STGOD 4 Game Thread

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Post by Marcao »

New Tortuga System
New Tortuga, Unknown Location
Night before Negotiations with Draconis Republic

Master of Arms Allan Westrey sighed softly and continued glancing upwards, the night sky had always been rather beautiful this time of the night and he had grown accustomed to spending some time enjoying it. Of course, since the beginning of the Draconis assault upon their world, situations had changed and he was now almost never alone. He was too important to the cause, he was an asset of New Tortuga and had come to represent the struggle for her freedom. Nonetheless, some hard choices had to be made. He made calls, some of them questionable. He took a deep breath, his eyes concentrating on a familiar star in the night sky. He never had a choice, the moment that his world had been invaded he had to act; and so he had, costing their enemy hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions.

Nonetheless, his people had suffered as well. Entire companies had been removed from existence, and the planet itself bore the scars of Draconis as well as Tortugan weapons. Nonetheless, the damage was not fatal. Unlike Earth, the biosphere of New Tortuga was still intact and the damage caused by a wide assortment of weapons of mass destruction was repairable. It would take money however, and that was something of a problem. The infrastructure in the cities was largely untouched, the mistakes of the Draconis were the boon of the Tortugans. Nonetheless, the military forces of the planet had taken significant damage, military bases and planetary defense centers had been destroyed, and various road junctions had been hammered. When all was said and done, the recovery period of the planet would be a long one, especially for the armed forces. Even if a cease fire could be reached, the planet would be weak for quite sometime. Furthermore, without the fleet the world itself would be at the mercy of the interstellar nations. The Draconis had dealt with the Tortugan orbital presence harshly.

His eyes closed for a moment, his mind struggling to come to terms with what so few of his supporters understood. They could not outright defeat the Draconis, but they had bled them. They had fought the Lizards for every inch of space, every gain the Draconis had managed had only been possible at the price of hundreds and at times thousands of corpses. Nonetheless, until they had made an appeal to the Intergalactic community, the end result was not in question. The Tortugans would have lost, but now, with Interstellar aid increasing, and interstellar pressure being exerted upon the Draconis there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Nonetheless, that light was misleading for his people were only replacing one immediate problem for a series of long term ones.

By making their plight and interstellar issue, they had opened themselves to interstellar problems. The polarization of forces occurring in the galaxy was not a secret. There were three well known power blocks which had formed, the so called Unification, the so called UPA and finally the so called Veithan Accord. The Ousters were a power block in their own right, and suddenly New Tortuga was found to be valuable real state. Any of these power blocks could benefit from basing rights in the system, and thus a careful dance had to be woven between Tortugan negotiators and foreign forces. He did not wish for his people to be forced to take sides the day after their independence. There had to be a way to manage it…he simply had to find it. Any further thoughts on the matter were disrupted when he heard familiar foot steps behind him.

“Master of Arms, we have completed a preliminary treaty to offer to the Draconis. I would like for you to give it a look and see if you like what you see sir.” The voice was firm but underlined with outmost respect. The captain had been with him since the beginning, many of the moves that were attributed solely to him had been crafted along with his insight.

”Let’s get right to it then.” He sighed softly, glancing upwards at the night sky once more the stars shimmering above him, each seeming to hold its breath for the coming day. If all went well, tomorrow would be the last day of the war. He moved next to the captain, disappearing within a concealed structure. The underground network which Tortuga possessed had served it well, and although certain parts had been collapsed beneath orbital Draconis fire, the bulk of it endured. Tomorrow held with it great promise, but he was not fooled. After the Draconis left, there would still be other challenges. It was his hope, that he would meet them head on.

Code: Select all


1.	The Government of the Draconis Republic agrees to recognize the Nation of Tortuga, and its right to exist. The Nation of Tortuga agrees to do likewise for the Draconis Republic.

2.	The Government of Tortuga recognizes that it commited unlawful acts against Draconis Shipping and agrees to never again use piracy against another nation. As The Government of the Draconis Republic recognizes that its invasion of Tortuga was wrong, and harmful. 

3.	The Government of the Draconis Republic will recall all troops from Tortuga, leaving no latter than fourty-eight hours after the finalization of this treaty.

4.	All immobile equipment or wreckage on Tortuga or in the Tortuga system is property of whoever may find them and claim right of salvage first.  The original owner rescinds all rights to said property, unless they retrieve and claim right of salvage.

5.	The Draconis Republic will hand over all Tortugan Military Personnel and Tortugan Civilians they may have captured, the Nation of Tortuga shall do likewise. If it is found that any beings have died in this way the people responsible for their deaths and capture shall be turned over to the offended nation for trial and punishment. This shall be completed within seventy-two hours of the signing of the treaty.

6.	The Government of the Draconis Republic agrees to pay reparations for all damages done to Tortuga, be they Economic, or Military in nature which was caused by their actions. Value shall be placed on this by a three member third party tribunal picked by the Government of Tortuga. There shall be some limited oversight by Tortugan and Draconis representatives during this process.

