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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Stormbringer wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:The population of the planet was not exactly free. They were little more than slaves to the pirate overlords of the world, and our annexation of itis such that they will be granted full membership in our Federal Republic. Full access to governmental process. Full sufferage, and full protection of our military. We have a right to secure our boarders, and if that means conquering a nation-state that has engaged in acts of piracy which were no fault of the civilians, then so be it. Oh, and for the record, we never did treat them like a nation state.
TO: Draconis
FROM: Asgard Foreign Secratary
RE: Illegal Occupation

While we, like all civilized being, regard pirate states as a threat to galatic the fact that you have deliberately decieved their galatic community to bring about the present state of affairs. The fact that you concealed the decleration of war and other vital means that we have no choice but to treat your war as one both undeclared and illegal.

Furthermore, and we will direct a motion to the Allaince as a whole, we demand that you allow New Tortuga it's full independence. That you would simply replace their present overlords with yourself is unacceptable. We hope that if you're truly serious about liberating them you will follow through and allow their independence. You can rest assured that we will do everything in our power to see that they are truly free.
Please show how we have decieved anyone? We made no secret of the declartion of war, the papers were available at our embassies the moment the vote was cast. It was a matter of public record.

As to alloowing them independance, we cannot do that until the fleet formerly stationed there has been stamped out of existence or captured, and once the last bit of resistance from ground troops is eradicated. We cannot have them fall to pirates the moment we leave, if we leave.

Once the planet is secure we will of course put the matter to a vote among the populace, if we lose the vote then they will be our protectorate, given full protection of our fleets, until such a time as they are capable of defending themselves.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Dahak wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:
From: Gladsheim Foreign Affairs Ministry
To: All Nations
Subject: Alleged Pirate/Draconis affair

The Grand Empire expresses its deepest regrets that the Draconis Empire attacked a star nation without further declaring war.
This is of course a sad fact, but we feel certain that the Alliance, despite its slight beligerent demeanor, and the Etern will solve their problems in a peaceful manner and not disturb galactic peace and prosperity any further.
We did Declare War, the folllowing is a senate vote on the matter taken 24 hours before our ships exited hyperspace to enagage their forces.
<Full text of declaration of war siting the fact that we do not recognize the planet as a sovereign power.>

Though, their ships did not grant us the same courtesy before they raided our shipping.
Be that as it may, it is also not clear wether these documents are forged or not.
It seems clear that your nation seeks domination over another star nation under the threadbare excuse of 'pirates'. That the Alliance is willing to support you in this sheds a very intriguing light on your motivation.
We are sure the Accord is equally alarmed by this power grab.

We will of course further observe this, and we still hope this dispute between two lesser nations can be resolved peacefully.
Seeing as the documents we gave you are meely duplicate copies of papers on file since the attacks, and those were readily accessable and a matter of public record, the burden of proof rests upon you to prove that we have time travel technology.

But of course, there is a history of you and your allies completely disregarding burden of proof isnt there?

We have easily met our burden. Seeing as we accepted United Protectorates Observers to view the battle, there observers and the independant corporate obsevers confirmed the identities of the pirate ships. And of course, the data is all a matter of public record.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Straha »

(Seeing as how Marcao willed the Tortugans to me I'm taking over for them)

The fleet never reassembled, they had had plans on what to do if a higher nation attacked them, and they were simple. Run, hide, send emmissaries for help, and then charge back in with whatever they could get. To accomplish this destroyers broke away from the security of Deep Space and headed towards what would otherwise be their worst fear, inhabited space. They went towards nations they hoped would be friendly, Monacorans, Asgard, Etern, Ravenlocke, The Krell, Veithan, Gladshiem, and even the ousters. Obeying every law and pretense possible shuttles were launched from outside systems and sent towards capitals. The envoys saw whoever they could, and their plea was simple, aid in any form, money, medicine, troops, ships, euipment no matter how old, anything that could help them keep their independence, and then they would repay them in leaps and bounds. Then they awaited the response to their last seeming death wish.
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Bugsby »

The Krell fleets had been recalled months ago, resuming their defensive positions above the Client Worlds. It had taken the fleet a few weeks to get back into their defensive routine after the prolonged campaign against the Overseer, but now they were back. Repairs had been completed several weeks ago. Blown out shielding coils had been replaced, bulkheads replaced and hulls represurized. It had been a relatively easy process: most of the damage sustained in the Overseer raids was superficial and the ships that had taken damage were long since combat ready.

News from outside disturbed the peace of the fleet. The Draconis were invading. Tortuga, a close neighbor to the Combine home systems, was under attack. Allegations of piracy had been leveled and used as a pretext for war. The Draconis had invaded without warning. The Krell spacers were uneasy. The Tortugans were a lot like the Krell in many regards. The only difference was that the Krell mode of operation had gained a form of legitimacy, whereas the Tortugans had not. There were some pirates, of course, but there was no enslaved population living under a horrible pirate regime. What would the Draconis decide next? To free the Client Worlds of the oppressive mercenary regime?

