STGOD 4 Game Thread

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Post by SirNitram »

The Chamber Of Wisdom was full of the heads of the Clans, but there was no sound but breathing. The conversasion was between their minds, via their neural uplinks.

The Known Space powers are MAD! They seek to use even the flimsiest excuse to seize up land for themselves, absorbing billions into their industrial bases and military pools unchallenged!
Their madness is, of course, a point of fact. They are too soft. Have you heard their religion? Kind and loving gods! As if the Void would abide such.
Their madness is what makes them a constant threat to the Etern. Listen to some of their proposed 'offenses'! An accident slays an ambassador, they conquer a world. A world is a 'lost colony', they absorb it via political and military pressure.
My brother-in-war is right! How long until an Etern warrior's off-colour joke, his too-rough handshake, or even the fact he shares a species with these cowardly rats cause them to come for us? They seek to bully the weak, and I say, my brothers, we must rally the weak against THEM!
While the warriors are, as ever, blunt, they have a point. The structure of power is shifting. Worse, we have expended valuable assets in deploying a fleet to force the Draconis hand.. And we gained nothing for such but bitter warriors who have gained nothing resembling honor for their efforts.
The path is clear. For the future of our people, we must prepare for a threat as dire as the Machine Demon, but worse, in it's own way, for it smiles and tells you it's your friend. To this end, I propose we immediately absorb these two-dozen systems and their civilizations.

Data fluttered through the network.

The eldest is an iron-age empire, the youngest, still only gatherers. But they can be taught to tend our factories once we place them on the ground. They will be welcome among us, given Clans of their own to represent their true interests. Seats in this very chamber so they may know how we have saved them, and so they may help save others.

Flitters of assent went through the gathered.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

Debator Classification: Trollhunter
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Post by SirNitram »

To: Major Powers and Alliances.
From: Collective of Etern.
Re: Current Expansion Trends.

After observing the blatant, aggressive expansionist policies of Known Space powers, and the outright condonement of using any excuse to conquer the defenseless, the Collective of Etern has no choice but to expand our borders, to protect a total of twenty-four pre-Warp cultures from the whims of others. We invite third party intermediaries to attend these diplomatic summits, that will usher in the new member worlds, as we are a forthright and honest nation with naught to hide.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

Debator Classification: Trollhunter
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Post by Pablo Sanchez »

Spyder wrote:With the rest of his tasks complete, Sullivan collected the investment and distribution portfolio and boarded the transport bound for Matar.
The transport had, of course, just come from Matar. One of the men disembarking from it was rather conservatively dressed and unremarkable in appearance. He walked directly past Sullivan; the officer felt a vague tingling of intuition, and the man spared Ed a moment's thought. The competence and smoothness in the way he carried himself meshed well with the driving wedge of his consciousness. He was not a dangerous man in the same sense that Artur was a surgical expert in the application of deadly force, but sometimes there were other characteristics that made a person even more effective. If the scene had become violent Sullivan would have been the first man to die.

Ed felt no such specific emotions. The man exuded a different feeling in the same way that a quick hunch had highlighted the HBC for further study. It wasn't a truly explainable and detectable difference, but it was there.

Alexander boarded his private diplomatic cutter not longer afterward, shedding the false identity that had carried him out of the Freehold. Artur would be sufficient to continue the operations on Matar, and there would undoubtedly be pressing business to attend to as per his duties to Basil and Elanie.
"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."
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Post by Thirdfain »


Senator Kisachek hissed in dismay. His turn at the podium would soon come. As a member of the fairly small Broad Horizons party, he and his fellows represented those interested in the continued expansion of Draconis military and economic might- and he felt the need to speak now as well.

"Citizens! Citizens! Now is a moment to think about our future, and the future of our great Republic. Since we were children, we were taught of our bright future among the stars- a future the Broad Horizons party has ever saught to ensure. Now, our goals face sudden peril. It is time the Republic examines itself in detail, it is time our people stand up to the Galaxy, and do what is necessary to protect our future!

It has become clear that we have enemies. The pirates of Tortuga are merely one example. They preyed on our ships, and they killed our people. Now, the current government, with the full support of the Broad Horizons party, authorized the usage of our mighty Navy against these vultures who would seek to impede our progress in securing our future. It was with these honorable goals in mind that we set out on this mission."

He paused a second, so that his next statement would have the proper effect.

"It is these honorable goals I see smashed before me! We have failed, good people! We have failed. Our brave young men and women went into the breach, dying by the hundreds of thousands, to secure our spacewayss from piracy. They spilt their blood to protect us, their blood so that our children can walk amongst the stars!