7.	The Government of Tortuga shall hereafter renounce all connections with any vessel or person of rank higher than lieutenant and or marine which has engaged in acts of shipping piracy, and all which that entails, including but not limited to, the right of return, and any form of extradition as long as a minimum of evidence is provided against both the Vessel and the crews of the vessels.  The Government of Tortuga rejects their citizenship, and gives the Draconis free reign to destroy any and all such vessels or persons, pursuant to international admiralty law regarding piracy. However, should a Tortugan vessel be crippled or captured intact it will be returned to the Tortugans so that they may plant the seeds of a self-defense navy. 

8.	The Government of the Draconis Republic shall pay for the transit costs of all Tortugan refugees returning to Tortuga.

9.	All articles delivered heretofore, except for where otherwise specified, shall be complied with no later than twenty days from the signing of the treaty.

10.	If either party breaks this treaty after its signing a state of war will be resumed between them.

New Tortuga System
New Tortuga, Secret Location

As the Draconis arrived at the chosen rally point Master of Arms Allan Westrey watched through a display and took a deep breath, any jitters or apprehension pushed aside as he summoned his reservoirs of strength. His face shifted becoming neutral and passive, the Draconis escorted within a structure before they were searched by guards, everything electronic that could act as a homing beacon was left at the site, then the negotiators were blind-folded, and the VTOL aircraft took off with them inside. Twenty two minutes later the blind folds were taken off in a small room, it was sparsely decorated and dominated by an oaken table and various seats. Around the room there were an assortment of guards their postures and demeanors indicating that these were seasoned veterans, men trusted fully by the Masters of Arms. In front of them was a table and chairs, and across the table three people sat, one of them was Master of Soldiers Westrey.

"Welcome, I hope that your trip here was pleasant and uneventful. Cease fire orders have been given to my men, and they will obey these orders unless your forces fire or advance. I believe that we should get right to the point gentlemen. These are the terms that the government of Tortuga wishes to extend upon you, I am allowed a little wiggle room but we believe that our terms are more than fair.” The folder which had been held in his right arm was placed atop of the desk and slid gently towards the Draconis side along with a silver pen. All that was left was to wait and see if reason managed to best greed. Both nations had suffered, it was time for both of them to move on. Masters of Arms Allan Westrey was a warrior and he was willing to fight tooth and nail should he need to. But he was also a man, and he no longer wished to put his soldiers and his world through a test of fire. He could only hope…
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-08-27 12:17am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »


Cpt Aldisus looked over the treaty

"when you say "Military in nature" I assume you mena infastructure damage, orbital stations etc, and not things like power armor and tanks correct? We should probably specify this in greater length so as to have no confusion over what exactly will be covered, as the laundry list could be either very short, or very long"

Other than that, this treaty is acceptable, and once that little detaill is worked out, I think we have a deal"

With that, his skin flashed a few different colors, ranging from blue to purple
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Post by Thirdfain »

United Systems News
-broadcast across over three dozen star nations!-
A subsidiary of the Basque Industrial Conglomorate

"Outrage on Nashtar!"

Police and soldiers of the Nashtar government commited a wide-scale sting operation against the Basque Industrial Conglomorate, a multi-national corporation with interests in over twenty star nations.

BIC lawyers are still lobbying the Nashtar government from their secondary headquarters in the NAU.

"Our leaders and executives were attacked and captured by those Nashtar government Gestapo without any warning or reason, and they have yet to even press charges! So far, they have found no evidence of any sort to implicate our people in some sort of ridiculous international spy scheme. Until charges are pressed, and until evidence of any sort can be found, we are pressing legal action against the government of Nashtar for their reckless action. This sort of gross use of military force against our legitimate businesses can not continue!"

Said a Kandra ben Said, chief prosecutor in the BIC counter-suite.

Nashtar officials have yet to comment.

--- * ---

The investigator turned off the Tri-V, and grimaced in disgust.

"The place is completely sterile, sir. It looks just like you'd expect a corporate office to look. Genescans on the guys we caught have turned up nothing. The only oddity is that about 15 personelle were transferred out and replaced over the last week- they brought in a whole bunch of newbies from off-planet and sent a pile of their long-service guys off to various offices outside our borders."[/b]

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Post by Marcao »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Hmm...

Cpt Aldisus looked over the treaty

"when you say "Military in nature" I assume you mena infastructure damage, orbital stations etc, and not things like power armor and tanks correct? We should probably specify this in greater length so as to have no confusion over what exactly will be covered, as the laundry list could be either very short, or very long"

Other than that, this treaty is acceptable, and once that little detaill is worked out, I think we have a deal"

With that, his skin flashed a few different colors, ranging from blue to purple
Master of Arms Allan Westrey remained sitting as the Draconis watched the treaty closely. When the Lizard spoke, he blinked, his head tilting slightly to the side as he stood. His eyes watching the Draconis representative as his hands were gently placed on the edge of the table.