An offer of shelter and amnesty had been sent to the Tortugans, an offer that had oficially gone unanswered. But civilian transports were still arriving in Krell systems in droves as the "helpless slaves" fled from the Draconis invading forces that had touched down all across their planet. The Tortugan fleet was scattered, but the escaping civilians brought word of a resistance being formed... somewhere. After several hours of civilian traffic, a military ship entered orbit over Cadmus and began transmitting: a request for aid.

The Krell ships, already on defensive alert, came to life. A moderate detatchment seperated from the Client World Defense Fleet and met just outside the Sirius system to coordinate logistics. Nothing was certain yet, but the fleet was prepared. Should the need arise, it could be at Tortuga in just under an hour.
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Post by Straha »

Bugsby wrote:From: Leego Diama, Krell Military Command
To: New Tortuga Central Council

We are aware, as is the entire galaxy, of the war being waged against you by the Draconis, and we are aware of the problem this presents to you. You are hopelessly outnumbered. The Draconis are bringing the full weight of their force against you, and it appears they have the support of the UPA. The Draconis involvement with the UPA is particularly unfortunate seeing as how members of the Alliance surround you on all sides... except one. Since Combine space seems to be the only port in the proverbial storm, I have been instructed to open our borders to all ships coming as refugees from your world. Civilians can settle on our worlds. Military personnel and ships, rather than wage a hopeless war, can join with us.

I would imagine this would be an easy transition for you. We share a pioneering spirit, one that has led your people to be branded as pirates and persecuted. In the Combine, this spirit has manifested itself in a form that is much more widely recognized among the "legitimate" powers of the galaxy.

Should you wish to remain and fight, the Combine salutes your dedication and patriotism. Should you wish to emigrate, we will accept you with open arms. Civilians will be required only to seek citizenship on the client worlds they may choose to settle on. Military personnel will be required only to sign an oath of loyalty to the Combine, and swear to never act without a direct command from a superior Krell officer. If you do decide to accept our offer, know that you will be treated fairly, although you will find our discipline more strict than what you are accustomed to.

Draconis ships are closing in on your fleet. Draconis ground forces swarm through your cities. Consider this offer while you still have time.
The Envoy sent to the Krell carried with him a reply, which he hand delivered before making his plea for aid.

To: The Krell Combine
From: Vice Admiral Dane Janeko, on behalf of New Tortuga

We thank you for your offer, we have told what few Civillian transports that have gotten away to head for your space, and we thank you greatly. Our fleet, though much diminished, still lives and is in hiding for now. If we find ourselves unable to contribute meaningly to the fight for our survival and liberty below on our planet, then we shall join you, though with a heavy heart. If, however, we find ourselves able to contribute at all for our cause we shall fight on, untill the end, be it bloody or glorious. Afterwards, we, our people, and whoever else survives us to carry on our legacy will repay you for what you have done for us, and for what you have offered us.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. We hope this answer is satisfactory to you.
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Dahak »

Gladsheim Prime

The moment the Tortugan ship entered Gladsheim space it was picked up by the system's extensive sensor suit and a pair of destroyers immediately swallowed out to meet them.

It was escorted to Orbital One and the Tortugan representative was led to a representative of the Foreign Affairs Minister and he led his case before the representative.

"You should understand that, at this point, we don't want to actively step into this fight over such a unimportant world, if you excuse me for saying so. Though we are not deaf to your pleas and are willing to accept civillian fugitives and gurantee their safety until such a time they will be able to go back. We also are willing to give your nation medical supplies, transported to your system. We doubt the Draconis would be as stupid as to shoot on a transport ship. At this point, this is all we are willing to do. We hope it is sufficient for you..."
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Thirdfain »


"I can not help but accept the Red Handed's offer. You will be useful."

Elanie's mind raced. She knew vampires well enough; they would not support the opposition she might soon represent, unless they felt she was somehow of use to their own goals- at least in the short run.

"I accept, then, this document, this title, and that which comes with it."

Miskatonic City
Confederacy of New Maine
Former NAU, Defunct Nation

Jorge su Attoq lounged in the couch, a tattooed girl with anatomy which was clearly the product of extensive gene modification hanging over his arm. Around him, the music, shouting, and cursing of a seedy bar swirled. Across from him sat an alert, hard-eyed man- a Tortugan representative, one of many spread across Known Space searching for assistance.

"The Deadly Vipers have been keeping an eye on you, Mr. Green. We've been watching your work, and I'll tell you it's first class."

The faux-floater took a long draw from a hookah, and then leaned forwards, his high-g harness's servos picking him up with a faint whine.

"We've got reasons to help you. Our operation is smaller than yours, sure- but we have a great deal to offer you. We want to see you succeed, we don't like the lizards moving so openly against a safehouse like Tortuga."

Mr. Green smiled.

"Yes, your operation is smaller than ours- by a great deal. What help can you possibly provide that would be worth our time? And what would be the price?"

Jorge grinned.

"We can assure you safe berths- neutral ports, and access to stashes of untraceable modern weapons. Some of the Floater colonies are willing to let us use them as resupply and repair bases, and they can extend the same services to you- and recently, we've been able to make arrangements to open up some bulk container vessel slips- slips suitable for vessels the size of your two pocket dreadnoughts."

