NVIDIA Today NVIDIA has released new drivers for both IA32/x86 and AMD64/x86_64. This is not no puny release either. NVIDIA has gone out of their way to give us the good stuff here:
* Added support for 2.6 kernels
* Added support for GeForce 6800 series of GPUs
* Added support for PCI-Express
* Added support for GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language).
* Added support for GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object.
* Added support for running 32-bit OpenGL applications on 64-bit AMD64 Linux installations.
* Added support for ACPI
* Added support for 4kstack kernels.
* Added configuration utility "nvidia-settings". For details, see the user guide
* Added a shell script "nvidia-bug-report.sh" that gathers system configuration information into a log file; the resulting log file (nvidia-bug-report.log) should be included when reporting bugs to NVIDIA.
* Added a new Xv adaptor on GeForce4 and GeForce FX which uses the 3D engine to do Xv PutImage requests.
If you're a Gentoo user, take a look at the ebuild we've been working on over in Gentoo's Bugzilla. We'll be using this new driver in out up-coming reviews.
I thought 2.6 support was in the drivers ages ago. Must have been a distro patch then. The ACPI support might help, since my ACPI only works on standby and not mem currently, not that I use it, since it's usually always busy doing something. Most of the other improvements are not relavant for a TNT2.
ah.....the path to happiness is revision of dreams and not fulfillment... -SWPIGWANG
Sufficient Googling is indistinguishable from knowledge -somebody
Anything worth the cost of a missile, which can be located on the battlefield, will be shot at with missiles. If the US military is involved, then things, which are not worth the cost if a missile will also be shot at with missiles. -Sea Skimmer
George Bush makes freedom sound like a giant robot that breaks down a lot. -Darth Raptor
The old drivers worked with everything up to 2.6.4, but broke on everything after that. That's why I'm still using 2.6.4 now, although I'll probably upgrade to 2.6.7 once this new driver gets into Portage.
"Stop! No one can survive these deadly rays!"
"These deadly rays will be your death!"
- Thor and Akton, Starcrash
"Before man reaches the moon your mail will be delivered within hours from New York to California, to England, to India or to Australia by guided missiles.... We stand on the threshold of rocket mail."
- Arthur Summerfield, US Postmaster General 1953 - 1961
I'm on 2.6.6 (probably Debian patched drivers- I hate littering my system with stuff that isn't managed by packages, and if I do it goes in /opt). I need to upgrade my server, since it's still on 2.6.4-ck2 , but that's risky since I have to reboot remotely.
ah.....the path to happiness is revision of dreams and not fulfillment... -SWPIGWANG
Sufficient Googling is indistinguishable from knowledge -somebody
Anything worth the cost of a missile, which can be located on the battlefield, will be shot at with missiles. If the US military is involved, then things, which are not worth the cost if a missile will also be shot at with missiles. -Sea Skimmer
George Bush makes freedom sound like a giant robot that breaks down a lot. -Darth Raptor