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Rogue 9
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Ronogho, Nashtar Star Cluster

The referendum to determine whether Ronogho would join the other planets of the star cluster in the Republic of Nashtar was scheduled to take place in five days’ time. A two thirds majority was required to make this momentous decision, and thus far over half the electorate seemed to be in favor, particularly now with reports of the Ouster war fleet on the move again. The last time the Hajr had moved like that, it had taken Hudson, Jormungandr, and the Edean March, and the citizens of this one of the last two independent worlds in the star cluster were determined not to suffer the same fate of conquest. Nevertheless, polls showed that the referendum was still likely to fail, albeit by a very slim margin.

Some were not willing to take the chance of its success, however. The naval exercises with the Republic Space Command had ended early and the warships of the larger nation had left the system so as not to even give the appearance of intimidating the Ronoghans. This was just what General Trafglaror had wanted. He was an ambitious man, and now saw the possibility of all the influence he’d worked to build in Ronogho’s government and military coming to naught as the planet joined the Republic, which would necessitate his moving up in the Republic command structure and starting over again. This was not something that the overall commander of Ronogho’s armed forces was willing to do, and in his pride he had determined that he must save the people from themselves and keep the planet out of the cluster’s government.

All was ready. Trafglaror turned to Colonel Fraatreno in the military command center in the capital. He nodded. That was all that was required. Fraatreno moved out of the room and into the communications center. He displaced a dispatcher and used his communicator to transmit a single word on the frequency of the 37th Infantry Battalion. “Go.”

The 37th Infantry was not in the capital by coincidence. Trafglaror had commanded the unit when he was a colonel, in the early stages of his meteoric rise to General of the Army, and its men were personally loyal to him rather than the nation they served. They had been drilling on the parade grounds of the capital’s Army base, which had been emptied of most other units for exercises two days before. Now they moved out over the short distance between the parade grounds and the Senate Chambers and Presidential Palace.

The engagement was short and relatively bloodless. The President’s guard put up the most fight, but they were quickly overwhelmed, and the majority of the troops were not killed. President Rhaglaros was taken unawares in the midst of signing documents authorizing the opening of the polls for the referendum. He was hauled from his office by two burly infantrymen, papers left intact on the desk. Some Senators objected loudly to the intrusion, and one, Senator Toran Gos of the Unification Party, was clubbed with a rifle butt before the captain in charge of that detachment screamed at the men to stop. Corpsmen saw to the stricken Senator, and pronounced him stunned with a mild concussion, but otherwise healthy. The Senators were respectfully but firmly taken from the chamber and confined in the largely deserted officers’ quarters on the base. President Rhaglaros was placed under house arrest in the residential wing of his mansion, which was stripped of communications equipment before he was given free reign of the quarters, which were under heavy guard. All in all, it had been nearly the perfect coup; practically bloodless, performed by a widely respected, high ranking, and competent member of the military, and done with one hell of a motive and excuse.

General Trafglaror addressed the nation within the hour. “I’m sure many of you have heard something of events here in the capital today,” he began, with a sympathetic, concerned, and almost grandfatherly look on his face. “Many have probably heard of a military action and takeover against the government. I regret to inform you that this information is true, and that I have temporarily taken over management of the government from those who would subvert and end it. I assure you that the President and all of your other elected representatives are alive, unharmed, and comfortably quartered. Senator Toran Gos was struck by one of my men during the initial confusion in the Senate chamber. For this, I offer my deepest apologies, and assure you that the man responsible has been reprimanded and will face a court martial for his rash and irresponsible actions in the coming days, and that the honorable Senator has received all due medical attention and has not been seriously injured.

