New Tortuga, Unknown Location
Night before Negotiations with Draconis Republic
Master of Arms Allan Westrey sighed softly and continued glancing upwards, the night sky had always been rather beautiful this time of the night and he had grown accustomed to spending some time enjoying it. Of course, since the beginning of the Draconis assault upon their world, situations had changed and he was now almost never alone. He was too important to the cause, he was an asset of New Tortuga and had come to represent the struggle for her freedom. Nonetheless, some hard choices had to be made. He made calls, some of them questionable. He took a deep breath, his eyes concentrating on a familiar star in the night sky. He never had a choice, the moment that his world had been invaded he had to act; and so he had, costing their enemy hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions.
Nonetheless, his people had suffered as well. Entire companies had been removed from existence, and the planet itself bore the scars of Draconis as well as Tortugan weapons. Nonetheless, the damage was not fatal. Unlike Earth, the biosphere of New Tortuga was still intact and the damage caused by a wide assortment of weapons of mass destruction was repairable. It would take money however, and that was something of a problem. The infrastructure in the cities was largely untouched, the mistakes of the Draconis were the boon of the Tortugans. Nonetheless, the military forces of the planet had taken significant damage, military bases and planetary defense centers had been destroyed, and various road junctions had been hammered. When all was said and done, the recovery period of the planet would be a long one, especially for the armed forces. Even if a cease fire could be reached, the planet would be weak for quite sometime. Furthermore, without the fleet the world itself would be at the mercy of the interstellar nations. The Draconis had dealt with the Tortugan orbital presence harshly.
His eyes closed for a moment, his mind struggling to come to terms with what so few of his supporters understood. They could not outright defeat the Draconis, but they had bled them. They had fought the Lizards for every inch of space, every gain the Draconis had managed had only been possible at the price of hundreds and at times thousands of corpses. Nonetheless, until they had made an appeal to the Intergalactic community, the end result was not in question. The Tortugans would have lost, but now, with Interstellar aid increasing, and interstellar pressure being exerted upon the Draconis there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Nonetheless, that light was misleading for his people were only replacing one immediate problem for a series of long term ones.
By making their plight and interstellar issue, they had opened themselves to interstellar problems. The polarization of forces occurring in the galaxy was not a secret. There were three well known power blocks which had formed, the so called Unification, the so called UPA and finally the so called Veithan Accord. The Ousters were a power block in their own right, and suddenly New Tortuga was found to be valuable real state. Any of these power blocks could benefit from basing rights in the system, and thus a careful dance had to be woven between Tortugan negotiators and foreign forces. He did not wish for his people to be forced to take sides the day after their independence. There had to be a way to manage it…he simply had to find it. Any further thoughts on the matter were disrupted when he heard familiar foot steps behind him.
“Master of Arms, we have completed a preliminary treaty to offer to the Draconis. I would like for you to give it a look and see if you like what you see sir.” The voice was firm but underlined with outmost respect. The captain had been with him since the beginning, many of the moves that were attributed solely to him had been crafted along with his insight.
”Let’s get right to it then.” He sighed softly, glancing upwards at the night sky once more the stars shimmering above him, each seeming to hold its breath for the coming day. If all went well, tomorrow would be the last day of the war. He moved next to the captain, disappearing within a concealed structure. The underground network which Tortuga possessed had served it well, and although certain parts had been collapsed beneath orbital Draconis fire, the bulk of it endured. Tomorrow held with it great promise, but he was not fooled. After the Draconis left, there would still be other challenges. It was his hope, that he would meet them head on.
Code: Select all
1. The Government of the Draconis Republic agrees to recognize the Nation of Tortuga, and its right to exist. The Nation of Tortuga agrees to do likewise for the Draconis Republic.
2. The Government of Tortuga recognizes that it commited unlawful acts against Draconis Shipping and agrees to never again use piracy against another nation. As The Government of the Draconis Republic recognizes that its invasion of Tortuga was wrong, and harmful.
3. The Government of the Draconis Republic will recall all troops from Tortuga, leaving no latter than fourty-eight hours after the finalization of this treaty.
4. All immobile equipment or wreckage on Tortuga or in the Tortuga system is property of whoever may find them and claim right of salvage first. The original owner rescinds all rights to said property, unless they retrieve and claim right of salvage.
5. The Draconis Republic will hand over all Tortugan Military Personnel and Tortugan Civilians they may have captured, the Nation of Tortuga shall do likewise. If it is found that any beings have died in this way the people responsible for their deaths and capture shall be turned over to the offended nation for trial and punishment. This shall be completed within seventy-two hours of the signing of the treaty.
6. The Government of the Draconis Republic agrees to pay reparations for all damages done to Tortuga, be they Economic, or Military in nature which was caused by their actions. Value shall be placed on this by a three member third party tribunal picked by the Government of Tortuga. There shall be some limited oversight by Tortugan and Draconis representatives during this process.
7. The Government of Tortuga shall hereafter renounce all connections with any vessel or person of rank higher than lieutenant and or marine which has engaged in acts of shipping piracy, and all which that entails, including but not limited to, the right of return, and any form of extradition as long as a minimum of evidence is provided against both the Vessel and the crews of the vessels. The Government of Tortuga rejects their citizenship, and gives the Draconis free reign to destroy any and all such vessels or persons, pursuant to international admiralty law regarding piracy. However, should a Tortugan vessel be crippled or captured intact it will be returned to the Tortugans so that they may plant the seeds of a self-defense navy.
8. The Government of the Draconis Republic shall pay for the transit costs of all Tortugan refugees returning to Tortuga.
9. All articles delivered heretofore, except for where otherwise specified, shall be complied with no later than twenty days from the signing of the treaty.
10. If either party breaks this treaty after its signing a state of war will be resumed between them.
New Tortuga System
New Tortuga, Secret Location
As the Draconis arrived at the chosen rally point Master of Arms Allan Westrey watched through a display and took a deep breath, any jitters or apprehension pushed aside as he summoned his reservoirs of strength. His face shifted becoming neutral and passive, the Draconis escorted within a structure before they were searched by guards, everything electronic that could act as a homing beacon was left at the site, then the negotiators were blind-folded, and the VTOL aircraft took off with them inside. Twenty two minutes later the blind folds were taken off in a small room, it was sparsely decorated and dominated by an oaken table and various seats. Around the room there were an assortment of guards their postures and demeanors indicating that these were seasoned veterans, men trusted fully by the Masters of Arms. In front of them was a table and chairs, and across the table three people sat, one of them was Master of Soldiers Westrey.
"Welcome, I hope that your trip here was pleasant and uneventful. Cease fire orders have been given to my men, and they will obey these orders unless your forces fire or advance. I believe that we should get right to the point gentlemen. These are the terms that the government of Tortuga wishes to extend upon you, I am allowed a little wiggle room but we believe that our terms are more than fair.” The folder which had been held in his right arm was placed atop of the desk and slid gently towards the Draconis side along with a silver pen. All that was left was to wait and see if reason managed to best greed. Both nations had suffered, it was time for both of them to move on. Masters of Arms Allan Westrey was a warrior and he was willing to fight tooth and nail should he need to. But he was also a man, and he no longer wished to put his soldiers and his world through a test of fire. He could only hope…