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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Thirdfain wrote:"Ah! so you have hosen coawrdice. You have chosen to allow our people to bow to the oppresion of foreign bullies. You now pledge to commit genocide? Sir, your oath to your people extended further than from merely protecting them from physical harm. You, I , and the rest of this august assembly have a duty you protect their freedom, at all costs! You speak of certainties, Senator, when you have none. You presume too much of our people, and insult our intelligence! Such perversion of my vote and our government's purpose sickens me. I hope the people you claim to represent see it that way as well. We have our pride."
"Cowardess is different from prudence Senator. Let me us an analogy that your mind may be able to grasp

Say your hunting party is stalking a group of Terantesalar that have been raiding livestock in the forest. Your party has wounded, and has suffered casualties. Your prey is weakened, and calls for the protection of a much larger group. If you persue them further, the rest of their pack will arrive, and even if you call for reinforcements from base camp, you will be dead or crippled before they get there. Or, you can, retreat, and live to fight another day. Is calling off the hunt cowardice, or prudence? Senator?

You have no certainties either senator. You dont know whether or not the Tortugans will violate that reaty. And the last provision is that if it is violated, a state of war will exist. And we will not have the same reservations with their civilians the next time, if there is one."
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

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Post by Stormbringer »

Darksider wrote:
Straha wrote:Ambassador-at-Large Sumner Welles entered.

"Right, I believe we already had a small understanding. Shall we do this then?"
"Yes, I am ready to sign any nessecary treaties."

"As agreed, this defensive alliance, as well as the....other arrangement, will not become public knowledge until such time as all three parties agree to reveal it."
"That is acceptable and we understand the desire to keep one's cards close to their chest. We will keep your confidences."

OOC: What were the terms we hammered out?
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Post by Stormbringer »

SirNitram wrote:To: Major Powers and Alliances.
From: Collective of Etern.
Re: Current Expansion Trends.

After observing the blatant, aggressive expansionist policies of Known Space powers, and the outright condonement of using any excuse to conquer the defenseless, the Collective of Etern has no choice but to expand our borders, to protect a total of twenty-four pre-Warp cultures from the whims of others. We invite third party intermediaries to attend these diplomatic summits, that will usher in the new member worlds, as we are a forthright and honest nation with naught to hide.

To: Collective of Etern.
From: Asgard Foreign Office
Re: Current Expansion Trends.

We do not wish to see the wholesale seizure of planet worth of people not yet capable of comprehending their own destiny. As such we feel that such cultures, while enjoying Etern protection, ought to be left strictly alone. We are prepared to take action to protect these peoples from an exploitation that they can hardly yet comprehend.
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Post by Thirdfain »

Senator Kisachek shook his head in dismay.

"If you can not see the obvious invadilidity of your metaphor, then I see no reason to waste further time. I believe that the time has come for this afternoon's session to come to an end, in any case. I'm sure our people will examine the validity of your actions, and show their true beliefs on the matter,"

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
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Post by Stormbringer »

To: Shi Combine
From: Asgard Foreign Office
Re: Occupation of Pardah System

We applaud the role you played in helping bring about justice there. Now we can only wait, as does the rest of the galaxy, for you to return them to their rightful leaders and withdraw.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

SirNitram wrote:To: Major Powers and Alliances.
From: Collective of Etern.
Re: Current Expansion Trends.

After observing the blatant, aggressive expansionist policies of Known Space powers, and the outright condonement of using any excuse to conquer the defenseless, the Collective of Etern has no choice but to expand our borders, to protect a total of twenty-four pre-Warp cultures from the whims of others. We invite third party intermediaries to attend these diplomatic summits, that will usher in the new member worlds, as we are a forthright and honest nation with naught to hide.
To: Collective of Etern.
From: Nashtar Ministry of State
Re: Current Expansion Trends.

We will accept your placing the mentioned neutral planets under your protection, but we will not stand by for a wholesale conquest of the worlds. If it is your intention to simply conquer the planets and assimilate them into your nation, we lodge our strongest protests and objections. Wholesale conquest of unoffending cultures lies contrary to sentient rights and we will not tolerate it. However, again, you are welcome to place these worlds under your non-interfering protection.

Minister of State Victor Godunov
Republic of Nashtar
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Thirdfain »

<< The Hajr applaudes the fine efforts of the Shi Combine in their protection of the sovereign state of Pradah. Their love of the lives of their bureaucrats is so great, it seems, that it moves whole fleets in the defense of just one such Voice!"