“Now I will enumerate the reasons for this action and the actions that will be taken to ensure that the day to day lives of the citizens of Ronogho are not disrupted by this unfortunate necessity. Your elected government had been influenced by representatives of the Republic of Nashtar into giving up the sovereignty of this nation. This is not only illegal, it is madness. We have always been free and independent of outside rule, and will remain so. I swore to preserve, protect, and defend this nation when I joined the service, and this was my last recourse to uphold that oath. To preserve you from rule by uncaring outsiders who do not live on and cannot know the concerns of this planet, I have assumed control of government. This will last until the security of Ronogho has been assured and the Republic’s attempts to coerce us into surrendering to them without a fight have ended. At that point, the civilian government officials will be released and the government will return to normal. It is unknown how long it will take the expansionist elements of the Republic’s leadership to give up their imperial ambitions for our planet, and so I cannot provide a time frame for a return to civilian government. Until that time, martial law is in effect, with me leading the interim government until our continued independence is assured. No pains will be spared to ensure fair and light handed treatment of our citizens, though any puppet insurgent elements seeking to join us to the Republic will be put down in order to end the threat such groups would pose to Ronoghan liberty.

“In conclusion, please remain calm and go about your business as normal. The sham of a unification referendum is canceled forthwith, and we will open dialogue with the Republic to demand that they cease any and all further attempts to interfere in our internal affairs. Long live the Ronoghan Republic! Thank you, and good night.” The telecast cameras cut off, and normal programming resumed on the news stations, soon replaced by confused news anchormen, attempting to analyze what had just happened.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Fleet Production Run Completed.

Casimir Class Dreadnought (1)
Temesvar Class Battleship (3)
Titan Class Cruiser (8 )
Krauser Class Frigate (10) [/ooc]
"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
--The Lord Humungus
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Post by Thirdfain »


Alexander had been sent to the Speaker's private chambers. He now hovered motionless outside them, in sharp contrast to the four power-armored Blackeyes, who clung to the walls with their feet like strange spiders. Weapons were levelled.

"You may enter alone. Your honor guard will stay out, the Speaker commands it."

The soldier's voice was gravelly through her featureless combat mask.

Alexander mused briefly at the farce- he knew enough of the blood lord's ways to know that the Speaker no longer held power here, but it seemed he was the only one who knew as much. Elanie was hardly acting as the queen; on the contrary, it seemed most thought of her only as the Speaker's new bodyguard.

He had heard the whispers even in the isolated diplomatic wheel. Sayus, the Speaker's lover and counsellor, had fallen out of the picture, officially on a fact-finding mission to the Candaris garrison.

Perhaps, he mused, she was too weak yet to bring her control into the open. He prepared to answer the guard's challenge.

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Post by Dahak »

Veithan Prime

"This is your last chance, you know?" Crown Prine Jorm asked his friend.
"We've been through this..." Dachlan answered him. "I Want this as much as you, now. So stop pestering me."
"Spoilsport," he snickered.
The interview has been a success he thought. Veithan media had discussed it quite thoroughly in the last day.
Now he and Dachlan were embarking on the VIP shuttle that would bring him up to Ragnarok.

The giant behemoth hung in space in orbit around Veitha. It's silvery hull reflected the lights of the sun and numerous orbital facilities, ships and orbital stations.
As it grew in the viewport, Dachlan whistled. "That thing is truly huge..."
"Yupp, it's the newest there is. Her sister ship shouldn't be too far behind."

The shuttle flew in the large boat bay and settled. Stepping out, they were greeted by Admiral Andreassen and a full detail of Imperial Black Guards.
"Welcome aboard Your Imperial Majesty," he bowed.
"Thank you, Admiral," Jorm answered. "Are we ready to depart?"
"Within the minute, sir."

Outside, the space around Ragnarok's rear end began to ripple as the ship brought its massive gravitic drive online. It's running lights changed to 'ship underway' and moved out of its parking slot gracefully with a mere 100g. When they were clear of the planet and its orbit, teh drive opened up fully and it raced ahead until it swallowed out of the Veithan system.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Thirdfain wrote:Perhaps, he mused, she was too weak yet to bring her control into the open. He prepared to answer the guard's challenge.
"Remain here. I have nothing to fear here in the center of the Hajr's power," Alexander commanded his men.

