factors. I can say with confidence that my government would be most willing to pursue this course of action, but one condition that will certainly need to be met is for your Protector's basic genetic pattern to be viewed by a medical expert that we trust. We have found in the past that certain human descendant groups are extremely incompatible with our own." He then let a small smile escape, "Of course, as long as he isn't a half-vampire or something similar, its really nothing more than a formality."
"His genetic pattern? We would have to insist that it be kept secret, has secret has possible really. The Mattews and most of the House Lords are not baseline humans. Sometime in the past genetic engineering was used to raise them up past normal limitations. It's not something we wish spread around. Other than that I think we have an agreement."
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Post by consequences »

frigidmagi wrote:
"Here is a list of available noblewomen potentially interested in a monagamous relationship. Depending upon the parameters to be applied, they can be sorted by clan rank, personality type, prior marital status, age, personal interests, or a number of other factors. I can say with confidence that my government would be most willing to pursue this course of action, but one condition that will certainly need to be met is for your Protector's basic genetic pattern to be viewed by a medical expert that we trust. We have found in the past that certain human descendant groups are extremely incompatible with our own." He then let a small smile escape, "Of course, as long as he isn't a half-vampire or something similar, its really nothing more than a formality."
"His genetic pattern? We would have to insist that it be kept secret, has secret has possible really. The Mattews and most of the House Lords are not baseline humans. Sometime in the past genetic engineering was used to raise them up past normal limitations. It's not something we wish spread around. Other than that I think we have an agreement."
Mcsweeney thought for a moment, then said "The geneteic reading is not strictly necessary, but we would have to have one of our chi specialists meet him, as any of the problems we have previously encountered would be readily apparent to them without any sort of invasive scan."
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Post by frigidmagi »

consequences wrote:The geneteic reading is not strictly necessary, but we would have to have one of our chi specialists meet him, as any of the problems we have previously encountered would be readily apparent to them without any sort of invasive scan."
"That would be more than acceptable. I don't foresee a problem, House Lords and Mattews have interbreed with normal humans with perfect sucess before."
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Post by Marcao »

Veithan Space
Mulaya III

The message from the U.P embassy was received gracefully, the six hour time frame accepted without complaint. It was a bit faster than the secretary of state had expected, but if he was surprised he would certainly not share it with any others. Arrangements were made for the meeting to take place, the building chosen to host the event being the central government building, the heart of the Veithan Empire’s diplomatic efforts. The U.P embassy was given a polite response, assuring them that the secretary of state awaited the arrival of Sir Warren at the allotted time.

The U.P delegation had their own transportation in the planet, but for this event they were picked up outside of the embassy by a convoy of hover vehicles. The U.P representatives were then driven in comfort towards the heart of the city proper. The U.P compound was located a bit more distant than most from the city itself, but that was primarily due to its inspiring views. It took roughly fifteen minutes for the convoy to move through the Veithan streets and into their destination. Once inside the facility, they were escorted at a slow pace through the building. Any questions they offered would be answered curtly, Veithan architecture was unsurprisingly quite different from that of the U.P.

Eventually, the U.P representatives were led to the final destination. Any guards would have to remain outside of the room alongside a dozen Veithan guards before the U.P ambassador and any aides would be allowed to move within the room. Once any potential problems where dealt with, the U.P delegates were allowed to proceed within the room. The office was comfortable, dominated by a round table of terran oak manufacture and a dozen or so seats. There were only three Veithans present within the room, the secretary of state, his chief aide and a female who wore the black and red with silver trimming which suggested she was a member of Veithan intelligence. All were wearing black gloves upon their hands, and upon the entering of the U.P representatives all stood.

It was the Veithan secretary of state that spoke first. His voice was soft and practiced although it quickly became apparent that he did not speak terribly often. His eyes sliding from one member of the U.P delegation to another before taking a couple of steps forward, his attention focused firmly upon Sir Warren.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Sir Warren, I am pleased that this meeting was coordinated so efficiently. I hope that you and yours are getting used to your new surroundings.”

He paused for a moment, shaking hands with Sir Warren if the U.P ambassador was so inclined before motioning for the ambassador and his companions to be seated. Once this was done, he would move to sit himself, his eyes watching the U.P delegation for a moment once more before getting to the crux of the matter.

”I do not wish to waste your time ambassador and as such, I will cut to the heart of the matter. It is believed by many that our nations may have started off in the wrong foot. Part of the reason why you are here, are the attempts of my nation to try and kick start diplomatic relations. Our ambassador in last port has found a handful of things to occupy himself, but it is obvious that our relations have not taken root. It is our hope that after today, those roots may begin to grow.”