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1908 - )
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Post by Straha »

Alyrium Denryle wrote: Had we continued this war, the people would have been burdened further you daft moron. This is actually the least expensive alternative. We could have pressed further, and lost more men, more equipment, and than had to suffer from an interstallar war that, because we would be the first struck, would have elft us crippled, if functionig at all. Or, we can pay to to replace their equipment. The costs would a .5% tax increase, that would be effective for only a couple years, and would come out to paying an extra 50 cents for a 100 credit expenditure. The micoeconomic impact would be miniscule.

That is a given in any groundinvasion, it is inherently expensive. Luckily, pensions arent payed out in a lump sum, now are they? Medical costs are also a given. Thanks for stating the obvious.

Sir I am on the military budget committee, you are not. I know full well what the military budget is. And I am fully aware that we may need to scale back certain things. But such is the nature of war, now isnt it. Would you rather we do that, or would you rather we go through an interstallar war that cripples us economically?

The declaration of war was ratified by the federal senate, and endorsed by the state senates and governors.

Not only that, but that power to bill the states in time of national need is enumerated in both the federal and planetary constitutions. A governor who refused to pay would be arrested by the local militia, and charged with purjury for violating his oath of office.
The hisses and boos in protest of the supposed tax hike prevented Calcis from speaking at first. When they'd died down he started again.

"You say, had we continued the war we would have had to pay more. I say, had we not engaged in war without political support, or if we had engaged in the war with intelligent foresight, like knowing they would fight tooth and nail for their land, we wouldn't have to pay a fraction of our current costs. I say that if the president botched the operation this badly he should figure out the way to pay for it, not us, and definetly not our military.

"Your ignorance abounds about the pension program I see though. Here I must add a personal note before I continue though. Yes I am no longer on the Military Funding Commitee, but I was for four years. I also happened to have a near perfect attendence record, missed three meetings I think, something you can't come close to claiming. But back to pensions, Pensions can be recieved three different ways. Immeadiete, delayed, or resettlement. Now if they take immeadiete payment, something you obviously didn't read about in the briefing packet, from us, that's bad, why? Obvious isn't it, then we go even more bankrupt. Suppose we pay over time, well that's better, but then we have to take more money away from rebuilding our military for a longer period of time. That's not good either. Yet we have to pay these people. So, where are we going to get the money? Especially if people demand immeadiete payment, as they like to do at times.

"Finally, I still don't see why you are so obbsessed with making the govenors, and people pay for the president's mistake. Really, why don't you just let us be and make that president fix his own screw ups!"
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Varathrax Capital: Senate Cavern
Treaty Ratification Session

Speaker of the Senate, Gias Gracus brought the session to order with a bash of his gavel and roll was called, names were written down. There were 6 senators from each primary world, and 3 for each colony. Bringing the total to 102

After spirited debate between Senators Krostus, and Calcis, on senator Falco, hailing from the Lex system finally got a turn to speak. But when he pulled out a leather bound book, the other senators all blanched white in stark terror. He was against the ratification, knew it would pass, so wanted to make the other sentors suffer the wrath of Almighty God(He is the only Christian in the entire republic, converted mid term)

Speaker Gias managed to clear hhis head.
“Is this a fillibuster senator Falco?”
“It very well could be Senator Gracus”
“why did I give you the floor?”
“gods will”

With that he opened the book and began to speak

“All of you people in this floor need to hear the gospel of Jesus, may his wisdom guide us through these difficult times”

A collective hiss was heard from the assembly. They did NOT like senator Falco right now. The man could go for 6 days without sleep.

Then he began to read. He went through the book of Mathew, it was obvious he was reading the gospels.

When they got to Pilate saying “I find no fault in this man” a collective thud was heard from the collected assemblies as they all simultaneously tried to beat themselves into unconciousness. Two of them were spared further pain, the rest merely rubbed their heads and continued.

They managed to find some sort of joy when the apparently delusional, or at least ‘off’ hero of the story, Jesus, was finally nailed to the cross. This was a novel form of execution, and they took down notes. Especially amusing was the sentence “father forgive them, they know not what they do” Some of the businessmen in the senate thought of a way to market that in a “tickle me Jesus “ toy for human children. When he finally died, a cheer was heard from the collective assembly.

