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Post by frigidmagi »

To: Chancellor Spyder
From: Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews

I would like to extend my personnal congratuations upon winning your election and moral support in cleaning up your government. The United Protectrates stand ready to open diplomatic relations at your convinence.
The government by Act of Congress has also extented it willingness to aide you if nescessary.

I wish you sucess and Good Luck
Sir Joshua Mattews.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Hudson System
Ouster Occupation Region, Rimwards Edge of Known Space

Elanie's eyes slid across the latest report, and she cursed. A new leader rising to power in Minmatar. The former great power had been a cornerstone of the Hajr's illicit weapons smuggling, and it's lawless nature had allowed BIC puppets to buy billions of Combine credits worth of weapons for shipment to the Covenant mujahdeen.

This did not bode well at all. This Spyder's aims and goals were clearly pointed at cleaning out the corruption that had given the Blackeyes such free range in the Freehold.

He would need to be either suborned, marginalized, or simply eliminated. There were substanstial Hajr intelligence assets throughout the region, and a number of Minmatar politicians were pocket-toys to the Basque Industrial Conglomorate. Elanie beckoned an orderly. She would have to set wheels in motion against this new annoyance.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Encrypted Transmission

To: Chancellor Spyder
From: Zenith Defense Systems

Greetings and salutations,

We here at Zenith Defense Systems care about your people and your protection. We have the finest point defense, homse security, and shielding systems in the galaxy, and offer them to you at low low prices.

Now that we have the morally obligatory sales pitch out of th way, lets get to the chase. We admire your attempt to stamp out corruption in your nation, as you are well aware your nations policies were perfect for less then reputable business deals that placed much shame on capitalism in general. We are willing to help you. Your job is fraut with danger and there may be elements in your government, and those of other governments which seek to do you harm. We will offer you any aid that you may require in order to keep yourself safe free of charge. Home security/shielding systems with independant power supplies EMP hardened, Guard Droids hardened against EMP, personal shielding systems. All of it is yours if you request it.

~~ Zenith Defense Systems Board of Directors.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Spyder »

Undisclosed location, Minmatar territory.

"Gentlemen, I'm glad to see you all made it. Now shall we get down to business?" Asked the Minmatar representative.

"Priate fleet?" Asked the Blackeye representative. "What the hell are they doing here?"

There were nine people in the room. Three from the Blackeyes, three from the pirate fleet, two Minmatar bodyguard and one lacky of the corrupt authority.

"We're just here to collect what's ours. We're not looking for any trouble but if that's what you..."

"That's quite enough." The Minmatar rep commanded. "Back to the topic, we have some new infantry supression hardware that I'm sure you'll all find very impressive. Also, how would you like to be the proud owner of a Sekhmet class dreadnaught?"

"You can get a dreadnaught?"

"As long as you've got the credits I can get you anything."

The Pirate fleet looked to the upper balcony. "Did anyone else hear that?"

Suddenly a high calibre round pierced his cranium, there were two large explosions as vessels docked with the station were both destroyed by fire from a nearby Minmatar warship. The pirate's corpse sprawled to the floor. The remaining men reached for their sidearms but it was too late. During their discussion Minmatar soldiers had taken up position on the upper balcony. Hails of gunfire rained from above, the men on the ground writhed in agony as each microshell tore through flesh and bone.

After the firing stoped the ground level doors opened and more soldiers filed in. One walked up to the Blackeye representative, who was busy trying to crawl away in a pool of his own blood. The soldier drew his sidearm, aimed at his head and squeezed the trigger. He then did the same for the Minmatar representative.

"Remove the bodies, incinerate them, clearn the area, replace the floor panels."

The Minmatar forces left the station with no sign that anyone was there.

Later, in a communication from the political offices.

"No, your blackeyes never arrived. I haven't heard back from my boys either. According to the sensor logs there was a Priate ship in the area, which dissapeared around the same time the meeting was scheduled to take place, perhaps we should ask them."
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Post by Thirdfain »

New Michigan
Former North American Union

Jarid su Umbriel sat down in the safe-house, moving with a grace which belied his years living in zero-g. He examined the men and women in the room with him- two intelligence cell operatives, and a Blackeyes assassin. Comfortable outside of Minmatar territory, they were some of the guiding forces behind the infiltrators and overt BIC operations in the Minmatar Freehold.