”Now that we have cleared the air, I want to assure you that neither the Veithan government nor the Veithan people hold anything against the United Protectorates. The fact that you played a role during the Ixa`gal occupation is well known, but that is in the past. The Veithan Empire did not participate during the attacks on the Covenant of God because the Arcane led coalition at the time was more than capable of defeating their navy. We strongly questioned the occupation, because we could see the difficulties inherent with the action. Our concerns were ignored for the most part by the Arcane Empire, and while we could see a need to effect a change in the type of governance within the CoG, we felt that forcing change from the outside would be…ill advised.” He did not need to say anything more on the topic, the U.P itself had struggled valiantly to control the situation in Ixa`gal. They knew the situation on the ground better than anyone.

”However, I am not here to talk about our differences in the past. I am here to talk about our similarities. Like the U.P, we have forged a defensive pact between nations. Like the U.P, we are aware of the dangers that lurk in the shadows of space. Your nation has done well, and your alliance is quite capable. In order so that there will be no future misunderstandings between our people, I am hopeful that our diplomatic ties shall strengthen so that our nations may concentrate their attentions on the true threats to galactic stability.” He paused, his expression utterly neutral but it would not take a great deal of imagination to figure out who the true threat to galactic stability was. The Ousters had grown quiet, and that worried a great deal of people both within the Empire and outside of it.

”Furthermore, the empire seeks access to your mining equipment. It is widely known that the U.P is among the best at exploiting resources and space below ground. The Veithan Empire is not interested in competing in economic fields where competition would not be economically viable.” U.P mining equipment could be quite useful to future Veithan plans, and the transfer of funds would certainly be a pleasant boost to relations between both powers.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Marcoa wrote:”Furthermore, the empire seeks access to your mining equipment. It is widely known that the U.P is among the best at exploiting resources and space below ground. The Veithan Empire is not interested in competing in economic fields where competition would not be economically viable.” U.P mining equipment could be quite useful to future Veithan plans, and the transfer of funds would certainly be a pleasant boost to relations between both powers.
"I quite please to be here. The new surronding are very pleasent thank you. I am glad we have had a chance to clear the air between our nations, I hope to avoid any futher misunderstandings between our nations and our allies. I think we can agree on the true nature of the threats facing Known Space. We would be happy to sell whatever mining equipment that you require. I can only hope this marks a time of better and closer relationship between our nations and poeples."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Pirate Base World

Onboard the Pirate ruiser Deathscythe alarm klaxons blared

"Captain, jumppoints frming on multiple vectors!!!!"

"Oh hell! Shields up, general quarters!!!"

In the space surrounding the port world ships powered up weapons and brought shields online. There was no use in escaping, they could not outrun the fleet that floated before it.

"This is Admiral Gnathus of the Draconis Republic. You are all under arrest for acts of piracy and your home port is to be annexed by the Republic. You have 5 min to surrendur your ships, any at3tempt to escape will be met with deadly force. An resistance will be met with deadly force."
Pirates are never the most courageous of creatures, particularly not when faced with a national military, and never when outnumbered three to one or worse by such a military. Also, they are not particularly loyal to each other.

A grand rout ensued at once, with pirate vessels wildly trying to lay down covering fire for themselves as they ran for the nearest gaps in the fleet formations to escape. The Deathscythe fired up her engines and bolted with all the speed the overpowered and hotrodded pursuit engines could muster, her captain cursing at his gunners and engineers as they frantically plied their duties.
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Post by Murazor »

frigidmagi wrote:"Ah Good, then. Seems like all is in order. Is there anything else your peoples will require from us? I have no problems having an agreement between our two powers set up here and now. I also invite you into the alliance providing that the Nastar Republic or the Altantians don't object."
"We were willing to pay in order to gain your help. It would not be very polite or smart from us to demand anything from you. All we might want has already been offered: help against the Ousters, a way to lessen the suspicions of our dissidents and an understanding between our nations. As senior Councilor of the Council of Races I have the authority to sign an agreement with your nation in behalf of mine. And it will be an honour to join the Alliance if your partners agree to such a thing. I am ready to sign both agreements as soon as all formalities have been completed. Our part of the technological exchange can be done as soon as the agreement is signed."
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Post by Marcao »

Veithan Space
Veitha III
Intelligence Directorate

The arrival of the HIMS Ragnarok did not go unnoticed by both the Veithan press and the Veithan military. Jon Cameron in particular took interest in the juggernaut, exchanging his thoughts on the matter with President Duvolle; Even though the president was not in his immediate line of sight that was little hindrance to someone of his mental strength.