Of course, if Elanie wanted to kill him (which he doubted) then she would need more than four soldiers to do it, even if they were stamped from the same mold as those that killed Raistlin Majere. Unlike Raistlin he was quite alert, and even with his spells neutralized he was still rather effective.

He was ushered through into the private chambers of the Speaker. Actually, "ushered" was perhaps the wrong word, because it was difficult to perform such a task in zero gravity. He was more or less waved through the doors.

There were massive windows along one wall, facing an empty starfield. Not long ago it had been filled with the gleaming lights of the departing fleet. The room at large was fairly dark and lit in such a way that deep shadows appeared in certain places. Alexander smiled slightly, this was a defensive lesson he had not taught the woman but she had apparently developed on her own. In such an arrangement of lighting a trained vampire could use the pools of darkness to offer avenues that neither total darkness nor complete lighting could offer. Each shadow was a portal to the others for those that knew the way; one could fade into one and congeal out from the other to confuse and frustrate a mortal enemy.

A vampire, on the other hand, would be able to see and assess the teleportation without real difficulty. But ordinarily there was only one vampire in these chambers.

The speaker sat, waiting patiently for Alexander to begin speaking. He wondered about the proper way to address the thrall, particularly as it was quite possible that the speaker was not even aware that 'it' had been enslaved. He opted to ignore it, for the moment. Elanie was, literally, the power behind the throne.

"Elanie su Madrighala, a message from Temesvar," he announced. He passed the bundle of parchment across the room, letting it slide with the freefall into her hands.
"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
admiral_danielsben wrote:From: The President of the Union
To: fellow governments of the Alliance:

We have heard of recent attacks against vessels of fellow alliance members by pirates. Is there any way we may assist?
"The pirates are being delt with, however if you have ships to spare, we would not turn them away if you feel you can help with our patrols"
"If you feel you can handle this yourself, we won't send anything. If you wish, we do have a few escorts to spare. "
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira

"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (DS9: Duet)
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Post by Thirdfain »


Elanie's eyes ran over the parchment. It was succinct, generous, well-written, and entirely unacceptable.

"What, annophaelli, do you think I am in the process of doing here?"

She gestured out the window to the combined might of the Hajr had been displayed only a few minutes ago.

"I have no time for pomp and circumstance. If I wanted parades and functions, I'd be sitting in that chair and she would be out an airlock right now."

The Speaker stared, unblinking, at Alexander, wearing a faint smile and breathing shallowly.

"I do not mean to attack the messanger, Alexander, but I can not spare you, or your master, the time for this. A week spent in-transit is not an option. I must stay with this woman, for now at least, and I can't leave Eketrina until my work is done."

She shook her head.

"The one for whom I was a Hand was all too fond of her Voices, and never fond enough of the strong Hands the concordance of the Unbound gave her. I need to ensure that the strong hand is maintained. I need to be Speaker, and to do that, I require the services of many powerful ones as my Voices, to ensure that the semblance of normalcy remains in place."

She gestured once more at the idiotic woman in the chair.

"I need her as a Voice, and it is hard. Even now, weeks since I began, she resists. Weakly, and sporadically, but she resists. If I allow my control to slip, it will break. She is strong, even now- I will have her personality sequestrated as soon as I can get my people into the right places, but that will take time.

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Post by SirNitram »

General Transmission, unencoded.
From: Etern Collective.
To: All Star Nations.

We have only recently ventured closer to Terra, the Cradle. Yet, upon seeing the clustering of peoples, we are met by a sight that is terrifying: The descending of a power upon a smaller one with no negotiation, no warning, no discussion. Our agents in Known Space have sought explanation for this, evidence that the claims of piracy are true, but have turned up naught so far.

For generations we fought against the Machine Demon, who sought to turn us against each other and use us as cannon fodder. Having seen the death of this foe, will one who does the same under the guise of 'peacekeeping' replace it? The Collective calls upon the Draconis Republic and the Alliance to explain themselves at once, or face open war. We did not shrink from the Machine Demon's hordes; you are far lesser, and we will not shrink from you.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

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Post by frigidmagi »

To: Etern Collective
From: Naval Intelligence Division, United Protectrates

What follow is an datadump of ships wanted for piratcy, who have been identified has belong to the navy in question. Also attached are videos of 18 attacks, 37 eyewalitness accounts and 1 agent debreifing of time spent on world under the pirate's rule in question.