"Now, Kusha, explain it to me one more time."

The ageing woman spread her hands.

"Three of the middlemen we placed between our office on Matar and one of our pocket politicians disappeared yesterday, in what looks to me like a covert government operation in the station. They were called in to talk to Mr. Holmes- that's our man, he's a major functionary in their department of trade, and they never returned. Holmes is missing."

Jarid nodded.

"Is the government looking for Holmes? He's an important man, with a lot of allies. He wouldn't just disappear. Dayn?"

The other Ouster shook his head.

"Stonewalled there as well, Jarid. The government is investigating, but it doesn't look complete enough. I think someone might be trying to clean house. I had one of our deep covers, a freighter captain, come through the station as soon as I got word. Two of the docks at the place were demolished."

Jarid shook his head.

"I smell foul play. This new honcho, Spyder... I think he's ruthless. Dayn, Kusha- delve into this. I want agents on the station, and I want to know what happened. Keep this hands-off."

He gestured to the third Ouster, who bore the violent look of a professional killer.

"Hyrina, your people aren't needed yet. I think this may have been a hit, either by our opponents in the Minmatar government, or by this Spyder character. We'll keep your talents in our pockets until later."

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

From: The Foreign Minister of the Union
To: The Chancellor of Minmatar

We is interested in exchanging diplomats and opening relations with you. Is this reasonable?
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
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"Then I'll try to make my lies more opaque..." -- Gul Darhe'el (DS9: Duet)
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Post by Bugsby »

Press Release:

The governments of Sparta 5 and Sparta 6 wish to make it known that our worlds will no longer be known as Sparta 5 and Sparta 6. We feel this is a lingering sign of Krynor repression that we are named after the order in which the Krynor discovered planets in our system. We are now free and independent nations. From this moment on, Sparta 5 will be known as Aries, and Sparta 6 will be known as Minerva. Thank you.
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-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Pinnacle Orbit, Nashtar Star Cluster

The C-420 emerged from hyperspace and immediately moved towards the waiting freighter to dock. A moment later, Marines were moving equipment through the docking ring.

“Captain Hrothnab? I’m Captain Marco Russell, Republican Marines.” He stepped out of the way as two privates brought down a box of explosives and went towards the number 2 cargo hold. Hrothnab looked nervously at the crate as it receded down the corridor. “I want to thank you for taking us in, sir.”

“If it helps to restore my planet to democracy, then it’s no trouble at all. Just make sure your men don’t break anything important and please stay out of my crew’s way, will you?”

“Don’t worry, sir. We know how to operate on ships. We’ll just find an out of the way place and stay there.”

“Good. The container you’ll be using should be empty already. You can set up in there as you like. We get underway in twenty minutes.” Another crate came down the ramp.

“That should be the last of our equipment, Captain. It’s a liner for the inside of the container, designed to block scans for life signs. We use the same material in our stealth suits to dampen scans, but this’ll make sure.”

“As you wish. I’m just driving the truck, Captain Russell. I don’t need to know everything about how the stuff in the back works.”

Russell chuckled. “Yeah, true. I’m heading back, won’t see you again for the rest of the mission unless something really goes wrong. Smooth sailing.”

“Best of fortune, Captain.” Russell saluted, then turned and went aft. Hrothnab stepped forward to the bridge.

“Drothyab, warm up the engines. We go back to Ronogho in fifteen minutes.”

“Aye, sir,” acknowledged the helmsman.

#2 Cargo Bay, SS Branagho

Sergeant Jacobs and Lieutenant Northrop snapped to attention as Captain Russell strode into the ship’s second hold. Russell returned the salute. “We’ve almost got the sensor shielding in place, sir,” said Northrop as Jacobs turned back to barking orders at the men. Most of them were sitting outside the cargo container, cleaning and oiling weapons. Two were cutting grenade fuses; very few Special Ops grenadiers thought that the manufacturers got them right, and each liked his own time to blast a little different. The liner detail got done and launched right into stowing gear without missing a beat. Meanwhile, Russell sat down with his platoon leaders over a portable holographic map table.

