Alyrium Denryle wrote:
So, you're launching cargo ships into a live fire battle-zone? Do I really need to point out how stupid that is? The point, however, is moot considering that Pablo has posted his disaproval above.
You miss the meaning of the word Gunboat. It would be logical, that a gunboat built for urban warfare(which generally means massive fires) would have sme kind of mechanism for distributing flame retardent.
No, it's not. It's logical that you'd have something that would come in after the gunboat to clean up in its aftermath, it's not logical that you'd give over valuable space on an active combat craft to flame-retardent. But as I said, we all know the F-16 and the Abrams tank both carry fire-retardent.
See above.
I create the world, I determine its social structure. Plain and simple.
Except your social structure that you want to put in now doesn't work, further more you never specified beyond one phrase before. Let's harken back to that phrase.
You are hereby ordered to proceed to the Pk1173 system. There you will find what intelligence indicates is (a) world populated by humans, under a brutal pirate regime. Your orders are to jump in, engage their fleet., and liberate the planet.
Firstly, I want you to note that lack of details in statement.
Now, to draw a recent analogy, intelligence indicated for our current administration that Iraq had massive weapons caches of WMDs. So far we've found a grand total of 1 artillery shell (on the side of a road nonetheless, unless I'm mistaken) with a biological agent. Yet nonetheless intelligence indicated that Iraq and Saddam had massive weapons stores. Same thing here, your intelligence (and we have to establish that your intelligence service can't be all that wide-spread, after all you just showed up in the neighberhood [you are so new that it seems you don't even know the system's name,] and it's not like you can suddenly spawn a massive intell net over night) service rushed a job, found that a defense force that's known to collude with pirates (no one is denying that) controls 30% of the planets legislating body. You're people drew conclusions quickly, rushed a job, and you went in guns blazing for a half-true cause. The civ I laid out fits with what you gave in game perfectly.
Aly, once again you miss the point. Doesn't it occur to you that maybe, just maybe, in a thousand years of progress they would have come up with something more advanced, more durable, and cheaper than tar based roads? Tar-based roads cause damage to vehicles when they wear down (pot-holes,) it's hard to put down, and it has to be repaired pretty frequently. I don't think it would be that out of the way to imagine a future road building material that could be laid down like concrete, and would be more durable than tar?
Maybe, but that is a maybe. Possibly more physically durable, but you still have to have it liquid in order to lay the shit. Which means it would ahve to have a relativly low melting point. Logically speaking
Ah, sarcasm doesn't get through to you does it. So I'll put this in big bold letters.
Also, concrete is definatley not a liquid, it definatley doesn't have a low melting point. But we can still lay it down in a liquid like manner. Logically speaking if we can do that now, imagine what we could do in, say, a hundred years. Then imagine a thousand years. Capeesh?
Propoganda always has uses. In the mentioned fleet orders, it encourages your soldiers and sailors, because they're fighting for what's right. And Straha has every right to change the social order, because you never specified it, and it ain't your world until you conquer it. As to invasion under false pretenses... The pretense you're going to war under is that you're doing the invasion to get rid of pirates. 3 strikes, you're out.
well you cant assume my motives now can you? No, no you cant. He has no right to change the social order because it is not his world, I ceated it, and specified the soocial order in OOC, in game, and over AIM to multiple individuals. It is not his world, he is contrling the military as a favor. It is not his world to determine the social order.
Once again you never set out the social order except for one paragraph. Look above to see what I said of that.
Or can you think of another way this would have worked?
Yeah, pirate group needs a base of operations. So they either strongarm a local government with a small fleet or weak army into letting them "base' there. Over time they take over the government using threats extortion and "dissappearances" and go into a pirate dictatorship.
And the people stand for this.... why? Wouldn't the people, say, give a call to a friendly neighberhood power and ask for help? And what could the pirates do if the people tried to revolt? Bomb the planet, and destroy where they want to base their operations? Invade, and set the people who are to give them infrastructure against them permanetly? What exactly?
From there, the rights of the civilians can be stripped, and what you assentially end up with is something like New York, Chicago etc in the 30s, if the cops didnt exist. Mafia-like extortion, no civil liberties, and a regime of terror in which the people, while able to 'own' their own property, dont really have much control, and live in a state of fear.
Translation: You'll end up like a society based on law and order with one law that no one except a rare few support, except minus the law and order portion of the society.
Aly, it don't fly. The pirates need these people, and if the people are that abused, they'd revolt. Yet they didn't, they have a thriving economy (two Dreadnoughts and their support ships/escort ships,) a well equiped armed forces, and a permanent base. You can draw from this data (which is all the data you gave us) that the people either support the pirates, or don't know about them. Once again my version of events is the only one that seems to work.
A pirate force, which has n respect for law, and profits by murder, rape and theft, would not run a country any other way.
EXCEPT THEY DON'T PROFIT FROM MURDER, RAPE, AND THEFT! They're staying here for a long time, and murder, rape, and theft don't go along with making the locals very happy, something you need if you're going to stay. The only theft they profit from are from are from other people's ships, not from their own planet. Seriously Aly, how much thought did you put into this?
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic
'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan