STGOD 4 Game Thread
Moderator: Thanas
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
"And in other news. Senator Machelli has been missing since shortly after his address in which he reversed almost all his campaign platforms and now lobbies for tighter controls on immigration, visas and government assets...."
The image cuts to an address by the senator "We have Chancellor Spyder to thank for showing as that the needs of Minmatar have changed dramatically over the past few years. Part of being one of the leaders of our great nation is that we must sometimes admit that we were wrong."
"The senator's dissapearance is reported to be in connection with underworld connections confirmed in a statement from the Chancellor earlier today."
..."The senator had much to hide. The executive office security discovered his dealings with various anonymous corporate entities as part of the ongoing corruption investigation. I fear that in the shame of what he has done Machelli has either fled or may have even taken his own life. Only time will tell."
Sensor pings returned as ships appeared in various locations just outside the territories of other known powers in the galaxy.
One outside the United Protectorates,
One outside the Union,
One outside the Draconis Republic,
and one outside Ouster territory.
The message was similar for all.
"Minmatar ambassadorial transport. Transmitting passenger and cargo manifest....
Request permission to enter territory."
The image cuts to an address by the senator "We have Chancellor Spyder to thank for showing as that the needs of Minmatar have changed dramatically over the past few years. Part of being one of the leaders of our great nation is that we must sometimes admit that we were wrong."
"The senator's dissapearance is reported to be in connection with underworld connections confirmed in a statement from the Chancellor earlier today."
..."The senator had much to hide. The executive office security discovered his dealings with various anonymous corporate entities as part of the ongoing corruption investigation. I fear that in the shame of what he has done Machelli has either fled or may have even taken his own life. Only time will tell."
Sensor pings returned as ships appeared in various locations just outside the territories of other known powers in the galaxy.
One outside the United Protectorates,
One outside the Union,
One outside the Draconis Republic,
and one outside Ouster territory.
The message was similar for all.
"Minmatar ambassadorial transport. Transmitting passenger and cargo manifest....
Request permission to enter territory."

White Sun temporary legation, Nashtar.
"This is incredible. I almost came to believe that both your government and my own had forgotten me and now... The Council of Races has requested me to inmediately resume the meetings with your government in order to reach an agreement concerning the eventual cooperation of our forces with your own in their peace-keeping mission in Ix'agal. If this is unacceptable for your government, I have been ordered to try at least to create permanent diplomatic relations with a formal exchange of ambassadors" said Dertorian with annoyance before moving his horse to pick a pawn.
He had developed an interest in chess during his stay in Nashtar and the Zambaran member of the Nashtar diplomatic corp that had welcomed him at his arrival at the planet had accepted to play with him in almost a daily basis. They played in the only part of Dertorian's temporal quarters -that the Nashtarian government had assigned him when it became obvious that the conversations were going to require more time than expected- with an atmosphere breathable for humans. Dertorian's knowledge of Nashtar had been greatly improved over the last few weeks, but his mood had worsened when his superiors in Home went silent. He suspected that the anti-isolation faction within the Council had spent that time in petty arguments in order to stop the erosion of their internal support and that only now had they managed an unanimous vote of all the Councilors.
"This is incredible. I almost came to believe that both your government and my own had forgotten me and now... The Council of Races has requested me to inmediately resume the meetings with your government in order to reach an agreement concerning the eventual cooperation of our forces with your own in their peace-keeping mission in Ix'agal. If this is unacceptable for your government, I have been ordered to try at least to create permanent diplomatic relations with a formal exchange of ambassadors" said Dertorian with annoyance before moving his horse to pick a pawn.
He had developed an interest in chess during his stay in Nashtar and the Zambaran member of the Nashtar diplomatic corp that had welcomed him at his arrival at the planet had accepted to play with him in almost a daily basis. They played in the only part of Dertorian's temporal quarters -that the Nashtarian government had assigned him when it became obvious that the conversations were going to require more time than expected- with an atmosphere breathable for humans. Dertorian's knowledge of Nashtar had been greatly improved over the last few weeks, but his mood had worsened when his superiors in Home went silent. He suspected that the anti-isolation faction within the Council had spent that time in petty arguments in order to stop the erosion of their internal support and that only now had they managed an unanimous vote of all the Councilors.
To: Minmatar Ministry of State.
From: Foreign Interaction Office, White Sun Confederation.
Re: Diplomatic relations.
Greetings on behalf of the Council of Races of the Confederation. As a result of the recent change in your government, we consider that opening diplomatic relations with your nation will help to prevent future frictions. In the hope of improving our mutual relationship, we consider that a ambassador exchange would be in order.
Tork'tresk'trak, interim spokesbeing of the Council of Races.
From: Foreign Interaction Office, White Sun Confederation.
Re: Diplomatic relations.
Greetings on behalf of the Council of Races of the Confederation. As a result of the recent change in your government, we consider that opening diplomatic relations with your nation will help to prevent future frictions. In the hope of improving our mutual relationship, we consider that a ambassador exchange would be in order.
Tork'tresk'trak, interim spokesbeing of the Council of Races.
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
-/ooc- 3 part post, one's a news broadcast, one's at my intelligence lair outside of Minmatar, and one's back on Eketrina, the local Hajr fortress.
Federated Freeholds News Service
"The Voice of the Minmatar People"
"Scandal in the Office of Finance!"