Jorge gestured expansively.

"With our support network and your brawn, Mr. Green, we can fight your enemy effectively for a very long time."

-ooc- ball's in your court, Straha.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Ronogho, Nashtar Star Cluster

Admiral Hrothnelar seethed in rage as he stared at the comms viewscreen in his private ready room. "What in the blazing nebulae do you think you're doing, Trafglaror?!?" he roared at the general.

"I'm saving our nation, my friend. President Rhaglaros was going to submit us to..."

"Saving it by destroying it? Rhaglaros was submitting to what, exactly? As near as I can tell, he was submitting the decision to the people, not making it himself!" The admiral's long, pointed ears swept straight back and darkened to a brick red, indicating his rage. "Your actions have destroyed our republic more thoroughly than that referendum could have ever done!"

"What," the general asked in genuine surprise and confusion. "Ronogho is still an independent nation, something that the sham referendum could easily have ended."

"But even so, we'd still be under representative rule! You have created a military dictatorship and circumvented the will of the people!" Hrothnelar stood up in his seat and leaned with both clawed fists on the table in front of him, staring unblinking at his superior officer's image. "You must restore the President and the Senate to power."

"That will be done when the Nashtar Republic's government stops trying to subsume us into their jurisdiction, and no sooner."

"They haven't done so! This was put forth by the Senate and approved by the President for a decision by the people. The Nashtari government never entered into the equation."

"Someone planted this madness in the Senate. Who benefits?"

"We do, for starters, unless you wish to fall to the Ousters. I say to you now that my fleet could not hold off the Hajr for more than a few days at most if they came for us."

"Enough of this!" Trafglaror cut in, showing anger for the first time. "I am your superior officer, and I am ordering you to defend this planet as normal and keep all Nashtari traffic out of the system."

Hrothnelar's expression suddenly became supremely serene and he sat back. He paused for a moment, regarding the general. "No," he said calmly.


"Have your ears stopped working? They're big enough. I said no, I will not obey that order."

"Admiral," began Trafglaror, a warning tone in his voice.

"You have forfeited your honor, abandoned your duty, and abused your power, Trafglaror. I regard you as unfit for command, and will not obey your orders."

"You can't do that."

"I just did."

"Why, you..."

"Sit down, General. I shall say no more. I will not attack my own people, but nor will I prop up a military dictatorship. RRS Liberty out." He cut off the communication before Trafglaror could voice any more objections and strode onto the bridge.

"I have the conn." The ship's captain nodded and relinquished the command chair. "Helm, Conn. Set course for the Oort cloud, one third maximum hyperdrive. Comms, Conn, order the rest of the fleet to follow."


"Do it, Lieutenant." The admiral reached for his intercom microphone and set it for shipwide address. He took a deep breath before beginning, wondering what the reaction would be. He depressed the speaker switch.

"Now hear this, this is Admiral Hrothnelar speaking. We are leaving Ronogho's orbit and making for the edge of the system. General Trafglaror has performed a coup against our government, and while he has ordered me to aggressively keep out all Nashtari traffic no matter what it is, I do not think I shall follow the orders of an illegitimate dictator. But neither am I willing to bombard my own people, and we cannot effectively interfere in any other way with the navy alone. Therefore, we will stay out of the way until this madness has ended. That is all."

Stunned silence reigned on the bridge for several seconds. Then one of the junior sensor operators began clicking his claws together, the Ronoghan equivalent of applause. It slowly spread, until the bridge sounded like a crate of ball bearings being dumped on a steel deck. Hrothnelar's ears stood straight up, signaling that he was pleased. "Helm, any time on that course."

"The fleet reports lined up and ready, sir. There was some delay on the Yothgor and Nerogho, and their XOs are answering the comms," the communications officer reported with a half-grin, "but they are now ready to make way."

"Very well. Engage the course."

"Aye, sir."

The Ronoghan navy streaked to the outer edges of the system. To those on the planet it would appear, at least for a few minutes, that they had left entirely.
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Post by Captain tycho »

"What do you think of the offer, Majesty?"

"Personally, I think it's too risky. Pass on the message to the House, Baron. We'll see what they have to say about it."

"How goes the wargames?"

"Quite good, I am told. Combat effectiveness has jumped nearly 156 percent since the beginning, and is steadily rising. I still hate militarizing so soon after the Explusion, but it looks like we'll need it for the time being."
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Post by Stormbringer »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Please show how we have decieved anyone? We made no secret of the declartion of war, the papers were available at our embassies the moment the vote was cast. It was a matter of public record.

As to alloowing them independance, we cannot do that until the fleet formerly stationed there has been stamped out of existence or captured, and once the last bit of resistance from ground troops is eradicated. We cannot have them fall to pirates the moment we leave, if we leave.

Once the planet is secure we will of course put the matter to a vote among the populace, if we lose the vote then they will be our protectorate, given full protection of our fleets, until such a time as they are capable of defending themselves.
TO: Draconis Republic
FROM: Asgard Foreign Office
RE: Tortugan Occupation

That is a patent mistruth. We were never informed nor did you make the proper notices to the galaxy at large. As such we remain solid in our condemnation of this occupation.

