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Post by frigidmagi »

Mulaya III

The Ambassador walked over to his counter part handing over a hand typed request.

Code: Select all

Due in recent developments, several cases of weapon smuggling in the former CoG attributed to the Kyrnor have been reopened.  In the interest of finding the truth we request the loan of psionic operatives to aid in operations in and around Ix'nagal space.  We are open to negotation on the details of this arrangment.
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Post by Marcao »

New Tortuga System
New Tortuga, Secret Location

The negotiations continued slowing at times as each side sought to improve its position relative to the other. It was careful work, but the last set of compromises seemed to be taking shape a final document emerging that could satisfy the needs of both nations. It had taken a few maneuvers and a great deal of swallowed pride in the last point however, but it was in the estimation of the Master of Arms absolutely crucial for the viability of the new tortugan state. Negotiations ceased for a small break, the Draconis representatives led to an adjacent room where they could deliberate in private and help themselves to some refreshments. When the Draconis delegation had left, the Tortugan delegation began its own internal debate.

”You know that it is shaping up to be a relatively weak treaty right Allan? Reparations are all fine and dandy, and we certainly can use the money but we are not hurting the Draconis. We have the backing of all of known space for fuck’s sake Allan! We can demand their balls and they would have to comply!” the voice of the lieutenant at his side was firm, laced with conviction. He had lost his wife and daughter during the invasion. It was something to consider. Allan’s head turned glancing towards his right, his life long friend was silent on the matter, suggesting that the Captain himself had doubts. The Master of Arms sighed softly.

”The Point of this treaty is not to hurt the Draconis. We have already done that. We cost them over a million lives, we cost them equipment, we cost them prestige in the stellar community. I will not sacrifice a cease fire over a matter of pride.”

”Pride? Sir, we have them by the balls!” The lieutenant’s fist made contact with the table before him, resonating through the room.

”I can understand your desire to get this over with Allan, I really do. However, this is not the best treaty that we can get, even if the final modifications are agreed with by the Draconis. Getting the fleet back would go along way in helping our stability, but the sacrifice is significant to make that happen.” The captain’s tone was neutral and measured. He trusted the Master of Arms but wanted his inner thoughts to be known in this matter.

The Master of Arms hesitated for only a moment, watching the young lieutenant closely before his eyes slid towards those of the Captain. His eyes narrowing as he spoke. “Do you really think that I am not bloody well aware of the facts? YES! We have the Draconis by the balls. Do you know how difficult it is for me not to squeeze that for all of its worth? We lost many lives, people I knew and I cared about damn it! If It were up to ME, There would be NO treaty. If it were up to ME, I would accompany the interstellar community, erase the fucking Lizards from existence and then piss on their ashes!” The Master of Arms eyes were wide, his hands like claws on the edge of the table.

”But sir, it is up to you…” The lieutenant’s words were soft, barely audible within the sudden silence of the room. The Captain simply watched the Master of Arms closely, the guards scattered through the room seemingly holding their breath.

”No, no its not. I can understand your pain Lieutenant, you lost family in the invasion but never forget you are not the only one that suffered thus.” He paused, closing his eyes for a moment before watching the Lieutenant and Captain, both men he trusted implicitly. “You are both fine warriors and have served me well, your knowledge and understanding of ground warfare and level headedness are parts of the reasons why you are here with me. But your grasp of interstellar politics is not up to the task.” Before any of the men could speak, his right arm moved up in a gesture for silence.

”This is not a simple affair between our people and the Draconis that seized to be a possibility when in order to win we involved the interstellar community. If we push too hard, we stand to lose as much as we gain. Suppose that I do as you propose, and we push the Draconis for everything we can. The Draconis are prideful, and while their pride is not our concern, I can see where it will all lead. The Draconis will not negotiate, and a series of events will be put into play. The interstellar community will move, but do you really think that it will move purely and simply for our salvation?” He let those words hang in the air for a moment before he continued.

”Consider that it comes to war, do you think it will be contained purely in Draconis space? They are part of the UPA. If the Draconis are attacked in their territories by our so called allies, the mutual defense pact of the UPA will be put into effect. The forces of the UPA will rally as if the Draconis are attacked they will only have two options: kick out the Draconis from the alliance losing face but maintaining the other members intact or go to war. The UP are fools, noble fools but fools nonetheless, they will not allow an attack of that magnitude upon a member of the UPA go unanswered nor would they kick the Draconis out of the UPA for if they do this, their power bloc will lose all credibility both within its own alliance and those outside of it.” He went silent for a moment, letting his words sink in.

”There are bigger things at stake here than how good of a deal we can get out of the Draconis gentlemen. We stand on the edge of a precipice, and that fall leads to the largest conflict since the Mechanoid war and quite possibly the most violent blood letting since the genocide wars. There is little doubt in my mind that we can be used as the flash point for a war between the UPA and the Unification. A war that would directly affect us in more than one way and would cost millions of lives. I WILL NOT be remembered for helping start the next genocide war!” His right hand moved, slamming into the table before him wood creaking beneath the force of the blow. He hesitated for a moment, sighing softly before he sat down. “I want the best for our people gentlemen, but to think that all our international assistance is offered freely is foolish. We may not need to pay, and some of it may be sincere enough but interstellar politics is a twisted road of turns within turns. I will not allow our world to be used as a knife against the Unification or the UPA. After this treaty is signed, my hands are clean and the other nations can go find another justification for killing themselves. Until then, we negotiate as skillfully and rationally as we can...” He finally looked up, his eyes seeking those of his assistants. Now, they all understood what was at stake.

New Tortuga System
New Tortuga

To: Asgard Admiralty
From: Tortugan Leadership
Re: Aid

We have received your communication and have begun the process of reviewing your offer. At the moment, we are unable to immediately give you an answer due to predictable circumstances. We are presently involved in high level talks with the Draconis Republic, our answer to your offer will rely heavily on the outcome of the negotiations. However, we are concerned that the basing of Asgard forces in Tortugan territory may increase tensions in the area. As such, we would like to inquire as the following possibility. If we decide to allow your basing rights within our territory, would it be possible for our nation to join the so called “Unification” with all the privileges and rights that this course of action would entail? We look forward to your response.

New Tortuga System
New Tortuga

The arrival of the Krell feet was nearly missed, the reason being the damage inflicted upon Tortugan infrastructure and sensor systems by the Draconis. When the fleet was finally detected, a ripple of shock spread through the handful of surviving planetary defense centers aware of the information. The Krell! The slayers of the Mechanoids, the dreaded mercenary fleet. It was on their side however, and that brought sharkish grins to appear on a few tired faces. If the Draconis tried anything now, they were well and truly fucked. When the Krell showed up, things had a tendency of getting quiet really fast.

The separation of three distinct signatures was noted, their disappearance from the surviving scanners met with an arch of a brow, their re-appearance over Tortuga met with an icy silence. Shit, no one wanted to be on the bad side of the Krell, least of all the Tortugans. Their reputation preceded them, the Krell communications answered politely and quickly.

”Confirmed Krell Scout Ray, current negotiations are still ongoing but we are happy to have you here regardless.” The voice was young, and it was immediately clear that he was fighting back excitement from a few verbal cues. “You are granted permission to touch down, the medical supplies you carry can do a lot of good. Please follow the following vector down to our base, It is one of the better spots left to us. It is well away from the current front lines, but we have the necessary equipment there to safely and quickly transport the medical supplies. They will be expecting you, and we will give you the best greeting we can. Tortugan Command out.” The young lieutenant smiled, taking a deep breath and starting a series of calls. The welcoming of the Krell mercenaries had to be flawless…
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Rogue 9 wrote:Pinnacle, Nashtar Star Cluster

The Ronoghan convoy jumped out of the system towards Ronogho, their two destroyer escorts impounded for carrying military equipment. They would arrive within the hour.
Ronogho, Nashtar Star Cluster

"Ronogho Control, this is Captain Hrothnab of the Branagho. We were delayed by the blighters at Republic Customs at Pinnacle. We're carrying a cargo of electronics equipment bound for the capital. Request permission to land at the Capital Spaceport."