“This is the Ronoghan main government complex. The presidential palace is here, across this wooded park from the Senate chambers, here. The two buildings mark either end of the complex, with various governmental agency buildings lining either side of the central park.” Russell turned a knob on the table’s side, and the view zoomed out to encompass an area of the surrounding city. Moving a slide, he placed a building about a kilometer away into the view. Also brought into focus was the army base. “This,” he said, pointing at the building and causing it to pulse red, “is our insertion area. The container will be dropped off here. This,” he said, moving the pointer north, “is the army base from which our friend General Trafglaror launched his coup. The Senate is being held here in the officers’ quarters. The Ronoghan President is being held in the presidential mansion’s residential area along with his family.

“We will leave the container at about 1 am local. I will take Squad One along these streets, sticking to the alleys as much as possible. Squad Two under Lieutenant Northrop will accompany me. Our objective is the presidential mansion. We have word that General Trafglaror works late into the night in the office wing, as can be expected of someone trying to cement a dictatorial government. Squad One will attack the office wing to seize Trafglaror while Squad Two breaks into the residential wing to extract President Rhaglaros. Both platoons are to get as far as possible without alerting anyone. Use knockout gas as needed to take out rooms of guards quickly. Once we have seized the objectives, we will egress through the rear of the mansion and into the park.

“Lieutenant Roberts with Squad Three will circle to the north, again staying out of sight as much as possible. Their task is to get into the central park and use detonator cord to blast a quick LZ out of the trees. Ideally, no one will notice the squad’s presence until after we’re out of the mansion and they blast the LZ.

“Any reinforcement from the army base is likely to come down the main thoroughfare, here,” he continued, indicating a wide street running past the base and the front of the Senate building. “Lieutenant Vrazna with Squad Four will take up positions here,” he said, indicating a point about halfway between the base and the capitol, “to disrupt reinforcement. The squad has been issued R-63 rocket launchers and mines to deal with armored vehicles and troop columns.” The Zambaran Vrazna grinned evilly at that. “You are to use shoot and move tactics to avoid return fire, and fall back to the government complex for extraction. Fall back when ordered or if you manage to clog the street with enough debris to prevent rapid advancement by the enemy.

“We will be pulled from the LZ blasted by Squad Three by a C-420. Ronogho has no planetary shields, but each major city, including the capital, is covered by a theater shield. Rogue Squadron is going to change that.” Lieutenant Northrop’s eyebrows shot up at that. “Don’t ask me how they plan on getting under the shield before it’s raised, but Command seemed confident enough.”

New Berlin AFB, Pinnacle, Nashtar Star Cluster

The pilots of Rogue Squadron, the Republic’s do-everything fighter/bomber unit permanently assigned to no fleet command or NAF wing, sat in the briefing room facing the NAF briefing officer. They quieted down as the colonel switched on the holographic projector and turned to face the pilots. “Gentlemen, today’s mission is to Ronogho,” he began as the projector brought up an image of the planet. “Your mission is to take out the shield generators protecting the capital city. Your fighters will be armed with…” He looked out as one pilot lifted a hand. “Yes, Lieutenant Northwood?”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, sir, but aren’t the generators inside the shield they generate? How are we going to get at them without the shields being raised? Ask nicely?”

“Sit down, Nine,” said his wingman, Flight Officer Ferrier.

“Hey Ten, how’d you like to go polish your missiles, seeing how you’re not getting to use them this mission if you keep that up?”

“Sit down, Nine,” snapped Commander Hudson.

“Yes, sir,” answered Rogue 9, dropping back into his seat.