It was, my fellow Varthraxians, in vain."

"The current government bowed to international pressure. In some sort of monstrous power-play, the Monarchist human Central governments opposed our just defense. Our leaders, rather than show mettle, folded before their demands! We left our work in Tortuga unfinished. Still glistening with the blood of our people, the weapons of Tortuga stand free and unhindered, bound only by their word- and what is the word of a pirate? to leave our shipping be."

"We have been bullied by outsiders. We have lost masses of our friends and family. We have been forced to pay reparations to pirates! Reparations for defending ourselves! We have been ignored and abandoned by our allies!"

"This must stop. The government MUST make changes. We must stand up for ourselves. For if we do not, people of the Republic- who will?"

He stood down. Many members of the crowd looked thoughtful. Some applauded.

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Senator Krostus then spoke up
"The current government bowed to international pressure. In some sort of monstrous power-play, the Monarchist human Central governments opposed our just defense. Our leaders, rather than show mettle, folded before their demands! We left our work in Tortuga unfinished. Still glistening with the blood of our people, the weapons of Tortuga stand free and unhindered, bound only by their word- and what is the word of a pirate? to leave our shipping be."
I agree with you in principle. But sometimes we cannot protect our people with military force alone. we MUST do so with diplomacy. If the tortugans break that treaty, we will bombard their planet into dust, nothing will be left alive. However, you have seen the lighting war tactics of this "unification" we cannot protect our people if they wage war. By the time we detect a fleet, we will have to stand up to numbers that are, frankly, overwhelming, and we could not expect help from our allies for at least 12 hours. We are far smaller than even one of the Unification nations. we could not stand against them for very long and if the UPA gets to us on time, it would take decades to recover the damage. They probably wouldnt waste time with ground battle, just bombard our planets.

Things like this require prudence. Our duty as a government is to PROTECTour people. Not get them butchered.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Thirdfain »


Senator Kisachek shook his head in disbelief.

"If good men and women do nothing, what is the point of peace? The first transmissions from Earth allowed us to watch their World War Two unfold, all because those with the strength to act did nothing against the vultures and murderers. The Tortugans are killers! Killers and rapists! Any government which supports them is complicated in their actions!

The UPA is strong. If we but had their solid support, would the Central Powers really have gone to war against our vast numbers and strength?

Senator Krostus, peace in our time may not be an option. How long will our people be safe while we are disgraced and weakened, unable to defend ourselves from mere pirates? "

"Fear of retribution is the excuse of the weak, Senator. I will not believe our people are weak."

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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Post by Straha »

Alyrium Denryle wrote: I agree with you in principle. But sometimes we cannot protect our people with military force alone. we MUST do so with diplomacy. If the tortugans break that treaty, we will bombard their planet into dust, nothing will be left alive. However, you have seen the lighting war tactics of this "unification" we cannot protect our people if they wage war. By the time we detect a fleet, we will have to stand up to numbers that are, frankly, overwhelming, and we could not expect help from our allies for at least 12 hours. We are far smaller than even one of the Unification nations. we could not stand against them for very long and if the UPA gets to us on time, it would take decades to recover the damage. They probably wouldnt waste time with ground battle, just bombard our planets.

Things like this require prudence. Our duty as a government is to PROTECTour people. Not get them butchered.
Senator Calcis rose to speak

"So, when we are admitedly at a disadvantage militarilly, you support cutting the military budget? That is not defense of our people, that is leaving our people out as targets! You are a hypocrite if you say otherwise."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Darksider »

SirNitram wrote:To: Major Powers and Alliances.
From: Collective of Etern.
Re: Current Expansion Trends.

After observing the blatant, aggressive expansionist policies of Known Space powers, and the outright condonement of using any excuse to conquer the defenseless, the Collective of Etern has no choice but to expand our borders, to protect a total of twenty-four pre-Warp cultures from the whims of others. We invite third party intermediaries to attend these diplomatic summits, that will usher in the new member worlds, as we are a forthright and honest nation with naught to hide.
To: Collective of Etern
Re: Expansionism

We wish to send observers to these negotiations to see for ourselves that these less-advanced worlds are not being taken advantage of.
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by Straha »

Darksider wrote: ::::::Diplomatic meeting, Loki System, Several months ago:::::

You may send for the Monacoarn representative. And also, you may tell them that our offer of a defensive alliance is extended to them, as well as you.
Ambassador-at-Large Sumner Welles entered.