"Branagho, Control. Granted, you are clear to land."

"Many thanks, Control. Branagho out." He turned away from the transmitters. "Helm, take us in, standard approach."

"Aye, sir."
Oro System, Nashtar Star Cluster

First Battle Group, Second Fleet formed up around the NRS Discovery. The Defender pulled up alongside the carrier’s starboard side, light from the system’s sun glinting off of its armor as the battleship cruised silently through the void. Dalton and Constantine took up position off of the carrier’s port side, one cruiser off the port bow and the other directly to port. The Anvil floated above the carrier, missiles primed for use when the battle group reached its destination. The Gawaine took up position aft, and a sphere of frigates and destroyers surrounded the larger ships. Troop transports hovered within the protective circle of the escorts, aft of the capital ships. Admiral Barclay stood with his hands clasped behind his back as he surveyed the viewscreen at the front of the bridge. “Helm, Conn. Set course for Ronogho, delay execution for forty minutes.”

“Aye, sir.”
"Helm, Conn. Jump now."

"Aye." The helmsman pulled back on the hyperdrive levers, and the battle group jumped to hyperspace.
Pinnacle, Nashtar Star Cluster

“Rogues, form up. We jump in thirty seconds. Report in.”

“Rogue Two standing by.”

“Rogue Three standing by.”

“Rogue Four standing by.”

“Rogue Five standing by.”

“Rogue Six standing by.”

“Rogue Seven standing by.”

“Rogue Eight standing by.”

“Rogue Nine standing by.”

“Rogue Ten standing by.”

“Rogue Eleven standing by.”

“Rogue Twelve standing by.”

“Rogues, check IFF transponders, make sure they’re set to squawk Ronoghan naval friendly and activate voice modulators.”

A chorus of ayes came through the channel, about half already speaking in the gravelly tone of the Ronoghans.

The fighters jumped to hyperspace a heartbeat later.

Oort cloud, Ronogho system, half an hour after convoy arrival

The repainted fighters of Rogue Squadron dropped out of hyperspace in close proximity to the deserted Ronoghan fleet. Arrangements had been made previously. Everyone knew what to do. The Rogues turned and headed back into the system. Radioed orders came from the Ronoghans.

"Rafagho Lead, you're leading your squadron out of your assigned patrol pattern." A pause. "Rafagho Lead, respond." Nothing but a double click came back. "Rafagho Squadron, you are ordered to return to your carrier at once."

"I don't take orders from traitors to my country," snarled Rogue Lead at last, the voice modulator making him sound like a Ronoghan. "Squad, form up for jump."

"Rafagho, power down your engines at once, or we will open fire!"

"Shove your talons up your ass, Command."

Railgun shells thundered by the squadron at that, some barely missing.

"Sheesh, think it's close enough?!?" exclaimed Nine, radio off. Seconds later, they reached their jump point. "Go!" He yanked back on the hyperdrive lever for the microjump in-system, and jammed it forward just as quickly. Space blurred and reformed into the planet of Ronogho coming up fast as the fighters decelerated.

"Ronogho Control, this is Rafagho Squadron Lead. We've managed to escape the Admiral's treachery and return home to serve."
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Post by Stormbringer »

To: Asgard Admiralty
From: Tortugan Leadership
Re: Aid

We have received your communication and have begun the process of reviewing your offer. At the moment, we are unable to immediately give you an answer due to predictable circumstances. We are presently involved in high level talks with the Draconis Republic, our answer to your offer will rely heavily on the outcome of the negotiations. However, we are concerned that the basing of Asgard forces in Tortugan territory may increase tensions in the area. As such, we would like to inquire as the following possibility. If we decide to allow your basing rights within our territory, would it be possible for our nation to join the so called “Unification” with all the privileges and rights that this course of action would entail? We look forward to your response.
To: Tortugan Leadership
From: Asgard Admiralty
Re: Aid

Naturally we wish to give you the time which you feel you need to adequately consider such a deal. The offer is a serious one and we do not wish to pressure you. We hope your negotiations go well and that both are sides can reach an agreement as well.

The "Unification" is not so formal an alliance as the UPA is. The exact terms can be worked out to your satisfaction but the basics are as follows:

1) A mutal defense pact. Both parties are required to give aid when another is attacked barring deliberate provocation of war by the aided party.

2) A mutal transit agreement. A nation's warpships are allowed pre-arranged transit through one anothers space.

3) Joint command in times of war (subject to exact negotiations).

There are also the usual reciprocal taxation agreements, trade-transit agreements, and formal methods for the request of both civilian and military aid outside the terms of the mutual defense pact.
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Post by Bugsby »

"Received, Tortugan command. Following your vector."

Minutes later, the three Harley-class escorts touched down on the landing pad, several miles from the front lines. Radiation was still something of a problem here from all the nuclear activity, so hazmat suits were in evidence, although not all the crew had them on. It was only a little radiation, and among some of the Krell spacers, perceptions of toughness counted more than any degree of actual threat.

The small Tortugan delegation pulled up to the landing pad, several empty repulsorsleds trailing, ready to receive medical supplies. The Krell crews bustled, trying to unload the medical supplies as quickly as possible. The Krell leader stepped forward to meet with the Tortugan leader and exchange pleasantries. "Thanks for your help. We had some pockets of pretty intense fighting in this area, and Asgard supplies are great, but there's not enough. There's never enough."

The Krell leader nodded. "I understand. You can bring your checkers forward at any point. You want to make sure these are medical supplies, no? I know the Krell's reputation here, your suspicions are warranted. It's all meds, though." The Tortugan nodded and signalled to a small team with scanning equipment. They headed for the rates being unloaded. "We'll be unloaded in a little under an hour. Allow me to be honest for a minute here. My main purpose here isn't delivering these supplies. The Combine has a vested interest in Tortuga. We fell that your continued survival is important. It's the principle of the thing. Or something like that. That's the word from the higher-ups, any way. So my orders, mine and a few others, say to make a survey of the medical facilities, meet the mayor, shake his hand, and survey the battlefield. Nowhere that fighting is still going on, of course. Just to look around. I think it's kinda dumb, but there it is."

The Tortugan delegate nodded. His standing orders were to make sure the Krell were received well. None of the requests were too unreasonable. He nodded, and the Krell captain went back to overseeing the unloading. The supplies were transported, and the Krell delegation followed the meds to the field hostpital, where he said a few suitable words. They received a few members of the local government, then headed to the battlefield. They walked all over, making a big deal of looking sad over the bodies still lying there, Draconis and Tortugan alike. Finally, the Krell transport pulled out into the battlefield, the crew busying itself about the transport as the delegation said its parting thanks for the hospitality of the Tortugans. The delegation boarded the transport, headed back to the escorts, and then took off for the Krell fleet outside the system. More medical supply transports would arive from the fleet over the next several hours. The mission was a success for all involved.
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Post by consequences »

Yet another dark and shadowy room(hey, its genre :) )
Shi Combine

"No subtlety, barely any planning, and no thought to long-term goals. Who thought it was a good idea to ally with these people anyway?" Assistant Intelligence Director Ikari asked rhetorically. "Start tracking Basque conglomerate finances and personnel more thoroughly, and have our people be receptive to any subtle contacts on their part. I want zero contact with the rest of the Alliance on this, its very clear Nashtar thought they had solid information, and equally clear that they found precisely nothing, probably due to a leak."