"I mean all of it good sir. Infrastructure damage, Orbital stations, ground vehicles, and so on. We will not hold you responsible for damage incurred to the planet or locations that were our own doing. Case in point, the nuclear land mines that we deployed caused significant damage to various roads. We destroyed many bridges, and so on. However, every significant loss that was caused by you and yours needs to be repaid. As you are not doubt aware, we are a poor nation. We control a single system, and thus we require your assistance in guaranteeing our survival. To ask that you return our world to a position before the invasion is impossible. Both your people and ours have lost many lives, and the scars left upon our planet will linger for years. Nonetheless, we ask you for losses that were incurred by your invasion upon our world. It may seem like a lot, but it is necessary. Furthermore, as a nation possessing multiple systems you are capable of this. The ways how you may fulfill these payments need not be one lump sum, and I am certain that some wiggle room will be allowed to your nation. Nonetheless, we stand firm on the fact that significant losses that you and yours have perpetrated against us be repaid. Sadly, the one thing that I am certain both our nations wished to be repaid, is beyond our reach." Perhaps that would remind both their nations of the folly that was their conflict. "I am more than willing to discuss this at greater length. I will be able to provide a more complete list in..." He paused, excusing him for a moment and exchanging words with another officer before returning. "Three and half hours. Will that be sufficient? I trully wish that we can make this work. I think both our sides are ready to see this end."

When the skin of the Draconis flashed different colors he was unsurprised. He had seen thousands of Draconis die to his orders, as he had seen thousands of his own people die carrying them out. He knew more than he needed to know about his adversaries. Although the pattern's meaning was beyond his grasp at the moment. Even now the treaty was open to some negotiation, there were key words scattered about and the term "significant losses" should be readily caught as a term of negotiation. The Tortugans wanted to get as much as possible, but they did not wish to threatten the cease fire over a handful of credits. Nonetheless, Draconis generosity at this point would go great lengths towards healing its image in the Intergalactic community. It was a realization that should make it all work...or so Master of Arms Allan Westrey hoped.
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-08-26 08:38pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by SirNitram »

Etern Space, Various Religious Centres

They wore different faces in each centre, which was ironic, given their name. Each quartet was formed in the wake of the world's culture before their joining the Etern against the Overseer. The statues were perhaps a hallmark of the Collective. They were dark, primal Gods, embodying powerful forces for such primitives.

The Four Faces Of Evil stood watch in every dome devoted to religion, and they commanded attention from all outsiders.

The first was always an improbably tall, impossibly gorgeous woman, holding a goblet. The exacts shifted with the culture; sometimes she wore an elaborate gown, other times not even a stitch covered up her inviting body. She was Excess, and the drunken orgies devoted to her were sights to behold.

The second was a man in warrior's garb, the garb shifting with culture. He cut off his ears, gouged out his eyes, at what he had seen, and, in the madness that followed, betrayed all he used to stand for. Such was Madness' plight. But still, warriors paid his respect, knowing the path that awaited the arrogant.

The third was a strange, twisted statue. One side was a noble, dressed appropriately for his world. The other side was vile; a twisted demon, a hideous Hellbeast, or something the human mind couldn't comprehend. He was the truest measure of those that gained power, they fell to Corruption.

The final Face was one the Etern revered most closely. It was sometimes a Thing from ancient mythology, but since the Collective's founding, new statues had been of the Overseer's dangerous minions. They embodied the force that made all things possible. This was Destruction, and as war seemed to loom, they prayed to it.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

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Post by Rogue 9 »

Thirdfain wrote:The investigator turned off the Tri-V, and grimaced in disgust.

"The place is completely sterile, sir. It looks just like you'd expect a corporate office to look. Genescans on the guys we caught have turned up nothing. The only oddity is that about 15 personelle were transferred out and replaced over the last week- they brought in a whole bunch of newbies from off-planet and sent a pile of their long-service guys off to various offices outside our borders."
Captain Taylor looked down at the search warrant in his hands in disgust. All for nothing so far, but they still hadn't gotten all the information there was to be had. "Where were they transferred to, and what positions did they hold? Names? Were any of the transfers on the list we were given? I want answers, and I have the legal authority to get them. Take the executives downtown, give them access to counsel, their phone call, all their rights. I want this as clean as possible. I want personnel and financial records analyzed. The answers are here, and we're going to find them."
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Post by Thirdfain »

"I've got names, sir- all of them were foreigners, friends of family and the like brought in to do basic work in the office. Three of 'em are Monacorans, half a dozen are Slavs, the rest a mix of Americans and Chinese. They've been transferred to the BIC offices in Monacora, the North American Union, and the Patriotic Union of Assatkra. We only have the transfer orders, though, sir, and we only have a list of the employees in their offices in the Republic. Their employee listings overseas aren't here. It's a pretty compartmentalized business set-up, standard for the multi-nats like the Basque."

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Marcao wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:Hmm...