Officials recently assigned by Chancellor Spyder to the Office of Finance were conclusively found to have been shaving off large amounts of money from public coffers to assist the campaign funds of a series of politicians aligned with the Chancellor.
In a surprise move yesterday, Federal investigators, following an anonymous tip, raided the house of Minister of Finance Ali Yacobs. There, they found evidence on his computer, and in hard-copy, describing a complex and highly illegal embezzlement scheme.
"Chancellor Spyder speaks of his efforts to wipe out so-called 'corruption' in the government, targetting legitimate overseas contractors, but it's clear now that his definition of a clean government includes wide-scale robbery from the Minmatar people."
Said opposition leader Janson Kilpatrick.
"Perhaps, now, the public and the law enforcement agencies will maintain a closer watch on the Chancellor and his cronies. His heavy-handed rule has gone on long enough, while we sit with the wool pulled over our eyes."
New Michigan
Former North American Union
"Kusha, allow me to complement you on your excellent work. Your information was flawless."
She smiled and nodded, making the gesture of appreciation.
Jarid turned to the Blackeye sitting languidly in the corner.
"Hyrina, your work in planting that evidence was absolutly top-notch. Your branch continues to live up to expectations. This will give us some breathing room as the Chancellor decides what to do next. As long as we control FFNS, we'll be able to keep ahead of him in this arena- so Hyrina, I want your people ensuring that no "disappearances" happen against our puppets there."
Finally, he turned to the director of investigation.
"Dayn. Any leads yet?"
"Yes, a few. First off, we've talked ot some of the independent freighter captains in the area. They report a pirate attack on the station."
"Goddamit, open and shut, then. Why would the pirates hit our government plant?"
"That's just it, Jarid. Two things here- first off, we have no need behind it. the pirates wouldn't want to mess with our operation, and the Minister wasn't a threat to them in any way- in fact, it's hgihly unlikely they'd even know about our network. Secondly, I checked up on the Westerner, the second ship destroyed. She was chartered by a woman named Beatrix Mackey."
"Beatrix Mackey?"
"We dug a little more. Seems the name's a pseudo, used by a captain in the Venom pirate clan."
"Strange. Very strange. I want a full report, Dayn."
"Yes, sir."
The three officers made gestures of subservience and left the room.
Hudson System
Ouster Occupation Zone, Rimwards Edge of Known Space
A squadron of Nachtjagers formed up around the Minmatar vessel and settled around it. The Minatar could either leave or follow the swift attack fighters into the belly of the beast, the massive contrustion of asteroids, comets, space fortresses, and starship berths that was the Cluster of Eketrina, seat of power for the Hajr forces invading Known Space.
Federated Freeholds News Service
"The Voice of the Minmatar People"
"Scandal in the Office of Finance!"
Officials recently assigned by Chancellor Spyder to the Office of Finance were conclusively found to have been shaving off large amounts of money from public coffers to assist the campaign funds of a series of politicians aligned with the Chancellor.
In a surprise move yesterday, Federal investigators, following an anonymous tip, raided the house of Minister of Finance Ali Yacobs. There, they found evidence on his computer, and in hard-copy, describing a complex and highly illegal embezzlement scheme.
"Chancellor Spyder speaks of his efforts to wipe out so-called 'corruption' in the government, targetting legitimate overseas contractors, but it's clear now that his definition of a clean government includes wide-scale robbery from the Minmatar people."
Said opposition leader Janson Kilpatrick.
"Perhaps, now, the public and the law enforcement agencies will maintain a closer watch on the Chancellor and his cronies. His heavy-handed rule has gone on long enough, while we sit with the wool pulled over our eyes."
New Michigan
Former North American Union
"Kusha, allow me to complement you on your excellent work. Your information was flawless."
She smiled and nodded, making the gesture of appreciation.
Jarid turned to the Blackeye sitting languidly in the corner.
"Hyrina, your work in planting that evidence was absolutly top-notch. Your branch continues to live up to expectations. This will give us some breathing room as the Chancellor decides what to do next. As long as we control FFNS, we'll be able to keep ahead of him in this arena- so Hyrina, I want your people ensuring that no "disappearances" happen against our puppets there."
Finally, he turned to the director of investigation.
"Dayn. Any leads yet?"
"Yes, a few. First off, we've talked ot some of the independent freighter captains in the area. They report a pirate attack on the station."
"Goddamit, open and shut, then. Why would the pirates hit our government plant?"
"That's just it, Jarid. Two things here- first off, we have no need behind it. the pirates wouldn't want to mess with our operation, and the Minister wasn't a threat to them in any way- in fact, it's hgihly unlikely they'd even know about our network. Secondly, I checked up on the Westerner, the second ship destroyed. She was chartered by a woman named Beatrix Mackey."
"Beatrix Mackey?"
"We dug a little more. Seems the name's a pseudo, used by a captain in the Venom pirate clan."
"Strange. Very strange. I want a full report, Dayn."
"Yes, sir."
The three officers made gestures of subservience and left the room.
Hudson System
Ouster Occupation Zone, Rimwards Edge of Known Space
A squadron of Nachtjagers formed up around the Minmatar vessel and settled around it. The Minatar could either leave or follow the swift attack fighters into the belly of the beast, the massive contrustion of asteroids, comets, space fortresses, and starship berths that was the Cluster of Eketrina, seat of power for the Hajr forces invading Known Space.