Imperial Yacht Ryugenzawa
United Protectorates Space

As the transport entered the system, her escorts turned aside, symbolising the primary occupants transfer into the care of the United Protectrates and its Lord Protector.

"Protector's Consort-to-Be, and entourage, requesting permission to land"
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Capital Spaceport, Ronogho

The Marines huddled in their container, waiting. The ship had been touched down for about twenty minutes when they felt it lift up.

Their container was hoisted out of the Branagho's hold by a cargo crane and lowered onto a hovertruck, which immediately moved out towards the city.

After a ten minute drive, they felt their container lifted again, and set to the ground. Then they heard the truck drive off.

They gave it another ten minutes. Then, after making sure everyone had screwed silencers onto their weapons properly, Lieutenant Vrazna opened the container's hatch and, after his helmet sensors noted no other people in the warehouse, the Zambaran lightly hopped down and pointed his carbine at one of the doors. He was followed by the rest of Squad Four, and the squad members fanned out to get guns on every entrance to the building. The other three squads then exited the container in an orderly manner, covering each other as they took turns dashing for their exits.

"IR scan shows nothing moving on this side of the building, sir," reported Corporal Mendez of Squad One.

"All right, let's move out. Squads One, Two, and Three with me. Squad Four, you know where to go."

The Marines nodded. Vrazna moved out, holding his assault rifle in his primary hands and his service pistol in one of his secondary hands, his squad just behind. The other three squads filed out of a different door, moving two at a time and running into an alleyway just across the narrow street. The Marines all moved down the alleys once they were all across, making their way west towards the government complex. Squad Four similarly moved to place themselves on the main thoroughfare between the military base and the complex.

Private Ferris nodded left a few blocks later. Captain Russell came up silently and looked down the street just in time to see four Ronoghan soldiers marching down the street parallel to their alley in the opposite direction, just moving out of sight around the corner. Russell nodded and motioned with two fingers across the street once they were out of sight for half a minute. The stealthsuit-clad squads moved across the street, almost at their destination. They could already see the spire of the Senate Chambers.

Once across, Squad Three broke off, moving north to move around the Presidential Mansion and get into the central grove. Squads One and Two made for the mansion.

The Ronoghan Presidential Mansion was not a fortified building, and its new guards were not as familiar with it as the old Presidential Guard. Ronogho had stood at peace thanks to the Republic's protection for nearly a hundred years. Now came the tricky part.

Corporal Grainger and Corporal Razanar, snipers of Squad One and Squad Two, respectively, took aim at the guards outside the mansion, glanced at each other, and simultaneously pulled the triggers on their silenced rifles.

Two of the four guards crumpled as the snipers shifted their rifles and fired again. All four were down within three seconds. The Ronoghans were forest dwellers naturally, and as such kept lots of trees around when they could afford to do so, even though they no longer lived among them. The Marines used this to their advantage, quickly dodging through the trees, carbines raised to pick off any guards that might appear as they made their way to the door.

Capital City airspace, Ronogho

Rogue/Rafagho Squadron made it's way slowly towards the air base, lining up in wing pairs for "landing."

"Rafagho Squadron, Control! Come to heading 270 and climb. Bandits inbound."

Ronoghan Orbit

"Comms, Conn, order the Defender into position to menace the capital, accompanied by the Constantine. Tell the troop transports to start their landing. Flight Ops, launch all fighters. Dispatch the rest of Renegade Wing to the capital to cover the Rogues' egress when they pull out. This operation needs to be tight, people. You know what to do, we've all been drilled, now do it."

A chorus of ayes came from all points on the bridge.

And in all the hubbub, a lone C-420 departed from the Discovery's bow hangar bay and made for the capital.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Marcao »

Veithan Space
Ezra System, Ezra II
Veithan Army Testing Site 4

The Ezra system was not considered to being one of the jewels of the Empire, it had been annexed due to the its location and the fact that it was better in Veithan hands than not. It did not possess an earth like world in the usual sense, Ezra III was dominated by a desert that stretched over sixty percent of the planetary surface. The area near the poles however was capable of supporting human land and the land was arable and fertile. The population of Ezra III was relatively small all things considered, it had never caught on as a popular place to live. The system had thus fallen into the hands of the Veithan armed forces, which had quickly established a myriad of ways of exploiting the system and the celestial bodies that lay within. Ezra II was best known for hosting several of the Veithan Armies testing sites. It was here where state of the art Veithan technology was tested in a wide array of live fire activities. Testing Site four was located in an island of considerably size, allowing for the discrete testing of all manners of weapons and systems.

It was this site that had the honor of being chosen to host the first demonstrations of the Veithan PSU to its Accord allies. The PSU concept was not new, but it was the first time that it had been implemented a sobering indication that the Empire was preparing for war. The Prototype had been built in secrecy and tested through an exhaustive array of electronic and digital means. Nonetheless, there was nothing quite like a live fire exercise to display capabilities, it was something that it seemed would never truly change. The Ravenlock and Gladshiem representatives which had been invited to the trial, were picked up in luxury aboard a Veithan luxury liner. They were then flown into the Ezra system and taken within the state of the art facilities which encompassed the Veithan testing site.

Some time was spent giving the Accord guests a tour of most of the facility, the Ravenlock and Gladshiem guests guided to the room where they would watch the trial of the PSU. It was a large room dominated by several rows of comfortable seats and holographic emitters. Once the representatives of the Veithan, Ravenlock and Gladshiem were seated, the presentation began. The air ionized, as holographic images flared to life focusing on a large bunker like structure. A Veithan general stood from his seat, and began to speak. The preferred means of communication within the Empire was telepathy, but there were times when talking had its own rewards.

”Welcome to testing site four ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased that all of you were able to attend to this, the first live fire trial of the latest Veithan autonomous unit, the PSU.” As he spoke, the holographs which had been inactive before were activated, the name PSU broken down into the proper term of Planetary Siege Unit. “The PSU has been designed to act independently of major Veithan ground forces. In order to accomplish this it needed to be faster, tougher and more powerful than any existing Veithan design. It is conceived as a unit capable of absorbing large amounts of punishment and dealing more than it receives. Part of the reason why the PSU is not designed to work closely with Veithan formations is its power source, the PSU utilize a matter-anti/matter power core which generates the necessary power to the weapons and defensive systems. Its destruction could in turn be catastrophic to any nearby units, friendly or not.”

”The PSU is two hundred and twenty five meters in length, and carries a wide array of weaponry chief among them being a 200cm particle cannon, this weapon is more than capable of leveling just about anything on the ground.” As he spoke, an overview of the 200cm particle cannon was displayed in the holographic images. “Its secondary armament revolves around four secondary cannons of a caliber of 75cm as well as eight 45cm orbital denial pulsars. These weapons are overpowered and are included in the design so it may engage enemy reinforcements such as drop ships. The weapons are also capable of being used in anti-air and anti-artillery role although in this manner, they are less effective than they are in their intended task. A PSU is not capable of engaging enemy warships in orbit and win, but it is capable of knocking down most variations of enemy drop ships of small to medium size and dealing with anything in low or high orbit over a world that is not considerably tougher than itself.”