“Well, it is a fair question, and the next thing on the briefing,” interjected the colonel as the view of Ronogho zoomed in on the capital city. “The admiral of the Ronoghan navy has refused to go along with the army’s coup, and has ordered the ships of the fleet to abandon their posts rather than follow a dictator’s orders. Almost all have obeyed. As you know, the Ronoghan navy uses fighter craft of our design, including F/A-210s. You will pose as Rafagho Squadron, an F/A-210 squadron from their hybrid carrier/cruiser Bunatro, and claim that you took the opportunity of your first patrol assignment to return to your duty, and Commander Hudson will claim to have important information that he must give to General Trafglaror immediately. This should result in your being directed to land at Grajorar Aerospace Force Base at the capital. You will, of course, deviate from your landing pattern once inside the shield boundary and make for the shield generator station, here. Once there, you will destroy it. This is to make way for a C-420 to pick up a Special Forces team from the city, which will just have completed its job. You may be tasked to provide close air support for the extraction, but most troops in the capital are expected to be heading the other way, to counter an Army landing which we will make to the west of the city, or at least pretend to. In reality, the landing transports will not offload troops, but they will land in the standard assembly-area pattern. The Ronoghans can’t miss it; they’ve seen it in our joint exercises too often. They’ll move their troops to repel what they will think is an imminent large-scale attack, and by the time they realize the ruse it will be too late. Your last task will be to provide air cover for the escaping C-420. Once it is safely away, you will land on NRS Discovery for debriefing. She will be in system heading up a task force from Second Fleet. You are to avoid damage to civilian buildings as much as possible. Hit only your assigned targets. One Flight is to provide air superiority, while Two Flight hits the generators. Three Flight will be given a mixed weapons load for CAS and air superiority as needed. Any questions?”

“How are we going to pose as Ronoghans? It’s not like we sound like them at all.”

“Techs are out with your fighters now, refitting the transmitters with voice modulators to make you sound Ronoghan. They are also repainting your fighters to look like Ronoghan naval craft.”

“What exactly are we providing cover for, sir?”

“You’re getting out a Special Forces team on the ground for an espionage assignment. They are fitting a government and military communications nexus with monitoring bugs. Are there any other questions?” There were none. “Then get to your fighters. Time is short.”

Pinnacle, Nashtar Star Cluster

The Ronoghan convoy jumped out of the system towards Ronogho, their two destroyer escorts impounded for carrying military equipment. They would arrive within the hour.

Oro System, Nashtar Star Cluster

First Battle Group, Second Fleet formed up around the NRS Discovery. The Defender pulled up alongside the carrier’s starboard side, light from the system’s sun glinting off of its armor as the battleship cruised silently through the void. Dalton and Constantine took up position off of the carrier’s port side, one cruiser off the port bow and the other directly to port. The Anvil floated above the carrier, missiles primed for use when the battle group reached its destination. The Gawaine took up position aft, and a sphere of frigates and destroyers surrounded the larger ships. Troop transports hovered within the protective circle of the escorts, aft of the capital ships. Admiral Barclay stood with his hands clasped behind his back as he surveyed the viewscreen at the front of the bridge. “Helm, Conn. Set course for Ronogho, delay execution for forty minutes.”

“Aye, sir.”

Pinnacle, Nashtar Star Cluster

“Rogues, form up. We jump in thirty seconds. Report in.”

“Rogue Two standing by.”

“Rogue Three standing by.”

“Rogue Four standing by.”

“Rogue Five standing by.”

“Rogue Six standing by.”

“Rogue Seven standing by.”

“Rogue Eight standing by.”

“Rogue Nine standing by.”

“Rogue Ten standing by.”

“Rogue Eleven standing by.”

“Rogue Twelve standing by.”

“Rogues, check IFF transponders, make sure they’re set to squawk Ronoghan naval friendly and activate voice modulators.”

A chorus of ayes came through the channel, about half already speaking in the gravelly tone of the Ronoghans.

The fighters jumped to hyperspace a heartbeat later.

Fleet Command, Nashtar, Nashtar Star Cluster

Admiral Blessinger looked at the holographic star chart of the star cluster, and the moving icons representing the various elements of the operation. “The board is set,” said the Fleet Admiral, “and the pieces are moving.” Captain Corven just stood by in silence.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Spyder »

The Minmatar are prepared to receive diplomatic envoys from the United Protectorates and the Union.

"Chancellor, we've arrested another five more members of the administration on corruption charges. They're all being put through the mind probe now. If there are any foreign insurgents still on Matar it's only a matter of time before they're found."

"Excellent, I want a full report when they're done. While you're at it, tell Ed to pay me a visit. Also, send a purchase order through to Zenith, I think a little increased security around here would do some good."
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Post by Thirdfain »

New Michigan
Former North American Union

Jarid grumbled.

"I'm getting tired of these emergency sessions. Kusha what in the name of the breathstealer is going on?"

The corporate representative frowned.

"Five of our plants disappeared yesterday, including our main man in the Senate. These were open arrests, Jarid. The government is moving against us."

Jarid shook his head.