"Right, I believe we already had a small understanding. Shall we do this then?"
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Darksider »

Straha wrote:
Darksider wrote: ::::::Diplomatic meeting, Loki System, Several months ago:::::

You may send for the Monacoarn representative. And also, you may tell them that our offer of a defensive alliance is extended to them, as well as you.
Ambassador-at-Large Sumner Welles entered.

"Right, I believe we already had a small understanding. Shall we do this then?"
"Yes, I am ready to sign any nessecary treaties."

"As agreed, this defensive alliance, as well as the....other arrangement, will not become public knowledge until such time as all three parties agree to reveal it."
And this is why you don't watch anything produced by Ronald D. Moore after he had his brain surgically removed and replaced with a bag of elephant semen.-Gramzamber, on why Caprica sucks
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Post by Dahak »

SirNitram wrote:To: Major Powers and Alliances.
From: Collective of Etern.
Re: Current Expansion Trends.

After observing the blatant, aggressive expansionist policies of Known Space powers, and the outright condonement of using any excuse to conquer the defenseless, the Collective of Etern has no choice but to expand our borders, to protect a total of twenty-four pre-Warp cultures from the whims of others. We invite third party intermediaries to attend these diplomatic summits, that will usher in the new member worlds, as we are a forthright and honest nation with naught to hide.
The Grand Empire would like to send a delegation to observe this process.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by Marcao »

Veithan Empire
Mulaya System, Mulaya III

The arrival of the UP ambassador into the primary diplomatic complex had been expected, the representative led with all possible courtesy towards the office of his Veithan counter part. When the hand typed request was received, the Veithan nodded and assured his counter part that he would get the message moving with all due speed. The meeting ended shortly after it began, the UP ambassador pre-occupied and the Veithan ambassador wishing to start the process as quickly as possible.

The message was passed along, arriving on the presidential complex within minutes of its arrival upon the hands of the Veithan representative. It took a mere hour of deliberating before orders were given out. The Veithan response was hand delivered to the UP ocean side complex.

To: UP Ambassador, Sir Warren
From: Veithan Government
Re: Request

In the interest of continued cooperation between our nations we have considered your request and agree to provide the necessary personnel with a singular caveat. The Veithan Empire is interested in the answering of questions pertaining to the former CoG situation; as such we wish full access to any information which your actions may uncover. If this is acceptable, the personnel you requested will be provided to you with all due haste in order that the investigation may proceed as quickly as possible.


To: Tortugan Government, Draconis Government, Various other nations
From: Veithan Government
Subject: Tortugan/Draconis cease fire

The Veithan Empire is overjoyed with the signing of an acceptable cease fire between the Draconis Republic and the Tortugan nation. With Tortugan sovereignty no longer endangered, the Veithan government no longer feels that sanctions against the Draconis economy are necessary or prudent. To that end, the Veithan Empire is lifting any and all sanctions it had placed upon Draconis goods and services and hopes that other nations will follow suit in a timely fashion.


To: Collective of Etern.
From: Veithan Government
Re: Veithan attendance to diplomatic summits

The Veithan wishes to send a small delegation to the negotiations between the Collective and the various representatives of the systems the Collective wishes to annex.


Tortugan System
Tortuga, Secure Facility

Master of Arms Allan Westrey sighed softly, his eyes concentrating on the terminal before him. He hated paperwork, but the higher one went up in any form of military the more that such tasks added up. At the moment, his current hurdle to overcome was the data presented to him about the Tortugan navy personnel records. He had a shell game to play of monumental proportions, but it had to be done. He took a deep breath, concentrating on a familiar face in particular before pressing a series of keys. The officer would not be thrilled when she returned, but it was what it was. It was his call to make.

The finalized version of the treaty would soon be open knowledge, and when that was revealed the Fleet would return. Already he had several news agencies lining up to be among the first to carry the information across the stars. He had already sent a message to the fleet informing them of tortugan victory, but there was no guarantee that the Fleet had received it. He had taken other steps, but those would take a bit of time. He had no doubt that the fleet would return, the Tortugans had after all won the war, and the treaty guaranteed the safe return of the fleet, the Republic understanding that without a fleet, the Tortugans were defenseless and would have to pick sides. Even with the cessation of hostilities the UPA by virtue of possessing the Draconis Republic as a member nation was not high in the list of possibilities.