”The tertiary weapon systems revolve around a significant missile delivery system, granting the PSU an increased level of flexibility in engaging a wide array of targets. Its anti-infantry defenses are unchanged from those of a VHAU, as there was no perceived need to improve the design in that regard. The PSU is capable of carrying six daughter-units, granting it even more flexibility in completing its tasks. The defenses of the PSU have been significantly improved, its sensors systems are quite possibly the most powerful ever fielded in a land unit, and the internal AI is more than capable of analyzing all the information the system provides, granting the PSU the ability to manipulate the ebb and flow of a battle. The PSU like all units of its types is equipped with integral shields. These energy defenses are significant, but once again are not designed to survive contact with enemy orbital forces for a prolonged period of time. After the shields have been breached, the PSU utilizes state of the art Veithan armor technology, and due to its autonomous nature it can mount far more armor plating than one would expect. Its defenses against incoming ordnance falls around its 20 point defense networks, which are quite capable of engaging a multitude of enemy ordnance.”

”With the introductions out of the way, let us begin the exercise. This test will be live fire, the enemy forces are all arrayed in the following locations.” The holographic display shifted listing various enemy formations ranging from troop concentrations from a squad up to companies and a wide array of armor and air assets. “The PSU is not aware of the location of the enemy its task is to seek them out and destroy them.” He paused for a moment glancing to his left, what appeared to be a technician nodding and pressing a series of keys. “And now, without further delay the demonstration will begin.” The general walked back to his seat, the holo-displays concentrating on the bunker like structure and its outer covering which began to open.

Veithan Space
Ezra System, Ezra II
Testing Grounds: Site 4

The PSU was activated, its internal AI aware of its orders and already devoting a fraction of its computing power to contemplate certain possibilities. The armored bunker which surrounded it like a cocoon began to move, a massive door sliding open and revealing the desert topology of the testing grounds. The PSU moved, elegantly manipulating its potent a-grav network to slide out of the bunker which had been its home for thirty seven hours, eight minutes and twenty eight seconds. The PSU was revealed to the sun thirteen seconds after the doors of the bunker had been fully opened, its graceful silhouette deceptively passive for a machine of war. The PSU accelerated to thirty seven kilometers per hour, its passive sensors sampling the area around itself. It was well aware of the borders of the testing grounds, an exhaustive array of information determined by the expansive sensor suite. After reaching five hundred meters from the bunker which had housed it, the PSU came to a stop hovering silently meters above the burning ground of the test site.

The black and red colors which the PSU had proudly displayed upon its exit from the bunker rippled, the adaptive camouflage shifting the pattern to something far more suitable. It took mere seconds for the entire outer skin of the PSU to be coated in the colors of the desert about it. Sensor drones were displaced from internal bays and sent to scout ahead, the sensors on these parasite units would find the enemy and allow it to crush them. The testing ground was roughly 200km in circumference, it was only a matter of time. The AI which controlled the PSU contemplate the possibilities, its passive sensors and feeds from its daughter craft allowing for some educated guesses to be made as to the nature of the enemy and its likely placements. The databanks of every autonomous unit were awash with information ranging from historical battles to intelligence information on the capabilities of the forces of every major known power. In this manner, a Veithan autonomous unit had an enormous amount of information to sift through at its disposal.

It took one hundred and thirty five seconds for the match to truly begin, the time it took for the sensor drones the PSU had launched to identify the first enemy positions. It was not a perfect exchange, as two of its sensor drones were promptly vaporized. The PSU did not hesitate, accelerating from its current hovering to a crisp one hundred kilometers per hour. As it did so, the AI considered topographic data, cross-referencing with the data feed from its drones before they had been destroyed as it sought to ascertain which would be the appropriate level of force employed. It took far less than a second for a decision to be made, six 75cm proton-particle launchers fired towards their final destination. The weapons were favorites of the Empire, lobbying unstable packets of protons in a ballistic arc, the weapons seemed to be comets launched from the PSU towards their destination. Upon their arrival upon their target roughly forty eight kilometers away, each of the comet detonated in an impressive energy discharge that rivaled a miniature nuclear explosion. The PSU had chosen its blasts to fall in a pattern petal, the edges of one explosion overlapping with another. The end result was a 300 meter wide area of devastation where most units simply could not survive.

The PSU continued its hunt, at each step displaying its firepower, mobility and down right toughness. The entire exercise lasted twenty seven minutes, ending when the PSU utilized its 45cm OD pulsars against a group of remotely piloted Veithan drop ships. Each had been struck down well before arriving dirt side, the Electronic Warfare capabilities of the PSU were nearly as impressive as its firepower. The trial was just that, a trial. It was fully expected that the PSU would prevail, it was the manner in which it would prevail that was in the question and it fulfilled all Veithan expectations. The PSU returned to the starting point five hundred meters from its bunker. It hovered there, its adaptive camouflage rippling once more, the desert camouflage replaced by the Black and Crimson of Veitha, the four meter tall letters PSU-01 proudly displayed along its right and left sides. A minute later, the PSU had returned to the embrace of its cocoon, the massive doors sliding closed before a lively discussion ensued between the various members of the Accord.
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Post by Beowulf »

Mark Strang's hotel room

The phone chimed. "Mr. Strang, you'll have to come down to the customs office. We have a package waiting for you."

"I'll be over there soon."

Varathrax Customs office

"I see my honking big gun arrived."

"Ah, yes. What exactly is inside this box?"

"Exactly what the shipping manifest says." Mark Strang pulled out the manifest. "One Vagyr 2 cm caliber rifle. 200 rounds of ammunition of said rifle. 1 owners manual. 1 Cleaning kit."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Bugsby »

"Monacoran command, this is Krell cargo shuttle Malachi requesting landing clearance."
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
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Post by Spyder »

With the rest of his tasks complete, Sullivan collected the investment and distribution portfolio and boarded the transport bound for Matar.
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Post by Stormbringer »

[New Beijing, Military Command Headquarters]

Alistair Von Bek stood in one of the office quarters looking out the balcony at the sun setting over the city. It was a marvelous red and gold display as the sun dropped below the horizon and the man drank it in. He wasn't usually given to melancholy, there wasn't time, but tonight he felt especially sober.

Appropriate. I knew once they passed the Acts that my days as governor were finished. If they had given me more time I'm sure I could have shown them even more!

He contemplated the situation and in all fairness he felt that he could say that he had done a great job. Despite a few incidents the PIR that he was turning over was happier, stable, and on the cusp of becoming far more prosperous. The people had barely mourning the passing of the old since the coming of the Battlefleets. People had acess to prolong, top notch health care and even a say in their government for the first time. And they all credited him.

He felt deep down in his bones that this was his shot at real power. Since the recall orders, with the Imperial seal no less, he knew it was either the pinnacle of his career or the beginning of something far more. They owed him a peerage! But one way or the other he would do his best to see he was properly rewarded.

Either way, Alistair Von Bek would be ready to meet fate.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Beowulf wrote:Varathrax
Mark Strang's hotel room

The phone chimed. "Mr. Strang, you'll have to come down to the customs office. We have a package waiting for you."

"I'll be over there soon."

Varathrax Customs office

"I see my honking big gun arrived."

"Ah, yes. What exactly is inside this box?"

"Exactly what the shipping manifest says." Mark Strang pulled out the manifest. "One Vagyr 2 cm caliber rifle. 200 rounds of ammunition of said rifle. 1 owners manual. 1 Cleaning kit."
"Would you mind if we searched it? We would have to have a warrant to force you to let us, so, no pressure. It is just a bit odd to have weapons imported, especially of this calibur. Most big game hunting around here is done with traditional weapons, or even anarmed"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

General Cormis looked over the treaty, the terms were finally worked out, and perfectly reasonable. Most importantly, a costly war would be averted, it seemed as if a great manyy of the humans literally had a hard on for mass genocide. His people could be vengeful, they were territorial pack hnters after all. But mass genocide was not their thing. The people had had their mouths wetted with blood, this has been adequate revenge for the pirate attacks. Now was time for peace. Those directly responsible would have to be delt with, but the nation that sponsored them had repaid its debt.