…And then he CAME BACK. Boos were heard, and rotten veggies were thrown. But still the old bastard kept talking… he just wouldn’t shut up. Perches were brought in. and senators slept in shifts. But still he kept going like the energizer bunny. He went through the entire new testement…
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by SirNitram »

Stormbringer wrote:To: Collective of Etern.
From: Asgard Foreign Office
Re: Current Expansion Trends.

We do not wish to see the wholesale seizure of planet worth of people not yet capable of comprehending their own destiny. As such we feel that such cultures, while enjoying Etern protection, ought to be left strictly alone. We are prepared to take action to protect these peoples from an exploitation that they can hardly yet comprehend.
While the sentiment of leaving the young-in-culture alone is a fine and upstanding goal, it stands in deference to eight hundred years of painful truth. And the truth is that while it may be nice to live in a wee bubble, safe from all beyond your borders, those things outside your borders will involve you sooner or later, and this round of expansions is proof.

However, this is not the same as a round of conquest and indoctorine. The heads of the local power groups will be gathered and given an active role in their place within the Collective. Would you feel safe, knowing some godlike being held you in his sphere of power, yet not involving you? They earned rulership, they will retain it under our protection, and they will ascend to the stars on the shoulders of allies.. Not letting cruel Fate hold them in times of sickness and death, because of high-minded ideas of scholars.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

Debator Classification: Trollhunter
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Post by SirNitram »

Rogue 9 wrote:To: Collective of Etern.
From: Nashtar Ministry of State
Re: Current Expansion Trends.

We will accept your placing the mentioned neutral planets under your protection, but we will not stand by for a wholesale conquest of the worlds. If it is your intention to simply conquer the planets and assimilate them into your nation, we lodge our strongest protests and objections. Wholesale conquest of unoffending cultures lies contrary to sentient rights and we will not tolerate it. However, again, you are welcome to place these worlds under your non-interfering protection.

Minister of State Victor Godunov
Republic of Nashtar
No intentions of conquest are being shown; we have shown these worlds inklings of the power they, too, can wield through technology, and we will be guiding them beyond sickness, death, and filth. If the Nashtar fear we will enslave them and work them to death in factories, you need not fear that; our facilities on these worlds will be as non-obstrusive as technology allows, which is very, very non-obstrusive. You are invited to observe, as stated before.

As for the bizarre idea of 'non-intereference', why is the idea of letting these poor sods labour through the violence and death of their current primitive technologies so favoured? There is no glorious days of elves and magicians down there, only squalour, pain, and sickness. We will be alleviating that with hospitals and farming, cities and alliance. These people, by the Four, will have a hand in their defense.
Manic Progressive: A liberal who violently swings from anger at politicos to despondency over them.

Out Of Context theatre: Ron Paul has repeatedly said he's not a racist. - Destructinator XIII on why Ron Paul isn't racist.

Shadowy Overlord - BMs/Black Mage Monkey - BOTM/Jetfire - Cybertron's Finest/General Miscreant/ASVS/Supermoderator Emeritus

Debator Classification: Trollhunter
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Post by InnocentBystander »

/ooc sorry straha, edited, how about this?

New York Archology

The maintence engineer on the holo-com looked agitated.
"Yes, I need security tapes and recent data regarding ventilation systems, specifically the exterior vents." Divisional Engineer Kerrash glared.
"What do you mean? You have permissions to access all that... never mind, I'll forward you the package in the morning." he exchanged a few more words before ending the communication. He had to provide the Earther's with all the information they wanted, though more often than not he felt these people just couldn't handle Baeloaren technology, after all, it was alien.

From:Divisional Engineer Kerrash Mroon-Lhak Nharrahk
New York Archology – Office of Engineers
To: Maintence Engineer Rawlings
Subject: Data Package you asked for

Attached is a complete record of the security tapes for the atmospheric processing plant, along with records for the ventilation systems that vent outside the archology. However I shouldn't need to remind you that those vents haven't been opened in nearly a month when the emergancy ventilation diagnostics were being done. Perhaps you should read the maintaince records, I believe that is your job.

Contact information –
Office Number: NY-A-134-662-443-5536 ext 642


From: Divisional Engineer Kerrash Mroon-Lhak Nharrahk
To: Master Engineer Mazzicks Clahphbren
Subject: New York Archology Security

I was doing a review of some of the security tapes from New York earlier. There must have been a mistake, Clahphbren, I've only got a couple hundred registered Sentry tapes available! I should be seeing thousands, and with all due respect to the Earther's, I'd much perfer to have a silent little robot flying above my head than these mammoth human police all over the place. Could you see about ordering New York a couple hundred extra at least?

