Xenomorphs vs Human Resistance

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Shroom Man 777 wrote:
THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:Why would they even attack them in that fashion. They've never even done that in Aliens at all. They aren't exactly ST arachnids.

Wrong. In Aliens you see them rushing like some retarded huns, rushing straight towards the sentry guns. Why would an HK be any different? Well, for one thing, the HK/s would be rumbling towards an Alien position/hive, intent on blowing the aliens to bits or slagging the entire hive.
With some very limited cover. They were walls to utilize you know. It wasn't an open field. Plus with the CM ingeniuty they were able to LIMIT their standard tactics of attack.(air ducts and attacks from above)
Oh and HKs are actually the least efficient for a siege. Assuming that xeno are gonna keep nests in very well dug in places (i.e. HR safe houses) they are totally useless. HK tactics were inefficient to deal with human and attacking bases. That's why Skynet created infiltrators.
Again xenos don't attack out in the open (despite what you see in AVP)in the fashion you're talking about.

Again xenos don't attack out in the open (despite what you see in Aliens)in the fashion you're talking about. :roll:
see above post. Plus, They probably attacked the sentries to limit the CM options of survival, just like how they sacrificed one Alien (droship) to practically strand them on LV-426. They both were demoralizing tactics.
Plus HKs go by infra red at night and we know they can't be seen in infra red. Alien probably won't even attack them at all since they aren't really a threat.
Are you sure HKs only go by infra red? Then why the fuck do they have giant spotlights? And it's a fact that Termies also have motion detectors and all other simple gadetry, it's not that hard to imagine the HKs having those same equipment.
IIRC HKs and Flying HKs were among the first machines Skynet used on the human resistance, which proved to be very inefficient. (and no I didn't mean that HK's only use infra red at night) John Connor according to Reese showed them how to run circles around HKs. They took out enough of them the warrant a new method of attacking the Humans.
Alien probably won't even attack the sentry guns at all since they aren't really a threat :roll:
They only really have attacked human and humanoid figures, they may attack then on a trial and error basis. Mabe one, just like how One alien took down the dropship.
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Damn I fucked up the quoting!!
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Post by Cthulhu-chan »

Huh. Dunno how I missed that food locker scene. Sonnofabitch. Ah well, conceded. The damn things are mighty efficient with their food, though.
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Post by NecronLord »

Cthulhu-chan wrote:Huh. Dunno how I missed that food locker scene. Sonnofabitch.
It was cut.
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am I seeing fickle human revisionist memory in action? :?
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Post by Darth Wong »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:With some very limited cover.
Wrong again. The only cover was their comrades' dead bodies. They ran at them in a corridor, and kept charging while taking massive casualties.
They were walls to utilize you know. It wasn't an open field.
No, it was even dumber than an open field. It was a classic chokepoint, and they just charged mindlessly into it until most of their manpower was depleted.
Plus with the CM ingeniuty they were able to LIMIT their standard tactics of attack.(air ducts and attacks from above)
Wrong again; they came through the ducts and attacked from above.
Oh and HKs are actually the least efficient for a siege. Assuming that xeno are gonna keep nests in very well dug in places (i.e. HR safe houses) they are totally useless. HK tactics were inefficient to deal with human and attacking bases. That's why Skynet created infiltrators.
You're a moron; HKs were only neutralized because the resistance could destroy them when they approached defended areas. You can't just hide in a safehouse and treat it like an impregnable fortress, for fuck's sake.
They probably attacked the sentries to limit the CM options of survival, just like how they sacrificed one Alien (droship) to practically strand them on LV-426. They both were demoralizing tactics.
That is a fucking retarded idea if I ever heard one. How does it "limit CM options of survival" to waste most of the alien manpower charging into a killzone, genius? If they had retreated immediately upon realizing what they were dealing with, they would have been able to attack the Marines through alternate routes of entry in far greater numbers. This has been pointed out before; do you have shit in your ears?
IIRC HKs and Flying HKs were among the first machines Skynet used on the human resistance, which proved to be very inefficient. (and no I didn't mean that HK's only use infra red at night) John Connor according to Reese showed them how to run circles around HKs. They took out enough of them the warrant a new method of attacking the Humans.
Of course, since they had FUCKING PLASMA WEAPONS AND ROCKET LAUNCHERS. The aliens don't. They have no ranged attack at all, and certainly nothing as lethal as a plasma rifle.
They only really have attacked human and humanoid figures, they may attack then on a trial and error basis. Mabe one, just like how One alien took down the dropship.
And so you dismiss all of the evidence with unfounded speculation and appeals to ignorance. Again.
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Post by BlkbrryTheGreat »

Here's an interesting question. Do T-800s have sufficient bio-mass for a chest burster to develop after implantation? If it did, it would be an amusing site to watch the chest burster pop out... only to be squeezed to death by the terminator. :twisted:
Devolution is quite as natural as evolution, and may be just as pleasing, or even a good deal more pleasing, to God. If the average man is made in God's image, then a man such as Beethoven or Aristotle is plainly superior to God, and so God may be jealous of him, and eager to see his superiority perish with his bodily frame.

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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:With some very limited cover. They were walls to utilize you know. It wasn't an open field. Plus with the CM ingeniuty they were able to LIMIT their standard tactics of attack.(air ducts and attacks from above)
Oh and HKs are actually the least efficient for a siege. Assuming that xeno are gonna keep nests in very well dug in places (i.e. HR safe houses) they are totally useless. HK tactics were inefficient to deal with human and attacking bases. That's why Skynet created infiltrators.
1. As Wong said, it's a fucking corridor.

2. Do the Xenos have hardened bunkers? No, they dig a hole in the ground or infest some shabby building, both of which can be destroyed by weaponry Skynet has, weaponry which the Resistance has stolen.

Do the Xenos have plasma weaponry or even any sort of ranged weaponry? No. They are just Zulu warriors with acid blood and the ability to crawl on walls and lay eggs in the chest cavities of people.

Do the Xenos have any sort of defensive system aside from charging towards the HKs and getting themselves killed? Nope.

Do the Xenos have any means of countering the HKs like how the Resistance did? Absolutely not.

Are the Xenos gonna have their scaly acid asses handed to them by the gigantic metal motherfuckers? DAMN RIGHT!
see above post. Plus, They probably attacked the sentries to limit the CM options of survival, just like how they sacrificed one Alien (droship) to practically strand them on LV-426. They both were demoralizing tactics.
How the hell do you demoralize a bunch of guys by sending your troops to a bloody death which only demonstrates your impotence? And how do you limit the Marines' survival by having your troops murdered en masse?
IIRC HKs and Flying HKs were among the first machines Skynet used on the human resistance, which proved to be very inefficient. (and no I didn't mean that HK's only use infra red at night) John Connor according to Reese showed them how to run circles around HKs. They took out enough of them the warrant a new method of attacking the Humans.
Wrong. The HKs weren't that inefficient, they were quite efficient in their respective niches. That's why HKs were still in use even during Skynet's last days. And of course Skynet needed to find a new method of attacking humans, how can you send a gigantic monstrosity like the HK Tank into underground Resistance fortresses. It'll be like using an M1 to hunt for bin Laden in his little caves. Tanks and helicopters are cool, but when you use them in jobs they aren't meant to do, that's when they start sucking.
They only really have attacked human and humanoid figures, they may attack then on a trial and error basis. Mabe one, just like how One alien took down the dropship.
...what? And are the sentry guns humanoid in form? And the one alien who took down the dropship didn't mean to take down the dropship but only wanted to eat the dropship's pilot.
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Darth Wong wrote: Wrong again. The only cover was their comrades' dead bodies. They ran at them in a corridor, and kept charging while taking massive casualties.
Actually, you are incorrect. I took time to see the scene in question and noticed that there is in fact superficial cover in the corridors for the xenos to utilize. As I have said before.
Here's a vidcap:

No, it was even dumber than an open field. It was a classic chokepoint, and they just charged mindlessly into it until most of their manpower was depleted.
Wrong again; they came through the ducts and attacked from above.
Yes, in their last stand they did.

You're a moron; HKs were only neutralized because the resistance could destroy them when they approached defended areas. You can't just hide in a safehouse and treat it like an impregnable fortress, for fuck's sake.
Well Duh!! What My point is that HK were inefficient for anti-personel offensives!! They were Good at keeping perimeters up, defensive battles and and patrols. IIRC they only have Two double laser cannons that have a foward and side firing views. Since Skynet needed a stronger offensive they went with infiltrators, which were very effective. If you can show me how an HK can take a nest in a well dug in area then do so
That is a fucking retarded idea if I ever heard one. How does it "limit CM options of survival" to waste most of the alien manpower charging into a killzone, genius? If they had retreated immediately upon realizing what they were dealing with, they would have been able to attack the Marines through alternate routes of entry in far greater numbers. This has been pointed out before; do you have shit in your ears?
Nope. What I meant is that since the xeno had a huge advatage in numbers. If the Sentries were taken out of the equation, I think that would reduce their chances of survival from an attack and is further explained why Ripley and the CM were panicking, geez have even watched the movie?!? and how do you know from the scenes that they lost a huge portion of their offensive, they obvioulsy didn't since their final attack was massive. For all I know (i'm speculating, mind you) The xeno s were merely runing around in those corridors just letting the sentires waste their ammo, but taking considerable casualties in the process. I'm not declaring that xenos have intelligence but they have been shown (esp in Alien 3) to be able to foil traps.
Of course, since they had FUCKING PLASMA WEAPONS AND ROCKET LAUNCHERS. The aliens don't. They have no ranged attack at all, and certainly nothing as lethal as a plasma rifle.
No SHIT!! What I meant is that if their is a xeno nest dug in and Old HR base (IIRC HR bases were very well dug in and some were underground) An HK would not be sufficient to Eradicate the nest since from what we've seen in Alien they are usually someplace. At best I can see it isolating or containing a nest until some Infiltrators mop up the nest.
And so you dismiss all of the evidence with unfounded speculation and appeals to ignorance. Again.
I have dismissed anything. You assuming I am. I simply think that the best Tactics for ERADICATING a xeno Planetary incursusion is using Nukes and Lots of comandeered infiltrators. I'm open to any opposing thoughts.
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Damn I'll finsh up my responses at a later time, Computer trouble!!
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Post by Darth Wong »