And the idea that a free vote can be conducted while your people maintain their illegal occupation is laughable. We will remain in opposition until the following conditions are met:

1) The peacekeeping force be an international body representing both Alliance and non-Alliance nations. This is a peaceful occupation, not an invasion.

2) The Tortugan referendums must take place only after they are capable of defending themselves. This will prevent them from being forced into a client state

This is all.
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Post by Beowulf »

ooc: Err... to take care of the Lying Darkness.


The Fleets left again, not to return for a hundred years or more. The Lying Darkness minions amongst the the free peoples of Known Space, quietly went back to merely looking.

ooc: Go ahead and try to root them out, you have trillions of people to look through. You're going to miss some. And it's not as if it's going to matter, considering they aren't going to be returning during the timeline of this STGOD.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Stormbringer »

[Freespace Weapons Test Range, Asteroid Belt]

The rebuilt patrol destroyer had yet to be attached to one of the squadrons working up but it had important duties here first. She could be spared for a while as the MK VII Sp missle was being given it's final tests.

"Range clear, all systems green. The Acacia is standing by to pick up the data."

"Alright, begin the countdown."

Thirty second later the missle kicked out of the tube and streaked towards it's target. The effect was devestating indeed as it hit the target. The massive planetoid body was heavily cratered by the huge blast.

"Test sucessful. The Mark VI is ready in all respects. I guess the BuOrd boys better get their asses in gear,"
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Post by Bugsby »

The office was small, but that was to be expected. The Ravenlock had certainly been accomodating, but the out-of-the-way office Faran had been provided was, at best, half the size of his office on Cadmus. He collapsed into his chair and took a moment to relax. He had wanted a break from the maddening routine of life under Adar Krell, but his life here on Corvus had been much more busy than anything he had experienced in months. He was the best negotiator the Krell had to offer, but the Ravenlock were merciless. The ordeal of licensing the sale of Krell goods in Ravenlock territory had taken days, not hours. And there were still some of the finer points to be worked out. He wouldn't be heading back to the Nexus for a while yet.

After a week, Faran recognized he was truly out of his depth here. He had entered a strange world. His interaction with the humans on Corvus had been normal, but he heard whispers of the Dra'kol and honestly did not know what to think. He had heard rumors of this strange race even as far away as the Nexus, of course, but being on a world where the Dra'kol were a part of every day life lent a new air of mystery and threat to the race. The DNA scans he had to go through when entering secure areas were still unnerving. He didn't know why the Ravenlock insisted.

Stranger still was the presence of the Glasheim and the Veithans. Since the formation of the Accord, trade and tourism had brought thousands of Ravenlock allies to Corvus. It was disconcerting to watch groups of these beings walking along together, unspeaking. He knew all about the psychic potential of the Veithans, and about the Gladsheim Consensus, but being in contact with these things was very odd. Even more unnerving was the way some Veithans and Ravenlock seemed to be communicating psychically. Ravenlock telepathy was something entirely unsuspected. He would have to guard his thoughts during negotiations.

Yet as uncomfortable as he was in Ravenlock space, he was glad he was far away from the outside worlds. Word had spread of the Draconis invasion of Tortuga. An odd invasion if there ever was one. The defence forces in space had fled and the Draconis had spent a solid three days ravaging the surface of the planet, securing strategic positions, when the progress of the invasion had suddenly stopped as the Draconis turned to fight a more desperate battle, the diplomatic one. Nations rallied to support or condemn the Draconis in their occupation. Rumor had spread of a resistance, a resistance headed by the Etern of all people. Word had also spread that the Krell themselves would be spearheading the attack to save the Tortugans. That rumor was particularly scary to Faran because he had heard nothing about this. In fact, Adar hadn't contacted him since he left for Corvus. Under the circumstances, he should have been on Cadmus now, negotiating with the Tortugans. Or perhaps it was best that he stayed out of this one. Krell had done just fine without Faran's assistance for decades, and he seemed to have this one under control.

Faran was shocked out of his thoughts by a comm buzzer going off on his desk. He sighed. He suspected the Ravenlock wanted to meet again to discuss some contract minutiae. To his surprise, the comm signature instead read "Ztal, Yrt." Faran activated the comm at once.

"Mr. Ztal, how are you? I heard about your training in Veithan space, of course - I was even supposed to check up on your progress - but I didnt expect you to contact me."

Yrt nodded. "When I heard that you had come to Ravenlock space, I assumed you were here at least in part for me. That's why I'm contacting you, for a brief status update. My training has gone well. According to my instructor here, I have learned almost all there is to know about my abilities. More importantly, I can control myself enough that I can keep myself from harming others without meaning to."

"Good. So, uh, how soon can we expect to have you back?"

"As soon as you need me, I think. I expect to be officially released within the week. But if its alright with you, I would like to stay here for a little while. I've made some friends here, and there is always more to learn."

"Sure, I don't care."