As was traditional for his people when cease fires were signed, he pricked his finger, and signed in blood. Peacetime treaties only required ink, wartime treaties were a much more serious matter. Those who signed a peace treaty, like the soldiers under them, were expected to bleed, at least symbolically. He of course couldnt expect Westrey to do the same.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Marcao »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:General Cormis looked over the treaty, the terms were finally worked out, and perfectly reasonable. Most importantly, a costly war would be averted, it seemed as if a great manyy of the humans literally had a hard on for mass genocide. His people could be vengeful, they were territorial pack hnters after all. But mass genocide was not their thing. The people had had their mouths wetted with blood, this has been adequate revenge for the pirate attacks. Now was time for peace. Those directly responsible would have to be delt with, but the nation that sponsored them had repaid its debt.

As was traditional for his people when cease fires were signed, he pricked his finger, and signed in blood. Peacetime treaties only required ink, wartime treaties were a much more serious matter. Those who signed a peace treaty, like the soldiers under them, were expected to bleed, at least symbolically. He of course couldnt expect Westrey to do the same.
The negotiations had taken their time and their toll but finally, they had managed to arrive at a point where both nations could be satisfied. Master of Arms Allan Westrey sighed softly, aware that he had gotten nearly all that he had wanted. There would be a price to pay of course, but that was a price he would willingly pay. He watched as the Draconis signed the paper and blinked, not at all aware of the finer points of Draconis protocol. Up until recently, his only concern had been finding ways to kill them, while keeping himself and as many of his men alive as he could.

His eyes slid to the right and left, the Lieutenant and Captain's faces neutral as he took a pen and leaned over towards the document. He signed his name, pulling back for a moment before his left hand disappeared into a pocket, he withdrew a Monaocoran Army knife, retrieving a four inch blade piece and cutting his left index finger. His blood bubbled to the surface and he pressed the finger next to his name. If it was to end, let it end in a good note. He had no desire to offer the Draconis insult at this point, and perhaps this gesture would assure them that he was willing to carry out the treaty to its full.

His finger was pulled back, the Monacoran Army Knife closed and put back into his pocket. A thin smile appearing on his lips as he spoke. "It is done...we have our cease fire." He nodded to the Draconis, glancing over his shoulder and nodding to the Captain who promptly disappeared into a side room. Seconds later, the news was being transmitted through military channels all over the world. The war was over...

[note: there were some changes to the treaty as hinted about all over the negotiations. I will post the final version of the treaty as soon as I get in the mood of making the alterations. They were not major for the most part so everyone can relax. ^_~]
Last edited by Marcao on 2004-08-27 06:40pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Above Grajorar Aerospace Force Base, Ronogho

"Two Flight, move to your assigned targets. One flight you're with me, Three Flight, take her up a bit."

"As ordered, Lead." Nine swung his fighter around and up.

"Rafagho Squadron, come to 163. The enemy is landing troop ships, we need you to take out as many as you can."

"Acknowledged, Control, engaging enemy targets." Commander Hudson grinned at the irony.

Two Flight screamed in low over the city... and released ordnance over the shield generator. The four fighters peeled up and away as the generator complex went up in a roiling fireball. The shield sphere, raised just minutes before, flared and died.

"One Flight, Three Flight, engage bandits! Masquerade's over, Rogue One, Fox Three! Rogues, switch IFF back to Republic frequency."

Hudson's missile streaked forward towards the strike fighters just beginning to lift off from Grajorar AFB and struck an A-127, shooting it down. It was soon followed by the missiles of the rest of his flight, and then by missiles diving down from a higher angle courtesy of Three Flight.

"Rogue Nine, Fox Two! Chalk up another one! Ten, you still with me?"

"Right here, Nine. I'm making a run for the flight line, cover me!"

"Got it, Ten, start your run."

Ten streaked in, releasing cluster munitions over the flight line. The bomblets spread out and transformed half a dozen F-250s into roiling balls of flame. Then a red light lit up on his warning panel.

Nine saw it too. "Rogue Nine, Magnum!" he cried, just as the SAM operator lit off two missiles at Ten. "Ten, break left, now!"

The Ronoghans were using ground guided SAMs. Ten went into a crazy leftward heel, nearly flipping his fighter end for end as the missiles streaked past, confused by the sudden aspect change. They started to come around, and then...

The SAM battery commander hadn't been paying enough attention. The HARM launched by Nine plowed into his radar masts within a few seconds, and his missiles, which hadn't turned around in time to bring their secondary IR homers to bear, went uncontrolled and slammed into the ground. The flight lines were wrecked, and the fighters that had gotten up were dogfighting with One Flight and other fighters from Renegade Wing that were just starting to arrive.

"Rogue Lead, this is Maverick Lead. Got my boys here, Admiral Barclay thought you could use a hand."

"Trying to steal our kills?" laughed Hudson as an F-235 broke up under his gunfire. The pilot ejected, Hudson was glad to see. It wasn't the killing he relished...

"Yeah, and we'll get 'em too. Get in there, Mavericks!"

Then an unfamiliar voice came over the radio. "Rogue Squadron, Rogue Squadron, do you read? This is Lieutenant Vrazna, Republican Marines. We need CAS at coordinates 2567 East, 3942 North. Dropping smoke, dropping green smoke. Get here fast."

"Nine, take Three Flight and get over there. We'll handle this."

"As ordered, Commander. You heard him, Rogues! Ten, Eleven, Twelve, form up on me."

"Got it, Boss."

Nine engaged his afterburners with his flight just behind, covering the distance from the air base on the southern edge of the city to the point in the north half of the capital in moments, and immediately picked out the target smoke. He also immediately saw the problem. Tiny flares and explosions were going back and forth on the northeast/southwest thoroughfare of the city, the one between the army base and the government complex. "Vrazna, you there? This is Rogue 9. Hold tight, we're coming in."

"Acknowledged." Nine heard shouted orders to get to cover in the background, and at least one scream. There wasn't time. He switched his weapons selector. "Rogue Nine, Rifle." The AGM streaked forward, targeted on an APC in the road. It went up in flames on impact. There weren't all that many, he noted with some surprise. He switched to guns.

"Lieutenant, you may want to start withdrawing."

"Was just thinking that myself. See you on the other side of the fence."

Rogues Nine and Ten swept directly down the street, guns spraying. Nine thought he saw some black-clad figures withdrawing into an alley, but dismissed it as he concentrated on his mission.

Presidential Palace, Ronoghan capital

"CLEAR!" The door blew inward, courtesy of a frame of detcord, and the Marines tossed in flashbangs right away, following up by some taking position at the edges of the doorframe and waving in their fellows. Squad One went right, into the office wing, while Squad Two went left to the residential quarters. Two strokes of rifle butts were administered to a pair of stunned and dazzled guards; two others had been decapitated and dismembered by the door shards blasting into the entrance hall. Gas filters activated in their helmets, the Marines tossed flashbangs and knockout gas into rooms suspected to contain guards as they went along. A few silenced shots were necessary, and then they were at the President's office. Russell nodded to Lance Corporal Mrralsk, a particularly musclebound Zambaran, who promptly kicked in the door, instantly leveling his pistol to one side and his rifle to the other, pulling both triggers. The guards on either side of the door fell to the ground, bleeding. The one hit with the rifle died almost instantly, while the pistol victim, shot in the leg, howled and grabbed at his wound, dropping his own weapon as he did so. Russell tucked and rolled into the office himself two seconds later, coming up and leveling his own rifle at the Ronoghan behind the desk.

"General Trafglaror, you are under arrest for treason against Ronogho. Hands where I can see 'em, claws retracted. Get up, now."

"You have no authority to arrest..."