"That can't be. We have too many people in positions of power."

"It's this Chancellor Spyder. The man's a goddamn master of political intrigue. He sniffed our people out in a matter of days- I suspect he's been planning this for a while. The police and military are in his goddamn pocket. The judicial system as well. He doesn't have the whole senate behind him, and the media is out of his grasp, still- but his rise has been meteoric."

Jarid sat back, and thought for a moment.

"Alright, we'll take this to court. A blitz cleanup session like he runs is liable to amke a few mistakes. I want media coverage of the arrests. Let's try to paint this in a good light for the public; after all, these people were just doing legitimate business."

He grinned.

"Kusha, I want resistance on the next arrest. Don't let them take anyone easy. I want you to keep an eye out, if they pounce on anyone you think we can take through court, tell me. I want each of those arrests fought in court, got it? The place is still nominally a democracy, and that's a weakness."

He turned to the man.

"Dayn, let's hear the scoop on the BK12 Station incident."

"It's confusing as fuck, sir. We got an inside link, one of our operatives corrupted the junior watch officer. Turns out they were attacked, two vessels killed in their berths by railgun fire."

"Did you get the vessel's names?"

"Yeah, one was the Sunset Cruise, chartered by the RimTech Inc. office on Matar- our people. The other was the Westerner, an independent shuttle craft. We're still looking in to who she was owned by."

Jarid made the gesture of assent.

"Good. I want those both tied up, have your people delve into it. I want as many people in the region questioned as possible. Tramp freighters, dock hands, I want to know who the Westerner belonged to, and who shot her down."

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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Post by Dahak »

Gladsheim Prime

<<So, what is the status of our research projects?>> Admiral Farshaw asked, currently honing his tennis skills.
<<As you know, the compensator research is completetd, and most ships have received the update. In full test, even the Ragnarok got a 16.1% increase in acceleration,>> the Sub-Consensus for ship design answered. <<As promised, we could increases the range for capital missiles by another 2 light minutes, and managed to tweak another half light minute out of the Hauptmann-coil missiles. They have already entered construction.>>
<<Wonderful,>> he said, still marvelling his backhand swing. <<Fighters?>>
<<Also a success. The new strikefighters are almost 50% smaller than the previous designs, now that me managed to exchange the grav drives with Hauptmann coils. Meaning we can increase the fighter strength of our carriers by an estimated 30-40%. They're able to use the same launch and recovering systems, and we can put them into the bays. Though a slight decreases in recovering efficiency is to be expected.>>
<<I guess Admiral Tjoerhom will be overjoyed to hear that.>>
<<Yes, she made clear that this would be of great value to hear.>>
<<That leaves...?>>
<<We experimented on our gravitonic warheads. It's so-so. We managed to increase the power by 34% with the Mark XVI. Though the research of the XVII had some severe set backs.>>
<<I heard about it...>>
<<The research and testing facility on moon X63t4-Beta is still being rebuilt on the neighbouring asteroid, and the research crew will be having their new bodies tonorrow.>>
<<Quite impressive explosion, actually.>>
<<Well, yes. I have to admit the aesthetical value of it was tremendous.>>
<<And about Project Sump?>>
<<Proceeding as planned. Once research and planning is finished, we can begin the construction and testing. We can guard the inner system within mere weeks afterwards. The outer perimeter will take longer than that, even if we use the highest possible setting.>>
<<And it will clearly disrupt this hyperspace travelling?>>
<<As observed, this Hyperspace travel is quite sensitive to gravitic distortions in real space. Modyifiny our patterning nodes to permanently produce the gravitic forces for our swallow maneuvres without actually opening up a wormhole is the critical point so far, but I am positive...>>
<<Wonderful. Anything left?>>
<<Only minor things. But I can download them to you for mental integration later.>>
<<Yes, do so.>>
<<I will do so. And congratulations on your play. It improved quite a bit. Still I don't know what you have with this archaic sport.>>
<<Archaic, ha! I still have to beat this Ravenlock representative. Curse him for introducing me to this...>>
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Verling Station, Nashtar Colonial Space

The convoy was bound for Draconis space, carrying a cargo of medical supplies and military arms. Its escort of four destroyers, consisting of the Regulus, Sirius, Arcturus, and Rigel, formed up around the eight freighters, joined by two squadrons of F/A-210s. With the hardly unexpected news of massive convoy raids by the pirates driven out of New Tortuga, the convoy’s route was a closely guarded secret.