Darth Wong wrote: Wrong again. The only cover was their comrades' dead bodies. They ran at them in a corridor, and kept charging while taking massive casualties.
Actually, you are incorrect. I took time to see the scene in question and noticed that there is in fact superficial cover in the corridors for the xenos to utilize. As I have said before.
Here's a vidcap:

So you figure they took cover behind bumps in the wall the way Han and Luke did in the DeathStar detention centre? Small problem for your bullshit claim: THEY DIDN'T DO THAT. You can watch the video when they're charging the guns, and they're just charging. So please drop the bullshit.
You're a moron; HKs were only neutralized because the resistance could destroy them when they approached defended areas. You can't just hide in a safehouse and treat it like an impregnable fortress, for fuck's sake.
Well Duh!! What My point is that HK were inefficient for anti-personel offensives!! They were Good at keeping perimeters up, defensive battles and and patrols. IIRC they only have Two double laser cannons that have a foward and side firing views. Since Skynet needed a stronger offensive they went with infiltrators, which were very effective. If you can show me how an HK can take a nest in a well dug in area then do so
Holy fuck, do you honestly have no comprehension at all of how combined-arms warfare works? A fucking M1 tank is no good for taking a building either; so what? Would you conclude from this fact that the US military can't take a building? :roll:
Nope. What I meant is that since the xeno had a huge advatage in numbers. If the Sentries were taken out of the equation, I think that would reduce their chances of survival from an attack and is further explained why Ripley and the CM were panicking, geez have even watched the movie?!? and how do you know from the scenes that they lost a huge portion of their offensive, they obvioulsy didn't since their final attack was massive.
Wrong. Count the number of aliens in the last attack, dumb-fuck. Most of them were killed charging the sentry guns.
For all I know (i'm speculating, mind you) The xeno s were merely runing around in those corridors just letting the sentires waste their ammo, but taking considerable casualties in the process. I'm not declaring that xenos have intelligence but they have been shown (esp in Alien 3) to be able to foil traps.
So they intended to waste the sentry guns' ammo by deliberately drawing their fire, even though they had always planned to go around them anyway, thus making it irrelevant how much ammo they had? Did you take a double-dose of stupid pills today? Face it: they were too fucking stupid to stop charging the sentry guns until they'd used up a huge number of their troops.
No SHIT!! What I meant is that if their is a xeno nest dug in and Old HR base (IIRC HR bases were very well dug in and some were underground) An HK would not be sufficient to Eradicate the nest since from what we've seen in Alien they are usually someplace. At best I can see it isolating or containing a nest until some Infiltrators mop up the nest.
It can park itself outside the nest and blast the fuck out of anything that comes out until they can drop a bomb on the place or use infiltrators on it. You think it's "ineffective" to be able to effortlessly neutralize an enemy stronghold? :roll:
I have dismissed anything. You assuming I am. I simply think that the best Tactics for ERADICATING a xeno Planetary incursusion is using Nukes and Lots of comandeered infiltrators. I'm open to any opposing thoughts.
Only a fucking moron uses nukes when he doesn't have to. There's enough environmental damage already, for fuck's sake.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

You don't have to use nukes. It's not as if the standard bug hole is that large, and even if it is, it's nothing a bunch of high explosives can't destroy/cave in. And then we have chemical/biological weaponry and good ole napalm.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
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Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
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Shroom Man 777 wrote:You don't have to use nukes. It's not as if the standard bug hole is that large, and even if it is, it's nothing a bunch of high explosives can't destroy/cave in. And then we have chemical/biological weaponry and good ole napalm.
True. But If a nest was placed in a very well dug in area such as Norad which I do believe has a bunker which can even survive a Nuclear assault. (I won't make a leap in logic and say that it could a direct one b/c my info is limited) What could an HK do? What can high explosives do? IIRC chemical weapons don't work on xenos, they can survive in space w/o much problems. As for Biological weaponry on xenos, that would be years in the making and would require learning intimate aspects of xeno physiology if you want to create a bacteria or virus to be effective. But I don't really see, any earthbound biological agent really working. Show me how then.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
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Shroom Man 777 wrote: 1. As Wong said, it's a fucking corridor.