~The Gladshiem like to build them big; Five thousand three hundred meters in length, a dreadnought/carrier hybrid certainly an impressive ship.~

~you will find no argument coming from me Jon. It is to become their flagship, or so I imagine. It is comforting to know that we will not need to worry about facing such a vessel.~

~Indeed. They have accepted our requests for a guided military tour, so I imagine that when that is done our projections will finally be more credible and we will have a better understanding as to the capabilities of the vessel. Still, from what I am seeing right now its name certainly fits. I did as you asked, and made sure that the Gladshiem were aware that we know about the Dachlan situation.~

~good. I really doubt that anything untoward will happen, and Dachlan and Jorm have a certain degree of freedom to do whatever they will. Dachlan is still a Veithan citizen, and as such his future is of interest to us. We shall watch the situation closely.~

~That we will...~

~Have you spoken with Lilandra yet Jon?~

~No sir, not yet.~

~You should. You know her better than anyone, and that is not saying much. I want those questions answered.~

~…Yes sir.~

~thank you Jon.~
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Post by Marcao »

Veithan Space
Mulaya III

The secretary of state washed Sir Warren closely as he spoke, quite interested in what the representative of the U.P had to say. He had laid a great deal of their future on the line, at the very least that which the Empire wished from future relations with the U.P. When Sir Warren spoke, he listened devoting all of his attention towards him. His words analyzed as they manifested in the room, his lips curling upwards into a full smile as he heard that which was said.

”I am thankful that this meeting was allowed to take place Sir Warren and I look forward to dealing with you and yours in the days and weeks to come. I will make sure that our needs for your equipment are brought to your embassy within twenty four hours. I also assure you that this will only be the first step of many to come. It is our hope that this meeting will mark only the beginning of our relationship and that our future together, will be bright.”

The secretary of state went silent for a moment, considering that which had been achieved. It was little enough, a first step but a first step that had to be taken. The U.P led a powerful coalition of like-minded nations, as did the Veithan Empire. If those coalitions established strong enough ties…when the Ousters returned, they would be quite surprised. The secretary of state was well aware that in politics like war, one had to set the tone. The Empire could not react to its enemies, it had to force its enemies to react to it. And by doing so, it controlled the pace of the conflict.

”Sir Warren, is there anything else that you would like to touch upon? I am more than willing to answer any questions you may have. If there are none, this meeting will come to an end. I do not wish to monopolize your time.”
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

To King Casimir

30 destroyer leaders and 80 destroyers is now complete. The rest of the run is nearing completion as well; the sum of the production will be completed in a matter of months and launched as a complete unit.

Temesvar Shipyard Authority
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Rogue 9 wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:Pirate Base World

Onboard the Pirate ruiser Deathscythe alarm klaxons blared

"Captain, jumppoints frming on multiple vectors!!!!"

"Oh hell! Shields up, general quarters!!!"

In the space surrounding the port world ships powered up weapons and brought shields online. There was no use in escaping, they could not outrun the fleet that floated before it.

"This is Admiral Gnathus of the Draconis Republic. You are all under arrest for acts of piracy and your home port is to be annexed by the Republic. You have 5 min to surrendur your ships, any at3tempt to escape will be met with deadly force. An resistance will be met with deadly force."
Pirates are never the most courageous of creatures, particularly not when faced with a national military, and never when outnumbered three to one or worse by such a military. Also, they are not particularly loyal to each other.

A grand rout ensued at once, with pirate vessels wildly trying to lay down covering fire for themselves as they ran for the nearest gaps in the fleet formations to escape. The Deathscythe fired up her engines and bolted with all the speed the overpowered and hotrodded pursuit engines could muster, her captain cursing at his gunners and engineers as they frantically plied their duties.
"Admiral, they are attempting to run"

"Let them breathe vaccum. Have the fighter squadrons and escorts engage the weaker vesslles, they arent fighting as a cohesive group, they will be easy targets.

Our dreadnoughts outnumber theirs 3 to 1, have them engage, broadside, until shields collapse and then disable engines. I want those heavy ships intact."

And it was done, the Harbinger, Monolith and Deathbringer broght themselves alongside the deathscythe and opened fire with all guns... Her shields would not last long.

Fast Destroyers broke from formation and ganged up upon the escaping smaller vessels. Missiles flew through space as shields started to buckle, explosions ripped through hulls as defensive fire erupted from the escort ships attempting to stem the tide of destruction.

It was not over however, Frigates and pirate cruisers had to contend with the formation of Cruisers itself, and their screen of missile destroyers.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Marcao »

Pirate Base World

The pirate fleet was well aware of the fact that staying to fight was not an option. The “grand” pirate fleet broke off into its member groups, each seeking to escape the rapidly closing jaws of death which represented the Draconis fleet. It was fortunate for the pirates however, that only the strong and clever survived in their profession. The pirates had placed a rudimentary but effective early warning network, and thus the Draconis approach was not a total surprise. It gave the pirates a clear chance at survival, and they all took that chance.

As the Draconis arrived, the ships of the Pirate fleet were already maneuvering to escape. As Draconis fighters moved to engage escorts, they were met with point defense fire as the fleet maneuvered to retreat. Pirate vessels slammed all available back-up power to their shields, counting their blessing that no interdictors were present among the Draconis forces. The Pirate fleet leapt into hyperspace, breaking off into a dozen or so smaller groups of ships all heading in separate vectors. Of the pirate fleet, no ship escaped without shield damage, but only four escort vessels had been incapacitated enough to prevent their escape into faster than light.