The Draconis Republis decided to clear the void of this scum and secure their trade routes. It is the right of nations to ensure that their citizens and trade goods do not become fodder for scum. The United Protectrates will aide and defend the Draconis Republic in exerising this right against all comers.
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Post by Stormbringer »

TO: Draconis Republic + General Transmission to the Alliance
FROM: Asgard Foreign Ministry
RE: Agressive action

The Asgard Foreign Ministry would like to make it clear that we find the agressive action taken against this supposed pirate state to be rather alarming. We do not ask that the Draconi forgo their right to self defense but this suprise action, taken with out the proper legal steps, to be rather disturbing. The idea of making war with out proper diplomatic notice or formal declaration of war is in blatant slap in the face to proper conduct.

Needless to say we are worried about it's potential to give casus belli to the Ousters. We do not wish to see a war break out between the Alliance and the Ousters, a war in which our nation risks being caught in the middle of. We have some ties of friendship with the Alliance and so we ask them to stay this madness.
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Thirdfain wrote:"I need her as a Voice, and it is hard. Even now, weeks since I began, she resists. Weakly, and sporadically, but she resists. If I allow my control to slip, it will break. She is strong, even now- I will have her personality sequestrated as soon as I can get my people into the right places, but that will take time.
Alexander waved a hand dismissively, "You misunderstand what Basil meant when he said you would be expected to return 'eventually,' perhaps because it has only been a short time since you were a hurrying White Floater with a paltry lifespan of half a century. You may take all the time you need or desire to solidify your control here. Five years or fifty years hence you may take your official ceremony without any impropriety; our people mock the passage of time. For the moment you need but accept the letter from Casimir.

"I have with me some fifty men of Basil's personal retinue. They are skilled in certain discrete arts with which you yourself are familiar. They can quietly deal with potential opponents of your efforts in any number of ways. Assassination is only the least of their options."
"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
--The Lord Humungus
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Post by SirNitram »

frigidmagi wrote:To: Etern Collective
From: Naval Intelligence Division, United Protectrates

What follow is an datadump of ships wanted for piratcy, who have been identified has belong to the navy in question. Also attached are videos of 18 attacks, 37 eyewalitness accounts and 1 agent debreifing of time spent on world under the pirate's rule in question.
To: United Protectorates.
From: Etern Collective.

Your transmissions are received and are being analyzed by our computer specialists.

To: Media
From: Etern Intelligence

The following recordings are from the United Protectorate, claiming them to be evidence for their current war of aggression. Our computer specialists have outlined where every recording has been doctored. If you love freedom from tyranny and the truth, ensure knowledge of this open treachery is passed on!

OOC: Mew-ha-ha-ha-ha.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Bugsby »

From: Leego Diama, Krell Military Command
To: New Tortuga Central Council

We are aware, as is the entire galaxy, of the war being waged against you by the Draconis, and we are aware of the problem this presents to you. You are hopelessly outnumbered. The Draconis are bringing the full weight of their force against you, and it appears they have the support of the UPA. The Draconis involvement with the UPA is particularly unfortunate seeing as how members of the Alliance surround you on all sides... except one. Since Combine space seems to be the only port in the proverbial storm, I have been instructed to open our borders to all ships coming as refugees from your world. Civilians can settle on our worlds. Military personnel and ships, rather than wage a hopeless war, can join with us.

I would imagine this would be an easy transition for you. We share a pioneering spirit, one that has led your people to be branded as pirates and persecuted. In the Combine, this spirit has manifested itself in a form that is much more widely recognized among the "legitimate" powers of the galaxy.