The Maneuverings of the Asgard in particular had caught the imagination of many. Personally, the Master of Arms was struggling to maintain a semblance of independence but the Asgard offer was tempting, very tempting. Nonetheless, it threatened to open a rift between his nation and the UPA, and the Draconis along with several other UPA nations were very close to their borders. He refused to trade in one set of occupiers to another, but he was not naïve enough to believe that an independent Tortuga would be viable without some power plays. Shit, he hated politics especially interstellar politics. Nonetheless, he was quite good at it. And if all went well…well, there would only be more politics in the future. His eyes closed, the data terminal blinking for a moment as his request was carried out.

Ltn. Shannon L. Forraker…Demoted
[next file? Y/N]
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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Thirdfain wrote:Varthraxia

Senator Kisachek shook his head in disbelief.

"If good men and women do nothing, what is the point of peace? The first transmissions from Earth allowed us to watch their World War Two unfold, all because those with the strength to act did nothing against the vultures and murderers. The Tortugans are killers! Killers and rapists! Any government which supports them is complicated in their actions!

The UPA is strong. If we but had their solid support, would the Central Powers really have gone to war against our vast numbers and strength?

Senator Krostus, peace in our time may not be an option. How long will our people be safe while we are disgraced and weakened, unable to defend ourselves from mere pirates? "

"Fear of retribution is the excuse of the weak, Senator. I will not believe our people are weak."
There is a bit of difference between Nazis, and pirates. You dont need to destroy every single person who supports piracy. All you need do is make sure they are no longer a threat. The tortugans are no longer a threat senator.

The UPA is strong, But the Unifiction was more than willing to attack the arcanists, because they thught tey were in league with the mechanids. I have reviewed their evidence, and it was very weak. They are are aroused by the thought of invasion senator. They have no regard for their own civilians and while the UPA would strike back at them, everyone in this hall, in this city possibly on this planet, would be dead.

Our people arent weak senator. But we are not invincible.

"So, when we are admitedly at a disadvantage militarilly, you support cutting the military budget? That is not defense of our people, that is leaving our people out as targets! You are a hypocrite if you say otherwise."
If you bothered to look at the numbers, it isnt a matter of military budget. it is a matter of industrial capacity. They have more people, more planets under their control, and a larger industrial base. Throwing money at a problem does not always help senator.

The cuts we would do, would be relativly small. The tortugans, while we did destroy a lot, we mostly took out ground equipment. The combined total is not that great in the broad scheme of things. And we would be able to cut our military budget sufficiently to pay that off, without significantly hampering our efforts to catch up wth the other nations. But of curse senator, you dont look at the actual numbers.

Another possiility would be to do something we havent done for a while. We could send a bill to the local governments with an amount of money that they need to raise as they see fit. we havent had to do it for 20 years, but it would work. It isnt a permennt tax hike, and for each person the burden would be rather low. As it generally takes the form of a sales tax on non-food items or something similar"
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Thirdfain »

"Senator, the Arcanist situation has no part in this debate. You are also clearly making snap judgements which might be better left to members of the military. I've reviewed the records, and it seems that the Central Powers have just as much regard for their people as we do ours! Additionally, I find your assertion that we would be helpless before their invasion utterly ridiculous. Our forces are well-equipped, and our central worlds are shielded. Also, your assertion that the Central Powers were indulging in a war of annhilation are simply inconcievable! I have yet to find one record of such behaviour by even the Ousters, much less the mainstream central powers. They had no intention of unleashing straregic weapons."

"We aren't weak? SIr, when will it stop? When will the demands of the Central Powers become too much, when will we stop bowing our heads?

"Finally, Mister Senator, I'll point out that while the costs of rebuilding Tortuga are extensive rather than crippling as my colleague suggests, combined with the costs of re-arming our mauled invasion force, the price will be quite hefty. Losses are extreme, sir, and entire armies will need to be rebuilt from the ground up. Additionally, we'll need to outfit awhole new cargoees of dropships to replace the complete loss of the first invasion wave. In the end, combined with both our foolish pork-barrel purchase of the Krell and the reparations, the strain on our military budget will be very real. We'll need to either raise taxes, or cut back on the next round of ship construction!"

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"Would we be helpless? No. WOuld e bleeed them? Yes. would we be able to hold out until help arrives? No. Each one of those nations Outnumbers us.
If they send even a fraction of their fleets, we will not be able to defend against all their strike locations. They will when be able to bombard our shields until they collapse. Then either land, or bombard the planets. Do you want that? do you want what happened to Durandalia to happen to us?

In this situation, we didnt have much of a choice. WIth both alliances building for war, we need to not be the one who gets attacked first. Because whoever does is dead, or at least crippled.

We had set asside a certain amount of money for hiring mercs. That shouldnt be to big a problem, as you should know we allocate a certain amount of money to it anually. In an interest building account no less. As for the reparations and rebuilding the army. It would take time to rebuild those either way we go. We may need to do both. The money for the current round, which is 70% completed has already been alocated. SO, we cut back on ship production, and post a bill for each planetary government topay. Probably through a slight increase in sales taxes. a .5% increase in sales taxes, assuming an average of 10000 credits spent by cnsumers for non-food items... and this is a VERY low estimate, will bring in 50 credits per person. Assuming a planetary average population of 15 billion, you will bring in 750 billion credits per major planet. ANd this is pulling numbers out of my cloaca. It will take a couple of years to pay that debt, and it wont be an a lump sum. 50 credits per person is 2 music crystals. it probably wont harm local economies appreciably, it may cost some oof us our seats come reelection, but it is necessary."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Dahak »

Gladsheim Prime, Imperial Plaza

<<Who knew the Draconis could actually be reasonable enough and pull out?>> SIlas Orvold chuckled. <<I expect their government to take a beating...>>
<<Curious concept, democracies...>> the Empress mused. <<To let a horde of individuals make decisions... They lack oneness, unity. But this barbaric concept seems to be enshrined by most nations.>>
<<Yes, sometimes tricky to deal with.>>
<<And they think we are strange...>> she shook her head. <<Anyway, where does this leave us?>>
<<For one, we can let those fugitives go back home, of course. And most likely a war has been avoided. We should think about re-opening our relationship with the Draconis?>>
<<No,>> the Empress took a sip of her Mai Tai, <<They're still to unstable. And it's no loss to us.>>
<<Yes,>> he nodded. <<Which leaves the Etern and their request. Interesting culture, that is for sure.>>
<<They use some sort of primitive form of neural interfacing, right?>>
<<Yes, so it seems. Not nearly on out extent or level, but give them a few centuries?>>
<<Well, I think Duke Nethington is free to go there and observe. If all goes well, he will get an insight in this culture.>>
<<Good, good,>> the Empress smiled as the sun warmed her body. <<Now it would be time it seems for the ball we planned. No war, just minor struggles, it might actually work...>>
<<Yes, your Majesty,>> Orvold answered as he was sipping of his own cocktail. <<Should I send the invitations to the Veithans and Ravenlock?>>
<<Yes, please do so.>>


To: Members of the Veithan Accord
Subject: Imperial Ball

Her Majesty requests your presence for a ball in celebration of our prospering alliance and co-operation.
It will take place on Gladsheim in 2 weeks.
We expect your answers.
Great Dolphin Conspiracy - Chatter box
"Implications: we have been intercepted deliberately by a means unknown, for a purpose unknown, and transferred to a place unknown by a form of intelligence unknown. Apart from the unknown, everything is obvious." ZORAC
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Post by consequences »

Pardah System
The Shi 'conquest' of Pardah was far more complex than had been made known to the Galaxy at large. As far as the Shi fleet was concerned, they were moving to punish those who had been careless enough to kill an outside ambassador in their internal dispute, and guarantee the line of succession of the deceased Archon Jardok the Relaxed(initiator of the wildly popular 'Eat a Warm Cookie Act' of the previous year).

The Pardan populace, for their part, had been very fond of their leader, and wanted those responsible punished. However, they also had no real interest in letting an outside power run their lives.

An agreement had been reached, where the Shi fleet minded its own business away from their system, but their investigators were allowed to assist in the efforts to uncover those behind the apparent military coup. This suited both parties, as the Pardans did not feel they could entirely trust their own internal security apparatus, and especially had no interest in seeing their fleet gratuitously curbstomped. The Shi, for their part, felt it would be hypocritical to commit mass indiscriminate slaughter to avenge an act of indiscriminate slaughter.

The fact that numerous officers who strongly opposed the compromise were found to be involved in the conspiracy, and killed while resisting arrest, was no real surprise, as they were exactly the sort of independent minded strong-willed types that could be expected to be involved in an attempted coup.

Negotiations as to the exact nature of reparations to be paid, if any, were still on-going.
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Post by Straha »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:If you bothered to look at the numbers, it isnt a matter of military budget. it is a matter of industrial capacity. They have more people, more planets under their control, and a larger industrial base. Throwing money at a problem does not always help senator.

The cuts we would do, would be relativly small. The tortugans, while we did destroy a lot, we mostly took out ground equipment. The combined total is not that great in the broad scheme of things. And we would be able to cut our military budget sufficiently to pay that off, without significantly hampering our efforts to catch up wth the other nations. But of curse senator, you dont look at the actual numbers.

Another possiility would be to do something we havent done for a while. We could send a bill to the local governments with an amount of money that they need to raise as they see fit. we havent had to do it for 20 years, but it would work. It isnt a permennt tax hike, and for each person the burden would be rather low. As it generally takes the form of a sales tax on non-food items or something similar"
"Throwing money at a problem doesn't always help, but taking money away from a program where it is direly needed ALWAYS hurts. This is going to hurt our building programs, this is going to hurt our recruiting programs, and this is going to hurt our pockets one way or another. Why? Because oru military can't afford to pay for this, and our intelligence network surely can't afford to pay for this, so who do you think the president is going to make pay for this? US? Them, the hard-working people who brought us to this point on their backs with sweat for their fuel. These people, who have to feed their families, school their children, pay for doctors, and keep our economy going are going to be burdened even further!
"And your statement that it was only minor hardware shows just how much you've shoved your head into the sand. We have to pay for the medical costs of the wounded, we have to pay for the pensions of those brave departed soldiers, and we have to pay for the new recruits to fill their place. That alone may cost as much as the requiping costs. Then there is the fact that the military is currently so vital, and so strapped that cutting anything would be horrible for them. Building cuts would ravish our ability to compete at all in this byzantine galaxy. Recruiting cuts would leave us undermanned for the troubles ahead. Equipment cuts would be so disastrous that one need not even bother to speak about it. Pension cuts? Would you take away the pensions of those brave young soldiers who died to fight piracy on that far-off world? These are not insignifigant programs, anyone who knows anything about the military can tell you that. But then again you don't know much about the military, do you?
"Your last suggestion, however, is to ridiculous to imagine. The president is going to shift the responsibility of fixing this mess from him, to the govenors? Are you trully lacking in the head? Why should the planets pay for this federal mistake? If I were a govenor, I would simply refuse to pay."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by frigidmagi »

Imperial Yacht Ryugenzawa
United Protectorates Space

As the transport entered the system, her escorts turned aside, symbolising the primary occupants transfer into the care of the United Protectrates and its Lord Protector.

"Protector's Consort-to-Be, and entourage, requesting permission to land"

The 4 Dreadnoughts of 1st and 5th fleets clustered around the Imperial Yacht. 80 massive combat ships surrondded the Ryugenzawa, symbolising the Protection of the Lord Protector and United Protectrates.

"Imperial Yacht Ryugenzawa, this is Lastport Space Command, permission granted and welcome."
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"Throwing money at a problem doesn't always help, but taking money away from a program where it is direly needed ALWAYS hurts. This is going to hurt our building programs, this is going to hurt our recruiting programs, and this is going to hurt our pockets one way or another. Why? Because oru military can't afford to pay for this, and our intelligence network surely can't afford to pay for this, so who do you think the president is going to make pay for this? US? Them, the hard-working people who brought us to this point on their backs with sweat for their fuel. These people, who have to feed their families, school their children, pay for doctors, and keep our economy going are going to be burdened even further!
Had we continued this war, the people would have been burdened further you daft moron. This is actually the least expensive alternative. We could have pressed further, and lost more men, more equipment, and than had to suffer from an interstallar war that, because we would be the first struck, would have elft us crippled, if functionig at all. Or, we can pay to to replace their equipment. The costs would a .5% tax increase, that would be effective for only a couple years, and would come out to paying an extra 50 cents for a 100 credit expenditure. The micoeconomic impact would be miniscule.
And your statement that it was only minor hardware shows just how much you've shoved your head into the sand. We have to pay for the medical costs of the wounded, we have to pay for the pensions of those brave departed soldiers, and we have to pay for the new recruits to fill their place.
That is a given in any groundinvasion, it is inherently expensive. Luckily, pensions arent payed out in a lump sum, now are they? Medical costs are also a given. Thanks for stating the obvious.
Then there is the fact that the military is currently so vital, and so strapped that cutting anything would be horrible for them.

Sir I am on the military budget committee, you are not. I know full well what the military budget is. And I am fully aware that we may need to scale back certain things. But such is the nature of war, now isnt it. Would you rather we do that, or would you rather we go through an interstallar war that cripples us economically?
Your last suggestion, however, is to ridiculous to imagine. The president is going to shift the responsibility of fixing this mess from him, to the govenors? Are you trully lacking in the head? Why should the planets pay for this federal mistake? If I were a govenor, I would simply refuse to pay."
The declaration of war was ratified by the federal senate, and endorsed by the state senates and governors.

Not only that, but that power to bill the states in time of national need is enumerated in both the federal and planetary constitutions. A governor who refused to pay would be arrested by the local militia, and charged with purjury for violating his oath of office.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by Thirdfain »

Had we continued this war, the people would have been burdened further you daft moron. This is actually the least expensive alternative.
"Raise your voice with me, foolish young one? Of course you are right- it would have cost us more to actually complete our war. On the other hand, we would have actually gotten some gain for our expenditures! As is, our money was thrown away. We may as well have spaced those soldiers, and the money with them, for all the good this war did us! The Senate authorized a war to end Tortuga as a pirate threat. Besides words on paper, which pirates will gladly lay aside, we have failed to achieve that goal! Better to have spent more money, time and effort, and come from this with our nation's honor, standing, and security intact!"

:Sir, you can be certain this outrage will not stand, come next election season. Add to that your proposal that we actually raise taxes, and I find this debacle to be complete! This is foolery, sir, foolery."

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

"standing!? Security?! Are you stoned? do you honestly think that we would have been able to keep that planet when the Unification comes knocking on our doorstep? And yes, they would have come knocking. They have invaded no less than 3 nations in the last year and half. i know damn well I will probably loose my seat in the next election. But the lives of my people are more important to me than my job, because i swore an oath to defend them. If the tortugans violate the treaty, we will bomb them all from orbit and not one will be left aive. But if they dont violate it, then we have secured our borders."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by frigidmagi »

Landing Zone Lastport

A battalion of Protector's Own Marines stood at iron attention. Their power armor shined silver in the sunlight and their rifle held at perfect degrees. Fleet Admiral Andersen wondered if they were here to be honor guard for the Lady Consort to be or just guarding their Lord Protector from flight.

"Sakura Hino, that's her name right?" Lord Protector Sir Joshua Mattews asked.

"Yes, I read her file, impressive." The Fleet Admiral answered. He was here because of tradition. About half the worlds of the UP practiced arranged marriages, on those worlds it was traditional for the father to acompany the groom on the first meeting. Andersen was taking on the role for the Lord Protector's deceased father.

"I'm sure." muttered his nephew in respone.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Ronoghan Orbit

Admiral Barclay stood up and watched one of the secondary viewscreens dedicated to flight ops. It showed a lone C-420 easing into the front hangar bay, escorted by twelve F/A-210s, that peeled off with great precision as the transport approached the bay and went to the starboard side of the carrier to enter one of the bays there. Barclay turned. "Captain Harrington, you have the bridge. I'm going down to the forward bay."

"Aye, sir."

Four Marines fell in behind the Admiral as he left the bridge. They matched step with him as he went to the lift.

"Forward hangar bay," said the Admiral as he and the Marines stepped into the lift. The lift car began to move. A moment later, it slid to a stop and the doors opened out onto the massive hangar bay, swarming with activity as fighters and bombers came in for landing and others were launched. In a far corner with the assault landing craft, the C-420 was setting down. Barclay, catching sight of it, turned and began to march in quick, precise military step towards the arriving transport. He arrived at the base of it's rear ramp as it touched down. The hatch opened, and the admiral began to step forward, but was immediately shoved aside by medics with stretchers running towards the transport. He briefly began to flush in anger, but being less impulsive than his colleague Admiral Fisher, he quickly stood aside. Five men were rushed out of the transport, the squad medics still hastily stabilizing IV drips before allowing the Navy corpsmen to take over. After the casualties were well clear, a Ronoghan stepped down, accompanied by two Nashtari lieutenants, Vrazna and Northrop. President Rhaglaros stepped down and began to walk off, but Admiral Barclay stepped forward to stop him. Then to the deposed President's surprise, the full admiral, resplendent in his uniform with four stars on his shoulders and various campaign ribbons on his chest, drew up in full military fashion and saluted him.

There was a brief cheer for the President from the deck plane handlers and mechanics before they went back to work. Admiral Barclay signaled over two Marines. "President Rhaglaros, welcome aboard my ship. You will be given every courtesy we can offer until you have been returned to your rightful office. Is there anything you require?"

'M- My children are quite frightened after their ordeal, Admiral. Is there a place where my family may find rest?"

"But of course, sir. Sergeant," he said, turning to one of the Marines he'd called, "escort President Rhaglaros and his family to my stateroom and ensure that they are not disturbed." He turned back. "Mr. President, while I am honored at your company, we still must wrap up operations here and I am needed on the bridge, so if you will please accompany these gentlemen?"