These four vessels floated pitifully in space, their escape cut off from them they attempted to limp towards the planet in the hope that the orbital defenses could offer them succor. The pirate world was unsurprisingly defended by a rag tag mixture of orbital defenses. These defenses had been engaging the hostile forces from their appearance to the system. The defenses varied from the minmatar made, to some older Nashtar models and ironically two Draconis made orbital defense systems. The defenses were significant, but had no chance of stopping the Draconis assault.

In the planet below, military forces prepared for an invasion. It was something they had planned for, considering their situation. It took precious minutes for all the soldiers to reach their locations. Evacuating the ground side populace would be impossible in a short period of time. As such, an invasion by a hostile force had been a real possibility since the founding of the planet. The ground forces prepared, readying their defenses wordlessly. Radar installations which were secreted away in dozens of locations remained silent for the moment, ECM generators located within cities and the surrounding country-side were activated, blanketing space with their distortions. Underground installations prepared for the worse, as anti-air, forces of all types, shapes and sizes held their breath. When the enemy came, they would discover the depth of their mistake.


OOC: As always, feel free to PM me with any thoughts, concerns, suggestions. ^_^
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"Pirate cowards... Abandoning their people to the winds" the admiral growled...

The planetary defense satelites were well made, at least the draconis models, the GOD sats alone had already damaged several fast destroyers and were doing well holding the fighters at bay. However the massive fleet was to much for them, and the fleet itself began the process of concentating fire on them at range and destoying the systematically.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Marcao »

Pirate Base World

The flagships of the pirate fleet could not believe their sensors in that the Draconis fleet was not offering pursuit. Laughter erupted in the bridges of various crews as the fleets continued on their paths which would take them away from Draconis sensor range in minutes. The fleet would be reassembled at a predetermined rally point, the captains meeting to decide how to best handle their situation. The world was left to fend for itself. A world could be recaptured, a fleet could not be easily rebuilt.

The destruction of the orbital platforms was a foregone conclusion, all they had been meant to accomplish when facing a fleet the size of the Draconis was to delay. Each minute that Draconis ships spent battering the orbital defenses, was a minute gained by the defenders on the ground. When the final orbital platform seized to be, the way to the planet was open. The world laid beneath the Draconis as if prostate. All that was left, was for the Draconis forces to come to the ground and claim it. The ground forces of the pirate world had not squandered the time which the sacrifice of their orbital defenses had given them.

Thousands of eyes glanced upwards to the sky, grim smiles upon their lips. They all understood what was at stake, and all well aware that piracy, was a capital offense in many star nations. In their minds it was a battle for survival. Thankfully, many of them had the right tools...
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Troop transports came through jumpoints and began to await the go ahead to land.

Any planet bound defenses were summarily destroyed, guns, fortifications anythng tht could pose a threat to the landing craft..

Then, the fighters descended upon the world in the thousands, seeking out and destroying enemy positions near the landing sites in order to secure them for the troops

When good landing sites were secured, the troopships began to descend.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by Marcao »

Pirate Base World

The residents of the besieged world were not fools. The sensors systems which were being utilized at this stage of the operation were passive only, as active sensors unless employed in the right circumstances would simply mean a quick death beneath the orbital superiority of the Draconis fleet. The Draconis proved this quickly, by dismembering the overt defensive platforms which dotted key locations. These structures died without a shot being fired. Sacrificial lambs meant to lure the fleet above into a false sense of security.

The Draconis did not touch the cities, and thus their ECM fields remained active playing their dirty game with the sensors of the Draconis above. The fighters descended en masse, but there were precious few targets available to them. Without the signs of active transmissions, it became difficult for the hordes of fighters to actively seek out targets. They had to settle for targets of opportunity, which the world presented to them occasionally. Squads of infantry loosing their shoulder-mounted anti-air missiles to fighters that strayed too close to the ground and were within their weapon's envelope. Draconis fighters were plucked from the skies in such manner, although more often than not the slayers were in turn slain when their attack was traced back to their location.

It seemed as if the planetary defenses were not up to the challenge, several good landing sites found and "secured" by fighters. It was when the troop ships began to descend that activity began to occur. The troop ships were followed through optics, orders given out to various outposts. When the troop ships were committed to their landing sites, dozens of radar sites which had been off during the entirety of the planetary assault were activated. Most of these radar sites were mobile, found in the back of vehicles while others were permament emplacements that had been overlooked through the use of camouflage while others had been hardened. Draconis fighters along with the far larger troop transports were suddenly light up by a multitude of targetting sensors. By the time that Draconis fighters were throwing wild maneuvers and activating their own ECM in an attempt to minimize their own radar signatures, hundreds of missiles left the planet and arched upwards. Most of these missiles were hypervelocity rounds, covering the distance between their launchers and their targets at horrendous speeds.