Humble Regards,

p.s. could you loan me a few good engineers, we've got to finish the New York park sky, and these humans can't tell a triple coated converter panel from a dual bypass circuit planel, how can I be expected to work like this?

The sentry is a small fan powered security bot, with roughly the same diameter as a frisbee. In New Madrid and the Pacific Archology they can be found all over; as is the Baeloaren standard. However due to both lack of supplies, and Monacoran Police; few patrol the many hallways and forums of the other archologies. More would have to be ordered to ensure a more complete security net within these archologies.
New Madrid Archology

Drealaan stood in front of the holo-com, which was projecting the image of Monacoran chief of police in the New York Archology.
“Yes, thank you, I take full responsibility.”
“No thank you, that will not be necessary, I will take it up with your government personally.”
“Let me give you a number to call, I’d hate to let the beauracracy slow down your case”
“Yes, thank you for calling.”
The holo-com’s light faded, leaving Drealaan alone with his thoughts in his somewhat spacious room in the makeshift Baeloaren Embassy in New Madrid. After some thought, Drealaan walked over to the holo-com and recorded a message to send to the Political Prince.

To: Political Prince
From: Office of Magistrate Tacer Drealaan
Subject: Unfortunate Consequences

It has come to my attention that one of your fine police officers, and some other innocent was murdered recently in the New York Archology. I am very sorry such an event had to occur, but I feel the time is right to discuss the subject of maintaining counselors in the archology for the benefit of Monacoran officials not accustomed to the inner workings of an archology. There is a dedication party being held tomorrow in recognition of the completion of the New Madrid Archology, being held in New Madrid's Overlook, I would very much like to have a private dialogue with you during that time.

Digital Signature – Tacer Drealaan
Last edited by InnocentBystander on 2004-08-29 01:13am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Straha »

New York Arcology, Earth

Commisioner John Kerrick stood over the body as the two coreners started talking. They were the best he had, one was a big tall Yvarman, the other a tiny reptilian Kelman.

"Good shape, decent amount of muscle. Some old wounds here, here, and here. This looks like a cut, knife. This one looks like a stab wound. Other than that nothing. Well groomed, looks to be young, maybe... five or eight years out of juvenile age."

"Ah, what killed him?"

"Radiation, about three of four thousand rads, he's got nothing in his digestive tract, he had enough feces in his skin suit to account for that, looks like he's got some food remnants in his mouth. He's got intenstinal bleeding too much, no blood in his suit though. Probably dead in twenty minutes."

"So, he went out into the surrounding area, crawled into take nap, and died?"

"I'd guess. What else did he have on him?"

"Astral transmitter, food packets, water bottle, nothing else. We think he might have been trying to contact someone to pull him out."

"Seems about right. Well, you want a more detailed report? Or you set to wait for it?"

"We'll wait, thanks though. Good job."

Kerrick walked out, one of the waiting detectives started walking with him.

"Sir, report back from the Asgard report. No criminal record, but get this, the suspect was in the army."

"Oh... oh, dear. Anything recoverable on the gun?"

"Nope, the things scrubbed, can't find a trace of a serial number, electronic or otherwise."

"Convenient. I think we might have to hand this over to the cibbies now..."

"Ah feck, that's no fun!"
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Straha »

InnocentBystander wrote:Divisional Engineer Kerrash Mroon-Lhak Nharrahk
New York Archology – Office of Engineers

Park Murder Report

Alright, I'm going to make this absolutley clear right now. Unless I am explicitly stating that I'm talking with you(like I did with the Asgard above,) or have talked with you otherwise (you know who you are) I haven't given you jack squat. This is for reasons that if you don't know about, you shouldn't know about. I probably should have made this explicitly clear earlier, but I'm doing so now. When the big moment it'll come.[/OOC]

To: Political Prince
From: Office of Magistrate Tacer Drealaan
Subject: Unfortunate Consequences

It has come to my attention that one of your fine police officers, and some other innocent was murdered recently in the New York Archology. I am very sorry such an event had to occur, but I feel the time is right to discuss the subject of maintaining counselors in the archology for the benefit of Monacoran officials not accustomed to the inner workings of an archology. There is a dedication party being held tomorrow in recognition of the completion of the New Madrid Archology, being held in New Madrid's Overlook, I would very much like to have a private dialogue with you during that time.