Cpt Aldisus looked over the treaty

"when you say "Military in nature" I assume you mena infastructure damage, orbital stations etc, and not things like power armor and tanks correct? We should probably specify this in greater length so as to have no confusion over what exactly will be covered, as the laundry list could be either very short, or very long"

Other than that, this treaty is acceptable, and once that little detaill is worked out, I think we have a deal"

With that, his skin flashed a few different colors, ranging from blue to purple
Master of Arms Allan Westrey remained sitting as the Draconis watched the treaty closely. When the Lizard spoke, he blinked, his head tilting slightly to the side as he stood. His eyes watching the Draconis representative as his hands were gently placed on the edge of the table.

"I mean all of it good sir. Infrastructure damage, Orbital stations, ground vehicles, and so on. We will not hold you responsible for damage incurred to the planet or locations that were our own doing. Case in point, the nuclear land mines that we deployed caused significant damage to various roads. We destroyed many bridges, and so on. However, every significant loss that was caused by you and yours needs to be repaid. As you are not doubt aware, we are a poor nation. We control a single system, and thus we require your assistance in guaranteeing our survival. To ask that you return our world to a position before the invasion is impossible. Both your people and ours have lost many lives, and the scars left upon our planet will linger for years. Nonetheless, we ask you for losses that were incurred by your invasion upon our world. It may seem like a lot, but it is necessary. Furthermore, as a nation possessing multiple systems you are capable of this. The ways how you may fulfill these payments need not be one lump sum, and I am certain that some wiggle room will be allowed to your nation. Nonetheless, we stand firm on the fact that every loss that you and yours have perpetrated against us be repaid. Sadly, the one thing that I am certain both our nations wished to be repaid, is beyond our reach." Perhaps that would remind both their nations of the folly that was their conflict. "I am more than willing to discuss this at greater length. I will be able to provide a more complete list in..." He paused, excusing him for a moment and exchanging words with another officer before returning. "Three and half hours. Will that be sufficient? I trully wish that we can make this work. I think both our sides are ready to see this end."

When the skin of the Draconis flashed different colors he was unsurprised. He had seen thousands of Draconis die to his orders, as he had seen thousands of his own people die carrying them out. He knew more than he needed to know about his adversaries. Although the pattern's meaning was beyond his grasp at the moment.
"There are casualties in war, men, equipment, ect. It is anavoidable, and in human history, the worst thing that can be dne is to ask fro reparations of this magnitude. However, we can get around the costs by going to the lowest bidder, and paying in yearly installments. The problem is, an increase in taxes will never pass, and we cannot legally run on a deficit. SO we will have to reduce military spending and pay over the course of several years. We can live with the terms, we dont necessarily need to go about upgrading all our military for a few years anyway. Provided of course, that the amunt needing to be paid wont cripple us"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by Rogue 9 »

To: Ravenlock Consortium Government
From: Ministry of State, Republic of Nashtar
RE: Basque Industrial Conglomerate

It has recently come to our attention that at least 2/3rds of the monetary support for the Ix'agal insurgency has been funneled through the Basque Industrial Conglomeration by another nation. Our intelligence has also indicated that the BIC's top executives had been replaced by Dra'kol. Our source gave DNA analysis, but claims to have irretrievably damaged the DNA sample itself. Attached is a copy of this DNA analysis, along with limited information from the intelligence report, edited to protect specific sources but otherwise unaltered except for removal of information we wish to keep proprietary at the moment. [OOC: Translation in case that's not clear. It's all true, but it's not all there, and we admit this up front.] We wish for you to give us your own analysis and if applicable explanation. The executives in question have fled the country, doing so even before we gained our intelligence on the matter, so we are unfortunately unable to confirm or refute the allegations made. We do not see what you stand to gain from such an action, and so will give you the benefit of the doubt for the moment. Please respond as soon as possible.

Victor Godunov, Minister of State, Republic of Nashtar
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Post by Spyder »

Thirdfain wrote:HBC Corporate Offices
Republic of Jormungandr
Ouster Occupation Zone, Rimwards Edge of Known Space
"Edward Sullivan, pleased to meet you."
"Please, have a seat. What can I do for you?"
"I'm here on behalf of the Minmatar Alcohol and Tobacco Union. There's a couple of things I'd like to discuss, firstly, there's going to be some changes to the promotional structure of the various ales that you're currently distributing on our behalf. Have a look at this."

Sullivan hands Zimmer a collection of papers. Zimmer briefly skims through them. "Interesting. I see you guys have done your homework. So when is this launching?"

"Very soon. Hopefully this new campaign will appear to a wider range of Jormungandr demographics. On the next page you'll also see the Hudson campaign and our plans for regional localization."

"This must have taken some time." Zimmer noted.

"Oh, it did. Believe you me it did." Sullivan spoke. "I'd like to get some feedback from the team here if that's possible. Another matter is that some of our breweries are looking at vertical expansion. Basically we have some investors lined up that are interested in the HBC. Now, what this means is that the potential now exists for us to negotiate exlcusive distribution rights for the Helsinki Beverage Corporation throughout Hudson, Jormungandr and all their outlying colonies. What we'd like to see before we can make this happen is HBC financial data. Nothing confidential of course, pretty much the usual investment portfolio with a rundown on distribution costings. If we could get the ball rolling on this one the HBC could end up doing very well."
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Post by Thirdfain »

Zimmer nodded along, but then interrupted.

