I'll tell you what is wrong with Smart's concept: it's a stupid concept. Sure, it sounds very nice to make a "true" space simulation, complete with stupid controls and 300-page technical manuals. Like some people like their flight simulators, right? because they want to feel like they're in the real airplane, right? and they want everything from the throttle to the landing gear to the flaps to the air conditioning button to the switch that controls the seat dildo to the snow plower in the front of the F16, right? Same with tank simulations, submarine simulations...
So it stands to reason that people want a Starship/Battlecruiser simulator, right? FUCKING WRONG! I'll tell you why: there's no such thing as a "space warship simulator". What we really have is 3D space shooters - from Wing Commander to X-Wing to FreeSpace, we have fucking awesome shooters (like First-person shooters but in space), and they're fun as hell, but nobody gives a shit about accurately simulating a starfighter that DOESN'T EXIST. All we need to know is which button makes the other fighter go boom, we don't care about nonexistant technical aspects like activating the warning lights before we turn on the hyperthrust because otherwise the spacewing undermajigs get spacefrost otherwise.
Sure, sometimes it's fucking great to give the "illusion" that you're doing stuff like power management (all power to front shields! match speeds! turn down the inertial compensators!) but we really don't want 500 controls and gauges with nonsensical, nonintuitive three-letter labels on them. We like our INS or our ECM or our AIM missiles because we kinda know what they mean (and if not, learning about them military terms can be fun and enjoyable) but if you're going to make up a thousand fake acronyms to confuse people into thinking you're a god, well that's just completely retarded. And so is Mr. Smart
Honestly, it's the "pilot" equivalent of Technobabble.