"But will Krell?" The question was asked calmly, but Yrt's face conveyed his anxiety. He was clearly nervous about Adar's reaction to regaining Yrt. Dreading his next mission, perhaps? Or did he just want to get away from Krell? It was none of Faran's business.

"OK, I understand. In my next report I'll tell Adar that you need another month to complete your training. He won't question that, and you can have your month."

"Thank you. Ztal out."
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Vampire Embassy

"Three clients," Alexander explained, "two to be cleaned and one for Claire to deal with."

The short, slightly built vampire at the opposite end of the meeting table raised one elegant eyebrow, "How am I to deal with him or her?"

"It's a male. The usual way; the easy way. He's an admiral so he'll be strong willed and intelligent," Alexander replied, floating a datapad across to her.

"Don't lecture me about my work," Claire said with a snort.

She examined the data provided, including the false identity that had been wrangled for her. Her body elongated and grew curves, and her hair went from long and blonde to short and black. A few other minor touches (her metatarsals popped and reformed to give her the detail of those prehensile toes) and she had become a near perfect copy of a White Floater. It would take a close scan to reveal what she really was.

As she polymorphed into Aimilia, a naval analyst who was very soon to meet a certain important admiral and strike up a torrid sexual relationship--entirely by chance, of course--Claire read the information on the client. He wouldn't be the easiest human she had ever turned, but he wouldn't even be close to the hardest, either. Anyway, it was good that he was a male. With her skills (she had been trained by the best) she could seduce anything that walked on two legs, but it was about ten times easier with men. The pheromone balance, the telepathic manipulation, the pitch and timbre of voice, and a million other factors all came together to confuse the mind of the client regardless of their usual preferences... but with men it was much easier. Their minds were already confused.

He gave the other two datapads to the other vampire at the table. Werner, another skilled shapeshifter, but with more direct talents. He would pass for an Ouster easily enough, so that he could move through the crowded cluster without remark. That was the key in this environment. A dhampir looked human enough to pass unnoticed on Earth or most any other human world, but they would never look like an Ouster. That was beyond them.
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Post by Hotfoot »

To: Concerned Parties
From: Office of the Director
Subject: The Tortugan Incident

Having reviewed the files made public by the UPA, the Consortium feels reasonably confident that the data is in fact genuine. The amount of time to create a forgery of data on this timescale seems too short given the respective levels of technology, especially given the scale.

However, concerning the action on Tortuga, the Consortium itself is taking no official action as of this time, save the deployment of Consortium Cross medical ships to aid both sides of the conflict. This is an affair of the protection of sentience and their operation is expected to be respected by all parties.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
The Realm of Confusion
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Korrigal, Nashtar Star Cluster

Sergeant Devin Jacobs dismissed the squad at last, and the weary soldiers trudged back towards their barracks after a hard two hours exercise and drills in the high-gravity environment of the large planet. Jacobs, a resident for years, was used to it and it showed. It showed especially when he was offworld, in normal gravity. There, freed of the need to hold up 1.8 times the normal weight of his own mass, he, and all the other soldiers stationed on Korrigal for extended periods, could devote the muscle mass normally used for that purpose to other tasks.

In the meantime, he was just beginning. As the men on the first week of their Korrigal training rotation trudged away, he turned and went the other direction, towards the gunnery range. There he met up with other NCOs who had similarly dismissed their weary charges and come to finish their own work for the day. Sergeant Jacobs grabbed his AR-57 off the weapons rack and turned to face down the target range. He pulled back on the charging handle as he spun and squeezed off a three round burst.

Two tens and a nine landed on target, the bullet holes drifting upwards from the 10 ring with the last one falling into the nine. The sergeant grunted in discontent and set the rifle to single shot, deliberately squeezing off every bullet. The ten ring in the center wasn’t there anymore by the time he was halfway through the magazine. Satisfied, he set his weapon to full automatic, thirty rounds left in the magazine. Tuning out the sounds of the others firing at their own targets further down the gallery, he reached over and flipped two switches on the range control box. The center-bereft target moved towards him, and he removed it from its rack and set it aside. The other switch started the randomly moving targets at the far end. There were fifteen of them.

Twelve had holes, several of them more than one, by the time the magazine was completely empty, despite the randomized popping up and down and lateral movement program they had executed. The sergeant wasn’t done. Dropping the rifle, he pulled out his service pistol in one smooth motion and dropped to one knee, drilling the surviving targets within seconds. He was reaching for another magazine for the rifle when a hand dropped onto his shoulder.

He whirled, hand dropping to his pistol without him bothering to tell it to, until he saw who it was. “Jesus! I mean, what can I do for you, sir,” he exclaimed, snapping to attention. First Lieutenant Reginald Northrop barely suppressed a chuckle as he returned the salute.

“At ease, Sergeant,” he said. “We have orders from Command; we’re to help evaluate some of the equipment that Captain Russell picked up at the Ravenlock Trade Fair. The shipment’s landing in a couple hours, and I thought I’d give you the heads up.”

“Thank you, sir. We’ll be ready. What’s he bringing?”

“He’s got power armor from Monaco. Command wants it studied, and we’re the ones to do it. We might also have another mission in a couple days, though the details on that won’t come through to us until right before we’re needed, if we are.”