Nashtar Shipping Authority Building, Maeglos, Nashtar Star Cluster

George Adams left his office in the convoy routing department much later than usual, a result of working late on rerouting important convoys away from routes that had been attacked on a large scale. Mentioning a need to unwind to the bored security guard at the front desk, he left the building and walked the short distance to the Roaring Red Lion, a faux-British pub that mostly served tourists, but also attracted its fair share of locals since it actually did manage to serve good food and drink despite being geared towards attracting tourists. He nodded to the barkeep and took a seat in a poorly lit booth in the back corner, where he ordered a pint of Murphy’s. He was soon joined by a second man, who bought ale.

“Do you have it,” asked the second man in a low voice. He did not whisper; whispers attract attention where a low-voiced conversation does not.

“Right here,” answered Adams in a similar tone, sliding a data disk onto the table, but keeping his hand on it. “Route for a convoy bringing medical supplies and military-grade explosives to the Dracs. Sixth Fleet must be stretched thin; there are only four destroyers and two fighter squadrons assigned to the convoy. They’re relying on an unconventional route for their safety.” The other man’s eyes glinted in the dim light.

“What do you want for it?”

“I’d say 250,000. This could really help you, and I’m risking a lot to give it to you.”

“You want 250 grand for one convoy? Not worth that much. We can take enough convoys without your help. 50,000 credits, and that’s generous.”

“Not at the risk I’m going to. We’re not talking about a freighter of commercial circuit boards. This is military grade stuff we’re talking about here. If I get caught on this, I’m looking at a treason charge. It’s too much risk for so little. 200,000.”

“I’ll give you that, but your price is still too high. I don’t think it’ll make all that much of a difference if it gets through to the Dracs, and we might just catch it on our own. 75,000.”

“I don’t think you quite comprehend what I’m telling you about. Eight Mammoth class freighters, three filled with medical supplies and the other five carrying mortars, shells, detonators, detonator cord, and commando-grade plastic explosive. You realize what the last three will be used for on Tortuga if it gets there, don’t you? Our explosives industry is among the best in Known Space. There won’t be much that Draconic squads won’t be able to blast their way into with this stuff. 175,000.”

“I’ll give you that, but the planet will fall sooner or later anyway with or without this. 100,000.”

“You want the Dracs to have as hard of a time as possible, don’t you? This’ll make it easier on them if they have it. Besides, wouldn’t you like to have this stuff for your own use? Think of the applications! Who needs to take minutes cutting through an armored airlock door when you can send it hurtling inwards to crush whoever’s unfortunate enough to be covering the hatch in a matter of seconds? 150,000.”

A tooth glinted in the semi-darkness. “An appealing idea, I must admit. 125,000 credits, final offer.”

“You have a deal.”

“Good. Here’s your payment,” said the other man, punching commands and codes into an account control card. “Should I put it in the usual account?”



Adams pulled out his miniature computer and quickly checked the numbered account to confirm that the transfer had indeed taken place. It had. “Here’s your disk,” he said, sliding it across the table. The other man took it.

“Thank you, Mr. Adams. It’s been a pleasure doing business with you.”

“The pleasure is all mine. I’ll take the tab. Good evening,” responded Adams, rising to go pay for their drinks at the bar.

They left two minutes apart, going in different directions. Both left satisfied, the pirate because he’d paid less than he thought he’d have to, and George Adams of Nashtar Republic Intelligence because his contact had taken the bait.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Thirdfain wrote:Elanie beckoned an orderly. She would have to set wheels in motion against this new annoyance.
A news agency photograph was delivered to Elanie--care of the Speaker for the Hajr. It was Spyder, his face had been crossed out and a question mark drifted next to his head. The note was signed "A."


"What a stink, eh?" one of the investigators said.

The other dabbed a odor-neutralizing gel beneath his nostrils, "The guards got to her the day after. I think she's only been dead 20 hours. It's just that her bowels let go when her brain did. Have some respect, Jacobi. She was one of the most important members of the council not two days ago."

"What are we here for, Errol? It's open and shut," Jacobi said, "she gets up for a drink of water last night, get's a massive aneurysm."

