Lets see, the Enterprise E can fire 5 phaser shots per second, most of the arrays can face foreward, so it is not unreasonable to assume this volume of fire can be directed foreward in an alpha strike. Over 5-10 seconds this is 25-50 Type XII phaser hits.
The Ptorpedo launchers dish out 3 Ptorpedoes every 3 seconds IIRC, so a total of 8 Ptorpedoes/sec, for 40-80 Ptorpedoes, but only half or so face forward, so 20-40 I'll say.
Then others are saying 4 Qtorpedoes/second, so 20-40 Qtorpedoes.
Tally up: in 5 seconds - 25 phaser shots, 20 PTs, 20 QTs
in 10 seconds - 50 phaser shots, 40 PTs, 40 QTs
Assuming PTs are omnidirectional, and 74% efficient, with a 3 kg warhead, and that QT are 3x as effective, and phaser shots are equal to PT (type XII after all, cuts up ships like knife through butter), I get ~2.50 GT in 5 seconds, or ~5.00 GT in 10 seconds.
These are naer the high end of Trek firepower, and I am not certain about the torpedo numbers, they seem very large if you get all the launchers to bear (120 in 10 seconds...

), although I have proof of the phaser shots per second, see Nemesis. Anyway, can anyone estimate a reasonable shield output for the Lancer? Some will say it can take this punishment like a champ, but if the Ent-E can survive the Lancer's return fire for any length of time, I think the Wars ship may get into trouble.
I've read the Lancer has the same quads as the Falcon (Essential guide, suckaths in places, but no reason to dispute here AFAIK), these put out, what, 2-3 shots per second? Using the ICS as a starting point I'd give these weapons some 2 kt/shot. Ok, thats 3*2*20 = 120 kt/sec. In 5 sec, that's .6 MT, in 10 sec that's 1.2 MT. The Enterprise E can easily survive the return fire, and with regenerative shielding, perhaps indefinately. I'd give the E better odds of winning, but good odds on a draw.