Should you wish to remain and fight, the Combine salutes your dedication and patriotism. Should you wish to emigrate, we will accept you with open arms. Civilians will be required only to seek citizenship on the client worlds they may choose to settle on. Military personnel will be required only to sign an oath of loyalty to the Combine, and swear to never act without a direct command from a superior Krell officer. If you do decide to accept our offer, know that you will be treated fairly, although you will find our discipline more strict than what you are accustomed to.

Draconis ships are closing in on your fleet. Draconis ground forces swarm through your cities. Consider this offer while you still have time.
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

SirNitram wrote:
frigidmagi wrote:To: Etern Collective
From: Naval Intelligence Division, United Protectrates

What follow is an datadump of ships wanted for piratcy, who have been identified has belong to the navy in question. Also attached are videos of 18 attacks, 37 eyewalitness accounts and 1 agent debreifing of time spent on world under the pirate's rule in question.
To: United Protectorates.
From: Etern Collective.

Your transmissions are received and are being analyzed by our computer specialists.

To: Media
From: Etern Intelligence

The following recordings are from the United Protectorate, claiming them to be evidence for their current war of aggression. Our computer specialists have outlined where every recording has been doctored. If you love freedom from tyranny and the truth, ensure knowledge of this open treachery is passed on!

OOC: Mew-ha-ha-ha-ha.
To: Etern Collective
From: The Foreign Minister of the Union

Your propaganda damning the Draconis' wars is not funny. While we do not necessarily approve of their methods, they were pirates who were raiding the Draconis and they had the right to retaliate. We can only guess that this would indicate possible hostilities between you and the Draconis. While we are willing to settle this diplomatically, be warned that, as an Alliance member, any attack on the Draconis will be considered an attack on the Union and will be treated as such. In the name of peace, we ask that you don't doctor any more tapes (yes, we know someone along the line changed the tape. The United Protecterates tape from them was not exactly what your media reported, and some truths were mislabeled lies as well, and vice versa).

The wording may seem strong, but keep in mind that we are allies and having them offended by doctored tapes isn't great. Our free (in every sense) media is broadcasting in every form possible: your tape, the UP's original tape, both, neither, tapes from other sources, tapes from the pirates, tapes from god knows where, etc.We only ask that yours do the same.

OOC: Is it okay, frigidmagi, that your original tape is also public, at least in the Union? you could've released it in retaliation for the warping.
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
"If your lies are going to be this transparent, this is going to be a very short interrogation" -- Kira

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Post by SirNitram »

admiral_danielsben wrote:To: Etern Collective
From: The Foreign Minister of the Union

Your propaganda damning the Draconis' wars is not funny. While we do not necessarily approve of their methods, they were pirates who were raiding the Draconis and they had the right to retaliate. We can only guess that this would indicate possible hostilities between you and the Draconis. While we are willing to settle this diplomatically, be warned that, as an Alliance member, any attack on the Draconis will be considered an attack on the Union and will be treated as such. In the name of peace, we ask that you don't doctor any more tapes.
The Alliance's attempts to distort it's unilateral support for this violation of a nation's sovereignty are so noted. The Collective is only revealing what you and others wish to distort and conceal, as your ongoing lies show. Calling the revelation of these distortions 'Propaganda' may soothe your citizens, but it will not sway the Collective. We have seen the lies you and yours are now manufacturing to invade any who do not support your power bloc. How long before the Etern are classified as 'Pirates' for not bowing to the Alliance's power?
The wording may seem strong, but keep in mind that we are allies and having them offended by doctored tapes isn't great. Our free (in every sense) media is broadcasting in every form possible: your tape, the UP's original tape, both, neither, tapes from other sources, tapes from the pirates, tapes from god knows where, etc.We only ask that yours do the same.
In other words you pressure your media to report what you want, and hand them freshly doctored evidence to ensure your citizens are kept blind to your deceit and destruction! Invasions of nations without so much as the slightest negotiations is a gross violation of every claim we have heard since the fall of the Machine Demon; the Alliance is showing it's true colours well enough.
OOC: Is it okay, frigidmagi, that your original tape is also public, at least in the Union? you could've released it in retaliation for the warping.
OOC: I just love screwing people up diplomatically prior to a big war.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

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Post by Dahak »

From: Gladsheim Foreign Affairs Ministry
To: All Nations
Subject: Alleged Pirate/Draconis affair

The Grand Empire expresses its deepest regrets that the Draconis Empire attacked a star nation without further declaring war.
This is of course a sad fact, but we feel certain that the Alliance, despite its slight beligerent demeanor, and the Etern will solve their problems in a peaceful manner and not disturb galactic peace and prosperity any further.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Rogue 9 »

[OOC: I just hate how one post's worth of spin doctoring and obvious lies counts for more than several pages of action posts in this game...]

