Truth hurts, get over it. If you truly believed that you could be delivered of homosexuality then you would not be offended by God's Truth. Instead, you would embrace it, and Him also.
If you happened to be the Creator of everything, then it would be your way or no way. No one else would be qualified to critique you. You can try to judge the Judge, but you are just spinning your wheels
Concession Accepted. Told you your God's 'love' was conditional didn't I?
I love the quaint little fascist mind set you're putting on display. If your'e in charge, no one should critique you, correct? Abusive fathers and leaders (also known as dictators) shouldn't be held accountable to any standards in your view, should they?
In your twisted world view: Power=Authority. What a good little stormtrooper you'd make, beating down homosexuals doors and ridding the world of the 'infection', as you put it.
Luckily, I see no reason to hold up the ramblings of primitive desert nomads and their barbaric War god from 2,000 years ago as divine 'truth'. I put the good of humanity first: whose existence is in little dispute.
After questioning the 'divine purpose':
"And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul,"
Be afraid of God: if he was real, I sure as heck would be, he's a very scary guy
Walk in his ways: paying attention to such rules as not to imitate his holy ointment; or I will ... of course, be put to death: God told Moses how to make some ointment, hair oil, and perfume, and then made it a crime punishable with death to make any like them ? Think of a God killing a man for imitating his ointment! [Ex. xxx, 23.]
Love him: or I will, of course, be put to death and burn in hell. Love isn't real if it's based on a threat, genius.
Serve the Lord: doing what, exactly?
After being asked for evidence that homosexuality is a choice:
You would not be alive today if it were not for heterosexuals. Just because homosexuals are able to adopt children, or to become pregnant via a sperm bank, does not "normalize" their lifestyle in the least.
Science may some day invent an artificial womb that will allow a homosexual man to bear children, but it will never negate the fact that homosexuality did not evolve, but instead is contrived.
What a ham-fisted dodge of the question. Where is your evidence that homosexuality is a choice?
Mindless sermonizing time combined with some denying that he's bigoted:
The love of God has been imparted to me. I can choose to let it flow through me, or not.
Bigotry, hate-speech, homo-phobia: Typical homosexual buzzwords, yet very effective. Homosexuals intimidate companies and individuals with these buzzwords much the same way Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition does with the "discrimination" word.
Of course homosexuality is an "infection". Without being more graphic about homosexual practices and the high incidences of disease, suicide, drug & alcohol abuse, etc..., what else would you call it? Can you actually name an advantage of homosexuality over heterosexuality?
- You claimed that homosexuals are "infecting" public life with pro-homosexual advertisements/ billboards etc. I asked for evidence, you have provided none.
- Bigotry, hate-speech and homophobia are not buzzwords. They describe your unreasonable poison perfectly. Homosexual people have done nothing to harm you, yet you villify them and denounce them as an infection regardless.
- Provide evidence that the homosexual lifestyle inevitably leads to high incidences of disease, suicidie, and drug and alcohol abuse; as opposed to these things being the consequences of ANY *excessive* lifestyle: including alcoholism or heterosexual nymphomania.
Huh? Survival depends upon heterosexuality. It is not a choice, it is a natural necessity. Nothing constructive is ever produced by homosexuality. Harsh reality indeed.
A confused juvenile animal with raging hormones, and in the absence of the opposite sex is a very poor example of a "homosexual animal". Even the gerbil mentioned by E. Sn0 -+31337+- is forced to do what is unnatural to it. Nature seems to always find a way to survive (to propagate), homosexuality can never be that "way".
If humans are just highly developed animals, why then would we make a "choice" that could possibly lead to our extinction? The fact that China has had a one child law and forced abortion in effect for years, and also has a male to female ratio of 4 to 1, and also happens to have a high number of homosexuals is of no coincidence. Homosexuality may be somewhat enviromental, but it is always a choice
Explain your leap of logic that because homosexuality is not 'constructive' (obviously, you are excluding the possibility of a loving relationship between two people regardless of sex as constructive) it is wrong.
In addition, you have been perpetuating a strawman argument where you contend homosexuals want everyone to be homosexuals, and continue to harp on the survival of the human race, as if, in your ludicrous world view, homosexuals are going to make everyone homosexual, and the human race will die out!
Provide your evidence that China has a high per capita incidence of homosexuals relative to other nations, rather than just a high number of homosexuals (it is the most populous nation, genius), and also, the exact numbers of homosexuals, and where you got these numbers.
[Editors' note: I have no idea what the point of this is; probably something to do with his 'homosexuality is a choice' rubbish, but I thought I should challenge it anyway]
I then posted, after he posted to someone else and not me
"Waiting for your reply, stp"
To which Bob Moore- a Site Administrator, said:
Wonderful! Calling homosexuals an infection isn't 'rude and uncouth', but challenging his bigotry is !!!Kindly read the Board Rules. No one is required to answer, and to post as you have is considered rude and uncouth.