“I’m pretty sure I can guess,” said Jacobs, grimacing.

“Can’t we all?” Northrop sighed. “I might as well get in my practice too,” he said, reaching for an assault rifle and walking down the range.
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

Hotfoot wrote:To: Concerned Parties
From: Office of the Director
Subject: The Tortugan Incident

Having reviewed the files made public by the UPA, the Consortium feels reasonably confident that the data is in fact genuine. The amount of time to create a forgery of data on this timescale seems too short given the respective levels of technology, especially given the scale.

However, concerning the action on Tortuga, the Consortium itself is taking no official action as of this time, save the deployment of Consortium Cross medical ships to aid both sides of the conflict. This is an affair of the protection of sentience and their operation is expected to be respected by all parties.
The Union respectfully requests that the Draconis honor the deployment of the Consortium's medical vessels, as long as they are not accompanied by warships and are armed with defensive weaponry only.
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
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Post by frigidmagi »

From:United Protectrates Lord Protector's Office
To: All It May Concern

The Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattew request that all nations involed leave the Consortium's medical vessals unmolested to do their duty. If it becomes nescessary the United Protectrates Navy will deploy to ensure the safety of the ships and their personnal.
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Post by Dahak »

From: Gladsheim Foreign Affairs Ministry
To: All Nations
Subject: Medical supplies and transport

The Grand Empire will, of course, be helping as well and will be sending medical supplies to this conflict.
As a gesture of our good will, it would result in dire consequences should one of our transports be shot upon.
We allow the Draconis Empire, should it so request, to inspect the transports should they doubt our humanitarian efforts.
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Post by Dahak »

Gladsheim Prime

The Ragnarok swallowed out of its last leg of the journey exactly in the orbital translation zone. The fixed defenses and all systems have known it would arrive then and there beforehand, of course, so no alarm was raised.
The massive ship laid in a course with an elegance belieing its mass. It dived into the planet's atmosphere and after several kilometers of decent docked at Aesir Fleet base.

Crown Prince Jorm and his companion walked off board as soon as the docking process was complete.
He was greeted by a full detachment of Imperial Black Guards snapping to attention.
Dachlan beside him was still staring with mouth hanging wide open at all this new things.
A very tall general stepped forward. He had told everyone to use their voices around Dachlan. He thought it was highly impolite to be not speaking around him.
"Welcome home, your Imperial Highness," he deeply bowed. "I hope you had a pleasant trip?"
"Yes, General Sigbjörnsen. Though you know this reception was unnecessary."
"The Grand Empress insisted, your Highness."
"She has, hasn't she?" He turned around and his assistant stepped forward.
"Rachel, my belongings?"
"Have already been 'casted to your appartment."
"Wonderful. I think we'll be going as well. It has been a bit much for poor Dachlan here. He needs to rest."
"Very well, your Highness. Will you 'cast?"
"No," he shook his head. "We'll be taking the shuttle down. For one, it's an impressive thing to do, but also because he can't use the 'Caster, as you should know."
"Oh, yes. Forgot he's not registered..."

The tour to Imperial Plaza was as impressive as always. Dachlan was glued to the viewport as soon as the city slowly emerged from the clouds.
"That's...whoa. I mean, I have never seen anything like it. The scale... It's beautiful..."
"Yes, it is. And also my home. And yours now, if all things go as planned," he chuckled.
As they docked, they were already awaited by a small group of people.
"Your Highness," the leading one stepped forward. "If you would please follow us? Your mother wants to see the both of you."
"But I'd prefer to have a refreshment and -"
"Sorry, your mother was insistent."
Acknowledging the futility, he gave in and followed. That must have been the reason his mother didn't 'vise him before. A surprise.


When they entered the inner sanctum of his mother, she cordially smiled and walked over to them.
"Welcome home, son," she slightly hugged him. "I am sorry for this, but I wanted to see the one this fuss on Veitha was all about."
"Dachlan," he pointed at his mother, "this is my mother, Her Imperial Highness Grand Empress Elana." He turned to his mother. "And this is Dachlan Vardath of Veitha."
"Pleased to meet you, Mr. Vardath," she extended her hand.
Dachlan was confused, very nervous and it was obvious he hadn't had a clue what to do. So he just took her hand. "A pleasure, eh, your Highness."
"Ah well," she smiled. "I think we have to work on your manners."
"WHat? I-"
"Shhh, darling." he hushed him.
"So, Jorm, would you let me take your beloved for a short...interview. Alone?"
Dachlan looked wide-eyed at him, then at the empress. "What?"
"It's ok, dear," Jorm nodded to Dachlan. "She won't hurt you," he smiled.
Dachlan was led into a private chamber by his mother.
Wonder what she'll say afterwards...