"Hold on. We aren't branching off into Hudson, you hear me? That's where the Ousters keep their warships. The Board decided long ago we'll keep our distribution ot the Jormungandr Sphere, where we enjoy the Void Barb's protection without having to catch any flak if someone decides to take them out. Besides, it's not profitable. Business has been shaky in that region since the Barb ships started moving.

In any case, sir, I would be pleased to allow you contact with the gentlemen down in finance. They'll have the figures for you by tomorrow. Is there any more business you'd like to discuss?"

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Post by Hotfoot »

To: Ministry of State, Republic of Nashtar
From: Office of the Director
Subject: RE: Basque Industrial Conglomerate

We understand your concern on the matter, as the Dra’kol can provide a significant intelligence and security risk. However, on review of the information you have provided, the DNA analysis appears to be quite flawed on numerous levels. The basic structure is inherently flawed. Included in this response is a proper DNA analysis of a Dra’kol genetic structure. If you would like to verify this data independently, we could arrange a seminar either in Ravenlock Sector or Ark sector.

Concerning the Ix’agal incident, all we can say is that we know that the Krynor did not act alone, and that our intelligence is attempting to discover what other organizations may be responsible. It is possible that BIC was infiltrated by the same organization that attempted to breach security at the trade fair.

While we understand that you are interested in keeping your sources confidential, we are naturally curious as to what would bring about an accusation of Dra’kol infiltration based on such clearly unreliable evidence.
Do not meddle in the affairs of insomniacs, for they are cranky and can do things to you while you sleep.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Hotfoot wrote:To: Ministry of State, Republic of Nashtar
From: Office of the Director
Subject: RE: Basque Industrial Conglomerate

We understand your concern on the matter, as the Dra’kol can provide a significant intelligence and security risk. However, on review of the information you have provided, the DNA analysis appears to be quite flawed on numerous levels. The basic structure is inherently flawed. Included in this response is a proper DNA analysis of a Dra’kol genetic structure. If you would like to verify this data independently, we could arrange a seminar either in Ravenlock Sector or Ark sector.

Concerning the Ix’agal incident, all we can say is that we know that the Krynor did not act alone, and that our intelligence is attempting to discover what other organizations may be responsible. It is possible that BIC was infiltrated by the same organization that attempted to breach security at the trade fair.

While we understand that you are interested in keeping your sources confidential, we are naturally curious as to what would bring about an accusation of Dra’kol infiltration based on such clearly unreliable evidence.
Our sources will remain confidential at this time, but we will attempt to discover why the information given to our intelligence officers differs so greatly from yours. We accept your offer of independent confirmation, preferably in the Ark sector. Representatives will be with you as soon as can be arranged.

Minister Godunov
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Post by Rogue 9 »

To: Krell Combine Intelligence
From: Nashtar Republic Intelligence, Office of the Director
Subject: BIC Ix'agal involvement information

We have obtained a sample of Dra'kol DNA and an analysis of same, and it does not match up with the analysis included in your report to us. In fact, your analysis seems significantly flawed.

We ask confirmation that you are absolutely certain that there were Dra'kol present at BIC headquarters. None of our prisoners match your analysis, which we find quite odd. Please confirm that you are certain your data is accurate.

George Romney, Director of Republic Intelligence
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Post by Marcao »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
"There are casualties in war, men, equipment, ect. It is anavoidable, and in human history, the worst thing that can be dne is to ask fro reparations of this magnitude. However, we can get around the costs by going to the lowest bidder, and paying in yearly installments. The problem is, an increase in taxes will never pass, and we cannot legally run on a deficit. SO we will have to reduce military spending and pay over the course of several years. We can live with the terms, we dont necessarily need to go about upgrading all our military for a few years anyway. Provided of course, that the amunt needing to be paid wont cripple us"
"I agree. We are open to negotiations even now, and I assure you that it is not our desire to bleed the Draconis dry. I am well aware of the fact of the importance of this cease fire, and I will do all I can to preserve it." He paused for a moment, watching the Draconis closely. "In the current galactic atmosphere it would be...difficult to ask too much of your nation. I assure you that the final cost will be reasonable." He had already talked to his inner circle about such thoughts. In the end, he did not believe that it was reasonable nor prudent to ask for full reparations. He would haggle for all that he could for his people, but in the end he was more than willing to accept a smaller planetary force than Tortuga previously possessed. Without the strain of maintaining the vast pirate fleet, there was some room to maneuver and he knew that.