The results were staggering, troops transports torn asunder and spilling their living cargo over the planetary surface. Draconis fighters tumbled and weaved through a literal sea of incoming missiles, trailing flares and chaff all the while. The Draconis fleet bagan to engage the active radar signatures, but most had only gone active for a few precious seconds. Just long enough to grant their weaponry, the ability to gather enough targetting data to fire. Nonetheless, every non-mobile radar site that went active was promptly destroyed. Of the mobile radar sites, only four in ten managed to survive the dreadful Draconis retaliation. There were losses among the missile launchers as well, many tracked down by the residual heat trails upon their launchers and removed from existance. Nonetheless, some survived, moving to a new position in order to fire once more. The Draconis troop transports suffered terribly as well. It was often pointed out that the first wave of any invasion generally suffered over seventy five percent casualties. It seemed that this invasion would be no different. Furthermore, the question remained. How many more hidden radar systems did the world below possess?
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"That will not happen again"

"As soon as they engage radar again, I want orbital fire support targeting their arrays with light weapons, we dont need to penetrate shields or heavy armor, light lasers will do just fine..."

"yes Admiral"

Troop dropships waited in orbit until the next order was given.
The death of fighters was unfortunate, however they were controlled by the flash imprinted memories of living fighter aces(we used to control ut ships through remote) on a droid brain. No personality, just raw skill....

The ECM was the real problem, and the stronger arrays would have to be taken care of... soon, the reactors that powered the grid were shut down rather handily by well placed EMP missiles.

OOC: You may wish to check what my fighters are armed with, and you realize that my fighters are shielded and that those shpulder munted missiles would have to be multi-kiloton/megaton at least right?
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
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Post by Marcao »

Pirate Base World

The Draconis response to the revelation of the planet's strength was totally expected. The EMP reasponse was a standard tactic employed in planetary assaults, and as such was not beyond a level of preparation. The Draconis were mindful of the fact that they wanted to capture the planet as intact as possible. A shattered world was of no use to anyone, especially when the invaders planned on anexing the world. The EMP bombardment was limited to the power plants tied to major cities, places that would have to be controlled by the Draconis and whose ECM fields were immobile and strong.

The cities flickered for a moment before going dark, although since only the power plants were targeted, backups kicked in most places that needed them. The ECM screens located in the major cities continued to be a factor, but they also came at a significant civilian toll.
Although the Draconis had used ECM on some of the major cities, the command and control network of the planet was still mostly intact. The cities were isolated now for the most part, but communications still existed through underground channels and land lines. The planetary defenses remained silent, unwilling to act until a suitable target presented itself. powered optics concentrated on the skies in dozens of places, waiting for the Draconis troop transports to enter the planetary atmosphere once more and attempt to land. The second wave would fare little better than the first.

OOC: I am well aware of that fact. All modern fighters are generally either shielded or well armored. Since the pirate base world had a very modern navy in scope, including dreadnoughts and cruisers, I don't have a problem believing that their defensive forces are also modern as well. The warheads on these weapons be them hypervelocity or explosive in nature, should be quite capable at defeating your fighters.
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-07-06 09:34am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

Excript from: The Yavinber Herald; Avea III, the Union

"By a vote of 54% to 40%, with 4% absent and 2% voting present, the Grand Council approves of the Union's entrance into the alliance. the Speaker of the House of Delegates has said "This treaty will no doubt bring the Union into the Galaxy; a defense and trade alliance with several other powers will no doubt be beneficial"..... however, Senator Yiv Jeyrum, the ranking Objectivist party member, has said 'while free trade is a laudable goal, a defensive alliance will draw us in with the siren song of offensive wars, which are impossible to achieve without reversion to statism." The Socialist party also voted against the treaty, citing the monarchial nature of the Union's system of 'Lord Protectors'. "
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Post by Hotfoot »

Known Space
International Deep Space
Alpha Fleet – First Battlegroup

Radim watched the fleeing ships edge closer and closer. Even with the supercapital ships of the battlegroup slowing him down, they were keeping up, and gradually getting closer. If this continued, they might be able to catch up, but by then, they’d probably have to go home. Fortunately, Radim already had a plan in action. The Veithans had been informed of the situation, and were sending the fleeing ghost fleet a little surprise.

{{Attention all ships. On my mark, prepare for interdiction exit. I want everyone in position when we come out, chances are we’ll need to fight the moment we see realspace.}}

The ships prepared. Soon the trap would be unleashed upon the raiders. Soon the fury of the Consortium…the Accord, would be unleashed.