"Oh yeah? This gives me all the authority I need," noted Russell, raising his carbine barrel to aim directly between the general's eyes. "Mendez, gag him and bind his hands. General, keep those claws retracted. They come out, I'll take your fucking head off before I let you maul one of my men." The general understood, and Mendez shackled his hands without incident and put a gag in his mouth. "Now move." Mendez grabbed the general by his now bound arms and roughly shoved him towards the door.

Residential Wing

Lieutenant Northrop and Sergeant McClellan came through the doorway and dropped to one knee, Northrop turning right and his sergeant turning left, and fired their carbines simultaneously, raking across the two guards in the room who were facing the wrong door after the flashbang. They came up and McClellan kicked in the next door, making way for Northrop to cover the room. The rest of the squad was sweeping through other areas in the President's apartments. Northrop found himself facing four Ronoghans, two adults, male and female, and a pair of children. Northrop turned to the male. "President Rhaglaros, I presume?"

"Y-yes," stammered the President in a gravelly voice.

"We're here to get you out. Please come with us. Your family too." Northrop cocked his head. "Squad, this is Six. We've secured the objective, egressing now."

"Squad Two, this is Platoon Six. Our objective is secured, see you at the exit. Squad Three?"

"We're here and in position, sir," acknowledged Lieutenant Roberts.

"Right, be ready to blow this joint on my signal. Squad Four? Squad Four, do you read?"

"Things are a liiittle hairy right now, Boss," came Vrazna's strained voice, followed by the whine of a rocket launcher and a distant explosion, followed by another explosion much closer.

"We've got the objectives. Fall back."

"Will do, just called in an airstrike."

Gravolok Army Base

"Dispatch all units to the eastern edge of the city to counter the Republic landing," ordered Colonel Fraatreno.

"Sir! We've got a report from the governmental complex. It seems to be under attack by a small number of infantry troops."

Fraatreno cursed. "Dispatch the 251st Mechanized Company F, Platoon One to the government complex at once. All other forces, orders are as before."

"Yes, sir!"

Bron Street, Ronoghan Capital

The men of Squad Four took up positions in alley entrances and behind parked vehicles and waited. Hopefully no message would get off... But apparently one did. Soon they heard a distant rumble that got closer, not farther away.

"Shit. Squad, rockets at the ready."

"Sir, there are eight APCs coming this way, in one big 'ol hurry," reported the squad sniper, positioned on the roof of one of the buildings.


Suddenly there was a gigantic explosion somewhere behind them and to the left. "That'll be the shield generator," Vrazna muttered to himself.

"Sir, they're within six blocks and don't seem to be interested in taking another street."

"Spiner, Ragetti, place mines in the street." Two black figures rushed out further up the road and began placing objects from satchels in the street, blending against the road surfacing in the dark. They rushed back, barely seen. Two clicks came over the comm.

Then the APCs rumbled into view. "Wait for it men. Fire on my mark." Ten rocket launchers tracked the first four personnel carriers. Then a mine went off underneath a tread. "Mark!"

Ten rockets flew out at the four APCs. The one that struck the mine lost a tread, and had that followed up by an AP rocket to the other side, immobilizing it. The other three targets caught three rockets each. Two had their main guns damaged, another slipped a tread. All four fired back with what weapons they had left, and the four others behind began maneuvering. "Move, men!" The order was superfluous; no one held still after they fired, not even to see if they hit. "Calling in the airstrike." No one bothered to acknowledge. "Rogue Squadron, Rogue Squadron, do you read? This is Lieutenant Vrazna, Republican Marines. We need CAS at coordinates 2567 East, 3942 North. Dropping smoke, dropping green smoke. Get here fast." Vrazna tossed a green-marked smoke grenade at the APCs and moved again to take cover in a different doorway. Another pair of rockets lanced out from another pair of positions, striking a fifth APC, but it kept moving.

"Squad Four? Squad Four, do you read?"

"Things are a liiittle hairy right now, Boss," answered Vrazna.

"We've got the objectives. Fall back."

"Will do, just called in an airstrike." Vrazna switched back to his squad frequency. "Fall back men, objective has been secured. Report in!"

"One, here."

"Two, cut on my right arm but I'll live."

"Three, bugging out."

There was a pause. "Four?"

"Six, this is Seven. Nine and I have Four. He's still alive, but badly hit. We're carrying him out."

"Five here."

"Eight, beating feet."

"Nine, bugging out with Four."

"Ten here," answere the sniper, finally. "Making my way to the next rooftop. I'll get there, don't worry."

With that, Vrazna turned and bolted into the alleyway, then turned down the next alley and ran himself.

Central Grove, government complex

"Squad Three, mark!" A crackling blast and white light was Captain Russell's answer, as several trees were severed at the base by detcord and fell over with a crash. Russell switched frequencies. "Pirate, this is Marooned, over."

"Marooned, Pirate here. Coming in now, mark the LZ."

"Roger, dropping orange smoke and strobe." Russell tossed down his smoke grenade and one of the squad followed up with a strobe light. "Squad Four, where are you?"

"Coming, Boss. Got wounded, but I think we're all alive. I'd say one minute out, maybe one and a half. Whooo, those Rogues sure can do a number on armor!" Suppressed gunfire came through the trees, followed up by a decidedly nonsuppressed rapid thudding of an AR-57.

"Pirate, now please."

"Got it, Marooned. On approach now."

The C-420 came in and slowed to a hover, jets blasting downwards as the tail gunner and forward gun blasted away at infantry coming from the Senate Chambers and Presidential Mansion. "Pirate, we've got men coming in from the west, try not to shoot them."

"Will do, Marooned. Setting down now." The transport's shields flared and went out as it descended into the LZ.

Russell bodily tossed General Trafglaror into the rear cargo doors, and Lieutenant Northrop lifted up the President's children before getting Rhaglaros and his wife into the ship. Russell then jumped in and sat on the edge of the bay, and counted his men as they boarded the transport. Fire was beginning to come out of the treeline now, but it was haphazard and quickly suppressed by the rapid fire cannon mounted to the rear of the transport. Vrazna's squad came out of the trees to the left, six firing into the treeline while three rushed to the transport, two of them carrying a fourth. The others fell back, and all were piled into the transport. "Pirate, we're all on, go, go, go!"

The transport lifted off, door closing and shield flaring to life as small arms fire came at it from the trees below.
Last edited by Rogue 9 on 2004-08-29 04:59pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Marcao wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:General Cormis looked over the treaty, the terms were finally worked out, and perfectly reasonable. Most importantly, a costly war would be averted, it seemed as if a great manyy of the humans literally had a hard on for mass genocide. His people could be vengeful, they were territorial pack hnters after all. But mass genocide was not their thing. The people had had their mouths wetted with blood, this has been adequate revenge for the pirate attacks. Now was time for peace. Those directly responsible would have to be delt with, but the nation that sponsored them had repaid its debt.

As was traditional for his people when cease fires were signed, he pricked his finger, and signed in blood. Peacetime treaties only required ink, wartime treaties were a much more serious matter. Those who signed a peace treaty, like the soldiers under them, were expected to bleed, at least symbolically. He of course couldnt expect Westrey to do the same.
The negotiations had taken their time and their toll but finally, they had managed to arrive at a point where both nations could be satisfied. Master of Arms Allan Westrey sighed softly, aware that he had gotten nearly all that he had wanted. There would be a price to pay of course, but that was a price he would willingly pay. He watched as the Draconis signed the paper and blinked, not at all aware of the finer points of Draconis protocol. Up until recently, his only concern had been finding ways to kill them, while keeping himself and as many of his men alive as he could.