General Information Release
Nashtari Naval Records, Pirate Vessels
To All Concerned Powers

Find attached naval department records and shipping records of known pirate vessels, including video footage of several pirate attacks in progress. The information has not been tampered with in any way. [OOC: I am not lying.] Several of the pirate vessels identified were in the fleets around New Tortuga, including the cruiser Deathscythe and several other vessels. Also attached are intelligence reports from intelligence assets on Tortuga, altered only to remove reference to the information's exact sources for the protection of our assets. The information clearly shows that the powers-that-were on the planet had an active hand in the orbiting fleet's piracy, getting a cut of the take from pirated convoys sometimes approaching as high as 40%. Tortuga was clearly supporting itself in large part upon piracy, much like the Barbary States of Earth in the eighteenth century. It is our assessment that the Draconis Republic was wholly justified in stopping this threat to interstellar trade and commerce.

Office of Customs and Immigration, Republic of Nashtar
Office of the Admiralty, Sixth Fleet, Republic of Nashtar
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Post by Stormbringer »

TO: All Alliance Members
FROM: Asgard Foreign Secretary
RE: The Tortuga Affair.

It seems to me that the Alliance has made a grevious error in claiming the Tortuga to be both Pirates and a legitimate nation state. It seems to me that unfortunately the Alliance is trying to play it both ways. They violate the soveriegnty of a star-nation and yet fail to respect the proper protocol for such an event.

It seems to me that the Draconi should immediately removed themselves and turn Tortuga over to an internation force that can administer that nation until such time as they can be once more a free and independant nation. As a friend to the Alliance, yet not a member, we would volunteer to be part of such an effort.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Stormbringer wrote:TO: All Alliance Members
FROM: Asgard Foreign Secretary
RE: The Tortuga Affair.

It seems to me that the Alliance has made a grevious error in claiming the Tortuga to be both Pirates and a legitimate nation state. It seems to me that unfortunately the Alliance is trying to play it both ways. They violate the soveriegnty of a star-nation and yet fail to respect the proper protocol for such an event.

It seems to me that the Draconi should immediately removed themselves and turn Tortuga over to an internation force that can administer that nation until such time as they can be once more a free and independant nation. As a friend to the Alliance, yet not a member, we would volunteer to be part of such an effort.
The population of the planet was not exactly free. They were little more than slaves to the pirate overlords of the world, and our annexation of itis such that they will be granted full membership in our Federal Republic. Full access to governmental process. Full sufferage, and full protection of our military. We have a right to secure our boarders, and if that means conquering a nation-state that has engaged in acts of piracy which were no fault of the civilians, then so be it. Oh, and for the record, we never did treat them like a nation state.

To: All Star Nations
From: Zenith Defense systems, General Products and all Free Corporations of the Draconis Republic
Re: Attacks on Alliance Character by the Etern Collective

The Corporations which base operations within the Draconis Republic formally condemn the deciet of the Etern Collective. The footage given to them by the United Protectorates was our own stock footage. And when we looked at Etern media reports, we saw that the Etern government doctored the data to use as propaganda. Here is a list of the men and wemen of our company who have died at the hands of these pirates. <List of thousands of people>

Here is the list of serial numbers of ships lost<hundreds of ships>

Here are the Soloettes(sp) serial numbers and precice targeting data for each pirate ship that has attacked our vessels<listing>

And here are the recordings from the Black Boxes of our ships that we disapched in order to confirm that the military was attacking the orrect targets<list> As you will see, they are perfect matches.