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Gladsheim Prime, Imperial Plaza
<<There is one other point, Your Majesty,>> her Foreign Affairs Minister 'vised.
<<Yes?>> Empress Elana asked.
<<There has been a change of government one of the minor polities in the galaxy, in Minmatar.>>
<<Yes, I have accessed the recent news events.>>
<<So far, the Minmatar have been almost non-existant on the galactic scale. Their new head of state has put some drastic changes. He might also be a bit more...aggressive. It would be best to assess their danger potential for our safety.>>
<<Consenus agrees,>> the immaterial digital voice made itself heard.
<<So be it. Make contact. And if necessary, send an envoy.>>
From: Gladsheim Imperial Foreign Affairs Ministry
To: Minmatar
Subject: Diplomatic contact
Your recent change of government brought us to believe that it is in both our interest to initiate diplomatic contact and would be delighted to send a diplomatic envoy to begin talks.
<<There is one other point, Your Majesty,>> her Foreign Affairs Minister 'vised.
<<Yes?>> Empress Elana asked.
<<There has been a change of government one of the minor polities in the galaxy, in Minmatar.>>
<<Yes, I have accessed the recent news events.>>
<<So far, the Minmatar have been almost non-existant on the galactic scale. Their new head of state has put some drastic changes. He might also be a bit more...aggressive. It would be best to assess their danger potential for our safety.>>
<<Consenus agrees,>> the immaterial digital voice made itself heard.
<<So be it. Make contact. And if necessary, send an envoy.>>
From: Gladsheim Imperial Foreign Affairs Ministry
To: Minmatar
Subject: Diplomatic contact
Your recent change of government brought us to believe that it is in both our interest to initiate diplomatic contact and would be delighted to send a diplomatic envoy to begin talks.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

Varathrax, Draconis capital
The man known as Talys walked into the bar slowly, constantly alert. The Draconis homeworld was safe, but in his line of business you had to be careful. He wasn't quite sure where his actions would fall in the Draconis legal code, so it was best to keep a low profile. Despite all his caution, it was difficult to be that inconspicuous. He was one of few humans on a planet peopled almost entirely by lizards. Fortunately, the Draconis policy of universal tolerance kept him from attracting too many strange looks. He was unnoticed enough to do his job.
The bar he had entered was hardly a seedy dive, but neither was it one of the upscale pubs in the business district. A few humans were there as well, tourists from UPA worlds drawn by the Draconis tourism department to increase trade. In short, it was a perfect place to collect information. Talys walked over to the bar and sat down uncomfortably on the stool made for a 4-foot lizard. The Draconis bartender made his way over and asked for his order.
"A tall glass of water, no ice," Talys told him. The bartender hesitated, then recognized the code. "Ah, you will be needing my colleague, then." He motioned to another barkeep, who came over to face Talys. Without a word, they both stood and walked into the back, the barkeep talking loudly about some inventory to be examined, some excuse for them to go into a back room.
When they were secure in the back room, Talys's demeanor changed as he became all business. "Is this room secure?"
"Of course, sssir. Very sssecure. Ssso good that you could come. I have sssomething to sssell." Talys nodded, and the nervous Draconis continued. "This comes from a technician on a ssstarship. He requested shore leave after ssseeing sscertain things. Needed a break from the ssservice, he sssaid. Came to this bar three days ago. Had these tapes. Sssaid he wanted them to be ssseen. Sssaid he needed to unburden his sssoul. Ssseeing as how I know you, I purchased them. I assured him I would make these tapes known. You want them? They are yours."
Talys shrugged, trying to seem uninterested, but something in the story made him believe the bartender had vital information. He reached for the tapes offered by the lizard, only to have them pulled away. "Ahhh.... the payment." Talys sighed and pulled out a credit voucher, dialed the total to 2000 Nashtar credits and locked it with his personal account code. The lizardman snatched the voucher from Talys, gave a huge sharp-toothed smile, then turned and left the room, leaving the data tapes behind him. Talys picked the tapes up, shoved them inside his coat, and followed the Draconis out to the main room at the bar. A few people glanced at the opening door, but no one looked at Talys himself. Perfect. Talys downed the glass of water waiting for him at the bar and left.
Ten minutes later, Talys was back in his appartment. He immediately plugged the tapes into his personal unit and sent them via encoded transmission to Krell Intel. A minute later, confirmation came back that the transmission had been successful. Only then did he allow himself to relax. He activated the playback feature on his monitor and started to watch the tapes for himself. As images flashed up on the screen, he broke into a huge grin. His commission for this information would be huge.
Norris Ban, Krell intel officer, stared in amazement at the images flashing on his screen. It was surveilance tape from the Draconis cruiser Starkiller, dated a little under a month ago. Prisoners were brought on board and seperated. Draconis officers entered, and after a few unintelligible statements were made, the torture began. The Draconis looked on eagerly as prisoners were placed in the airlock and spaced. Their comrades were forced to watch in horror as their friends were horribly murdered. Then a new group was placed in the airlock.
On another tape, a man was strapped into a chair while high-ranking Draconis officers bit him, injecting poisons. The man's screamed confessions picked up on the surveillance tape. He yelled about his homeworld, Tortuga. The Draconis looked satisfied, then one officer plunged a fang into the man's heart, killing him in moments.