"Now please, let us hammer down the last bits of the treaty. I will sleep better after it has been signed by both our nations." And then the negotiations began, Master of Arms Allan Westry leading the charge but being sensitive enough to know what points were negotiable and which were not. In the end, the structured settlement which was reached should be satisfactory to both parties and once that was down, the treaty would be signed.
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HMS Unstoppable exited hyperspace at full alert, her impeller band flaring up in a huge blue-white wedge that was as she entered sublight flight. The massive super-dreadnaught dwarfed even the mighty battlecruiser's escorting her. The tiny defensive stations orbiting Arkantos locked in on the Unstoppable, and fired. Invisible graser beams splashed against the impeller band harmlessly, causing an entertaining lightshow for the crew of the Unstoppable. In return, the Unstoppable almost casually returned fire with dozens of graser beams, destroying the stations with pinpoint accuracy.

"Excellent shots, gunnery. Now let's find out where the Arkanians are hiding their little fleet." Admiral Brett Stenner paced past bridge consoles, stroking his brown mustache eagerly. He stooped in front of one of the scanner displays, watching the rest of his fleet move into position. "Helm, present our impeller wedge to the surface. Intel says the Arkanians have some pretty nasty laser batteries set up." One of the officers on the bridge suddenly shouted out, and the main screen switched to a view of a dozen destroyers, forming into a wall of battle. "Location, 456-234-091." A young man dressed in a Captain's uniform strode to the front of the bridge, glancing at the main screen briefly.

"Helm, close to missile range. Gunnery, prepare to fire a full salvo on my mark." Stenner shook his head. "I don't think so, Captain. Do you really think the Arkanians expect their tin cans to stand up against a super-dreadnaught and 6 ships of the wall? We're dealing with former RMN commanders here, Irwin." Captain Irwin glanced uncomfortably at the main screen again, scratching his neck. "A trap, sir?" Stenner rolled his eyes.

"No shit, Captain. In case you hadnt noticed, if we engage the destroyers, our bow will be exposed to surface fire, and then we'll get sliced up pretty bad. We'd win, of course, but we would take too much damage in the process. Command has stated explicity to minimize battle damage. This should be a cake-walk. Gunnery, equip one electronic warfare pod and fire it straight at the enemy formation. Odds are, 50 year old sensors wouldnt know the difference between the pod and a real ship, until close range. The pod will surely draw fire from the surface. Thats when the Redoutable will vape those surface batteries. Redoubtable, are you in position?"

The bridge speakers crackled. "Aye, Admiral. EM sensors configured for laser-tracking, and our finger is on the trigger." Stenner nodded to the gunnery officer. "Ok, let it fly." The dreadnaught shuddered ever so slighty as the pod blasted away from it. Positioning itself behind the Unstoppable's impeller wedge to shield it's transformation from enemy sensors, the pod activated. Where there was once empty space, now there was a near-perfect visual (and sensor) replica of a battlecruiser, at long range in any case. The 'battlecruiser' accelerated towards the enemy formation, and the gunners of the Redoutable waited. Moments later, sensors registered a dozen laser beams slicing up through the atmosphere and towards the illusion. One struck the pod itself, and the illusion simply flickered out of existence. But those millisecond shots had been enough time for the crack gunners of the Redoutable to lock onto the surface batteries.

The Redoutable let loose a flurry of fusion warheads that dived into the atmosphere at incredible speed, and impacted on the surface. Where they hit, the land and sky ignited into a firestorm, demolishing the laser batteries, flattening mountains and towns. "All targets eliminated, Admiral Stenner. Your path is clear."

The Unstoppable's impeller wedge flared as it charged towards the destroyer formation, missiles pouring from it in a thick swarm. The destroyers launched out-dated countermissiles that failed to hit even one of the incoming targets, and then the missiles detonated. Star-bursts of bomb-pumped lasers tore the destroyers into shreds, some taking as many as a hundred direct hits. Moments later, there was nothing left.
Stenner smiled. "Comm, open a channel to the Arkanians. Tell them to surrender."
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Post by Spyder »

Sullivan raised an eyebrow. "That about covers it for now. I must say I am suprised though, what you're telling me is in direct contradiction to what both yours and our operations managers have been reporting for the past six months. Well anyway, I'm going to go see the local vendors, make sure they're all happy. It was a pleasure meeting you Mr Zimmer. I might stop by again before I leave, it sounds as though there are some details that may need attending to."
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Post by Stormbringer »

To: Tortugan Leadership
From: Asgard Admirality
RE: Aid

We wish to offer your nation a deal to provide military aid. We will send you the PIR warships that we have captured in our recent campaign in return for basing rights on one the uninhabited celestial bodies of your system. We hope to hear from you soon.
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Post by Marcao »

Veithan Territories
Unknown Location

The autofac had been seeded upon a moon along with a handful of its brethren, the industrial replicators within the core of the machine activated as the internal artificial intelligence awakened. It was a complex machine, capable of producing nearly any device or construct given the resources and time. In this task it was assisted by a myriad of drones, ranging from mining drones to a handful of defense drones. The autofac was abuzz with activity and had been since its activation, utilizing its systems to their fullest as it gathered whatever resources were available and processed them in order to fulfill its function, the building of the blueprint locked in its databanks.