Veithan Sphere
Deep Space

The trap was set; the sixth fleet laid in wait silently utilizing information from the rapid reaction force to adjust its position relative to the incoming hostile task force. The Fleet split, a single battleship and escorts moving to position before and around each one of the two converted mega-freighters which were the heart of the operation. The interdictors would gain protection from the physical and electronic defenses of its escorts, defense drones launched and positioning themselves around the interdictors offering and extra layer of defense and complexity for their enemies to face. Time passed, seconds clamping together to form minutes.
The bridge of the VNS Crucible of Fire was deceptively quiet, for while there was no sounds exchanged between the crew thoughts were readily shared. A steady stream of information offered to the admiral in charge of her fleet. Her eyes were dominated by information which her neural implants shared with her, her retinas seemingly overrun with displays about the fleet’s position and the velocity and vector of the hostile forces in relation to the position of her own fleet. Her mind aware of the thoughts of her sub-ordinates as they politely exchanged their thoughts and offered various updates; it was the Veithan way.

The fleet waited patiently, and then it was their time. The AI’s of the fleet had kept track of the incoming forces and had chosen the exact time to activate the interdictor fields. The information was shared with the AI’s of the interdictors themselves and thus when the millisecond presented itself there was no hesitation. The opening was seized, massive interdictor equipment already warmed up and ready to go activated and projecting its invisible field over a significant area of space. In this interdicted space, faster than light movement was shut off, forcing any vessel caught within the area of effect back into real space. It was a jarring experience, to be forcefully pulled into real space without warning. Any ship that resided in real space within the field’s effect would be incapable of seeking the embrace of faster than light travel. The sixth fleet was trapped, but so where the hostile forces alongside any other forces that had been close to the field’s effect.

Admiral Zia Valar’s lips curled upwards into a smile as the interdictors did their job, her mind accessing her flagship’s communication protocols. Around her flagship the one hundred and twenty vessels of the sixth fleet came to life, heavily armored drone bays launching their drones as the weapons of the fleet were fully powered and ready. A wide band channel opened towards the unknown fleet, even as her lips parted and her words began to form. The data her sensors offered her was surprising, the ships seemed to be from the Krytos! Her mind split in two, commands given out in order to confirm the information her sensors were revealing. Veithan Intelligence had not hinted at Krytos movements towards this area of space, and her targeting sensors were hinting at some irregularities. Nonetheless, her duty was clear and she would carry out. Her words finally spoken softly, shared with her enemies as well as any that cared to listen in the general area.

“This is Admiral Zia Valar onboard the Veithan Dreadnought Crucible of Fire to unknown forces. You are ordered to power down your weapons, shields and armor and prepare to be boarded. This is your only warning, if you do not surrender we will be forced to initiate deadly force.” Her order had been clear, if any one of the hostile vessels targeted any of their ships the fleet would open fire. The unknown forces had one chance and one chance alone. If they chose to squander it, they would pay dearly for their mistake. As the sixth fleet waited for the response of the unknown forces, it was fully prepared for hostilities. The two battleships and their escorts would hang back, protecting the interdictors from incoming fire while adding their own potent weaponry into the mix. The rest of the fleet, led by the flagship and the twin drone carriers would lead the way. The plan of attack was straight forward, although the fact that the ships appeared to be KSE ships, made maneuvering necessary. The Veithan Empire was well aware of Krytos weaponry, and more importantly their usual tactics. Due to this, it was well aware of the means to neutralize or at least limit their effectiveness. The apparent KSE dreadnought and their cruisers, the ships capable of inflicting grievous harm upon the fleet were tagged as primary targets. The Veithan fleet as a whole, activated their ECM devices angling all the interference towards the numerically inferior hostile fleet. The electronic assault was meant as a reminder that time was against them. And thus the fleet waited ready and willing to destroy or cripple their adversaries if they proved less than forth coming.

Known Space
International Deep Space
Accord Trap

The Darkness forces had split. The ships of the Ghost fleet had not been many, and were already hideously outnumbered. Several escorts and a cruiser had split off from the main group in a vain attempt to scatter the fleet. Be it by raw chance or prescience, a half dozen destroyers, a frigate, and a cruiser, scattered into the winds mere seconds before the task force met the Veithan Interdictor field, which quite cordially ripped them out of their faster than light drives into realspace. The Darkness force, now even weaker than before, was faced by the harsh reality of the Veithan Sixth Fleet.

“Death! Death before capture! Kill them! KILL THEM!” the cry resounded through the Darkness ships. Death meant little to many of the men, who had already died numerous times in training. Death was little more to them than a passing inconvenience. The pain would disappear beyond the horizon, giving way to the cool respite of night’s darkness. The remaining commanders who had kept their head realized that their only chance lay in annihilating the inhibitors. Missiles would be worthless, and the KSE ships they were imitating were hardly the missile heavy ships that personified the Darkness fleet proper. The Cruisers might stand a chance, but one had been lost in the scatter order, and would not be coming back. Even if it did, it would be inbound on a different vector from the rest of the fleet, cut off, unless they spent the time to retrace the steps of the other darkness ships. Even then, only two cruisers, facing the wrath of an entire fleet? They stood almost no chance of success, even on a good day.

The Ghost Fleet commander felt a curious sense of déjà vu wash over him. He ignored it, and had his ships focus in on the Veithan Escorts. If he were to be destroyed here, he would bring as many of the enemy as he could with him. The command to open fire was given. Weapons fire lanced forth from the Ghost Fleet, and the very moment it did, the battle was engaged.