Also note that business here is under almost no government control, and should the government try to pressure us, we will sue them<List of cases in which Zenith et al have done so over the last hundred years, twice, both times they won>

In Response to Etern Treachery, we are withdrawing our limited business from within their space as of 8 AM tomorrow Earth Standard Time

Have a Nice Day.

From: Gladsheim Foreign Affairs Ministry
To: All Nations
Subject: Alleged Pirate/Draconis affair

The Grand Empire expresses its deepest regrets that the Draconis Empire attacked a star nation without further declaring war.
This is of course a sad fact, but we feel certain that the Alliance, despite its slight beligerent demeanor, and the Etern will solve their problems in a peaceful manner and not disturb galactic peace and prosperity any further.
We did Declare War, the folllowing is a senate vote on the matter taken 24 hours before our ships exited hyperspace to enagage their forces.
<Full text of declaration of war siting the fact that we do not recognize the planet as a sovereign power.>

Though, their ships did not grant us the same courtesy before they raided our shipping.
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Post by frigidmagi »

To: Asgard Foreign Secretary
From: United Protectrates State Office

The operations in question are strictly a Draconis Affair and not an operation of the Alliance has a whole. It is worth noting that the Union has offered military aide but been refused at this time.

The Alliance however is willing to protect the Draconis rights to secure their shipping routes and does not recoginize Pirate fleets to be legimate governments. Therefore we have no objection to their military operation. We do have objection to the outright lies being told by the Eterin Collective, but will not pursue action against them without just cause.

The United Protectrates will accept any deal that the Draconis chose to make however.
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Post by Shark Bait »

To: All powers
from: Atlantians

We have reviewed the information presented and agree that the data provided by the alliance was not tampered with, we have found no evidence that the UP have doctored their tapes in any way.

Furthermore we understand the desire of the draconis to protect their pod, though attacking another world would not be our course of action. They did not however falsify any of their data supporting their reasons for this action. Please understand that prior to joining galactic society our people had no word for something that was intentionally untrue. The concept of a lie was shocking to us at first because we are incapable of using such a thing against one another, due to the nature of our communication. We would also state that since our signing of the alliance treaty all members of the alliance have become members of our pod and as a result earn equal protection from those who would do them harm.

OOC: sorry I’ve been away so much, I’m getting ready to go out of state for college, in fact tomorrow I have to pack my main computer.
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Post by Dahak »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
From: Gladsheim Foreign Affairs Ministry
To: All Nations
Subject: Alleged Pirate/Draconis affair

The Grand Empire expresses its deepest regrets that the Draconis Empire attacked a star nation without further declaring war.
This is of course a sad fact, but we feel certain that the Alliance, despite its slight beligerent demeanor, and the Etern will solve their problems in a peaceful manner and not disturb galactic peace and prosperity any further.
We did Declare War, the folllowing is a senate vote on the matter taken 24 hours before our ships exited hyperspace to enagage their forces.
<Full text of declaration of war siting the fact that we do not recognize the planet as a sovereign power.>

Though, their ships did not grant us the same courtesy before they raided our shipping.
Be that as it may, it is also not clear wether these documents are forged or not.
It seems clear that your nation seeks domination over another star nation under the threadbare excuse of 'pirates'. That the Alliance is willing to support you in this sheds a very intriguing light on your motivation.
We are sure the Accord is equally alarmed by this power grab.