The process was not admired by any living souls, the autofac was completely automated a technology which the empire had perfected quite sometime ago. It was not entirely self-sufficient however, the materials in the moon itself could only be broken down so much and the industrial replicators still needed certain rare elements in order to properly manufacture the desired blueprints. It was due to this, that ever fifteen days a Veithan cargo vessel would quietly slip into orbit and displace the necessary raw materials into the storage tanks, once more allowing the process to continue. Every fifteen days, the same cargo ship would displace the finished products into its cavernous bays.

This particular Autofac had been tasked with producing a wide array of military goods, ranging from mines to various drones. The process appeared to be never ending, the autofac toiling endlessly without passion or apathy, joy or sorrow. Alongside its brothers and sisters which were scattered throughout a wide array of Veithan held territories, the autofacs produced the tools that the Veithan war machine would eventually need. They performed this task admirably without fan fare and little praise, an invisible indication that the Empire prepared. For what, only a few knew.

Veithan Empire, Ashana System
Ashana III, Black Tower

There was perhaps no better informed being in known space than Lilandra. It was not a boast. Within the confines of the black tower and beneath the psionic union of one hundred minds, time and space melded into a singular whole which she could manipulate much like a child could play with a string. In this manner, a multitude of futures were available to her and she had spent her life sifting through them, seeking answers to questions as well as ways of blunting the threats to her nation. It was far from fool proof, the simple number of possibilities meant that it was all but impossible to scour them all, and due to this important events would seep through the cracks. She was not omniscient, far from it, but her power was tangible and real and her insights had saved millions of Veithan lives while spelling the end for countless threats.

For over a month now the Black Tower had stood silent, the installation of the improved gestalt devices had met a myriad of problems. The gestalt devices within the Black Tower were already the most powerful ever designed by Veithan science and in some ways were still not perfectly understood. These were relics, the first gestalts and even now the most powerful. The improvements derived from the Veithan occupation of Al-Quadim were far too tempting not to employ, although their proper implementation proved a bit more complicated than expected. Nonetheless, the changes had been made and the Black Tower’s power and reach grew. Lilandra had wisely decided that there would be no union until each member of the choir felt confident with their improved gestalts. It had taken well over two weeks for everyone including Lilandra to get used to the increased boosting effects of the improved gestalts. But in the end, the Black Tower stood once more ready to pierce the veil between present and future, and once more cast its hand in guiding the Empire.

The joining began in stages, ten gestalts activated as the first minds joined, then another ten and another. It was only when the one hundred minds of those Veithans around her were joined that Lilandra herself activated her own gestalt and finalized the union. No other Veithan could manage to coordinate so many primes, no other mind could maintain her sense of self beneath the strain. Lilandra’s talent was rare, the rarest of all mental disciplines enjoyed by the Veithan people and as a result since birth she had been blessed and cursed to her task. She was the living heart of the Black Tower for now and ever, as long as she lived. The minds of one hundred and one Veithan primes united, coalescing into a singular whole of nearly limitless psionic might. In the heart of the psionic might Lilandra stirred, harnessing the power and projecting it, parting time and space between her mental fingers her presence rippling through the astral as she sped faster than most could imagine towards her final destination.

She arrived in milliseconds, the thoughts of every member rippling through her being as their might became hers each offering all that they were to her. She knew every member of her choir like she would know a brother or a sister, with an intimacy that only the closest of Veithan lovers could understand. There were no barriers between her and those that were joined to her, she could see every memory as if it was her own, and she could feel every emotion as if it was her own. There was a danger in this, and quietly her mind forced herself to the task at hand focusing from inward contemplation to outward speculation. With the new strength that the improved gestalts offered her and every member linked to her, she felt herself expand, testing each flickering pathway with increased speed and depth. The possibilities floated around her, nearly infinite in scope and varying in possibilities. Nonetheless, Lilandra pressed on aware that what had taken her seconds before now took fractions there of, a thin smile forming upon her physical body as she realized that now more than ever she could do more for her people. Seconds passed, dozens of probabilities turning to hundreds as the unified whole of the tower sought out the answers to problems unseen, seeking hidden foes of the empire and threats present and future.

In the end, the results were mixed. The psionic mass which was Lilandra sped forth back to the tower, returning to their physical bodies with all due haste. The process had been the longest in her life, the new gestalts allowed her to stay out further and dig deeper. Nonetheless, there were still too many possibilities. She had seen futures were the Empire had grown to swallow all of known space, only to see another window in space time which showed utter destruction. Nonetheless, as the minds of her choir separated from her gently she understood that she had found something of use. They had found something valuable, something that she believed would tip the balance in the favor of the Empire. It was only a small step, but it was enough. As the final member of the choir left her mind, her mind sighed. The strain of joining with so many could never be understated but over the years, she had grown used to the feeling. Her eyes snapped open, a mental command withdrawing the various links that joined her through her suit to her gestalt. She stood from her gestalt and walked down from her place at the top of the dais which had been constructed for her. It was her place, the place of honor. It took her four minutes and eighteen seconds to make it to her private room, a secure communication opened with the home world as she began to deliver her predictions. The BIC was a long term threat that could not be overlooked especially with that which she had seen.
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-08-27 02:02pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Orodan Shipyards, Orodan, Nashtar Star Cluster
The NRS Dauntless slid out of the repair rigging and lit off her six engines. Her sensors finally repaired, Captain Corcoran was able to return his ship to duty. He sat back in his command chair. "Helm, Conn. Set course for Pinnacle, engage when ready."