Norris Ban felt sick, but he knew what to do. After running a quick authenticity scan, he sent the recordings to Krell Command, marked "eyes only."
The man known as Talys walked into the bar slowly, constantly alert. The Draconis homeworld was safe, but in his line of business you had to be careful. He wasn't quite sure where his actions would fall in the Draconis legal code, so it was best to keep a low profile. Despite all his caution, it was difficult to be that inconspicuous. He was one of few humans on a planet peopled almost entirely by lizards. Fortunately, the Draconis policy of universal tolerance kept him from attracting too many strange looks. He was unnoticed enough to do his job.
The bar he had entered was hardly a seedy dive, but neither was it one of the upscale pubs in the business district. A few humans were there as well, tourists from UPA worlds drawn by the Draconis tourism department to increase trade. In short, it was a perfect place to collect information. Talys walked over to the bar and sat down uncomfortably on the stool made for a 4-foot lizard. The Draconis bartender made his way over and asked for his order.
"A tall glass of water, no ice," Talys told him. The bartender hesitated, then recognized the code. "Ah, you will be needing my colleague, then." He motioned to another barkeep, who came over to face Talys. Without a word, they both stood and walked into the back, the barkeep talking loudly about some inventory to be examined, some excuse for them to go into a back room.
When they were secure in the back room, Talys's demeanor changed as he became all business. "Is this room secure?"
"Of course, sssir. Very sssecure. Ssso good that you could come. I have sssomething to sssell." Talys nodded, and the nervous Draconis continued. "This comes from a technician on a ssstarship. He requested shore leave after ssseeing sscertain things. Needed a break from the ssservice, he sssaid. Came to this bar three days ago. Had these tapes. Sssaid he wanted them to be ssseen. Sssaid he needed to unburden his sssoul. Ssseeing as how I know you, I purchased them. I assured him I would make these tapes known. You want them? They are yours."
Talys shrugged, trying to seem uninterested, but something in the story made him believe the bartender had vital information. He reached for the tapes offered by the lizard, only to have them pulled away. "Ahhh.... the payment." Talys sighed and pulled out a credit voucher, dialed the total to 2000 Nashtar credits and locked it with his personal account code. The lizardman snatched the voucher from Talys, gave a huge sharp-toothed smile, then turned and left the room, leaving the data tapes behind him. Talys picked the tapes up, shoved them inside his coat, and followed the Draconis out to the main room at the bar. A few people glanced at the opening door, but no one looked at Talys himself. Perfect. Talys downed the glass of water waiting for him at the bar and left.
Ten minutes later, Talys was back in his appartment. He immediately plugged the tapes into his personal unit and sent them via encoded transmission to Krell Intel. A minute later, confirmation came back that the transmission had been successful. Only then did he allow himself to relax. He activated the playback feature on his monitor and started to watch the tapes for himself. As images flashed up on the screen, he broke into a huge grin. His commission for this information would be huge.
Norris Ban, Krell intel officer, stared in amazement at the images flashing on his screen. It was surveilance tape from the Draconis cruiser Starkiller, dated a little under a month ago. Prisoners were brought on board and seperated. Draconis officers entered, and after a few unintelligible statements were made, the torture began. The Draconis looked on eagerly as prisoners were placed in the airlock and spaced. Their comrades were forced to watch in horror as their friends were horribly murdered. Then a new group was placed in the airlock.
On another tape, a man was strapped into a chair while high-ranking Draconis officers bit him, injecting poisons. The man's screamed confessions picked up on the surveillance tape. He yelled about his homeworld, Tortuga. The Draconis looked satisfied, then one officer plunged a fang into the man's heart, killing him in moments.
Norris Ban felt sick, but he knew what to do. After running a quick authenticity scan, he sent the recordings to Krell Command, marked "eyes only."
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
As soon as herecieved the recordings a team of Draconis police, hidden by thermoptics came into view.
"Talys, You are under arrest for espeionage within the Draconis republic. Your contact was wearing a wire this time, congratulations"
All the agent could do was stutter. "how did you?"
"Lets just say that our people are more loyal than you may think"
OOC:The technician who gave the 'information' was a double agent, working to trap intelligence operatives
"Talys, You are under arrest for espeionage within the Draconis republic. Your contact was wearing a wire this time, congratulations"
All the agent could do was stutter. "how did you?"
"Lets just say that our people are more loyal than you may think"
OOC:The technician who gave the 'information' was a double agent, working to trap intelligence operatives
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
Whitesun Confederation, your request for diplomatic exchange has been granted.
"I've seen the news John. Relax, HNN are running a counter story as we speak." Spyder said into the open com as another entered the room. I'll call you back." He turned to face the man in his room. He was a plain looking man, brown coat, average hair, still there was something about him that was somehow different.
"Well, now you know how they're operating."
"Ah, Ed. Good timing. Now that we know where to start looking I've got a job for you."
"You want me to check out FFN?"
"Pretty much, I'm not looking to see any more bodies showing up on the news, strictly intel gathering. Find out who's been bought off."
"Consider it done." Said Ed. "If anyone needs to dissapear?"
"Handle it at your discretion."