"She used to be important enough for somebody to kill. We're here to officially confirm she died of natural causes. It's that aneurysm that bothers me. That stuff isn't supposed to happen any more."

"Medical science aside, the councilwoman was sixty-five years old. A body is only supposed to last fifty years before it burns out. Failures like this happen all the time to the extremely elderly."

"Have some imagination, Jacobi. It happened right at the shift change for the guards, by my watch."

"Coincidence. And how would an assassin get in? The door log says it wasn't opened all night. Did he walk through the wall? And when he got inside, how would he cause the aneurysm? Reach inside her skull and tweak the blood vessels? No. Open and shut."

"Yeah... you're right. Get the corpus delicti ready to go to the autopsy factory," Errol ordered.



Jacobi smiled, "The old broad is going straight to ashes, orders from above. No autopsy. Why should we need one anyway? Natural causes, obviously."

"Yeah, I guess," Errol said, just as his comm rang. He grabbed it from his belt. "What is it? Huh? Be right there."

Jacobi looked up from the corpse, "What was that?"

"Another council member. This one put a pistol in his mouth and blew the top of his head off," Errol said doubtfully.
"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
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Post by admiral_danielsben »

To: The Minmatar
From: The Union

A diplomatic frigate, with two corvette escorts, is set to bring our first diplomatic mission, with intent to form an embassy. Is this reasonable?
"Certain death, small chance of sucess, what are we waiting for?" Gimli, son of Gloin
"Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first." - Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)
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Post by Spyder »

To: The Union

Your diplomatic vessels have been granted permission to enter Minmatar territory.
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Post by frigidmagi »

To: Minmater Republic
From: United Protectrates State Office

A Mark class destroyer will be arriving in 2 days with our ambassdor and staff. We are perpared to recieve your representive at any time.
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Post by Spyder »

frigidmagi wrote:To: Minmater Republic
From: United Protectrates State Office

A Mark class destroyer will be arriving in 2 days with our ambassdor and staff. We are perpared to recieve your representive at any time.
Permission granted. As for our representative, we are currently in the process of selecting adequate representation due to internal issues. We will send someone soon.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

From: Draconsis Republic State Department
To:Minmater republic
RE: Ambassador Exchange

We request permission to exchange ambassadors in order to strengthen relations between our people.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

[OOC: Jumpin' on the ol' bandwagon... Sort of. :wink: You people forget that Minmatar didn't just make first contact yesterday...]

To: Minmatar Ministry of State
From: State Department, Republic of Nashtar
RE: Ambassador

Greetings on behalf of the Republic of Nashtar. In the interests of relations with your new administration, we would like to formally inquire and ensure that our ambassador is recognized by Chancellor Spyder and is under diplomatic immunity. There were some notable problems with that under the old administration, and we would like to improve relations as much as possible.

Minister of State Victor Godunov, Republic of Nashtar
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Spyder »

Rogue 9 wrote:[OOC: Jumpin' on the ol' bandwagon... Sort of. :wink: You people forget that Minmatar didn't just make first contact yesterday...]

Was actually wondering about that...we can assume some of the ambassadors shut down their embassies for whatever reason.

No one's on Minmatar's shitlist yet so in the interest of not clogging this place up with "we wish to establish relations with you" assume that your ambassadors are welcome if they're not here yet.
To: Minmatar Ministry of State
From: State Department, Republic of Nashtar
RE: Ambassador

Greetings on behalf of the Republic of Nashtar. In the interests of relations with your new administration, we would like to formally inquire and ensure that our ambassador is recognized by Chancellor Spyder and is under diplomatic immunity. There were some notable problems with that under the old administration, and we would like to improve relations as much as possible.

Minister of State Victor Godunov, Republic of Nashtar
He has been allowed full diplomatic priviledges.
Draconis wrote: We request permission to exchange ambassadors in order to strengthen relations between our people.
Granted. We will send our ambassador once certain internal issues are resolved.
Last edited by Spyder on 2004-08-14 06:57am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Stormhold, Kincaid Research Complex

Fleet Admiral Andersen and Admiral Donovin walked down the featureless corridor, they were deep in the bowels of the planet. The complex was deeper than any of the cities or massive factories of Stormhold and of course, it did not exist.