After nearly an hour, they emerged out of the room. Dachlan seemed to be more relaxed and even smiled. He was also incredibly relieved to see Jorm again.
"If it is still your wish to be with him, I have no objections," his mother came straight to the point. "He's nice, intelligent, a bit shy maybe. Still, I can't sense anything bad in him."
Suddenly a group of three persons came into the room.
"Ah," she looked at the first of them, a COlonel of the Black Guard, the Empire's most elite force. "Colonel Verbedan, you'll be the head of security for this young man as of now," she pointed at Dachlan. "Chose your team as soon as possible."
"Yes, Your Highness," he bowed.
"Wha-" Dachlan tried to say but was cut short by the Empress.
"Ms. DeHaville," nodding at the second person, "you'll be his head of staff. Assemble a staff of your choosing as soon as possible. Introduce him into our customs, history, manners. If he is to be a part of the Imperial family, he better well act like it." Nodding at the tird person, she went on. "Mr. Hörgensson, pplease conduct the medical examinations. If he is to live here, he should be able to interact with the environment."
"Yes, your Highness. It might be difficult to do. He's not adjusted for it. But we might adapt his body well enough for it to work.
"Perfect. Do it." Turning back to Jorm and Dachlan, she just nodded. "Pleasure to see you. Now, I'll have a ball to plan. Urgent business, you know?" She hugged them both and then strode off, leaving a very puzzled Dachlan behind.
"What does that mean? I don't understand."
"It means your part of the family now. She wouldn't have done that if she didn't think you'D be a suitable partner for me."
"But if I didn't want you anymore?"
"I doubt she'd listen. Trust me, if she has decided, it will happen. It'S best to just lay low and wait for the stom to settle," he laughed. "But now we'll be going to my- our appartment."
Hand-in-hand, they walked out, followed by a sizeable entourage.
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

The Union will also send medical vessels (hospital ships and humanitarian aid) to the area of conflict. Any attack on them will be considered an act of aggression against the Union.
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
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Post by Beowulf »

Post Dated Check Loan

"Oni? We have a message from a potential client."

"Petey, I'm going on vacation."


"Yeah, a vacation, to sunny Varathrax."

"How wonderful, that's where the job is!"

"How did I guess..."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Stormbringer wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:Please show how we have decieved anyone? We made no secret of the declartion of war, the papers were available at our embassies the moment the vote was cast. It was a matter of public record.

As to alloowing them independance, we cannot do that until the fleet formerly stationed there has been stamped out of existence or captured, and once the last bit of resistance from ground troops is eradicated. We cannot have them fall to pirates the moment we leave, if we leave.

Once the planet is secure we will of course put the matter to a vote among the populace, if we lose the vote then they will be our protectorate, given full protection of our fleets, until such a time as they are capable of defending themselves.
TO: Draconis Republic
FROM: Asgard Foreign Office
RE: Tortugan Occupation

That is a patent mistruth. We were never informed nor did you make the proper notices to the galaxy at large. As such we remain solid in our condemnation of this occupation.

And the idea that a free vote can be conducted while your people maintain their illegal occupation is laughable. We will remain in opposition until the following conditions are met:

1) The peacekeeping force be an international body representing both Alliance and non-Alliance nations. This is a peaceful occupation, not an invasion.

2) The Tortugan referendums must take place only after they are capable of defending themselves. This will prevent them from being forced into a client state

This is all.
We can accept those conditions. However, under no circumstances will we allow Hajr or Vampire vessells or troops this close to our boarder. The planet is less than 6 lightyears from the edge of our direct holdings, and we cant be considered on friendly terms with either of those nations.

We also would wecome humanitarian aid from any nations other than the above two mentioned. Not to be disengenious, but we arent on friendly terms and are wary of spie, and vampires... well they just go without saying, they are friendly with the Hajr and well... sorry, they are vampires.

As any humanitarian vessels will be extremely close to our space, we expect them to go through inspection, and be armed only with defensive weaponry. Defensive weapons being defined anti-fighter and point defense weapons.
Last edited by Alyrium Denryle on 2004-08-10 03:09pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spyder »

You're watching the Hyperwave News Network

"Today in the Minmatar Republic, Voris Karovf resigned his position as acting head of state. Mr Karovf has been acting as the head of the Minmatar interim government for the past three days due to the removal of the former chancellor, vice chancellor and the opposition on charges of corruption. In a snap election Markus J W Spyder has now become the new Chancellor of the Minmatar Republic."

"Fellow Minmatar. There are going to be some changes. I will not tolerate any corruption in this government or the next. The greed stops here. Authorities have identified many key government officials responsible for degredation of our society. These men and women will be charged with high treason. It's time Minmatar got back on track."

"Later, Chancellor Spyder announced an increase in local security forces and measures designed to counteract illegal activity going on within the Minmatar territory. This is Cindy Hughs, HNN."
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Korrigal, Nashtar Star Cluster

Captain Russell got off the transport and marched briskly down the ramp, returning the salute of Sergeant Jacobs, who met him at the bottom. The sergeant fell into step behind him.

"When do we start trying out that armor, sir? The men are eager to find out how well it works."

"No time, Sergeant. We've gotten new orders. We're to ship out at once for Pinnacle, the entire platoon."

"Pinnacle, sir?"

"You'll see when we get there, Sergeant. We've got a mission. Equipment loadout is stealthsuits, silenced carbines, silenced pistols, stun grenades, det cord, knockout gas, gas masks, and a homing beacon. Get the men and requisition the equipment. We leave in four hours."