Meanwhile in Ouster territory, the ambassadorial craft did as it was told and proceeded on it's way.
"I've seen the news John. Relax, HNN are running a counter story as we speak." Spyder said into the open com as another entered the room. I'll call you back." He turned to face the man in his room. He was a plain looking man, brown coat, average hair, still there was something about him that was somehow different.
"Well, now you know how they're operating."
"Ah, Ed. Good timing. Now that we know where to start looking I've got a job for you."
"You want me to check out FFN?"
"Pretty much, I'm not looking to see any more bodies showing up on the news, strictly intel gathering. Find out who's been bought off."
"Consider it done." Said Ed. "If anyone needs to dissapear?"
"Handle it at your discretion."
Meanwhile in Ouster territory, the ambassadorial craft did as it was told and proceeded on it's way.

Talys put his hands up, and turned slowly to face the Draconis police.
"Alright, its up. Where did you put those tapes?"
"Right here." Talys slowly tapped the left breast of his coat where he had put the discs. The police moved forward, grabbed Talys and cuffed him. One officer pulled his coat open to reveal a small PDA-like device with a universasl disc drive on the side and a pair of buttons on the top. A plastic-etch disc was inside one of them.
"Alright, its up. Where did you put those tapes?"
"Right here." Talys slowly tapped the left breast of his coat where he had put the discs. The police moved forward, grabbed Talys and cuffed him. One officer pulled his coat open to reveal a small PDA-like device with a universasl disc drive on the side and a pair of buttons on the top. A plastic-etch disc was inside one of them.
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Hudson System
Ouster Occupation Zone, Rimwards Edge of Known Space
The diplomatic wheel was almost a kilometer in diameter, but it was a tiny speck against the mass that was the Ouster cluster. The Minmatar representatives were treated with a view of the extensive shipyards stretching away from the central Cluster. The Minmatar were doubtless snapping picture after picture of the huge Hajr warships in their enfolding contruction wombs.
A huge comet was being towed into place by a swarm of small tenders. Mobile factories were already at work processing it, making the artificial foodstuffs, water, and air that the Cluster's inhabitants needed to survive. Long chains of incoming freighters could be seen stretching off in a half-dozen directions, linking the Cluster to the other habitations in the system. It was clear that the Cluster was expanding, and that massive ammounts of supplies were being stockpiled.
The Minmatar vessel was pulled into a slip on the diplomatic wheel. The airlocks cycled, and the Minmatar representatives were met by a half-dozen inhuman figures. Each Kavallirioi was over eight feet tall inside his or her armor. Sleek, matte grey, and vaguely serpentine, the Hajr assault troops each carried the heavy Ouster plasma rifles called skorpions. Standing among them, incongruously delicate, was an unarmored woman. Slim, tall, and possessing a head of tiny white braids, the Ouster was almost etherealy beautiful.
She spoke with a fluid, melodic accent.
"Welcome to Eketrina. I am Voice of the Hajr, Boundwoman Felis su Candaris. What brings you into the presence of the Unbound?"
Hudson System
Ouster Occupation Zone, Rimwards Edge of Known Space
The diplomatic wheel was almost a kilometer in diameter, but it was a tiny speck against the mass that was the Ouster cluster. The Minmatar representatives were treated with a view of the extensive shipyards stretching away from the central Cluster. The Minmatar were doubtless snapping picture after picture of the huge Hajr warships in their enfolding contruction wombs.
A huge comet was being towed into place by a swarm of small tenders. Mobile factories were already at work processing it, making the artificial foodstuffs, water, and air that the Cluster's inhabitants needed to survive. Long chains of incoming freighters could be seen stretching off in a half-dozen directions, linking the Cluster to the other habitations in the system. It was clear that the Cluster was expanding, and that massive ammounts of supplies were being stockpiled.
The Minmatar vessel was pulled into a slip on the diplomatic wheel. The airlocks cycled, and the Minmatar representatives were met by a half-dozen inhuman figures. Each Kavallirioi was over eight feet tall inside his or her armor. Sleek, matte grey, and vaguely serpentine, the Hajr assault troops each carried the heavy Ouster plasma rifles called skorpions. Standing among them, incongruously delicate, was an unarmored woman. Slim, tall, and possessing a head of tiny white braids, the Ouster was almost etherealy beautiful.
She spoke with a fluid, melodic accent.
"Welcome to Eketrina. I am Voice of the Hajr, Boundwoman Felis su Candaris. What brings you into the presence of the Unbound?"
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
If a transmission got out at all, it was jammed by the purpose built hovervessels floating in the air above the arboreal bar.Bugsby wrote:Talys put his hands up, and turned slowly to face the Draconis police.
"Alright, its up. Where did you put those tapes?"
"Right here." Talys slowly tapped the left breast of his coat where he had put the discs. The police moved forward, grabbed Talys and cuffed him. One officer pulled his coat open to reveal a small PDA-like device with a universasl disc drive on the side and a pair of buttons on the top. A plastic-etch disc was inside one of them.
"Alright. You have the right to remain silent. Though frankly, this is sensitive material, so the trial will be a bench trial, courtroom and documents will be sealed etc etc. You have the right to an attourney, he must be certified in republic law, and a citizen of the republic again, because the material is sensitive and we need to be able to enforce confidentiality. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you. DO you understand?"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
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A single being emerged from the craft. He stood about 6'2" with a shock of white hair and a black coat. There was some confusion behind the scenes as technicians attempted to determine why this person wasn't registering as a life form. Infact no life forms were detected inside the ship at all.
"The Chancellor feels that better communication with the outside world is essentual." The man said soulessly. "I am," he paused "pleased to meet you. My name is Kain Dekhrynova."
"Is there anyone else in your envoy?"
"No, I am the envoy." He spoke clearly. "I trust that I will be sufficient."
Coded transmission from operative on Matar.
"There's something horribly wrong here. Something's giving our guys away. It's like we've got a mole but everyone checks out clean. Until we find out what's going on none of us here on Matar are safe."
"The Chancellor feels that better communication with the outside world is essentual." The man said soulessly. "I am," he paused "pleased to meet you. My name is Kain Dekhrynova."
"Is there anyone else in your envoy?"
"No, I am the envoy." He spoke clearly. "I trust that I will be sufficient."
Coded transmission from operative on Matar.
"There's something horribly wrong here. Something's giving our guys away. It's like we've got a mole but everyone checks out clean. Until we find out what's going on none of us here on Matar are safe."

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
"Kain. Kain Dekhrynova. A Machine ambassador? Interesting choice, with the Rape only a handful of months behind us. Please, follow me."
As they walked down a corridor lined with strange spherical plants and fine wood-cut doors, the massive guardians fell into place around the Minmatar ambassador. Arcane sensors, as well as mundane ones, probed the Matar creature. If it was some sort of metaphysical construct, they would know, and be prepared.
Kain was lead to a chamber of middling size. It had no windows, but was conservatively opulent. It was where the Vampire ambassador had first been recognized months ago. The Hajr's spokeswoman, Felis, took a seat, settling into the furniture. Kain mused that it couldn't have been comfortable; after all, Ousters didn't use chairs.
She spread her hands in an odd little gesture.
"Well, Ambassador. What brings you before the Hajr? Of what do you wish to speak?"
As they walked down a corridor lined with strange spherical plants and fine wood-cut doors, the massive guardians fell into place around the Minmatar ambassador. Arcane sensors, as well as mundane ones, probed the Matar creature. If it was some sort of metaphysical construct, they would know, and be prepared.
Kain was lead to a chamber of middling size. It had no windows, but was conservatively opulent. It was where the Vampire ambassador had first been recognized months ago. The Hajr's spokeswoman, Felis, took a seat, settling into the furniture. Kain mused that it couldn't have been comfortable; after all, Ousters didn't use chairs.
She spread her hands in an odd little gesture.
"Well, Ambassador. What brings you before the Hajr? Of what do you wish to speak?"
Talys grimaced but maintained his composure. "Yeah, I understand. Not too rough, officer. I'll come along. But don't give me any of this under wraps bull shit. I know my rights. Give me my phone call, and let me look for my own lawyer. I won't let you shuffle me aside. You may seal the documents, but you can't make me disappear here or people will comelooking at me with questions you can't answer." The officer gave him a shove. It wasn't a patrolman's job to deal withthose sorts of things. Talys got the point. "Fine, I'm going. But tell your boss what I said. I'll tell him myself if you give me a chance."
Recorded statement of the prisoner Talys
"I am innocent of any crime. I am an information broker by trade, just like any other merchant. Only instead of selling tangible goods, I sell the knowledge people want to get ahead in life. I am not a spy.
A little over a month ago, I came to Varathrax to begin my trade in information here. The market in Monacoran space was getting cluttered, so I moved to Varathrax to try and find virgin markets. My first week or so I traded in gossip from offworld, just to keep myself afloat while I made contacts on Varathrax. I soon got in contact with a certain Draconis whose name is still unknown to me.... I respect my client's secrets. He provided me with a few interesting bits of information on some mundane matters. Movements of certain wealthy individuals and spaceport schedules were his specialty, and I was able to sell these things for marginal profit. So I was interested when he contacted me one day with promises of information more valuable than any he had given before. He wanted 3000 Nashtar credits, a price I was able to negotiate down to 2000, still an exorbitant sum. I was hoping for something very good. Lets face it.... I was stalking celebrities. Not what I had in mind when I came to Varathrax. I was hoping this would put me into the market. I was probably too eager to hear what he had to say, which is how I got myself in this mess in the first place.
When I arrived at the bar, my informant seemed more anxious than usual. He had even insisted that I use a code to identify myself. He took me into a back room and showed me some data tapes that he claimed came from a starship. Security tapes of some sort, I surmised. He also told a story of some spacer needing to unburden his soul over these tapes. It sounded interesting enough that I could turn a profit off the story alone, so I bought the tapes. Moments later I was arrested for crimes against the republic.
From my interrogation later - not a pleasant experience, I assure you - I was able to gather that these tapes I had obtained were off a cruiser in the Draconis Navy. A matter of national security, or else I guess I wouldn't be here now. I guess that's about it. Look, Im not a spy. Im just a merchant in an age where information is a valuable commodity. I don't even know what was on those tapes. I had no idea. My informant - your informant - never told me. He wanted to drive up the price. And I didnt get a chance to see for myself, seeing as how I had a laz in my face the second I had the tape in my hand. I'm just glad that you have a quick and fair judicial system on this world. I just want to get the hell out of here and go home. Ok, you can turn the tape off no-"
Recorded statement of the prisoner Talys
"I am innocent of any crime. I am an information broker by trade, just like any other merchant. Only instead of selling tangible goods, I sell the knowledge people want to get ahead in life. I am not a spy.
A little over a month ago, I came to Varathrax to begin my trade in information here. The market in Monacoran space was getting cluttered, so I moved to Varathrax to try and find virgin markets. My first week or so I traded in gossip from offworld, just to keep myself afloat while I made contacts on Varathrax. I soon got in contact with a certain Draconis whose name is still unknown to me.... I respect my client's secrets. He provided me with a few interesting bits of information on some mundane matters. Movements of certain wealthy individuals and spaceport schedules were his specialty, and I was able to sell these things for marginal profit. So I was interested when he contacted me one day with promises of information more valuable than any he had given before. He wanted 3000 Nashtar credits, a price I was able to negotiate down to 2000, still an exorbitant sum. I was hoping for something very good. Lets face it.... I was stalking celebrities. Not what I had in mind when I came to Varathrax. I was hoping this would put me into the market. I was probably too eager to hear what he had to say, which is how I got myself in this mess in the first place.
When I arrived at the bar, my informant seemed more anxious than usual. He had even insisted that I use a code to identify myself. He took me into a back room and showed me some data tapes that he claimed came from a starship. Security tapes of some sort, I surmised. He also told a story of some spacer needing to unburden his soul over these tapes. It sounded interesting enough that I could turn a profit off the story alone, so I bought the tapes. Moments later I was arrested for crimes against the republic.
From my interrogation later - not a pleasant experience, I assure you - I was able to gather that these tapes I had obtained were off a cruiser in the Draconis Navy. A matter of national security, or else I guess I wouldn't be here now. I guess that's about it. Look, Im not a spy. Im just a merchant in an age where information is a valuable commodity. I don't even know what was on those tapes. I had no idea. My informant - your informant - never told me. He wanted to drive up the price. And I didnt get a chance to see for myself, seeing as how I had a laz in my face the second I had the tape in my hand. I'm just glad that you have a quick and fair judicial system on this world. I just want to get the hell out of here and go home. Ok, you can turn the tape off no-"
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
- Spyder
- Sith Marauder
- Posts: 4465
- Joined: 2002-09-03 03:23am
- Location: Wellington, New Zealand
- Contact:
Scan results:
Subject: Kain Dekhrynova, Minmatar representative.
Carbon based, blood cells, internal human anatomy, central nervous system, cybernetics..anomalous energy signature present. Probing...synthetic humanoid construct. Danger: negative.
"While we work to correct various issues within our society it has been deemed important that we look beyond ourselves for the future of sentient society. We wish to discuss our mutual future goals and where we can avoid, wherever possible, any potential conflicts of interest."
Subject: Kain Dekhrynova, Minmatar representative.
Carbon based, blood cells, internal human anatomy, central nervous system, cybernetics..anomalous energy signature present. Probing...synthetic humanoid construct. Danger: negative.
"While we work to correct various issues within our society it has been deemed important that we look beyond ourselves for the future of sentient society. We wish to discuss our mutual future goals and where we can avoid, wherever possible, any potential conflicts of interest."

- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
- frigidmagi
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2962
- Joined: 2004-04-14 07:05pm
- Location: A Nice Dry Place
From:United Protectrates State OfficeFrom: Ambassador Vopelum.
To: Lord Protector of the United Protectorates.
Re: Scientific help.
After some unexpected delays, the scientists and engineers that we promised you for the reverse-engineering of our FTL torpedoes are ready to join your project.
To: Ambassador Vopelum
We are happy to hear it and eagerly await their arrival.

- Thirdfain
- The Player of Games
- Posts: 6924
- Joined: 2003-02-13 09:24pm
- Location: Never underestimate the staggering drawing power of the Garden State.
Felis cocked her head quizzically, and then smiled in a faintly bemused fashion."While we work to correct various issues within our society it has been deemed important that we look beyond ourselves for the future of sentient society. We wish to discuss our mutual future goals and where we can avoid, wherever possible, any potential conflicts of interest."
"Our mututal future goals? I fail to understand, Boundman. The Hajr is the harbinger of the Diaspora. The Diaspora is our one goal, our only goal, the true calling of all species, of all forms of life. Our future goals are the Diaspora, no more and no less. So, I say and conclude, what do your means? What do you seek of the Hajr?"
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
Tortugan space
Commander Terrestahl took in the latest data from the ship's datanet. He was surprised it hasn't broken in two by now. The ship, a former ore extractor that had been mothballed almost two hundred years ago and only been reactivated for this purpose. If there were inspections, it couldn't be allowed for Draconis troops to inspect top-of.the-line ships. It still flew, and even jumped. The ship's systems had been incredibly outdated, but that wasn't problematic for its limited purpose. If only the ship's AI wouldn't have been so damned sulky...
It carried in its vast holds several million tons of medical supplies for the Tortugans.
"This is the Imperial Gladsheim medical transport ship Theta-768 awaiting clearance for Tortuga," the ship's communications sub-consenus sent out as they emerged into the system.