Rhaglaros' ears twitched in assent and he and his family followed the Marines. The Barclay turned back to the transport to see the rest of the SOCOM platoon exiting, with their captain leading another, shackled Ronoghan roughly by the arm. He walked over. "Captain, no need for the manhandling."

Captain Russell straightened up and saluted. "Aye, sir."

Barclay then turned to the prisoner. "General Trafglaror, I presume?"

The Ronoghan craned his neck upwards (he had been stumbling along, looking down at the deck) and assumed a defiant expression, ears back and down. "You are destroying my nation, you bastard. You launched a full scale invasion, and doubtless are bombarding..."

"WRONG, General," interrupted Barclay with some annoyance. "We have not invaded, nor are we bombarding anything."

"Bullshit, you lying bastard! I saw the landing barges, I saw the sensor reports of your battleship -- the Defender, yes, Barclay? Defender my ass," he spit. "It was pulling into bombardment position over Hronorogho when your men attacked."

"Yet there she is, not firing," said Barclay, pointing out the open hangar bay doors at the massive battleship, orbiting serenely along a few kilometers in front of the carrier. "And the landing barges? All a trick, one that you fell for hook, line, and sinker. They offloaded no troops, and lifted off as soon as we had you. Yes, General. The entire fleet, the landing ships. All part of a precision strike operation designed to look like a full scale planetary assault. But you see, what we wanted was you and President Rhaglaros. Quite nice of you to keep him in the palace, by the way."

"He was to be returned to power as soon as I'd expunged the elements your government subverted into dissolving our sovereignty," snarled the general. "I will not allow you to simply conquer my people without a fight."

"I'm sure. But you see, that won't be necessary, because we have no plans for conquest. So you might as well give the order to stand down now."

"Never," he growled.

"Then we'll have to restore your people to freedom from under your boot the hard way. Don't think we can't," warned Barclay. "We do not want an extended campaign against your army, but we will engage in one if you force us, and it's one you can't win. Give the order and we will simply restore your rightful government and withdraw."

"Why should I believe you?"

"History. We accept member worlds that vote voluntarily to join us, but we have never conquered for territory and we're not about to start now. In fact, we fight to protect smaller nations from annexation when we can, as you well know."

"Not good enough."

"Well then let me put it this way," said Barclay in a soft voice, soft yet somehow the most menacing he had thus far employed. "If you give the order to stop before frank and open conflict ensues, the people of Ronogho will at least feel that you recognized your error. But if we must fight to remove Colonel Fraatreno and the others, wreaking the destruction of war and decimating your armies in a conflict that you could have easily stopped, and then turn you over for trial when this is over, do you expect anything less than trial and conviction for unrepentant high treason?"

Trafglaror considered this, then suddenly clenched his hands inside the shackles and snarled. "I do this for my people, not for myself, conqueror," he spat. "I will give your orders, but only to spare death to the citizens I am to protect."

Barclay took a step back and spread his arms wide, shrugging as he did so. "I don't much care for the title of conqueror, but I'll take what I can get. Lieutenant, take the good General to the comms room. Put his transmission on ten second delay; if he starts exhorting the army to fight, don't broadcast it. Ask President Rhaglaros to do the same." He turned back to Trafglaror. "Your people will be grateful for this decision, General, though frankly probably not too happy with your actions preceding this. You're to go with these men." The Marines led the general away. "Captain Russell."

The Marine captain turned from supervising his men and saluted. "Sir?"

"You and your men are to be commended. Without you and Rogue Squadron, we'd be settling in for a ground campaign right now."

"Thank you, sir."

"You will be given details at your briefing. Dismissed." Barclay returned the Marine's salute and he grabbed his gear and followed his men aft. Barclay watched him until he lost sight of the platoon behind a B-95 that was landing with a damaged wing, then he turned and went back to the bridge lift, his honor guard behind him.
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Thirdfain »

"Ah! so you have hosen coawrdice. You have chosen to allow our people to bow to the oppresion of foreign bullies. You now pledge to commit genocide? Sir, your oath to your people extended further than from merely protecting them from physical harm. You, I , and the rest of this august assembly have a duty you protect their freedom, at all costs! You speak of certainties, Senator, when you have none. You presume too much of our people, and insult our intelligence! Such perversion of my vote and our government's purpose sickens me. I hope the people you claim to represent see it that way as well. We have our pride."

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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