Digital Signature – Tacer Drealaan
To: Tacer Drealaan
From: The Poltical Prince
Official Reply, hand delivered.

Don't worry, matters are being taken care of for the arcology, though we are very grateful for your offer, and probably will accept it. Thank you. Also, I will be at the dedication party, it will be a suprise visit, and I expect to have some time to have a dialouge with you.

-The Political Prince
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Beowulf »


Oni looked through his spotting scope. There he saw a Po'osleenar. There didn't seem to be any others around. He then brought his rifle up to his shoulder. He lased it to find the distance. It was a good km away. He slowed down his breathing while tightening up the slack on the trigger. The scope automatically adjusted the point of aim to compensate for the distance, and for winds on the path to the target.

Oni let out his breath. He slowly squeezed the trigger, while keeping his point of aim on the animal's chest. The trigger broke, sending an electrical impulse up to the primer of the cartridge. The primer then ignited, sending the 120 gram shell down the meter long barrel. The muzzle brake and various high-tech mechanisms lowered the recoil enough to the point where it was bearable. The shell went down range, taking just over one second to reach the target.

Upon entering the target, the shell almost instantly destabilized. This induced a strong yaw. The shell went nearly 30 degrees from it's previous flight path before it exploded, deep with in the chest cavity of the animal. This caused the near instant pulping of animal's internals organs, causing death from massive internal hemorrage in less than a minute.

"Hello, this is Grana's Taxidermy, Grana Speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hi. My name is Mark Strang. I have an animal I'll be needing stuffed and mounted."


OOC: You don't need to hear the rest of the conversation, do you?
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Post by Straha »

Repair and Refit Station, Deep Space

Commander Prochnow shielded his face from the fly sparks of an arc welder as he walked through the station with his three other officers.

"CS-4, Hammel's ship. Had some problems on the last run, engine screens stopped working, got stuck with fifty precent thrust all the way back."

Leutnat Jefferson, a new man among the Corps. and his first officer, merely nodded. Lieutenant Halsey chuckled.

"No wonder their pack let through so many un-spotted freighters. I was thinking Hammel might have taken his ship on a joy ride. HA!"

Suddenly the commander stopped.

"Our ship. Raeder's raider, he came out and personally inspected the ship when we were first going out, so we gave him the honor of a ship's name."

At this Jefferson perked up.


"NAH, you expect something this small to get an official name? Come on, we're due out in thirty minutes."

As they started walking down the side of the slip the calls to attention were shouted out for the crew on review. When the captain arrived, after walking down the long gang-plang, he looked over the crew. Out of the sixty (8 officers, 52 enlistees) men on board, only three were new to the ship.

"Men, we have new people joining our fine fellowship. Make them welcome."

With that hoots and calls broke out from some of the crew. They stopped abruptly, but there were no scoldings or anything of the like.

"Good, you're on it already. Well, to stations. We leave in thirty."

They started in, climbing in through the top hatch when his other leutnat, leutnat Shelton, tapped him on the shoulder.

''Sir, look."

Turning around he saw four men walking down the gang-plank. He recognized one, by the face alone, right away.

"Admiral on Deck!"

The man, in a vac-suit, looked up.

"That wasn't necessary. At ease men, back to your duties. How is it going Commander Prochnow?"

"Good sir, the refits checked out so far. We shouldn't be getting anymore jams in the mine-layer. The Galley got a rennovation, which makes it look better at least. And we got that shipment of hammocks I requested. Everything that we needed is checked out."

"Good, didn't you have some problems with the engine screens?"

"Yes we did sir, got it fixed early on though, one of the minor vents jammed and that caused a sort of overload. Fixed now though. Overall a pretty major overhall for three days work."

"Good. Good. I don't believe you've met Admiral Doenitz though, have you?"

"No sir, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Admiral Doenitz stood up from looking at the hull platings.

"All mine commander, looks like its a strong hull despite what I've read."

"A lot better than we hoped for, sir."

Raeder nodded again.

"Well Commander, would you mind if I toured my raider again before it goes out? In fact, if you would let me, I'd like to ride it out of the base, my shuttle is out there, and it would save me some time."

"My pleasure, sir, it's no problem at all."

Forty minutes later the shuttle drifted away from the small ship, and headed off to open a safe hyper-space point.

"Well, Karl, wasn't that bad was it?"

"Cramped though, very very cramped."

"Food everywhere to. But they need that, they have enough provisions on board to stay out for six months without needing a restock."