The Veithan Sixth Fleet returned fire. There would be no fancy FTL maneuvers, no FTL weaponry, missiles or otherwise. Fighting inside of an interdiction field was the naval equivalent to binding the wrists of two fighters together and putting them in a cage.

The battle raged for several minutes, the darkness ships sustaining withering amounts of firepower from the Veithan fleet. The Veithan escorts, however, were trapped, and faced no easy way to avoid incoming enemy fire. Their own shields began to buckle, and dozens of crew put their lives on the line trying to keep their respective ships from being torn asunder.


Then, in the midst of the carnage, the trap slammed shut. The fleet lead by Radim’s First Battlegroup fell into real space without very much grace. Very few races could pull off looking good after being forcefully torn from faster than light transit. Even the Gladsheim forces wobbled as they were ejected from their terminated wormholes. Grace, however, was not what won battles.

Fighters from the Gladsheim ships and combat drones from the Ravenlock were launched. Defensive screens first and foremost, followed by scanning and jamming, sharing sensor data with the Veithan Sixth fleet, and aquiring target locks on the Darkness ships, who had moved only just enough to avoid not being jumped upon at point blank range by the newcomers to the fight.

Radim’s eyes stared ravenously at the battle presented to him in his command pod. His first real fight in decades. His first chance to lash out and crush someone. He had a free ticket to utterly annihilate the enemy. Hell, he could even kill these bastards twice and the Director wouldn’t give a shit.


The commander of the Ghost Fleet cursed himself for his luck. With the heavy jamming of the Veithan ships and the range at which he was forced to engage, his chances of inflicting heavy damage were small, and the Veithan missile salvos were already overwhelming what meager defenses his ships could muster. The lone cruiser that had been a desperate hope now lay burning in the void, its hull a twisted wreck. Now, the Ravenlock were close at hand. He had to make a decision. Continue to fire on the already softened Veithan ships, or refocus fire on the newly arrived Ravenlock forces. The numbers ran through his head, but now was not the time for such highly analytical decisions. The hesitation of even a few seconds would mean death without purpose.

Samurai held that any decision worth making should be made inside of the space of seven breaths. His own forces rapidly dwindling, his flame being extinguished by the hurricane of Accord forces, he had to choose quickly. The choice was never his to make.

On open broadcasts, a harsh voice was screaming. Not in pain, not pleading, not negotiating. Screaming. Anger, resentment, rage. Darkness. The remaining ghost ships heard it and paused. Challenges were made. Rage responded.

The batteries, missiles, and drones of the Ravenlock ships tore into the darkness ships alongside ripples and waves of fire contributed by the collected Gladsheim and Veithan ships. While the Veithan forces were numerically superior to any of the other collected forces, the Ravenlock ships seemed to hit harder, striking with more force, hitting more vital areas, though actual combat records might show otherwise. Even without the command of their superiors, the Darkness ships concentrated all of their fire on assorted Consortium ships.


<<Yeah, that’s right! You wanted to come down on us? Bring it on you little shitstains!>>
Sag mir, wie weit willst Du geh'n
<<Got the fucker!>>
willst Du ihn am Boden seh'n – Ja
<<That it? That the fucking best you’ve got?>>
willst Du, dass er vor Dir kniet
<<What? What’s that? Can’t handle a real fight?>>
willst Du, dass er um Gnade fleht
<<Dead already? You’re not even worth my fucking time.>>

The fleet was taking fire, but it hardly mattered. Radim was unleashed. The men who had served under him in the Dra’kol war reveled in the unrestrained fury of their admiral, the mind games he was playing. Some of the newer charges were shocked by the tactics unleashed by the Fleet Admiral, and moreover the comms chatter he was generating. In fact, most of it wasn’t even the Admiral himself, but rather an advanced Artificial Intelligence program using his own synthesized voice to taunt the enemy while he laid out his orders to the rest of the fleet.

Corvette and frigate shields began to fail in a handful of ships. By now, the only fully operational Darkness ships were two destroyers and the dreadnought. Losses for the gathered Accord forces had largely been in fighters, drones, and missiles lost to point defenses, with a handful of Ravenlock and Veithan lighter ships being removed from the fight.

The remaining Ghost Destroyers fell quickly enough, and the remaining firepower of two fleets fell upon the Ghost Dreadnought. It would not last long. Hordes of fighters, drones, missiles, and super-heavy batteries all trained on it. It had no place to run, and surrender was not an option. Without escorts, it could not defend itself from the waves of smaller ships adequately, and with the firepower focused on annihilating it, the result was a foregone conclusion.