We will of course further observe this, and we still hope this dispute between two lesser nations can be resolved peacefully.
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

SirNitram wrote:
admiral_danielsben wrote:To: Etern Collective
From: The Foreign Minister of the Union

Your propaganda damning the Draconis' wars is not funny. While we do not necessarily approve of their methods, they were pirates who were raiding the Draconis and they had the right to retaliate. We can only guess that this would indicate possible hostilities between you and the Draconis. While we are willing to settle this diplomatically, be warned that, as an Alliance member, any attack on the Draconis will be considered an attack on the Union and will be treated as such. In the name of peace, we ask that you don't doctor any more tapes.
The Alliance's attempts to distort it's unilateral support for this violation of a nation's sovereignty are so noted. The Collective is only revealing what you and others wish to distort and conceal, as your ongoing lies show. Calling the revelation of these distortions 'Propaganda' may soothe your citizens, but it will not sway the Collective. We have seen the lies you and yours are now manufacturing to invade any who do not support your power bloc. How long before the Etern are classified as 'Pirates' for not bowing to the Alliance's power?
Never. You won't be classified as pirates unless you raid an alliance member's shipping. Note that the Union DID NOT approve of or even know of the Draconis action, but we generally stand by their right to make it. As to the lies?
The wording may seem strong, but keep in mind that we are allies and having them offended by doctored tapes isn't great. Our free (in every sense) media is broadcasting in every form possible: your tape, the UP's original tape, both, neither, tapes from other sources, tapes from the pirates, tapes from god knows where, etc.We only ask that yours do the same.
In other words you pressure your media to report what you want, and hand them freshly doctored evidence to ensure your citizens are kept blind to your deceit and destruction! Invasions of nations without so much as the slightest negotiations is a gross violation of every claim we have heard since the fall of the Machine Demon; the Alliance is showing it's true colours well enough.
We don't pressure our media one damn bit. They report what they want. We don't hand them a thing either. They have their sources everywhere. They show your video, the UP's video, video from the pirates, etc. You should really read a few of the Union's 23,500 newspapers, watch a couple of the 3,600 holovision stations (at proper news times, of course: I doubt situtational comedy, porn, action-adventure, or sports scores would give you much of an impression of our news), or read a fraction of the 7.8 trillion hypernet sites (again, as above).

OOC: Is it okay, frigidmagi, that your original tape is also public, at least in the Union? you could've released it in retaliation for the warping.
OOC: I just love screwing people up diplomatically prior to a big war.
OOC: I noticed.
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:The population of the planet was not exactly free. They were little more than slaves to the pirate overlords of the world, and our annexation of itis such that they will be granted full membership in our Federal Republic. Full access to governmental process. Full sufferage, and full protection of our military. We have a right to secure our boarders, and if that means conquering a nation-state that has engaged in acts of piracy which were no fault of the civilians, then so be it. Oh, and for the record, we never did treat them like a nation state.
TO: Draconis
FROM: Asgard Foreign Secratary
RE: Illegal Occupation

While we, like all civilized being, regard pirate states as a threat to galatic the fact that you have deliberately decieved their galatic community to bring about the present state of affairs. The fact that you concealed the decleration of war and other vital means that we have no choice but to treat your war as one both undeclared and illegal.

Furthermore, and we will direct a motion to the Allaince as a whole, we demand that you allow New Tortuga it's full independence. That you would simply replace their present overlords with yourself is unacceptable. We hope that if you're truly serious about liberating them you will follow through and allow their independence. You can rest assured that we will do everything in our power to see that they are truly free.
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Post by Stormbringer »

frigidmagi wrote:To: Asgard Foreign Secretary
From: United Protectrates State Office

The operations in question are strictly a Draconis Affair and not an operation of the Alliance has a whole. It is worth noting that the Union has offered military aide but been refused at this time.

The Alliance however is willing to protect the Draconis rights to secure their shipping routes and does not recoginize Pirate fleets to be legimate governments. Therefore we have no objection to their military operation. We do have objection to the outright lies being told by the Eterin Collective, but will not pursue action against them without just cause.

The United Protectrates will accept any deal that the Draconis chose to make however.
To: United Protectrates State Office
FROM: Asgard Foreign Secretary
RE: Liberation of New Tortuga

We hope at the very least that you and your fellow members of the Alliance will at least join the Asgard nation in insisting that New Tortuga be given it's freedom. It is true, by everyone's account, that they are slave now. We hope that the Alliance will fufill it's stated intention and see that these people are freed.

It is needless to say that we consider this a very important matter. We would hope that the Alliance will do the right thing in this matter.
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