"Yes, sir," said a confused Sergeant Jacobs, tossing off a salute before heading towards the armory.

Nashtar, Nashtar Star Cluster

"The Republic of Nashtar condemns in the strongest terms the military coup against the lawfully elected democratic government of Ronogho. We call on General Trafglaror to step down forthwith and return the government to power. All Ronoghan commercial vessels will be allowed to return to Ronogho pending inspection to ensure that they are not carrying war material, but all future commercial cargo business to and from Ronogho will be inspected for war material and any found carrying such will not be allowed passage through our systems. That is all." President Major left the podium and walked briskly off of the press room stage, ignoring the shouted questions of reporters, which would be answered by a spokesman later.

Pinnacle, Nashtar Star Cluster

The convoy dropped out of hyperspace right on schedule. "Pinnacle Control, this is Captain Hrothnab of the SS Branagho, registered with Roantor Shipping. Our convoy is returning from Stormhold, United Protectorates with a cargo of computer equipment, over."

"Branagho, this is Sergeant Beckman, Pinnacle Control. Heave to and prepare to receive inspectors."


"Your government was overthrown in a military coup yesterday, Hrothnab. We have to inspect all inbound Ronoghan ships."


"I thought that would be your reaction. I'm sorry, but the orders come from the top."

"Helmsman, all stop. Tell the convoy to do the same. Sergeant, just what happened?"

"I don't have time to tell you. Ask the inspectors when they arrive, or just turn on the news. Its the top story on every station in the cluster. I have other business to attend to, my friend. Best of luck to you. Control out."

A Customs corvette arrived a moment later and docked with the freighter. The airlock was pressurized and opened without delay. Captain Hrothnab went to the docking ring to meet the inspectors himself, but to his surprise the first man out of the airlock was not in a Customs uniform, but rather that of a colonel in the Republican Marines. "Captain Hrothnab, I presume?"

"Yes sir, I am."

"Permission to come aboard, Captain?"


The colonel stepped out of the airlock, followed by Customs inspectors who headed straight for the cargo holds. "May I speak with you privately, Captain?"

"Yes..." said Hrothnab guardedly, not sure what was coming next. "My office is this way."

The two men, Ronoghan captain and Zambaran colonel, walked the short distance to the captain's office. Hrothnab motioned the Zambaran to sit, but he declined. Hrothnab sat behind his desk.

"Sergeant Beckman in the control center speaks very highly of you, Captain, which is why I'm here. I take it you do not approve of this coup on your planet?"

"No," snarled Hrothnab, rubbing the claws on his right hand together. "I'm seriously considering not going back. I won't be ruled by a dictator."

"Beckman said you'd say that. If you could help restore the civilian government to power, would you do it?"

"In a heartbeat," growled the captain. Given his species' heart rate, that was saying something.

"Then you will go back to Ronogho, and act like you are not overly concerned about the government, a spacer who gets to ply his trade no matter who's in power."

"And how will that help?"

"That depends on whether you're willing to carry back more than what's on your manifest."

"What do you mean?"

"We need to get people onto Ronogho, but General Trafglaror has barred all Republic shipping from making planetfall, under threat of force. The navy will not follow his orders, but the commanders of the planetary defense batteries are believed to be loyal to him, or at least loyal enough to help repel foreigners. We need you to take about forty men into the capital spaceport. They'll take it from there."

Hrothgar sat back, stunned. "What will they do if I do this?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that."

"I see. And if I refuse?"

"If you refuse, then we'll have to impound your ship for the duration. We can't risk a busted mission. Neither you nor your crew would be harmed or uncomfortably quartered, but we could not take the risk."

The captain weighed his options. He instinctively recoiled from assisting a foreign invasion of his home planet -- "Traitor!" his mind screamed at him -- but wasn't treason what had brought his planet to this pass? Would it be treason to correct and counter treason? He made his decision.

"I'll do it. But," he interrupted the colonel's impending reply, holding up a clawed finger, "I'm not doing this for the Republic of Nashtar, you, or even my crew. I'm doing it for my home."

"I understand. The, uh, inspections will delay your convoy for some hours, I'm afraid. Unfortunately, this means that you'll have to land late, in the middle of the night." The Zambaran chuckled, his fangs showing a bit at the corners of his downward-facing mouth. "So sorry."

It was easier now that the decision was made. Hrothnab's ears stood on end as he returned the smile. "Quite all right, Colonel. When will your men arrive?"

"They'll be here in a couple hours. Your freighter wasn't chosen just because of you, Captain. One of the containers in your hold is destined for a software company located about a kilometer from the government complex, on the executive side. That container will have its contents... substituted. We've ensured that it will be delivered to its destination when you land, courtesy of a rush delivery request from the head of R&D at the company. A request that he knows nothing about, of course."

"I understand. We'll unload the container and go right on about our business."

"Exactly. You're getting the hang of this. Thank you, Captain. You're doing your people a great service. If you'll excuse me, I'm needed back on planet." He turned and walked back to the airlock, leaving the freighter captain to contemplate his decision.
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