"I'll tell you though, I don't envy them at all."

"I wouldn't envy their prey either though."
'After 9/11, it was "You're with us or your with the terrorists." Now its "You're with Straha or you support racism."' ' - The Romulan Republic

'You're a bully putting on an air of civility while saying that everything western and/or capitalistic must be bad, and a lot of other posters (loomer, Stas Bush, Gandalf) are also going along with it for their own personal reasons (Stas in particular is looking through rose colored glasses)' - Darth Yan
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Post by Spyder »

Hudson - Ambassadorial

"Hello Felis." Kain eyed the floater as she moved past.

"Why hello there Mr Dekhrynova, what can I do for you?"

"We suspect there is still currently active infiltration on Matar. If indeed there is another nation responsible then this would represent a threat to all powers within the region including your own. If the situation calls for a military solution, would the Hajr be interested in assisting the Minmatar in pressing military action against those responsible?"
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Post by Bugsby »

They waited in the bunker, deep below the surface of the Earth. The guards shifted uneasily, but the four Krell dignitaries took no notice, their attention was on the screens in front of them. The dreadnaugt had landed right on top of their bunker, venting gas and other waste across the surface of the ravaged Earth. An energy spike showed on one of the monitors as the dreadnaught's reactor went critical. He just had enough time to grab Adar and dive under an insturment panel before the world came apart.

The explosions ripped through the bunker and the roof caved in. Noise and light were everywhere, and he didn't know what was happening. He saw Trilla, just meters away from him, her leg torn off by a falling girder. He moved to her side, and saved her. Blood was everywhere. Emir was half-buried in rubble, his head and arm lying outside of the mass of fallen steel and plastic. He didn't move. Trilla's blood was an ocean. No matter what he did, the room seemed to fill with it. Adar was playing in the waste-deep pool of gore that filled the room, looking just like a child in the tub, laughing. He could hear Trilla screaming. Her eyes were so scared. He saw Emir's hand, limp, lying on the ground. The finger pointed at him, accusing. Leego stood over Emir's corpse, smiling. Then they came.

The Overseer's machines boiled into the room, thousands of them, splashing through the blood. Adar was still laughing; he ran up to the machines and embraced them like old friends, his laughter mocking. The machine looked around the room, then it surged forward. Spikes came out of every part of the machine, guided with malicious intent. They took Trilla right through her eyes; her big, scared eyes. More hit her, and the blood gushed freer than before. She was still screaming, long after she was dead. He tried to save her, tried to do something. The screams surrounded him, as did Adar's laughter, and the Machines buzzing, buzzing...

Faran awoke with a gasp. The nightmares were back, worse than before. His comm was buzzing. He glanced at the clock by his bed. 4:30. He had been up at worse hours. He stumbled over to his comm, and his mood improved dramatically. It was Trilla.

"Hey. How are you doing?"

"When are you coming back, Faran?" Trilla sounded upset, more than he had ever heard before.

"Soon, I promise. I have a lot to do on this trip, but I'm trying. What's the matter?"

"I don't know, I just- it's Adar. Again. He's become more and more reclusive. He's all but taken over your job, you know. He makes all the new contracts, him and Leego."

"Well, he can make contracts, too. Im working on other stuff now, he knows that it's not a problem. Wait, did you say Leego?"


"Having the military write its own contracts? That's a huge conflict of interest. Adar knows that! What does he think he's doing? Why Leego?"

"Leego is the only one he talks to these days. He hardly even cares about the scientists anymore. He's bottling himself up."

"Did you talk to Leego?"

"Oh, no. No, I can't. Leego's different, too, now. You know how he was always a little obnoxious bootlicker to Emir. Well, he's mean now. He's finally gotten what he wanted out of his career, and with Adar behind him he thinks he's untouchable. He came asking me about the upgrades I just got done researching for the fleet the other day. He didn't like what I had to say. He hit me."

"He what?" Faran felt a surge of protective rage.

"And I can't do anything! He's Adar's 'new best friend' now. If I want to keep my job, I just have to avoid him. If I just keep my head down, just do my work, I can get through this." Trilla put on a look of feirce determination, and Farn nodded. She could take care of herself. "Are you coming back?"

"Soon." Another few days in Ravenlock space, then some business with the Veithans. With his luck, the Gladsheim would want a few days of his attention, too. As much as he wanted to be with Trilla again, he knew he had to do his work. That was the problem with having a powerful job: responsibility. There was a long pause. "Everything's going to be fine, Trilla. I miss you."

"I miss you, too, Faran. I'll be fine, I know it. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Another week. Maybe two. I'll see you soon."

"Bye." The light on the commboard went out, plunging the room into darkness once again. Faran sat at his desk for a long time, alone with his thoughts.
The wisdom of PA:
-Normal Person + Anonymity + Audience = Total Fuckwad
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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Beowulf wrote:Varathrax

Oni looked through his spotting scope. There he saw a Po'osleenar. There didn't seem to be any others around. He then brought his rifle up to his shoulder. He lased it to find the distance. It was a good km away. He slowed down his breathing while tightening up the slack on the trigger. The scope automatically adjusted the point of aim to compensate for the distance, and for winds on the path to the target.

Oni let out his breath. He slowly squeezed the trigger, while keeping his point of aim on the animal's chest. The trigger broke, sending an electrical impulse up to the primer of the cartridge. The primer then ignited, sending the 120 gram shell down the meter long barrel. The muzzle brake and various high-tech mechanisms lowered the recoil enough to the point where it was bearable. The shell went down range, taking just over one second to reach the target.

Upon entering the target, the shell almost instantly destabilized. This induced a strong yaw. The shell went nearly 30 degrees from it's previous flight path before it exploded, deep with in the chest cavity of the animal. This caused the near instant pulping of animal's internals organs, causing death from massive internal hemorrage in less than a minute.

"Hello, this is Grana's Taxidermy, Grana Speaking. How may I help you?"

"Hi. My name is Mark Strang. I have an animal I'll be needing stuffed and mounted."


OOC: You don't need to hear the rest of the conversation, do you?
Oni heard a twig snap. He looked around, and saw nothing. The plain had gone almost supernaturally quiete. 'Something wasnt right' he thought to himself.

A change in air pressure, roughtly 6 meters away this time, but in another direction. Either this thing moved very fast, or there was more than one...He could sense more than one...

He couldnt see them, but they could see him. Jindath Air Stalkers. The invisible Osprey of Varathrax. Each one was about 18 feet long,10 foot wingspan, floats using hydrogen made by eating limestone, warm blooded with a keen intellect that rivals that of dolphins, and easily surpasses them. Their skin changed both color and texture to match their environment... Poison fangs, fire breath and a 4 sets of wicked claws as sharp as razor blades.

He could hear clicks and chirps now. They were coming from everywhere. They were coordinating their hunting behavior. They had him completely surrounded. He would be easy prey for them... before they take HIS kill.
Last edited by Alyrium Denryle on 2004-08-29 08:15pm, edited 1 time in total.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Post by consequences »

Landing Zone Lastport

The Shi shuttle touched down gently, and the door lowered to the ground. From it emerged a dozen figures, split among three attitudes and forms of attire. The first quartet was adorned in the dress uniform of the Imperial Marines, black with gold trim, and with running wolves on both jacket sleeves, and they seemed genuinely pleased to be there. The second group wore the plain black of the Grammaton Cleric, and non-chalantly took in their surroundings. The last four wore the black and crimson of the Imperial Guard, with a flying Phoenix emblazoned on the back, and they eyed everyone around them with intense suspicion. All bore sidearms, and swords, symbolically peace-bonded with red silk, and quite securely fastened down by titanium cable.

As the twelve took their stations, two women in elaborate court dress descended from the shuttle. The bride-to-be was preceeded by the all-too recognizable form of Genko. This seemed incongruous to onlookers, a woman in her apparnet mid-twenties being led by an obvious teenager, until you came close enough to see the girl's eyes. An obvious weight of untold years gazed out from them, undercored by the extremely faint scar that ran verticvally above and beow her right eye.

"This woman and her guardians I entrust into your care, Lord Protector" She announced formally.
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Post by consequences »

A Facility that doesn't officially Exist

"All four hundred and eleven subjects are progressing adequately?"

"As far as we can tell sir. We're doing our best to duplicate their previous experience, but as you know, we won't know how successful we are until the time comes. And we can't attempt multiples simultaneously, as the resonance has been proven to cause signifigant aberration in subjects of this caliber."

"Very well, keep me notified of all progress and setbacks."

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the facility:

"We can't duplicate their power sources as yet, and we wouldn't want to match their programming and computer sophistication even if we could. But by matching the base design as closely as we could, and allowing for outside control and recharging, we've produced a design about 20% as efficient as the original Replicators. The first production run is already on its way to our expansion sites, as are the specifications for producing additional units."