His eyes slid to the right and left, the Lieutenant and Captain's faces neutral as he took a pen and leaned over towards the document. He signed his name, pulling back for a moment before his left hand disappeared into a pocket, he withdrew a Monaocoran Army knife, retrieving a four inch blade piece and cutting his left index finger. His blood bubbled to the surface and he pressed the finger next to his name. If it was to end, let it end in a good note. He had no desire to offer the Draconis insult at this point, and perhaps this gesture would assure them that he was willing to carry out the treaty to its full.

His finger was pulled back, the Monacoran Army Knife closed and put back into his pocket. A thin smile appearing on his lips as he spoke. "It is done...we have our cease fire." He nodded to the Draconis, glancing over his shoulder and nodding to the Captain who promptly disappeared into a side room. Seconds later, the news was being transmitted through military channels all over the world. The war was over...
General Cormis flashed cool blue and forced a smile(as no such facial expression was really natural to his people, barring ones teeth is USUALLY a sign of aggression, but humans were odd that way) when he saw westrey sign in his own blood. He knew the human probably didnt knw thy he did it, but the fact that he did bleed himself made the general respect him more than he already did. Not just as a comander, but as a person now as well.

" Why Master Westrey, I impressed and honored that you have shown such respect to your troops. Most commanding officers no longer fight alongside them. It is a shame, but a necessary one. Among my people, our commanding officers who sign and subsequently the politicians who ratify the treaty, sign in their own blood to show respect to the soldiers who bled their lives. It is an old custom, but one that suits us well."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Beowulf »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Beowulf wrote:Varathrax
Mark Strang's hotel room

The phone chimed. "Mr. Strang, you'll have to come down to the customs office. We have a package waiting for you."

"I'll be over there soon."

Varathrax Customs office

"I see my honking big gun arrived."

"Ah, yes. What exactly is inside this box?"

"Exactly what the shipping manifest says." Mark Strang pulled out the manifest. "One Vagyr 2 cm caliber rifle. 200 rounds of ammunition of said rifle. 1 owners manual. 1 Cleaning kit."
"Would you mind if we searched it? We would have to have a warrant to force you to let us, so, no pressure. It is just a bit odd to have weapons imported, especially of this calibur. Most big game hunting around here is done with traditional weapons, or even unarmed"
"Well, I don't exactly have your natural weapons. I don't have your natural strength, either. I'd normally do big game hunting with smaller caliber weaponry, but you have bigger than normal game. To be frank, I'm not much of one to give my prey a chance. I'd certainly be willing to let you to inspect it, make sure it is what I say it is. It does have delicate electronics inside however, so I'd prefer it if you didn't try to take it apart. Oh and I'll need to have this added to my customs declaration."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Beowulf wrote:
Alyrium Denryle wrote:
Beowulf wrote:Varathrax
Mark Strang's hotel room

The phone chimed. "Mr. Strang, you'll have to come down to the customs office. We have a package waiting for you."

"I'll be over there soon."

Varathrax Customs office

"I see my honking big gun arrived."

"Ah, yes. What exactly is inside this box?"

"Exactly what the shipping manifest says." Mark Strang pulled out the manifest. "One Vagyr 2 cm caliber rifle. 200 rounds of ammunition of said rifle. 1 owners manual. 1 Cleaning kit."
"Would you mind if we searched it? We would have to have a warrant to force you to let us, so, no pressure. It is just a bit odd to have weapons imported, especially of this calibur. Most big game hunting around here is done with traditional weapons, or even unarmed"
"Well, I don't exactly have your natural weapons. I don't have your natural strength, either. I'd normally do big game hunting with smaller caliber weaponry, but you have bigger than normal game. To be frank, I'm not much of one to give my prey a chance. I'd certainly be willing to let you to inspect it, make sure it is what I say it is. It does have delicate electronics inside however, so I'd prefer it if you didn't try to take it apart. Oh and I'll need to have this added to my customs declaration."
'Alright, fine by us... "

The package gets opened, makes sure it is what he says it is, and then closed back up again. The paper work was filled out very quickly and expediently as well

"Alright, have a great day Mr. Strang"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Straha »

Varathrax, Draconis Republic

Senator (OOC: I just named him that, he's a whatever you'd call him in the DR's system) Calcis looked down from the podium. The people were automators, programmers, wives of the above, and other people who had come to hear him speak. His speach was supposed to be about the booming economy, the need for unity, and the important part that these people had in the future to come. It wasn't any more.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I was going to speak about things you knew well, things that would, and still do, make us feel good. Well, I figured that with this latest bit of news, I wouldn't waste my time preaching to the choir, and would instead tell you more about something that I just learned about.
"As you may, or may not, know a treaty has just been officially signed with the Tortugans. What many of you don't know is the, literal, cost of the treaty. What I am about to read to you is from the treaty.
"First is this, 'All immobile equipment or wreckage on Tortuga or in the Tortuga system is property of whoever may find them and claim right of salvage first. The original owner rescinds all rights to said property, unless they retrieve and claim right of salvage.' In other words, ladies and gentlemen, we just gave up our equipment on Tortuga. We have fourty eight hours, to find OUR tanks, OUR guns, OUR power suits, stuff YOU paid for. If we don't find it by then, it's not ours, it's there's. What do we get if we find their equipment? Pirate equipment, old equipment, equipment that we shouldn't use, and equipment that is useless to us. To translate this, we just gave them your money, and the technology YOU, you people out there made. What do we get in return? Nothing, dead corpses, humilitation, a pirate fleet that we missed. It gets worse though.
"This is another article of the same treaty. 'The Government of the Draconis Republic agrees to pay reparations for all damages done to Tortuga, be they Economic, or Military in nature which was caused by their actions. Value shall be placed on this by a three member third party tribunal picked by the Government of Tortuga. There shall be some limited oversight by Tortugan and Draconis representatives during this process.' Or, to put it blunty, we're paying them for that same stuff that they're salvaging. We lose a tank to them, and we get nothing for it, they lose a tank to us and they get paid. They lose a tank, and find it later, they still get paid. You, me, we are paying for this. You, me, we are paying pirates for us trying to enforce law. And where's the money to pay this going to come from? I for one will not allow the president (OOC: See note above) to hike taxes, just to cover his own mistakes. I for one will not force you to pay more, in times like these. We can't run a deficet, it's not constitutional. So what we left with? I'll tell you, the defence budget.
"Or, to put it plainly, we're taking money from the people that need it the most right now. We're taking the money from the people that need to rebuild the tanks we just gave to pirates. We're taking the money from them to give to criminals. Why? We should be using this lesson to build up our military, fix the problems in our Navy, and repair the damage done to our army. But the president decided not to. It gets a bit worse though, as hard as it is to believe.
"I have solid proof, that the president has hired out the Krell. No problem there. He hired out, however, a full third of their fleet. That takes money. Money, as I already pointed out, that we don't have. It's clear though what his intentions are. He wants to raise taxes. He wants to burden you. He wants to shift the people who have to pay for the damages he has done, from him to you. I have one plea today. Don't let him do it. Stop him, stop his government, and save yourselves now. Let your voices be heard. He screwed up, he has to pay the price, you shouldn't have to."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

(Until this is settled by mods, the previous post is to be ignored.)
GALE Force Biological Agent/
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Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Straha »

New York, Earth

Police Commisioner John Kerrick walked along the open landscape, it was a stiff walk, anti-rad suit and all. To his left, and to his right were other police officers. Right now they were doing a sweep of the areas outside the Arcology. A young officer had found an access shaft, that connected with the ventilation system, that also happened to connect to a way out of the arcology. The assassin, and cop-killer, was now considered very likley to have escaped through it, and into the enviroment outside. They'd been searching for hours, still no luck though.

Suddenly his radio crackled. "Sir, found something."