<<Burn, you mother fucker.>>

The dreadnought’s shields flickered a last time, the hull was already a molten hulk, scarred by energy weapons, bored through by kinetics, and pockmarked by missiles. Space was littered with the burning, leaking, drifting ruins of warships. Some still contained life, but none of the Ghost Fleet was operational. None had weapons or FTL drives that could be activated, a fact which was double-checked by the careful oversight of Fleet Admiral Radim. When he had been satisfied, and any ships playing possum had been dealt with, the Interdictors were de-activated. Rescue crews and recovery ships were sent out, as well as boarding ships.

The post battle procedures would take at least a day to wrap up completely, but the answers that Radim needed were obtained within mere hours. The answers would not be to his liking in the slightest.

((OOC: Total Losses))
Accord Losses
3 CV (2 AO (1 destroyed, 1 crippled), 1 AE (crippled))
1 FG (1 AE (destroyed))
1 DD (1AC (crippled))

4 Frigates (2 destroyed, 2 crippled)
2 Heavy Frigates (crippled)
1 Destroyer (crippled)
1 Fortune-Class Cruiser (crippled)

1 Dreadnought
1 Cruiser
1 Frigate
14 Destroyers
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Post by frigidmagi »

Murazor wrote:We were willing to pay in order to gain your help. It would not be very polite or smart from us to demand anything from you. All we might want has already been offered: help against the Ousters, a way to lessen the suspicions of our dissidents and an understanding between our nations. As senior Councilor of the Council of Races I have the authority to sign an agreement with your nation in behalf of mine. And it will be an honour to join the Alliance if your partners agree to such a thing. I am ready to sign both agreements as soon as all formalities have been completed. Our part of the technological exchange can be done as soon as the agreement is signed."
'Excellant. We can have a agreement written up in under a standard hour. Let us begin then."
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Post by Dahak »

Known Space
International Deep Space
Accord Trap

Admiral Tjoerhom had observed the battle, and even enjoyed taking part. This Darkness was doomed from the beginning, yet they wouldn't accept that.
Well, at least they had had some excercise...
<<Contact Admiral Radim,>> she ordered the com officer.
"Admiral Radim," her crystal voice rang out, "my compliments. A very pleasing battle. We will be on our way then. Till we meet again."
<<Prepare for transit. We're headed for Al-Quadim.>>

*ooc: I'm very pleased to not have lost a ship in this :) /*
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Post by frigidmagi »

Amarr System

The revolt had taken off full steam. The various NID agents had led their cells in presion assualts and bombings to blind the Amarr military. Stirkes against isolated platations had been carried out to liberate slaves and arm them. However dislincpe was hard to maintained during these attacks so, Major Franks and the other agents prefered not to do so.

At the moment they croached around a road, reports from revolt spies stated a reinforment column was heading to the lighter settled lands where slave and freemen forces were moving and attacking at will. Thanks to shoulder mounted missles, aircraft were to dangerous to fly into revolt terroitory, and Amarr only had a single spaceport and no dropships or pods.

Major Franks heard the rumbling of armored vechilces coming down the road and shortly after saw a trio of wheeled L.A.Vs. They looked older than the the UP itself. Behind a heavy battle tank and about 2 dozen 12 ton trucks and APCs. It looked like something in a historical program. Amarr's Imperatior spent much more on his navy than his army and it showed.

Major Franks waited until the last vechilce entered the kill zone, rose and fired his missle. The rebels around did likewise, pouring fire into the vechilces for several minutes for he singaled a cease fire. All 4 of the armored vechilces were dead, as were over 70% of the trucks and APCs, the rebels melted into the wilderness has the surviviors ammepted to pull themselves togather.
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Lastport orbit

A pair of dreadnoughts pulled out of their building slips, finially complete. The Unionifier and Union's Guard made ready to take a turn around the system for their shakedown cruises.

Admiral Tzu watched them go, he was on leave from his command over 3rd fleet, but always took a chance to admire new ships.

"So, all they need is the Rebecca Class carriers for 5th fleet?" He asked Commodore Williams, who was in the system for debreifing on the Itsil first contact.

"Yes Sir, they already have rolled over into making light units for 6th fleet." He reported.

"I take it the lovely Captain Flowers informed you?" Admiral Tzu asked.

"Sir, we are in seperate chains of command..."

"Relax Commodore, I'm not internal affiairs or N.I.D. So there's going to be a 6th fleet? We're going to expand that much so fast? They must really be sweating it, with the Arcanes fallen and the K.S.E pulling out." The Admiral noted.

"We got the Union and the Dracks in." Commodore Williams pointed out.

"Yes, we'll most likey cuddle up to the Shi to. Still I hope they're fleets are worth a damn. I fought with K.S.E ships in Krynor void, damn good navy." The Admiral said turnning to get a drink.
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Post by Murazor »

frigidmagi wrote:"Excellant. We can have a agreement written up in under a standard hour. Let us begin then."
"Let us begin then" said the councilor in agreement. "The Council will be extremely pleased once they hear the details of the agreement. There is any formality that we must fulfill during that hour?"
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