2. Do the Xenos have hardened bunkers? No, they dig a hole in the ground or infest some shabby building, both of which can be destroyed by weaponry Skynet has, weaponry which the Resistance has stolen.
A corridor it is, BUT as I have been saying the corridor had MINIMAL cover, Plus it was the plan to try and draw the xenos away from using vents and their standard tactics and to have them attack on the CM's terms.
Oh how Wrong you are. I didn't know that a nest placed right by a reactor in an Atmospheric processor (which put the CM at high risk of danger if they fired) was a shabby place to leave a nest. Show any instances were a nest wasn't well placed in a very strategic place.

see above post. Plus, They probably attacked the sentries to limit the CM options of survival, just like how they sacrificed one Alien (droship) to practically strand them on LV-426. They both were demoralizing tactics.
How the hell do you demoralize a bunch of guys by sending your troops to a bloody death which only demonstrates your impotence? And how do you limit the Marines' survival by having your troops murdered en masse?
Again, I say that onscreen the Xenos did take casualties in dealing with the sentry guns. How many is purely specuation. So I won't presume to know as Mike has. My Point is that:
-The CM tried to limit their methods of attack so they don't get surprised attacked. They then limited there methods of entrance, and ultimately failed.
-The Xenos moved(this is strictly hypothetical) into the kill zone merely to agitate the sentries and waste their ammo. (losing some soldiers in the process) Plus you gotta take into account the first Sentry attack: They got by them a knocked on the pressure door. (Taunting??)
-Their method failed and the xenos didn't even really attack through those ways and came in through another way on their last attack, which divided the crew.

Personally I think Alien attacks are open to interpretation. They can be interpreted as very inconvient, or instincts work to an extreme. Who really knows for sure??

IIRC HKs and Flying HKs were among the first machines Skynet used on the human resistance, which proved to be very inefficient. (and no I didn't mean that HK's only use infra red at night) John Connor according to Reese showed them how to run circles around HKs. They took out enough of them the warrant a new method of attacking the Humans.
Wrong. The HKs weren't that inefficient, they were quite efficient in their respective niches. That's why HKs were still in use even during Skynet's last days. And of course Skynet needed to find a new method of attacking humans, how can you send a gigantic monstrosity like the HK Tank into underground Resistance fortresses. It'll be like using an M1 to hunt for bin Laden in his little caves. Tanks and helicopters are cool, but when you use them in jobs they aren't meant to do, that's when they start sucking.
Which is the point I was making. An HK isn't idealy designed for taking down a bunker or other base types. (or for the eradication of a species alone) Since your point on saying that a nest would be in some shabby building, or some ruins has no basis. It would be some where well dug in.

...what? And are the sentry guns humanoid in form? And the one alien who took down the dropship didn't mean to take down the dropship but only wanted to eat the dropship's pilot.
Hmm, you are wrong here too they didn't attack the senstries when they were out of ammo and started knocking on the pressure door, nor was there any evidence that they did. If you have evidence that they did please provide it. (btw I was talking about the first sentry gun attack) As for the Dropship crash, how can anyone be totally sure that it was merely a major inconvience. Plus if the xeno wanted to attack the pilot it could have done so when the dropship wasn't in mid flight.

I always thought that while xenos are non sentient lifeforms they more than make up for it by being extremely instinctive and highly adaptable.
Stupid risks are what make life worth living.-Homer Simpson

-PC Load Letter?! What the Fuck does that mean!?!?!- Micheal Bolton
-Bullshit! I'll bet you can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! - Sgt. Hartman
-I'll bet your the kind of guy who would fuck a person in the ass and not even have the Goddamn common courtesy to give him a reacharound!- Sgt. Hartman
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Post by NecronLord »

THEHOOLIGANJEDI wrote:True. But If a nest was placed in a very well dug in area such as Norad which I do believe has a bunker which can even survive a Nuclear assault. (I won't make a leap in logic and say that it could a direct one b/c my info is limited)
That's Skynet's/General (President?) Connor's HQ. Unlikely to get in there. :P
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