The escorting two frigates stayed back and waited at the edge of the system, staying as far away from Draconis or Tortugan forces as possible.[/i]
Commander Terrestahl took in the latest data from the ship's datanet. He was surprised it hasn't broken in two by now. The ship, a former ore extractor that had been mothballed almost two hundred years ago and only been reactivated for this purpose. If there were inspections, it couldn't be allowed for Draconis troops to inspect top-of.the-line ships. It still flew, and even jumped. The ship's systems had been incredibly outdated, but that wasn't problematic for its limited purpose. If only the ship's AI wouldn't have been so damned sulky...
It carried in its vast holds several million tons of medical supplies for the Tortugans.
"This is the Imperial Gladsheim medical transport ship Theta-768 awaiting clearance for Tortuga," the ship's communications sub-consenus sent out as they emerged into the system.
The escorting two frigates stayed back and waited at the edge of the system, staying as far away from Draconis or Tortugan forces as possible.[/i]

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

Thirty-seven hours later, LastPort system.frigidmagi wrote:From:United Protectrates State Office
To: Ambassador Vopelum
We are happy to hear it and eagerly await their arrival.
United Protectorates territory.
After leaving Vopelum in LastPort, the Sirpatia had left UP territory. Now it had returned to LastPort with nine of the best minds of the Confederation on board.
From: WSN frigate Sirpatia
To: Lastport Space Command
We bring some personnel for a joint research project. You might have instructions about them from your State Office. Would you like to take care of them now? We are talking about four different biologies with only one being remotely compatible with yours so we hope that you have had time to adapt a transport according to the specifications provided by our representative.
OOC: The specifications were an annex to the previous message from Vopelum and they include luminosity, atmospherical composition and pressure, temperature and gravity.
To: Minmatar Ministry of State.Spyder wrote:Whitesun Confederation, your request for diplomatic exchange has been granted.
From: Foreign Interaction Office, White Sun Confederation.
Our diplomatic representative will be arriving soon in the coordinates of your preference within your territory. A light warship of our navy will carry him. If you wish, we can arrange the transport of your representative in that very vessel or you might send one of your own ships following the route attached to this message. An embassy prepared for human physiology has been arranged in our capital-world of Home.
- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
"Copy that theta. Stand by for customs inspection. DO you have anything you wish to declare?"Dahak wrote:Tortugan space
Commander Terrestahl took in the latest data from the ship's datanet. He was surprised it hasn't broken in two by now. The ship, a former ore extractor that had been mothballed almost two hundred years ago and only been reactivated for this purpose. If there were inspections, it couldn't be allowed for Draconis troops to inspect top-of.the-line ships. It still flew, and even jumped. The ship's systems had been incredibly outdated, but that wasn't problematic for its limited purpose. If only the ship's AI wouldn't have been so damned sulky...
It carried in its vast holds several million tons of medical supplies for the Tortugans.
"This is the Imperial Gladsheim medical transport ship Theta-768 awaiting clearance for Tortuga," the ship's communications sub-consenus sent out as they emerged into the system.
The escorting two frigates stayed back and waited at the edge of the system, staying as far away from Draconis or Tortugan forces as possible.[/i]
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
"We carry medical supplies," a rather annoyed immaterial voce answered, "nothing else. You are free ton inscect our cargo holds containing the supplies."Alyrium Denryle wrote:"Copy that theta. Stand by for customs inspection. DO you have anything you wish to declare?"Dahak wrote:Tortugan space
Commander Terrestahl took in the latest data from the ship's datanet. He was surprised it hasn't broken in two by now. The ship, a former ore extractor that had been mothballed almost two hundred years ago and only been reactivated for this purpose. If there were inspections, it couldn't be allowed for Draconis troops to inspect top-of.the-line ships. It still flew, and even jumped. The ship's systems had been incredibly outdated, but that wasn't problematic for its limited purpose. If only the ship's AI wouldn't have been so damned sulky...
It carried in its vast holds several million tons of medical supplies for the Tortugans.
"This is the Imperial Gladsheim medical transport ship Theta-768 awaiting clearance for Tortuga," the ship's communications sub-consenus sent out as they emerged into the system.
The escorting two frigates stayed back and waited at the edge of the system, staying as far away from Draconis or Tortugan forces as possible.[/i]

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.

- Alyrium Denryle
- Minister of Sin
- Posts: 22224
- Joined: 2002-07-11 08:34pm
- Location: The Deep Desert
- Contact:
"Thank you Theta, electronic inspection commencing"
With that, a high powered sensor array turned itself toward the vessel, and inpected it.
With that, a high powered sensor array turned itself toward the vessel, and inpected it.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences
There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.
Factio republicanum delenda est
- Dahak
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 7292
- Joined: 2002-10-29 12:08pm
- Location: Admiralty House, Landing, Manticore
- Contact:
As soon as the scan was completed, the ships com rang out again.
"Draconis forces, we are jumping into the inner system."
The old ship charged its paterning nodes and swallowed into the wormhole it created, and reappeared in high orbit around Tortuga, preparing to lower its gargantuan hull into the atmosphere.
"Draconis forces, we are jumping into the inner system."
The old ship charged its paterning nodes and swallowed into the wormhole it created, and reappeared in high orbit around Tortuga, preparing to lower its gargantuan hull into the atmosphere.

Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
GALE Force Euro Wimp
Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.