if you got that data from tom's hardware, don't beleive it. i ran the same tests they did (with help and donations from local stores who wanted to prove it), the intels slag very quickly. to recreate the exact effects seen in that test, the intel chips are underclocked by nearly 50%, and the AMD overclocked at least 100-200%. even then the temp readings were NOT 600+F they slagged but didn't get that hot.
Funny, As the Murder of four AMD chips who's fans died and took the board with em I tend to belive Tom, To be fair however I don't own any p4s or Celeron p4s, just my two Celeron 550's as a Linux Server, besides that I've only bough AMD and I've killed alot of em
First one died was an 850 running at 933(Board screamed when it hit 190F shut down, CPU died board survied)
The other four were all over 1GHTZ and took the board with them(1.1, 1.4, and a pair of 2000XP ones)
with proper setup (no OC), the AMD chip will overheat and the bios will shut down the comp, if not, the framerates for the testgame drop by like 75%. on the intel it locked up quickly, it dropped out much faster than the AMD chip did.
Personal experance speaks diffrently here, however it should be quested what boards where used? Two of mine where Asus, one Soyo and one Abit
those are the main reasons AMD is better, the pipeline being shorter and the fact it's a RISC core make it faster than the intel even at lower clockrates. it also gives the AMD systems more raw processing power. i know from experience that i can do stuff on my ancient AMD athlon-4 1100 system that you couldn't even hope to do on an intel P4 2.4GHZ without lugging it down to the point of being unusable. i'll post screenshots of this later on once i bring up my website.
a note on pipelines: if there's an error at any of the stages of the pipeline, the error is propogated down the line, causing more errors, witha 20 stage pipeline the chances of a catastrophic crash are much higher, whereas AMD's 8 stage propogates the error out much faster and before it can do too much damage.
if you want more data on the architecture and/or commandsets, or other data, just ask, i've got a stack of CS books in front of me.
Muuch Better Hyprion, I never said I was aurging with you, Mearly asking you to try a bit harder
(Like I said I buy AMD myself and will contiue to do so at least for the next year)