In an area that doesn't exist, in the facility that doesn't exist

"We've identified the chemical markers used in the control, and the brain pathways that have been altered. However, we have no idea how the process was made to be permanent in nature, and we won't be able to, without additional subjects to test it on, as the specimens we originally received were in severely damaged condition. Our best bet at this point is to use a subtler version of the process, for influence rather than outright subjugation."

"Very well, you'll get your subjects, we have more prisoners than we need for hazardous projects right now."
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Post by consequences »

Stormbringer wrote:To: Shi Combine
From: Asgard Foreign Office
Re: Occupation of Pardah System

We applaud the role you played in helping bring about justice there. Now we can only wait, as does the rest of the galaxy, for you to return them to their rightful leaders and withdraw.
To: Asgard Foreign Office
From: Shi Combine
Re: Lack of Occupation of Pardah System
Since we have no signifigant military presence in the Pardah system, it would be rather difficult to withdraw it, now wouldn't it?
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Post by frigidmagi »

consequences wrote:"This woman and her guardians I entrust into your care, Lord Protector" She announced formally.
Joshua stepped forward. He wore a void black tunic and leggings, with silver crossed rifles and a fist holding a vibro blade over his heart. On his right sleeve was a color coded record of the various honors he won, including the knighthood for the lives he'd saved in his covert time has a firemen and recuse worker. He wore a vibro sword on his belt, in the UP however the Lord Protector never peace bonded his sword, symbolic of his control over the military and of the wars fought by his forefathers and mothers.

"My Lady, I welcome her and swear to you and her that she will be has well guarded has any member of my family."
Last edited by frigidmagi on 2004-08-29 08:40pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rogue 9 »

Orodan Shipyards, Nashtar Star Cluster

The run of lighter warships was finally complete. Replacements for the losses of Fifth Fleet were ready, along with a run of reinforcement ships for Sixth and a few destroyers to round out the other fleets. The ships were launched and went out on shakedown runs, much shorter shakedowns than the ones on capital ships due to their reduced size and complexity.

6 Carnegie class cruisers
1 Merovingian class carrier
15 Starlight class destroyers
17 Dawn Raider class frigates
12 Sun Striker class carriers
6 Solar Flare class minelayer destroyers
It's Rogue, not Rouge!

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Post by Beowulf »

Alyrium Denryle wrote:Oni heard a twig snap. He looked around, and saw nothing. The plain had gone almost supernaturally quiete. 'Something wasnt right' he thought to himself.

A change in air pressure, roughtly 6 meters away this time, but in another direction. Either this thing moved very fast, or there was more than one...He could sense more than one...

He couldnt see them, but they could see him. Jindath Air Stalkers. The invisible Osprey of Varathrax. Each one was about 18 feet long,10 foot wingspan, floats using hydrogen made by eating limestone, warm blooded with a keen intellect that rivals that of dolphins, and easily surpasses them. Their skin changed both color and texture to match their environment... Poison fangs, fire breath and a 4 sets of wicked claws as sharp as razor blades.

He could hear clicks and chirps now. They were coming from everywhere. They were coordinating their hunting behavior. They had him completely surrounded. He would be easy prey for them... before they take HIS kill.
Such a pity that the Jindath Air Stalkers still left shadows. They were fairly easily visible once you knew what to look for. It was even easier for him, after he reached out with his mind, and expanded his senses. He looked amongst the Weave, and saw the disturbance they made in it. The fact that the sensors on his bike started squawking a little while ago was just a bonus. He pulled out his Zat, and quickly shot them all. Being barely airworthy as it was, losing the lift generated by their wings caused them to hit the ground hard enough to rupture thier gas bladders. He brought his rifle back up and shot them all in the chest just to make sure they were dead.

"Sorry about that, something just tried to sneak up on me. I'll be having a another one for you to stuff."


He was almost done constructing his device. A fairly small conventional munition. Nice of Petey to include another timer when he sent the package. It would halve his total ammo, but that was a small price to pay for what he was getting paid. It wasn't very likely that he was going to be able to have used up all of it anyway. The target surprisingly enough didn't have a no fly zone over it. They probably figured it was deep enough to be able to avoid this sort of attack, when not in a wartime situation. Apparently it didn't really matter how much this did, the sponsor only wanted to make a point, the poor deluded fools they were.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
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