"Aye, sir."

The mighty battleship's engines flared, the ship seemed to enlongate, and then she was gone.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Spyder »

After the meeting Sullivan continued with various tasks. Included on his to do list was a trip to several local liquer stores, some supermarkets and a real estate broker.

After some modest purchasing Sullivan ended up with several cases of beer, some tobacco products, some random foodstuffs including biscuits, cheese, a few different brands of cereal and orange juice, and a listing for local property values. A few calls to various other independant shops on other parts of the planet to retrieve batch numbers and shipping dates, which he catalogued along with the batch numbers on the various products with him. He also was able to collect various consumer and business magazines as well as stock market information. Guides to local corporate and consumer laws and changes since the Hajr occupation began were also collected.
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Post by Bugsby »

The Krell fleet emerged from warp just outside the Tortuga system. Hyperspace transmissions had caught up with it just minutes before reversion to realspace, speaking of cooled relations between the Tortugans and the Draconis. Yet another treaty had been put forward, and this one looked as though it might actually be approved. Disappointing, but not horrible. The Krell get paid anyway. They fleet had standing orders to remain in the area, so they hovered just outside the system.

A small detatchment of 3 escorts pulled away from the main body of the fleet and did a microjump in-system, apperaing over Tortuga. All weapons were powered down.

"Tortugan Command, this is Krell Scout Ray. As you know, we have sympathy to your cause and came here expecting a fight. However, since it seems no one will be fighting in the next few hours, we request permission to touch down. We have some medical supplies on board that I'm sure would be welcome in the battle zones. We've even got some stuff that can help out the wounded lizards. Where do you want us?"
The wisdom of PA:
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The disc-shaped Marine cutter set down gracefully on the landing pad, it's gun turrents swiveling, searching for hostile targets. Finding none, the combat-drop chute opened, and a dozen power-armored Marines poured out, toting pulsers and plasma repeaters. The Arkanians waiting at the platform muttered nervously as the Marines shouldered through the crowd, setting up a perimeter around the edges of the pad. Arkanian Premier Bristol fiddled with his tie nervously. "Mr. Premier, you'll be meeting with Admiral Brett Stenner, commanding officer of the 1st Squadron..." his aide was saying, but Bristol ignored him, eyes focused on the ramp that just descended from the cutter.

Admiral Stenner, replescent in his finest dress uniform, looked vaguely amused at the nervous crowd surrounding him. He stepped lightly down the ramp, and stopped in front of Bristol. "Mr. Premier, under the authority vested in me by the true King, his Majesty Alvarez the First, I hearby declare Arkantos to be fully reunited with the Nation of Manticore. You will hearby resign all of your legislative, judicial, and executive powers to the leaders we have chosen. You will give up all goverment-controlled agencies, nationalised corporations, and so forth, to the Nation of Manticore...."
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Post by frigidmagi »

To: Manitcore
From: United Protectrates State Office

We would be interested in exchanging ambassadors and opening relations. We also would like to congratlate you on your reunion with your colony.
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Post by frigidmagi »

Lastport Congressal Chambers

Speaker to the Protector Alan Moore, also leader of the Protector Loyalist, glared at Federalist Whip Maya Rogers. She was a great representive for her poeple on Blue Ridge, but the women just would not Shut Up! She was taking outrageous advantage of the fact that it was a closed session today, onlookers had been know to boo and throw paper balls at those who prattled to long.

Members of the Regionalist party (both of them) and War party were also glaring, of course regionalist weren't the biggest fans of the Federalist party. Finally Nathan Ortega of the Centralist nudged her, enough was enough.

"Before I end my remarks, I would remind everyone that we receieved the information from the Krell, THE KRELL! Who clearly have no interest in anything other than breaking up the warming relation between us and Accord powers. They might even have slid us disinformation at the bidding of the Hajr Credit!" She sat has the chamber exploded under that remark. The War party chanted for a war vote has the liberals called for censures all around.

Alan pounded with his gavel for a few minutes before losing his cool.

"Master at Arms, if you please?" The Master at Arms, a marine Master Sgt, was more than happy to fire a warning shot. There was even a section of the roof designed for that in mind, am addition from Lady Protector Ruth's day. Silence reigned at last.

"I will remind the representives that they are members of the United Protectrates Congress, not a bunch of Eterns Cyborgs in bar. I call for a silent vote on the bill in question." The Speaker announced.

Newfac, 4 hours later

In response to various intelligence and recent actions in the Nashtar Republic, all assets of the BIC in UP space are siezed and frozen and all non-native workers and excutives are exspelled until futher notice.
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