"The boys looking into the Kincaid Project are still digging through the basics, lucky one of my agents found a primer on the science behind it, but it's still going to be a while, a long while until we see anything from it. So since we had this perfectly good complex geared to toward keeping everything secert and toward research, I figured why not use all of it?" Donovin, the head of NID, said.

"So how many projects do we have down here now?" Fleet Admiral Andersen asked, his tone was deceptly mild. Donovin had exceeded his authority, something that made both the Fleet Admiral and the Lord Protector edgey. It was not a good thing for the Head of NID to make both the Chief of Operations and the Lord Protector nervous at his actions. Such men usually did not find themselves amoung the living for long.

"36." Donovin said, covering his nervousness well. He was a born actor, part of the reason he had made a good spy. This had been pre-contact however, so his talents had been used watching the House Lords for signs of rebellion.

They entered a larger corridor this one had windows made from layers of clear plastic. Various large rooms were shown, workshops, study rooms and testing rooms. The Fleet Admiral stopped at one of the testing rooms inside a number of techs and sciencist were clustered around a small device that looked like a missle pod. He looked over at Donovin with a raised eyebrow.

"It's a model for a mutli-launch pod. They believe that they can get 3, 9 missle volleys out of it. They're also trying to make it the control unit for single launch pods, which would increase the number of pods that a single ship could use."

"Ah, how are they doing?"

"They think they can have a full scale model up for military testing in 2 months, same with the military grade energy weapons. We brought the warp torpedos from the White Sun's to, it's going to be longer, unless their sciencist get here." Donovin said.

"Ah. Let us continue our tour then, Admiral."
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Post by frigidmagi »

Hyper Space

There was a long running arguement over just what Hyperspace was. Was it one of the extra demensions implied by the mathmatics of string theory? A parallel universe where time and space were compressed? It was generally agreed that first hand observation was misleading by all parties involved, not that Ambassador Sir Jason Dover cared.

The hologram in front of him showed a a simulation of the sensor readings from the ship, the Mark Class Destoryer Outrider. It showed a rolling sea of chaos, a field of pure energy ravening against the shields. It was beautful and terrorifing. Awesome in a way nothing in void could be.

The Mark class was traveling with the 9th Crusier group, who was escorting a convoy to White Sun territory. The convoy carried hyperspace engines, shield generators and the sciencist and techs to aide the upgrades and teach the understanding needed.

"Sir we're reaching the drop point. The Captain wanted you to know." A young Lt reported. Sir Dover nodded in response. Here the Mark class would leave the Crusier Group and head into Minmater space, when the UP had made contact with the Galaxy at large, several nations had begun formal relations, Minmater had not been one of them. Occuiped first by the need to cement the Alliance and then by crisis after crisis, the UP had not spent the effort need to estblish such relations with Minmater, who had been seen has to corrupt, to far and later to close in to the Ousters. With the election of this new leader however, that might change.

The Outrider dropped into Real Space, popularly called void. It was right outside Minmatar territory. It began to transmit.

"Minmatar Republic, this is United Protectrates Naval Ship Outrider. We are carrying Ambassador Sir Dover and staff, request permission to enter."
Last edited by frigidmagi on 2004-08-14 02:14am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Spyder »

A deep voice responded over the link. "Minmatar border authority. Outrider; clearance to proceed to Matar has been granted."
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Post by frigidmagi »

Spyder wrote:A deep voice responded over the link. "Minmatar border authority. Outrider; clearance to proceed to Matar has been granted."
"Understood Minmatar border authority. Outrider is moving out."
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Post by Murazor »

Planet Home, Hall of the Council.

"The times of isolationism are over, I have said many times. And yet, you refuse to acknowledge reality. We have allied ourselves with the United Protectorates and we might still reach an agreement with the Nashtar Republic. You seem to have forgotten that the Ousters are in our backyard. When the time of war comes, we will need to stand united with the humans in order to survive. Do I have your support?"

Slowly, all the Councilors nodded and the spokesbeing almost sighed in relief. It had been harder than expected to persuade them to move.

From: Ambassador Vopelum.
To: Lord Protector of the United Protectorates.
Re: Scientific help.

After some unexpected delays, the scientists and engineers that we promised you for the reverse-engineering of our FTL torpedoes are ready to join your project.
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