"Copy, copy, line halt."

With that the line stopped, and the Commish began to walk along the jagged landscape to where the person who called him was in the line. When he arrived he saw a small grouping of people.

"Sir, we found a hole, inside there's what feels like a corpse. Still warm. It's small though."

"Right, get a shovel crew here."

With that they started digging. After ten minutes they'd gotten the hole wide enough to pull out the corpse. A Varthraxian in a skin suit.

"Right, someone inform the morgue we need a biologist, and I want the DNA lab ready. Also inform the Cibbies, we might need their help."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Thirdfain »

Hudson System
Ouster Occupation Zone

Elanie was touring the Groves. It was what she did, late at night, when there was a break available from her political duties and continued physical training. The entire Cluster of Eketrina was dotted with the huge inflated biospheres, each one green with clouds of strange, genemodded plants which flourished in the null-g and hard radiation.

Her assistant, a short and mousy woman named Linse, followed at a discreet distance. Linse had been Sayus' protoge before Elanie had removed the powerful man from office. Linse had been caught up in the whole mess, and had learned what had happend. She had been a passionate girl. Elanie shook her head in distaste; she'd had to sequestrate the poor girl.

Linse read off the latest reports. Elanie preferred to hear the news from her mouth.

"The situation in the Southern Core of the Fallow Regions has defused, with the signing of a definitive cease-fire between Tortuga and the Draconis."

Elanie stewed it over in her head. The Dracs, it seemed, were bowing to the power of the Monacoran center. The Earthers had risen in prominence since their world was burned. Her predecessor had been right to keep them close. It seemed they were a rising star, while the Quintuple Alliance faded. While even the Gladsheim machine-men supported the Monacorans, voices in favor of the Draconis had been few and weak.

"The world of Pradah has fallen to the Shi Commonwealth. The exact details are unknown, but it seems that a Shi ambassador was killed during a political assassination. This fact was used by the Shi as a cassus belli."

Hmmm. Interesting. A transparent ploy, of course- losing an ambassador accidentley hardly called for the conquest of an entire world. Never the less, it seemed the Japanese were on the move. Their alliance with the Protectorates was most troubling.

Elanie was in control of the situation. As long as things followed her plans, as long as the variables remained as she had predicted, she would succeed, and the Fallow Regions would be hers. Ignorance was death to her and her people, and could not be afforded.

She knew almost nothing about the Shi. She had heard about their Chi masters, creatures who approached even Basil himself in power. Indeed, they represented an unknown- something which she had yet to gain any control over. They also represented vast power, in realms she had only begun to understand. She needed more comprehension, if she was to become a creature rivalling even the Bloody-Handed.

She looked up from her revery.

"I want to speak with a Chi master. I want to speak with him alive, and of his own recognisance. I want it now."

There was no hint of the old fire in Lindse's eyes when she made the gesture of subservience.

"As you command, Lady, it is done."

Her 'walk' finished, Elanie began the trek back to the Fortress. There was much to be done.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Of the ruliling doesnt go in my favor, here is the response.
Straha wrote:Varathrax, Draconis Republic

Senator (OOC: I just named him that, he's a whatever you'd call him in the DR's system) Calcis looked down from the podium. The people were automators, programmers, wives of the above, and other people who had come to hear him speak. His speach was supposed to be about the booming economy, the need for unity, and the important part that these people had in the future to come. It wasn't any more.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I was going to speak about things you knew well, things that would, and still do, make us feel good. Well, I figured that with this latest bit of news, I wouldn't waste my time preaching to the choir, and would instead tell you more about something that I just learned about.
"As you may, or may not, know a treaty has just been officially signed with the Tortugans. What many of you don't know is the, literal, cost of the treaty. What I am about to read to you is from the treaty.
"First is this, 'All immobile equipment or wreckage on Tortuga or in the Tortuga system is property of whoever may find them and claim right of salvage first. The original owner rescinds all rights to said property, unless they retrieve and claim right of salvage.' In other words, ladies and gentlemen, we just gave up our equipme

nt on Tortuga. We have fourty eight hours, to find OUR tanks, OUR guns, OUR power suits, stuff YOU paid for. If we don't find it by then, it's not ours, it's there's. What do we get if we find their equipment? Pirate equipment, old equipment, equipment that we shouldn't use, and equipment that is useless to us. To translate this, we just gave them your money, and the technology YOU, you people out there made. What do we get in return? Nothing, dead corpses, humilitation, a pirate fleet that we missed. It gets worse though.
"This is another article of the same treaty. 'The Government of the Draconis Republic agrees to pay reparations for all damages done to Tortuga, be they Economic, or Military in nature which was caused by their actions. Value shall be placed on this by a three member third party tribunal picked by the Government of Tortuga. There shall be some limited oversight by Tortugan and Draconis representatives during this process.' Or, to put it blunty, we're paying them for that same stuff that they're salvaging. We lose a tank to them, and we get nothing for it, they lose a tank to us and they get paid. They lose a tank, and find it later, they still get paid. You, me, we are paying for this. You, me, we are paying pirates for us trying to enforce law. And where's the money to pay this going to come from? I for one will not allow the president (OOC: See note above) to hike taxes, just to cover his own mistakes. I for one will not force you to pay more, in times like these. We can't run a deficet, it's not constitutional. So what we left with? I'll tell you, the defence budget.
"Or, to put it plainly, we're taking money from the people that need it the most right now. We're taking the money from the people that need to rebuild the tanks we just gave to pirates. We're taking the money from them to give to criminals. Why? We should be using this lesson to build up our military, fix the problems in our Navy, and repair the damage done to our army. But the president decided not to. It gets a bit worse though, as hard as it is to believe.
"I have solid proof, that the president has hired out the Krell. No problem there. He hired out, however, a full third of their fleet. That takes money. Money, as I already pointed out, that we don't have. It's clear though what his intentions are. He wants to raise taxes. He wants to burden you. He wants to shift the people who have to pay for the damages he has done, from him to you. I have one plea today. Don't let him do it. Stop him, stop his government, and save yourselves now. Let your voices be heard. He screwed up, he has to pay the price, you shouldn't have to."
The people just... looked at him like he was high before someone finally spoke up

"are you on drugs? The right of salvage is in every peace treaty in our history. Hell it is also in our admiralty law as well.

with threats of war senator, it is only natual to hire mercs, and the krell are the best around. the monocorans have a hard on for invasion at this point... have you had your head in the clouds for the last week?"

WIth this, the senator stumbled all over himself as the audience laughed

"It is also rather obvious you havent read the final treaty, the reparations we will pay will bring them back up to a level where they wont be easy targets. And if we go to the lowest bidder, or even one of our ow companies, the cost will be much lower and may even recycle back into our economy... you dont know what your job is..."

ANd ith that, the audience pelted him with rotting meat until he got off the stage.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Darksider »

Stormbringer wrote:
Darksider wrote:::::::::Outlying Asgard Colony world, several months ago:::::::::

The ambassador looked at his Asgard counterpart.

"As I said, a Monacoarn representative may wish to witness these talks, We don't have a problem with it, as long as it's alright with your government."
(OOC: Loki System?)

"We have no objections to our allies the Monacorans attending. Whatever you have to say can be said in front of them. We will contact them and arrange a representative so that our talks may continue. Whenever you wish to begin?"

(OOC: I took care of my RL concerns and am ready to play)
Great, you picked the right time.
::::::Diplomatic meeting, Loki System, Several months ago:::::

You may send for the Monacoarn representative. And also, you may tell them that our offer of a defensive alliance is extended to them, as well as you.

:::::::::Emperor's command bunker, Carulan:::::

"How go the negotiations?"

"They have just sent for a Monacoarn representative."

And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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